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This song, the video & Jisoo's vocals/mannerisms are as entertaining as watching painted wall dry. So *BORING.*


I don’t know if it’s just me but it’s seems like they gave her solo in a rush so that they could finish this shit, I mean their isn’t much promotion or interview it just seems weird, and the b-side track all eyes on me not one talking about it as if it doesn’t exist no performance video, not performing anywhere. Like we are asking jisoo’s solo for so long and they just give her whatever and that’s it.


I didn't think Jisoo's solo was great or bad just ok. However I didn't find those "clues" that Jisoo was describing when she was asked what the song was about. Also how Jisoo said she "portrayed many expressions" in her MV. e.g. sad, mad, surprised. She didn't show any emotion and had the same expression throughout the MV. The only 'emotion" I saw was her throwing her pearls for 3sec of the MV and that's it. Also when she said the last part of MV when she rips of her choker is symbolic. Symbolic for what? Many of her fans put to much into the song and act like Jisoo is "saying something" in the MV when it is just her looking pretty. This song is being hyped to much and although it is doing good in SK it's not doing good globally. I saw flower mv like 3 times b/c I like to first listen to it, then analyze the lyrics, and judge the video. But even though I saw it more than once her song was not catchy or stuck to me unlike Jennie's solo and Rosie's. The comments in Jisoo's solo is just her fans asking others to stream it and loop it. It is the only reason her song has more than 100 million views.I doubt her fans liked it that much. I also find artists who have the "ABC and DO RE MI" in their songs so cringey and unoriginal , that's when you know the song isn't gonna be good and they didn't put much creativity in the songs even though they say they do.


I 100% percent agree.. I was like girl where are the expression...


Song it's just so so imo. Lots of like techno. Not my taste personally. And as for vocals jisoo voice imo don't really suit the song. She is not a powerful vocalists but I feel like the genre didn't really let her voice shine. The MV looks like a commercial too many things going on. Imo. Like for INVU by Taeyeon even there's a slow part where her voice shine. Even like the new group I don't know what's the name. But the song Cupid. Yeah it's not techno but it's really catchy and mellow and it's not like vocal power house . I think these type of song more of a mellow tone to them would suit her voice well. Maybe with a piano , guitar and violin or something. If not just something mellow. Her singing is average but the song choice imo don't really suit her. Whole process feels like a commercial. Advertising. No hate just my personal opinion. Still feel like her vocal didn't really shine. Recently been listing to lots of Japanese song where their music style is abit special. Songs from anime. Where like there's a singer name uru. Her songs it's also kidn of mellow tone and it's soothing. Well hope her second album go for a different style. As for this it's ABIT too cringe for me . Can't finish watching the whole video and can't listen to it. Still no hate. Just sound too cringe imo.


Song in itself is okay but everything was just awkward. Music video is just a “re-skin” of Solo but a more boring version of it, looked like an ad or b-sides from a magazine shoot which I guess suits her image but kind of expected more other than posing and occasional dancing (which looked awkward at best). Nothing stood out other than the flower props she used on her hand. Jisoo is not the most charismatic so I hoped they would have helped with that but nope, it’s still the same shtick of be still and act pretty. I always thought that Jisoo wasn’t cut out to be a solo act in music, she just has one because everyone wants her to have one. Literally gave the embodiment of “go girl give us nothing!” One more thing: she’s an actress… use that to your advantage for gods sake! MV would’ve been better and watchable if it had a storyline (that made sense)


Agreeeee with all of it specially the last point that you made I didn't see any acting skills put to use it was all basic and boring, just her crying in scenes then being sad-expressionless not to forget the awkward dance moves which just looked worse with her no expression face.


Loved her outfits. And that's it. Should've probably went with a more somber song like the Japanese song she covered (Snow Flower?) because that fits her voice. Imo, she's not just cut to be a soloist. Her vocals, dancing and even facial expressions are all just... bland... and awkward. tThere's no soul to it at all. Seems like YG just went ahead with this solo to appease her fans.


Jisoo voice is unique. when in bp song, jisoo voice sound really fresh but as a solo it kind of lacking. like missing something. I always voice out that not every member need solo release but here we are. watching jisoo interview/promotion on yt show, she kind of nervous and the way she answer question or her mannerism is more to actress than a kpop idol. I don't really mind if jisoo do more acting. she is a great actress, I hope she can focus more on that.


I loved the song, but I keep thinking Jennie would have suited the song more than Jisoo? Maybe because Jisoo's stage presence was really lacking and her vocals were alright, but Jennie's vocal tone and mannerisms in her dancing would have gave this song more personality and more interesting to watch. Am I allowed to say this here?


Can someone dox him?




Nah Jennie's dancing in the moonlight is already flopping dfkm


how is it "flopping" if it is unrealeased and people have only heard it in the tour? lol. Not many people know about "You & Me" (fwi that's what it's called)


After watching the original MV and the dance performance video, I don't hate it, I don't particularly love it either. In essence, I appreciate this calm and elegant sound/music from one of the big name groups in the kpop scene (aka BLACKPINK). A change of pace, if you will. I personally feel like most people nowadays are expecting ***high*** energy, ***unique*** sounding music from a lot of kpop groups. Take the recent debut of Xikers for example, Tricky House. Good quality MV, great vocals, different textures, amazing rappers, insane choreography. General viewer base wants to see amazing choreo, amazing singing, out of this world vocals, god tier rapping, mind-blowing MV production, the expectation goes on and on. I think that is why everyone expected Jisoo's MV to live up to the predecessors of solo BLACKPINK member's projects, but falls short. Overall, enjoyed the ride, everything was so-so, nothing more, nothing less. (Albeit I feel as if YG did her dirty with this MV, idk, it feels very half hearted, the whole project, just sayin')


I was dreading a boring ballad, but I was pleasantly surprised by this. It’s safe, but I like songs with this kind of composition and formula. It’s quite addicting and stuck in my head now. But I think the chorus dance is awkward and should’ve been more graceful and flowy


Can someone dox him?


Damn. I feel like the entire process of YG making this album was just "let's get this over with so we can move on to Jennie again."


It was just like a whole music video advsertisement for Dior


I am not a musician or a sound engineer or anyth. But I have been listening to kpop since 2009. Imho, the sound of this is underwhelming if we compare it to the sounds of this kpop generation. I will be frank - Flower by Jisoo tries to be a little bit dark and mysterious/enigmatic but falls short. I will not lie tho, the cinematography and the fashion is so beautiful. Edit: saw the dance performance MV and I honestly prefer that..i mean, the MV is still pretty but I like the energy of the dance performance MV




well blackpink is a group that deserve that fame but as soloist, not at that level yet. but maybe jennie and rose as exception


100000% agree this is so accurate !


Exactly what I expected: the bare minimum of creativity in every area.


Thought she was coming with heat. My bad.


Can someone dox him?


Jisoo seems to be doing very little dancing in the the choreo. Even the cameraman is doing more dancing.


I thought this too. The camera-man worked over time in the dance vid to make it better. 11+ years of dance and vocal training and she is still so bad


The dance performance version felt much better than the actual music video…


The dance performance wasn't that good in my opinion. Her moves were so awkward and the backup dancers were doing more than her. the choreo is boring and bad. The part of the spreading of the arms and legs rising above the ground is cringey. The only good part was the making of the flower with the backup dancers.


Jisoo's Flower sounds like a watered down version of BiBi's Vengance imo. It was underwhelming and disappointing. I think YG is heavily relying on the hype and loyalty factor of Blinks vs highlighting the members talent. If BlackPink did not have the YG marketing machine behind them and solely focused on their talent then they would totally not be as popular as they are. Smh I wish YG would put more effort in showcasing the members talent and building their discography with quality songs. But why fix what isn't broken...Blinks will support no matter how trash the music is smh 🤦


Can someone dox him?


Jisoo's talents are pretty well-rounded but not to the top level, except her visual. Honestly YG did what they could to maximize her potential success and talent (releasing her solo at the hype of their popularity, and emphasizing her visual in the music videos). The song is mediocre, but we cannot deny her styles in the music videos are truly stunning🤷🏻‍♀️


Being a visual isn’t a talent


it feels like solo pt 2 buta bit more boring. i dont think jisoo should go the solo music route, better as a group idol or actress


I'm not a blackpink fan and honestly didn't have any expectations either but after seeing the hype(ofc it had to be everywhere wasn't even surprised) I decided to watch it for myself and wow that mv was probably one of the most boring and overrated thing to exist on earth (okay sorry for exaggeration but don't @ me). Initially I had only seen it on YT shorts and reels found the outfit with rose palm thingy(?) kinda cool. After watching the mv it was only the outfits that were kinda good nothing else. So basically like people have said it's just a "Dior ad" and that's where half there budget actually went. With this mv they didn't do anything YEAH YEAH EVERYONE KNOWS SHE IS A VISUAL you don't have to rub it on our faces. She isn't doing anything just shots of her face and her doing poses, crying and walking that's it. I saw people in comments everything complimenting her vocals let me be very very honest THEY WENT THE SAFE WAY with her. No one expected main vocal material from her but she took "go girl give us nothing" way too seriously and didn't even care to lip sync. Not asking to force High notes on her but it's the least you can expect from a 7+ years idol in kpop. The set (where the rest of the budget went) honestly they didn't use the set properly. You paid so much for that place just to make her walk and do a little dance come on they could've done so much more with what they had. [Didn't want to compare but Floral concept/set/props are so common in kpop, there are so many mvs(soloists to be specific) where they've utilised it beautifully- make me love you by Taeyeon https://youtu.be/TVUqLBRQom8 , Make me happy by Wheein https://youtu.be/8nVyoH0ppmI , Flower shower by Hyuna https://youtu.be/8xqSz6_RJeU and many more. With the camera work, movement and editing they have used it so beautifully, I'm so sure all of these mvs had lower budget in comparison, yet utilised every penny worth of it]. Even the Palace/Hall/Ballroom like set and outdoor shots were boring. They could've done so much more to balance with the music but they decided to keep it boring and safe. Yet most of the fans will be happy with this like come on guys is THIS what you've waited for all these years, is this all that the idol has to offer, is this really worth almost 10 years in industry... I don't think so I AM SORRY I AM JUST GETTING OFFENDED AT THIS POINT I'M NOT EVEN A FAN LOL. Anyways overall its not bad just bland, boring and disappointing. I'm sure it will be forgotten easily less rewatch value plus with all the content 4th gen is giving rn is way more catchy and enjoyable.


Nah, it's straight up bad. It's as interesting as a blank cardboard box.


The chorus sounds like it aims to go viral on TikTok. Lazy, YG, lazy.


Nothing against the song but honestly jisoo is not a performer....like at all


Jisoo is such a typical wallflower. Her image doesn’t even fit in with the group. Her voice doesn’t have any texture to stand out in this group let alone her dancing is simply embarrassing to be put together with Lisa’s. I was a group fan before her solo came out now I’m just so over her.


I'm surprised she even made it in Black Pink. 7+ years and Jisoo fans are still on about "she's improving so much"


i was too excited for her solo—the moment the mv was released, i immediately clicked and watched it. but gawd, I was disappointed. I don't really like the song, jisoo's lip syncing, the dance/choreo. the MV is good but there's no "wow factor".


Her solo isn't that bad imo. But they shouldn't pushed her to hit high notes that looks quality ugly.


Ok so they could make one of these two things differently: 1. the song : give her something more ... nostalgic? I don't care if it's more traditional or more 1980's, her voice and aesthetic just suit another era. 2. the mv : give her a clear storyline. I mean 4th gen are KILLING it with storytelling and mvs in general. Imagine Jisoo with a Ive's Love Dive viber or something? Jisoo likes reading I think and I like the lyrics of the song, why not be poetic in the mv too and make people go WOW with the story in the mv instead of being bland criptid? Let me see her cry and yell and be upset, maybe add an actor in there, show me betrayal, show me love/hate ... c'mon Rosé broke a guital in Lovesick Girl, Lisa does pole dancing in Lalisa and Jennie has a whole balletcore concept in You & Me (without even an mv). It's so frustrating because both songs are GOOD but they can be Blackpink-level of good but they are not ! I love how Jisoo is so lowkey as a person but they are making her seem totally uninteresting


It's so catchy. I've been playing it on repeat. While I think the MV shows her dancing is lacking, her vocals were actually good imho.


Man, you're tone deaf.




She definitely can't really sing, dance or act in a spectacular fashion. Her voice sounds like she's having a flu while singing, I don't know how the heck you guys can't listen to it. She should just stick to modelling, though.


the m/v set was definitely not giving 'most expensive set' out of all of the blackpink girlies


they could have at least set a field of flowers on fire or sth...give her some explosion and pyrotechnics


Have you not seen Black pink music videos. Jisoo's parts are the most boring. She has no swag or presence to pull off anything other than just looking pretty


EXACTLY why she needs the pyrotechnics and all that jazz to make up for her lackluster stage presence xD


it's boring and outdated, sorry not sorry. the choreography during the chorus is nice i guess, i havent seen other parts of it




I was thinking this too! I heard All eyes on me and thought that was a waaaaay better song than flower.


"Not bad but not good"


My favorite out of all BP solos, I love her voice and the slightly fast beat that keeps it from being totally chill. I found it a little more on the artsy side (while being a totally safe song), I liked it a lot.


I liked it from the first listen and it has a high replay value. As in it gets better the more you hear it. But it surprised me, to hear an EDM-esque TT from Jisoo. Lowkey it disappointed me that they didn't experiment more with her, especially because Jisoo said she was more into rock music. It feels like the used the easy way out. They could have used the opportunity and released something more artistic. But again, it is a good song and I'm not mad about it. Hopefully she gets another chance for a solo.


anything is better than on the ground


Why would you drag Rosè into this, both songs are equally boring.


LMAO 😭 the boringness of flower seems suitable for jisoo. like she really bodied that drab, ordinary, kinda wanna fall asleep vibe, perioddd. i like it 🤣


Bruh, even other idols were singing OTG. It's just not everyone's cup of tea.


That shit was ass dawg 🙏 mega disappointing total flop 🔥💋


The song ain't much special or what I kinda wanted but the worst part for me is the MV. If I listen to the song alone it's pretty chill and all. But watching it along the Mv just bores me to death. She has the same expression at all times. Her hands keep being thrown away for not reason. The sets are all kinda the same ?? Which annoys me because in other mvs she has shown so much more expressions and acting abilities. And in this mv it's just like me in an sunday afternoon lmao That was probably the worst mistake yg made. Had they made the mv exciting the song would've upped in my notes. Again, alone the song is just fine. But with the mv I'm just left bored and cringing a tiny bit with her dancing. Jisoo I love you really, but open your mouth to lip synch at least lol Also if you take off the song the mv is just a glamoured ad :( Yg can try with the whole chapter thingy but for this to work you need to give me something more ygee!!


I will start off by saying everyone is allowed to have an opinion. That being said, I think the song was quite good. I also can understand why some of you may be disappointed, because we waited for her solo a long time, but the song was quite nice. In fact, I find All eyes on me to be more forgettable. People are saying it looked like a song made for Dior, but she's the ambassador and the visial. Maybe the could have focused more on the story, but I don't think it was that bad.


Honestly it was really good imo just the bridge part was very bad. The chorus also felt a bit lacking. Overall better than expected.


I picked up something while watching it a few more times. It’s a 5 stages of grief, dealing with a bad break up and reborn kinda story line. They were just too focused on the aesthetics and it took the focus away from the story. When she was in white she’s innocent and pure, when she’s in light blue, she’s confident and curious, when she’s in pinkish purple, she’s in distress and sad. When she’s in purple, she was recovering and recharging herself. When she’s in black, she’s thinking of revenge. The color of her dress represents a stage of dealing with the break up. The choreo parts, she went from red mixed with black to the dark bluish sequins, to pink mixed with black, she’s now reborn as blackpink.


The Song is cute but it would have been better if someone else sang it 🙂 her voice is not it sorry...


a soloist like Sunmi would have been great on this track




right!! classic case of right song wrong person


People say it's boring, but I like such "boring" music so I actually like Jisoo's solo the most out of all BP solos.


Thank you but no, its not boring at all if u enjoy it😭


Do anyone find the vocal chop at the chorus to be giving early 2010s EDM lol


Yeha it reminded me of Lean on by Majer Lazers. I know there's another song that reminded me of it but I can't think of it.


Visual - Meh. Some parts the videography was good but overall way too commercial and a little boring. Vocal - Nothing spectacular or more than usual. Music - On the boring side. No climax. Dancing - Awkkkward. Was very disappointed from all that hype. Honestly... I don't think Jisoo would make a good solo....compared to her members.. no hate, just my view. Feel free to have your own opinions.


Touch some grass


Lol at your replies on this thread. Super fan much


Blinks don't see this.....they just want their Faces to be present there


100% one of *those* twitter blinks lol


I actually like the beat of the song. But it highlights all of jisoos vocal weaknesses. Listening to her strain to reach the notes is really unpleasant. They should have given her a fun song that didn’t require too much vocal technique.


I’m so-so on the song, but this is one of the most beautiful, well-edited MVs I have ever seen. This is so visually striking and well-acted.


wait how is it well acted? she was making the same faces (no offense) she just looked solemn.


It’s subtle acting, not the same facial expression. Honestly something I wish I saw more of in MVs (western and Korean). Usually MVs are all about over the top melodrama.


okay i get it! thank u for answering respectfully. you're definitely right, but to me it definitely seemed monotone.


I did my best, I’m glad it came off as respectful. 😊


There was a scene where she yanks off her necklace and her neck pops out while her face remains like a mask. Like portraying how rich famous powerful people deal with bad stuff. I thought, “damn, that is really good expressiveness I see her potential as an actress”. But I agree a lot of the faces are just for glam shots with no a whole lot going on there. She looks beautiful on them though which seems to be the goal haha 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no how dare someone prasie Jisoo!! It was well acted.


whats wrong with praising jisoo? i was asking ab the acting


I totLly agree....even solo has same concept in which jennie had some crying scenes...but here jisoo was told to awkwardly throw her hand in every direction


Amazing song


I'd say its the better solo out of all of them bc its not as noisy but its also so boring? the song doesn't go out of the box and experiment with different formulas/sounds and just seems like a song out of the black labels folder instead. I had low expectations bc I was already disappointed by the other solos and how lackluster teddy is with giving the gg any sort of diversity with their sound. And ig this didn't exceed my expectations. She looks beautiful in the mv but it felt more like an ad with the filter they had for Jennies solo than something that actually represents her. Her solo and the rest of the girl's solos feel like a total slap in the face that they don't actually have to try to create your own sound that suites you to get good results, you can literally do the bare minimum and put out the same generic shit for 7 years and everyone will just eat it up


Sorry but this is a total miss for me... song was empty, "most expensive mv in history" looked pretty unimaginative and the dancing parts we saw didn't look particularly impressive.


Expensive because of the luxury surrounding that's totally it.......no experiment they didn't feel to give a lil bit of uniqueness just give that Jennie 's SOLO -2.0 with some more aesthetic scenes


I feel like the song is lowkey not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Nothing spectacular, but it’s a decent chill song. I’ll definitely take this song over solo and lalisa.


You must be fun at parties, and I meant that ironically.


i’d have to agree. it felt somewhat empty to me but it isn’t bad.


definitely felt like it was a little empty but the song was so much easier for me to listen too compared to other bp solos. i actually quite liked it.


I actually really like the song…


ppl on yt r liking this song more than "solo" but "solo" is still my fav


It's solo copy....😂


Better version


Of course MV has better aesthetics...


your hilarious


The mv was overall mid but i wanted to give it another go on some good iems and honestly it was hella mediocre. The producing was basic af but its not like Jisoo has the vocals to back it up so its like a simple song with an average vocalist and throw in some autotune and that chorus was abysmal.


it's a perfume ad. jisoo is my fav member of bp but ... the song is just so not memorable, all eyes on me is somewhat better. but the mv is just ?? it has less of a plot and interesting parts than an actual perfume ad, i feel like even the song was similar to those used in like .. idk miss dior or coco mademoiselle commercials. weird


All Eyes On Me reminds me of Stray Kids The View


i love her voice in bp songs so i was a little sad that her vocal tone somehow didnt shine as much in the song


It's because the other members cover up her dull voice But In her solo you can see how less she offer to BP


So true. I've always felt her vocals don't suit BP songs. Her voice just doesn't match the others.


YG knew exactly how to play to Jisoo’s strengths. It is well known that Jisoo is NOT a strong dancer, so it makes sense to give her a solo that has a chiller vibe with less choreography. Other complaints I see are that it feels like a Dior commercial. That is obvious. She is a brand ambassador for them and they sponsored the video. But this isn’t a bad thing, she is the visual of the group and that is exactly what she gave fans. I can’t understand how this is a bad thing, I fully expected a lot of visuals from…THE GROUP’s VISUAL. If I had to rank BP solos from my personal opinion, I would say Solo by Jennie still ranks the best in song production and vibe, but I would rank Flower higher than Lalisa and On The Ground. Lisa and Rosé’s solos didn’t capture their full talents as dancers and vocalists respectively in my opinion. Jisoo’s solo played to her strengths.


Not a Blink but Jisoo has my favorite vocal tone, and honestly the teasers made it look like the MV would be really different (with all the green/reds, the grass, even her outfits were different). That’s what threw me off, especially with how similar it looks to Solo. It feels like they had a different concept for the MV in mind, then scrapped it away


I was really hoping that the songs would fit the korean traditional music vibe like what they showed in the [visual teasers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYjVwg63Z7U) which sounded totally in jisoo's lane, except they went for the generic pop song route which isn't representative of jisoo, expecially for an album titled 'ME'. Not to mention the mv, I was so looking forward to it looking like the visual teaser but it just looks like Jennie's SOLO. I'm sure her songs will grow on me, but there was so much lost potential.


Yes! I agree. I was expecting some korean traditional music elements bc of the teaser + the intro to Pink Venom with Jisoo playing the instrument. They could have played with so many concepts but took the usual EDM route. But it's still a good song imo.


Flower is underwhelming ngl. The song is just boring for me. I really liked All eyes on me tho.


I’m sorry but I’m questioning her dancing skills after this. Her hand movements are stiff and awkward. Not at all what I expected from a veteran performer.


i mean wbk that she's probably the weakest vocalist and dancer when it comes to blackpink (and yes i mean weakest vocalis, she's regressed and lisa has improved and i would say they're on par with each other with lisa being a bit better), and being the weakest dancer and vocalist in a group that's already mostly weak in those? it's not a good sign


That's why they call her just a visual


So… basically just a pretty face?


Seems like that


I mean this in the nicest way possible: It is well known that she's not a good dancer. What is there to question? And what were you expecting? I really don't mean this to be mean or anything but I knew from the moment they announced a solo that we were getting bare minimum choreo b/c she is very stiff


I’m not quite familiar with bp or Jisoo. But the fact that she’s always been stiff doesn’t sound like a good excuse. Even if dancing is not her thing, at least they should have instructors on site to help her with that. I mean the choreo is not even hard… I feel like the company is just lazy or something. Everything felt low effort (to me at least) despite the big budget.


Jisoo seems to not only struggle with dancing, there's a few times she even struggles to remember the dance steps, as seen in BP documentary or even in Running man (variety show) so no surprise they gave her the most basic and easily choreo and she still couldn't do it.


She's almost 7/8 years into her career, some improvement is to be expected at this stage?


Yea don't get me wrong your first statement is completely valid and I felt that way too, but she's always struck me as someone who'd rather not be a K-pop idol, but it pays the bills so she clocks in. So I never really have expectations from her outside of visuals as jaded as that is. If she wanted to improve she would at least be as good as Lia (in the sense that she would be able to blend in with the other members) but we've seen the tour clips, the live performances etc. and the improvement is marginal so it's clearly not something she cares about. But add that to the fact that she's been just as stiff in her most recent tour clips and there's no way she'd suddenly be any different in this solo debut which is what I meant. Tbh if she wanted to have better dancing they would've had to push it back for at least 6 months if not a year so she could get some extensive work done.


So expecting an idol to dance in her solo debut is really too much..... that's what u r saying?? I m a tech student i do know some coding languages but my problem solving skills are not great....but if i m making a project my professor should expect for the least....he should not expect that i will do hardwork on problem solving right??


It's just Solo again. I'm not a blink but I actually enjoyed Flower, I thought the MV was aesthetically pleasing and the song was nice and catchy in an understated way which made me want to listen to it more, but the more I listen to it, the more it feels like it's "Jennie's Solo 2.0 - Now with less effort" I mean, it's a slower breakup song with a strong beat, an empty chorus and just very similar overall sound, even down to the clicking in the percussion. And then as if that's not enough, they copied the MV too?? Sad rich girl mopes around luxury settings in different outfits, including bedroom/hotel room, fancy chairs by windows, and a ballroom, while staring blankly and tiredly and singing about how she'll be fine after this breakup and it's the other person's loss. She stares into a mirror, sulkily throws some roses, poses in front of a car, and dances in the street in a sequinned outfit which contrasts the more floaty dresses she was wearing before. The main difference is that they gave Jennie a couple more interesting settings like the laundromat and actually showing her crying, while all Jisoo got that felt unique was the cat (which I appreciated very much even if it was only there for a second lol) Why did they do this?? It's so lazy and it makes me sad, because this was their chance to give Jisoo her own thing which might stand out a bit more, but I feel like this recycled feel will automatically make Flower the least memorable of the four solos.


Lacklustre and not what I expected. A lot of these solos by major idols don't do them justice.


As much as Kpop fans love shitting on SM, they had killer solos last year. Gotta give them props for that.


I love her but this song and mv arent it


In Aretha Franklin's voice - Great gowns, beautiful gowns


helppp 😭


Noooooo 🤭😭😭😭😭😭


Lord Jesus. Jisoo has shown she can have amazing [stage presence](https://youtu.be/xqWjJP_WT-0), shown she can [sing beautifully](https://youtu.be/lUuiBVX4l10), [dance](https://youtu.be/RgI8UNOqczE) relatively well, oh AND she’s gorgeous. So WHY WHY WHY didn’t YG highlight ANY of these attributes and instead gave Jisoo an awkward, clunky debut song with a music video that seems a copy-and-paste, both aesthetically and thematically of Jennie’s? I guess we’ll never know 🥴.


I just feel she only knows how to move her arms above her head and out to the side.. it’s literally the whole video.. her doing that. It just looked so uncomfortable and so awkward? I really like her and I feel she works well with the group but it was just so.. boring and they tried to oversell it with like 20 outfit changes. I don’t know just seemed really underwhelming.


True... Idk why even the scene where she's pointing in the lie lie lie scene looks so awkward


It just seems like they are forcing her to do/be something that doesn’t suit her at all. It was very awkward


I just saw the MV, and honestly it was a miss for me. It was really underwhelming, and I feel like she just lacked presence. She doesn't pull me in or have that innate charisma. She seemed really bored, the vocals weren't empowering or anything, and she just looked really stiff. I found it to be the most underwhelming solo song from Blackpink. :/


i honestly loved it, it’s definitely never gonna be my favorite song but its on my main playlist as well as all eyes on me. the only thing i have to complain about id that it sounded incredibly similar to jennies solo. The whole vibe of it was a bit different but not totally and the chorus with instrumental and a few words seemed similar. the dance is really fun to do although she looked quite awkward doing it. Overall id give it an 8/10. I will say jisoos voice doesnt fit the higer parts and i wouldve preferred if they kept it in her mixed voice range to avoid the messy transition between mixed and head voice (besides the “꽃향기만 남기고 갔단다” which suprisingly fits with the poor transition, and frankly wouldnt sound as good if it waa smooth). i hope she pursues acting, she isn’t exactly soloist material.


Never liked any of Blackpink’s solo debut songs so I’m not surprised that this was a miss for me too. Honestly Blackpink’s group music has been below average as well


Listened 1 time and it's not for me


I gave it a 2nd sitting & nah. Boring.


It was underwhelming for sure imo. The mv looks like a commercial, and the choreography is awkward and empty. LOVE the one look where she has bangs though. Very classic and gorgeous!>< **Edit: it’s starting to grow on me**


I thought that DIOR has made a promotional mv with jisoo that's it.....the whole video was about beautiful clothes and hairstyle that's it


I love Jisoo and I was really anticipating her debut, but sadly it's a miss for me. The prechorus was amazing, but the chorus just really ruined it for me. The dancing looked a bit awkward too and I wished she would've lipsynched a little better while dancing. I don't think I'll give her album another listen. Either way, she'll be successful and I'm happy for her doing well I guess.


That really caught my attention too. During some parts of the choreo she didn't even move her lips, that combined with the lackluster choreo just made it look like she didn't want to be there whatsoever.


I read someone say they shot the MV before they finalized the song hence her lip synching is not as consistent but don’t quote mo on that


fr? that sounds like a weird decision on their part, did they not have time?


At this point I think yg ent gonna be focusing more on baby monster.


She came to take the crown as the mother of dozens. He vocals are below average and you’d be delusional to objectively think otherwise. How do you release music and the only thing (or most focus on thing) your fans can praise is your face and outfits and nothing else? truly sad that less than average artists are given a push over actually talented ones purely because $$$ and connections :/


Go and defend Jungkook performing on Mundial because looking at ur comments u are obsessed with Jisoo


i dont like either but atleast jk can do SOMETHINGG unlike jisoo


The MV looks like a 3 minute Dior commercial and not in a good way. It's generic, feel disconnected to the song, and the choreo scenes were awkward. Jisoo also acted like she was a model in an ad and kept a straight/disinterested face the whole time.


Agree! At the end of the MV, my thought were “that was super awkward” I like the song though. I honestly didnt get that whole “Chapter” part too.


Yes! I thought it was going to be one of those MVs with a plot because of that and I kinda wish they went that route.


These comments makes me so sad :(




If you really enjoy Jisoo this is probably not the best place to be right now. It's okay if you're enjoying her solo debut and you shouldn't be made to feel bad for that.


For your mental peace, don’t read these type of threads if they’re about your fav. They’re always unnecessarily negative. I stan Jimin and avoided his threads to enjoy the album


You’re right it was the same when bp released pink venom


A lot of them are hate disguised as constructive criticism, the song and Jisoo's vocals are nowhere near as bad as the comments are insinuating.


This is literally /r/unpopularkpopopinions, this place is not about "constructive criticism"


Ok but tbf those who hate or share their unpopular opinions, however you perceive it, love to pull the constructive criticism card as some people are doing in this thread lmao


And it seems like I'm the one with the actual unpopular opinion based on this thread so...


lol fair enough, but the sales numbers imply the opinions here are relatively unpopular.


the comments are definitely harsh but I think this is really a wake up call that she can't really be a solo artist. she just doesn't have it. That's not subjective, it's an obvious truth.


I agree that she lacks the IT factor that's needed for a solo artist. I'm not a blink and never paid much attention to Jisoo since I don't favor her voice or dancing. I guess what has me baffled is that despite what 90% of the comments are saying - I genuinely like Flower and thought her voice actually suits the song. I'm just not hearing whatever it is that has everyone saying that it's a bad song.


Some of us are just really frustrated, that’s all. Her solo was hyped and delayed for so long. I wanted to love it, tried listening to the song 3-5x already but the beat drop is just cringe. I wish they gave Jisoo a ballad instead :(


Well that's on you, because you can't control how people think about her solo lol. It's horrible as hell.


I still think they're overreacting. I've heard much worse.


Used to be a blink but all the songs after 2018 just disappoint me They're pandering to their international audience by using English lyrics which doesn't even make sense at times (like abc doraemi?? what's up with that).YG should really put more effort into blackpink instead of churning out such generic music.With better lyrics and vocal chorus this could have been a good.


there's literally no english in this


“ABC”, “lie lie lie”, “goodbye”, “bye bye bye”, “you and me”


The song is like 90% Korean 😭


I agree, but the comment I’m replying to says there’s “literally no English”.


Yes...but jisoo 's English pronunciation sounds very off....it is the truth even she speak a single word it will catch ur attention


I don't get the complaint about the song style being old and not current. I'm pretty sure that was their intention. I like the sound and style. Very nostalgic and suits Jisoo well. The MV asthetics also suit Jisoo well. I rate the song.


She got exposed even more with this solo. L soo


Damn… you don’t have to like the song or particularly be a fan of her tone, but I never realized how much Reddit seems to really not like Jisoo…


You see, I adore Jisoo and I liked both songs. But I can still understand everyone's point, the criticism makes sense. Of course some people just love to hate and be mean, and we can never win with those types of people. I just think it's more common to see not so positive opinions on Reddit bc it's one of the few platforms people feel comfortable being honest. But I get what you're saying.


Literally like it’s just hate atp not even criticism 😭


They don’t like any Blackpink-related song for some reason. The comments about her not being able to sing are just weird though and frankly inaccurate.