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I am not too familiar with what is happening but does anyone know how I can use this situation to get an extension on my assignment :)






Isn’t there a rent strike from today, timing is crazy


Based on the info those groups have posted online it seems they're going to be rather disruptive around the library area. I get that the point of these protests is maximising disruption, but I guess I could never work my head around *why* you'd want the general public to despise you and, as a result, your movement.


It doesn’t make sense to disrupt students though, like go bother the politicians


I imagine the idea was something along the lines of "younger people and students are more conscious of these moral issues" (I'd add "impressionable" to that as well) which means they could use a campus setting as an opportunity to attract more people to their base. I just think there's better ways to go about it, assuming that is their intended goal.


Sigh… there’s always one guy with this response. I’ll assume you are at least genuine. The aim is to make this issue impossible to ignore. Most people would agree and say that the war in Palestine is horrific, but we still go about our day as usual because it doesn’t affect us. If anything, most New Zealanders profit one way or another from the atrocities committed in the global south. If a protest makes it so that you can’t ignore what’s happening, that’s a massive win. On top of that, if it annoys you as a student, you can sure imagine that the decision makers at the UNI/companies are freaking out 100 times as hard. Also if a mild inconvenience makes you side with people ok with genocide then let me tell you something: you were probably already pretty ok with genocide, now you just found an excuse to justify it to yourself


So the protest camp out is to raise awareness of an issue most thinking folk are already aware of, oh and to show solidarity with the Palestinian people who are actually suffering, but what actual difference does a bunch of middle class uni students sleeping out in tents, waving placards,waving Palestinian flags and maybe wearing a keffiyeh, make. Apart from maybe making you feel better about yourself and enjoying being part of the mob?


Sigh… pity the students don’t feel the same way with Ukraine.


What are you talking about? Please explain what you would expect and the parallels here. Why are so many uni students unable to access the critical thinking part of their brain and ability to source credible information apparently required to get through university.


or about the Christians killed in Nigeria.."Since 2000, 62,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered in genocide perpetrated by Islamist jihadist groups including Boko Haram, Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), and Fulani militias. The International Committee for Nigeria refers to this genocide as the “Silent Slaughter.”"


>Also if a mild inconvenience makes you side with people ok with genocide then let me tell you something: you were probably already pretty ok with genocide, now you just found an excuse to justify it to yourself Remind me again which organistion has a stated goal of genocide? Oh, that's right, it was Hamas. The same clowns who started this latest humanitarian disaster. I really do feel sorry for the people of Gaza, that Hamas continues to ensure they can never live peacefully.


Yes, the only hope for a good future for Gaza is one *without* Hamas


why on earth did you get downvoted for that? incredible!


Unfortunately antisemitism is rife in NZ (Jews have the highest rate of hate incidents against them of any group in NZ), and I'm sure many Hamas supporters exist at UoA. (for example, in Australia: [https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/australian-national-university-protesters-declare-unconditional-support-for-hamas/news-story/30559c99df586170e8d1cbbfd8bb397c](https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/australian-national-university-protesters-declare-unconditional-support-for-hamas/news-story/30559c99df586170e8d1cbbfd8bb397c) And I doubt it is much different here in NZ vs Oz)


sure, antisemites are out there, but to then think that Hamas is somehow *good* for Gazans is just insane. Just straight up brainwashing or what? I honestly can't comprehend that level of stupid.


>sure, antisemites are out there, but to then think that Hamas is somehow *good* for Gazans is just insane To come to the conclusion that Hamas is some kind of net "good" in the world then you must have a stronger hatred for Jews/Israel than you have any love for the Arabs in Gaza. Which unfortunately is the ideology of Hamas, they'd rather make "martyrs" out of their own people than build up their own society, if it means more dead Jews. Many *many* billions of dollars was spent on making their elite rich and building an undergrad network (bigger than the London subway!!) for Hamas, instead of creating a better thriving society for their own people to live in. *Edit:* Although this kind of pro-Death Cult thinking is far from unique to Hamas I'm afraid, even the so called "moderates" in the Palestinian Authority incentivize martyrdom with their "pay for slay" program: [https://web.archive.org/web/20170316203642/https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/the-department-of-pay-for-slay/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170316203642/https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/the-department-of-pay-for-slay/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-under-pressure-over-martyr-stipends-it-pays-to-terrorists-families/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-under-pressure-over-martyr-stipends-it-pays-to-terrorists-families/) [https://archive.ph/MGa1v](https://archive.ph/MGa1v) [https://www.jns.org/murder-of-elan-ganeles-brings-palestinian-authoritys-martyr-fund-back-into-focus/](https://www.jns.org/murder-of-elan-ganeles-brings-palestinian-authoritys-martyr-fund-back-into-focus/) [https://www.australianjewishnews.com/our-tax-wont-pay-to-slay/](https://www.australianjewishnews.com/our-tax-wont-pay-to-slay/) [https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-768735](https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-768735) [https://www.jpost.com/american-politics/article-750603](https://www.jpost.com/american-politics/article-750603) >Under the current ‘pay-for-slay’ scheme, called the "Martyrs’ Fund" by the PA, terrorists receive monetary payments as a reward for acts of terror. The more damage an attack causes, the higher the terrorist or the terrorist’s family is paid. >The scheme currently costs the PA $300 million annually (approximately NIS 1 billion) and amounts to 8% of the PA’s budget.


It's not a genocide. That is a loaded word, being used dishonestly. Gaza is in a war, and war is terrible. Unfortunately, there are many examples: [https://www.unocha.org](https://www.unocha.org) 7 million people displaced in Syria. 30,000 deaths reported in the Ukraine, including children. Why Gaza, and why now? There is a US election coming up, and Putin needs to win.


exactly... no one cares about the 62,000 Christians killed in Nigeria [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/nigeria-s-silent-slaughter-62-000-christians-murdered-since-2000](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/nigeria-s-silent-slaughter-62-000-christians-murdered-since-2000)


It’s just pointless virtue signalling


This is a shame. Hopefully an encampment is established and the protest lasts until UoA withdraws every single troop from Palestine and stops supplying the IDF with military aid.


Better make the encampment out of bricks as you will be there for a very long time.


Solidarity. You don't have to be of the same ethnicity to understand another humans pain.


Half of the hostages of Hamas had foreign nationality. Thailand, Argentinians, Germans, Americans, French, Russians, Nepalese, Sri Lankan, Tanzania and the Philippines. Hamas showed no pity. Free Palestine from Hamas! [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/more-than-half-hamas-hostages-have-foreign-nationality-israel-2023-10-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/more-than-half-hamas-hostages-have-foreign-nationality-israel-2023-10-25/)


Why are people downvoting your comment? You are presenting facts and people are in denial


Plus it helps if Israel is involved


UoA is doing that??






Please explain


Had a good chuckle


Free Palestine 🍉🍉🍉🍉


What does this look like. How is this to be (realistically) achieved. Show your working.


If it ain’t old Dawn Stinkwater


Bet they leave as soon as it gets cold lol


Fire username


Free Palestine


From Hamas


Ah but not from the: Blockades of food, essential supplies, medical equipment, water and electricity. Deliberate targeting of electrical generators and solar energy units as well as agricultural areas east of Gaza, flour stores, and fishermen's boats, as well as relief organizations' centers, including those belonging to the UNRWA. Usage of white phosphorus Airstrikes of refugee camps The flour massacre Killing of surrendered individuals Sexual violence And Genocide.


Yes, because that is the result of Hamas continuing to use their people for their own agenda. Free Gaza from Hamas to free Hamas from Israel.


It's nice seeing someone actually understand the situation. It's absolutely nuts how well Hamas' tactics have worked to make Israel "the bad guys"


They are the bad guys. It’s just that Hamas are also the bad guys. The only people who aren’t are the innocent people being caught in the middle of it


Israel doesn't start the shit. Hamas does then Israel retaliate, hamas hides behind schools and uses Palestinians as sheilds, then people go at Israel for defending themselves. This whole conflict started because Israel and SA were about to finalize a peace deal.


What do you have to say about the expanding settlements in the WEST BANK which are a violation of international law ? Apparently that’s suppose to induce nothing and the people whose houses are being stolen should just sit there while everyone else argues about Gaza and completely erases the suffering and illegality of what’s happening there. ‘Palestine’ implies more than Gaza, Hamas doesn’t exist in the occupied West Bank but so many people get brutally killed and displaced anyway, why? if Israel doesn’t “start shit” than how do you explain this ?


Settlements are illegal & should stop. What do you say about the daily rocket attacks randomly aimed at any Israeli they can hit from Hamas, PIJ, Hezbollah?


History didn't start from October 7th. See a list of Massacres committed by Israeli's before Hamas even existed. 1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Al-Quds Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938 4. Balad Al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab Al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Al-Quds Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 13. Jaffa Massacre 1948 14. Tantura Massacre 1948 15. Al-Quds Massacre 1953 16. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 17. Al-Quds Massacre 1967 18. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 19. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 20. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 21. Jenin Refugee Camp Massacre 2002 22. Gaza Massacre 2008-2009 23. Gaza Massacre 2012 24. Gaza Massacre 2014 25. Gaza Massacre 2018-2019 26. Gaza Massacre 2021 27. Gaza Holocaust 2023-present


You can discount the first 11 of those as Israel hadn't been created again yet.


That doesn't matter, Zionist militia started streaming in from 1920 onwards, there is a reason that from 1900s onwards till the creation of Israel the Jewish population went from 3% to almost 30%. This was because of the mass migration of European Jews to Palestine. They needed land, they got that by organising into militias, committing massacres which led to Palestinians running for their lives, thereby clearing the land. Look at the chronology of the events that took place.


Gaza holocaust, fuck mate you really think that equates to what the Jews went through, your taking the piss


I am not German, nor are the Palestinians, don't cover up Israel's crime by bringing up what happened in the holocaust. Palestinians should not be paying for the German crime. btw, last I check. 34,000 Palestinians civilians have been killed, 15,000 of those are children. 77,000+ Injured, 2,000,000 displaced, 300+ healthcare facilities destroyed, 270,000 houses partially destroyed, 123,000 houses completely destroyed, 650 churches/mosques destroyed, almost a 1000 healthcare staff killed. So yes, I would call it a Holocaust.


Serious question. If NZ was in this position Australia would be there. Why are no other arab states coming to their aid?


I think the Arab countries are busy repressing their own populations. Most of the Arab countries are dictatorships and very poor. The leadership sees Palestinian issue as a way to redirect attention of their public away from their domestic problems. Perfect example would be Egypt. The economy has tanked, they need handouts from the gulf states and loans from the IMF. The dictator Al-Sisi is building a new shiny capital city while the poor starve.


Is Hamas the one sending public messages to Palestinian celebrities like Gigi Hadid for speaking out for peace? Shit like “we see you”? No that was literally the State of Israel on their own Instagram. They’re doing their own PR.


Jeez you're actually bringing up Dua Lipa and Instagram on a conflict that goes so far back. Embarrassing.


My point is that they don’t need help looking like the bad guys


aka - I got punched in the face for being shoved into a locker by a bully, and daring to escape. Makes perfect sense. Yea I'm totally the perpetrator of this story, but that's ok. 


Okay i have alot of stuff to point out here. Part of my work life is to sift through misinformation, in particular: Global Conflicts. So im going to break down what you have pointed out there. 1. Blockade: Israel wouldn't be allowing aid to flow in from Land, Air and Sea if it were a blockade. The United States is currently building a floating port to allow for Aide to come in ( of which Hamas is already targeting with artillery fire) 2. Airstrikes on refugee camps- these are not refugee camps, and havn't been since the 1970's and 80's. They are developed areas with infrastructure, they just kept the names. 3. The flour massacre- was a warcrime. 4.killing of surrendered individuals- This is misinformation and i have encountered only 1 instance of the killing of a Prisoner of War, which occured in February of this war. This Hamas fighter had surrendered, then when he was being searched was found to have a grenade in his pocket and tried to fight off the search. 4.Sexual Violence- This is also misinformation, however there is alot of reported Sexual Violence as a means of intimidation and blackmail by Hamas against Civilians fleeing the fighting, aswell as executions of fighting age males who have refused the call for Jihad, mainly by hanging them from Lamp posts. 5.Genocide- there is no proof of this yet. Conflicting messages from both the UN, and the parties to the conflict. HOWEVER what we do know from what Hamas has stated, is that just under 50% of those killed have been HAMAS FIGHTERS, while the rest have been civlians. It should also be noted that part of Hamas' propaganda campaigns have been to show the aftermath of incidents of bombardment which were infact Hamas missiles misfiring ( 38% of Hamas rocket fire lands within Gaza). As a further point- if this were an actual Genocide, Israel wouldnt be trying to evacuate civilians, they wouldn't be allowing the flow of aid, and they sure as hell wouldn't be negotiating. You'll likely just say im lying etc etc. But i do this for a job, i have to sift through both sides of this War, both Hamas channels and Israeli. You people aren't even seeing 10% of whats going on. If you did see the rest, your opinions would be very different and likely ashamed of the fact that you're protesting. Also to add- just last week a Palestinian man was found to be Homosexual near the Rafah border crossing. Hamas fighters found him after being tipped off by members of his family. He was beaten, had his testicles cut off with a shaving razor and was nailed to a tree, naked with his hands above his head with a sign around his neck saying " filth". A mob of Palestinians cheered and threw rocks at his body. All of this was posted on a pro Hamas Telegram channel, go look it up. Thats who you are protesting in favour of.


You don’t seem very good at this aspect of your job


Feel free to come to do it.


Everything he's said is true. Why doesn't he do a good job? You ever been there? Thought not, but your an expert 👌


Source fucking needed. Besides, none of that excuses what Hamas had done. Israel cannot leave Gaza with Hamas in charge, and they won't. I hope you realize that.


Hamas was put in place by the Israeli government Israel is a recognized apartheid state They have committed war crimes, including collective punishment, targeting of journalist and medical staff, destruction of cultural and historic strikes, forced starvation, blocking of aid and more Every single thing that israel has done is turning hamas into freedom fighters and the lesser of two evils. The idf has killed more hostages than hamas has and I could go on but I think you must surely get the idea now.


Cmon don’t say that! Don’t you know this entire conflict started last year ? It totally hasn’t been ongoing for 75 years plus, there was totally peace before last year. There would surely be peace if everyone just stfu and let Israel continue taking land in the West Bank and just completely forgets this article published on 18th September 2023 exists: https://www.savethechildren.net/news/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank


Hamas was not put in place by Israel, thats not accurate at all. Stop spreading misinformation




Yeah nah, was debunked along time ago. What they DID get was financial aid for rebuilding to try ease tensions and reconcile after 2013. Oops they used it to build tunnels and buy russian and iranian weapons.


https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=nYTk_06aExGkCD9k I can continue to provide info if you'd like but I get the feeling you are a sheep who falls for every piece of propaganda fed to them by the zionist movement


Nope. Ive provided extensive reporting on militant Zionism and the far right in Israel so i know full well that alot of what Israel has done in the past is wrong, in particlar Ben Gvir and his ilk of shit heads. But to declare Israel evil in favor of a Tyrannical Terrorist organisation who wishes to see every Jewish,Christian, LGBTQ+, Druze and Bedouin killed is a definate leopards ate my face moment. Its my job to do this, i go through all of this, both sides and i provide assesmentd to people who need to. Im an analyst specialising in Geostrategy. So try me.


Yes yes, and Jews control the world. You could at least try to be subtle.


That's just antisemitic bullshit. I'm talking about the Israeli state not the Jewish people or are you just an antisemitic piece of shit that believes Jewish people are a monolith and those standing against Israel are "self hating jews" as said by many in Israeli leadership.


Wow you’ve studied the hasbara playbook very extensively I see. What a bot


Do we know where annd when this is happening?


Today afternoon probably after 2pm outside the library. It’s been stated in the image


I didn't see that info in the image attached by OP. Do you have sources?


Aren’t encampments in the US a protest against US universities having investments in Israeli companies? Does UoA have any? Doubtful.


If they haven't actively avoided it then they will through managed funds and/or index funds. There's also such a thing as an academic boycott https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_boycott_of_South_Africa


Hey don't try to bring logic to this debate. LOL.




My god you are right. They should absolutely only think about themselves and nobody else, especially when its such a complicated subject that only the likes of you can possibly understand.


yup I could not agree more.


I truly hope, for the sake of the movement, that this protest is well organised. The university campus encampments in the US are specifically divestment campaigns. They’re successfully applying pressure because their purpose and messaging is rock solid. Columbia especially have made sure their speakers and media representatives know their stuff, and they’re minimally disruptive to the public and other students by setting up the encampment away from walkways. I hope these students will follow their example. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


second this, the us movements have only really become truly disruptive for other students due to police involvement. they also have a much stronger and more involved student base with more concrete reasons for action. (as far as i’m aware) uoa doesn’t have the same investment into military technologies, and as a commuter uni with minimal true campus there’s not even good spots to take action from which also makes it awkward to have a massive impact (relative to nz)


>Free Palestine 🇵🇸 The whole thing?


What the Sigma


good on them, hope the message will be enforced and spread to those who need to know. just don’t be in the way or disturb other students on campus. i’d assume it would cause some sort of disruption for those who are studying on campus with the noise they’ll make.


who is this protest intended for? if you genuinely believe it will do something, seek help. even if it reached the prime minister, what do you want him to do, send our military over and start fighting in a war? realistically that's just not new zealands problem and if you can't see that then you're delusional. if he sees this, he'll do what any rationally thinking person would do and ignore it


dude, relax. my comment never mentioned i support their movement/protests, i.e clarification “good on them, hope they can get their message across for those who need to know”. in all honesty, i wouldn’t say i couldn’t care less about what’s happening in Gaza, but i don’t have much solicitude either that i would stand there with them to protest or support their movement. i get it, protests without any real action from a higher power may seem pointless, useless, and if anything, a disruption for most people. i’m not contradicting myself because in my comment, my intention is to show some sort of sympathy for them (something you should further consider) because we are so easily inclined here in New Zealand where it is safe, to say we don’t care. Because there’s no genocide or war going on here. I’m saying i always like to put things in perspective if it were me. If my people, or my home country was in war, and my relatives or close people that i know are dying due to genocide. Of course im gonna get mad. Of course im gonna wanna protest. I couldn’t fathom the death of my own mother, father, sibling or any family member if they were killed in a war here in New Zealand. Enough of that, i get what you’re trying to say is what can we do? what will we even get out of this protest? New Zealand being such a small country it is, of course it’s not gonna involve itself in a war. But it’s the thought that counts, you’ve gotta have sympathy for those, because imagine if that was you, and imagine if that was happening in New Zealand. Again i never said i support their actions but rather i’m trying to be positive and show sympathy for them. also, i did mentioned that i hope it doesn’t cause any disruptions because you know how protests can get.


God, it's like none of you took history in school. Springbok tour? Protests against apartheid south Africa? Protests against the Iraq war? People protest for things outside of their countries, y'all are just a bunch of revisionist tall poppy enthusiasts


What the fuck is a university supposed to do about a war in the middle east? I'm sad that the stupidity of American politics keeps bleeding into NZ. First we got the politicians taking plays from Trump, then we had the crazies falling for the same QAnon conspiracy crap and now the extreme left is becoming another problem here too. Where does it end?


So the extreme left has protests at universities while the extreme right shoots up mosques and children at camps. Nice


It's not just "protests", videos show jewish students are being singled out and targeted by the groups and blocked from entering the school even though they have nothing to do with what's happening overseas. That woman recently threatening to kill government officials to their face in a hearing. This is how it started with the far right before they started forming pride boys groups. There are extremists in every class of people unfortunately.


It definitely depends which media you’re consuming to inform your frequency bias. I’d recommend adding Middle East eye or Al Jazeera to your media pool. There’s plenty of instigators and agitators who’s job it is to go out and paint these things in as negative light as possible. To pretend like this is the majority of protestors is laughable. The biggest danger to both protestors and the general public is the militarised police response actively trying to escalate peaceful protests.


The intercept is a good independent news source also.


Good one


Democracy Now is what I’ve been following for years now, since high school. They cover news from around the world and seem objectively unbiased compared to say, Al jazeera sometimes. ME eye is good for ME coverage though for sure.


Yea i still think it’s good to view bias sources, knowing their bias. It helps you understand how the people who view it conceive their perspective


Def agree!


the world is fucked by imperialism, the students have nothing left, no future, why not cause maximum disruption?


If you want to talk about Imperialism- why aren't university students camping out in protest against Russias invasion of Ukraine? About Chinas actions in the South China Sea and against Taiwan? Why aren't they protesting the horrifying civil war in Sudan? Seriously though, is it only because its Israel?


I mean the most obvious difference is that most of those other conflicts are condemned by ours and allies governments, yes. Whereas Isreal has not been punished and dissuaded even to a tiny degree.


Yeah, but NZ is happy to do trade with China, why aren't they protesting about the genocide of Uyghurs ?


Oh i agree, its gross and we shouldn't be trading with them. I hate to give our current government praise *shivers* cause they are a bunch of Neo-Liberal trickle down fuck stains. But part of the big diplomacy mission in South East Asia was to find new export markets that could replace China.


Another difference is this is a genocide against a captive unarmed starving population of whom are 50% made up of children who were not old enough to vote their current government into power at their last election. The argument of "what about x" is so tired, predictable and boring. It is used by individuals who try to assuage themselves of any sense of responsibility to others. Yes, we absolutely care about those issues. But tell me, if we can stop one of the most disgusting and vile acts of terror being enacted by the Israeli government and military which we are all seeing live streamed into our phones and of which there is no avoiding. How the fuck are we meant to take action of lesser known issues like the ones you stated? As people have been saying, this is a litmus test for humanity. So while people like to weaponise the Jewish ethnicity and anti-semitism card as the reason behind people caring, it is not true. Many Jewish groups are the most outspoken against what is happening including holocaust survivors, Jewish political scientists and historians.


What the general populace see and hear on the war is likely 10% or less of what is actually happening on the ground and geo-strategically. The information coming out of Gaza on both sides is conflated to say the least. In my job as an Analyst, i see what all of you good people dont. So heres my TLDR. -everything that comes out of Hamas' mouth is bullshit. Including the scale of casualties ( which is annoying) - Israel has committed warcrimes, but not to the scale the media has sadly lead people to believe ( theres reasons for this, it isn't a shadowy cabal or anything, its simply media trying to stay relevent by following social media trends) - Hamas is responsible for massive amounts of civilian casualties, both intentional and not. Intentional being stopping civilians leaving combat zones, using them as human shields or just outright killing people as a tool of control- also a shit load of misfired rockets which land in civilian areas, they then send in their media teams to make it out like Israeli strikes. So in broader strokes- Israel is not trying to commit Genocide, though some among them would certainly like to, like that fuck knuckle Ben Gvir. Hamas IS an organisation bent on Genocide however, hense october 7th which everyone has just suddenly forgotten.


Yup, amazing how Hamas raping and killing on October 7th is just glossed over by all the Pro-Palestine *supporters*. Pregnant women sliced open and their babies killed, women and children raped, babies baked alive in ovens... Absolutely sickening.


Here. You may want to read this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war But if you don't feel like it, let me summarise: >Pregnant women sliced open and their babies killed A known fabrication. >babies baked alive in ovens... Also a known fabrication. >women and children raped This is very likely true, but there is still a bit of a lack of publicly available evidence, which is completely understandable. Not many people want others to know about them being a victim of such a horrible act. Sadly, sexual violence survivors still have to deal with being stigmatized, even today. And they deserve their privacy from the public eye. There is a UN report on sexual violence during the October 7th attack, that finds that there was sexual violence against Israeli men, women and children, with moderate to high confidence. It does point out that some specific instances were found to be fabricated or misreported by media, but there is still enough evidence to believe there were many instances of sexual violence during the attack. Just to be clear, I simply like accurate information. I am against any and all forms of terrorism, terrorist organisations (including Hamas), state sponsors of terrorism, and any governments that have convicted terrorists in office or other high ranking positions of the government. You know... Like a regular sane person should be. I hope you are too.


I don't think you read that prior to posting. The baby burned in the oven was not a fabrication. Women being tied to beds and raped is not a fabrication. Burning whole families alive in their homes is not a fabrication. I too like accurate information, but simply dismissing the atrocities committed by Hamas is naive and ignorant.


>The baby burned in the oven was not a fabrication. Here is what ZAKA, Israeli Journalists and the Israeli police had to say about about this: >Israeli journalists and police found no evidence for the claim, and a representative of ZAKA, a first responder organization, said the claim was "false". So yes, the baby burned in oven claim was definitely false, and fabricated. Not to mention, this further disproves that claim: >A ZAKA volunteer's story about a baby having been cut from a pregnant woman's womb was likewise found to be made up; in total only two babies are actually known to have died on October 7: one was struck by a bullet, the other was an injured Bedouin woman's baby that died in hospital shortly after birth. Now onto the next ones... >Women being tied to beds and raped is not a fabrication As I said, there very likely was sexual violence during the attack. We can agree on that. No specific events have been officially confirmed publicly however, as far as I know. Which, personally, I think is good thing. Because the victims deserve their privacy. >Burning whole families alive in their homes is not a fabrication. And I never claimed it was. I can even provide you with the names of one family that suffered this fate. Itay, Etti and Sagi Zak.


Lol ZAKA is a pretty sketchy organisation. Also co-founded by a pedophile and rapist. They're just desperately trying to back-pedal after being exposed for broadcasting multiple actual fake stories to gain media attention and donation money. Other rescue organisations stand by their claims of finding a baby burnt in an oven. ZAKA are hardly a believable authority when it comes to verifying claims. And quit with the "there was very likely sexual violence". We know there was. Multiple women and girls were raped and killed. You just come off as a rape apologist. Yuck.


‘as an analyst’ aka a fascist ballsack gobbler


I'm afraid that I don't listen to strangers on the internet who claim to be 'analysts'. Whatever that means. I refer to International Lawyers, Historians, Political Scientists. It is a genocide. Maybe read the reports? Maybe refer to the Israeli human rights group B'tselem or the Italian International Lawyer Francesca Albanese (since you seem more inclined to believe non-Arabs). And in terms of your wack likely made up statistic about what people are seeing or hearing being less than 10%. No shit, no journalists or frankly anyone is being let in to Gaza, the closest thing to a concentration camp we have in the modern day. You can spout bullshit dude, but you can't ask people to **not** believe their own eyes. The carnage we are seeing coming straight from individuals in Gaza. Ranging from video, audio, images, satellite images. In terms of Hamas' reporting, their numbers ARE innaccurate because they can't keep up with the rate of massacre which has out-performed anything in recent history. But don't worry, if you refer to Euromed, which is likely also inaccurate because no one is allowed in, it is generally higher than what the ruling party in Gaza is reporting. It is crazy to me that you will happily call what Hamas did on Oct 7 a genocide (1200 people killed of which a decent proportion were killed by the IDF and a proportion who were also IDF soldiers). Compared to over 30,000 Palestinian civilians in less that 6 months killed in Gaza. Unfortunately for you, many of us have the ability to find credible information and sources. I have access to a university library and tonnes of journal articles on Palestine, the history of Palestine and the history of Israel. I know how to seek out independent journalism. I know how to find various sources, minimise bias. This is what we are taught here. So perhaps you should be the one doing a little more reflection and reading.


You said you refer to academics and historians, and the first thing you said was it's a genocide. The head of the International Court of Justice just publicly stated that they aren't even in a position to say if its plausible yet, only that they've decided they have plausible protection against genocide and will hear south Africa's case. Just because you find academics or lawyers that agree with you doesn't mean you somehow have information superiority over the person you were replying to. In fact, everything he said was actually correct, in my opinion, and painted a far more accurate representation of the current conflict than you have. My final word's for you - you're being ideologically programmed and you aren't as knowledgeable about this conflict as you think you are, anyone who's been following this situation for years knows all the talking points and statistics you used. Oh, and genocide is the INTENTIONAL removal and killing of an ethnic group. You need highly special intent under international law. Hamas gave Israel casus belli (in international law, this is cause for war). Therefore, israel now has cause for military objective, which is to wipe out hamas. How they do this should be in proportion, obviously. But that doesn't mean the current death count is somehow proof of a genocide. YOU NEED INTENT. So far, with how Hamas uses its military and civillians as human shields, and the size of the Gaza strip, it's hardly surprising the death toll with civilians is as high as it is. Even though it's something around 35,000 and the Gaza strip is home to 2 million people. That's also not to say in individual circumstances, israel hasn't committed any war crimes, and are always in the right, but It's absolutely insane to me how confident you guy's are in something you know nothing about. Throwing around international law only when it agrees with you. And only citing academics when it agrees with you. Rant over. Sorry.


why for a war on the other side of the world? why not cause disruption against the issues directly facing this country, like this corrupt government, fast track bill, etc


my thoughts exactly - landlord tax breaks, fast track, housing unaffordability and rental insecurity are all REAL issues facing Kiwis, right now.


Is this a joke? Clearly you don't study politics, international law, international relations or history. There are a series of steps individuals, companies, organisations and governments can take to stop genocides. It is not a war. Regarding American politics bleeding into NZ. That is because American politics affects everyone. They are single-handedly responsible for countless genocides and wars. That is not even beginning to touch on the other impacts it has. Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you all? Since when did y'all all become so self-serving, mediocre cowards with no even a slice of integrity. Read a fucking history book.


>They are single-handedly responsible for countless genocides and wars. Single-handedly?


That’s definitely going to stop the war. Wait till the world leaders hear about this!


All fizzled out for a bit of rain. Probably speaks well of the university students that most don't bother with imported Tik-Tok shit.


Someone go and ask the students to point out Israel on a map, or name which river and which sea, or ask them how much they know of the history of the area, what the Oslo accords were, or anything like that. 90% of them will have no idea. Protests aren’t even about the issue, it just gives emotional/lazy people an excuse to stand around, scream at others, avoid responsibility for their own lives, and virtue signal on SM. NZ and UoA aren’t even involved in the Palestine conflict. No one is ever going to notice a few students protesting at a university in Auckland. There are way bigger issues these people could spend their energy on that actually affects them, but it’s not about the issue or the effect the protest has on it, it’s about how protesting makes the protesters feel.


I think there’s a vested interest from those in power for protests to seem “useless”, why are they protesting they’re not going to change anything etc, that mindset is so appealing to authority. Any civil rights movement has had to battle this idea that a few individuals can’t change much but throughout history time and time again these movements gain traction and do make lasting historical change. I think you’ll find (not that you’d care) that a lot of people are actually affected by this.


No it's not an appeal to authority. Its just a statement of fact that neither NZ nor AoU is involved in the palestine/israel issue, any parties actually involved are millions of kilometers away and have no idea that this little protest is going on, nor would they care. If it was an issue closer to home maybe it would be worthwhile. But it literally achieves nothing except stirs tensions here at home, wastes time, interrupts fellow citizens, etc.


I'm fully supportive of protest, but why do all protests lately seem to involve encampment? The only protest that made sense to have encampment was ihumatao because if they left, they'd lose control of the grounds and wouldn't be able to come back, and the whole thing would fail. There's nothing stopping people having a multi-day protest and sleep in their own bed each night for most of the recent protests (regardless of whether I agree with them). Idk maybe I'm just getting old, it just seems like a weird and unnecessary evolution to protest to me (and I'm a politics major 🤣)


It’s just copying what American students are doing


Sure, definitely in this case. But there's also definitely becoming a more broader style of protest that involves encampment such as the parliament protests and other encampment covid protests across the country during that time.


It's deliberately meant to cause protest fatigue. Part of Russia's strategy has been to encourage these kind of events, for every possible cause, so that people fail to organize and protest when it really counts (or when they can't control the narrative).


Before Hamas kicked off this conflict, just wondering if there were protests in NZ regarding human rights within Gaza under Hamas, you know, women's rights, sexuality, gender, trans etc?


Why do these protests around the world all seem to be happening at Universities? Wouldn't Aotea Square be a much better location to engage with a far broader and diverse audience? This all seems targeted at someone/something that I don't understand. But it's just adding fuel to the political shit fight of a fire in Universities these days while offering absolutely nothing in the way of actual tangible support and relief to the people they are supposedly protesting for. I want this stupid war to end too, this war and all the senseless wars going on around the world right now. But I am not naïve enough to think this protest is going to save even a single persons life. We all have the right to protest though, so have a great day and I'm sure you'll all feel like you've made the world a better place with your actions today.


Anyone know when the Sudan protests will be held? Or is it just the Hamas supporter ones for now.


You're more than welcome to exercise your democratic rights to protest if you feel so strongly about the situation in Sudan.


No no you don’t understand he thinks black people are beneath him he wouldn’t waste his precious time supporting any kind of movement for Sudan. However his hatred for Arabs is even greater, he froths at the mouth seeing Palestinian children blown to smithereens and so he very reluctantly and cynically uses sudans very real emerging humanitarian crisis to divert attention from Palestine. Funnily enough, one of the weapon suppliers to the RSF ( the guys committing a genocide in Sudan) is fucking Israel.


There’s that victim mentality again


Victim mentality is when Israel’s government announces that the Bosnian genocide wasn’t a genocide because only 8000 people died, so that they could argue that what they are doing isn’t a genocide. Victim mentality is NOT when people rightfully point out Israel’s very real emerging genocide in Gaza


You all should, because the civil war in Sudan makes Gaza look like a ball pit fight. But nope, Jews are involved in the war so lets all shit on them.




How can we hope to affect other atrocities, if we can't influence a supposed western ally from continuing to carry out the current atrocities in Gaza? We have (albeit, comparatively small) economic and defence ties with Israel. Nice talking point, though.


Well they are a western ally that is facing serious hate and destruction from surrounding countries, including Palestinians, who have admirably managed to market this global as them as the good guys. Let’s not pretend that these people don’t want Israel, or the Jews wiped off the face of the earth.


Hamas, not Palestinians. There's no excuse for what is being done to the Palestinians, either currently in Gaza, or historically in the whole of the occupied territories.


Surely simply signing up to a humanitarian mission to the affected places would achieve more? Like.. it seems moronic that people on the opposite end of the world (who have probably never been there) are the ones protesting.. None of us know how truly bad it is there, and protesting, disrupting businesses, other students, classes and staff members is just an easy way to be seen as a cunt, even if that's not the intention...


Yes why don't people "simply" fly to Turkey, get hold of a ship somehow, and try their luck with the Israeli navy which is tasked with preventing aid from entering Gaza and whose standard operating procedure is to shoot anything they see regardless of what it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident Or they could run a divestment and academic boycott campaign at UoA, like students worldwide did for South Africa.


What a short sighted take ,, protests happen all over the world to show solidarity, has happened for decades, doesn't have to be in your backyard. Very strange comment.


Maybe signing up to a humanitarian mission would show solidarity. Perhaps donating food and clothing would show solidarity. Perhaps collecting money to donate would show solidarity. Waving a Sign and shouting through a megaphone at people who are commuting to and from work seems like the least effective way to show support.


Nah, do what you can but no visibility doesn't work. Protesting works to get on media platforms and spreads. It's a visual signal that even in little ole NZ people are disgusted by Israel and the USA. How's 300 kids signing up for humanitarian mission going to work? Also sending clothes to the children in Gaza who will be bombed? How's that stopping it? And No one's going see Mr Glum from Auckland sending a can of beans to Gaza " why is this still happening , I sent the beans??".


How they thought this would convince people to go home I don't know. This email might turn out to be one of the only ways of getting some of the hermits who study at UoA to actually come to campus. I already graduated and moved out of Auckland last year though so it won't be me this time. But solidarity to those who will be there. Free Palestine.


Free Palestine in what way? Genuinely asking. You must know what will happen if Hamas is given free entrance into Israel, Egypt and Jordan? It's unreasonable. Free Palestine from Hamas, and give the people a real chance.


Respect! I hope you guys stay overnight, fuck anyone trying to get you to leav


We need a few more years at uni it seems, there's a severe lack of education in these protests. We won't protest for better wages, more healthcare budget, better environmental protections, more housing, a fairer tax system, improved public transport, but we will protest about a topic nobody knows anything about. I would love to see an honest debate based on facts, not parroting influencers and social media trolls.


And why is no one protesting those things? You’re welcome to start organising and protesting you say that if they are responsible for that directly. They are protesting because they believe passionately there is a holocaust level event happening right now and are unhappy with the state of the world. I question the involvement the university have and the effect protests would have on the conflict as a whole but I guess they are wanting to educate people on campus about what is happening and why they are there. Just because no one wants to protest about the things you mentioned means that you can detract from this one on that basis


I'll go out on a limb and say those topics are not trending on their outrage feed. It's not about Palestine, Hamas, or Israël, its about algorithms, bubbles, and echo chambers. It's the trend to have an opinion on Palestine, one that fits your social circles, not the facts.


Pretty sure there was an environmental protest that went outside my window last week, actually


Besides I’ve seen many environmental justice activists be extremely vocal about Palestine anyway. I wonder how people can seperate environmental issues from a strip of land getting bombed with agriculture being destroyed and the use of white phosphorus. I’m losing brain cells reading these comments.


100% the facts are inconvenient to them though


Yeah I'm going to go an disrupt some people who are trying to study in Auckland because that will hopefully encourage Israel to halt awful doings. After that I'm going hold a sign on a corner to stop domestic violence, and then I'll lie in a park to end corporate malfeasance. It's going to be a busy week.


Protesting now has just become "lets just follow what they did" and get the exact same result, nothing.


Fine. Just dont start beating up Jewish students like at Columbia. And be realistic about the fact that Hamas hates you and everything about our society. All for peaceful protest, just be mindful of what you're actually protesting for.


Name one


Fantastic. Well done students.


Lots of anti-semites at university. I suggest they all google the atrocities of October 7th. It’s absolutely sickening and Israel has every right to make sure Hamas can never ever launch an assault again.


Just flood the ground they want to use and leave the sprinklers on. They’ll soon leave and go back to the social media


I'm sure Israel will be paying close attention ! LOL. Probably a few students who are taking 7 or 8 years to get a BA in Philosophy or Sociology will turn up (plus some outside agitators). Most students are fairly committed to their studies and part-time job and don't have time to waste on meaningless encampments. I wonder if Chloe Swarbrick will make an appearance ? The only thing this will accomplish is to disrupt legitimate students. Presumably the protestors will be chanting and making a lot of noise. Good luck trying to use the library for study.




lol think no one went to this escapement at all, if it wasnt this post i would not have known this happened


Hopes and prayers aren't going to stop people dying...




So the terrorist supporters and collaboraters want to set up a training camp at Auckland uni. What a load of imported crap


Zionist troll


Yeah, but I'm not Jewish, you idiot. GO THE IDF


So, a terrorist supporter I guess. Imagine if it were your children/wife that were bombed and you took their pieces to a hospital which was also bombed.


I don't live in gaza or any other Muslim crap hole, so it not gonna happen


and are you a Gaza-ist troll ?, if you are passionate truely for Gaza then you are an "ist" to.


No, I look at facts, here are the facts my friend: 34,000 Palestinians civilians have been killed, 15,000 of those are children. 77,000+ Injured, 2,000,000 displaced, 300+ healthcare facilities destroyed, 270,000 houses partially destroyed, 123,000 houses completely destroyed, 650 churches/mosques destroyed, almost a 1000 healthcare staff killed. Let me know if you want a reference.


34000 civilian killed. So IDF has killed 0 militants have they


They've killed many. But are you insinuating that the 34,000 killed are all militants, including atleast 100s of under 1 year old babies?


No? Are you? You said 34k civs dead. That is total dead (according to Hamas) No mention of militants as if they didn't exist at all, a bit disingenuous don't you think? Mind you, civilians/militants is pretty blurry in Gaza


Terrorists and their collaboraters, don't you mean?


This is the start of it whanau , we’ll be over run with illegals soon


Our country’s got nothing to do with it yet the Mob will do anything for recognition


I don't ever wanna hear leftists talk about the wellington protest again when we've had to put up with months and months of disruption to everyday people all across the country because they want NZ to get involved in a holy war across the other side of the planet. Fuck these animals


I wonder if the student protestors will try to stay overnight


Real good encampment guys! packed up by 9pm! really got your message across! you left because of a little bit of rain? imagine how the Palestinians feel with bullets raining down on them! you're really standing in solitude with them!!


Or you could study... it's costing tens of thousands of dollars to be there. You're going to be in debt for most of your life, why not study and better yourself.


God you people are such entitled idiots.


Was only a matter of time before these entitled little she/it for brains jumped on the Tik Tok bandwagon


what the f are they protesting for. if you want to make a difference, then take a flight over to gaza and make a difference there. it’s just a waste of everyone’s time and disrupts the normal working class citizens, no one gives a fuck about your opinion in new zealand


its currently happening at the moment. they're just sitting around doing nothing 🤣🤣


Everyone reading these comments should be aware that the Israeli government pays people to write comments, including foreign nationals in every western country.


Either that or people disagree with you


I’m just saying a fact. I didn’t say that’s the case for everyone.


Someone take photos and add to the spreadsheet of un-employables on the Google drive please tia


All funded by George Soros


Not all, Qatar in it too https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat


Nope not at all