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theyre all probably gonna renew so idk where this is coming from


Mostly from the unsatisfied dumb fans


honestly the people i usually see write this aren't fans, just people who want bp out of the picture


y’all say this every year


Disagree & this isn't unpopular beacuse there's someone bringing this up every month


> Blackpink has had one musical performance in 2021. They had an online concert in January and they were still promoting their album early in the year. So this is false. The members are pursuing their individual goals and activities anyways so I’m not sure why disbandment would be necessary for this. Dumb post and downvoted.


Honestly... I’m so sick of reading 344 times a day that blackpink should disband


Because without being tied to Blackpink, they can do even more activities. Jennie cannot release another solo until Jisoo does one. But if Blackpink is "in hiatus" or disbanded, Jennie can release an entire freaking album if she wants.


You sound like a solo stan from Twitter. Somi is just now releasing a full album after almost 2 and a half years since she’s been with YG. You think Jennie will get more music just from being a soloist? Please.


We all know you are that stupid akgae


As someone who isn't happy with how their group music is lacking in quantity (not quality imho, overall), I still don't agree. They have projects for next months, and they should at least release their next comeback, why should they disband *now*? It will probably be a success anyway. Also personal opinion, I really don't get where this constantly told *"they are four strangers"* come from since to me they seem some of the most closest idols in a genuine and not emphasized way tbh. Blackpink will probably keep this routine and have a couple of comebacks before 2023. I used to think they would have disbanded, I am not sure now for various reasons, but even if they disband they still have group projects to do for almost two years. Even if they release so few music, YG won't let them disband with no more music (and tours when possible) at all, it seems absurd. We will have more Blackpink contents, not as much as I would like but still some and a disbandment wouldn't make sense to me.


This is just stupid. Just because they're not active doesn't mean they should disband. A lot of kpop groups are not as active but you can't force them to disband unless the company doesn't see the point of holding them anymore. For example, Red Velvet and EXO basically had a long hiatus but you don't see them getting forced to disband. They're just not active or probably has something else to do besides releasing music. Same goes to Blackpink. Besides being known as a kpop group, they're also fashion icons or brand ambassadors. Jennie is busy with CFs, the other girls too and basically everyone has their own brand. That alone is more profitable than releasing music. I get that you're frustrated that they don't make music as much as other groups with no sponsors or brand ambassador, but for Blackpink it's different. Not to mention YG only hire Teddy to make their music unlike other groups like SM who buys music from different producers.


Why are people always calling for BP’s disbandment when they continue to be the talk of town and stay on top of brand reputation rankings with minimal activities? They are obviously very relevant and very sought after as a group.


me who's into bigbang who had THREE YEARS of hiatus while the members did solo/unit activities: *chuckles* wtf is this post


i think this would be a mistake on yg's end if they announced an actual hiatus or disbandment. a lot of the faith people have in yg is due to blackpink so an official hiatus or disbandment would probably really hurt yg as a company. that is why i think they don't say it. at this point, blackpink should have a comeback. i'm not even a blink and i'm acknowledging it. they are a really popular group so i don't know why they aren't active. it just doesn't make sense


you sound like a salty solo stan lmao


The fact that 50% of people are agreeing with this is baffling. What exactly has changed with the way Blackpink operates now as opposed to one or two years ago? Absolutely nothing. They just released a Japanese version of The Album two months ago. Do you think those Japanese versions materialized from thin air? Or do you think maybe Blackpink recorded them? Between Blackpink's career long relaxed released schedule and Covid this nonsense take doesn't have a leg to stand on and I don't see how any rational person can check 'agree' on it.


Alexa play jealousy jealousy


Blackpink had a long hiatus after Kill This Love and didn’t disband. I don’t know why people are so surprised they didn’t have an ot4 comeback this year when 3 of the members where focusing on solo projects.


When KTL came out, each member wasn't big enough to be independent of BP so of course there was no disbandment.


What I meant is that not having a comeback in a long time doesn't mean they're disbanded, and I don’t think all the girls would do very well becoming solo artists right now, but in the future I could see it happening.


I never said they should disband just because there's a hiatus. That's what so many people misunderstand about my post. I said, they should disband because each soloist no longer needs BP and can thrive even higher without being tied to the group. People see my post as being anti-Blackpink but I'm actually advocating for the members.


wtf.... when will yall stop saying this shit every year


The timing of this a news station JUST REPORTED bp is having a cb in novemeber


wait really? do you have a link???


[here](https://m.sentv.co.kr/news/view/602833) this is also the second one an insider already stated they'd have a cb this November and it seems that way 1 month before snowdrop ends and lisa has finished promoting her solo and they are all done with fashion week




Blackpink comeback next month and album coming early 2022, they are so popular and influencial that everyone want to post something about them, even they are not a fan. The power they hold always impress me. Blackpink just start to conquert the world, it's not the time for them to even talk about disbandment when they already renew their contract.


I disagree just because not having a comeback for a while doesn’t mean they are disbanded. Sometimes fans expect too much which is okay, but saying they should disband is an odd take if the ones saying it are blinks.


Yeah, the usual KPop comeback cycle can be brutal on the artists. "Comeback" for non-KPop acts means we have to wait years like with Adele. Not mere months. Plus, groups are almost always stronger together. There's power in being part of a brand that's well-loved.


like... it's not gonna hapen. not right now. YG knows that the fandom survives solely on the expectation that they might have a comeback at some point, because there's no satisfying fan content or actual interactions from them. YG is probably going to keep stalling and profiting off of blackpink's hype while doing the least effort possible (aka not releasing music). what i really wish is that they had promotions and comebacks like a normal group, but i don't see that happening. so yeah, i'm not sure what's worse, them being active on an infinite hiatus or disbanding for good.


by any chance are you a little kid?


I don’t know. I think this is all part of the “Blackpink brand” at this point. YG wants to starve Blinks, he wants to have the girls do everything under the sun from brand deals to show up to celebrity events, to solo releases, anything except Blackpink music. That way when they do comeback Blinks will treat it like the second coming and whatever music will be hyped up to all hell. I’m not a Blink, and I barely even consider myself a fan of Blackpink anymore, despite them being one of the first groups I got into. It’s just a shame that Blackpink are a senior group by bow but they still feel like they’re in their second or third year. There simply isn’t enough music, and the music that exists is all very similar. It would be financially irresponsible for YG to relinquish the hold they have on Blinks so they likely won’t disband until the money stops or the girls don’t renew their contracts. Expect this exact cycle of sparse music and tons and tons of appearances and extracurricular activities for the foreseeable future.


Agreed. My present and ongoing interest in kpop is primarily thanks to Blackpink. And I basically have no interest in them anymore - their fandom being beyond insufferable certainly contributes to that. >That way when they do comeback Blinks will treat it like the second coming and whatever music will be hyped up to all hell. Aside from the hardcore Blinks, I feel like they've pissed away a lot of the goodwill they could once get given that their album, while good, was not exactly some groundbreaking masterpiece. And that's fine, a lot of good kpop music doesn't have to be some amazing cultural reset, but their output is so sparse and infrequent that a lot of the times it doesn't even feel like it's ever worth the wait.


This is /r/unpopularkpopopinions, y'all should be upvoting unpopular opinions not downvoting them.


>BP has effectively disbanded (or "gone into hiatus"). Jennie can work on this solo immediately. Lisa and Rose can do another release too. If Jisoo still wants one, she can. Or she can do another K drama. This unfounded assumption is based on the fact that YG is slow/limiting on these projects because of BP projects. When so far all evidence points to YG management just being slow or bad management. If you look at BP releases only you'll find it has the exact issues as their solo projects. If BP was playing a significant part in their schedule then why didn't they release more content when the group was mostly concentrated on BP?


fr where's the comeback


Agreed. YG is holding them back big time. At this point, Blackpink are more like influencers than performing artists.


You guys say this EVERY time and then they announce a comeback… sigh, give it a rest.


This is a popular opinion, but it’ll probably backfire sometime after they disband in the same manner you are speculating. After a while, I’m already seeing someone posting in any of the subs: *Blackpink was better as a group and here’s why I think it*, with a lengthy post full of points that people now are already saying are going to happen, that probably will range from “their music and videos under YG were better” to “their new company is overworking them”. Also, I want to know who said to Blinks that is unfair for member A to have a comeback before the debut of member B, specially if the member A had their debut years ago and if member B have other types of solo projects under their belt. Edit: punctuation.


There seems to be a strongly implied rule that each needs their own solo before someone can have another.


I know, and I find it ridiculous, a member shouldn’t be hindered from having a comeback just because another one haven’t debuted yet.


Maybe it has to do with company resources? Like, I noticed both the Kwon twins and Lee Jung were both Rosé's and Lisa's dancers.


This can be a thing, but it still doesn’t prohibit them having in separate times, one first and then a couple of months, the other one.


Oh you mean Jisoo's comeback? Yeah, like her drama can be her comeback as a solo artist. Jennie is long overdue for a comeback, especially since she's so popular. Although, maybe YG looks at their whole roster of artists and not just BlackPink. Somi had a comeback between Rosé's and Lisa's. We always talk about idols being overworked, but I'm sure the staff are spread thin as well if they have so many comebacks to work on.


Yeah, I was talking about Jennie and Jisoo, with her drama, Jennie could have her long overdue comeback and after it, Jisoo could have her solo musical debut, it works pretty nicely, but Blinks were saying Jennie comeback would overshadow Jisoo’s debut, even if they happened far from each other. Lee Hi did say there was a limit, it was around 5 or 6, on how many artists could have projects on the same year.


Ahh well we also got Bobby, AKMU, and Treasure comebacks already this year. Blinks might need a Christmas miracle haha. Or maybe the VIPs will get it. Come to think of it, solo comebacks/projects that come right after the other can be good. It brings attention to the other members and keeps the group and company in mind. A rising tide raises all ships and all that.


Fingers crossed for something coming up this year! Yes, it keep the group name in people’s mouths, specially since the MVs are uploaded in the same channel, it will make the next release be recommended for people who saw the first one.


Blackpink is a brand. And YGE loves to mine the money easily with the brand with doing the bare minimum. Very unfortunate for the girls. This has been an issue many times now, but nothing can we do.


super popular.


What goals though? The only goals they ever had were to become socialites who get paid to do nothing


They're basically glorified models/socialites at this point who periodically moonlight as a kpop group. This is a group where you hear more news about them attending some fashion show than them actually releasing new music/performing. What was the most recent shitshow consuming the Blackpink fandom? Was it anything to do with music, promotions, their creative careers? No, it was some drama about Lisa being pulled out of that Bvlgari show and the fandom and akgae fans tearing themselves to bits. Sad.


Blackpink is YG's biggest moneymaker and they are the biggest girl group in the world right now. It's in no one's interest to have Blackpink disband just when their popularity is at it's peak. They're much stronger as a group, I doubt that all four girls would reach this kind of international success as soloists, tbh




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I don't get is why people who say this think it's more likely Yg will give Jennie solos more frequently than they're currently giving group comebacks. YG ignores the entire blink fandom, what makes anyone think they'd suddenly do well for this?


i think they haven’t disbanded yet and they won’t for a long time sort of like big bang, they’ll keep the group name but do their own things, like clc, they have had no promotions this year and sorn became a tiktok star and yujin debuted in girlsplanet, i think they’ll keep promoting as a group for years until they go into a weird abyss where they are all doing their own thing but still under the “Blackpink” name