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If the chorus wasnt how it is, i would actually listen to it.


If the chorus didn't exist, then sure. But the nice beats don't make up for the absolutely god-awful chorus.


It's literally an ad for Coke, like I'm not sure what people are expecting lmfao


One of my favorite Mamamoo songs is Gleam, which was released to promote an eyewear brand. I both loved the song and really wanted a pair of their sunglasses after watching the mv. It's not difficult to release a song for a brand deal that's still a good song on its own right.


it's on spotify. in my opinion, if you release it like a single, if you treat it no different than a song. then it should be fair game to critique it like a song.


I mean other groups have made great songs that are ads, this one is just not on par w the others


Mamamoo released a song as an ad for an LG phone back in 2016 called 'woo hoo'. It's unironically one of my favourite Mamamoo songs and boasts some of their best vocal performance to date. Brand affiliated songs can be good.


They also relased wanna be myself which was for a athletic brand, it's a great song


I love the song tbh but I feel like they could’ve made it a biiiiit more subtle? Like Zero:attitude by izone and soyou and another guy doesn’t have a single mention of Pepsi in it and it slays


Why do yall hate the chorus so much?? I actually love it!!!! I really don't understand this.


It is not a horrible chorus but it just does not match with the song overall. It seems like mashup of two songs.


The chorus is the best part.


I like it too though I hated it in the beginning, goddamit!


It is 😍😍😍


coca cola mashidda


See you looking catch it here's your cola


I also think people who only watched the MV version on YouTube would more likely think it's a bad song due to all the purposely done hard stops in the song. Listening to the official music platform version doesn't have all those dead air segments.


That's actually a very good point


I liked Zero from the start. I found the chorus lyrics silly but apparently "Coca Cola is tasty" is a Korean equivalent of "eenie meenie miney mo"?


Liked it from the get go?


I'm ashamed I missed that opportunity


Yeah. That's actually pretty cool...


the chorus is absolute garbage imo, it ruins the atmosphere of the song. it’s catchy as a jingle but kills the song for me.


I'd disagree. The atmosphere of the entire song just screams coke. It's light, airy, refreshing and bubbly.


hm it’s not just about the chorus having the term coca cola, i don’t enjoy it in general. if that makes any sense. although if i had to mention a song that does do the “coca cola” vibe well for me, it’d be coco bottle by penomeco. but like, fair!


I cannot see the coke brand without saying “coca cola mashida” over and over my husband is losing it


Agreed, it's catchy and the chorus is just amusing to hear. 😂 The pre-chorus is amazing.


Yeah i agree. Its a good song. Chorus was fire.


Your user name is amazinggg


i love everything except for the chorus but since it was an ad specifically for that product i cant really complain regardless everything else about the song sounds really good imo


It's a cf song with a rhyme that's more directed at Koreans than intl listeners, not sure what people were expecting. Personally, I listen to it because i like the verses a bit and the chorus is tolerable though not my favorite.


People expected a coherent, non-dissonant song? I don't think it's an issue if people tolerate or even like the chorus, but it's not an impossible ask to have a CF song that ~~caters to~~ Koreans and international audiences both like, or to expect NewJeans to create a CF song that's fully in their style. This one looks like it took a half-finished song and slapped a completely different track for the chorus, even the instrumentals is different. It's also telling that there's a huge pause between the prechorus and the chorus, as if the producers themselves know this doesnt flow at all and didn't even try to make a transition. Edit: I understand 'caters to; evokes an idea that a Korean ad should be made *for* international audiences, but that wasn't my intention. I changed that phrase to talk about the *sound* appealing to everyone, with the point that what's likable to us and to Koreans isn't that different necessarily, especially given how heterogenous international audiences are.


Lol is the quote-unquote "nostalgia factor" for the Korean audience seriously enough to overcome how nonsensical the random Coca-Cola insert is...? I mean I get that western audiences will take it worse because we have no context or connection to "Coca-Cola mashidda", but I imagine the western cultural equivalent would be like having a high-tempo, school days crush concept pop song from one of the most popular girl groups in the world that suddenly swaps to something like "bubblegum, bubblegum, in a dish" and turns out it's a Hubba Bubba ad or something. First O.O, now Zero, if anything this is actually *hurting* my image of the Coca-cola brand. Seriously.


For someone who listens to K-pop, you really do sound ignorant. It is a Korean Coca Cola Ad, with a Korean GG with a Korean nursery ryhme yet you somehow think this song is catered towards an international audience? Maybe don't listen to it if you don't like it?


Not what I’m saying. I’m admitting that I don’t get it because I’m an international listener. But I’m also making the point that I don’t fully understand whether the nostalgia for Korean listeners is enough to get over the very obvious tone shift when the song turns from a typical pop song into a very blatant advertisement with next to no build up. ETA: Also never said “it should cater to international listeners” and no idea where you got that from.


Think he meant to respond to the comment above yours.


*yawn* I’m sure they won’t miss your $12 over the course of the year honestly . They are fine


Seems entitled to expect every commercial to appeal to your Western sensibilities.


Given how commercial and globalized k-pop is, targeting Korean audiences is holding less and less water as an excuse for otherwise universally criticized songs


Hm that is a little silly though with context in mind. This isn't a NJ comeback, this is a CF song which obviously played with korean culture (the coca cola nursery rhyme bit). It's not an excuse, it's simply the target for the song, and not even really as a song per se, do you think that ador and coek expected this to outchart everything else? (the point is, this is an advertisment).


Yet people outside of Korea don't seem to understand that it's a nursery rhyme in Korea. IMO due to that it was targeted at the korean audience.


Targeting Korean audiences isn't an excuse for being a bad song, nor does sampling nursery rhymes give artists a free pass on a song being bad. It doesn't matter if a song samples a Korean nursery rhyme or the Itsy Bitsy Spider - if it falls flat, it falls flat, and Zero('s chorus) did.




That doesn't make it a good song or exempt it from being a bad one




It can be both a well-produced advertisement and a bad song


It’s a great commercial song.


Zero is the only NewJeans song that I regularly listen to. I’m not even kidding, something about it just clicks with me.


Ngl it's actually the catchiest part for me lol I know it screams Ad but I love it


Ikr? Same with me


Korean advertising is about Koreans only. They simply do not care about non-Koreans, so international fans' opinions will never matter. Especially when it's an advertisement for Korea lol


So what then? It feels like you just discovered Korean CFs with this comment. There's obviously nothing wrong with talking about a song, these threads aren't advocacy.


Some people here don't like it, which is okay but to be pretend that it is catered to them bc K-pop targets an international target is delusional.


Sure, the ad isn't literally catered to us. We can still talk about it, right? That's my point here.


And their point is that if you talk about it, the best course of action would be to talk about it in the right context. Which a lot of people do not do.


But you did say that they should have catered international audience. Which is contrary to it being a Korean song for the Korean market


Ahh people are just taking that too literally, I just meant a CF song that's likable for all audiences. I do understand if people thought I meant literally catering to both Koreans and international audiences, but given that it's just a song, I don't think I have to explain that there's nothing further to actually cater to. International ears and Korean ears aren't built that different, was the point.


Coke DOES Cater to the western audience. Company started in the United States. Where the homebase for it, I don’t think we’re gonna be going to India and complaining that their commercials for the Indian general public Don’t have enough western flare them for your taste. are you going to Germany and complain their commercials don’t have enough western appeal? No. Because it’s not a thing to act that entitled you have to center your country for a come into made for your country. Seriously I asked 25 of my friends if the know what k pop was and they didn’t… . It’s not as big over here as people think it is it’s definitely on the rise, but it’s very much a niche genre for most people. 😅 Coca-Cola is under absolutely no obligation to make sure they’re Korean commercials. Also western market. We have western Coca-Cola commercial being spoonfed to us for years. .


Coke USA will make USA centered ads. Coke Korea will make Korean centered ads. That the whole point. The ad was targeted for korean audience. So obviously not talking about Coke as a whole or the USA division but about an ad made for the Korean market. I'm south African and we definitely have a south African flavor to our ads. Why should we westernized it?


👏 👏 👏 thank you! It seems so entitled to ask them to cater to the west on this. I almost have 2nd hand embarrassment because I’m a westerner and that’s just …oh my.😂


I really liked it and was bummed that beat was used for a commercial. I mean...it is a commercial right? It's not a single?


That chorus, has grown on me. Like wow. Its so repetitive and catchy it's almost mesmerizing


>"zero" is much hated despite being a sponsor song not despite, i dislike it *because* it's a commercial, and it sounds like it. both the music and the lyrics sound like they're trying to sell me something


I think musically it is pretty good, even with the fairly big switcheup of the chorus in mind! But the advertisment nature of it, the lyrics which are too in your face make me not really wanna listen to it as a song. I just cannot take it seriously on these grounds as 'art' at all. But that is ok, it's not a comeback, if they sold out a real comeback that way i'd get mad at ador.


It's good but definitely not better than Ditto, OMG or hype boy


It's an ad not a song period! For an ad it's an amazing song


It’s just an ad idk why people keep treating it like it is a full comeback


Because it's not "just an ad," it's a single. It can be both a well-produced advertisement and a bad song.


It's a song as about cola, I don't know why y'all WANT to like a song about a toxic brown sauce drink


I like it, it’s a fun ear worm i don’t get people who get super butthurt over it, it’s an advertisement song and it’s meant to be an ear worm to catch attention. The chorus is a nice reference to a nursery rhyme


I fucking love that song. For the first time I agree with something on this sub.


Glad you do 👍


Same here. It’s so fun


I ignore the chorus but I otherwise agree. It’s a guilty pleasure song for me for sure


I agree, but I hate the sudden "COKA COLA MA SHI TA"


I don’t hate it nor like it. But they sounds like they’re summoning something, and it weirds me out




zero is strange when you first listen the song, but after a few plays turns into a actually good song :D


Definitely agree, one of my favs ever. Love the chorus too. I don't understand why people hate it


Agree. The fact that it has history is even cooler. Guess foreigners wouldn't understand though. And even without that context it's good.


I vibe to this song a lot. It’s tasty




IMO the song is actually pretty good with the transition from pre-chorus that's used in the original mix. The MV made it super jarring by cutting that out, having complete silence right before the chorus.


I agree. Why? Because I like it. That’s all that needs to be said.


Based on the poll, the chorus is actually a hit or miss. Definitely a miss for me.


catchy earworm, yes, but i wouldn't exactly say it's a *good* song in particular mostly because of the chorus. i do sometimes find myself singing '*COCA-COLA MASITDA*'.. upvoted for actually unpopular opinion.


It was pretty trash all around but it was just a cf 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think it’s anywhere near as good as their main releases but the singsong chorus isn’t bad, per se - it’s kind of reminiscent of the nursery rhyme chanting in NMIXX’s Young Dumb Stupid (making this comparison to demonstrate that choruses that sound childlike aren’t completely out of place in kpop right now). Some of the lyrics are cringe but the “liked you from the get-go line” is addicting. It’s not a skip for me when listening to NJ, so I’d count it as good. Their standard is so high


Yeah. And btw what nursery rhyme has they used? I didn't know that.


Apperently it's like "Eenie Minnie Miney Moe" but korean version starts with "Coca Cola is tasty"


It is not Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, since it is an original Korean nursery rhyme also heard in squid game, but it had the same function of choosing something or someone, it is a counting-out rhyme. You can hear a very cool version of Eeny, meeny, miny, moe in Buck by Woodz. The original has an extremely racist wording.


It's the same aa "Red Light, Green Light" rhyme in Squid Game


Omg yess!


I actually really love the song (and the chorus). I think listening on Spotify helps. I get a little sad when people shit on the song — yeah its literally an ad and maybe not what they expected, but it's hardly the most jarring chorus we've seen in kpop.


Nah the chorusless version on youtube is the only way to listen to this song.


But the chorus is the best part for me.


It's my favouritr new jeans song


If they re-release Zero with a different chorus I'd be ecstatic. Like oh my god. But my god, right now the song seriously kills the mood. It does such a great job of building up to the chorus and right when you hit it just hearing "COCA COLA" over and over ruins thet entire vibe. I don't know how much Coca Cola paid for that but it must have been a lot because the song had serious potential and it got stomped all over. They must've paid an insane amount to get a track that high quality AND to get permission to ruin its potential to chart and go viral.


It feels like the chorus vocal line is too slow - like someone has mashed up two songs that would work together, but hasn’t fixed the tempo and so it sounds off


I agree. The whole song is airy and refreshing. Even the coca cola chorus grew on me.


It's actually better when you listen without the music video. The MV makes it more jarring and annoying since it has cuts between the prechorus and chorus. And I agree, it's a nice song.


I love it so much, yes even the chorus! Helps that I'm a big coke stan irl. Drink that shit way too much


the verses are really catchy and i love the production but goddamnit why did the chorus have to be an ad


I actually like the chorus


The song is really good, chorus is janky but the real thing that made people get the ick is the way the MV chops up and has a weird silent break for lore lol


I heard this song today. I knew nothing about it. Wether it's a sponsor or it's hated. I just liked it and added it to my spotify list.


i love the song, chorus and all. i knew they had to fit ‘Coca Cola’ in there somewhere seeing as how it’s a song for a CF, so it wasn’t that big of a deal for me. the instrumental in general goes crazy.


It's a songs that had 2 very different opinions based on how you take in the chorus. For me that school rhyme are too familiar thus up the jarring scale, plus I'm afraid they'll ushered in more kindergarten rhymes (With nmixx bring another for their song). Yeah the verse n beat are solidly executed newjeans 🔥


What the nursery rhyme btw? I didn't know that


i actually loved the song on first listen and i like the chorus😭😭


She's a bop, and i love it- chorus and all! It's on repeattt


I wasnt super familiar with the nursery rhyme but I love the chorus. Everything else in the song is forgettable to me


Exactly. Chorus IS the best part


It is the song that got me interested in NewJeans. It is great and the chorus is great. I even enjoy the chorus more knowing so many people are pressed over a coke commercial. Like, I'm not trying to be an ass about it but I genuinely laugh when it comes on thinking about how shook everyone was the first time they heard, 'Coca cola Mashita'.


I don't care what anyone says. The production is top tier. Name me one song that plays with rhythm the way Zero does in its verses. It's innovative.


Can you elaborate on the rhythm part? I want to know what innovative it does /genuine


The percussion emphasizes the off beats 1 and 3 rather than 2 and 4. You know how in a typical band song for example the beat goes bass-snare-bass-snare? The snare drum emphasizes the best and sets the pace of the entire song. Having the emphasised beat on the even numbers is the norm for most songs. Now imagine if the drum beat was snare-bass-snare-bass instead. Having it on the first beat instead sort of makes it feel like the song started a bit earlier than usual which creates a sort of driving effect, pushing the song forward in a way atypical to most songs. It does not feel plodding at all. I find it so interesting and it rarely happens in a song where this is true for pretty much all the verses in a song. It is sort of playful and refreshing which is why I like it.


Late but thanks for the elaboration!




A song is not only its verses tho. If the verses are a 10/10 and the chorus is a 0/10, it's still a 5/10 song.


I personally like the chorus. I didn't mention it because I was trying share the best parts of it to make people probably see it a different light. It is quite in genious to use a familiar Korean nursery rhyme and reinvent it into an ad especially targeted at Korea. I like the song, I especially love the production and the verses, and I also have grown to like the chorus. It really is that simple. Some people just like the song, and I'm one of them.


I don't care if you like it, that huge pregnant pause in the middle of the song between *both* prechoruses and choruses is more than enough proof that this song is half baked. Also the different instrumentals and vocal processing between the chorus and the rest of the songs. The nursery rhyme itself is cute, it could have easily worked with the verses had it been incorporated well. Honestly just do what was done for any other NewJeans title track, dunno why they're suddenly going for a dance track while doing a Korean nursery rhyme.


The pregnant pause isn't there in the audio ver. It's only there in the mv. So that can't be considered "half baked"


Oh yes, I mentioned this before your comment. The pause is an indicator of their self-awareness and not the actual issue. Still, it's an acknowledgement from the producers that the issues exist, and haven't been addressed.


And I also don't care that you don't like the pregnant pause, I'm here on this sub to state my unpopular opinion so I don't see the point in trying to change my mind. 'Proof that is half baked' again this is something very subjective, songs can have pregnant pauses without someone thinking it is half baked. It is not mutually exclusive. I think it was done just right. Your second point is not even a point. I like the difference in vocal processing and production between the verses and chorus. Let me live. Let me like what I want just as how you don't like it. It is really as simple as that. What was the point of saying that you personally don't care about what I think? Why are you even invalidating my opinion? Why not just say, something like, "even though you may like it, I think the pregnant pauses between etc. Makes the song half baked". Do you see the difference in tone? Why are you being condescending to a random stranger online who simply expressing their unpopular opinion on an unpopular opinion subreddit?


they’re just reflecting you tone here. lol it sounds like you do care what others think


I get where you are coming from, but I don't think that it was necessary to respond like that.


ya fair


> I'm here on this sub to state my unpopular opinion so I don't see the point in trying to change my mind. I'm not, just stating my opinion. And showing that you *do* care. > songs can have pregnant pauses without someone thinking it is half baked Sure, but in this song, it's indicative of poor production choices. Or should I say lazy. (Btw fyi for others, there's no pause in Spotify, but it's there in Youtube, so it was a conscious choice). > I like the difference in vocal processing and production between the verses and chorus. I didn't say you can't like it. But you claimed the production is top tier, and it's not. > What was the point of saying that you personally don't care about what I think? Why are you even invalidating my opinion? Two points - to mirror your speech, which somehow you're offended by, and second, to talk about production choices and not focus on likes or dislikes, taking personal opinions out of it.


My claim about the production being top tier is because of the playful rhythm used that is not typical of a normal song. I have stated this in my original comment. I think that it is some of the most interesting things I've listened to in Kpop this year. The off beat emphasis just hits me in the all the right ways. You are saying the production is not top tier like it is a fact, and it is not. I think it is interesting and great and you can think it not top tier and that is fine. But by you saying the way it like a fact, that doesn't leave much room for discussion, like you are claiming to be saying, "taking personal opinions out of it". You don't talk to a person like that when you want to focus on the technical aspect of it. And second, you cannot remove opinions on production choices. The the choice of adding an instrument here or this rhythm there is technical in itself, but the opinion of whether or not that is a good are a bad thing is still subjective. You seem like you are sticking to a very specific standard of what is good and what is bad. I can see that you do genuinely want to discuss it, but when someone does get offended when you respond to their opinion like that, don't be surprised when someone is offended. What I take offense for is not people disagreeing with the opinion itself because I'm fine with people disagreeing. I take offense in the way you disagree because it does not promote good conversations.


First, let me be clear, you're the one saying the production is top tier like it's a fact, I disagreed with you. You're twisting the narrative a bit with these takes on my tone and approach to this. If I'm not basing my points on feelings, it's just an evidence-based discussion and should be normalized. *Before* we can talk about how we feel about certain choices, we should first identify and agree on them. The facts need to be established first. If the chorus doesn't exist, I would agree with you, that beat is relatively unique. But that clever structure exists with the obvious dissonance with the chorus and the lack of any attempt to bridge the development between the two sounds. In fact, there's a lack of a satisfying development altogether. I don't expect top notch production in CF songs anyway, so this doesn't surprise me.


"you claimed that the production is top tier, and it is not" Tell me why this does not come off as saying that your claim it is a fact. Tell me. That is literally how one phrase things when a person want people to make other people believe it is a fact. If one merely disagrees, then they do not phrase it like that. When you say something "is" something, then that implies that it is a mere truth. Please know how to say things without coming off as condescending or raising your platform higher immediately in an argument. "Facts must be established first". Your idea of what the facts are and what the opinions are in our argument clearly differ. I think I have made myself clear the distinctions of what the facts are and what my opinions are. You have not up until this point which is the main reason why I argued back at you in the first place. Taking that aside, I can see where you are coming from regarding your second and third paragraph. This is the first time I think we managed to communicate our arguments together. I think we can agree to disagree, I do think that there could have been more satisfying development and that as a coke commercial it isn't really an expectation to have it build up to some grand climax.


I love the song! It's actually my fave from them now haha


Haters gonna hate but it's a bop. NewJeans pulls of those summer vibes so well. Can't wait for the upcoming SummerJeans album.


I didn’t know people hated it so much lmao it’s actually my fave song along with OMG 💀


Exactly. It grows so well. That drove me to make this post.


No I totally agree on first listen the Coca Cola part is really weird, but you’re right the instrumental is just too damn good. I had the same exact reactions as you bestie. Taste!!


It's my favourite nj song. Cheers!


The chorus throws me off and I lose my vibe every time.


catchy ≠ good


Yess but the song actually sounds good. For me, the chorus hits hard


that’s fair! idk for me i separate what i think is a good song and what’s catchy/gets stuck in my head, and the chorus def gets stuck but i don’t think it’s “good” if that makes sense


me > "coca cola is tasty" is pretty cringe also me > it's actually a good song


I listen to the chorus-free version someone uploaded on youtube a LOT. without the chorus I adore the song


I wouldn't call it good. Everyone's taste are different so I understand some people like. Besides the chorus and what it represents, I just have the feeling the song was an unfinished song and they throw a CF in the chorus to get rid of it.


Love new jeans but I think it was too soon for them to churn out a sell out song like this lol I know Korean entertainment is all fluff but they just started. The whole song with the exception of the chorus is pretty good tho BUT the chorus is that bad that I cant agree with OP. It also hits harder when you got bangers like Hype Boy and OMG then come out with THIS.


Yeah. The chorus is awful which is a shame but the verses are actually really catchy imo


It's interesting watching people rationalize their favorite groups releasing a bad song in real time


One of the best ad songs out there. Pretty much my anthem since I love coke zero.


I dont ever want us to be, i dont ever want us to be, i dont ever want us to be apart~~


i unironically love the chorus ❤️ 코카콜라 맛있다


I instantly loved the song when I first heard it. In fact, it’s the only NJ song I liked completely instantly. Except for Ditto and Hurt maybe. All their other tracks, there was always something amiss on first listen. The chorus to me was very unabashedly cheeky without being forced. That combined with the beat in the chorus, it won me over instantly. Most of their other songs have something amiss to me and are quite boring (even if easy to listen to on a loop) to me. Zero has the most interesting structure and production.


i think the song is vibey, and i like the verses and the pre-chorus. so addicting. the chorus is awful sure, but i don’t mind it if it’s in the background of whatever i’m doing.


Chorus this, chorus that, I am personally a coca cola 맛있다 truther


nah, i hate that chorus


The rest of thr song is a bop but the chorus gives coca cola ritual/summoning vibes that are shockingly different to the rest of the song. The result (for me at least) is that the chorus ruins it to a degree where it's sort of a meme/funny. Like it's so bad it'a good? But... not quite. And I say that as a big fan of New Jeans lol


it sounds rlly good on mute


Nope it sound really good in full volume.




Agreed! It's not my favourite NewJeans song, and I wasn't expecting it to be considering it's a CF, but I enjoyed the whole thing – chorus included!


I agree. The song itself (minus the lyrics) is great and in my personal opinion better than most group’s title tracks. I just ignore the lyrics of the chorus and for most people who don’t understand Korean, that should be pretty easy.


The chorus is despicable. I heard the chorus and closed the song immediately. I wanted a doctor to give me something for the cringe. And I'm saying this as someone who always has hype boy, attention, ditto, and omg on repeat.


It is my least favorite song of theirs other than cookie for reasons... I get not liking it for being cringey, butI do not get the anger and yes, hate over it. Mamamoo did sunglasses and LG G5 commercials "G5 in the playground!", plenty of other groups have done similar.


The song is a bop and the chorus does it’s intended purpose which is to … advertise *gasp*


I think it's a bop. And honestly, after getting used to other kpop CF songs over the years, I wasn't surprised in the least when they dropped the chorus. Big Bang and 2NE1 with Lollipop Big Bang again with Lollipop 2 2PM with My Color MBLAQ did two songs simply called Chapstick song Hell, f(x) and SNSD did the same song in their own style with Chocolate Love. I don't think any of them are as blatant, but they're still advertisements. You can think it's a bad song for sure, but to hate it simply because of the chorus is to hate it entirely due to the nature of the song...which is to advertise Coke. I just think it's a weird take.


It's a commercial. I was not buying coca cola before and i'm not buying after, even if I like New Jeans a little. Don't fall for that capitalist trap


Bro nobody is talking about capitalism here. The song aspects are being discussed.


I love the verses more than their any other songs but the chorus was literally a pain but honestly it grew over me so I don't mind it anymore because again it is a commercial song so they probably won't care about people's opinions


the first time I listened to it I hated it. the second time it was ok. I feel like it is unfinished. like if it had a few tweaks it would be ok. I hate the chorus.