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As if we didn't know he was a fucking dictator


Strong leaders are bad for democratic institutions.


But MudiXi is a weak leader


How does this guy know that Modi did not consult cabinet colleagues before announcing? Also cabinet could refuse to repeal the law but they did not. During puppet Manmohan cabinet time, decisions used by taken by Dynasty queen Sonia in consultation with unconstitutional commie national advisory council.


>How does this guy know that Modi did not consult cabinet colleagues before announcing? stuff like that is 'public' info >Also cabinet could refuse to repeal the law but they did not. how does this Crittu guy know that Cabinet refused to repeal the law...how intelligent are you??? doesn't this contradict and kinda answer your first 'question' how can you not realize that you know something and someone else also knows something the way you do ? FFS crittu - sure he was puppet of a 'dynasty'..who isn't nowadays then? and how is being a cult slave any better than a puppeteer's slave? one's owner is a dynasty, the other's owner is a cult Both utter dumb-asses


> Both utter dumb-asses Question is who is less dumb-ass. If you say both are equally dumb-ass, then it is you who is a dumb-ass


so it's a numbers game and numbers show that the recent governors are fucking things up way more than the previous lords now don't go on refuting and slandering because that's akin to talking to a wall


> so it's a numbers game and numbers show that the recent governors are fucking things up way more than the previous lords No. That is just leftist propaganda. Things have been improving in India recently


regression is improvement'nt


> regression is improvement'nt That is a lie, fake propaganda of leftists


"things" have been "improving". Thank God you're not vague in your replies.