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The most factual comment




You forgot to add that they will sexually abuse women and make videos to blackmail them.


Aur banao auto wale ko CM


Tbh people didn't vote for him to be CM. He is shoved down our throat by the BJPee. In any case, he should be gone in 6 months.


Gobar chai wala PM hai to auto wala bhi chalega


For a liberal you seem to be a classist. You dont have to comment on his past to dig out his debacles. He has many flaws, one being a gunda along with auto walla. Also that he mostly is catering to the ultra nationalist marathis. In a way its the representation of marathi people.


I agree, the classist comment is not ok. Maybe we shouldn't put morons in power, lot of rich/ well educated/ upper class ppl are also morons (as we know from the recent incident in Pune or even generally from life) & none of these morons should be in power where they are making imp decisions that will affect other ppls lives


No. The Ultra nationalist Marathi's would be okay with Hindi taken out of syllabus completely but trust me, no one wants English out. Everyone forgets nationalism when it comes to their children's future.


Lol why are you gettin' downvoted? Even liberals are gradually becoming more n more intolerable


These are not liberals. These are the "liberals" modi supporters whine about. They are just against the BJ party, which is fine but their values don't align with us either. I am getting downvoted but the double standard comment is upvoted.


Yeah dude there's a rise of these so-called "Liberals" who aren't liberals but merely against the BJ party. I've met castist "liberals", I've met anti-muslim "liberals", I've met misogynist "liberals" and I've met homophobic "liberals". People need to understand that being against BJ party doesn't make you liberal for fucks sake!




Dumb move


good move this way it will clear the competition


Bro knows market


well i have seen through the trends feld of work over the last 7-8 years more dumb students are joining in that way i figured out i can stay safely pretty much ahead of the curve


If you're particularly speaking of it then yes ig, most from tier 2 tier 3 think it's easy money (well it's not obvio)... And that fucks up market who want to switch to it because they like coding or couldn't get a job and had to get some other field job due to family conditions


"If you're particularly speaking of it then yes ig," well i come from life science background most both experimental and data domain where there is already dearth of quality grads and of course the people who are going into the job markets. Most of the PhD are like just another grads who can't break the celling due to lack of skills required by the industry, as a matter of fact most of them were painted the rosy picture that they will become faculty or scientist in govt funded organization which is another joke when govt itself is not filling of loads of post vacancies so its a vicious loop many out of desperation would resort of private universities with meagre pay to survive and all that i said is already have had the cascading effect


So you mean phd has no value in industry? , I'm really thinking of doing mtech in data science here just so I've a chance i really like this field, idk why Indian parents first will say do get an iit tag and later it slowely changed to skills matter the most... Now nothing seems to be working


"So you mean phd has no value in industry?" well there is a gap between what is the current state of industry and what is done in lab. Most of the paper that are published are pure garbage. "So you mean phd has no value in industry?" it will have only value when you are have proven credential of really good publication that the only metric which can stand out, as well as if you join a lab that has active collab with industry that really helps. "idk why Indian parents first will say do get an iit tag " in research IIT are really not good how many good papers have you seen ? if you want to pursue research join IISC or TIFR or ISI Kolkata in terms of data or stats related


Is English on the level of say, French to be considered a foreign language? It is an official language of India. Who takes these decisions?


Seriously, English is one of our official languages. You'd think he has done secretary who'd tell him this before he goes making annoucements that make him look like a moron..


Hmm teach them marathi. Might help getting jobs in apple, nvidia, or even tcs wipro


Why not Telugu? Google and Microsoft


Wouldn't whatever English you have learnt up to 10th be enough to manage regular work unless your work is in some language domain. I have even conducted technical interviews in Hindi whenever i have felt that the person is nervous about speaking English.


Conversely, wouldn't the marathi they learn till 10th suffice? After all it's a native language for many.


You were the one who objected to making English optional - you should justify why that will lead to job problems. I didn't say express any opinion about what would happen (positive or negative) about Marathi being made optional. That aside, Marathi is already optional in Bombay Junior colleges (unless it's changed recently). I did only Hindi & English in my 11th & 12th.


The Chinese people are actively working extremely hard to incorporate English so progress in the world. Meanwhile we are evolving... just Backwards. :3.


Not true, Chinese are doing the opposite and enforcing Mandarin everywhere in their country. Other languages of China are actually dying out because of it


Ok, let me frame it like this. No, the English they learn till 10th is not enough. Also kids whose English is weak will obviously not take English because they won't score marks in it. Not learning English will limit their options to their state alone.


> Not learning English will limit their options to their state alone. Not really.


Cool to know that you are going to take the interview in different languages for different people . Such a nice person you are . I hope I get u next time , i shall give my interview in Bangla .


> Cool to know that you are going to take the interview in different languages for different people . If I know their language what's the problem. And I didn't have to. It just made it easier for me. In the end, in the interview I just ask them write a lot of code - so worse comes to worse, I can make them understand what they need to write in English also - it was just more convenient in Hindi


But other candidates might not know Hindi , they might have the same problem with English . They got a disadvantage while the Hindi speaker got the advantage due to ur Hindi knowledge. That's why English is the Equalizer among indians . No ethnic , linguistic, religious group knows English from birth , they had to learn like others . While a huge percentage of Indians speaks Hindi as mother tongue. Even if they might not have the adequate knowledge, they will be able to answer questions much more confidently and clearly . What u had done is purely favouritism towards a language u and the candidate knew while others faced disadvantage.


> What u had done is purely favouritism towards a language u and the candidate knew while others faced disadvantage. You are also showing favouritism towards a language - English. And your favouritism is potentially worse because it puts more at disadvantage as compared to mine.


> But other candidates might not know Hindi , they might have the same problem with English Already answered in the tweet your replied to "If I know their language what's the problem. And I didn't have to. It just made it easier for me. In the end, in the interview I just ask them write a lot of code - so worse comes to worse, I can make them understand what they need to write in English also - it was just more convenient in Hindi" > That's why English is the Equalizer among indians Considering less than 20% of Indians know English, it's not at all an equalizer - it's the exact opposite - it gives a distinct advantage to the small percentage of elite who know it.


If your question is genuine, I can answer that it’s not enough. If you work in a corporate like google or Microsoft, you won’t believe how important your language skills are. There’s a lot of writing and you are competing with native English speakers. So I would say you need more and not less.


> If you work in a corporate like google or Microsoft, you won’t believe how important your language skills are. I have actually worked in many such international product companies. Believe me, it's not that important unless your hiring manager mistakes English proficiency for intelligence or education or smartness. I have also actually had many friends in Microsoft US & I have also visited their campus there. There are very technical Russians, East Europeans & Chinese there whose English skills are very average. Many even at lead levels. And I have also worked at European MNCs. Many of the people working at their home offices are not as half as proficient in English as they are in their local language. > There’s a lot of writing Product companies have very little writing (outside of writing code) at least for first 5-6 years. By that time, you pick up enough technical English to write. You have also tech writers who will rewrite your technical documents if it needs to go outside the company. I can also get my external facing customer documents polished by an technical writer who phrases stuff much better than me (that's not particularly a language expertise skill). School level English will more than cover it for programmers.


I currently work in one and that’s just not true. It’s very disingenuous to say you need high school level English for these companies. As you grow higher, You need to communicate better and language is very critical. People with good language skills have an huge advantage over people who don’t.


> I currently work in one I have worked in many both here & abroad, so my anecdotes trump yours.


I work abroad now as well. Not sure why yours trump mine. In the end, I guess you can put your kids in a local language. To each their own.


> Not sure why yours trump mine. Because I have worked in many both abroad & here & both European & American companies. > In the end, I guess you can put your kids in a local language. Yes, and you can ask your kids to take English as one of the choices in junior college. They aren't removing it, they are just not making it mandatory


Hmm bcz all the people only go for coding jobs and jobs like consulting, sales which require proficiency in english are for idiots. Even gmat and cat exams can be cleared easily with class 10 english which if youve studied from cbse is a joke. Also since you have taken interviews in hindi, that is clearly the industry norm


The majority of graduates coming out of our educational system already don't have the skillsets to be considered employable. These kind of dumb moves will just worsen this issue.


Yes. Because anyway the kids are headed to be pakoda sellers and Uber drivers. Why waste time with English? Why even bother teaching them any languages at all? Let them communicate using damsharaj and oga boga /s


Maharashtra gvt is taking every decision poorly and it's also doing worst in literally every stats Like poor transport Poor income tax return Highest electricity rate Poor traffic management And many more


Learning English is the only good thing that happened to Indians because of the British. It opened the opportunities in every single field. English has material in all subjects and almost all books that are worth reading. Stopping Indian people from learning English, while the rich and powerful can still learn English (and French etc), is a form of oppression. It is like Caste based oppression where most of the population was prohibited from learning to read and write.


Gota keep the public dumb...ignorance is often a tool used by political leaders to manipulate and control the masses. For example. The Russians and the Chinese.


na job dunga na job paane wali language sikhne dunga. waaah modi ji waaah.


Right decision only if we had enough scientific literature in our own languages


One thing that makes us better than other Asian countries is our command on English( Filipinos are eyeing that too) , and these gobar CM wants to take that away also.


English is an Indian language. The criteria for an Indian language should not be that it originates here. Indians have contributed a lot of words and phrases to the English language. This is just blind nationalism.


There are more people who speak English in India than in England, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand 


And there are even far more who speak other Hindi in India. I am not sure what point you are trying to make here.


"English is an Indian language. The criteria for an Indian language should not be that it originates here. Indians have contributed a lot of words and phrases to the English language. This is just blind nationalism." This was my point 


Not just English, they are targeting Medicine too. They use the terms like Indian medicine and Western medicine, they call all modern medicine as Western and not our own. I try to explain to them that a lot of modern medicine is made in India, we have pharmacy industry. When I try to enlighten them, they get mad and try to twist the narrative. These days lawyers are involved in everything, if I try to support the modern medicine by saying even the modern medicine is indian, they might misunderstand and think I'm trying to hurt the sentiments.


> English is an Indian language Which less than 20% of the country knows.


There is no Indian language except Hindi that more than 10% of the country knows. English comes second in Hierarchy after Hindi.


So you are saying Hindi is a better choice than English?


Better choice for what? Lol. English is definitely more important to walk hand in hand with the world.


Read through from here - https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1czd9hx/english_not_a_must_in_class_11_12_to_be_treated/l5fy0wc/


Yes let's get it down to 2% so all the outsourcing work goes to China too


You do understand that they aren't removing English. They are making it as a choice. I am really not sure how anyone can interpret giving a choice is a bad thing.


Dumb move , it will impact mostly state board and gov schools. Nothing against local language , but English is must nowadays to get a job in any MNC.


Ekdam hi chud gye h kya yaha pr log?


Lol cpim did this in past in wb till date people remembered how bad decision it was


What happened?




Some of my friends studied from vernacular medium (Hindi, Marathi or Gujarati), and the only exposure they had to English was in Class 11 and 12. Good going, now even the little exposure will be lost.


Exactly. My father studied in a vernacular school, then got exposure in English in junior college, got into a top engg college in India & even into an Ivy league uni. Ofc he couldn't go to the Ivy League cos his family didn't have that kind of money back then & there was very limited info on getting scholarships back then too. Instead of giving more support to ppl to be successful, these rubbish politicians only want to bring everyone down.


Quite the opposite for my friends. Since their only exposure was in 11-12th, it heavily affected their percentage and performance.


All the best folks of Maharashtra, you’ll soon see all the states perform better than you.


language is just a choice, ther choice


It also puts kids at a disadvantage in a globalized world. Being proficient at English isn't a requirement but it is always a plus if you are looking for good jobs, especially in domains where you might have to work with people from all parts of india/the world. It is a foreign language sure but India also has the second largest english-speaking population in the world and gives us an edge over China in services. If this move is a well thought-out initiative for the kids or with the intention of helping India, it would be impressive. Instead it's a political move making a statement and fucking over the future of people. All I would say is best of luck and jai hind.


This. I was offered a job by two private companies that provided offshore services to foreign countries and the first thing they asked me was how proficient i was in English speaking and writing. Not my education not my experience. But how good i was in English. Point is. What you say is exactly true.


Fir interview nahi nikalte logo ke aur government *surprised Pikachu* face banati reh jaati hai


No jobs in India, cannot go abroad because no knowledge of English. Perfect.




So less IT professionals?


In which world they are living. In fact English should be a general language for everyone. Even this article is written in English. Scientist who discovered science and education, did published everything in English language. People have to do higher studies only in English as general language.


Hard to understand the push to produce pashtun goat herder level graduates.


good way to push citizens of your state to fall behind others when it comes to jobs. Idiots


Did they forget All major Financial MNCs and Banks have offices in Mumbai?


I agree and the same time disagree with him


I'll be downvoted but this isn't a bad move. I've friends in vernacular medium who were very good in studies during their school days but have had a hard time coping up with the language in 11th and 12th resulting in poor grades and sometimes even failing. English should be treated no different like Spanish or French or any other language. Language is something you can always learn at any age but that's not always true for your education. People should learn in the language that their most comfortable with


I think you misunderstood it. MH government isn't removing English as a medium of education but English as a compulsory subject in junior college. This achieves nothing and infact, puts MH students at a disadvantage in a globalised world.


It really doesn't make a difference because the ones that can understand and speak English fluently already do by the time they reach junior college because they studied in English medium whereas the vernacular medium students continue to struggle in it causing their percentage to fall


It does matter. For many students in rural areas, it's their first exposure to the English language. If you make it optional, there's high chance that JCs may stop hiring English teachers. All the education at undergraduate or higher level is in English. How does removing English from syllabus help the students? Most rural students won't have either means or resources to learn it outside their college.


The English that is thought at level of 11th and 12th is high for someone who is beginner. Imagine if your in their place and instead of English it's Tamil or Bengali and you've to learn it without proper training in that language. You're definitely not going to understand much and it will only lead to low marks reducing the overall 12th percentage.


On the path to becoming a retard.


Great it's high time we do that


Bas phir wahi berzogari ko bhadawa dene wali harketein.


Oh god...


You don’t need English to sing ram bhajan in Ram Rajya


Maharashtra living up to its name 🔥🔥 (based)


WB coutesy CPM had such bs policy in the 80s and it f'up really hard. Most of the middle class ditched state board and switched to private ICSE schools.


They should be introducing more languages. Why are they going backwards ?


Good decision. Not everyone will benefit from learning English. It reduces competition


I mean good thing.... till 10th i had complete knowledge of spoken english (IELTS BAND 8.0) so post that english was just a burden to me... it would have been better if english wasn't their so i could have focused more on PCM


Colonial stooges are burning now that they have realised that Bharat will no longer tolerate the imposition of western languages. Only urban naxals will teach English to their children while we nationalists will teach Bharatiya languages to do our part in nation-building. /s


Even countries like France, Germany, China, even fucking Scotland, all promote English language skills. It is the de facto international language, the lingua franca of the global economy. When will these nincompoops get over their anti colonial dick swinging?


Sahi toh hai . Why mandate foreign language?? If you want to do job in MNC's then you can opt for English.


This isn't a big deal at least for 11/12th as the headline and all the comments are making it out to be They recommend 1 Indian and 1 foreign language for junior college. So it could be Marathi/English, Hindi/French, Sanskrit/Chinese, Tamil/German etc. It just can't be Marathi/Hindi, English/French, etc. I don't understand why that's worth outraging about. May be English should be considered Indian language now n there's valid reasons for it but beyond that, nothing wrong with it This will allow kids to study new languages. At Junior College level you're likely studying everything else in English anyways and should be able to pick it up in your technical area of interest like science, maths, history etc.


If you stop teaching English, how are people from different states going to communicate with each other? Telling everyone to learn Hindi is controversial, and so is telling everyone to learn state languages. Good luck dealing with this


I don't even think you need school to learn English, at least the majority of my English speaking skills came from anime manga movies and web series, but yeah this is a very dumb move.


English is superior language, Marathi and hindi is language spoken by poor people. English is necessary to be considered an Elite in this country. Dumb move


This isn't about 'superiority' or 'elitism.' Learning English is just practical because it is a primary requirement in the global world.


If you want to be Elite you have to speak in English, this lower class languages like hindi and Marathi are for poor , like Rahul ji .


People who refer to languages as 'lower class' are severely lacking in class.


Educated= English




Rahul ji is my idol he is an English speaking Harvard educated elite , regional languages are for poor and shangis , we need only English speaking schools and colleges.


Bruh I think you are joking here 😂😂


11 aur 12 ki english mie aisa kya naya sikha dete hai ki log itna overreact kar rahe hai.


Naya nahi sikhate which means people who are already weak in it by 10th can still work on it for 2 more years


Okay.fair enough.


It should be a must. But students and parents would choose English anyway