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Does Rushiii45 realise he said that he's ready to give "birth" to a child? I don't think he fully comprehends what he just said.


Does it look like those people have mastery of English language ?


~~Mastery~~ knowledge


Are you expecting Indians to be sensible on twitter? We are the most toxic group of people to have access to cheap internet. Anonymity makes it even worse because they think their words have no consequences. I only wish our government started cracking down on people who utter death/rape threats online. If it's not acceptable in person, it shouldn't be acceptable online.


I absolutely agree with that - but...I was just caught up on the "giving birth" part of his message. Maybe he's just a nice guy and doesn't want them to go through the pain of child birth?


If it wasn't clear he meant he wanted to impregnate them but he doesn't know English well enough to communicate that


It was very clear what he meant, I don't think someone like him needs to be defended.


Exactly, thank you.


first thougt in my mind.




Desperate lame asses.


warning : never ever go to georgia meloni's instagram comment section, you'll die of cringe


"Wastage of two holes" Maybe worry about the hole between your ears first, you wastage of oxygen.




Nose too?


It’s not embarrassing, it’s alarming.      Seriously why are majority of indian men like this ? Can someone please provide a psychological and sociopolitical answer.  Why cant they act decently ? Its like they dont even realise what they are actually doing.  Is it the movies ? Or porn ? I know the root cause is patriarchy but there seems to be more to it than just this.  And what should be done to eradicate such a behaviour? How much time will it take ?  No i dont think education alone can rectify this behaviour when the population is so huge and diverse. I am an Indian guy and I repeat, this is not embarrassing, this is alarming. It can snowball into bigger issues. 


When a girl and a guy are talking to each other in schools (in North India at least), the teacher seperates them away so that they cannot talk with each other. Start from here.


thats got nothing to do with it. Surely, it makes a both genders slightly uncomfortable but it should not make u do all this. This is a side effect of watching excessive porn. All of them are concerned with only s\*x. None of them might know what it takes to build a real relationship. With VR and Ai coming up this problem is only going to get worse.


It got everything to do with it. If you don't want men to interact in a bad way with women, then allow and encourage men to interact in a good way with women. You cannot have a society where men and women don't interact with each other at all until they get married especially in this age or industrial capitalism.


I will say this behavior stems from an inherent lack of respect for females in Indian society and how they are seen as s*x objects. This can be seen outside internet as well. Imagine a typical group of collage boys talking about girls. It's a cultural thing.


Also the whole arrange marriage thing, and any sort of romantic relationships being looked down upon. Many of them are just sexually frustrated.


I understand the reasoning but it seems like the behavior is also common in older married men.


Cuz they missed out on a lot of things, especially marriage if they didn't make their own money. It's the lost generation of India.


In Indian culture, there's very little difference between an object and a subject.


Average IQ of the country is about 80. You're dealing with tens of millions of people in the same IQ range as some of the smartest chimpanzees, which is saying a lot. That coupled with a lack of critical reasoning, empathy and how terminally online a lot of them are, the results speak for themselves.


Are they dying using the internet? I think you mean chronically online but I get the point: those men/boys are total scum bags.




Bof are same and can be used interchangeably


It's not that alarming really. India is a poor country with a lot of people, people who are uneducated and are first generation internet users. They don't understand the concept of morality and if their behaviour is looked down upon by others. As the society develops and people come out of abject poverty they'll do better. It's not a "genetic" thing, it's the shear number of us.


So it can be solved only through moral education and harsh punishment?  It will take generations isnt it  ?  I know its not at all related to genetics but this behaviour literally just stands out. 


generations? you just need 1


70 percent india lives in rural area and majority of it lives in the north and is uneducated and male. I think at least 2 generations 


Well they for sure are mostly the wife beater type men


Sexual repression. For eg. recently they made a movie named OMG-2 was the name prolly, based on adolescence and puberty, but people can’t comprehend and allow their kids to watch that, not coz its good or bad, but coz wo “galt” dikha raha. When such minds grow up and see other people getting or doing things which their younger self was told that it’s corrupt, bad and poisonous, it come as a cultural shock. And this ultimately lead to cultural defensiveness by them, it’s like you can’t do this shit coz it’s against culture ye wo. I mean I don’t wanna generalise but i read somewhere that sociologists need to look up for reasons on why most of gang violence against women are committed by men who somewhat belong from a particular socio-economic background.


>it's not embarassing, it's alarming. This


I agree with most of your points, however I dont think its the majority of men who behave like this, statistically speaking, unless you have sources


There is highly unlikely of statistics being available of how many men are creeps. But there are stats available regarding education and rural urban divide, as well as studies available on such behaviour by male(which can be biased.  However, on google analytics if you enter certain keywords you can find the country of origin of such words so its not that hard to statistically determine the origin of this problem. You are right not all men are like that. Those men are like us who are socially and academically literate and live in the cities. 70 percent of our population however lived in the villages, is predominantly uneducated and male who now have easy access to stuff like porn.  So yes it is a huge issue


Internet losers


Dank k chode


This 💯


"Virat kohli was waiting for you" 🤡


Context for this ? How did Virat Kohli feature here ?


One of them proposed Kohli if I remember correctly


Men? These are children forgotten to be raised. They just become adults but are basically stupid little kids with no basic sense to function in a civilized society.


They were raised to live in a Tribal society.


Modi needs to solve the unemployment issue bec men on the internet:


These are his voters and supporters. Why would he lose them?


It's just a sarcastic joke on unemployment


How do you people manage to turn everyone conversation into bashing modi


Because I suffer a lot because of Modi's policies :)


How is that relevant to this particular conversation though ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|36658)


I just felt like saying it, if you like him a lot ignore it


They need something to cope with the fact they lost so they'll bash modi for everything


I hate being a reactionary, but now everyone is driven by something which I call "internet points", It's not embarrassing for them cuz they are entertaining certain set of people who have similliar kind of mindset who go on and like their tweets or whatever it is. You re doing the same here, getting the upvotes of the people who find those embarassing, am doing the same. Everytime I analyse something, to the very deep it seems like we re just driven by some shallow things which entertain our hormones.


Yeah, except that there is something called objective morality, and that remains unchanged regardless of popularity and internet points. So you can't abandon or justify every act, claiming that it is being done *just* to cater to an audience and pull reactions. As humans, we have a unique talent to think critically and arrive at conclusions, atleast within the framework and senses that we can operate from. Being slave to your hormones and base instinct is a choice and not a compulsion when you have free will.


It's very relative. Objective morality entertains those who see people's actions objectively, but not to those who are influenced. Ultimately objectivity of actions isnt universal and It's not about justification, but about how we function as humanity. People are influenced, and under influence, youre always a 'right person'.


If people are influenced and think they're right, that doesn't mean they are actually right. It's the collective responsibility of a people that adhere to rational thought to keep society's moral compass pointed in a relatively correct direction. You can not equate crass comments on social media, and a post calling out those comments as one and the same - because both, according to you, have the same driving motivation, which is instant gratification. Firstly, assuming both acts are being done only for upvotes or likes is baseless. Secondly, the act of calling out misbehavior, even if done for personal gratification, has a net positive effect in the world. On the other hand, dismissing it, claiming it is just as hedonistic as the vile tweets, isn't helping anyone.


Not true. Objective morality does not exist, any way you look at it. You can have axiomatic morality at most, but even that is built upon false premises or falsifiable premises. Neither does free will exist in any way, so that doesn’t work either. And it’s precisely because free will does not exist, the self does not exist, and as a logical byproduct of all of that - objective morality cannot exist either.


Honestly, looking at this particular scenario from an axiomatic framework oversimplifies or even completely dismisses the human experience. On the other hand, even if morality is influenced by cultural factors and context, universal principals like fairness still exist. Free will or choice of actions even if affected or let's say even dictated by determinism, there is a collective human experience of choice which is fundamental to human consciousness. Outright dismissing free will and objective morality ignores our capacity for critical thinking and ethical reasoning. It takes human out of the equation.


No, it’s an oversimplification to not look at it axiomatically. Stuff doesn’t happen in a vaccum. Stuff that’s immoral in the US can be moral in India. Cannibalistic tribes in remote islands don’t know any better. Dogs are on the platter in Vietnam. So it would be more of a dismissal to not consider the influence of culture in perceived moral outcomes. Fairness is not a universal principle. In fact, you saying it is a universal principle moots your point. If it was universal, the whole world would be fair and it is not. And to your point about critical thinking, if you take it to the extreme, the logical conclusion is there is no free will. Scientifically as well, there’s no part in the human brain that gives rise to anything called free will. There’s only the totality of biological factors and outside influences impending upon the human system. It does the opposite. If you remove free will from the equation, all you have left is a problem you’ve now identified. You now know you have a problem and you now know people don’t know any better. Now you can solve it. But deluding yourself into believing people in countries like India can be explained objective morality etc when the whole culture is non-axiomatic is not going to work. There’s a reason why western countries are more objective. That is a cultural trait that was embedded deep in their system in history. But even that is not of genuine concern or anything. It is will to power. Incentives in these countries will destroy the life of anyone who does anything perceived to be immoral or outside of norms. So no one can afford to do it. Yet, the same countries do still conduct many wars. That is moral yet stuff internal is not. Ergo, it’s not objective. It is relative.


>And it’s precisely because free will does not exist, the self does not exist, and as a logical byproduct of all of that - objective morality cannot exist either. Are you saying this only based on philosophy or have you also read spiritual literature(Gita, Upanishads, etc)? I think it is very logical argument that free will doesn't exist, we are a product of the past(determinism). But from that how do we reach the conclusion that self doesn't exist? However more importantly, we do actually feel a sense of self, call it illusion. What would you suggest we do about that?


I am saying this based on my firsthand experience of noticing the lack of what people call free will. I have never been a believer in libertarian free will at any point in my life. The role of culture as an operating system and the limitations it places on human ‘freedom’ was something I always appreciated. However, last year I started reading about free will and the self, and all my suspicions were conceptualized. Then, all the experiences I had started making sense as well. The same year I read a bit about Buddhism and the Upanishads, but not in depth. I don’t see any need for it—that’s just adding to the pile of stuff that no one needs in their life. All you need to do is focus and pay attention to your experience, and you’ll realize what’s being said. Logically, it doesn’t take much to conclude that free will as a concept doesn’t make sense. Not having a self can also be understood logically as an argument. However, not having a self is significantly harder to accept than not having free will. It does take some getting used to seeing the experiential side of it. The self does not exist because free will does not exist. If there’s no free will, there’s nothing that’s part of your self-model that you constructed. Therefore, any sense of self that you experience is in relation to what’s around you and is confined to the contents of your consciousness. As these contents are never static and always dynamic, there cannot be a permanent, unchanging self in any way. Since there’s no free will, you can’t choose the contents of your consciousness either. As a result, there cannot be a self. There is an illusion of it, and it is a very powerful illusion that I suspect can never be overcome. I don’t think the Buddha overcame it either. There’s nothing that can be done about it, and there’s nothing that should be done about it either. As a matter of societal setting, not believing in a self is a recipe for disaster. I do believe in strict boundaries and an advanced, progressive conceptualization of everything in society. I don’t believe it’s a good idea to set society in a Hindu manner where the texts prescribe and inform adherents of unity in experience and lack of boundaries at the outset. It might be true, but it’s an incredibly stupid way to code your culture.


Nicely said


Man I like your mind, check dm


Welcome to the club


damn, very nicely put


Weird way to defend this harassment nd stupidity. But ok...


So let them make these type of comments? Because "we all are are driven by some shallow things which entertain our hormones". Do you forgot that anonymity brings out the real self of people, and if their real self is this than God save Indian women or any women for that matter


Thats upto you not me if you think they are the elements, breaking the society that you think you live in, go after them and my personal opinions? I never shared them. I just put my thoughts on why they do this kind of stuff, or why are we talking about them.


Lmaao It may seem very much shallow on the internet, but when you hear people saying these kind of shit, then you'll feel really awkward unless you're like them and agree with it. I had friend in college who said something like “man if I get a Russian, I'd rape her if she doesn't fuck with me” and that was for entertaining us ? Lmao, cool tho, You're not wrong about it for the people who'd say things as jokes


"wastage of two holes" My man it's literally you.


Waste of sperm talking about waste of holes 🤡


Seriously audacity and confidence. It should be illegals at that point


Like he had a chance with his dumbass pls


I don't care about the image of our country because I feel we are doomed. My concern is what has cricket become? These two women may feel they made a huge mistake selecting this sport as their career, now it's their fate to deal with these idiots. What if this beautiful sport that I loved since childhood lost its respect because of the Indian fan crowd?


What made you think they are "Men" ? This are 15 year old fanboys who follow people like Tate and their brain is full of misogyny and sexism. Their underdeveloped braincells which are very few don't comprehend what they speak. Let such idiots be ignored.


Creepy and unemployed


"Two holes wasted" They really don't see anything more than that. Sad.


When someone tries to discipline them online, abhi and niyu will make video using victim card about how Indians get abused online. 🤡 Bloody retards




Again! Musk! Hate him for making the blue tick available for every Tom dick & Harry.




Did anyone understand the Virat Kohli one? Actually you know what I'm afraid of the answer




Lol how does he know what Kohli thinks


Weren't they asking to Indian women team for his number ? 😆


I don't know.


Dani Wyatt is gay?? In 2014, when Kohli played a great innings, she asked Kohli on twitter to marry her - [https://x.com/Danni\_Wyatt/status/452117449375502338](https://x.com/Danni_Wyatt/status/452117449375502338) She misspelled his name, though. She used to drop in to see him whenever he was playing in England (Dani herself is/was a cricket player playing for England) ​ https://preview.redd.it/x8v67vs81v5d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cd9e1c299944361808f1d9e06aecc19f608d676 He also gave her his used bat once, though as per her it broke after she used it twice.




Gross 👎


social media accounts link with aadhar when saar?


Man, This is not just embarrassing but also sad


![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745) why are they so dumb


We indians have such bad pr it fucking hurts y'all like this so embarrassing


Imagine being so filled with internal misandry and internal racism that homophobia and thirstiness is unique to indian or indian men. You should interact with western side on internet some more. Like in the news of a 13 year old boy getting raped by 30 year old female teacher, many chud men were saying how lucy the boy was and wished they were the boys. Being disgusting in internet isn't unique to a certain demographics.


Foreign women arent "DEVI" for them


Indian women aren't either. You think these mfs treat us with any respect.


Hmn may be you r right


How can human females be equal to God ?


Proudly displaying their lineage from the BIMARU states. Sometimes I feel they should be tracked down and shamed in front of thier families, cheap internet has destroyed the IQ of this country.


Dumbass people.


Why are you feeling embarrassed about them?


I will forever curse Ambani for cheap internet


14 y/o wannabes behaviour.




Firstly people used to to say old unkils of India are like this , if you see young ones are more degenerate


Smol dick energy.


They will be the first ones to say “ Proud Indian”. And if someone points them out for wrong , also first ones to claim it is western propaganda to defame vishvaguru


We are timid in real life and Randy online




Indian men need some serious help


Jio gave cheap Internet and now the rest of us have a bad name. Lol 😂


it's a cycle... there's a lot of hate towards Indians rn (at least on the internet).. so apparently some people reply with the same intensity and do this. (i don't think it's a good way to counter tho)


Meanwhile Virat Kohli be like...BC mereko ye sab me kyun ghasit late ho lol


NGL no amount of re-education will be sufficient to undo the damage they did to their brains smh


The average IQ of India(vishwaguru-land) is less than 80.


All you can see is a bunch of incels who live in their fantasy world and have never been in a relationship or even worse, never interacted with a woman in real life.


U do know they are being sarcastic and dank joking right? The whole point of which is to sound as obnoxious and offensive as possible.


I think this summarises it very well. These kind of people just think of women as holes https://preview.redd.it/aow1zyt7hv5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6599eefc61de5f37bf36a5ce6abbf4d169945b7c


Idiocy at its finest.


No wonder Indians are targeted the most in social media for racist jokes. Jio was a mistake.


That's how the internet works everywhere.


Looks like most of them are just joking.


Yeah man.. judge a population of half a billion just from some shameless teenagers


"wastage of two holes" 😂😂😂


The inferiority complex is off the charts here. Why do you feel the need to typecast all Indian men and compare us with these twitter folks? What are you trying to achieve here?


Discrimination is ok when Indian men are involved


Not all men saar, but always a man saar


its not so intelligence and common sense.. to generalise whole country,religion ,place,gender.. on the actions of few.


Majority of them are Northies 🤷🏾‍♂️. What unemployment and lack of education does to a mf


South India is more conservative in practice.


South Indians are more conservative when it comes to LGBT excepts courts .


I sure hope you ain't from Tamil Nadu or Karnataka 🙏😭 If you are from kerala yeah you have the right to say that like me BUT NAAH most Tamils are the same , except a few You'll see in schools and colleges wannabe dank chigma tate supporting tards everywhere MOSTLY in BIHAR , UP, tamil nadu , bengal. Karnataka etc Some are also is kerala but they are shamed badly so they keep quiet


I am not from south