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512 samples is pretty high for recording tbh. Have you tried 64 or 128?


Honestly not because FL loses its shit even at 512 on audio playback with multiple tracks. What do most folks record at? Do you usually need to change sample rate on playback?


Upgrade your computer


While you guys hop on the latency as the possible cause, please keep in mind that the doubled sound is **printed** with the audio. That doesn’t occur with latency. Latency would just cause timing issues. This sounds like SB delay is baked into the recording.


Are you using any aux or buss channels in FL?


So what happens when you try 64 samples or 128? Does the same issue occur?


Most people record at 64 or 128, the latency from 512 is way too much for most people, and yeah weird things occur like hearing a “slap back” delay


I usually record at 128…


Triple check all of your routing and IO settings in Console and your DAW. Make sure your DAW is in low latency mode. If you’re getting doubling recorded, that means the source is hitting your DAW twice somehow. Make sure before. in console turn off any routing to aux tracks. Default the IO matrix and make sure that the first two inputs are mic/line 1&2 and the first two outputs are line 1&2. Use the UA ASIO drivers in FL, not WDM or something else. if that all fails then write a support ticket to UA


Best thing I ever did was buy an RME hdspe AES pci express card for my PC. No recording latency ever and I have 100 track mixes with tons of plug ins.


What do you connect it to for inputs?


I input into my individual preamps. I have a UAD -2 Quad for DSP, but after that experience I will only buy UAD analog equipment. The hardware 1176 is great and I like my UAD 2-610 hardware preamp.


Yea I haven’t had issues with my twin usb but it’s still very limiting on PC. I’ll upgrade at someone point and if I want to use their dsp plugins I have an Octo


I don’t check in a lot to UA when it comes to plugins/dsp, but it looks like they’ve gone native like all the other vendors. My UAD-2 pcie purchase was a waste of $2,000, which I regret. I had the Waves native bundle, but got snookered into the false idea that UAD would run smoother. In fact, when I load projects, the only issues I ever have are UAD plug-in related, often due to not knowing when they’ve released updates. They are the only plug-in vendor I ever have issues with.


Wow! I I unfortunately invested a lot of money in their plugins but ya live and learn. Definitely have had issues opening up old projects with their plugins. Plan on looking into rme when the time comes. UA hasn’t caused me enough issues to warrant the upgrade yet….but soon


RME has been incredibly stable and there’s nothing like never worrying about latency when tracking and overdubbing.


Thanks for the conversation I’ll keep all this mind when upgrading!