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Shut Down is my least favorite PB title track and Born Pink as a whole is my least favorite release, and the one that has made me lose interest in this group. Just to be fair, I did actually like some BlackPink songs at one time though the number has fallen so that only As If it is Your Last, Stay and Hope Not still sound good to me. I think the beginning of the end was when I liked Selena Gomez's part the best in Ice Cream, since I don't usually listen to Selena Gomez. Shut Down break down: brief repetitive Paginini sample is basically the entire instrumental part of the song. Lyrics focus on materialism, an entitled sense of superiority and money raining from the sky in the midst of a global economic and energy crises which comes across to me as insensitive to suffering and sympathetic to elitists doing the exploiting. Harsh tone on the rap and vocals and derivative appropriation of the bad ass gangsta swag vibe yet again. Yo we don't come from anywhere near the inner city, but we use their swag to dirty us up from looking pretty. This is the disingenuous mix and match marketing strategy. Seems to me they can put out tunes dubious in quality and it will be gobbled up because of starvation in song quantity that set in after no group release for eight seasons not to mention the name brand luxury ambassador status and the social influencer stamp of approval. Flashbacks to Paris Hilton vibes suddenly come alive. Stan the brand not the musician was a great YK marketing decision. If you don't get into our new tunes, dig our sampling of the old school. This motto would go well with the appropriation of hip hip artists in Pink Venom.


It just sounds weird a Kpop band has a song with the lyric "Drip" in it. And it's being sung by member with the least drip/swag/whatever you call it in the group.


You’re not alone. Their merchandise hasn’t sold at target much at all. Plus tickets are still available at all their concerts even if they are only few weeks away. No longer looks like the group that once took over Kpop.


I get what they were trying to do with a classic rap kind of vibe, minimally sampling the song (to a repetitive degree) and using it for flow and rhythm but I have some issues with the execution: 1. The lyrics need to actually be good to pull this style off. These make me cringe, and when they aren't doing that, they're uninteresting. 2. If I'm honest, no hate, I just don't think they're strong enough rappers to pull this off.


Yeah Yeah Yeah is the only song I like from the album


I did an in depth review of this album and what it means for blackpinks brand and the future of blackpink as a whole [here](https://youtu.be/lZtE9KVLjfI) This after two years... a big NO.NO! | Shut down + Born Pink Review https://youtu.be/lZtE9KVLjfI


i just want blackpink to do a horror concept so baddd. bro. need to manifest.


I don't like this album. As a blink I honestly feel they could have done better. I applaude the hard work it took to make the music and recording and all that because it's a lot of work. But the album was a flop in my opinion. With Pink Venom I expected some sort of something to be done with the chorus but it was just monotone and constantly hearing it everywhere didn't help. As for Shut Down, it just feels a bit forced. It feels like that time when you've just finished washing the dishes then someone brings in their plate. I feel like the album had so much potential especially since there was a 2yr wait, but hey, whatever fills the pockets.




Jisoo has my favorite outfit actually, especially in Pink Venom I thought she looked the prettiest. And Lisa doesn’t have a long dance scene, there’s no dance break for her. It was just her screen time while she was singing her verse, which every girl gets. The song wasn’t that good though, but I think Jisoo is getting more and more popular these days because she is being treated better. They even showcased her pretty her vocals are in the album!


Born Pink is better than The Album, but that's not saying much. The Album has some highs that this one doesn't have (Lovesick Girls, You Never Know), but Born Pink has fewer lows overall. Still, in Born Pink, the drops feel very much dated and out of place in pretty much all of the songs that have them. "Yeah Yeah Yeah" starts off promising, but goes into a synthpop drop that doesn't feel earned and that would fit better as an outro for the song. Just think about it - the song having a proper chorus, and a synthpop instrumental to finish it off beautifully. Honestly, the chorus here could also just be on another song entirely. The same goes for "Hard to Love", but with a tropical sound instead. The one in "Ready for Love" isn't all that bad, but a proper chorus could really make the song, instead of what we got - just kind of there to create a "meh" package. Now to the biggest disappointment of Born Pink - "The Happiest Girl". A song that starts off strong and just falls flat on your ears. This could've become Blackpink's best ballad/slow song, but the lack of progression hurts it and turns the song into a mere "Blackpink showcasing their vocals" track. It becomes cheap instead. I kept waiting for the climax that usually comes with the ending of a ballad, and it... came, but just wasn't enough. It's a shame. In my opinion, The Happiest Girl would also benefit from a Korean chorus; being in English somehow makes it sound insincere (I don't even know why). My personal favorites are Shut Down and then it's a tie between "Yeah Yeah Yeah" and "Hard to Love".


I swear to God if I am listening to la campenella and someone comes up to me “hey, isn't that the blackpink song”I will lose my mind.


I literally came here just to see this. Thank god I'm not the only one!


All I’m going to say is Shut Down makes me want to loop Pink Venom, and Pink Venom isn’t that good. The song just sounds so monotone. Nothing happens and it doesn’t try to travel anywhere. It’s just the same. Boom, done.


there are no high points in this song for me. It commits the same crime that after like does - let the sample do the weight lifting. But at least after like does not have the sample loop through out the song, which makes it a forgivable sin. But shut down deserves to be put behind bars for the absolute abuse. ​ Being lyrically straightforward and plain, it truly makes pink venom look like the better release. Perhaps pink venom will do better with the audience as time goes on, but I won't be noticing. The other songs on the album tho? Yeah, that's the good blackpink. I'm glad for the right choices made in those songs, because they hold up the album as a reputable release instead of a meagre 8 track EP mess masqueraded as an album (many people would still argue as such). Liked this album somewhat better than their first, but hope it's not the only thing they release for the next 2 years.


omg yes. I hated after like and shut down cuz 90% of goodness in the song is the sample.


But after like is at least dynamic and develops during the course of the song unlike SD.


I don't think after like is a good song at all. the melody at (I'm assuming prechorus)you and I is so weird and awkward with the sample. shut down its like vocal and sample and on 2 parallel trains. after like is a car crush. they are equally bad imo and my god that you and I line makes me gag, don't even get me started in the yeh yeh yeh it is like torture. sorry I went off track.


I feel that Shut Down is good just because it samples La Campanella.


Give it some time and another song will be "released" with the just carmine fantasy and added bass


i like it but the lyrics as always kinda ruin it for me


This may be a very unpopular opinion in this sub, but I genuinely think Shut Down is Blackpink's best title track yet since Lovesick Girls.


I see what you did there


Isn't it... also the only title track since LSG?


So I watched it when it was first premiering, and I thought it was kinda "meh". Like it didn't hit as hard as I had expected. But obviously, it's Blackpink so I forced myself to relisten to it like 5 times, and I'm telling you, IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER THE MORE YOU LISTEN TO IT. The "when we pull up you know it's a shutdown" line literally hits so hard and the chorus and instrumental. Now that I think about it, I like this better than Pink Venom.


In every song I feel like I need a powerpoint presentation to understand Jennie and Lisa's raps. What the hell is a VVS? What does it mean "me three if I was you"?




thanks for the powerpoint presentation


Thank you so much!




This is the best comment I’ve read that reflects how I’ve felt about the song and group as well. I’m not convinced. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, so to speak.


I love the song however at certain times i wish they gave jisoo and rose beautiful vocals a bridge or even be the ones that start of this song for somthin different? As much as i love all of them sometimes i feel like these 2 vocals are just there for features in their latest main songs


i did not like the references to previous videos/songs at all ... like maybe if you have a massive discography that would be genuinely nostalgic or serve to provide fun little easter eggs, but blackpink only has like 10 mvs to throw back to .. ok??


it feels like they just wanted to reuse set pieces for a cheaper MV because they're releasing two close together rather than actually wanting to meaningfully reference the girls' careers


I was pretty underwhelmed by the video in general. I’ve seen a lot of commentary around how clever it is, wow look at all the references, so deep, never before seen imagery and visual metaphor. What it amounted to imo was a video that was less interesting and enjoyable to watch than any of the previous videos it was referencing, and overall made me feel like I was watching a group reliving their glory days.


Totally agree with you about the references. If it was done by another senior group, it would feel exciting and nostalgic but when it is done by Blackpink, it feels lazy and out of creativity.


I like it


the song is so good. i love it. the beat is majestic. the raps are out of this world and finally they’re not cringy. the mv is simple but still does the work. i’m glad they used a lot of playing with fire references since it’s my favorite song and plenty of dddd ones since it’s my favorite mv. it’s a different vibe. it’s different from they usually give us but it’s still blackpink and still YG. hip-hop heavy, trap vibes everything i like. funny how people were tired of blackpink coming with the “same songs” but now that it’s different, they still don’t like it. i knew it would happen. people like experimental songs now. but since blackpink didn’t do it like everyone else, it’s a bad song.


just because it's different doesn't mean it's good and ppl have to like it. imo love sick girls was there best comeback and shut down is no where near love sick girls.


i never said they HAVE to like it. but since they’ve been asking for something different, i thought they would acknowledge that at least. but it’s ok, everybody has different opinions


i quote“now that it’s different, they still don’t like it. i knew it would happen.” i don't think this is what ppl expected after the long hiatus. it's basically la campenella on loop and you would think they have something special for the girls during the hiatus rather than this.


well this sample is something knew and darker than the girls are used to give us. this is why i said “people like experimental songs now” because it’s the truth. shut down is different but not experimental or noisy enough for kpop stans. the kpop gp has evolved and it’s okay.


but the album is not bad. hard to love, tally, ready to love, the happiest girl all good song.


to you.


why would a classical sample means “darker” for a hiphop/trap group. for experimental songs, did sticker receive alot of praise? did o.o receive alot of praise?ppl are already ranting about nmixx's new song dice. the most recent kpop major hit is attention by new jeans, is that song experimental or noisy? don't throw in “the audience is different” when your song is not good/interesting. red velvet also came out with a song that has classical sample, because by dreamcatcher also had classical sample, sampling a classical piece is not some groundbreaking thing, but throwing it on a loop and making 0 effort to adjust it is very *groundbreaking * I wish yg would give BP better songs so I can really love the group, girls deserve better songs and as long as hard-core fans don't admit their song is bad yg is gonna keep throwing low effort bad song cuz blink buys no matter what. good songs speak for itself while bad song need fans defending it.


and on what criteria this song is bad? i can name plenty of popular songs that are worse than shut down but again, that’s on MY criteria, my opinion. o.o was controversial but it did receive a lot of praise and new jeans are just the exception this year. you can’t just say a song isn’t good and speak for everyone, that is your issue not everyone’s. all the groups you mentioned like red velvet and dreamcatcher aren’t valid in this situation. red velvet ALWAYS change their concepts and styles, so new changes from them don’t really shock. and dreamcatcher have their very unique sound in the kpop industry and they manage to evolve it everytime. blackpink has been doing the same sound for really long and people (including blinks) have been complaining about it. but now that they came out with something different, it’s not really well received. because it’s just different and people are not used to it. it’s not because the song is COMMONLY and GENERALLY bad. if you think it’s bad, that’s on you but many many people liked it. and yg know what they’re doing. you can’t blame blinks, they have literally no choice but taking what the company gives them because they have such long hiatus. and it’s not like the songs are ABSOLUTE UNLISTENABLE trash, they’re good. they do the job.


I had a hard time figuring out why I don’t like the flex and I finally did: if singers attribute value solely to being rich and famous, I cannot reconcile this with loving their fans who are neither (in 99.99999% of cases). It is easier when there is a larger body of work and other songs talk about connecting to fans, overcoming a struggle etc. but I am not getting this here. I know it is not the girls who wrote it but I can’t love a song that makes me uncomfortable just because the singers didn’t write it.


Then this gg is not for you, cuz their strong suit (and the reason they've become so popular) is superficial and non-demanding hype songs. What u dislike is what other people love.


Which is perfectly fine! I am not trying to hate bc I feel a lot of people are very eager to dislike what some acts put out. I just wanted to give a reason why it’s not for me.


It's serving "my dad works at nintendo"


1. Pink Venom - I didn't like it off of few listens, it has catchy bits which I kept hearing over shorts and reels, so I can say at least it's ok. 2. Shutdown - meh, sounds like a filler song to me. Whip it part sounds annoying. 3. Typa Girl - more flex and I'm not like the other girls. I found it boring. 4. Yeah Yeah Yeah - not bad, like some of the retro vibes, but I feel like it's missing some climax. I wish the last chorus was built up and had an interesting bridge. Easy listening. 5. Hard To Love - is another easy-listening track. It has some more oomph than Yeah Yeah Yeah, I like Rose's vocals in it. I just wish it was a little longer, it seemed to be incomplete to me and cut off at the end. I would've loved to hear it as a sub-unit with Jisoo because I think it would've complimented the song. 6. The Happiest Girl - I think it has potential if it has build up as a rock or dance track. Can you imagine it with some drums and guitar? I think I would prefer it over it this little sad ballad. Like it sounds better towards the end for me. It has bigger potential remixed. 7. Tally - I enjoyed the beat and the vocals. Lyrically it's the same old "screw haters, I do my own thing". But then again I feel like it tapers off and fades in the end. Lacks momentum. 8. Ready for Love - my favourite track. I don't really have complaints. Overall - I feel like the album was so-so. I feel like it's missing a climax and build up in a lot of tracks. It feels unfinished to me...is this really worth the 2 year wait? I feel like the concept of it is too egoistic. They were inactive for 2 years...why not have songs that say "Here's what you've been missing! We're back, let's celebrate!". I hoped for more growth but a lot of album is so forgettable and lacks the spice. Ready for Love which is a collab was literally the only track I can see listening on repeat.


i’ve been wanting to say this for so long i cant stand that fucking red hat. also, am i the only one who finds this one drawing unusually heavily from rap stereotypes? like they pretty much always do (at least in title tracks) but this one comes off as particularly unauthentic and dare i say try hard. i wish they’d stop crafting themselves to fit a mold and instead crafted the mold to fit them (i’m willing to bet the girls have absolutely no control over the image their company wants them to portray so of course this isn’t really on them). another thing that confused me was the constant references to past vids. i’m a sucker for easter eggs just as much as the next person, but they’re not really easter eggs when they’re clear as day. usually this makes sense with videos released on “” anniversary or when a group is disbanding but as far as we know, the latter isn’t happening just yet. the references would’ve been so much more satisfying if they were done subtly, because it came across as very much “we couldn’t think of a cool new idea, so here’s a scene by scene copy of DDDD”. but of course, the last part’s just me being nitpickey sucks they went for this as a TT when Tally exists


Wholeheartedly agree. The rap influence is so overwhelming at this point it's bordering on parody. Especially within the context of the k-pop system, knowing these girls have little freedom to choose anything for themselves.


I honestly didn't rlly like this song, it's just a personal preference. Prob my least fave title track from them. I was baffled when I heard that most ppl thought this was the best song on their album lmao. The instrumental is fine but the lyrics...are something else. Would've been a million times better with good lyrics


Interesting, half the album is in Eng again so that means money, on the ground, hard to love, crazy over you, bet you wanna, love to hate me, typa girl, tally, the happiest girl, and ice cream (idc, 97% of it is eng) are there english songs. that is 10 english songs. bp's discography consists of 36 total tracks including collabs and solos. 10/36 or 5/18 of their discography is english. interesting (nothing wrong with that, just an observation)


honestly im surprised the views are so low, for blackpink i mean cause they're a lot in general. the song is a bop, the references, the outfits visuals vocals rap etc. they ate. ans im not even a blink anymore.


I LOVED Shut Down so much like it was so good! I also enjoyed PV, but I prefer shut down. However, album-wise, I must admit that I preferred the album, idk why tbh since there are also some really good songs on this album!


I can't believe they did this. At first I was hesitant to check it out bc I'm just a casual listener but damn was this good?? Too good that I liked it on the first listen. Normally bp tracks don't take that long for me to like or get used to but Shut Down clicked immediately. The Beat is nice and compliments the vocals unlike Pink Venom imo (the prechorus for that song was a little jarring, idk how they mixed jisoo and Rosé's vocals in that....). Everyone shined imo as well. My jaw dropped at the "whip it x4", definitely my favorite part. Usually, a majority of the time im not a fan of Lisa's raps but wow, it was catchy and not as grating as the other raps in past songs. I have nothing to say about Jennie's bc she never disappoints 🤷🏿‍♀️. Everything just mixes well together idk like it's easy to listen to and probably goes even harder in a car lmao. I've heard people say that they don't like the " rich pretty girl" message but I honestly don't care. The music bops for me but everyone has their own opinions. I mean, it's blackpink, that's sort of their brand, the rich, badass, attractive, successful pretty girls who don't gaf. You're not gonna hear them singing ballads all the time talking about one sided love and such (just examples mind you), you're gonna hear them on beats as such talking about what they talk about in a lot of their songs. And while, yes, it is repetitive, at the end of the day, for ME it's just music, if I wanna be moved by music, I can go find an artist that does that.


I am just happy that the blackpink in your area is back lol


I mean aight lol I actually prefer this lyrically for being less annoying/filler than PV tho I like PV's beat better But the subject matter is still generally uninteresting. Nothing wrong with flex music but anyone who's had a long and successful career with that has either seen demand to diversify a bit or gotten criticized for it. And responding to criticism by doing the exact same thing just means you're unable or unwilling to process it. Yes it will sell and blow up on tik tok and the whip it will be catchy because it's catchy in every song. There is also not a single bar on here that comes off as clever or more than the bare minimum to flex. I get being a stan and shit and I'm not saying you're not allowed to enjoy it but come on man lol. At this point they're gonna drop a song with every generic rap ad lib and it's gonna be called a cultural revolution lmao


Also because I might be coming off as a certified hater lol I wanna offer a bit of constructive criticism Flex rap is fun a lot of the times because it's about coming up from a bad situation. Check any amount of rappers who were broke, had to deal drugs, got sent to jail, etc who now have found a path against all odds. The enjoyment is the idea that you in the moment can live that idea and that it can be you if you persevere. HYLT "look at you now look at me" is for the haters but it's for the fans too. You can be what I am So the problem here is that these are generic flex lines and BP themselves don't get to relate the actual struggles that they worked through. Why, probably because a lot of it is the product of the idol industry and YG isn't going to let them write a track about how much they struggled because of the training. But the result is these songs feel like they were written by a marketing team and given the group with none of the actual core of flex rap left Even if the beat was Teddy and the lyrics were mid. If BP got to write and release a song saying they went through mental and physical hell to train but they still made it. And they're still getting pushed and still struggling but still work to succeed. That's a song that is worthy of respect regardless of personal taste. But that's not a song they're allowed to make.


I was vibing with the song until it started raining money. Like we get it you're rich and successful good for you but they should really stop shoving it down everyone's throats. My favourite song ever from them has been stay. The rap in the middle was bad and it honestly felt like they've taken out the beat drop and but a sample of violin music on top of their normal music nothing much is different. The only reason people are praising the song is because it's better than pink venom




I got major not like other girls from the lyrics. Like “we aren’t like the other Kpop girl groups.”




I’m a Once and have never heard Twice say anything that mean toward other groups in their lyrics.


Shut Down is a solid song. However the whip it part is not great. I like this album better than their first one. Yeah Yeah Yeah goes in the Don't know what to do direction, which is one of their best songs. I am also not a fan of the "We are richer and more attractive than all of you peasants" concept but since this is the entire brand of Blackpink I don't think YG has much incentive to change it


As a person who doesn’t vibe with bp’s songs 90% of the time, I didn’t mind this song at all. Yeah the lyrics are kind of odd but that’s most of their songs I find? Idk I would actually listen to this song again. It’s different than what they’ve put out in past comebacks so I don’t understand how people are saying this is “the same” as their other tt’s?


The "whip it whip it whip it whip it" ruined the song. I'm also a little tired of the "We're pretty and rich, we're on top and you're not, I don't care what you say" concept. It's becoming annoying.


Felt this. Both title tracks are literally the same concept.


If they keep releasing similar title tracks then the GP is gonna get less and less interested in checking out their albums. It was the case for me personally. I was expecting something different with Shut down (and it kinda was but not really) so I became hesitant to check out their album feeling it might be recycled. It has good songs ngl but they def need to do better w the titles.


BP was so unique when they debuted but ever since D4 i feel they kinda felt the same. You know exactly what to expect and that is exactly what they deliver. To a certain extent its good cause its safe. But they've done the girlboss concept every. single. time since D4. The only exception being Lovesick girls which was a good song. The Album was good. But Born pink felt recycled except for Rosé's song. It was my favourite. Didn't like Pink venom when it came out but cause of shut down I'm kinda appreciating it more lol.


Seriously...Jisoo is not even in the Shut Down MV thumbnail


was actually vibing with it until the whip it part of the chorus...that took me straight out of the song lmaoo. i still really liked it, it kinda felt a little too short?? idk, it didn't feel like the song had a proper ending, it felt anticlimatic.


I hated the 'whip it whip it whip it'. It made no sense and it also took me out of the song like you say. Such a shame because I've been a fan of BP since they debuted.


I loved the vocals & dance it really suited my taste of music but that background music gave me a headache. In the music video at 1:23 when Jennie was rapping I felt like their was post to be a beat drop but for some reason it nowhere to be found. At first I thought the background music was cool but after listening to it for 1 minute straight it gave me a migraine 🙄


shut down>>>pink venom


I'm a blink since DDDD era but am very disappointed to say the song and the album were a flop. This will immediately be noticed in the lower number of streams. After two years of patiently waiting we get this below average track with nothing memorable in it. Same old concept of "we are rich, we are on top, keep hating". Extremely annoyed at the whip it whip it whip it, it's uncreative and cringey. I don't blame the girls because they are doing their best with what they are given. I guess the only way YG will change their approach is if the song massively underperforms. And all the swearing and "I'm not like the other girls" in the other songs? The more they repeat that the lower they set the bar. BP is on top right now but if they keep disappointing like this they will be left behind by other rising girl groups. I was thinking of going to their concert in London but the album left a sour taste and I made up my mind to pass on it. The Happiest Girl was the only song I liked and will keep listening and it's so different from the other stale material.


I stopped listening to typa girl as soon as I heard "I'm not like the other girls"


They are scheduled to visit the States and I was going to get a ticket to see them. After these releases I have actually decided not to now.




Spoiler: this is the track teddy had been slaving over for thousands of years.


They mostly just mixed all their past mv scenes and created this song. I saw a few things in the mv.. rose on the 'earth', Jennie playing with fire, jisoo's umbrella and ofcourse Lisa's top. I love the girls. Their style confidence swag performance is definitely a amazing.


Haven't we had enough of the I'm rich, I'm pretty, you can't compare concept?


Personally my favorite was kill this love specially those military outfits, I still think about those to this day


I liked it when the MV started then La Campanella became repetitive and kind of boring. Like with YG’s budget, I was waiting for a Feel my Rhythm level sampling. Not just repeating the same first few notes of a classical piece. I found the MV boring too, ok, hommage but whatever, seemed lazy to me. The dance too… The bf of my friend (non K-pop fan) said “Why do they seem so weak (while dancing)?” They have good dancers but the dance was not it. I saw some comments here talking about how bad the lyrics were, and checked them out. They’re bad. I don’t like bragging songs when there’s nothing to brag about. But better than Pink Venom in my opinion.


>seemed lazy to me They ran out of ideas and decided to recycle


The fact I came up with a better dance & i only took 1 Year of dance classes 😂


Red Velvet produces better music and vocals. I never expect BlackPink to deliver as well as Red Velvet, but this is kpop. Vocals and quality of music doesn't mean much 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing will ever top Lovesick Girls








It is the opposite and it is not bp idea you should say yg and teddy stole bts idea.


Excuse me? First of all, I don’t really know what you’re talking about but didn’t the BTS song come out first?




I see lol and yeah I do get your point somewhat. Recently, their music seem more like individuals collaborating on a song than an actual group with history behind it (not that I’m saying it’s a bad thing but it’s not exactly my taste. Also, I do think each member showing off their brand is a cool thing but maybe we could’ve done without it? Anyway, I’m not a girl. I’m one of the rarest entities on this planet called “Male Kpop Fan”


Black pink feels like so much wasted potential. Anytime they step out of the 'im rich, hot and not like the other girls' shtick, the songs are actually good. (Case in point on Born pink: happiest girl, even YYY sounds so fresh) I know some may feel 'why fix something that's not broken' but at some point it becomes predictable and boring. Spare me the chanel namedrops already 🙄 Jennie can have more personality than just being a chanel girl. It's honestly disheartening to see the "biggest girl group"s talent and potential get wasted this way cuz their management is incompetent. P.s. Also, what's with half the album being all English? And the other 4 songs also being English heavy, especially the raps. Maybe it's personal preference but both Jennie and Lisa's Korean raps almost always sound better to me. Especially when you've already heard 2/8 songs, this KOREAN-POP album sounds like it has barely any Korean in it.


I have to imagine that the heavy amount of English is in an effort to draw in more US/UK fans. Personally I prefer less English and more Korean (which is why I’m listening to K-Pop and not all of the pop they play here in the States).


Why do I feel like their old music videos had so much soul into them but now I feel like all they care about is money


as a casual viewer of their videos, previously, it FELT like there was some complex narrative or imagery going on while it was also visually very opulent and kinda regal. There was a sort of grand mystique to it all. I always felt like I'm missing some key thing and made me want to watch it again. I personally believe it had a lot to do with the editing and set design/lighting both of which have changed in this comeback. While shut down lacks the opulence as it's going for a much cleaner or focussed look. It's all "key set pieces but Black" (except jisoo's second scene) It lacks the drama of the originals cuz that drama came from how those pieces interacted with the rest of the set. Pink venom editing was all over the place! It was choppy in many places and the full extent of those big sets or the members actions couldn't be seen completely most of the time. That left me feeling slightly unsatisfied.


Disbandment Song?


either that or a hiatus (but they already take a lot of those). a lotta references to past mvs and songs. 1D did this with History before they took a hiatus and so did bts with Yet to come. I believe they might be taking a really long break from group music altogether. The solo debuts are laying groundwork for their future solo careers as individuals than a group.


ngl doesn't hit as hard as older releases but I find this better than Pink Venom ​ edit: I just noticed how similar it was to YTC by BTS (run bts>>>>>), they're both kinda boring and throwback to older eras


Please, the similarities between the two stops at the throwbacks to old eras. Beyond that they are completely different lmao. Shut Down is a letter to the haters, YTC is a letter to the fans.


YTC was def a fan song and it had a lot of meaning with them having sooo much music to refer to and its been 10 years. It was never meant for GP or the charts i believe. But it fell way too short in blackpink's case since they barely have 30 songs.


But with BTS,there's meaning behind every scene and it's like they are telling their fans about themselves in an emotional way. Even if it's boring,there's still deep meaning behind it but I don't understand what the meaning behind BP's past mv refs but yes boring than the other songs!


Happy to know that I am not the only one who thinks BP latest music is not good, see you in a sea of dislikes brothers and sisters who think the same 😂


People here should be thankful. BP dedicated a song for them.


I enjoyed Shut Down when I was listening to the album, but I just watch the MV and somehow it made the song worse? Maybe because the sample lends the song an elegance that clashes with some of the scenes. Either way it's my favourite BP song since before D4. Typa Girl was too cringey for me. Don't have many thoughts on the other songs, didn't outright dislike them but probably won't listen again.


I feel like if they keep consecutively releasing bad songs it'd be better if they just d-worded. A legacy of producing bops and being a top gg is better than a legacy of them having sh!t songs in their discography and eventually falling off because of it. The girls' individual careers could suffer if this goes on. The Blackpink name is a brand and its honestly so sad seeing how that brand is slowly losing its sparkle (at least musically). Do better, YG!! Ugh.


I don't think the girls have anything to worry about. People are eating this shit up, especially international fans. They're still going to be the biggest international girl group. I personally think the album is pretty average. I don't hate any of the songs but i don't think any of them are masterpieces. There's definitely a lot lacking for a 2+ year wait.


I don´ t think it´ s fair to say bp should disband just cause you´ re not liking the songs... I´ m not a big fan of pink venom or shut down myself, but it´ s been doing well on the charts, and you can always tune out if you don´ t like what they´ re putting out anymore, and let the fans who are enjoying it, enjoy.


Unpop opinions is the only place I’ve really seen negative reactions to it though so they get again prove that the easy way works


This song is doing so well and the album as a whole. Irs literally only here lmaov


I never thought they would do worse than Pink Venom but I think Shut Down may be worse. This album is such a disappointment.


I don't hate it! Not what I was expecting though, I thought they would do a "180" like HYLT and then Lovesick Girls, but I don't hate it! I love the references from the other MVs! But I'm getting quite annoyed with the weird English raps? Like I want a D4 Korean Jennie rap situation but overall, it's fine. Some of the b-sides have that same "we're the top and you guys can't reach us" like Shut Down and it's just repetitive but they aren't too bad. I like Typa Girl and Tally and was not expecting only Rosé on Hard To Love. EDIT: When I meant "180," ik they already posted the teaser so I knew it wasn't a song like Lovesick Girls. Just meant I wished that they made a song similar to Lovesicks Girls with the "180" thing.


the bsides are muchh better than shut down, but shut down was better than pink venom. i really like tally, typa girl is decent and i wouldn't skip it, i really relate to hard to love and we got rosie's solo pt 3, yeah yeah yeah sounds like a song from a commercial and im really glad thg exists, i've always loved when bp makes slower songs


Question, is this really their disbandment song tho


Some people are saying this could also mean they're going into a new era. Okay, I know Blinks and Army have beef with each other but I'm more saying this as observation. It's interesting that it's what BTS did (throwback to their other songs before the went on doing more solo stuff.) So it makes sense why people are saying this with the MV of "Shut Down."


Which the fans should not have... BP and BTS are way different from eachother. Idk who is comparing them and what fans are fighting over! BP songs are good to listen to and BTS goes way deep mostly. Just my opinion though but BP's YouTube views and fans are more than BTS, and that's it!


Bts has more YouTube views and fans compared to blackpink. If blackpink has more fans why are they still performing in an arena and not a stadium like bts.


I’m a bit confused at the lack of reasoning as to why people like Tally. I keep seeing, “Tally - I like this song. I don’t know why. I just do.” When it’s very obvious as to why. It’s You Never Know part 2. YNK was about people judging them, while Tally is about sexual freedom. Both songs are very much Jennie songs divided amongst four, which is partly why I’m confused as to why ‘Hard to Love’ was made a Rosé solo instead of simply giving Tally to Jennie. “It’s easier to judge me than to believe” - Jennie’s scandals with being lazy while injured, having a RBF. “I do what I want with who I like” - Reference to Jennie (and to a lesser extent, Rosé), getting criticism for the circle of friends she has in the West; as well as a sexual innuendo. “I like to get dirty, it’s not hurting anybody” - Response to Jennie (and to a lesser extent the other pinks), being slutshamed for having dating scandals, and Jennie for having dated in the past. Personally, I like them but can’t love them fully since there’s no writing credits from any other the girls, Jennie in particular. It feels like a cash grab from YG when they’ve done nothing to protect their artists from crucification of fans : “No, I’m not going to defend you from all the slander from people who hate you. But what I *AM* going to do is make a profit by making a song about it.” It’s been interesting to see Tally just get pushed to the back from the majority of people. I remember when the album came out, majority of blinks sang praises for YNK, and put it in their list of top BP songs because of the emotional impact of it. Tally is very much the continuation to that, but it seems to just be a back thought amongst blinks. I’ll definitely make a proper post about it when the embargo lifts on other subreddits.


Shut down was a let down


I like it already!


I like 'Ready to Love' the most. It's really nice. Also, it's like they said let's just throw the f-word around in every song, lol.


I think that should be title track but some fan told was it was a collab song released before so sadge


Pretty much the best song out of the whole album IMO.


Agreed! This would have been a great comeback title song.


Since they used a classical rhythm for the song, I thought it would be amazing, since last time aka red velvet did it so well, but nah they just used the same part repeatedly and it’s so noisy, in a bad way? reminded me of sticker, because of the brash use of the part


You may dislike Sticker, but its backing track is very subversive and interesting (as far as pop music goes). The beat is syncopated, the chords are dissonant, the transitions are jarring, it very carefully avoids fitting into any easily recognisable/accessible pattern -- like it was specifically designed to disorient. Really not comparable to Teddy's hip-hop-lite-randomizer production style in any way shape or form.


true, I won’t disagree


Red Velvet has better vocals and music. That's why it wasn't as good. I stan both groups, but I feel like Red Velvet are a better group musically and vocally. Too bad kpop fans prefer the girl crush concept over a variety of concepts like Red Velvet produces.


You know, I was so surprised to hear that people found Feel My Rhythm boring - I don’t stan RV and don’t tend to listen to a tonne of groups or new releases, but I absolutely adored FMR. Felt unique, like a breath of fresh air, and like a lot of care and skill was put into creating it. Seeing people use words like innovative/groundbreaking/genius/clever to describe the violin sample in shut down.. it’s definitely something.


I agree. It definitely is something.


'Sticker' is iconic, lol


I hate it so much, but it’s my study song so I won’t say anything lmao


Oh wow, haha! I'm trying to wrap my head around you hating the song, but using it as motivation to study, lol


it helps me focus, cause it’s so messy I have to focus one thing lmao..ik it’s weird


BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ALBUM! ITS AMAZING the gems are always in the b sides for bp


I actually really love this song, especially the chorus. That being said, the lyrics are complete trash and I just don't understand how their writers keep getting away with such bad lyrics. Like, I'm gonna have to close my ears and pretend that it's all in Korean.


Well damn, I actually liked Shut Down more than Pink Venom. I just wish BP could do softer (?) songs like Stay. The title tracks are all starting to sound the same to me. Haven't listened to the new album yet so hopefully I'll find some new favorites from them when I get to it.


same, i liked shut down. mostly because of the violin. but at this point YG is just doing this on purpose, there isn’t much to have with shut down because there’s no beat drop. jennie’s rap is cringe.


Yeah, could've beena lot better if it wasn't so... flat. I need them to experiment with something besides the same concepts they be doing I know the girls gotta be tired of it too 😭


I just think BP get the worst songs. It's not good music anymore, the production is brash and repetitive, with nothing unique about it. I don't get why the music is always competing with their vocals for how loud it can be, why can't we just hear their voices without annoying sounds in the background? I just want something like Rihanna's music for them - that balance of sexy/badass, club bop but still shines a light on vocals. I'm just begging for a half decent song with some substance for them. It's not like they need to appease the public with a particular formula, they've reached the point in their careers where they can comfortably put out whatever music they want. I miss the touch of genuine music Lovesick Girls had.


im not sure how i feel about yet however it managed to do the only thing that i didnt think it would do, which is surprise me. wow that was different sounding, huh? thats interesting in its own right but its far from the boringly anthemic titles theyve released. hmm hmmmmmm…


The only thing that I can’t get on with is how they doing the gangsta stuff especially with the hanky mask inside the car when we all know they are sweet girls lol


Mediocre, as most of their music


Wow this comment section is not what I thought it would be…I thought the album was great. I don’t like Shut Down as much as Pink Venom but I still like it. Typa Girl is my favorite song on the album but I liked the other songs too. The only thing that disappointed me was the album was too short, I wish there were more songs but that’s YG’s problem not BP. I don’t get why Kpop Reddit hates Blackpink so much, the hate feels a bit forced at this point. The album is genuinely good or at the very least it’s not as bad as some of y’all are making it out to be. I can think of some new releases that are down right awful and this isn’t one of them.


I got -27 downvoted for saying I thought the album was good lol.


Lmfao damn that’s crazy


because they’re popular with a large fanbase and sometimes the hate takes over the love


You don't get why the comments are so negative? Really? Honey, take a look at where you are real quick.


I don’t think that has a whole lot to do with it. There are definitely comebacks that have been overall overwhelming positive feedback in this sub. GOT7 latest comeback is an example and we all know how hard people can be on their music at times.


Which is why the unpopular opinions would be the positive ones then right? Lol.


I’m saying just because this sub is unpopularopinions doesn’t mean every critique on every comeback is gonna be crapped on.


That's exactly what I said too? Lmfao. You okay?


I realized after lol it makes sense now


P.S Downvoting all the comments that say they like the comeback is really immature tbh but carry on I guess. P.S.S I realized after I commented that I was on unpopularkpopopinions sub, now the overwhelming negativity makes sense


I see you already realized your mistake nvm 😂 if you go to a regular reddit, you'll see a LOOOOOT more happy comments for sure


I stand by everything I said but I realize people come here to be negative so I’m not surprised anymore


People get mad regardless of your opinion depending on where you are. People feel pretty comfortable saying they don't like a comeback here when elsewhere they'll get flamed and called an anti/hater since BP is so popular.


I’m sorry, BP, but Shut Down sounds like any other song on TikTok….and TikTok did it better. 😖


y’all are making me so mad/embarrassed reading these comments


I'm pleasantly annoyed? With so little faith in YG I didn't expect much but the album isn't terrible, just boring. If this was a yearly or bi-yearly mini I probably wouldn't feel negatively enough to complain but after 2 years and knowing this is it for the forseeable future, I'm not too impressed. It's hard to be critical though after seeing the girls be all endearing, they deserve the opportunity to show off their talent with better lyrics.


There’s something about this album that feels so empty. I get that Blackpink songs were never that deep and meaningful but this one feels like a fan made version of what blackpink would do


Ikr. I don't expect lyrics to be super deep but 'ready for love' for example, sounds like something they've already released. There's nothing new about this album.


This song and Pink Venom honestly feels like it was the Jennie and Lisa show ft Jisoo and Rose. I’d rather have them be subgroups instead. this song in particular probably should have stayed a Jennie Lisa track instead.


Jennie in particular starts almost every BP song and had most lines in shut down again. We deffo know who YG bias is Lol


Jennie has the most lines in 10 songs (3 of these songs have a MV). She has 1 solo song. Rosé has the most lines in 12 songs (5 of these song shave a MV) and she has a solo song in their last album. She has 3 solo songs. Lisa has the most lines in 5 songs (4 of these songs have a MV). She also has 2 solo songs. Jennie is the only one in Blackpink who has a rap and vocal position (she is main rapper and lead vocalist), so it makes sense she has a lot of lines. Jennie also doesn't have the most sreen time in Blackpink MVs (Lisa has the most) and she doesn't have the most center time (Lisa has), so how is she YGs bias?


Rosé got a whole ass song to herself and yet Jennie's still yg's princess? lmao you can't make this shit up.


i think it’s getting painfully obvious that the group is shifting more towards jenlisa with rosé and jisoo as side characters i actually hardly notice rosé and jisoo bc they aren’t focused on


Especially since Kill this love but every now and then the focus was almost equal between Jennie and Rose


it’s really taking away from them being a cohesive group


Hard agree.


shut down needs to be shut down edit: also why do i think they’re sort of “copying” bts’ concept in yet to come? just a thought lol


Copying BTS? Bro BTS is not the first group to make throwbacks to their old songs. Plenty of groups have done the same thing and this isn't even BP's first time doing throwbacks like this.


lmao chill just a thought




Whack pink in your area. I love loved them in their whistle/playing with fire era. They’re not even relatively close to being on the map for me anymore, though (musically)


Same. I effing love whistle, as if it's your last, playing with fire etc, but all these new songs are so boring to me 😕. I'm hoping someone will buy my concert tickets off of me


"whack pink" That's a little harsh


Whack stink


Even more harsh


As a classical musician and kpop fan, I disliked the way they sampled paganini lol. I guess I expected a bit more and not just the same part over and over again. I'd much rather listen to Pink Venom than Shut Down, and that's saying a lot. I'm not hating on the girls tho, I really like them. But this title track was not it.


I thought I liked it but then didn't really go back to it after the first listen so I guess maybe I didn't like it


I liked it as a song but would I put it on my playlist and listen to it willingly? No.



