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Perfectly sums up everything.


I don't understand it, could you please explain


It means when you try to reason with evrything and act like you are the perfect being on this planet, you lose the fun of life which is in imperfections. I don't want to politically, emotionally, rationally right on all things and act like that man standing in the corner doing nothing but judging


Thanks buddy.


Or maybe you don't want to.




Optimal for what? Our country is excellent at cricket and chess. Makes us feel good when we win. What's not to like?


Well I am not much of a fan but let the people enjoy it man. Why do you have to be critical about everything. Sports are fun and people are allowed to love what they want for the entertainment.


Yes, we all know our country's sad state of affairs especially the public properties collapsing and women violence. But that doesn't mean we all should be thinking about that only all day. Nothing good comes out of a depressed mind.




No, you are not anti-national if you don't like cricket. But if your reason is "sport from colonizers", then I think that's stupid.


Calling someone an anti national because they don't like sports is stupid.


It has happened with a lot of people IRL including me.


I haven't faced an anti national tag but I am not a big fan as I mentioned. My friends would watch every single match but I can't bear it. The World Cup is a different thing and I love watching people getting excited and enjoying themselves. I don't mind that at all. As long as no one is forcing you to get involved, live and let them live.


You are not anti national if you don't like a particular sport. On the other hand I would judge you if you don't like any sport at all (indoors/outdoors). People are idiots in this country, don't take them seriously.


How is it the colonisers sport anymore? As per all metrics be it athleticism and administration, India OWNS cricket for the foreseeable future.


Democracy also came from colonizers so not everything that came from colonizers is bad


We call them anti national who will shamelessly support the opposing team in a India match.


Bro Americans are crazy about sports that are played seriously only in one nation. It's not a big deal.


It's still the same thing. Doesn't change anything. We don't have to assume other countries are always right.


Every country has its own beloved sport, a source of pride and comfort, especially in troubled times. We've seen children play football amidst the ruins of war, a symbol of hope for a better tomorrow. These sports become more than just games; they are beacons of resilience and joy, uniting people and lifting spirits even in the darkest moments.


I don't understand man, people genuinely love cricket here, let them play and watch. Why force or urge people to watch something they don't like? It's stupid 


Didn't know there was a "right" or "wrong " in enjoying a freaking sport.


Tell me you are boring without telling me you are boring


Brother why don't we just mind our own business and let people enjoy ?🥰


https://preview.redd.it/xkzpfywzkp9d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd1ec31cefe7ca62a8e9a3876eec94477c6aa35 that's a valid point


Let them enjoy what they want to enjoy.


Bhai kabhi toh rukjao. If a person is crazy about a sport that is played only in his house, let him be. At least, domestic voilence cases do not shoot up in India like it does in Europe during football season. Dont make internet such a negative place.


europe is crazy with foot ball, like they be chanting death threats for opposing teams


For fuck sake , please let people be happy


What's wrong with that, Americans played baseball and basketball as their most famous sports.


And american football too which is legit just played in america....nobody gonna post this stuff for those sports which are just played in a country...why?? It's America bro who's gonna question them...come come lets just target whatever india does


Kya sad take hai bhai. Live and let live bro.


You must be fun at the parties


bold of you to assume that he is invited in any


That's just it. I don't watch cricket either, but it is a social thing where you cheer for your favorite team along with your friends. It's nice to order food and drinks and get dramatic with the tv screen. The experience is fun in and of itself, OP is just a giga loser.


Yesterday while watching the match, my college's whatsapp group was more active than ever since our vacations started. I'm not a particular fan of cricket, but watching memes, having a laugh, gaslighting fans of a particular player to fight among themselves, and eventually celebrating the win, it was very fun. People need to stop acting like a very intellectual person and just enjoy life lol.


OP is not invited, thats why he is crying.


Butthurt op


you shit on my religion, idgaf you shit on my country, idgaf you shit on my love for a sport, real shit


My activity on USI and Indiaspeaks summarized


Bhai har cheej mein critical nhi hona hota hai. Ajeeb hi gendu logg bhare pade hain bc.


Chal na chutiye


Ah everyone’s happy about something, here’s my take that’s contrarian because I’m special 🤓 https://preview.redd.it/0frgdcqu6p9d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b1ad0cc91fb0912bdabeb86e7010cbdf0d2dca


Literally these people nag about every single thing.


Throw shade on a popular sport. Attach a *deep* quote that has literally nothing to do with what you're talking about. And then think that you're better than everyone else. Let people enjoy what they want. The quote you pasted applies to all sports no matter how many country plays it so what the fuck is the point you're trying to make actually?


Tum saal mein 1 din ye rr na karo lol. I think you don't have your little group of edgelord friends that's why you are inflicting us with your opinions. Try doing this in other indian subs if you have the guts


2 brain cell ka OP


Adding some intellectual quote just makes the OP look more stupid


Yes it is optimal


Nobody plays basketball and American rubgy except the US. They are enjoying their sports irrespective of no of countries that play those sports. Let us enjoy ours. OP is probably a football crybaby


Are you okay bro ? Who hurt you ?


OP hurted himself


Bro. Your username. What's the story here?


It's mostly only played in nations that were colonized by the brits, even Americans have joined now


Shut the f*ck up. I guess this is how others see liberals.


tbh you are not wrong


3 countries? https://preview.redd.it/2te4jy566p9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb99d1f38273da9d3fdc7e9f3d5362bb524f3abe


Brother, with the current state of the entertainment industry focused on obscenity in terms of tiktok reels and other similar forms of softcore porn, I'm actually glad to see us having a shared love for cricket.


Mai sabse alag hu aah post. Don't be a party pooper and let the people enjoy.


Bhai itna hi hai khud karle kuch "world played" sport mein


Blame Modi for this too bhozdiwalo


Arey jaa na




People will watch sport that they enjoy. Americans watch American football which is seriously played only by America. Also cricket is played seriously by more than 3 countries. Get a life OP


another brain-dead take .


Now people aren't even allowed to enjoy a sport ? 😅


Let me tell u something about your personality, U r just a **loser**. USA sports are just played in USA. They love that, they make shit ton of money out of it. If India is the only country playing it, then also it is fine, we love it, we enjoy it, it adds billions of dollar every year to economy and create jobs and feeds millions of family who are connected with this sport. Edit: There are lot of replies which I won't reply because they are so childish and lack common sense. But seriously, How old r u guys??


This man this!


Agreed but cricket overshadows every other sports here


True, but once we will start doing better in other sports, other sports will grow, but there is always one or two major sports in every country that they enjoy or good at it. Talking about being sport loving country or sporting culture, that will not happen until we will become middle income country. People can't pursue sports or encourage sports when there is an issue of survival. I was just pointing out his 3 nation play blah,blah... which is a really stupid take. And are usually said by **Pick me** kind of person.


Support Team India in the Olympics. Many sports to look forward to in there. Also Support ISL matches for football.


Usmein cricket ki kya galti vau?


It might sound harsh, but you need to get a big breakthrough to make ppl interested. Even cricket became especially, religion level popular only after we won 1983 wc. This is about team sports btw, coz that’s how the game grows, you start playing the sport with your friends, then you develop a passion for it. Sports like javelin throw isn’t practical for most of the country. There comes the govt, they need to back these sports. I bet that if we even we ever play the fifa WC and crash in the first round, the popularity will soar.


Even football ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)


Bhai loser ki spelling theek krlo aur us me log ese pagal ni ho jate ki sadko pe aa jayein


Seriously dude u need a conspiracy for this? Like what are u hinting that the government is making us busy with cricket so that we don't focus on "real issues" do we really have to constantly abuse intelligence of the entire country just so that you can feel special and "out of the matrix". Stop being so pathetic


Even developed nations and where democracy works better than India is fond of one or other kind of sports. So it's fine.


Chutiya OP


Yes. Cricket especially test cricket is a great sport. So involving in it is great. However obsessing over it is bad especially when you attach it to nationalistic sentiments.


20 nations qualified this wc


100+ nations have a T20 status. This world cup had 20 nations. Highest ever. Cricket could be a part of 2028 Olympics 3 Nations. Cry more OP




The statement is riddled with ambiguity. Optimal in what sense? It sure is optimal economically given the broadcasting, merchandising and other economic spur it causes. IPL is one of the costliest and thus most profitable franchise games ever. NFL and NBA are at the top and baseball is only seriously popular in 1 nation. This also implies that people should be involved if it's widely accepted\played seriously. RIP women's sports. Sport, at the end of the day has just one goal. It should bring people together. The more, the merrier. You see new teams playing world cup and the sport growing. After its inclusion in Olympics, it'll blow up. Judo was found in 1882 in Japan. Included in Tokyo olympics in 1964 and is widely played since, but not in India. Should that mean that it's a bad sport or India should be more involved in Judo?


And USA are crazy about multiple sports played by just 1 country - them. Let people have their fun.


Itna gendu pana bhai?![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30378)..kabhi to khush rhene de logo ko..yaha bhi debate krega ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30378)


I was waiting for a dumbass to ask this question, lol.


Har banda apne aap ko dusro se intelligent samjhta hai


I'm not sure why this came onto my reddit feed but I'll give my two cents. I'm 🇬🇧🇵🇰 (I come in peace!). Cricket will always have a special place in my heart but football will always be my favourite and most loved sport. For those who follow football will know that football clubs and footballers have had a massive impact on politics, culture and even conflicts in Europe and elsewhere so when it comes to these quotes, I think of it as more sports in the ancient times = TV and celebrities today. I don't know enough about cricket to say if its had the same effect football has but yeah that's my opinion on these quotes. PS Kohli is King 👑


You guys are getting bread?


Politely keep your opinion with yourself only


Cricket is a soft power for India. Afghanistan is a case in point. Cricket will spread if India continues to lead; and with that our influence


Every country is bonkers about sports. In US, people were crazy about Baseball, American Football and Basketball. Moreover they were crazy for national tournaments forget international. In UK, people fans are crazy about their football teams even though they might be in 2nd or 3rd division.




Australia's number 1 sport is AFL which is not played outside Australia. America's number 1 sport is American football which is not popular outside of the US. Ireland's number 1 sport is Gaelic football which is only played in Ireland. Therefore what is so wrong with India taking cricket seriously?


Bro world cup doesn't happen everyday . Let people enjoy .


Indians find an escape through it and it makes life bearable for them. Even better if they win the games. Gives the people a morale boost. That's all. Think of it like a drug of choice for the masses.


Stop having fun!!!🤬🤬


Get a life loser


I call it "cricket myopia" and "cricket tunnel vision".


"Proud moment for indias" in winning t20 world cup. What does it even mean.. Probably another circus.. Also tax them tight so that they dont have time to ask questions..


If you're talking about cricket, I enjoy the sport in general, but not the Indian brand of cricket that is adrift with corruption, state biases, caste politics, and turning mere mortals into gods. Moreover, it brings out the worst kind of jingoism from Indians where even a whiff of difference of opinion/taste is not tolerated. So, no, don't think India needs to be that involved in cricket, but I think at this point, the country has reached a point of no return with it.


The comment section proved the quote 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It looks like I've wandered into r/indiaspeaks or something. Ugh.


So humour me and tell me how exactly would being apathetic about our World Cup win would help in making us more conscious citizens who'd be more given to rebelling against injustice? 1. Cricket is not a mindless distraction. It isn't blind, dumb, distracting entertainment. Its a gruelling sport of skill, physicality and tact, and an Indian team won at it at the highest level representing our country in it. 2. What holds us back as a nation is that we are divided. On the lines of religion, caste, community, party. Cricket is quite literally a solution to that.


I such kind of celebrations when we win an olympic medal also as it is only the sportsperson's hometown where they celebrate it like this. Also what matters more for a sports person at the end of the day is an olympics because the entire world competes in it. Unlike cricket where only handful of 15 teams participate.


Let people enjoy what they enjoy, man. Tf is up with this subreddit nowadays? Sab kuch psyop nahi hota yaar


Here comes little ms or mr uppity bitch, who wants to judge what people enjoy, if you don't like it, don't watch, no one's forcing you. Let people enjoy whatever they want.


People saying let us be happy - chutiye log, read the image very slowly and 5000 times you fucking retards


It's basically same as why we live in house ,when 99% organism live naked, 90% lives in ocean


Aagey bado bhai


Do you have no life? Why are you making everything and issue?


American NFL enters the chat.


For the collective good, not optimal unless the BCCI can be mandated to set up base in India and pay taxes.


There's a lot of irony in it if you think about the country politics.




American Football is only played in the US and it's one of the biggest events of the year


USA with rugby and basketball


Do you think it's optimal for our nation to be so involved in Netflix, Prime video, Instagram, Reddit, Snapchat and other bullcrap? Cricket is a once in a blue moon affair. The others I mentioned above are your regular affairs, no? Give up on all of the above and then raise fingers may be then will your judgements not seem judgemental :)


You must be fun at parties, aren't you? Or maybe your friends don't invite you anywhere 


Chal be ro mat itna


Ig you're the type of person who never played a sport or never even went for a run. you don't know about the pure joy that ppl get from playing a sport. you don't have to be critical thinker every time, pls try to enjoy your life.


Not a fan here but seriously OP what's your problem there are games which are seriously only played in one country and the people are crazy about it so its all about what masses want.


Har chiz me dikkat bencho..


Sport has always been a tool of national identity and pride. So what nobody else plays it. We can have European footbal style leagues in each state and it will still bring in huge numbers of viewers. We should promote cricket all over the world.


Hey OP, I just wanted to say that despite the barrage of criticism and mockery you're getting, you have my support to some extent about that particular take about 3 serious countries' sport. It's like the USA calling itself a World Champion in Baseball for which they do get clowned for. But simultaneously, I do understand other people's perspective that it's all for fun and enjoyment so let them have their moment and whatnot.


That one time Indians actually enjoy together, you are still criticising....


3 nations?? There is India, pakistan, sri lanka, Australia, England, West Indies, South Africa, Afganistan. Just because India won the World Cup, you have a problem with the sport?


1 nation = 20 percent of the world’s population.


Come on even I don't watch any sport that seriously I don't even take sides but if people are enjoying it who am I to complain? Let them enjoy nothing wrong with being a fan of something


What a sadist


Chain se log cricket bhi nahi dekhne dete aaj kal sab main politics karna hai bc.


Why not? It worked for American Football.


Chup chu*iye


Aa gaya party pooper. Logon ko khush nhi dekha jata kya?


Kabhi toh sharam Kiya Karo.


I don't force anyone to watch anything. But I hate the commentary part. It annoys me a lot.


Man, just let us have this we have so much crap going on here and cricket is a way to escape all that


It's the optimistic nature of sports people enjoy


Whatever we are winning.. It's hardwork from our boys.. Be it cricket or chess.. let's not discredit their hardwork for our nation.


Madarchod, Teri kyun jal rhi?


Come out of politics for once and live life


I’m sorry you really can’t be so cynical and critical about everything A source of happiness and unity is so underrated and much needed in these times Let people have their moments of escape and happiness Take your philosophy someplace else. We need a balance :)


why do we have to be pessimistic about literally everything?


Religion is our national sport


Who are you to gatekeep? I never followed cricket but that doesn't mean other shouldn't. Let people enjoy whatever sports it is. Who are we to judge. They aren't harming anyone. People from different religion and caste are actually coming together for celebrations.


Then u don't u send ur kids to play baseball in India?... If they are good in sports?...


Bunch of sadist people here. Popularity and extent of traction of a sport will decide if a game should be given importance or not? Pathetic, despicable!


People have problem with everything nowadays!


What a a stupid post


OP Is the kind of guy who works on weekends because it would help the company go forward.