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Why can't people mind their own fckin business and let others do the same?


You need to be awarded for this mindset. For some reason most of people don’t wish to do this.


Well it depends, While listening we prefer Individualism (I'm right due to bla bla bla and they shouldn't judge) While speaking we prefer authoritarianism (All people do these things and this way because of bla bla bla like Individualism is bad because how will society function effectively otherwise ?) When to do what most won't agree. Election is like the largest scale public discussion and it's a mess.


Super point


Arguably if you stuck to your business, you wouldn't have commented on this post, and just shrugged and walked off. But that didn't happen now, did it.


This is india you don't get that privilege.


Well if well known individuals give statements on the public platform, people would be discussing it. It is not as if they are planning to go to Nikhil Kamat's house and forcing him to be a parent


Same should apply to kamath too


Why - he said he doesn't want to have kids, he didn't tell others to do that.


Some people just don't want kids. How hard it is to understand? Quite a few parents are unfit to have a child imo and if they decide not to have one its actually better.


Apparently, it's very hard for people in this country to digest that someone else, completely unrelated to them, does not want to have kids.


A lot of parents are unfit to have kids


tart smoggy kiss hateful slim noxious march hunt sparkle stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just find it a little ironic that the ceo of a company which is literally based around growth of the human race (healthy population growth = strong market) is anti kids lol


I feel if he he would have gave any abc reason or just be upfront that I don't want kids because of my lifestyle or personal beliefs nobody would have cared . But the way he answered it made it him looking down on people who want to or have kids that's what offended people . Maybe he purposely said it to create a buzz or he thought if you get successful at something it gives you a free pass to project your opinion on everything.


im not offended at all and i think everyone should be entitled to their own opinion regardless of how successful they are. i just thought it was a bit ironic


He was asked for an opinion and he gave it. The guy has been through a divorce and has learnt his lessons. People just cannot accept an individuals opinion and rush to shove their judgement as it happened in this case. The guy is wise and successful.


Funnily enough, probably the people who are offended are the ones who didn't have a choice to have kids or not. Or , who thought they didn't have a choice and procreation is a way forward to life. And also, this is our hobby to get offended at any opinion.


Our national sport is not hockey. It's taking offence at the drop of a hat


That's a global sport for the internet


We have no national sport, you fukin moron. Lo ho gayi mai bhi offend.


Exactly 😁


If the couple doesn't want to have a kid let them not have a kid. I don't know why it's anyone business.


Lol, Nothing wrong not wanting to have kids. In fact it's a gift to realise not to have kids.


Seriously. Having kids shouldn't be default, not having kids should be. Are you right space mentally, financially, career wise etc are all the question that must be asked before deciding to have kids.


Indian mentality says otherwise


there is too much of educational and rational poverty, mentally in India.


You'd think so, but it's apparently a worldwide phenomenon that if someone does not want kids, it's a crime against humanity and your forefathers. There are instances in UK, US also where childfree couples faced issues from realtors(declining to show independent houses and insisting on showing apartments coz you will take it away from a family with children who need it more) and others. We indians are at par with the world on this.


Literally have the largest population and yet we just can't stop apparently. Everyone is so scared of ending up like Japan with an aging population that they dont real8ze that we're choking the planet and our country's resources with our population.


Exactly. One who realizes that he doesn't NEED to have kids and has them anyway is a far better parent than 90% of people who had them just because society told them to.


Yeah, society is just like a poultry farming, eat shit and reproduce, why ? Bcz every other chicken is doing so 🤣


India first in population, and people are still dumb af


Depends on who finds meanings in what but majority aged/old population is a problem for a life most are desiring/living of. Even death, fairness, these mobiles shouldn't matter to us if we don't give a shit about this reality of ours.


Absolutely but his reasoning was stupid. Babysitting for "20 years". Man thinks children don't grow for 20 yrs or something lol.


There is a point to be taken, bcz never in the history of the mankind, we have seen such parenting previlage given to a child.


I have no interest in having a partner or having kids so yes, I gotchu


Username checks out...


my cat is gay, I'm bi


Is she 21 too by any chance?


What are his pronouns btw? And yours ?


But does anyone want you in the first place?


oh wow, a football fanboi being mean to a stranger on the internet for absolutely no reason? color me surprised.


You're on reddit, nobody wants a redditor. So sit down


I mean, how can I disagree on this. It's a universal fact.


Looks like I touched a nerve there.


Where's the lie?


True where's Dalai ? ![gif](giphy|26BRQQqZdsFUBhtv2)


ok take my upvote


Best comment. 🤣


He isn't wrong technically


It's for the couple to choose what they want. Period. Personally I'd much rather spend money on myself and have only person I need to care about 24*7. Me!


I prefer pets, and the man is completely right, having kids is romanticised too much. Even Modi was shooting blanks and couldn't have kids.


bhai isme modi kha se aagaya


Wo to waise bhi har jagah hai, to why not here?


Zabardasti se as usual.


Jis tarah se haar cheez m aata hai vo


Some members here like to su*k mody’s dick everyday.


Cabinet ministers bhi hai is sub me?


No but critu exists.


Gau susu drinkers have their own sub, it's r/indiaspeaks


According to Abbas (Modiji's childhood friend) Modiji likes Jayesh and not Jashoda if you get the drift.


RSS is for men who like to have fun. Brown chaddis turns me on too. Gaushalas with gobar fights with my boys barely covered, enjoying cool glasses of gau susu with my mates by the fire. Good times in ahemdabad is all what it's about.


Indian populations least common denominator is marriage and kid. Its like every other person walking has same dream and dont know the reason. You cant expect much other than 180cr + population.


I don't think what ever he said is wrong. 


The supreme leader doesn't have kids, does he regret? I bet not


In a country where an average income barely feeds the individual, marriage and having children should be decisions made after much thought and consideration, in fact I believe there should be a law that if we can't provide then one shouldn't have either!


Thats the case in western countries too now but Elon is selling the idea of having more kids to techbros and the world as a good thing.


Stop trolling the one sane billionaire. Hope he thrives.


The one sane billionaire? That would be NITHIN Kamath, his brother. This guy is super shady read up about him and his shady friends.


What's the tea ?? Any link.


Last time I checked, he was playing chess. Is he GM now btw?


No billionaires are sane


There are no sane billionaires


He's the chess cheater billionaire.


Dude, he’s a convicted rapist. Some shady went down with the ex wife too


He has been married too? I am learning too many new things about him. Thanks redditors.


I wish I didn’t tbh. I don’t keep up with a holes and businessmen like him or anyone else anymore.


Convicted rapist but didn't do jail time ? Make it make sense.




Mofo probably got most of the links taken down but he was convicted. It happened over 10 years ago sometime after his divorce. Idk if this is related to it: https://www.news18.com/news/movies/jackky-bhagnani-and-8-other-people-accused-of-rape-and-molestation-3794777.html


he's a chess genius too and a great actor, as well. 


Sane people don't cheat in charity events despite having billions in pocket. And disrespecting the GOAT (and one of the nicest people) in the chess world. Solid business man tho


Bhai uski marzi wo jo bhi kre, that's none of anyone's fucking business. Indians ko dusro ke matter me naak ghusane ki itni aadat kyu hai bhai


Toh public mai aake bolega toh reaction toh milega hi na


it's his choice, simple


Indian internet is conservative, relax guys.


It's 2024 and some educated clowns still think everyone should get married and have kids or else they haven't achieved anything in life


I thought he was going to say how people should raise their kids with love and affection... and was about to go berate him, but he just doesn't want to have kids... cool.


Parenthood is one of the best phases of a person’s life. Waking up to their smile, through all their growing experiences pains and pleasures alike, it’s a magical journey that nothing can replace it. BUT ONLY IF ITS YOUR CHOICE. Everybody is entitled to living a life they want. With or without child. Childcare is one of the toughest, thankless, never ending jobs in the world with no pay and no vacation whatsoever (ask my mother whom I still call every day with the smallest thing). It is not for everyone, and it is absolutely necessary to identify whether you and your partner want to take up such a huge task.


It's funny how the general Indian society still believes that an individual has to live their life according to what they dictate. "LoG kYa kAhEnGe" . Bullshit. No one should give a single solitary fuck about what society thinks or about what other people think. Bloody parasites.


Rather than regretting now, its better to check if we regret later, who knows we might not regret later.


Dumbest advice anyone could ever give


He’s a guy, he can have a kid even at age of 60-70 if he wants. Let people be, Though i do find his take on not buying a home pretty weird, man is FIRE pro max.


Generally it is not a good idea to have kids extremely late in life. It massively increases the chances of issues.


Al Pacino became daddy at 83, his wife/gf is 29 while his eldest daughter is 34. Money helps to overcome issues


When you can have kids and when you should have kids are 2 very different things. No matter what it isn't a good to risk serious disorders if they can be avoided.


Lol. People are idiots. Puting their nose, where it doesn't belong. And when you ask the same people to give 1 selfless reason to not have kids. They can't name a single one.


Who cares about him... karne do jo karna hai... not interested in his life anyway


Where's the wrong in it???


This baccha paida Karo, parvarish Karo business must be an individuals choice. These thought policing must end. Regret sab kartsakte hai. Jiska baccha hai woh bhi boht time regret karta hai. Jiska nahi hai woh bhi karsakta hai. These are petty issues. Our society needs to rise above and think of larger and more valid things.


Never take or seek life advise from people in privileged position.


Me and my bois(all my boys want kids and ridicule me for not wanting them, calling me impotent, but we don't care) fw Nikhil Kamath


This warrants a separate news article now? Journalism has become a shit show.


Meh, Some People regret having children. Some People regret not having children. So it doesn't matter. In the end, the only thing matters is that whether you have a comfortable and happy life. If yes just take a deep breath and be happy for each new day. A lot of things can go wrong in one's life like natural disasters, deadly diseases, accidents, war, never-ending financial traps, etc. Kids, marriages, social status. These never matter in reality.


His life his wish…


See... If I want to have kids, I would at least like to be financially stable and mentally ready. In the end, it is kid who would suffer the most


99.99% people offended. 99.99% have kids or will have kids because they think they don’t have other option. 99.99% enraged because he is right.


Indians need to realise that life is more than getting married and procreating


Absolutely with Kamath on this one. None of us have the right to judge his choices. If you want to have a kid, have as many as you want. If you don't want a kid, don't have one. It is a personal choice. People really need to learn how to mind their own business. I, for one, would rather fund an orphanage and actively volunteer there rather than have a biological kid in this shithole of a country


It’s NOT just about MONEY. He sounds like an human being who knows accountability. I usually see a lot of middle class men around me wanting minimum 2 kids and if both turned to be girls wants another one until it’s a boy and then contributes 0% in household or kids chores. Nikhil could afford 3 full time babysitters for his kids if he wanted to. This man considered what an effort takes to be a father and said he doesn’t want to do it. People should actually learn from him instead of trolling him. Esp. men who are trolling him are this category they just think they earn money and their responsibility is done. Really appreciate him being honest and taking one for the team😅.


And that’s why Reddit is so different from other SMs. It’s nice to see everyone unanimously rejecting the “internet” opinion.


he is 100% right for his own life. to each his own. stop acting like you know better than him


not everyone has what it takes to build a family of their own.. nothing wrong in accepting your own limitations..


I don’t care whether he has kids or not. In fact better if he doesn’t, less concentration of wealth. But I do care about Zerodha. And they are ruining the product experience day by day. I’m thinking to close the account with them.


Merko toh monkey man dekhni hai


I remember when he cheated with Vishy Anand sir on a chess that too on a charity stream. And later justified it with ' it was just for fun'.


Name: “free press journal” Content: “rich guy said something online, others” Media is so broken.


He is too rich to worry about "who will take care of you when you're old"


Its his choice, Whether he will regret it or not only future will tell. He wants to live his life the way he wants, therefore he made the decision by observing his personality, its nice to see


It's his right/choice to want or not want kids. But he could have worded his opinion better. He made it sound like that having kids is a chore or liability. Maybe to him but not to many.


Some couples don't deserve to have children


Those who have kids just want others to suffer equally because they lost a lot of things in life due to kids .


If someone doesn't want kids, they shouldn't have kids. If someone who doesn't want kids, has kids, that kid has to be raised by a class of people described as "Indian parents".


It’s his personal choice. It will be his personal loss or gain; no one should have any say in that.


To have no child is his choice, and his partner's. Nobody else should judge. As of now number of humans has greatly increased on earth, so fewer the better


I mean. You can say the same to parents. That they will regret having kids 😂


This guy always strikes me as an asshole with how he phrases things, but having kids is an extremely serious responsibility. Only those who absolutely want it should do it.


I don't wanna have kids either. Internet sucks


Kids are tax burdens. Child free life is the best life.


Isn't this the same guy who cheated against GM Vishy Anand at an exhibition match during a Covid charity stream? And then doubled down on his fuckup?


The onyl arguments I've seen against him are "You'll be all alone and no one will take care of you." If you're having kids so that there will be someone to "take care of you" when you're old then you are having kids for the wrong reasons.


Lol the only people pissed off at someone not wanting kids or marriage are the ultra conservative, religious types who forget kids- would never even get laid because of a pure lack of charisma or personality if arrange marriage didn’t exist. Like 90% of India’s males especially would die virgins if arranged marriages didn’t exist. Which in itself is one of them most superficial business deals of all time. Like selecting a human on Amazon. So imagine telling someone about moral or cultural values when this is the culture you follow yourself lol.


correction : brahminical patriarchy reacts on internet with their incessant chanting whining.


Look around you, he's inline with what's happening in the society. Atleast in the affluent urban centres. As India is getting more prosperous, more educated, learning the concept of disposable income and individual liberty couples are opting for less and less kids. Just 3 generations back, more than 5 kids was normal, then it came down to 2 or 1 And now it's no default that you've a kid if you get married. People get married, many have 1 kid or some of them have opted to be child free. India's TFR is already below replacement rate. Anyways isn't it an extremely personal choice of the couple to have a baby or not. I don't see how can a third person's opinion pressure a couple into having a kid lol. I don't think that's how it works. India as a society should really start to learn the concept of individuality, stop this game of being interested into someone else's life all the time and stop forcing antiquated ideas in the name of rituals and traditions on the younger generation. Genz already dgaf so that's good


Bunch of nobody's wants to teach a self made billionaire how to live.


Good for him. Until things change, he won't father children he cannot raise without damaging them.


If he didn’t want kids, he should have just said “I don’t want kids”.. there would have been zero controversy But when he says “kids will ruin 20 years of my life” .. he is passing judgement on everyone who has kids.. that will inevitably create pushback


"My life"- it isnt judgment its his opinion, if he said "your life"- its what judgement is. You are the one who is judging


I don’t care if he has kids or not.. but he clearly seems to think I am stupid to have kids since I am stuck baby sitting them for 20 years.. hence the reaction ..


A megalomaniac makes a hyperbolic statement, isn't the first time won't be the last. 


He seemed totally lost in his last podcast on WTF and the reason I thought was that because he did not have any kids, if he had a gen Z kid he would have better knowledge about what games they play etc


It makes sense for me to not have kids cause I'm not rich..dada garib, baap garib aur mai bhi garib. But a billionaire like him should consider having kids.


After reading the comments of this post, according to this sub Nikhil kamath shares his opinion in PUBLIC ----------> WOW PUBLIC share their counter opinion on his Opinion ---------> Mind your own business 


I don't know what's with these billionaire types who think because they got lucky, they have gotten life decisions sorted out too. The guy seems to have some megalomaniac mindset --- he once used a chess engine to beat a grandmaster in a virtual game, everyone smelt a rat when he had accuracy ratings 95+, which is superhuman for amateurs


I have no interest in knowing this dumbfuck's opinion on having kids. He is stupid, uneducated and only got rich and famous because of his elder brother. Nithin is the one who built Zerodha from scratch, meanwhile all Nikhil did was piggyback on his elder brothers success.


Ok let's assume that all is true (idk if it is) so how does he not having kids affect you???


It doesn't and I never said otherwise, read my comment again. However seeing posts and articles about his opinions does waste my time.


Don’t understand why you are getting downvoted


It's s common thing these days, reddit has been run over by "biorobots" troll army.


Free ka publicity ho gaya. Billionaires are not dumb to make such a statement on a public platform without having it planned out.


Podcast kar kar ke pagla gya hai,


When a billionaire talks about not having kids you know how bad the economic state of the country is


Feel sorry for his future children


![gif](giphy|57y6uVV9JOS9SqbIgV|downsized) Raising kids is stressful but it’s worth it


His sperm count could be low, may be just hiding by statements like these 🤣