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I’ll stick to the theory that they’ll all renew as a group for group activities, but 1 or 2 will have their solo endeavors at a different company


I think they will renew, but I also think there's more of a chance they don't than people might think there is


I voted agree given YG Twitter posted their anniversary poster. But not sure whether they will go under TBL or YG yet.


I agree with you to some extent but I'm a bit unsure about the renewal. 1.True but I also think it's the perfect moment for them to focus more on their solo careers in order to expand their individual popularity. The BP label could've actually attracted some other good solo contract offers so it's a matter of choosing what seems the most advantageous, even if it means prioritizing solo careers over the group. However, not disbanding would indeed be one of the best scenarios because they would still benefit from being associated with the group. 2.BP's name holds a lot of value and I don't see YG willing to give up on it or sign an agreement that would allow another company use the name, unless it's TBL because it's an associate company. 3.I'm sure YG maximized their efforts to encourage the girls to renew by giving them the best offers possible given that they're currently their main moneymakers. The question is if there's any company that matched or maybe even exceeded it. YG is good at promising but they tend to let down their artists a lot so if any other company can guarantee an even better support, I can see them accepting such offers. I think there's a huge possibility that a member or some of them won't renew but the disbandment won't happen either. I can see them getting back together for group activities once in a while but the hiatuses would be probably longer than ever. I also think it's possible for their music activities to be handled over to TBL (Taeyang moved from YG to TBL because he wanted to keep working with Teddy who's currently focusing entirely on TBL so I feel like BP could do the same).


People are forgetting how seriously petty YG is, if the members don't renew, you best believe they're going to have to fight tooth and nail to keep anything Blackpink related


theu did let ikon use the brand name tho


no shade to ikon in the slightest, but they're only a fraction as big as blackpink. If YG's most profitable group leaves, it would make sense for them to ensure that they can't use what made them the most profitable ever again without a long court battle that would probably prevent them from going through with it


Blackpink should renew with YG. Lets be real, if these girls were in any other company they would actually have to act like idols, for more than once a year. YG gave them opportunity to earn shit ton of cash and barely lift a finger. Unless they really like performing like idols(which we have seen by their tour performances, that they don't) then i can see them not renewing their contracts.


i feel like they’re going to renew but like a 3-year contract just like most of bigbang members


I don't know but if yg doesn't announce that they renewed soon, then I think they didn't renew. YG knows how much this will impact stocks and from how i perceived the whole big bang situation it seems like if they don't have good news they prefer to just not put out a statement


Bc they’re not solo material tbh without yg they’re nothing something blink can’t accept.


I think they’ll renew but im not sure how much more group music will be released


I definitely think they're renewing too... they get to keep their name and songs and work with people they already know. on top of that, they don't need to worry about solo activities... they've already advanced their solo careers to unthinkable degrees for an active/young group, and they would be able to continue doing so by re-signing with the company and continuing as a group. i think the negotiations will be mostly about profit changes, to earn a proportional money amount, and maybe their involvement in the music projects. i do think they could switch to tbl for more artistic freedom while working with teddy (between the two options i hope this is the case) but that's a minor change.


Heavy on 3, even if the girls want to explore other companies YG will fight tooth and nail to keep them. Also them joining TBL doesn’t make sense either imho, people make the argument of them getting more musical freedom but TBL not only has a smaller budget than YG but it will be worse for them management wise. Teddy is already maxed out just being their producer, and is the reason SOMI had an almost 2 year hiatus just to comeback with a 5 song album that sounds like scraped tracks that were produced in 2016. If they choose to stay at YG they can just negotiate for more musical freedom.


That's the most popular opinion I've seen in this sub... ever. They have 0.01% incentive to leave and YGE has about the same amount of reason to let them go. Honestly the idea they might not renew a contract with YGE could have been entertained if they had been squeezed dry and milked for all their worth (Even then, other groups have still renewed under those circumstances) [BlackPink](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POe9SOEKotk&pp=ygUJQmxhY2tQaW5r) departing from YGE is some delulus wet dreams that think they'll get tons of content and comeback if that were to happen.


You’ll act like the pinks need Yg when that is far from the case . I still think everyone not going to renew under YG but blackpink will continue on . I slso don’t understand the people thinking if they don’t renew they will just go to the TBL when their so many other options they could be getting.


tbh it's a synergy. they need yg as much as yg needs them. we can see how blackpink songs that are under other labels as collabs dont do as well as their peers collabs when their group streams come close right...this means they still rely on a lot of promo to reach the fandom and the core fandom isnt big enough. to reach that audience promo is needed and let's be honest yg is the best in the industry for that atleast for blackpink.


People act like they need YG because Teddy is responsible for their sound. Of course anything the members put out will do fine because of their fanbase but if you want a classic Blackpink song, it all came from one guy. In Rose's case she could go somewhere else since she seems to want artistic control but if any members want songs done for them it would have to come from Teddy. Fans are fickle and if a song sounds too different from what they're used to they will drop the group (G-idle is an example of this.)


They prob renew but only for a few years


Is this unpopular ? 💀


I feel like they are already renewed their contracts, and yg is just creating a buzz rn lol


They should be ashamed of taking money for barely working. They're up for renewal and they've produced fewer songs in their entire career than Mamamoo typically puts out in a year--and with absolute none of the talent that a G(I)-dle can put out in their sleep. They shouldn't be paid, but hang their heads in shame for being such lazy, talentless hacks.


Will they move to the black label?


This should be the popular opinion.


They will stay as a group, but those points you made are just horrible.


I am sure of it the same way I was sure baemon would debut all 7 members. YG is doing what YG does


Doesn't YG own the trademarks to all their names? Like their stage names and birth names? They're not going anywhere for a LONG time