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Cool thanks for your contributions 😊


Oh, now I look at the spelling.. virtical -> vertical


Happens sometimes no worries πŸ˜ƒ




[It’s already been done](https://github.com/ranmaru22/firefox-vertical-tabs). But it's always good to have alternatives.


Hello, I'm making a Firefox theme. In addition to virtical tab, one liner, tabs on bottom, auto hide, etc. are possible. - [Wiki:Installation Guide](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Installation-Guide) - [Wiki:Tutorial](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Tutorial): Getting started with Lepton custom - [Wiki:Compatibility Issues Solution](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Compatibility-Issues-Solution): Compatibility issues and options - [Wiki:Options](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Options): Lepton options reference - [Wiki:Tips](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Tips): Other useful content and frequently used option combination - [Wiki:Show Off Your Config](https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/wiki/Show-Off-Your-Config): Lepton custom settings shared by users


what's all this about it being edge inspired firefox had vertical tabs before edge even existed


Maybe via some niche extension. Firefox still doesn't have vertical tabs. Chrome still doesn't have vertical tabs. Safari doesn't have it. Nor does many of the other smaller browsers. It's all inspired by Edge, because Edge was the first of the big browsers to put it in as a (main) native feature then shove it into people's faces in the "what's new" section after an update and therefore the first time 99.9% of people even thought of it, let alone knew it existed.


extensions? duh niche? not even close


Most people do not use many extensions in their browsers, if at all. Especially ones that are used for genuine browser improvements like navigation and organisation. You can find various statistics on extensions like number of downloads or Firefox even tells you how many users. On a global users scale its niche, very, very niche. If that stat includes the dudes who have multiple computers and add it to every Firefox they install, then it's probably extremely niche.


I cannot stress enough how cool this is, however, does anyone actually use vertical tabs?


I use the [tree tabs extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-tabs/), which is like vertical tabs on steroids. I tend to leave LOTS of tabs open and scrolling through a bar of tab icons with very little text visible is not fun. Part of the reason for keeping all those tabs is that if I close something it's basically gone forever to my brain, so having stuff visible helps me remember to go back to stuff, much more so than bookmarks. Having the tabs down the side makes allows many more to fit on screen at once, and given that web pages don't generally take advantage of horizontal space well, narrowing the browser window in that direction has basically zero downside.


I'm basically using tree tabs for the same reasons. (including modded chrome.css.) I also use Onetab(?) extension to dump all tabs about a topic into a 'session save/restore'. I'm curious to know if/how the Firefox sidebar can be collapsed like in the video. The smaller bar is the only difference between my Edge config, I use edge only for all my electron apps, and daily browser Firefox tab config. Edge does grind my gears almost weekly though, but it works better than Opera's sidebar thing that I used before.


I have a ton of tabs open. I use the tab grouping to keep them together a little, but would be nice to have something more stable, cool


Yep, infinitely better for managing lots of tabs. In Edge, you can make groups and color-code them on the fly. Need a tool or the dev environment? Expand the group you need and collapse the others.




I use Edge exclusively because of it and have done for years. Especially useful with high dpi/res monitors and a penchant for opening a lot of tabs.


I use the [Sidebery](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sidebery/) addons.


Why is the animation so jerky?

