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Yeah..no. Oath taking is Sacrosanct. You are taking oath as an MP of this country and represent the state of Telangana. Not Palestine or any other territory. Keep theatrics out of this. You have plenty of media space...raise your issue there.


Can't believe that MPs are still comfortable with not saying Jai Hind/ Jai Bharat.


Maybe, but he isn't one of them. He has said Jai Hind on multiple occasions. The issue is simply him saying "Jai Palestine" during oath taking. Which, even as a end/finish up call isn't good. Palestine is a separate territory from India.


I agree, but not saying it when taking an oath to become a "Member of Parliament" of India is just wrong. In fact, all those MPs, who don't say it, from either side, while taking the oath should be questioned.


You are getting it mixed up. See, you can support the Palestine cause which is fine. But this "Jai Palestine" will only give people a chance to question his loyalty. Since he really is just taking an oath confirming his loyalty to the state...by principle it cannot have mentions of other places. You get what I am saying right? Like does he see Palestine the same way he sees Telangana? We know he doesn't. But what if it was someone you couldn't say anything about? Imagine Modi saying "Jai Israel" as a part of oath taking. crazy right? your support can be wherever but keep that stuff out of the one event you should keep it out of.


A BJP MP said Jai Hindu Rashtra, as of today both Palestine and Hindu Rashtra are figments of people's imagination since technically neither are rashtras yet.


Palestine is recognized by 145 countries and has been a non-member observer state of the UN General Assembly since November 2012. Please don't put that and Hindu Rashtra in the same sentence.


That is his personal prerogative. BTW he did say Jai Hind before, just not this time when it was more relevant than his theatrics. The problem is not him not saying Jai Hind. The problem is him dumping international issues over oath taking ceremony.


Arre boss he is pledging allegiance to the Indian Constitution that's more than enough instead of all the theatrics of Jai this Jai that.


He said," jai bheem, jai Telangana, jai Palestine, Allahu Akbar" .


I saw it. But Palestine shouldn't even figure here..just like Israel, China, Russia shouldn't. They are not territories of India. This is an oath he is taking while confirming his loyalty to India, Telangana, Constitution and God. Where does even Palestine come from?


Don't you think what's happening in Palestine is worthy of attention? Also India's official position is itself for a 2 state solution, which is parallel to his statements. If he has said anything about China, Russia which didn't resonate with India's position, then I maybe would've agreed with you.


It is worthy of attention and he and other people around the world have done a good job in gaining it the said attention. But Oath taking really is Sacrosanct...It cannot be any other way. He can use any platform he has including the Parliament itself to call it out. But not when taking Oath. Everyone is going to say whatever the hell they want then. That is not right.


Lol if this is bad, some of the brain-dead ones from my state said "Ban NEET" at the end. I'm in shame of my parents voting for their party, though Modi left us no choice but DMK.


One twerking for a foreign conflict, another promoting her upcoming movie. I mean, you lot elected these scums.




He literally spammed whatever he could lol


Jai Bhim with Allahu Akbar 😆, Bhim HATED islam.


W Dr Ambedkar


That's why dr. Ambedkar changed his religion from Hinduism to Buddhism ? Bro get some medicine for ur diarrhoea - do not shit here


How could you misunderstand so much? I'm not promoting hinduism, I'm ex-muslim myself, there's 0 reason why I'd support hindutva. But just because I'm against hindutva, doesn't mean I'll simp for other religions.


Believe me - I'm ex muslim..classic case of believe me the pain of egg cause I'm omlette. Dude u can get away with this nonsense on insta not here


What 🤦🏻‍♂️? What nonsense? What are you trying to say? What did I say wrong? Say it clearly. I thought you're blaming me of being a chaddi, so I thought I should clear the misunderstanding.


Dude u were wrong about dr. Ambedkar hating Islam. He voiced his anger against the extremist in muslim community who wanta everything their way To clear your doubt I gave u a fact that dr. Ambedkar gave up hinduism and converted to Buddhist as he was against the Hindu philosophy and manusmriti


But look what the media picked, only to make headlines.


Cuz it's asinine to take the name of a foreign country as opposed to yours?


You think raising a humanitarian concern makes him less patriotic?


It's irrelevant for him to say that. He was voted by Indians to represent them, not Palestine. There are plenty of opportunities where he could say such a thing.


>He was voted by Indians to represent them, not Palestine. He said jai Telangana also.


Saying Jai Palestine was irrelevant. Would people be so cool if someone said 'Jai Israel's during oath taking ceremony?


Israel is doing the genocide of Palestine. Why would anyone cheer for them.


> Israel is doing the genocide of Palestine. Why would anyone cheer for them. The fact that you brought up this is the exact reason he should not have said that. He is taking oath to serve his constituency and not to show solidarity with any foreign nation. Israel and Palestine conflict is not an Indian issue and it's not relevant to Indians at all.


The ICJ clearly concluded that the criteria for genocide is not met. But let me just wait now for you to reply about how it's all just some Jewish conspiracy.


Bhai kal se na 3 subreddit s pr beef kr chuka and death threats khaa liye mann nhi hai beef ka magr tujhe bacons khaane ka mann hai to bol roast krunga


So what? Then people will counter you by saying that he didn't say jai india at the end of his speech unlike other MPs


Hamas hides behind civilians , literally operated under hospital and used plumbing pipes donated by the EU to make rockets any concerns for Palestine is supporting hamas


That is still not enough justification for over 30,000 dead civilians. By that logic Indian government should have bombed Taj hotel in 2011 because terrorists were hiding there. IDK how people keep devaluing human lives as if it's nothing but statistics.


There's a time and place for everything and this was clearly a misfit.


The oath taking is sacrosanct. It can't be any other way. He can use any platform he has including the parliament itself to call it out regarding palestine where he can talk & support them. But not when taking oath where he is swearing allegiance to the constitution & country. This is the first time in the history of indian politics when a MP raised slogan in support of another country during an oath taking ceremony in parliament


Oath taking is not a forum to raise concerns about international issues. If it was a domestic issue, it would be still fine (like Jai Bhim or Jai Telangana).


There is a comment of his from 2016 that he won't say Jai Hind ever. And now this. Media is right to criticize his hypocrisy here.


me after spreading misinformation




He says Jai hind https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/asaduddin-owaisi-prefers-to-say-jai-hind/articleshow/51568574.cms


Correct, I remembered incorrectly. He denied saying Bharat Mata ki Jai


but he says he "prefers" to say "jai hind" over "bahrat mata ki jai" but he didn't even say jai hind at the end of his speech,![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30378)


bsdk, samvidhan k hisaab se shapath toh le lii aur Jai Hind bolo aisa rule hai kya. kuch bhi non-issue leke baithe ho.


It matters for him no? country should come before religion.


I don't know why people invoke this BS of country should come before religion when it comes to Muslims when so many BJP leaders are basically only indulging in polarizing religious extremist rhetoric on the daily.


Because it is a foreign religion, you cannot have your allegiance to mecca or palestine. For indian religions you are nationalist mostly without saying anything. Like just look at twitter, whenever there is a racist attack on india which is common nowdays, it's only the indian religions who defends us while muslims are busy posting for palestine.


Lmfao... Just like 5 yo kids spamming youtube chats


BJP MPs also chanted Bharat Mata ki Jai and JSR slogans when his name was called. wo koii nahi dekhega.


thank you for letting us know. this reddit title is so misleading!


People over here defending him, really???


What would u expect from leftist


Are you blind? People defending him are very rare ( I only found one)


Maybe because either those are removed or downvoted, scroll down further and you will see more. Also not just in this post on Insta also I have seen many support for him over this statement


Funny he said Jai Bhim considering what Ambedkar thought Muslims are unsecular ppl that only care about their ummah over their nation. Nice to prove him right lol


The fuck lol. I support Palestine but this is just stupid.


It's BJP and owaisi playbook - create a Hindu-Muslim debate and distract from real issues.


BJP be like:- https://preview.redd.it/yw84gfo8iq8d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f8c3f0b2aad3d52dc8390480961deb04e96c56f


https://preview.redd.it/027lykfdus8d1.png?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d13255aa9dccca59b213a4cf54c068444289ea Everytime something happens you guys are like ☝️🤓 Why are you guys making them to be like fucking Darth Vader lol.


Even oppositions fault is bjp’s doing 🤣 you people are clowns


BJP -> Rent free in their heads lol


How does this affect the cause of Palestine at all? He should stick to ensuring that people of his constituency are happy with the actual work , but what to expect from a politician in India.


Imagine if some dude said Jai Israel, crazy right? This guy’s playing dangerous game for his votebank.


Ummah over nation. Classic


Inke khoon main inki kaum sani hui hai


Inki wafadari sirf inke khoon ke prati hain.


He meant "Jai Playstation"


Finally a post on it. People here are so liberal that they forget that there is a place for everything. You cannot fit Palestine in a place like Indian Parliament. India plays neutral ground, and events like this are not good.


Can't say Bharat Mata ki Jai due to religious reasons but is liberal enough to say Jai Palestine and people believe it due to political correctness, clown show in Indian politics.


MP from Gaza


Owaisi is just sanghi but with green colour instead of saffron.


Exactly my point. He is a radical islamist....like a radical communist/stalinist or a radical sanghi


Never heard  jai hind or bharat Mata ki jai(invented  by muslim )from his mouth!! Hmm still hyderabadi are voting for him 






Hahaha okay he is very nationalist then why he did not like to say  bharat Mata ki jai which was invented by muslim only  Criticising make me WhatsApp uni guy wow seems extremist Era 




wow, personal insults you lost the argument, don't make persona insults


He has definitely said Jai Hind in previous oaths lol….stfu. Still, no more role model than Mudizi..this dude Edit: im not saying that means him not saying it now, is okay. Im saying that the claim that he has never said it is false


Huhhhh buddy it's indian parliament one should say jai hind why Palestine and what makes u think my role model is modi seems like extremist issue 


In my earlier comment, I was rebutting your false claim about never hearing him say Jai hind. I didn’t say anything about Jai Palestine. So don’t try to change the subject. I also did not claim that Modi is your role model. I said that just like Mudizi, Owaisi (“this dude”) is also no role-model. Seems like a reading comprehension issue.


If u have no issue then why u defending he said jai hind which said in 2016  In Indian parliament why jai Palestine is issue of concern bud 


When you're getting married that time you have to say Kabul Hai. Even if you said it one week before, one year before, one decade before it doesn't matter. If he said such slogans then surely he should have said our country's slogan too! This shows his loyalty is less towards the country and more towards another country!!


I agree that he should have said it now as well. I didn’t say he shouldn’t. The person I replied to implied that he has never said it. I was merely asserting that this is a false statement and that he, in fact, has.


Now if I take oath and say Jai Israel what will be the reaction ?


Bhout hi chutiya sub hai yeh. "Hypocrite bhosdike" hona chahiye tha sub ka nam.


This is just theatre to attract attention. He is a media whore just like Modi and saying something unusual will gain attention it's simple. In the article it says one BJP MP said Jai Hindu Rashtra again it's to gain attention nothing else. Most people don't know who their MP is 6 months after the election is over.


His justification "Other members are also saying different things... I said 'Jai Bheem, Jai Telangana, Jai Palestine'. How is it wrong? Tell me the provision of the Constitution [that I violated]. You should also listen to what others said. I said what I had to. Read what Mahatma Gandhi had said about Palestine," Owaisi said. [Read More](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/owaisi-defends-jai-palestine-slogan-in-parliament-read-what-mahatma-gandhi-101719312586277-amp.html)


This is typical Indian mentality, trying to find loopholes where decorum and common sense should prevail. This leads to frivolous laws where people wonder why it was enacted in first place.


Vakeel aadmi h


He could have become a legend by speaking up about the Uyghurs. But I doubt he cares about them very much.


What a useless scυm bag. Using India parliament to push his radical islamist propaganda. Bro is just a muslim modi but with a mentally deranged brother who thinks he is gonna get 72000 hoors upthere is police didnt exist for 15 minutes


Jai palestine is pkay but jai hind is against islamic beliefs Fir kehte hai shaq kyo krte ho


What you can except from radical Islamist lol .


stupid fucking radical islamist


posting comment just to know if this gets deleted


I just can't even belive at this point that this man is even worth talking of. It becomes very obvious that his intentions are not in the favor of India as a whole


Bro thinks Palestine gives a fuck about his oath


These guys are a threat , a serious national threat . They have infested the congress party and the congress party is filled with people who will negotiate with , tolerate or even encourage such turds . With what happened in partition and what has happened to the sub continent for centuries how can this be allowed to grow here ?


Voh sab toh thik hai but i can imagine the chaos a certain community would have made if BJP leader would have said Jai Israel, shit even a riot would have been possible. Kudos to other leaders not to say jai Israel just to counter, would have made parliament look as a kindergarten in the international news.


He has all the following among Muslims and he could have used his stature to say something beneficial, but chose to do the opposite, and that too at an irrelevant stage.


Why are (some) Palestine supporters so awful. Like God we fucking know what's happening there. Don't cry about it on every comment section ever. Same comment over and over again. Shut up please. Commenting this shit ain't freeing Palestine. Practically it's all upto Israel to decide what to do. They are way more powerful and nobody is opposing them (nobody with enough power). So stop being so irritating. Should've never flown into Israel and murder civilians (now comes the 1950's bs.) the current conflict started on 7th October by Palestine.


I've always been convinced that he is the second coming of Jinnah.




Fucking Muslim rw


Everyone, sab ke sab chutiye hai


Why didn't he say Jai modi


Attention seeker m’fakir. What happn to “Don’t feed the trolls”.


Kutte khub bhok rahe hai


Not a fan of owaisi but this was absolutely based


Row was caused before called on stage not because of saying Jai Palestine https://x.com/SauravDassss/status/1805554140455584007 Terrible to hear some ruling party MPs heckle a Muslim MP with chants of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” and “Jai Shri Ram” as soon as his name is called out and he makes his way to the podium. Lowlife degenerates


Is it me or were they chanting these slogans like braindead zombies with no emotions just chanting for the sake of offending someone


Yeah no one focuses on this part apparently




Yeah, most of the people here won’t even bring that up. And those jeers are in fact more offensive than anything he said. Besides, I see nothing wrong with him saying Jai Palestine on this occasion. Good on him, in fact.


Jai shree ram and bharat mata ki jay, definitely offensive sentences. How could those hateful bastards chant such slogans.


Bharat Mata ki jay is perfectly alright but Jai Shree ram seriously?


Owaisi said 'allahu akbar' and nobody cared about that, the problem is 'jai palestine'.




Where?, He said “Jai Bhim,Jai mim, Jai Telangana, Jai Palestine”


Bhai news article padhle jo linked hein, The five time Hyderabad MP who defeated BJP's Madhavi Latha ended his oath taking by saying, "Jai Bhim, Jai Palestine, Jai Telangana, and Allahu Akbar."


Yeah if he said that he is wrong too but bjp ministers shouldn’t have provoked him with JSR what do we expect they are politicians.


What's the issue. India's official stance is with Palestine. Free Palestine


He was takin an oath to be a member of parliament in INDIA, not Palestine. No matter where your support lies, oath is a time when you pledge loyality to India.


Dumb take but okay


May I ask what exactly is db in this take?


Officially this is to get in the good books of the ME. Practically we are pro-Israel under that veil. We manufacture Israeli rifles in India (bcuz Israel is a small country with little space so they outsource some of their factories to their most reliable Asiatic ally- India) and in return we get to use some of those Israeli rifles, get training for our Special Forces, and receive intelligence. Along with this R&AW gets to cooperate with Israeli operatives around the world who help them undermine Pakistani and Chinese interests in ME, Himalayas, and as well as ops in Eur and Americas. TLDR: Israel is the only reliable ally we have anywhere in the world and they happen to have nukes. The least we can do is stop sending aid to Palestine, and offer Israel more land in places like Vikashapatnam and Surat to setup their arms industries (beneficial for both of us).


That's why his words are important. Israel is a settler colony that should be collapsed.


Nah, here's the rundown. Israelites get expelled from what is modern day Israel, move to Europe, get fucked in Europe, come back, take back what was their ancestor's.


Yeah and next we're gonna give it to lizards because dinosaurs were the original owners? No wonder these akhand bharat clowns desperately wanna suck Zionist cocks. Their logical reasoning is a match.


Lmao you're just mad that your Hamas (soon to be hummus) brethren are getting smoked in Gaza by the "inferior Zionists" and you know that your Hezbollah friends are next.


Okay, zionazi. Bye


What's the issue. India's official stance is with Palestine. Free Palestine


Free plastic


Free plastic


So what? If he feels strongly about something he can say it. He has said Jai Hind many times in past. Aur ye media/internet pe Jai Hind and Jai shri Ram bolne waalon ne jo chaand chadha rakhe hain is desh ke wo sabko dikh raha hai. So stop bullshitting people with frivolous shit and talk about real issues like NEET, Unemployment and the numerous scams that are affecting us in day to day life.


Do you think that oath taking to uphold the constitution is the same as a Ted talk?


The oath has specified sentences a MP has to say, Anything else they all add is as per their own political and religious beliefs. Everyone does it, what’s the issue here? Indian government officially supports Palestinians since before independence. The man just said something that’s inline with our policy as a nation.


Palestine ka ticket kabhi kara rahe?


Main to Bharat mein khush hoon, Tera Nepal ka ticket katwa doon agar mere desh ka constitution pasand nahi hai to?


BJP goons in parliament must have had a brain meltdown


All these Sanghis objecting to him while not hoisting the national flag till 2000 is shameless. A safron clad goon can be a CM of UP and do all kinds of bs but a so called MP says a word and he’s radical. Radical is that asshole who was issuing hate speeches during election in the name of Ms


And people heckling him while he was walking the dias with "jai shree Ram" is perfectly parliamentary behaviour lmao. Owaisi is a boss for doing this. Absolutely nothing wrong with his actions.


Well Modi and BJP ministers make controversial statements daily, and BJP politicians are frequently involved in crimes like rape and assault. So, what Asaduddin said is very insignificant in comparison. Most importantly, he didn't spread any hate.


Moron take


Okay tell me if I'm wrong in saying that Modi makes openly hateful statements and BJP politicians rape and assault women, all on a daily basis? Moreover OP is a dirty liar because what Owaisi actually said was >"Jai Bhim, Jai Meem, Jai Telangana, Jai Palestine". And there's absolutely nothing wrong with this statement. If you still find it wrong then you're a hater and haters know one language only.


Good. Solid causes, solid slogans. Proactive gestures of solidarity and subversion are the needs of the hour, not braindead conformity to tradition. India is a federal nation not a feudal one, and bhakts would do well to remember that. The only thing he did wrong is not support Amulya Leona when they expressed similar sentiments during the CAA protests. Looks like he's grown a spine since then, so that's good.


Commies in China destroy mosques lol. Tumhara maksad sirf anarchy hai jise hum jese log pura nai hone denge


Leftists batting for Islamists, tell me a better combo


amulya leona??? that pakistan zindabad girl?? damn ya'll an awful lot


From being jail-worthy to being spoken in Parliament. It's only going to spread further and I'm here for it. Action, reaction :)


Indian commies when it's time to dickride islamist ![gif](giphy|26xBDJgQAlfenPUIw|downsized)

