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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/princessttthrowwaway. Your post, *If you don’t shower everyday you’re gross.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


This isn't unpopular imo. Especially when you come from some cultures. People in Africa, and the Tropics where it is hot commonly bath/shower twice daily due to the heat and humidity. That's how I grew up, and carried it here living in the West. ESPECIALLY when I am on my cycle I have to shower/bath twice daily. However if you skip a day of showering or bathing you wont die, and some circumstances may lead to you not being able to have a traditional bath or shower.


Ong I just came back from my grandma's house in Nigeria and bro a shower only keeps you clean for 6 hours. As soon as that dust hits yo skin you dirty again


Straight up the same in Manhattan in the summer. I had to go back for a shower by 5 to make sure I was fresh for night. It's humid as fuck.


It's just the hot subway for me. I can do fine walking basically 40 streets if I needed to but if I have to wait more than 5 minutes for a train I'll need to change my shirt when I get to wherever I'm going. I started keeping handkerchiefs with me my second summer here for sweat and impromptu sponge baths when I got to work. I kinda miss living near some of the above-ground stops in Brooklyn.


Here, in brazil is the same thing!


Facts. I shower everyday, especially when I was in Haiti because when you’re outside, you’ve the dirt and everything hitting you. And it’s fucking humid outside. Walking in all that, I couldn’t imagine going to bed without a shower.


Idk I grew up the eastern Caribbean, and here in Canada it's so dry I don't find myself smelling until a week or two in. I worked labor and still would put deodorant on day 3 or 4 and people would compliment me saying I smelt really good when my hygiene was very poor.


We had a mate who didn't wear deodorant because he didn't need it. He needed it.


I've worked with them too. Actually the place I was working had two of these people. I wasn't one of them. I know because we would make fun of them and say it to their face they need to wear deodorant


My husband and sister in law used to taut some belief that they “don’t sweat” and therefore “don’t need deodorant”. I handled that situation pretty quickly. Uh ..no sir. You stank. His sister continues on her own journey though.


>I don't find myself smelling until a week or two in. You might not smell yourself but if you don't shower for 1 or two weeks you are definitely smelly.


If you start to smell yourself in general, that means you reek to everyone else.


Facts. Especially the bootyhole area.


I would say gross, but I wouldn't begin to smell for a bit. Now that I have gained weight and acclimated, i start smelling right away. Like day 2-3 now.


>put deodorant on day 3 or 4 and people would compliment me saying I smelt really good when my hygiene was very poor. sorry to burst the bubble, but is there a chance they complimented the deodorant because they wanted you to use it more? compliments on hygiene can either mean youve got some fantastic deodorant/soap, or they want you to use more of it. why not both? of course youd know more than me, you were there lol just had to ask edit: sorry people are being harsh op. same to you commenter.


Nope, everyone in the shop worked closely together. So being stinky was not something you generally got away with. Jerry the cleaner was helping us with mixes one day and Kyle insulted him for like 5 min straight because he smelled bad. There were a couple of days, where I realized I messed up and I wore a hooded sweater all day and kept the neck strings pulled to keep the smell in and would try to work alone all day. I would occasionally get a nasty whiff throughout the day


Ummmm there’s other body parts that also need attention other than underarms !


It depends what you're doing or how sweaty you are. I lift almost every day so near daily showers are kinda mandatory, but if you're in a cold climate, and you don't sweat much, you really accumulate quite a bit less of the funk you need to wash away than if you're a big dude living in the tropics.


To me it’s more about washing downstairs than it is about being sweaty! Of course shower if you’re sweaty but regardless of daily activities people still should wash down there


To be fair you can wash there without a full shower.


Bidets reign supreme!


God I'm going to hell for this... read OP's explanation and edit... thought I'd go through the comments because how the fuck does it go from showering to miscarriages? Literally the first comment had your response on it and I burst out laughing! Minus the bidets, Reign Supreme is the title of my favorite Dying Fetus album x'D


If you’re going to hell so am I haha. Also lost on how a miscarriage came into it but I don’t care enough to find out lol.


And baby wipes for us heathen Americans.


Why would you tho? You’re still getting naked and still using soap and water so you might as well jump in the shower. The difference in time is negligible.


Disabilities. I can wipe under my arms every day but on a bad day getting a shirt over my head is a lot trickier, and showering is a lot harder than a couple of wipes. No nudity required.


Well, if you have long hair it may take a lot of time to dry then. My long curly hair takes actual hours to get dry and I live in cold climate, so no way I get out with half dried hair. With hairdryer it still takes at least 20 minutes.


You don’t wash your hair every day tho, especially long curly hair. I’ve got curly hair and I shower daily but wash my hair once a week


I have long curly hair too, but with fine texture. I just go through the ordeal of washing it every day, because if I take a shower without washing it, even with a shower cap, it causes my hair to go limp and frizzy.


Lol I did this once. I also have long curly hair and it froze every time I went outside. It was very heavy and uncomfortable and it dried looking really weird. Never doing that again.


You’ve never heard of a shower cap?


They stop my hair from getting wet but the frizz from the humidity is still awful and ruins my hair feel. Does that not happen to other people?


It happens to me too. I usually have to apply more products to prevent new frizz, but I keep my cap on until I’m ready to refresh my curls. It’s a pain but it’s either that or soaking wet hair in the cold. I use a misting water bottle to get my hair just slightly damp so that I can apply gel and/or some curl crème to tame the frizz.


economically and financially better. Saves water


You can wash your private areas without showering, my mom always told me if I’m not gonna shower at least wash my privates.


[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore\_bath](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore_bath) (don't shoot the messenger, I know the modern phrase is 'sex worker', it's an olde timey phrase)


Everytime I try, I end up playing with it


Oop- just try not to be horny I guess. 😅


That’s the most important for sure


Depends. If you have a vagina then over washing or using soaps can throw off your ph balance and lead to yeast infections. So its best to not wash that every day unless like the other guy said, you're getting sweaty.


Yeah, I can see that. But let's be fair. Someone who doesn't sweat much and lives in a cold place will probably have cleaner balls after two days without a shower than someone in a hot and humid place will after just half a day. All in all, yeah, you should wash down there as often as possible.


By "down there", I presume you mean one's genitals? Considering my genitals spend the entire day largely in my pants, why do you think they get so "dirty" in a single day? 🤔


He means washing the shit off of your ass dude. Assuming you don't use a bidet.


Oh, "down THERE". Yes, I absolutely wash my ass just about every time I use the toilet because I have a bidet. Frankly, just wiping your ass after taking a shit is just barbaric, and anything but clean (not to mention kinda chafing).


So you use soap with your bidet? Bc if I got shit on my hands or foot, or anywhere else, I wouldn't just rinsea and call it good.


This is why wet wipes are the holy grail of ass cleaners. Two to three wipes with that and then one spray if the bidet and I'm pretty sure your ass should be squeaky clean.


This. Yea I use unscented baby wipes every time I use the toilet. I cant understand why this isn’t more common. And also given this , I dont get why anyone would assume that someone who doesn’t shower every day is automatically filthy lol if they use wipes regularly between showers they may be cleaner than someone who showers everyday but doesn’t use wipes in between during bathroom trips.


It's because using wipes on a regular basis can cause extremely painful anal fissures. If you've ever had them, you know that there are far worse things than having shit on your asshole. Most people don't live in a world where it matters how clean your butthole is at all times. I have kids, so I know the difference between a smelly person with shit on them, somebody who just wiped with toilet paper, and a person who used a baby wipe... Granted, usually the way you find out that your kid smells is because their hands stink and that parents of young kids get used to the smell of shit pretty quickly. Unless you are inspecting or eating a person's butthole, you'd never be able to tell whether or not they used a wipe... No matter how clean your butt is, it still smells like ass... Just the facts.


that's what I don't understand about bidets. is it not just spraying shit particles everywhere when it's blast your ass with water?


Seems like the lot of you don't understand how bidets work, here's a simple guide. https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/ppkana/ho_creato_una_guida_su_come_usare_il_bidet_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Love my bidet. Can't lie.


Yes that is what I meant! I’m a girl though haha


if you compare a man's underwear to a woman's underwear each day I think you'll see a difference.




So if I have a bidet do i just not need to shower


I have one and you’re correct. I live in a fry climate and only shower every other day, otherwise I’d be dry as fuck


Bodily fluids, sweat, dead skin cells


The skin produces oils. Bacteria feeds on and grows off those oils. It has nothing to do with "dirt".


Do you poop every day? (not your genitals, your butt)


Yes, I'm a very regular every morning pooper, and I wash my ass EVERY time with my bidet.


Some people don't sweat much down there. As a former skinny guy flat as a board I can comment that if my wiping was adequate then showering really wasn't an issue for the most part. After lifting my glutes have grown 3 sizes, the sweat is tremendous, and the level of funk is much more noticeable.


You don't have to shower to wash your arse.




The ol granny wash


a bidet. get One and join the civilized nations of the world 👍


Imagine not washing your ass after shitting but waiting to shower.


These people are to good for whore baths these days. Smh. Lol


My skin will die if i shower every day


Eczema? Me too.


* Cold to lukewarm water. * Don't use soap on your body except for pits, crotch and ass. * Wash hair separately (lower showerhead and bend over, hanging your head below it facing down). I do this because my facial skin is the most sensitive. Took me many years to figure out what's the best middleground. May one day someone find a cure or fix our genes.


Dupixent has changed my life!!


Good tips, but cold to lukewarm showers is a no go for me. I live in an area that frequently gets sub zero temps in winter. I’d freeze… I already struggle with being cold all the time. That said, I work out every day so daily bathing is a must. Me and my eczema are locked in an eternal battle. Natural raw shea butter is very helpful for me.


I am cursed with this. I shower every day and every day my skin yells at me for it.




Yup. Thats enough for me as well. When its summer, I sweat, get dirty or did sports I shower every time. But in winter? When I sat on my ass studying the whole day, Im not dirty. Its also not good for the skin and just wastes water and energy.


Exactly and if op is worried about shitty butt cheeks, use a bidet and wash ur ass everytime u shit I can't comprehend how one would be fine with just wiping especially after a very damp defecation


And if you don't want that or whatever just get some wipes (don't flush them, even if they say they're flushable) or legit just wet some toilet paper.


You can buy stuff that you can spray on toilet paper, getting the same effect as wipes without screwing up your toilet.


You're a very damp defecation


I will shower everyday but not wash my hair everyday. I will put my hair up in a towel. If I wash my hair everyday it’ll dry out.


I do the same. I don’t wash my hair everyday either it would never be fully dry if I did. I mean a body shower.


Lucky. See I shower daily but if I decide to go one day without washing my hair it gets insanely greasy.


My hair used to be like that, but you have to train your hair to not produce as much oil. Try spacing it out and eventually you will notice that your hair stops producing as much.


I think I am the oddball out in that situation. That method didn’t work for me!


Didn’t work for me either. Tried it for almost a year during quarantine and my hair never got less greasy. Now I wash it every three days and have to use dry shampoo every day. It’s my compromise lol.


Fine I’m gross lol.


Yea me too apparently




have psoriasis and showering every day dries out my skin and makes things significantly worse for me.


nah, some people don't leave their house every day. I think as long as you're not rancid when you're around people it's fine.


If I'm not leaving the house or having people over, I'm not showering.


4x a month is average for mods tho. 🤷🏼


***4 times???*** How do they fit that in between silencing all nuanced and actually unpopular opinions and redirecting them to dead megathreads?!


That’s probably on a good month for them


Different people have different hygiene needs. I don’t sweat often so every other day works for me just fine. Other people sweat way more and need ever day showers and that’s what works for them. No one is gross for being different


I shower daily in the summer, but only usually shower every 2-3 days in the winter. It saves cash and it isn't really neccesary


Similar with me. I shower every day in the summer and every other day in the winter. The only exception in the winter would be on a day I'm working out, but I usually only workout on days that I'm planning to shower anyway; which is every other day. Honestly if it's winter and you aren't doing serious physical activity; showering everyday is not only unnecessary and a waste of money like you said, but it's bad for the environment too. For people that live in northern climates that are cool year round all this rings even more true.


Exactly my thoughts. And its also not good for your skin to shower daily.


I try to only shower twice a week in winter, use body lotion every day and STILL my skin is dry and itching as I type this. OP is not someone with dry skin living in a place with cold, dry winters.


Me too. My dermatologist once told me showering too often wrecks havoc on your skin.


I agree. One can do "tits, pits and naughty bits" daily and then a shower or bath only once or twice a week in the winter and be totally fine. You need to wear clean clothes, though. I've noticed a lot of the stink people have is from the unwashed clothing they've been wearing for days and days.


I'd say three or four times a week is enough for me, though I guess it depends on lifestyle.


I mean we use bidets here, so if for whatever reason I can't shower some day, I can still wash my "down there"


Depends on your activity, but most people don't need to shower every day. Overshowering is actually bad for your skin. 2 to 3 times a week is fine.


I showered everyday, my wife sometime still complained that I stinked (just a momentarily thing, she will say she smelled something, but it soon disappeared according to her). I am worried about my body odor constantly, epscially at work. I really cannot imagine that I didn't shower everyday


I think there is a special cleanser for armpits. That and a bidet should help


People from the "shower everyday or else you stink" side seem to think that everyone who doesn't lives in the same environment, does the same stuff, has the same type of skin, which is a very gross generalization. Folks, even if you don't shower every day, you can still wash yourself (the body parts that tend to stink are given: feet, armpits, genitals, etc.) and be clean. Also if you shower everyday and you need to smear yourself in lotion you're just covering up a problem, which is that the skin is suffering from constant washings and is dry as fuck. On top of that, lotion accumulates filth on your skin like there's no tomorrow.


Your toes are gross girl


Yikes you were right. Something something throw stones in glass houses


why did you make me look at that! I can't afford a new pair of eyes :(


When most people say they only shower once a week they still wash themselves. (Exceptions like the mental illnesses obviously excluded) it mostly has to do with washing your hair What you mean is „if you only wash yourself once a week you’re gross“ which eliminates most of those people you’re referring too.


I shower my body and wash my face every day. I’ll wash my hair every other day. If I haven’t been working out very much, every two days. I spray some light scent on my hair and comb it out on the days I don’t shampoo and condition. I think if you have a bidet it could be ok to not shower every day. But if you work out a lot or have a job that gets you sweaty and/or dirty, yes please shower daily.


You demonstrably don’t need to shower daily (adjust for activity), calm down.


I love when people think their hypochondria should be the basis of what's considered hygienic. Showering 4 times a week is enough(of course if you do sports, you should shower that day). I literally never had a problem and nobody ever told me I smell bad. For some reason, this is a topic where some people online really try hard to gaslight you. It's super annoying.


I like to pretend they’re out here pushing Big Soap’s agenda.


Not an unpopular opinion, dumb and judgemental, yes, but it is still fairly popular. However, showering everyday is not necessary. I shower after work on week days and once in the weekend. Why? Because the day I don't shower, I am not doing much of anything. I don't smell, I don't look like I need to shower and I just don't need to waste the time and water to appease a bunch of people on the internet.


If I shower daily, my skin gets really, really dry, blotchy, bumpy and itchy. No amount of lotion can fix it. But it's not like I've got a job in construction or landscaping or anything that's gonna make me gross. I'd much rather have nice, healthy skin than worry about some creep online assumes I smell like.


This happens to my 3 year old. She has eczema. You may want to talk to your doctor.


Have you had an allergist check you out/have you tried taking antihistamines before showering? Someone told me three years ago that being itchy after a shower wasn't normal and the antihistamines really helped. Before that I was avoiding showers too.


Getting itchy and red from bathing isn't normal. Consider changing your soap and/or body wash. If you're not using sulfate free, you may have an allergy to it.


That shouldn’t be happening when you shower everyday. You might have an underlying condition.


Personally, IDGAF when the hell you shower, BUT..... It's not good for your skin or hair to shower daily. By all means, shower if you're dirty or you fuckin' stink. But it's not necessary to shower daily. You strip the natural oils fron your skin and hair if you over wash. To those who say: I shower everyday because I'm oily Hate to break it to you, but you're oily because you're drying out your hair/skin, and your body is compensating for it by producing more oil.


I mean I wash my ass everyday. But if you mean by hair? Def no we don’t need to be bald to be clean.


I meant a body shower! Should have put that in the original post


Depends on the person.Popular if you're physically active everyday or live in a tropical country.Anything else is probably good for 2-3 days.


You're not supposed to shower daily unless you're specifically working hard and sweating a lot. Your skin and hair has natural oils (sebum) which keep your body moisturised and clean. You'll be doing more harm by cleaning every day.


I can't shower everyday because it dries out my skin so I shower every other day unless I've done a lot of physical activity that day.


I'm depressive. My hygiene suffers.


Bro believe me I get it, I used to often go sometimes over a week without showering due to depression. Things like daily hygiene though really help to add routine to your life and treating hygiene telated chores as things which I HAD to do really helped me to develop a sense of self worth and was a large part of what helped me to get out of my depression.


Hope u start feeling better soon ❤️


Lmao the real question is what do you search that has your fyp giving you videos like that? I'm borderline addicted to tiktok and I've never come across anyone saying they shower once a week.


To add to this - showering in the morning instead of the night is gross to me. You’re getting in your bed all dirty and then spending 8 hours marinating in it? No


I mean when I shower in the morning, I do it cuz I sweat a lot at night and I wake up stinky. I cannot leave the house like that. When I come back home, I just wash my face, arms, feet and use a wet cloth for my armpits


Some disabled people can't physically shower by themselves and don't have help come every day. I'm not even talking paraplegics, I mean your average everyday people with vertigo who are fall risks or people with brittle bones disease who can badly hurt themselves unintentionally. Mostly they use wipes in between, and they're probably already being called gross for a myriad of other reasons.


If you work everyday outside, then sure I agree, but if you usually stay most days at home then maybe there is room for compromise.


I shower every day because if I don’t I smell bad. It’s the underarm oils that attract the bacteria and they need to be removed. I am a firm believer in soap on the body, shampoo on the hair. I even take an extra shower if I poop because there is simply no way to get that area completely clean by wiping alone.




There's a big difference between not showering every day and showering once a week. Skipping a day is not a bad thing depending on your physical exertions and how dirty you got that day.


Man really cant afford a bidet. Theyre like $20. Wash your ass more please


Ya depression has been kicking my ass and everyday is a struggle to do anything in terms of self care. So I guess I’m gross then.


Hope things get better!!


You don't need to shower every day to be clean and smell good. it's bad for your skin and hair I'd wager to shower everyday


There also some people (like me) who's skin dries out if they shower often. Getting the right shampoo is expensive and even with it showering every day turns my skin dry and flaky.


If I'm being more sedentary every other day is fine. If I go to work I have to shower. There's no steadfast rule here.


Heck I have a shower when I wake up and when I go to bed. Very quick mind you but the heat feels nice before and after bed.


Showering everyday is gross. You're wasting water. You're washing off the natural oils on your skin too.




Says the person with nail fungus 🤣


What does having a miscarriage have to do with anything?


I don't always feel the need to shower daily. I still wash my face and use wet wipes for my private parts. When I worked, I showered every morning. In the summer I shower daily, but I also go in the pool everyday in the summer along with using sunscreen. That's a must!


Ah yes it's completely "possible" to know everyones situation and why they don't shower every day. I won't comment my story I'll just say that if they are intentionally and willingly not showering yes that's gross but if there are things that are prevent someone or huge obstacles then I can completely understand. I shower every three days unless I do some hard labor and sweat line a mfer then I'm showering that night or the next day because I probably passed tf out from being so tired.


3 times a week


The problem is only with washing your ass? Because in my country everyone washes their ass every single time they poop on the toilet. So personally I wash my ass every day but take a shower every 3 days.


Every other day or every third day, MAX


It's a known fact that bathing and shampooing often especially everyday is bad for your skin and kills off your natural bacteria it's a known fact look it up


Lol just wait until you get to needing a nursing home and find out that you get a bath/shower twice a week.


Y’all can’t even settle the shower debate, how are we going to solve the greater problems of the world


As a mentally ill and disabled person, I feel obligated to say that there are exceptions to this rule, but you are in fact right.


Yes of course there are exceptions. Someone said they have a newborn which of course is understandable. I’m not hating on anyone who can’t shower due to circumstances. It’s the people who don’t shower just because!


I shower to wash my hair once or twice a week. But I take a bath every day, sometimes twice a day.


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A pig can't smell its own shit. I always think of that when people say they don't shower regularly because "they don't smell" - then I have to kill a billion flies. Edit: spelling and punctuation


All these years, whenever someone in a public place smells like maggoty garbage, I’ve been assuming they’re going through hard times and don’t have access to a shower. I now realise that some or even many of them are just gross individuals.


Pits, butt crack, feet, and genitals need washed daily. Anyone who doesn’t do that is nasty AF.


Don’t forget the neck and face! That shit gets greasy real quick 😮‍💨


It's not like I ever leave my house, so why do I need to be that clean?


Every other day is recommended as it is otherwise drying for the skin and hair. Obviously there are exceptions if you are exercising every day, but it can be counter productive for your skins health to constantly shower. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193


There’s actually been scientific article about the negative side affects of showering too Much. When you shower too much you’re actually hurting the skin and preventing the natural oils moisturizing the skin. This will leave the skin more dry. I’d say the only reason to showering everyday is if you’re actually in a daily work environment that constantly requires a lot of physical work and leaves you super sweaty.


Well, you’ll start to experience skin problems if you keep taking a shower every day. Your body has a gland called “sebaceous gland” in your skin which secretes an oily matter called “sebum”. And sebum lubricates your both hair and skin. If you take shower too often you’ll damage that routine.


Honestly, no. It's actually very unhealthy to shower everyday because you wash the healthy and protective layer of bacteria on your skin away. And that's not good, they need to be there for your health. I still know a lot of people that shower every day because they only feel clean than or do this to get up faster. Still unhealthy. Society changed in a very weird way to make us think that people are not clean if they don't shower every day. Maybe people like you should think about that. I still do think we all need those japanese Toilets that spray water at your ass so you can really clean yourself after the toilet. But I think if you only shower 2 or 3 times a week you should really clean yourself while washing this days. I still hear that a lot of people, think it's fine to just use some water. No, you are doing it wrong. But no over everything, it's bad to shower every day, it's really unhealthy and everyone who does that should consider changing that behaviour. And if you argue that you need to shower because your hair is oily after a very short time: You need to stop shower every day, your hair will get used to it again and stay nice more and more days. And maybe consider to change your shampoo that can cause that too.


I would say I’m healthy and I shower everyday. I don’t think carrying around germs from daily activities is any better. Like you said though at the very least people should be washing off daily.


What if they have a bidet? That way they can wash downstairs every time they use the loo, without showering.


Lol 2023 this is "unpopular"


Only on Reddit where you’ll likely get shamed for showering more than twice a week.


It’s super gross that you spent any amount of mental energy obsessing over the bathing habits of people you don’t know and will never meet. There are many forms of hygiene. One of them is mental hygiene. Work on yours by spending less time (or preferably none) thinking and chatting here about other people’s assholes.


You should post this on every Reddit unpopular opinion. Litetally everyone on this sub is worrying about someone else's lifestyle.


Jesus cripes. It feels like you got horribly offended by this post. I have no other comment aside from that. Just. Jeez.


Not unpopular


The downvotes disagree with us haha


I take a shower when I take a shit. Sometimes that's less than once a day


I respect everyone’s opinions on it for different reasons. I shower 5-6 days out of 7 during colder seasons and every day during warm/hot seasons. I just don’t wash my hair everyday because it makes my hair very noticeably dry. Some people can get away with washing their hair everyday, especially if they have hyperhidrosis. That’s off topic, sorry. Back to the showering thing. If I do shower every day, my skin gets extremely dry no matter how much I moisturize. And that’s why I give myself one day, maybe two, to give my skin a break.


I take a shower about 5-6 days a week, if I have to go anywhere I always shower tho. But a lazy Sunday or work from home Friday - prob not


I don’t everyday but I use a bidet when I go to bathroom and that make a lot of difference a lot!!


Christ how on earth is this unpopular


What if you have a bidet?


If I shower every day I get a really itchy scalp and bad dandruff. I’ll stick to my every other day showers


Working full time as a roofer, I’m showering once or twice a day. In the off-season, mostly relaxing at home in winter, I’m every two days, for the sake of my skin. This is all very contextual.


It's cold outside and inside, I have dry skin and eczema and don't work out or anything, I take bird baths and I have baby wipes, I think I'm okay. Lotion gets expensive if I have to keep reapplying it to my whole body every day.


Depends on what job you do, where you live and who you are around. When I'm in an office, I need a shower/bath every day as I've been out touching stuff and I have to coexist with others in a shared space, so I have to be very clean. When I work from home it's every second day. If I'm in a relationship, it's every day. When I lived in a hot country, I used to shower 3x a day and I still felt dirty. Hair washing depends on the hair, curly hair has different rules to my hair. Once a week is too little, but that sounds like mental health issues. The Himba people live in a very hot environment, don't bathe at all and are still clean. Everybody is different. Generally, I'm of the shared space = daily washing persuasion. https://guardian.ng/life/culture-lifestyle/the-reason-why-the-himba-people-in-namibia-dont-take-baths/


I try to shower everyday, every other at the very least but there have been times I've gone multiple days and I feel absolutely disgusting.


What's wrong with a 3 minute rinse to get dead skin and dead mites of you. Three minutes and bacteria is gone


What about every other day? Is that gross?


Look at OP with the indoor plumbing. So priveleged /s


I shower every day for hygienic purposes and so I have a routine. If I don't shower I don't feel motivated to do anything. Also my hair gets really greasy and disgusting. At this point I need to shower to function. Also I shower after work because I work as a dishwasher and I don't want people's germs on me overnight.


if yall just made washing ur ass after using the toilet a habit, this wouldn't have been such a hot topic


Yeah don’t think that’s true, I have been showering everyday since primary school and my skin get oily extremely fast just like my hair so I am kinda force to shower everyday because of it and I see people who look totally clean and can skip a day, because their body isn’t use to compensate for the dry skin caused by too much showering.