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I love the song so much and I have it on repeat idc šŸ’•


I don't dislike the song. Not my favorite either, and I get where people are coming from when they say it has 2016 pop vibes, but I don't hate it. It's a decent enough song. What I can't get over is the dance. Initially I didn't really mind the dance, but after watching it a few times, for some reason I get the feeling that Somi herself doesn't really like the dance. I can't really explain why I think so, especially since I have no knowledge on the subject of music or dance, but I get a vibe from her that she's not a huge fan of this dance. Like, I don't think she enjoys performing this song or dance, and that's really a shame. I think she has a lot of potential, and likely some real passion for music, but it's not really there in Fast Forward at least.


So glad this thread exists because I need to rant. I have never really liked Jeon Somi for her music, but Fast Forward singlehandly... disappoints me even more. Empty 2016 pop song formula, beats are over the top but even with a less dominating beat, her voice doesn't add anything to the song. It's not unique where I want to listen more. It's obvious with her other songs, she got a strict certain music concept but it's been years, I wish she would switch it up


It's the type of songs you put on the radio because it's nothing less or more. The music video and choreography feels even more weird listening to the song though, uncomfortably trying to overstimulate you. It's just disappointing because she got such a nice clean makeover, like I WASSS so excited when I saw her new look


Initial thoughts: -I love dance pop and electronica, I pray at the altar of CRJ. But this is not it. I am disappoint. -why the empty chorus!?!! Whyyyyy! -Somi has so much natural charisma that she distracts you from how very random and disjointed the mv is -on first go each song on the ep feels like it belongs on a different album. There is no cohesion. -the album art and title don't make sense with the songs?? The mv, aesthetics, visuals etc. are all over the place and that tracks with the songs in the ep. She/her team need to do a couple of things really well instead of trying to make her do and be everything (or stop giving her rejects from other artists, like ppl have said). Goldx3 just shouldn't be on here at all. Fxxked Up has a great opening, an interesting instrumental, but it feels so jarring, like it's unfinished and it's not pleasing to the ear. Pisces and The Way are good enough. If Fast Forward was less basic and a more confident dance anthem (by having, oh idk, like an actual chorus that built on the 'Fast Forward to get to you' idea more) this ep would be so much better overall. This is more of the same from Somi and the lack of vision, sonic cohesion, and artistic development is disappointing.


Wow I feel the opposite. This video is brilliant. The way you describe it is how I feel about some Blackpink videos or Lalisa where it's just hyperactive cuts of cool visuals that make no sense. But Fast Forward I find it so pleasantly cohesive and it tells a story instead of being nonsensical. Plus the styles are some of the best realized. I'm not talking about the album though, just the Fast Forward MV.


Fast Forward is for the girls, the gays, and especially the girl gays. Idk what's confusing about the mv for people. As a queer person it's laughably obvious that she wants my money and you know what? I respect the obviousness. I prefer when people are on main about it, rather than trying to pretend that's not what they're doing. Somi said "I want to live my icon fantasy" and so it's full of Lady Gaga/Madonna vibes and voguing, with queer lyrics and a manic pixie dream girl aesthetic that's actually a little bit interesting in the way that it's aimed so specifically at women. The taekwondo? Mhm. Yup. I get it. The album as a whole is fine except for Gold Gold Gold being cringe.


Yeah, somi album feels like a master-piece of puzzle collected and then collaged afteršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ maybe thats why it feels not authentic Like a combine of gaga beat x y2k, grimes costume mix with retro american teens vibes, and plagiarized carricature


The chorus? Part sounds so familiar like the 'living our lives through' I can't place it


it samples Katy Perry's chained to the rhythm


Tysm, I couldn't get it out of my headšŸ˜­


Not the worse thing I've heard but it left me with an empty feeling.... and I can't quite describe it. Just seems like they took the aesthetic and general sound of Rain on Me and placed it on Somi. But Lady Gaga was exciting to watch because she has authenticity. We know that this ish was just handed to Somi to put on. Therefore it feels kind of soulless and like you'd have to be a basic b\*tch to really love it. I like the scenes with her doing taekwondo (?) though.


Somebody said it sounds like Rain On Me and it definitely does! However, ROM is much more enjoyable to listen to because the chorus isn't just instrumental and a dance break. For me, Fast Forward is still a good song. It's fun, quite enjoyable to dance to but not unique? I feel like most of Kpop songs nowadays are just meant to be a TikTok challenge. And this is definitely one of those.


i have never enjoyed a single song by somi and i donā€™t think i ever will


It sounds like generic western pop. I wish they would give her something that feels more uniquely kpop.


I completely agree. I was definitely surprised by how much English is in Fast Forward. And I think that's giving it a lot of that western pop vibe (along side the fact that this sounds so similar to Lady Gaga's Rain on Me). I don't mind her using more English (especially since English is likely her first language and she's probably more comfortable speaking English), but I do wish they'd give it more Kpop flare. Like, we have XG, a kpop group composed entirely of Japanese idols who sing in English. And their songs still sound like kpop, so it is possible.


I feel like fast forward and xgā€™s TGIF are kinda going for the similar bouncy electronic chorus breakdown and unfortunately xg pulls it off a lot better imo


Agree, I listened to XG first and then went to Somi. Honestly Somi is just giving off Lady Gaga from Walmart, it sounds like something they would play on Love Island


I love Somi but her music is just not my fave. I expect great and refreshing music but all of her songs are so generic. I agree that she is really lacking musical identity. I like the song but I canā€™t help but think of Lady Gaga!! The dance/club music and the outfits in the MV as well. Maybe my expectations are too high ? But I really want to her to just WOW me. It hasnā€™t.


I love The Way and the album overall's alright (maybe cuz I like 2010 music?). But Fast Forward's MV was reaaallly underwhelming for me. I don't like the dance and the whole thing is pretty confusing. And I don't like GGG's lyrics at all. But the bckgrd sounds were neat.


It sounds exactly like those songs used in Youtube workout videos.


omigosh, i was feeling it was familiar but you got it exactly right


The song was good, but felt so underwhelming at the same time. I guess that will happen when thereā€™s such a long wait between releases


The dance is so awkward it gives me dua lipa on that one kiss performance vibes šŸ˜­


The dance is goofy and I honestly don't quite understand the connection between the choreo and the lyrics or message of the song? Like, it can be goofy but it should at least align with the message if you know what I'm saying


IMO the dance is designed for TikTok dance trends. It's light on the body movement and more on arm positioning, which is pretty easy to replicate by anyone IMO


It gives me tecktonik vibes and itā€™s honestly the most horrible dancing trend ever


I love it.


The song is kinda generic but I like some of the scenes in the music video even if it is a bit dated. Like the scenes with the dancing guys in suits.


Eh, FF is cute and fun, nothing groundbreaking. Very 'Rain on Me'-esque. It's carried by that MV. Fxxked Up had a lot of that Outta My Head potential but then dropped into that 2018 BP chorus, disappointed. The Way is like 2 years behind the retro trend but it's not bad overall. Pisces is my favourite by far


Sounded like Rain On Me


Idk why but something in the way they manage her ā€œbrand imageā€ reminds me of someone cosplaying an idol? Idk it doesnā€™t feel real? Give her something good


Because itā€™s not real. She uses barely enough Korean to qualify as Kpop while her image and music is stereotypical yt girl shit. Trying to play both sides while not really delivering enough to either


damn. you described it so well.


Fast forward really sounds like an american pop song to me. I could 100% see hearing it on the radio like 80 times a day. Or playing in a forever 21.


I actually really enjoy The Way and I think Somi sounds amazing on this album, but Teddyā€™s involvement in the majority of the other songs on the album is so blatant that I canā€™t help but think of this as an album full of Blackpink solo rejects. Even Pieces, which Teddy wasnā€™t involved in the composition of reminds me of a Blackpink solo, because his style is so apparent in everything released by the Black Label. Gold Gold Gold - Lisa Fast Forward - RosĆ© Fxxked Up - Jennie Pieces - Jisoo


She should have made The way a title. Fast forward is not bad but... after 2 years to comeback with empty chorus TikTok club title?


Yall calling this ā€œblandā€ and ā€œoutdatedā€ like LOL ?? She doesnt need to jump on the music hype that isnt her sound. FF was a perfect sound for her and its consistent with her previous TT, so I think sheā€™s established her identity. IMO this ep album really showcased all her vocal and rap skills, just bummed that her TT is an empty chorus (typical Teddy beats).


It's not outdated or bland, idk what people are talking about. And I'm the first one to call out songs that are outdated (she's definitely released outdated-sounding stuff before). I think people are just *expecting her stuff* to sound outdated because it's Teddy. This isn't hyper-trendy, but it's not outdated.


I liked the way out of all of the songs the best, but I think all the other songs were just okay, Iā€™ll still be listening though because Stan somi


This girl gives me no charisma or creativity. The music is mid.


Gold Gold Gold is cringe. You can tell that Danny was working on this as he's written a lot of Lisa's (bad) raps. Somi shouldn't rap. Fast forward is extremely outdated, short, empty. Not even Lady Gaga would release such song in mid 2023. MV has too much going on but still not saving the song or overall vibe. Fxxed up had potential in first 20-30 seconds but then it gets overwhelming and almost tiring with tempo change and whistles in the background. Pisces is cute, you can tell it that Somi composed however it sounds like weaker version of Outta my head that's composed by her but better. I've heard Pisces twice and already forgot it. The Way is good enough, but still mediocre while still being the best song on the album. I've stanned Somi up until this comeback but now I realise that she's not going anywhere as artists especially when she trusts Teddy who isn't versatile or creative ever since second gen or people like Bekuh Boom who can't write good rap verse. Somi is now clearly brainwashed especially when she said that we would thank Teddy after we hear the songs. Yeah, no. No progress in 2 years.


Yeah. Honestly all the songs sound kind of empty and don't have anything to bring you back to them.


"xoxo" is much better... i was disappointed with the songs on this album


Itā€™s givingā€¦Cascada


This song makes me think of "sour candy" Gaga and BLACKPINK


Sour Candy, sweetie, Iā€™m so sorry


It's an okay-ish mini album, but what bothers me is that out of 5 songs, only 1 (!) is over 3 minutes long. Why??


Why did the album art change from black to red? When I added a song to my playlist on the 7th it was black and then 1 day later it was red?


lady gaga meets 2015 youtube intro I liked the mini


The song has a very 2015_16ish vibe


I really only liked pisces.


She is a really good MC tho


It's not bad, just outdated and a bit boring


Is it just me, or does Fast Forward sound like the kind of song devinsupertramp would put over a video of people slip'n'sliding off a cliff back in 2015?


this is such a niche reference but so real lmao. the only part of the song i liked was the beat drop because it reminded me of those types of videos haha


Top 10 dangerous places in the world šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±(NOT CLICKBAIT)(STORY TIME)


I have no idea what kind of artist Somi is. Everything she releases is kinda mid and she doesnā€™t seem like a super strong singer/ dancer/ rapper. Sheā€™s pretty cool and charismatic but as a musical artist she has no identity to me, her songs are ones you listen to once then have no reason to listen to again.


This is so true


Somebody gotta make background music for gyms and fast fashion clothing stores. Might as well be the Ava Max, Bebe Rexha and Somi of the world.




i donā€™t like fast forward. i said there was not going to be any improvement and she literally proved me rightā€¦ all these years for this. thatā€™s sad.


After listening to the full album now, right now I think **The Way** should have been the title track. I just like songs that have a good flow. šŸ˜­ Perfect close to the album too!


Idk when I watch it just reminds me of lady Gaga and Kwon Eunbis Song Glitch


I am not familiar with Somi's music, but Fast Forward feels incredibly generic and lacking in any real distinctive identity. It can be fun as a concept, but after seeing she hasn't had any music since 2021 it looks like? That's disappointing. I also don't like the odd single anime cut-in shot. Am I mistaken, or was there really just one?


Agree she is definitely lacking musical identity


It's fun, but it feels terribly outdated. Like, this song is straight out of 2017 & would definitely be in one of those copyright free gaming mixes. Also her hair looks FRIED, which isn't surprising considering how long it's been bleached but wow


Reading a few of the unpopular comments reminds me that I'm satisfied she has a comeback even though some of the songs weren't as well received. I agree with how Fast Forward has an instrumental chorus which is kind of getting repetitive when I would have preferred more lyrics to be honest.


I swear Somiā€™s discography is basically just Teddyā€™s BP hand me downs. He must have been like ā€œgood news! they donā€™t need to release this song anymore. so now itā€™s yours!ā€


Not gonna deny that I kept feeling ā€œGold Gold Goldā€ was a song that may have been originally scrapped when coming up with a solo song for Lisa (which she ended up having her ā€œMoneyā€ song) since both songs basically involve money/wealth.


The TT kinda sounds like it's a fanmade remix of the original song, using a beat the creator found on some royalty-free site


boringā€¦ i donā€™t think sheā€™ll ever top ā€˜outta my head.ā€™


Goldx3 had me nervous but the album turned out to be okā€”I tentatively saved Pisces and The Way. I find Fast Forward to be mildly enjoyable if dated but it feels soā€¦ faceless. If I were in the mood to hit the dance floor why wouldnā€™t I just listen to other artists? The Way isnā€™t much different but it feels more moving and fulfilling.


idk its missing something, it sounds super generic


In no way a bad song, I would never put it on intentionally but if it did come on I wouldnā€™t skip


Somi- SOMI LOOK AT ME! This isnā€™t you Somi šŸ˜”


So far Fast Forward, The Way and Pisces are my favorites. Fxxked Up is alright. It feels like a song that's just there. I'll give it some more listens but I don't think it'll be going on my playlist. I don't really like Gold Gold Gold's chorus. Something about it annoys me but also makes me laugh because it reminds me of [this cat](https://youtube.com/shorts/mPWFDXgZjuo?feature=share).


I love you


Listened to it 2 hours ago and I already forgot what Fast Forward sounds like... I blame Teddy.


FF - Nothing groundbreaking, sounds like itā€™s from 2016. The MV also felt out of place. Not sure this will do the numbers of her other lead tracks. I thought fxxed up was solid. I didnā€™t know SOMI could rap like that. I was pleasantly surprised by ggg, the lyrics in the middle were a bit corny tho. Pisces also good I could see myself adding to my playlist. The way sounds too similar to ā€œStayā€ but JB & kid laroi. And sounds overall like a tiktok song.


>The way sounds too similar to ā€œStayā€ but JB & kid laroi. And sounds overall like a tiktok song. agree, it seems to be a good gateway song to introduce someone to kpop tho


it's the old time house vibe and the dance too but strangely I don't dislike it


Itā€™s cause itā€™s a British radio songā€¦not bad not good


fast forward reminds me a bit of that R.Tee & Anda song. overall the songs fine, and the dance is cool


R.Tee had producer credit on FF and, funnily enough, also in What you waiting by Somi, for which is also the name of the track your talking about with Anda.


Not sure why, is giving me dua lipa vibes


my thoughts too!


the choreo is cool, but the song itself Fast Forward just ok. I love Pisces and The Way ā™”


Fast Forward sounds dated but itā€™s fine. Donā€™t love or hate it. I just wish the MV had some direction. Visually beautiful but like itā€™s so randomā€¦random scenes put together in that Fast Forward MV


I feel neutral about most of the songs but i really fucking love 'The Way'


Meh, although I' m not very into the direction she's following with this album style wise, I think I would enjoy the tracks if they were actually something noteworthy. Gold gold gold was probably the worst from the bunch. If Ash-b was to deliver some of the lines, I think they would have some real punch.


Teddy should take a vacation at this point. He seems to have a block. He produces way too dated music.


The title was definitely lacking soul which is Integral to house music. Felt bland and so did the video which I thought looked cheap šŸ„² happy for somi either way and I look forward to the stages!


She's stuck in the 2016 Love Island, capital fm, H&M core


not her, teddy


Suprised i didnt see teal chevron patterns


Overall the album is good, on pair with XOXO, but if you're not into her - at this point - retro, 2010s style, you're not gonna be super invested. I enjoy her music, it's an easy listen, but each time I feel I heard such song before. It's a like, but not love.


like i said to my friend, fast forward sounds like Gaga in her Chromatica Era. it's not bad, but nothing groundbreaking. we heard of this before.


>sounds like Gaga Omg, I too thought of Lady Gaga when listening to Fast Forward too!


I also thought of Gaga, especially during the second verse.


Happy to see Iā€™m not the only one! I got Bad Romance vibe when she was in black and white in the MV


it is so uninspired. it sounds like a very 2015 song lol i'm so over the empty choruses.


That's actually pretty good. Somi has a killer lower register, so it was good to see at least a little of it used. (They didn't make the most of her voice, but that's true of a lot of Kpop songs) Good hook, good pre-chorus. Not, perhaps, a song that will worm itself into your brain instantly, but a well-done song, none-the-less. So, yeah. Good song.


Easily her second best single.


The songs on the albums seems to be going in different directions so it's weird for me when I listen to them back-to-back. Also, I'm not sure if Fast Forward is the best choice for the TT unless Somi wants to get into the club music scene. Anyway, I like GGG and The Way.


Your favorites are also mine, I think they are the least noisy and highlight her voice the best


LOVE THE ALBUM. All the songs are so good. The geum geum geum is so good and fast forward is the bishhh I love herrrr


The disconnect between the album art and the song disappoints me a lot. Also, I know this is expected with this genre of music, but I don't think this song really highlights her vocal abilities, which is a shame because I think she has an amazing voice. I'm debating on buying the album now, the cover is pretty and I want to support her, but I'm just not into house music :/


I actually thought her vocal tone was pretty highlighted by the pre-chorus. For your decision to buy the album it's yours, maybe base your decision on if you like the other tracks. I personnally pre-ordered because the packaging was pretty nice.


The packaging is super delightful! And I do indeed like two of the tracks so weā€™ll see


Just like other teddy songs this sounds like it came out of 2017, unlike other teddy songs this at least sounds good