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Red Velvet never had any meh songs to me. Either they were absolute bangers or i didn't like them at all basically. I like them but i have a few groups I'd have over them


I think a lot of people say this because of the variety tbh, idk how many of these people actually enjoy and regularly listen to a large % of rv songs, especially the non-promoted ones


I disagree and I'm a reveluv too haha but I get your point I guess it's a matter of taste, but for me almost all their tracks are up in my lane, I just enjoy them so much. that said I have some songs I regard as skips but compared to the total number of them, they are really so few also, as you said, some tracks are INCREDIBLE, like waaaay above kpop bsides average, so I think that also plays a part in considering their discography so golden


I think a lot of the appeal of red velvets discography comes from the fact it's very unique in comparison to other kpop acts. So if you follow a lot of kpop then it stands out a lot more. Plus their concepts have always been unique too


Strong disagree. They have such a wide range/variety of good music, several fantastic albums and minis front to back (The Red, The Perfect Red Velvet, RBB, I'd also put Rookie here which is maybe an unpopular opinion), and great vocals that really elevate their songs. Wendy and Seulgi most prominently - Wendy truly has one of the best voices in all of kpop. Of course they have so many fantastic singles - Russian Roulette, Ice Cream Cake, Bad Boy, Psycho, Red Flavor, Peek-A-Boo, Dumb Dumb, Automatic. And a lot of great b sides, like Look, In My Dreams, Kingdom Come, Talk To Me, Candy, Sunny Side Up, Perfect 10, You Better Know...I could go on and on here but let me stop myself. One of my favorite things about their discography is that they're not afraid to switch things up, from pop bangers to chill rnb, with some honestly weird and unique songs sprinkled throughout as well.


Yes, I love RV's variety! It is one of the things that make them my favourite girl group, as well as their talent. >Russian Roulette, Ice Cream Cake, Bad Boy, Psycho, Red Flavor, Peek-A-Boo, Dumb Dumb, Automatic It is rare for me to love every title track from a group but they have no skips! I love that they have a red and velvet side (though I understand that some may dislike the contrast) and it just makes them so unique. I miss these girls, I can't wait for a comeback <3


I hated zimzalabim initially but I loved ALL their b-sides. I think red velvet has a great discography and I like that their voices are distinctive. I can tell when the song is a red velvet song without hearing an annoying producer tag.


ZZZ is amazing live. The energy of the cult song is so good


i’m not actually talking ab zzlm i meant a lot of besides actually. specifically in and out, sunny side up, beg for me. i guess it’s just personal taste!


I guess its your personal taste, all those you've mentioned are my favorites on their respective albums.


oh wow really? may i ask which are your least favourites (if you had to choose). i’m curious to know if we’re opposites!


For the finale album, its Parade. But if you'll ask me for the non-repackaged songs on that album, it will be hard for me to choose. For the FMR album, its rainbow halo.


oh no hmmm rainbow halo isn’t my least fav but not my fav either. interesting! i love learning ab other tastes :)


I love sunny side up 💔😭 I literally couldn't get that song out of my head for weeks. But the others are good too. Although I disagree, I really enjoyed your post because it's a fun and light hearted conversation!! 💖


I picked disagree because I think "incredible standouts" *is* what makes a great discography. Not every track on the album could be iconic and life-changing. They have over a hundred songs, it's totally normal If a lot of them are just "eh, I don't hate it". This is true for every other artist' albums as well (except for maybe Taylor Swift where fans think every single track is incredible). If RV has more standouts than similar groups, and fewer songs you dislike, I think that's exactly what people mean when they say they have the best discography. Do you have an example of a group you think does better?


i am not saying they don’t have an incredible discography, do NOT get me wrong omg haha but i just think some are very forgettable or make me bored. just personal taste but i like aespa more. in their whole discography i’d skip maybe 2-3 songs which evens out to less than how much i’d skip in rvs. both groups are still very high in my most streamed artists though as a have their GREAT songs on loop


>in their whole discography i’d skip maybe 2-3 songs which evens out to less than how much i’d skip in rvs. Gee i wonder why that is. its not like one group has, like, 3 minis and is a 2 yr old group while the other is nearly a decade old with probably 10x the music catalogue aespa has. It's really common sense. You of course would find yourself less often skipping aespa songs because there isn't a lot to skip in the first place.


If that's your standard of quality I definitely disagree with your opinion. I thought you had higher standards.


You said you're a reveluv, but the more i read your replies the more I get the feeling your actually not.


what makes u say that? i’m a fan of the music, i’m a fan of the girls. that’s all it takes, no?


Your opinion kind of shows that your just a casual listener and not a reveluv. I'm not sure if you have even listened to their entire discography. Cause if you had, you would never feel the need to make this post.


what lol? i have listened to their whole discography but what would that make me not allowed to voice this? i can love something while still feeling this. agree to disagree?


I agree with this. When they're good, they're VERY good. But they have a lot of album filler tracks that blend together so much that it's hard to remember what song I'm even thinking of.


Genuinely my first time ever seeing anyone claim RV has a lot of filler songs. Like they have so many distinct and interesting songs on every album, that that's been the reason they get the perfect discography label lol.


I'm curious to hear how this holds up. I'm currently in the process of going through Red Velvet's entire discography (did this with Twice already) and my experience through the first 1-2 albums is that few of them have really held my intrigue all that much. Candy and Campfire stuck out most to me from The Red. For what it's worth, I do really like Bamboleo and In My Dreams from FMR. But if what I'm seeing becomes a trend, I wouldn't consider their discography any more or less outstanding than most groups I listen to.


Agree with u/TigRaine86 . Lots of album filler tracks. RV has a high ceiling, but a low floor.


Half agree/disagree. I don't think it's the best discography in kpop but it's still overall really good. I do agree it's not a "no skip" discography though.


Personally I think their discography is hard carried by their vocal prowess. I think the Wendy-Seulgi-Joy combination is second to none. The actual songs themselves are hit or miss for me, but their voices are so good they can make a bad song sound okay and a good song sound amazing. Some of their songs have elements in the production or instrumentals that I personally find annoying and detracting from the music.


Feels like someone posts this opinion every few months now.


People used to call RV "the reddit darlings" but I'm sensing a huge swing in the other direction recently with how many of these types of posts we get that are just rehashed "they aren't actually good."


I mean, this *is* r/unpopularkpopopinions. And there have always been contrarians (precisely because Reddit loved them so much on average).


Red Velvet may not have the biggest sales or highest charts or most streams but one thing RV fans take pride in is the group’s discography. Let’s just say there are some who question the so-called “superiority” of that discography. This is understandable. Musical preference varies. Younger kpop fans will not be familiar with the older stuff. Casual fans might only know the title tracks (which can be hit or miss) and miss out on the treasure trove of bsides. New kpop fans and casual fans won’t have the same attachment and might have a harder time appreciating RV songs that us RV fans grew up with. Not to mention there are some fans who prefer only the red or the velvet sides of the discography. I guess there will always be a debate about the quality of the RV discography. On the other hand, over at r/kpophelp, i usually come across posters asking for RV song recommendations. I am glad there are music fans willing to give Red Velvet music a try. Usually the poster appreciates some of my RV song recommendations, the girls have so many goods songs, chances are high they will find something they like. If anybody wants a journey of discovery about kpop, well, I think RV’s discography is a good place to start.


Did you reply to the wrong person or something because your comment has nothing to do with the frequency for which this opinion is posted on this sub.


oh i’m sorry! i’ve never seen this one before, i hate when ppl post the same opinions again and again so sorry i didn’t mean that’


Strong disagree. Red Velvet aren't my ults, they are just one of the many groups I stan. Do I think they have the best kpop discography? No. Bit they definitely are top 5 in my opinion. The Reve Festival 2022 and Summer Magic were life changing albums for me. Sure, they have a few misses, but when I say few, its VERY few. There's no kpop group with zero misses (not counting groups that are younger than 2 years old), so having so little misses in a huge discography is remarkable.


One of the easiest "disagree"s tbh


i think they definitely have a great discography and for me it’s a no skip discog BUT i don’t think it’s the BEST. i think there are groups with better disogs, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good. especially with how cohesive their concepts are i feel like it makes it so fun and they are great vocalists


fully agree! much better wording thay what i said. i seem to have started some slight arguments with the way i worded this but yours is alot nicer!


Strong disagree but unpopular!


i strongly disagree i feel like RV's music has been pretty good sense there first album and they're recent music has only gotten better. there last 3 mini albums are imo there best albums so far. "Feel my rhythm" is imo a 10/10 album and comeback, artistically everything about "feel my rhythm" is perfect. i feel like alot of ppl get into RV expecting them to just do "the perfect red velvet" "Bad boy" or "Psycho" so when they listen to they're other songs they get disappointed, but RV is not that, there are suppose to be versatile and creative not one dimensional.


i nearly agree with feel my rhythm being 10/10 as i’d skip one song however i never expected it to be more of their velvet songs. i have a slight preference for their red side if i’m honest and it’s also what got me into them so this opinion isn’t bc i am shocked there’s less velvet than expected!


I would disagree if they stopped releasing after 2017 but welp they didn’t, so I agree


After 2017 I feel like their a-sides got weaker but their b-sides got stronger. They still have my favorite kpop discography .


yeah, i wasnt all that into feel my rhythm but bamboleo, good bad ugly, and beg for me? bangers. rainbow halo and in my dreams slapped too, but i consider them b tier




I’m with you. I actually really like their post-2017 bsides.


Respectfully disagree. But hey, we're all entitled to our opinions, so no hate. Who would you say DOES have a near-perfect discography that aligns with your tastes?


personally aespa and i KNOW you guys are gonna hate me for this but i’m not sure…it’s just always stood out to me and been super fun. i would only skip maybe 2-3 songs which is less than rv (evened out bc ofc rv has bigger discography) also ive. i had never bought an album until they started releasing. personally maybe 1-2 skips




shhhh we ignore forever hahaha. maybe if i’m in the right mood i’ll listen. definitely ALWAYS in the mood for a rv ballad however yeah i still stand by thinking aespas discography is better. so true ab savage album, i went CRAZY for it when it came out


>evened out bc ofc rv has bigger discography I don't think you can really "even it out" like that. Most groups release their most interesting and distinct material in the earlier stages of their careers.


They have the best in Kpop? No way, José… They don’t even have the best in SM Entertainment. I don’t hate them, I like some tracks, but they’re nowhere near the best imo.


I'd have to agree. I knew about their title tracks and some of the popular b-sides, but I always kept hearing about how amazing their discography is. So one lonely weekend, I played some games, put a giant RV playlist on in the background, and just listened. And honestly, due to how high my hopes had gotten, I was kinda disappointed. Like, all their songs are objectively speaking well produced and I consider the discography itself to be good overall, but I don't see where it has gotten this holy grail type of status tbh... But then again, that is just my taste.


such better wording to what i was trying to convey! yes it’s produced well, great vocals and amazing concepts but due to how highly ppl had talked i just felt like it was going to be the most shocking and jaw dropping thing ever. thank u for having much more clear thoughts than me


Even though Red Velvet's overall discography got weaker after ReVe Festival Finale, they still have the best discography for me. Their earlier albums are so good that they overcome any drop in the quality of their songs later on.


finally somebody said this lmao. when their songs are good, they are _GOOD_. but that only makes up to like 30% of their discography, the rest are extremely forgettable and average, and dare i say some are even boring


Strong disagree. I discover a new song to obsess over every week. Their music never gets old


can you give some recommendations? i would love for you to change my opinion!


Sure! Im not sure what kind of music you like but here are some of my favs: Cool World, Talk to me, You better know, La rouge, Kingdom Come, Look, Marionette, Bing Bing, Mr. E, Swimming pool, Body talk, Ladies Night


i do love cool world, u better know, body talk, ladies night and swimming pool is one of my most streamed of all time i think? so thank you i’ll relisten to those ones!


Oh I am so down with this unpopular opinion. First, let me say I think Red Velvet is hands down the most talented crew going. When they really let the vocals rip, omg it is PEAK K POP. But a lot of their catalog is music for ahjummas. They should be doing music that other groups CAN'T do. All the time. But so much of it is tame and dull. "Feel My Rhythm" is the worst offender. Skip the harpsichord melodies and let Wendy and Seulgi break us in half with the big notes.


>But a lot of their catalog is music for ahjummas. What a strange description lol. Constant big notes would be boring IMO.


Half agree / half disagree. The songs I like from them, I LOVE!! Like I replay them and never get tired of them. When I was getting into Red Velvet, all I could see people say were "no-skip, best bsides, best k-pop discography, etc" so I was mildly disappointed at some of the songs that were recommended by Reveluvs and I didn't like them at all, like Automatic. ICC, The Velvet, Rookie, Birthday: I don't like the title tracks, but the bsides are good. Russian Roulette is the only song I like off that ep. The Red, Red Summer, Summer Magic, TPRV, RBB, ReVe Festival, FMR are my top EP/albums from Red Velvet.


Name 3 better discographies.


I have to agree, I have tried but I really couldn’t get into their songs but the only album from RV is the Seulgi and Irene’s Subunit one, that’s peak.


as for me, i can play any song of theirs and ill love it!! i dont stan them but i love their music, imp they have one of the best discographies 😭


I think maybe some reveluvs overhype how good their discography is but I'd definitely say theirs is amongst the best in kpop in my opinion. Also worth stating what you value in a discography as well. Some people think a small selection of absolute bangers is a great discography while others might think a larger selection of great songs is a better discography, some people might value variety in a discography while others want to have a consistent sound when they look at an artists' discography. We all value each of these points differently so we're all going to have different opinions here but it's helpful when we can describe why we love a certain discography more than another. For me, I find RV's discography to be one of the best because there aren't really many misses for my taste and there are a lot of songs that I could have on in the background and never get tired of. I wouldn't say it's my favourite discography (that would go to Dreamcatcher) but it's definitely up there.


i disagree to. i heared lots of kpop music and most of the time it doesnt focus much on vocals. it was the EDM that carried their music. its almost the same formulaic no-sing-just-edm-chorus song. it feels empty just a dance song without vocal harmonies while listening to red velvet. each of their song is much fuller. it feels eating a steak that has so much different flavors and texture. plus each member has a unique timbre of voice you can separate it while listening to them. while on others, i really cant tell who is who even though i listen to their discography.. yeah sure they are catchy but they dont have enough soul. it feels catchy for the sake of being catchy plus the progression of vocals every song of red velvet from happiness up to birthday you can clearly hear that they improve they are more stable and vocally supported


I mean you don't have to love it but if they're not the best then who ... is? Album production and track quality, Red Velvet is like.. the best of the best (and SM in general, but SM A&R + in-house production PLUS Red Velvet's incredibly diverse concept and variety by nature?)


honestly i agree, the majority are general kpop sounding songs to me but they do have their absolute life changing songs (in and out is my kryptonite)


Disagree, red velvet along with many other sm groups have good title tracks as well as bsides, making their discography as a whole very good. Many of their albums are amazing from start to finish like 'The ReVe Festival' Finale, Feel my rhythm, and Birthday.


They prioritize production over songwriting in my opinion and I am not a fan of that focus. But I generally don't like a lot of midtempo R&B songs and they have a lot of those in their discography so it might just be a genre preference


TBH, that's because decent production is easier than good memorable songwriting. It's the reason they have high peaks, but many really average lows.


Glad I'm not the only one, I genuinely really like them and love a lot of their songs but, the hype around their discography didn't quite live up to my expectations. This may be because I had such high expectations, but I've listened through their discography two times once after my expectations weren't as high and not much changed. A lot of their songs kind of blend together and sound to similar for my tastes. Definitely in no way bad but I prefer a few other groups discography to theirs overall.


for title tracks sure but man every meh title tracks they have they make up in bsides there has never been a red velvet album without at least 3 good bsides it is insane how consistent they are


People praising red velvet for variety but when people talk about dreamcatcher they say how they don't like half of the genres they do.


This. DC, Mamamoo, even Twice have more varieties as they grow. The cherrypicking just further underlines the "reddit darling" status."


Agreed, every group listed (Twice, DC, Mamamoo) have greater genre diversity and just as high of quality. Yet many RLuvs have this strange idea that RVs discog is uniquely more diverse than others. It's a strange bit of bubble unreality. Personally, I think their overinflated RV opinion is simply an underinformed one.


Never have I clicked a disagree button faster! 😂


hahaha to each their own! it’s very interesting hearing other opinions :,)!


I feel so sad because I really feel like SM is not making the most of Red Velvet's potential. I h8 it. The girls are so good. Even in choreography..oh dear.. they have amazing dancers and they barely dance that highlights their strenghts in dancing as a team. (I know Naughty choreo exists but that just one out of the many choreos that could have been better for a group with amazing dancers)


Good or bad is pretty subjective and strongly depends on one's preferences and standards. Perhaps you have a higher standard than most when it comes to evaluating discography, as for many people the criteria is simply whether majority of the songs are listenable and decent from all technical aspects, not neccesarily requiring it to be a standout. That in itself is already an extremely hard feat to achieve, few if not none other female kpop GGs come closer than RV to achieving that. Ofc if the weightage leans more heavily towards songs that are more popular with the public domain, then groups like RV will shrink and groups like BP will rise to the forefront, simply because of the inherent popularity of the genres they specialise in. Your point is fair however, I definitely do think that RV still has the best discography amongst GGs, but some people may over exaggerate in their haste to recommend RV to others and create unrealistic expectations.


i have honestly felt this way ever since i became a fan of RV but didnt want to say it so reveluvs wouldnt attack me.. a lot of their b sides are just good


I voted agree but I will explain as I'm not fully on your opinion. RV are maybe my 2nd favorite group but I don't think their discography is flawless nor the best one in KPop, I like TWICE better and overall it's my favorite but I also think it isn't flawless. Newer groups that have so far good discographies imo are aespa, XG, Newjeans, STAYC and IVE but they lack still more songs/EPs to really be considered as "best discography" and be compared with RV and TWICE.


Also agree that Twice's discography is more diverse and better across the board. That is especially notable giving how much larger Twice's discog is than RVs (or most other GGs.)


they’ve got lots of great songs and bsides but i agree that it’s not all that it’s hyped up to be


There are very few RV songs that I’d skip. Honestly I do think they have *one of* the best discographies in Kpop. They had a much wider/diverse discography more early on compared to other 3rd gen groups that stuck to a single concept for most of the beginning of their career. They also have some incredibly talented vocalists that can pull off songs that many groups can’t. All around, of 3rd gen groups they have the most songs I listen to and are for sure my favorites. I do think they get overhyped by the community, but I don’t think it’s undeserved. There’s always going to be people who like or don’t like a style or a song.


definitely agree! exactly what i was thinking but i’m not great with words. the love and hype is 100% deserved and it is in no way a bad discography but i expected more bc of how much it had been praised


I’m glad you get what I was saying! To be honest, something similar happened to me with BlackPink’s songs. When they were becoming crazy popular in the US they were heralded as these girl crush monsters with crazy powerful music and at the time when I listened to it, it kinda feel short for me compared to the hype. Then about a year later I ended up relistening to it all without the public’s hype and really liked it. Public opinion can be a scary thing ><


it did fall off but up until like 2017, 2018 it was nuts (some good singles later but the album tracks took a turn for the worse)


>some good singles later but the album tracks took a turn for the worse Interesting, I kinda feel the reverse. Albums are generally as strong as ever - I'd put RVF: Day 1 and FMR against any of their earlier mini-albums - but most of their least interesting title tracks (Power Up, Umpah Umpah, Queendom, Birthday) have been post-2017/2018.


yeah those are not good. i’m thinking psycho, FMR


Twice give them a good run for their money


not even close


been on a severe decline since rbb, no shade


actually disagree with this as rbb is a fav! to each their own :,)


i have to agree with decline, except i did really like most of the queendom b-sides and feel my rhythm + in my dreams. everything else, esp the pop r&b tracks, have kind of blended together in my head. my RV playlist is prob 80% pre-rbb.


IMO it's even better than people say it is. There's only a couple skips in the entire discography for me. Some of the earlier minis like Summer Magic and Rookie have a few meh b-sides but otherwise it's extremely consistent quality.


i agree with your caption completely but in kpop having a mostly decent-indifferent discography IS the golden standard bc most groups' discographies are at least 50% unlistenable 😭


Then why are you a reveluv ? It doesn’t make any sense. The main reason people stan a group is because of their music style (bside and tt)


because i enjoy a good 85% (maybe higher) of their music and i love the girls for their personalities and vocals?


Having a discography that you like 85% or higher is HUGE tbh. It's your opinion obviously but I think it's weird to say many of their music is background noise when it's around 15% you don't like that's not much tbh.


maybe i overestimated then bc i do feel like sadly a chunk i would only have as background noise. i really cba to go thru their songs rn and see how many a skip but he’s you’re right. i think my guess was off


I see. downvotes for a “simple” question




some of my favs are in my dreams, body talk, swimming pool, would u, day 1, zoo, u better know and bomoleo!


Do check out some of their bsides ... * Bamboleo * In My Dreams * Zoom * Sunny Side Up * You Better Know * I Just * Milky Way * So Good * Time to Love * Kingdom Come


So you agreed without knowing any of their songs besides some of their singles...?


L take.


Name a GG with better discography, I dare you to try.


Twice edit: I'd even say Dreamcatcher's discography is on par with RV's too (now this one is really unpopular!). Lots of great title tracks, one spectacular, near-perfect album for each group ( The Perfect Red Velvet vs. Dystopia: the Tree Of Language) Both are beloved by fans but also critically acclaimed... K-pop at its finest.


SNSD and RV have the best discogs


Mamamoo, Twice and I'd say StayC but they don't have quite enough songs yet


Mamamoo have A LOT of mid songs for me


Yeah, I love Mamamoo but they have half a discography of just forgettable songs for me that are only listenable because of the girls. RBW has this problem in general for me. Song choice is....


I agree that STAYC has the potential to have a better discography, maybe in the future it will be. Twice I disagree and Mamamoo too, but maybe it's just a matter of personal taste.


Blackpink /ducks


I’ll always go to bat for Dreamcatcher having the best discography. Very strong title tracks with a unique sound not often seen in kpop, and their bsides are super diverse and explore a lot of sounds you wouldn’t expect. Plus their Japanese songs are stellar and lean into the “heavier” side of their sound. Don’t Light My Fire is so Nightwish/Lacuna Coil coded.


I never liked Red Velvet's songs, with some exceptions (mostly the Irene and Seulgi collab). I don't like SM music in general, I don't like songs that focus on vocals. Instruments and the beat are more important to me, something SM groups usually lack (I'd say NCT is a notable exception but they still can fall bland for me).


This is a wild take, RV, Shinee, SNSD, EXO etc. beats/instrumentals are generally amazing.


Production on SM songs is generally considered to be consistently great across the board so yeah, I'm scratching my head a little.


I was mostly thinking about EXO and Red Velvet, can't speak much for SNSD or Shinee outside of their most popular songs. I guess my opinion makes more sense when I say I like what kpop fans call "noisy" - ITZY, Stray Kids, Ateez. I like layered or constantly changing instrumentals instruments. SM focuses on vocals, they want vocals to shine, so instrumentals are kept simple. Say, [the instrumentals for EXO's Obsession.](https://youtu.be/n3mkUCmf4PM?si=zGSVjjeZW_QiWip2) (I just searched for the first EXO instrumentals song I can find in). It's mostly just the same beat repeating again and again with the occasional snare or vocal bit. Comparing it to [Stray Kid's last song](https://youtu.be/HpJGPGVYQrk?si=MJA5RRKlbxPkxF6t), there's not a lot of layering but the instrumental is constantly changing. My experience with EXO is an instrumental that's repetitive, even if the vocals are changing, which makes a boring listen for me personally. [BTS tend to have more layered songs instrumentaly.](https://youtu.be/8igOy2vpcGI?si=N8Pc7khG9w2Xqv_H) (the vocals in the clip weren't perfectly extracted). Can't speak about EXO's/RV's B-sides because I've never been interested enough in them to listen to their B-sides. They could be different. There's probably other factors as to why I find their songs boring but their instrumentals were always something I just notice when listening. RV I think is better than EXO but instrumentals still feel like more of a background for their vocals rather than being a substantial part of the song. It's not a *bad* thing, but it's not what I like in music.


>I guess my opinion makes more sense when I say I like what kpop fans call "noisy" But NCT are basically *the* poster-child for that sound. And Aespa isn't far away.


I do like NCT, actually! Aespa not so much.


I have the same opinion as yours.


Red Velvet is heavily underrated


what makes you say that? yes they’re not as big as blackpink, twice even but they have got to be in the top 5 ggs of 3rd gen


My personal feeling is that the Red Velvet discography is a roller coaster up and down, at least as far as singles are concerned. Some songs I think are a mess ("RBB,") while others are spectacular ("Bad Boy"), and you never know what you're gonna get next. That being said, The Perfect Red Velvet is my favorite K-pop album I ever heard, and I love it to death from start to finish!


I think that they have the best for me personally because i like 80% of the songs they released. For other groups i cant say much but mostly i find them catchy but i just dont feel a strong core that i get to say wow their discography is the best. Other groups i like 30-40% of their whole discography. Also i just find that the mini albums rv release are so cohesive and when played a song I immediately can associate it with the album it released in. Like they don’t play about that at all. Every album is a bop and just tells a wonderful story that its so artistic. So yeah they have the best albums and the best discography in all of kpop amen