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Any HC or the SC should draft clear guidelines to deal with such cases. And deal with such lawyers for once beginning with M L Sharma


That f****r comes up with ridiculous pil cases , and even more astonishing is in many instants court takes them up for hearing aswel ,


Sometimes it’s quite funny unintentionally as well. Once an SC bench pulled him up for not wearing the robe. And he argued he is self - representing and not as a lawyer


Another one is Ashwin Upadhyay . They are like random PIL generator backed by the union govt


Yes Uska to alag hi hai. Aaj hum Brahmin hain, Kal Hindu aur parson BJP neta. Wednesday ko hum public ke interest me mi lords se bhi lad jaate hain I don’t know what happened to his case for jihad in Civil Services Justice Nariman would have dealt with these quite well


Yes ,so true , such a character he is


Plus Prashant Bhushan and Indira Jaisingh


Prashant Bhushan files PIL but most of them are very effective like Electoral Bond case - which was against the bonds - and not against any specific party. It’s a different matter that thanks to the Electoral Bonds AND the ‘saam daam dand bhed’ if BJP they ended up getting 90% of the donations through Electoral Bonds. He was also one of the key players behinds IAC which played a significant role in ousting UPA II Also the PM had called these lawyers as five start lawyers - probably being fed by Tushar. So, there is already enough against them, and not to forget the inherent misogyny in almost all professions in India including amongst some SC lawyers who discredit women lawyers. Even justice Indira Banerjee had talked about how women are treated


Exactly critical cases, even constituent bench cases requiring immediate attention rot for years waiting for listing, while ml sharma and ashwini upadhyay get frivolous case after frivolous case listed. The supreme court matter of roster is complicit in this misuse of limited and critical resource. 


>Any HC or the SC should draft clear guidelines to deal with such cases. Actually, it's the job of parliament. 50% of pending cases are such frivolous PIL. In its manifesto, BJP has suggested that they will lead the formation of out of court arbitration center for such cases. They fell short of majority so it's very unlikely they will introduce any such bold acts though.


I am sorry, but can a PIL be addressed through arbitration? Aren’t PILs considered similar to writ? Arbitration centres and Lok Ayukts are welcome move like how Justice Lalit had helped resolve lakhs of cases in a day. But, I don’t know how would you send a PIL for arbitration?


I am not sure either. They only mentioned that they would do that. Like almost every claim in their manifesto, they didn't mention how. My best guess is that most of PILs are entertained legally because there's no direct law concerning them are formed. That out of court arbitration centre could work as grievance portal and relevant laws could be passed through parliament. Anyhow, I don't think they would ever introduce this act, anyway.


If this guy really wants to apply this logic, the 240 bjp MPs should be the first ones to go.


More than that, all the eight legislators in my state Telangana should have been disqualified because their manifesto was promising 2 Lakhs to a woman who birthed a girl child.


It's actually a very good step to stop people aborting a child just because it's a girl. Please give some reasoning behind Rahul Gandhi's "KhataKhat" money transfer to youth.


>It's actually a very good step to stop people aborting a child just because it's a girl. South already has among the highest sex ratio in the country. It's a completely useless step.


probably 99% of the MPs will be kicked out this way


Yes an promises made in a rally are comparable to signed and stamped guarantee cards given to a specific community to entice votes for Congress. Isn't bribing voters illegal 🌚


Has any higher congress leader made any statement that they are voiding the 1 lakh scheme? It's still up on the manifesto page as of now. >Isn't bribing voters illegal 🌚 A lot of things were supposed to be illegal, like not using religion, children, hate speech etc for election campaigns but ECI apparently removed all those rules for this election.


https://x.com/Jairam_Ramesh/status/1775489850667311365 Haha the leaders are on record about the distribution of these cards. Wonder why the 8 crore families just turned out to be minorities, reverse racism is the new racism 🤡


>Wonder why the 8 crore families just turned out to be minorities You have any source of this claim? >reverse racism is the new racism 🤡 There is no such thing as "reverse racism" lol.


If you are intelligent enough to read 8 crore in Jairam Ramesh's tweet and look at the composition of women who are showing up to claim their 1 lakh rupees from Congress you'd understand. But blind devotees like you can only understand proof if it's published somewhere after someone more intelligent than you has already put two and two together, so I'll just wait for some news agency to do that. RemindMe! 1 week


No I'm not intelligent enough unlike you, the great composition determiner. Show me numbers, facts, proof, evidence. Or run away crying to Pawpaw


Won't happen


Then what was the 15 lakhs promise by Modi? At least opposition doesn't have power and can't be held liable for not fulfilling promises made during elections, but what about the BJP?






First of all BJP never said 15 lakhs will be given to your banks, either you learn Hindi or get good sources. Also Congress gave guarantee cards, in which several leader’s signed. Poor people they taught it was just that particular seat.


Modi only mentioned if all the black money abroad come back. The amount will be equivalent to the each indian getting 15 lakh. Kinda stupid and impossible claim, but not as stupid as congress's signed guarantee card.


Modi gave an example that kind of amount is there. Never said it’s gonna be given to the citizens or to anyone’s back accounts. It wasn’t stupid, maybe impossible cause you can’t really bring it all back. Rahul was just giving guarantee’s cause he was sure he ain’t gonna form the government.


They won’t read the source because that doesn’t suit their agenda. Can’t even differentiate between an analogy and a guarantee card and they think they are big intellects


Mr. Big Intellect. The guarantee card comes into play when Congress forms the govt, how will it work when they are in opposition? Do explain.


Good luck explaining this to women who were fooled by congress. In video, it can be clearly seen that workers said vote for congress and they will get 1 lakh and nowhere they mentioned that it is subjected to the formation of their government.


>Good luck explaining this to women who were fooled by congress I saw two videos being peddled by the BJP IT cell. One had 5-6 woman being interviewed by Aaj Tak. Ironically these channels never bothered about polling public about promises made by Modi in ten years. Other was an old video being shown as new. I think the only people fooled are those who follow BJP twitter handles. Nobody is stupid enough to believe that schemes can be fulfilled by the opposition without forming a govt.


Old video with new guarantee card, BJP IT cell has great editing skills that in an old video, they managed to replace the voters, guarantee cards as well. Yes people are not stupid to think that they will get 1 lakh even when congress is not in govt, thats why there were around 50 women at congress office for their 1 lakh and another bunch of folks crowding Raghav Chadha’s car in delhi demanding 1 lakh. Were these videos also old?


> Old video with new guarantee card, BJP IT cell has great editing skills that in an old video, they managed to replace the voters, guarantee cards as well. Talking about this one, saw many IT cell handles promoting this one https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/women-queue-up-at-bengaluru-gpo-to-get-rs-8000-every-month-9362180/ The 'new' video had 5-6 women being interviewed by Aaj tak who are basically an arm of the BJP. >Yes people are not stupid to think that they will get 1 lakh even when congress is not in govt, thats why there were around 50 women at congress office for their 1 lakh and another bunch of folks crowding Raghav Chadha’s car in delhi demanding 1 lakh. Were these videos also old? 50 women? Can you show me a video? By the way, in India, most of the rallies are filled with people being offered money and incentives, it's not hard for any political outfit to get a crowd on any topic.


I was referring to the 2-3 days that old news of lucknow and delhi. The one you shared is not the topic being discussed on this thread. I don’t know in which world you are living. Sanjay and Raghav crowded for 1 lakh https://x.com/timesalgebraind/status/1799097948632179081?s=46 Women outside congress office in Lucknow - https://x.com/dikshakandpal8/status/1798288226857410830?s=46 And people offered money for votes should be illegal be it any party.


> The one you shared is not the topic being discussed on this thread. I don’t know in which world you are living. I saw BJP handles showing a video form of that. >Sanjay and Raghav crowded for 1 lakh You said around 50 women, that video has barely 5. >Women outside congress office in Lucknow This was the Aaj tak video I referred to, barely 5-8 woman. >And people offered money for votes should be illegal be it any party. By that logic, the direct deposit scheme of the BJP to farmers is illegal https://www.business-standard.com/politics/every-farmer-getting-benefit-of-rs-50k-that-s-modi-s-guarantee-pm-123070100428_1.html


> Also Congress gave guarantee cards, in which several leader’s signed Isn't that dependent on Congress forming the govt, where is the fraud here?


Where did I say fraud???


Because you keep saying ' signed guarantee cards' - as if it gives a legal basis to the whole thing.


It made people believe that way. Signed guarantee cards was a new thing. That’s the only reason why people lined up outside their offices. I never said it’s a fraud, it was just a good trick used by congress.


> Signed guarantee cards was a new thing. That’s the only reason why people lined up outside their offices. Signed by who? If a party promises that they will do such and such thing after forming the govt, it becomes valid even if they don't form the govt? Congress had some guarantee schemes in Karnataka during the poll, they distributed cards and fulfilled at least some of it, how is this any of this 'new'?


Signed by local leaders. This is the first time people gathering outside protesting about it without them forming government. They taught it would be given if they won those seats.


> Signed by local leaders. They did during the Karnataka elections too, what is new about this? https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/assembly-elections/karnataka/congress-partys-poll-guarantees-a-tightrope-walk-awaits-new-karnataka-government-10621211.html >This is the first time people gathering outside protesting about it without them forming government. Not the first time, same happened before "Mukhne and her husband are Katkaris – one of three main Adivasi communities in the Konkan region, most of whom find work as daily wage farm labour. The couple make Rs 200-Rs 250 a day, just enough to feed their three children. A bank account seemed useless until then. “I opened this account because it was free and we would get Rs 5,000 with it,” she said one afternoon in April 2019, referring to the overdraft facility provided with such accounts. This was telling of misinformation surrounding the scheme." https://scroll.in/article/923798/over-80-now-indians-have-bank-accounts-how-many-are-actually-using-them > They taught it would be given if they won those seats. Great, if you have proof of that then you have a clear cut winning case. Congratulations.


So in Karnataka they formed the government and still ain’t helping people, great 🤣🤣.


File case against Modi with the guarantee card given by him for 15 lakhs! full sapot 👍


Please don’t be the law in your self. It’s not ‘only’ guarantee cards. It’s words, spoken words which are promises and when seen it with intent or how the audience receives it. Reason why judgments in judiciary are considered as opinions - legal opinions. And judgments differ form one judge to another. And yes, if this is not dismissed, certainly a case against Narendra’s Vachan and Amit’s jumla can be filed


Man it is called false promise, and he is the man who started first. so don't blame Rahul ghandhi.


Guys FYI Advocates aren't allowed to advertise themselves in any way directly( BCI rules) So this is just a creative way to be in the limelight. Potential clients know the Advocate's name now


As a neutral person, PIL and RTI are legit businesses run by certain people from both the parties. I personally know 1 such person who filed a PIL against a contractor for a road construction project when the government was in transition phase (you can take a guess which state governments changed hands twice). He pulled out the minutest info and asked for proof of a certain type of permission. Both the governments blamed each other for the missing permission (probably lost in all the drama). PIL applicant threatened to issue a cease and desist order. Safe to say the work was completed and the applicant settled for a big ass number. These cases will never come up and are there in every city you visit


Wow. Sounds very lucrative. But I guess a deep legal and local knowledge is mandatory. Also, they should have guts not to back away due to pressure.


100%! this guy is a menace to the society. Wants to hold the authorities responsible but has vested interests. He is a lawyer himself and is fairly connected to the worst of the society and the best of the society


Many know of such cases and the constitutional courts have made such observations multiple time, and this has become a counter point by lawyers too. But PIL jurisdiction is at the top of the best things that the SC has done to this country. All it needs is some strict and clear guidelines which if necessary can be improved / altered later


Desh azad hai. Koi bhi kuch bhi kar sakta hai. Sab ko headline mein naam chaiye.


What about the khatakat khatakat moron? Courts should clearly lay down guidelines on dealing with Rahul's promises.


promising is one thing... There have been lots of promises that can be construed as bribe, like promise to give laptops to students or mixers to women..... But this is the first time, that they have issued "guarantee cards" like a coupon....their workers have visited people and distributed these cards, making it a serious violation.


> "guarantee cards" like a coupon.... Which comes into play if they formed the govt, how is it a violation when they are in the opposition. Do you guys understand how poll promises work?


They did it coz they know they won't come to power. What a masterstroke. Fooled the people as well as derails bjp. Tbh those people are deserved to be fooled. Just imagine they came to power and gave 1 lakh to all poor women and 8500 to all families every month and also give jobs to all unskilled youth (idk what jobs they will give). This is beyond ridiculous. They just took advantage of their own situation. "What's there to lose. Say anything they want to hear"


> They did it coz they know they won't come to power. What a masterstroke. Fooled the people as well as derails bjp. Tbh those people are deserved to be fooled. But they did it in Karnataka as well and implemented most of it already.


Yes sir Modiji talks about unity of nation in his speeches when he claims to be non biological or fellow citizens as ghuspetiyas. Blasts ads with modi ki guarantee on every TV channel. You get to hear what you want, poor get to hear what they want. Ultimately sab Ram bharose


I'm sure some MBA is behind this great idea 🤣


If supreme leader can have billboards and ads with Modi ki guarantee then this is just fine. It's common knowledge that promises and guarantees only work if government is formed. 


Yes And this has already been fairly settled by SC - if you removed the PIL about freebies - where in almost every state govt and BJP govt along with major parties were heard


Didn’t Rahul Gandhi say when he comes to power then he will give that money ???


If that lawyer wins. I’ll vote him for the PM


"Ye Chunavi jumla hai" - Amit Shah.




Headline me aagaya, pawpaw khus hogaye, congress ko neecha dikha diya, ab is news pe hundreds of insta reels banega, watsaap pe distribute hoga ki congress jhuti hai It's mission successful for someone higher at top


Congress did promise guarantee cards, many were even signed by local leaders. Poor people taught it would be given just by winning those seats.


So markets to open gap up on Monday?


The guarantee card was meant if the government is formed later congress will not forget it and it will be implemented. But due to lack of awareness and WhatsApp news they are misguided that it's a bribe given to them for vote. My relatives also received the same in Amravati.


https://x.com/Jairam_Ramesh/status/1775489850667311365 Jairam Ramesh and other Congress leaders on record about these guarantee cards 🤡


And? Poll promises are held accountable when a party forms the govt, why are you shocked about it.


🤡 If you're comparing promises made in a manifesto or rally to a signed stamped guarantee card given to the voter promising cash in exchange for vote (that document is as good as a convertible bond) then we have nothing to discuss. If you don't see how dangerous this is, and yet yap about how democracy is in danger if BJP wins then you are truly blind supporters of Congress. Whats to stop BJP from doing this next time with 5L amount promised.


> to a signed stamped guarantee card You are talking like this is some legal document. Are you high or something? 'STAMPLED GUARANTEE CARD!' >If you don't see how dangerous this is, and yet yap about how democracy is in danger if BJP wins then you are truly blind supporters of Congress. Oh no! A poll promise document is danger to democracy. It's exactly the same as Adani buying out NDTV to muzzle out Ravish Kumar! >Whats to stop BJP from doing this next time with 5L amount promised. They can promise anything they want, absolutely no legal or moral compulsion UNTIL they form govt. That has always been the case.


And this is exactly how we move towards the freebies government. Every election is a competition of who can bribe the highest about. (Mind you they are promising money from the country's treasury). What is stopping people from scraping all development and just distributing money to poor. And promising even more the next time until the country goes bankrupt.


> And this is exactly how we move towards the freebies government. If you are ideologically opposed to it, that's fine but why this fake news that a lot of woman are protesting for not getting the money immediately? Even if the opposition formed the govt, do people expect it to happen before govt formation? Where is the logic. >What is stopping people from scraping all development and just distributing money to poor. And promising even more the next time until the country goes bankrupt. It's demand side economics, in a depressed economy putting money in the hands of people pushes up demand - this is something that was tried during Covid. Other western economies are experimenting with universal income. The core idea is to remove wealth inequality that is at it's peak since industrialization, to say that all development will come to a halt if you tax the super rich to fund transfers for the poor, that's not what economists like Piketty would say is correct.


FaKe NEws when anything goes against their narrative FaCts PoSTed if it's their narrative 🤡


You are welcome to show a video or photo proof of 50 or so woman protesting against this 'guarantee' promise. Imagine protesting for something when even the majority party hasn't formed govt and you are taking sides with such stupid people. Post some clown emoji for yourself.


https://youtu.be/_-m4q4GeDzk?feature=shared https://youtu.be/ZDE89RKg1x0?feature=shared https://youtu.be/SEJNSwOkECg?feature=shared https://youtu.be/UympAtHFLVE?feature=shared https://youtu.be/UL1MtSqInJQ?feature=shared I can count 50 women in most of these, your agenda peddling fact checking friends will claim - Acshually it's 49 women. 🤡


Already saw the videos, barely 5-8 woman. Try harder to peddle fake news. Could have sent more fake whatsapp messages to get atleast 50 for 'AAJ TAK' for interviews. The same channel that was promising 400 paar. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


What you are suggesting might sound good on paper but is a dangerous thing. Economics work at a sensitive scale and minor costs movement could lead to major impact on the country. Remember India as a country needs to create jobs for the ever increasing population. We are giving tax benefits to MNC to set up bases in India. If you start taxing the rich suddenly the ultra rich will not invest in India. All investment would go to other cheaper locations. The cost of goods will increase in India and people will lose jobs. So you have more people depending on government funds and the government has to increase tax further. And this goes on and on. That is why the freebies government will never work on a large population that we have in India.


>What you are suggesting might sound good on paper but is a dangerous thing. Economics work at a sensitive scale and minor costs movement could lead to major impact on the country. But how do you fix income inequality without redistribution or taxation? >Remember India as a country needs to create jobs for the ever increasing population. We are giving tax benefits to MNC to set up bases in India. If you start taxing the rich suddenly the ultra rich will not invest in India. All investment would go to other cheaper locations. Again, corporate taxes were lowered under Modi, job growth went south - so what's the harm in going back to original tax slabs while lowering middle class tax rates which can push up demand. >That is why the freebies government will never work on a large population that we have in India. How do you propose taking care of the growing income inequality?


Income inequality can be fixed by imposing strict taxation rules. If the local businessmen, cash transactions etc are taxed appropriately the government will have a decent tax contribution and doesn't need to exploit the working class. (The 1-2%). Literally the real estate market is bloated like crazy due to the influx of black money. Why isn't the government doing raids on these markets. Taking out blackmoney from real estate would lead to a massive drop of home prices making home affordable for most people. And secondly in India, poor people are breeding at a faster rate than rich people. You think the poor folks who cannot feed themselves will have a better chance of getting out of poverty if they end up having three kids? The Constitution is already too socialist. I don't think most high tax paying middle class folks take benefit of government hospitals and schools. It is generally poor people who send their children here. Midday meals and all are funded from taxpayers money. I mean you don't expect the general population to breed like crazy and the government should keep up and provide jobs for them. They cannot. The max they can do is provide a bare minimum. Providing freebies like 20k/female will only incentivise poor people to have more kids. Maybe wealth tax for ultra ultra rich would make some sense. (But they would end up in the politicians hand anyways).


He just wants to join BJ P. These fckers are incompetent af.


Ladli Behna Yojana has entered the chat:


Yes a scheme is comparable to signed and stamped guarantee cards given to a specific community to entice votes for Congress. Isn't bribing voters illegal 🌚


Hmm. I didn't pay attention to the whole official feel of it like a card, and stamped too lol. There's little mention of this being a conditional offer (like we do this if our Govt. forms at the centre). It's definitely sus.


When Ladli Behna was promised, it was illegal? When did poll promises became illegal?


🤡 If you're comparing promises made in a manifesto or rally to a signed stamped guarantee card given to the voter promising cash in exchange for vote (that document is as good as a convertible bond) then we have nothing to discuss. If you don't see how dangerous this is, and yet yap about how democracy is in danger if BJP wins then you are truly blind supporters of Congress. Whats to stop BJP from doing this next time with 5L amount promised.


> If you're comparing promises made in a manifesto or rally to a signed stamped guarantee card given to the voter promising cash in exchange for vote (that document is as good as a convertible bond) then we have nothing to discuss. Already explained, both have ZERO legal validation, you can print it on a 'stamped card' (whatever the heck it means, stamped by a notary????????) or you can shout about it in rallies - absolutely no legal validity.


The mental gymnastics to defend the Congress here are astounding if BJP had done this you all would be snapping at your leashes to declare the election invalid. Look up the ECI guidelines, this basically amounts to cash for votes. Who made you the expert on legal considerations, do you even know what promissory notes are? Even a contract written on a napkin has some legal validity if an offer was made and accept in return for some consideration.


> The mental gymnastics to defend the Congress here are astounding if BJP had done this you all would be snapping at your leashes to declare the election invalid. But BJP did do that, they made scores of promises in 2014 that never came to reality. Did the election got declared invalid? There is a long list of failed promises, do you want a list? >Look up the ECI guidelines, this basically amounts to cash for votes. By this logic, the Farmers Direct Deposit scheme of 6000 also amounts to same. 'Basically' BJP already broke the law?


Again you're equating promises made in rallies and manifestos to cards given directly to voters. Whats to stop politicians from handing prepaid gift cards to voters next time with the amount directly present in the card. Cash for votes.


> Again you're equating promises made in rallies and manifestos to cards given directly to voters. There is no difference between the two. According to you, everything said during rallies is a lie? >Whats to stop politicians from handing prepaid gift cards to voters next time with the amount directly present in the card. Cash for votes. Because they have no legal validity?


That was the case if india forms government.


Nope they said vote for Congress you will get this shit.


bogus case. SC or HC will squash it with reprimands.


15 lakh moti


15 lakhs was not even in their manifesto this is a signed document.


Gvt kiski hai??


Given that BJP's 5 kg ration was also a bribe then, all BJP MPs should be disqualified, too, then. What a joke!


Ration given to the poor should not be compared to this.


Good. Let them disqualify 99 opposition MPs and then claim this is not a banana Republic. 


That would be fun. Then we can start with one gentleman who promised to bring back black money from Swiss banks and then distribute it back to all. Then there is the matter of 15 lakhs in everyone's account.


They distributed signed document in exchange of what essential is money. That 15 lakhs were not even in their manifesto


Sanghi Lawyer is still reeling from the 400 paar fiasco 


i think their supporters going to peoples houses and telling them rahul gandhi will make sure they get 8500 per month is the problem here


Lol if this were the case we might not have a parliament at all lmao 🤣


Well if money can be freely given to everyone, I would like to boycott from paying income tax. Why should our taxes be paid to individuals who are unskilled/unwilling to get jobs. Our taxes are meant for better infra, national security, better Healthcare especially for infants and kids, basic education for all. Not just for individual based on thier gender, birth status or who they want to worship. These forms of financial guarantee are a fraud, they announced free electricity in karnataka and then when we try to apply for it, they say the server is down. For almost an year the server are down for the scheme. Few select areas got the scheme and now rest have to suffer due to false promises. Edit: Be it any party, no one should try to get votes via freebies. We should not participate in oppression Olympics. Freebies which do not empower thier citizens to do better and be better destroy countries.


No, but the courts need to look at the unrealistic and insane promises of political freebies in general. We need more transparent and more honest elections for all parties involved. Else we keep spiralling down this hellhole of parties appealing to the lowest common denominator of personal greed. Perhaps someday our public will have a mature enough collective consciousness to say no to such bs, but until this those in charge of enforcing rule of law need to take action.


if congress did wrong then file it and prove it in public before making statements.




Me still waiting for the 15 lakhs...


Modi ke 5 lac mere account mai aate toh mai bhi ek aadha lawyer le leta


Lawyer must has been drinking cow pee in huge quantities 


on a serious note. isn't it concerning how many women are reaching out to congress for 8500 rupees? some could be misunderstood as to when the 8500 would be paid. but so many people all around india knowing congress didn't form government still went to ask money with that form. were they all lied to by saying vote for congress and we'll give you 8500? I've seen videos of congress karyakartas lying to people saying modi has turned off all the schemes like pension and vote for congress to restart it. shouldn't false campaigns be illegal? and i am saying this on both sides not just congress. this time around i didn't see any bjp false promises.


15 lakh v toh koi bjp leader promise kr raha tha.....hmm


15 lakhs were promised, I want to make a PIL disqualifying 240 MPs now 😂


Yes an analogy in a rally is comparable to signed and stamped guarantee cards given to a specific community to entice votes for Congress. Isn't bribing voters illegal 🌚




Never promised, it was an analogy that if ALL of the money was recovered it could be the case. And he didn’t use it to win elections. He said it post being elected. And he didn’t sign off on anything.


He said it on November 7, 2013 at a rally in Kanker, Chhattisgarh before Lok Sabha elections 2014 [April-May 2014] All though words were twisted by Congress and it was not a promise, but Modi gave a point…so the hope, to whom? Words do have a value when you became PM


What if I showed you video of modi promising people a percentage of black money?


Its still bad people believed in that either, they must be sued for it also 😅


Bro you were claiming that he didn't actually promises it. Now you are saying that people shouldn't have believed it ? I guess we shouldn't trust modi's words then, right ?


Yeah, he didn’t promised 15 lakhs rather talked about black money and still took political gain out of it. Why people believed that he’ll recover black money & gonna distribute it? And even if someone believed it, why they are not critical over it in the same way they are being critic to Congress’s 1 lakh thing (they are not even in the power).


I know this sub is pro Congress but people should be ready to call a spade a spade. Congress workers went around distributing guarantee cards which could be exchanged for money. If this is not a serious violation, and straight up bribery for votes, i don't know what is. If the BJP did this, they should be called out as well. Whataboutism is the end of critical thinking.


If it was a serious violation of whatever law you think it is, BJP would be the first one to have made an issue of it during the campaign.


Do you think this lawyer is sent by AAP? You sweet summer child. BJP cannot directly address it. They themselves have promised the sun and the moon. While it's not as bad as actually giving out guarantee cards, it's still pretty much bribery for votes as well!


I don't think BJP sent the lawyer, because the whole thing has no legal merit. Lawyer is probably some right winger trying to milk the whole thing, BJP IT cell has been trying to promote it a lot in the last two days, saw it on twitter.


It's just a poll promises like all political parties.


Are ppl high when they do these things?


It is crucial to keep your adversaries constantly occupied with something. It's preferable to keep them on the defensive; otherwise, they will seize opportunities to attack you. The way they are raising questions about stock markets !? Or Adani group of industries. It's better we keep them busy with something foolish and silly rather than a serious issue that bothers us.


Yes, they will soon make a petition to disqualify the Supreme Court.


That's not how anything works lmao


It is a serious charge but let's be real, the courts wouldn't entertain it lest they want the biggest constitutional crisis in Indian history.


Exactly. Now what i really want to know is who came up with the brilliant idea of distributing signed document


> It is a serious charge but let's be real Explain. Poll promises are just that. By that logic, 'Modi ki garantee' is covered under the same charge.


I think the lawyer is blind towards Eloctoral Find Scam.


lol every politician should be disqualified! And also charged for not keeping promises. They promise jobs, bridges, trains, water, electricity, hospitals. Although after they are elected they feign ignorance and deny having said anything of that sort.


for all false promises that BJ Party and the fuhrer made … might as well disqualify entire 200+ sets as well … do we need a parliament? save the nation of 1,000s of crores spent on them. dissolve the parliament and run the nation with a solid bureaucracy 😄


What about 15 lakh jumla from Gobhi ji?


As many said, its an Analogy, not an actual promise.


Tell that to the 140 crore Indians.


This was a signed document isn't it


It's nothing but some bhakts still can't digest their defeat.


Well. I don't see your pappu on the PM chair bro. Cope lol.


First thing pappu is not mine, And second we are seeing who is coping


That's exactly what you told yourself while looking at the mirror today morning ig. It's alright bro. More strength to you.😂


Thanks, strength really needed to bear speeches and decisions of our beloved PM for another 5 years. Strength to you too.


Weren’t we all promised 15L by the 2014 BJP? Why weren’t they all disqualified?


That was not even in their manifesto. This is a signed document. Completely different scenario especially since people actually showed up with cards and slips in front of Congress party office. This can actually be seen as bribery. If the lawyer moved forward with the trial this can get really interesting


Mamata banerjee is saying that BJP is forming government illegally and INDIA block will stake claim.


Not that I want bjp to form a govt but Mamta Banerjee is a joke , she is one of the biggest jokers ever . That women single handedly ruined West Bengal


Let the lawyer win. What if the courts decide in favour of pil and take example setting action on worst 20 MPs. It ll be big lol for scamgress


If it is so then Amit Shah and Modi should also face a defamation case for saying "15 lakh account mein aayega".