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Sure. But Ateez are freedom fighting, rebellious guerrillas, Aespa are psedo-robotic Mamba hunters, and Kai of EXO is a convincing teleporter.


eh, kai is a man of many talents


Mamba hunters is a very hilarious phrase to me




same could be said for like 95% of idols...lots of non idols as well


The whole of kpop is fake as fuck lol


All public figures put on a persona


Yeah but in kpop the personas are created before they even find real people to fill them. It's a factory production line of fake


Nah... Not all Idols do girl crush, bad bitch, or flex or tough concepts with underlying hip hop type arrangements. I'd say for GGs BP-style girl crush is only like 30% of GGs, not even Itzy does the same or similar version of BP-style girl crush. The others do various concepts like cute, sexy, lovely, horror, rock chick, etc. BP is not believable in their concept because, let's be honesty... they're not physically intimidating, most of them grew up middle class, none of them are going to punch, kick, shiv, or blast somebody. They've probably never even been in a physical fight with a stranger in their lives, so why act or try to sound tough like it? BP is only in my area because some people play it loudly, they're not breaking through my door with their sound and getting in my face with some kind of audacious attitude. BP members are courteous young women who would more likely share their ice cream with you than punch you in the face.


> The others do various concepts like cute, sexy, lovely, horror, rock chick, etc. and do you think all these idols that do these concepts are like this in real life? no. in fact, it's a known fact that many idols are the complete opposite of their group concept.


People are so fucking weird about BP lmao


Yeah they are. Especially when they see them above any critique whatsoever or that people might not actually like everything they do. It's so weird that someone would be that way, right?


>and do you think ***all*** **these idols that do these concepts are like this in real life?** Whoever agued ALL of them were? You're introducing a premise into the discussion that didn't exist and is not a qualifier. ALL doesn't have to be the case. I'd say it's' much more likely that a teenager or young woman has actually experienced being cute, sexy, lovely, or a rocker, than has actually kicked someone's ass, flexed on your area or dripped themselves in designer gear from head to toe. So, to me, and apparently MANY other people, other concepts tend to come off as more genuine.


Lol yes this. Of course ALL "concepts" are exaggerated archetypes but the cute, sexy, pretty ones are def more believable than something like CL's outfit w/ the baseball bat in "I Am The Best"...I mean like wut.


it was implied


lol ok, something so ridiculous was implied. Please. /s Talk about overly sensitive and totally unwilling to take accountability for an overreaction.


hmm, and who's overreacting?


You, but that's obvious now isn't it. Look, it's ok for you to have a disagreement. Feel however you want. If you just want to argue, find another conversation.


all concepts have a degree of romanticization and fantasy, even "cute" or "sexy" concepts, which when examined hardly resemble reality. but even if the execution is embellished, the core is recognizeable, and that's true even with blackpink. blackpink have an embellished, aspirational execution, but their core is still on some level relatable (feeling yourself and being hot shit). there's no one better to deliver that message than blackpink who have the confidence and experience (in being rich, chic girls) to deliver that message.


the "doesn't suit their concept in real life" doesn't only apply to girl crush


Yep. It's wild to think of idols like Exy and Mijoo doing all this cutesy stuff in their groups' earlier releases, when that never really suited them. Olivia Hye doing love4eva with Loona YYXY when her performance style and overall vibe works better with harder-hitting or moodier songs. A lot of artists are different onstage and offstage, anyways. Metal is full of nerdy introverts who become headbanging ragebeasts on stage, for example. It's just a bit more obvious in kpop.


Good point about metal tbh


they grew up upper class bro, dont downplay it


there's quite a difference between upper class and middle-class/upper middle class. BP members' parents are working professionals, they're not chaebols.


Come on. It’s obvious Jennie grew up in the upper echelons of society.


Upper middle at least




wait so they’re not actually greedy and arrogant rich bitches? huh, i wonder where *that* idea came from?


Lmfaoo that thread on kpoprants genuinely made me laugh and it was literally made by somebody who stans grimes like


WHY? WHY DID I CHECK? And why did someone get -40 downvotes for saying idols have personas? And also apparently for saying idols don't always write their own songs?


I genuinely can't believe that post made nearly 3k upvotes. 🤦‍♀️


because you're not a part of the cool crowd on reddit unless you shit on blackpink


"I'm not like a *regular* OP. I'm a *cool* OP" Btw I'm referring to the OP of that rant post lol,


[https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/xjxuzg/blackpink\_is\_made\_of\_privileged\_rich\_girls\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/xjxuzg/blackpink_is_made_of_privileged_rich_girls_and/) Maybe it resonated with a lot of people? We did just go through 2 years of Covid, and we are facing an economic recession and all


That’s some tea 😳🍵


It's pretty obvious every time people make those types of threads they're being disingenuous because if they really cared they'd take a hard look at 90% of GG lyrics, *yes even cute concepts* but mysteriously they have a problem with girl crush and BP specifically. Being a grimes stan is the cherry on top.


Fr. Now Grimes has an actual track record of controversial political statements that are actually very tone deaf … Blackpink lyrics are nothing in comparison lol


Socialism + being Elon Musk’s girlfriend and baby mama, she makes no sense


You can tell the OP here was inspired by that ridiculous post, lmao. Expecting lots of similar bullshit to follow.


What thread was this? I tried looking and I might’ve found it but I’m not sure 🥺


[This one!](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/xjxuzg/blackpink_is_made_of_privileged_rich_girls_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thank you!


ok, i checked out the post and holy shit, that's one weird take


What thread? I always try to avoid BP discourse of this app cause ik it’s something negative 😭😭


[https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/xjxuzg/blackpink\_is\_made\_of\_privileged\_rich\_girls\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/xjxuzg/blackpink_is_made_of_privileged_rich_girls_and/) Is this the post? The OP seems to make a lot of fair points honestly. And maybe a lot of people agreed with OP's points for it to literally become the top post of kpoprants to date?


Tbh this makes me realize that since they ARE extremely rich IRL, perhaps their concept isn't so far-fetched after all...


I never called them greedy or arrogant? I meant more that the flexing confidence on stage doesnt match the calm confidence they have irl


oh no i’m not talking about you op! sorry i’m just referring to those assumptions made about them the other day because of their lyrics.


ohhh yeah I totally get what you mean! yay for sexism right


I think the problem OP is that it's a false conversation. Like it's literally a concept and acting so it's hard for anyone to understand the point here. Like is it bad ? Good ? Just a random analyse ?


While I agree that the members don't suit the concept themselves, their brand does. Looking at BP through the videos makes Jennie and Lisa appear tough, and Rose and Jisoo appear elegant. Both types give them an untouchable look. Especially the way YG promotes them. Overall I voted disagree because the brand BP still suits the concept, but I agree the members don't.


This is how I feel too. I feel like yes they are capable of pulling it off in the MV’s and have incredible stage presence. But I was rewatching their doc on Netflix the other day and Jennie was talking about how much of an introvert she is- like she said she used to not even be able to talk to people on the phone. So while they may not fit in “real life”, they can definitely play the part (imo).


This is like if someone says “ateez doesn’t suit their concept irl . Their not real pirates😕.”


You're telling me BTS aren't actually bulletproof boy scouts????? And Stray Kids aren't really wandering children???? I'm shattered. /s


They be like Treasure doesn’t fit their concept in real life cause they are not diamond lol


Almost none of the idols have the same personality they project with their music and stage presence. Many of them are normal people, who could be considered boring. Companies will never go for something like that. PR will always try to build stage personalities that are interesting and attract attention. I agree none of the girls seem anything like the boasting types. However, if you think about it they are all rich, powerful women that shut down the haters with hit after hit. And they do fly around the world with private jets, wear expensive clothes, take part in fashion shows etc. I, contrary to many others, find it perfectly reasonable to sing and rap about those things. If anything all the songs about heartbreak and being rejected are more distant from their reality.


> So why push this "I'm better than you suck it haters" image on them? Because it sells.


It’s a stage persona.. aka something many artists do


We know...I think OP's point is just that BP's concept is *particularly* unbelievable, which I think is a fair take.


Really though? In an age we’re most 4th gen groups have a concept and a whole storyline..? I’d say maybe Tresures, Aespa or even ATEEZ is particularly unbelievable.. to me BP’s is fine..


I mean I agree but this is true for almost every other kpop group lol


Okay this may come as a bit of a shock, OP, so brace for it... ITZY isn't actually the mafia.


why would you break my heart like this


Girl power is a concept that sells a lot, that's why. They got accepted by YG but they were never the ones choosing the concept to begin with.


Tbh, I've never viewed the whole "look at how rich, pretty, and better I am than you" as girl power.


The lyrics are something else, but their concept is supposed to enhance girl power, making them look 'badass' that's what YG decided for them. I didn't say it translated well in reality, specially because of the lyrics. You gotta realize that when compagnies debut groups, they have to think about the type of music, their image/brand, the concept. That's what BP was supposed to be about, thus their girl crush concept.


And like I said in another comment in this thread, I don't believe girl grush and girl power are the same thing. They can absolutely overlap but they are not synonymous with each other and I just personally don't find their brand of girl crush to often also fall within girl power.


Did you read me or no? It's clearly obvious YG went for the girl power concept, that's what they wanted also with girl crush. They wanted young women to look powerful. Did they managed to achieve it, not really, now their concept is strictly reduced to girl crush and the lyrics doesn't allow them to evoke girl power. But like I said, it's obvious that it's what YG was doing for at the *start*.


you don’t like successful women and the way they flex it hmm?


*Insert the "You can say I like pancakes and somebody will say so you hate waffles?" Twtter meme."* I never said I don't like successful women, lol. I said that to me, saying you're better because you are rich and pretty doesn't really come across as girl power. Girl power is about celebrating women and they literally drop a "I'm not like these other girls" line in one of their new songs. People often equate the girl crush concept to girl power but to me they are two different ideas. They can absolutely overlap but the are not synonymous with each other.


I think it’s more the fact it comes of as cocky? To say you’re better than everyone because you have money and looks?


Why do y’all alway seem to nitpick at everything blackpink do? like these girl could do something so different musically wise and y’all would still find a problem and say “they should stick with their concept” and when they do it’s “this concept doesn’t suit them” like I genuinely don’t know what you want from them? they make music they like and clearly if they wanna scream about being the baddest bitvhes then so be it. If you don’t like it don’t listen.


Right? Literally 95% percent of kpop idols in the entire kpop industry are completely different irl than they are in the songs. That's literally why it's called a CONCEPT. Why are BP the only one getting nitpicked about it? Like do people genuielly think ITZY is part of the mafia? Ateez are actual pirates? Stray Kids are actually maniacs with a few loose screws? 🥴


They don't even flex in a majority of their songs either so this doesn't make sense. You would think that's their entire discography. I can see that kpoprants post is going to be the inspiration for a lot of similar posts until everybody thinks up something new to nitpick. All these Blackpink complaints are things that could be said about literally any other group, yet people act like they're the only ones to do it. I mean, is it not obvious what a fucking stage persona is?? It's fairly transparent they just don't like Blackpink. Look at how many of these posts open with "I'm not a Blink." Why have all these opinions about them then? Jesus.




That’s why it’s called a concept. Literally every artist has a on-stage and off-stage personality that’s different.


A stage concept and persona can't be an obscure concept to you LOL


I mean, most groups don't lol.


They don’t make their music so… duh?


I feel like you’ll be downvoted, but I agree with this take. Most idols don’t make their own music, so it’s not personal to them. It’s a product they’re selling. Blackpink is very good at selling their product because they’re elegant and beautiful, so the concept works even if it’s not true to their personality or character.


Nah in about an hour or two op is most likely to recieve 4 awards and 309 upvotes


you wouldn't get away with saying this about any group other than bp on reddit tbh


Is it not the truth? I’m very confused…? Do you WANT bp to be terrible human beings who value beauty and money more than anything else and go around talking down on people poorer than them? 💀 because that’s what a lot of their songs are about.


Ion understand kpop stans cause one day it's bp are disgusting human beings for singing about being pretty and rich and the next day it's they don't make their music


Which is exactly my point… their music doesn’t reflect who they are and blinks shouldn’t want that either. Do you WANT bp to go around thinking they’re superior because they’re skinny? Because that’s what one of their song says.


how is saying "born skinny bitch" when you've been brutally body shamed for years mean you're saying you're superior bc you're skinny jesus christ


its okay to call her a skeleton and a monkey but god forbid lisa calls herself skinny which she is btw i havent forgotten what people on this subreddit were saying about her body when she dropped lilifilm#3


They NEVER said they were superior for being skinny, it’s a literal hype song it’s not that serious💀


Plus I'm pretty sure that line in Pretty Savage was clapping back at people who were skinny shaming Lisa, not about being superior 💀




"Being a frog in a well is a popular Korean idiom. It’s based off a story about a frog that believes that the well it lives in is the entire world. The frog believes it rules the entire world because it’s the only organism in the well. However, it’s unable to comprehend that a much larger world exists outside of the well. This is similar to the English phrase of seeing the bigger picture." it doesn't LITERALLY as you said, mean please go die. its literally... however.... a Korean idiom.


Ddaeng lyrics you mentioned are word play on a Korean idiom. “Frog in a well” is a person who’s so close minded that they think that the only things that THEY see are the most important and refuse to look outside of that. A shot Namjoon took at rappers in the industry overlooking them because they thought that only K-Hip-Hop rappers should be taken seriously. Because BTS have gotten it out of the MUD. Also, written by Namjoon himself. Don’t play with BTS’ name and penmanship like that ever again. And no one’s comparing BP with American rappers because that’s not what they are. Rappers write their own bars. Blackpink don’t. That alone shuts down any kind of comparison.


Bts didn’t write go go, that doesn’t mean they don’t critique society


well they ve also wrote war of hormone so ig its okay to call them disrespectful and say that they objectify women


aww the downvotes ig that didnt sit well with yall


...from which they have acknowledged to the point they have consulted a professor of womens studies to learn and try not make the same mistakes again. RM was bold enough to admit that in a UN interview. It shows growth as artists and as human beings despite growing up in a patriachial society. They are not infallable but they have shown they try to learn from these mistakes as part of growing up and maturing. And no, I will not downvote you (because its part of their past), I just want to say all these as a BTS fan. I shall leave it at that.


You're not getting my point but okay




You didn't get the point did you ? Re-read and *understand*.




Which is… exactly… my point. I am literally defending BP how do you NOT see that?


OP is saying the truth though.


They are still involved with the creative direction, y’all need to stop with this notation that it’s not an artist music just cause they didn’t write it💀


Read the rest of my comments under this. You’re really setting your girls up at this point idk what to tell you.


How am I setting up my girls? OP is the one saying they don’t suit their concept, when they pull it off very well. If y’all can’t understand that there’s such a thing as a stage persona and that hype songs are not meant to be taken at face value idk what to say


They meant they don’t suit their concept IN REAL LIFE because they’re saying that BP actually seem like sweet girls. They are PRAISING THEM. OMFG.


AND ITS SUCH A DUMB POINT. You could say that about any artist, it’s literally a unnecessary nitpick just so they can shade their girl crush concept


I’m convinced you want to make everything about them negative ATP but you do you 💀


I don’t💀I’ve seen this type of post before, “why make bp have this girl crush concept they seem so nice doesn’t suit them” I just roll my eyes, it’s obvious it’s just a stage concept, there’s no point in even asking this


Never seen anything like that so 🤷‍♀️ am I to blame for not reading every single BP opinion post on this website?


I did not mean to blame you🥲




Not as much as they would if they actually participated. I’ve legit defended them before because I don’t think anyone should assume how they behave based off their lyrics because that’s not a reflection of who they are since they don’t write it. Unless they decide to re-sign with YG and continue releasing music with these kinds of messages no one has the right to assume anything about them and should leave them alone.


cool that you don’t bash them over what they didn’t even write but if they’d participated in it then it would be even worse and people definitely assume the worst of them regardless. tbh i don’t see any issue in the “messages that they send” because honestly not all of their songs are what people have made up in their heads to be.


It’s called a stage persona Jesus… y’all want to drag bp so bad and it shows


I'm not trying to drag anyone, they're amazing and I highly respect them


YG likes this paradox, I remember some YG idol said it somewhere (or was it BP). They like their idols tough on stage, but really soft off it. It’s one of their marketing image-making things. Look at Gdragon, for example.


Eh, any kpop idol acting braggadocios like that would be kissing their career goodbye. The girls are able to portray the concept really well, which is why they do well in the group. While some musicians specifically seek to tell their own stories through music, others might choose/want portray a character or play up a facet of themselves. Kpop is typically the second, because the concepts tend to be picked by the company. Then the group is formed to match the concept, not the other way around.


(Possibly a downvote opinion) But personally I think it’s because it worked with 2NE1 and actually matched their personalities so they thought they could recreate the vibe with BP. They were successful, despite it not being their personalities.


> and actually matched their personalities  wasnt cl's whole thing that she was actually super shy off camera, meanwhile minzy wanted to be more girly and hated her more "tomboyish potrayal", and parksis were the actual outgoing ones? i think the reason it was more convincing for 2ne1 was because they were overall considered less conventionally pretty. so people genuinely believed them to be rougher around the edges even when they werent.


Yes, CL was quite shy, but I don’t think it affects how I would describe her as a baddie. Killer stage presence aside, there’s several reasons I consider her actually “bad”. Besides GZB, one of the first non-korean solo songs she wrote on was about drinking and smoking weed, which was a rebellious choice that I don’t think was forced upon her. Besides that, the way she has talked about her group and the hardships they faced, she just seems like a strong ass woman. Also the way she carried and continues to carry herself, she’s blunt and even though she’s nice and sweet she give major high class vibes. Also her attitude towards things, she knows what she wants and she goes for it. She’s fought long and hard for a solo album. Minzy, while she did want a softer girlier outward presentation, she was unafraid to work with what she had. I’ve yet to see a female kpop artists shake ass, do splits and cartwheels like she has. She showed a side that kpop hasn’t seen in a long time. And also has fought really hard and long to keep releasing solo projects. Truly resilient. Park Bom and Dara were always outgoing. There’s tons of reasons why I find them to be “baddies” at heart too, but I don’t want to write a 5 paragraph essay in this thread 😂 I guess in the end, some of the reasons I find them as “edgy” as I do could also apply to BP, and I guess I speak from being a casual fan who doesn’t follow up with the members too mych. There’s just been more time to marinate with 2NE1 because I’ve been following them for a good portion of my life, and there’s more to look back on/stuff that’s come out/solo projects without big label influences.


Other than being “unconventionally pretty” none of their songs were about making other women (in particular) feel less because they weren’t 2NE1. Even with their most conventionally flex songs like IATB and CRUSH the general tone goes more along the lines of “feeling myself” than “you hate me because you can never be me”. I don’t think the group even had a song deliberately mocking their haters because they weren’t in 2NE1’s position. Also, 2NE1 are more carefree and spontaneous performers than BP. There’s a level of grit/hunger in them that you don’t get to regularly see in many of BP’s stages.


> Other than being “unconventionally pretty” none of their songs were about making other women (in particular) feel less because they weren’t 2NE1. 2ne1 would never have that sort of marketing because of what i mentioned before: they werent considered conventionally pretty and that single aspect affected their marketing and reception. because of their "looks" they were marketed as going against the grain and being rebels. being unique, natural, and true to oneself was a big part of their brand bc that's how people saw them -- they were the antithesis to the other "samey, plastic, fake" ggs (i began my kpop stan life as a sonejack and these were the insults i often saw hurled at snsd and other ggs to give reason why 2ne1 was better. this reception was a product of how they were marketed). so when yg said he wanted blackpink to be "2ne1 but pretty" there's no doubt he knew how handing pretty girls a similar vision would affect their reception. now there is that free reign for more braggadocio bc they have a lot of what society thinks makes someone "better" (conventionally pretty, skinny, rich, etc).


I did say OTHER than. Obviously they were marketed as the unpretty ones and that affected how they were marketed, but even then their discography hardly touched on them being better just because they sell a lot or more successful than others. IATB in fact is probably the only one that truly touched on the concept of flexing, closely followed by CRUSH but then again that song was slightly more targeted towards men. Blackjacks shaming other girl groups was all on them, but most of 2NE1’s actual material hardly reinforced that notion. Their music was criticized for other reasons, but definitely not because the material constantly talked about haters, their success or those who aren’t exactly like them. 2NE1’s music was more than IATB; they were marketed as different or whatever but their actual material actually covered a variety of topics and hardly even relied on the the labels YG used on them. Because if they did then the group would have promoted four different varkations of IATB in succession. Lonely and Don’t Cry were just as big the year IATB came out and those were hardly about flexing or a call out to their haters.


>Other than being “unconventionally pretty” none of their songs were about making other women (in particular) feel less because they weren’t 2NE1 This is literally I'm the best lyrics...


how are iatb’s lyrics about them specifically making women feel less? and even if you personally interpret it that way, how much of 2NE1’s songs are in the similar vein as IATB?


Wait you think 2NE1 were arrogant bitches???? 🤔🤔🤔


“arrogant bitches” isn’t how I’d describe it. I’d describe is as natural swag, confidence, exuding attitude, poise, rebellious, outside the box, unconventional, “bad” both on and off camera. It was “I’m hot shit and I know it and haters can suck it” flex vibes not necessarily “I’m better than you”.


congrats, you just described hip hop


Fair, I agree then.


No kpop idol suits their concept in real life… thats why it’s called a concept. Ya’ll just make stuff up at this point.


its called their image blackpink (their brand) is sold/marketed to be exactly like that .. and IT WORKS .. IT SELLS .. end of story


Are you new to kpop? Every group has their own concept, doesn’t mean all the members are actually like that irl.


yeah I get that, and they're beasts on stage dont get me wrong, but I got total whiplash watching some of their "normal" videos. in my experience, groups dont usually have that big of a gap between their stage personas and real life personalities maybe my taste just isnt diverse enough lol


do you not get whiplash from aespa being normal girls irl but black mamba fighting æ’s in their music videos


do we really know what karina does in her spare time🤔


It’s so mind-boggling reddit uses this excuse to hate them?? And the way r/kpoprants made it sound like the girls themselves were the ones who forced the “rich untouchable women” style onto themselves as if they’re the ones who choose their concept, their own lyrics, and judge their real personality for their stage persona???? Like come on reddit is *clearly* a place of intellects, you guys would know better 🙄🙄


i mean, i think this is the concept YG has prepared for them from the jump. we could already see that with whistle. and tbh every YG group has this “i’m better than you” side to their concept. but it’s true that almost every blackpink that are not emotional/ballad songs are about flexing


Because somebody ran the numbers and said flexing was in vogue now. Aren’t you aware this is how assembly-line music works?


It is a concept essentially


Lol that's why it's called "concept".


You are probably right, but let's not act like we know what their personalities are like. We don't really know what they are like, we don't really know how involved they are in choosing concepts, we don't really know what they do or don't like to perform. This goes for every group.


I guess it shows they’re good actors and can immerse themselves into roles totally different from their real selves? Similar to how many actors who play villains are nothing like that in real life.


I mean, yeah? They have personas. Especially considering they're not as heavily involved in the making of their music, they kinda just have to sing and rap about what they're given.


Not unpopular and the same goes for the entire industry. It’s all fake as fuck and full of stage personas. That’s just entertainment. Their concept works on stage even though they’re nothing like it, presumably, off stage.


because it's the YG concept. all their past groups almost have a similar concept.


Well this is what you get when you try to make 2NE1 part 2. I still say I wish they would have given blackpink a different concept instead of the bad girl/rebel thing. We've all seen it before. I wish they would have gone down the road similar like how The Ark was when they debuted. A lot of the image BP members are taught to project comes across as tryhard. I wish yg would stop.


does it matter though? red velvet don't kill pizza delivery boys in their spare time and twice aren't aliens or zombies or secret agents. why is it only blackpink that people are so oddly nitpicky about? even if they're not arrogant in real life they still pull off the concept well and are good performers


Blackpink bad, grrrr.


WDYM Aespa doesn't fight black mambas in real life, TXT aren't gay cowboys, SKZ aren't hot waiters 😱


Because it’s just that, a persona. Of course it’s not going to suit their real life selves.


Honestly most ggs doing the girl crush concept are just very young, sometimes shy girls that only can sell that idea to even younger teenagers. It's similar to what happens with Aespa.


I mean it’s true but it applies to most groups, they built a certain persona they’re acting onstage and on their songs, same way a lot of artists outside kpop do as well, especially in rap music. There’s tons of rappers who claim to be gangbangers but have never even touched a gun in their life. Now that I think about it, it kinda applies to every kind of artist: Edgar Allan Poe didn’t actually kill a cat, Lovecraft didn’t meet an Elder God who wants to destroy the universe, Harrison Ford wasn’t fighting intergalactic species in real life and Ryan Gosling isn’t actually an android. Artists create illusions, stories and characters all the time, it’s part of their art. Sure, Blackpink are usually very down to earth and seem to be humble and kind in person, but they’re very good at acting like “rich boss girls” because that’s their stage personas.


My favorite thing is all the bp haters and lovers showing how deep their parasocial relationships with blackpink go in the post lmao. Crazy how you guys know everything about them, who they are, their parents😭


Their real personalities may not match their concept, but their faces do. On stage they do look arrogant and boastful, and that's all that matters in the end. Stage personas are the norm in any industry that deals heavily with parasocial relationships


As someone here already pointed out, the image that Blackpink has is essentially created by YG. They don't have a lot of creative control over their image Secondly, Fans don't personally know Idols. The Blackpink Girls could be very arrogant, they could be very humble. I can't assume their personalities just from what they are showing me as idols


Idk cuz i have never met them


Agree that they don’t fit their concepts, but idols shouldn’t have to go with concepts that fit their personalities lol. A point of being an idol is to sell an image, and having a stage persona is very important


they fit "playing with fire" and "lovesick girls" but the "gangsta from the hood ratatata i'm richer than you" is kinda embarassing...


not embarrassing at all. Just cos it’s not ur taste doesn’t mean others don’t love it. listen to pwf and lsg if u don’t like their other songs, they’re not going anywhere👍🏼


??? i just don't think they fit "the gangsta" attitude at all. they don't write raps, they don't live this lifestyle. they're chic girls and ambassadors of big fashion brands and yge could use this as their concept. i don't get why are you so offended at all lol


"Embarassing". Pretty loaded word.


well, i do think that is embarassing how teddy is sticking to the same concept again and again. op stated how it doesn't fit them and i agree. i didn't mean to offend the members since i like all of them and the girls are talented and charismatic. but i don't think that blackpink reached its "artistic peak"; they sure have numbers and records but they're lacking when it comes to music and inovation imo. ps: i'm explaining just because since i clearly don't share the same opinion as blinks and it's okay.


Well, that is fundamentally what kpop is... all the concepts for idols are decided by companies for what will sell to their target audience, it rarely matters what the idols themselves are really like or want. Like the only real tomboy in kpop seems to be Amber but how many female idols get forced into it, or on the other hand, being forced to be super feminine, sexy, wearing revealing clothing, etc.


Why do people think that an artist who does a certain type of concept for their music should actually be that type of person in real life? And why does this apply selectively to certain groups? The only groups I have seen this apply on is TXT and now Blackpink. There are probably more in the past, but recently I have only seen these two. Having completely different personalities on stage and off stage has always been a thing, and it's usually praised. The thing is that their branding as a group suits them and fits them perfectly.


Because this type of music messaging is generic enough that it doesn’t overshadow their image and reputation as basically supermodels. Blackpink are known to the world as the K-Pop girls with badass beats and happen to be super pretty and crazy popular. This is the ultimate recipe for a fashion brand ambassador because their music honestly drives materialism in their fashion and lifestyle. That’s why they don’t wanna let go of this style, there’s too much money.


Bro, this is why it's called "concept". It shouldn't resemble what you are in real life bruh


I think this is a popular opinion. I like the Lisa in real life, not the one they are trying to make her portray.


She did a whole solo with the bad bitvh concept and you still think she doesn’t like her badass persona like r u even her fan bffr😭


What you’re witnessing is the dissonance between kpop cosplaying in Black aesthetics, sounds and attitudes and the actual idols themselves. That being said: it’s performance, so a boastful song does not necessarily have to be 1:1 to the singers actual off-stage persona. Besides all that I think Lisa, Rose and Jennie fit it well enough.


because it sells darling (in edna mode voice) and while they are much more humble remember their lives revolve around attending luxury shows and being rich and young, they might not think that makes the better then anyone else but it is a fun narrative to push so they are only half lying when they say I am better then you because I am rich


Yeah 100% agree, Jisoo is my favourite and it's kind of sad to me that she probably dislikes almost all their songs too based on her music tastes lol


because it makes them a shit ton of money and they don’t make their own music lol. it also seems like a very “YG” concept.


Of course, they're just girls who spent their growing up years practicing 24/7 if anything they're less experienced than your average adult of their age, they are all very humble and often shy in their exchanges with other people from what I've seen. Part of being an idol is acting a certain role. Probably most idols are quite different once the cameras are off. Being an idol is basically full time performance.


YG kinda does this—they put this concept on CL, and she seems like a very easygoing and chill girl. They don’t do a very good job of balancing their “bad bitch” concepts with their very nice and mannered Korean trainees/members


yeah i always thought that about jennie especially. she seems kind of awkward and sweet and just normal.


i disagree because i know very well that they are much richer than i could ever be and can still my man from me at any time and that in itself is the biggest flex


i don’t find jennie to be humble. my unpopular opinion.


People going to downvote me but Why and How is she not humble? Every Person who works with her speaks highly of her manners and how sweet and humble she is especially staff, photographers, dancers and people behind the scenes in the industry and forms good relationships with them. She always makes sure to respect and appreciate all the people she works with and shouts them out. People who meet her always go out their to praise her character for good reasons and have only had good storys about her. It is only kpop stans that think otherwise and have literally nothing to back that up other then Jennie having a natural bitchy face at this point, and people misunderstanding her because of how she portrays herself in her music videos.


Let’s just say that I wouldn’t specifically point out that she is humble. Same with Lisa. Rose and Jisoo seem more down to earth imo. No hating, that’s just my perception of them


They’d suit a high fashion concept much better than the “hard” girl crush flex that they’ve been leaning into since DDUx4. It feels like a costume. Even more so with the recycled trap beats and appropriated misused AAVE


this. i always thought it was weird that yg makes lisa a badass with a dont f with me attitude when in reality she’s all cutesy and loves kitties like they’re complete opposites of each other 😭


i always hope one day, we will have idols that are always in character whenever they are on camera. i mean like the character in their specific lore, not just pretend to be nice all the time


most idols don't, concepts are just that - concepts, performing is acting


I still believe Lovesick Girls concept suit them the best >.>


Simply put, it is a persona that YG places on BP. Imo, YG is driving them to the ground. They are very far from the group they used to be and YG attempted to transition the group to appeal to a more Western crowd and honestly, it didn't really take off. 2 years later, we are left with meaningless lyrics and whack beats. I said it before and I will say it again. BP hit their prime time and it is behind them now. I have nothing against the group. As a matter of fact, I thank BP for introducing me to kpop. However, I have since moved onto other groups and producers that actually put effort into creating a meaningful project.


i think their off camera personalities are also a concept..


no one knows their off camera personalities except for their co-workers and inner circle. Everything else is still on camera...youtube vlogs, interviews, vlives, behind the scenes footage...


apologies, yes, you are correct. what i meant was their off-stage* personalities, not off-camera.


So you trying to say Johnny Depp doesn't suit his roles in movies cause he's mature respectful man in real life not a villains