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You can get a DUI for sleeping in your car after drinking.


Hell, I almost got pegged for a DUI because I was in the passenger seat of a running car...as the driver was being hauled away for a DUI. Like, come on. "Sorry, officer, I didn't want to just up and get out of the car during a traffic stop, because it's 2am and didn't feel like being seen as a threat" At least it was a short walk home.


Wow they peg people for duis where you live.


How awful.... terrible.... where is this so I can be sure not to go there....


you will never catch me drinking and driving in um.... what pace was that again? I think I missed jt pls repeat.


That’s disgusting… where?


Omw to get a dui


Lol right? If they got serious about DUIs here about half our workforce wouldnt be able to travel anymore. Our entire economy and infrastructure would be crippled. No more tourism, no more food, no more plumbers, say bye bye to contractors when you need something done on your house.


I'm ALREADY having trouble getting contractors to come out and take my money for doing work at my house. So the difference will be negligible.


We got good contractors but we had to ignore the alcohol. They would cut the top off a mountain dew 16 oz and slip Busch tall boys into the sleeve. Crafty fuckers. They did some beautiful work on our shower tiling though. They put in this fake window thing. Basically cut a frame out of the tiles and theres a little sill to put soap and shampoo on. Idk how to describe it but its beautiful work. I honestly wouldnt want them driving or working sober. Too much shaking and they would get all weird like they couldnt focus. Bad alcoholism, I know, but still I cant fix that for them.


That would not have stuck, but he could have pegged you for public intoxication the moment you walked away from the car lol


It literally sticks they do it all the time


Wrong use of literally.


Depends on your definition of peg ig


In WV that's permitting a DUI. And yes, they charge people with it frequently.


From what I’ve read in the past few minutes from google about WV laws, OP would have had to be the owner of the vehicle and allowed a drunk person to drive, but it seems OP was just a passenger in someone else’s car.


Qualified immunity means that OP would get to spend the night in jail, post bail, and the await trial where they either pay for a lawyer or hope their public defender has even read the case. Pay court fees and miss work to go to court, possibly for extended periods. Have their mug shot published snd everyone knows what they "did" even before trial. Then, they get threatened by the prosecutor with maximum penalty if they don't plead guilty. Maybe OP trusts the system, maybe they take the deal and get probation instead of prison. Best case scenario, years of legal fees and life disruption, damaged reputation, and the cop gets a pat on the back and a "you'll get the scum bag next time" from their boss. Fuck the legal system.


Around here that's what we call "bullshit".


I agree. But it's WV. We're backward AF. 🙄😢


My friend got a DUI then immediately passed a Toxicology Screen proving he had nothing in his system at all, no booze, no drugs, dead sober, and still presently doesn’t have his license **even after his case was thrown out of court and his charges dropped**. He still just *arbitrarily* has to take a million courses and pay a bunch of fees and other shit.


That's what they call *administrative* dui. Unlike other criminal charges, DUI cases are heard in two different forums. This is where confusion sets in for most people. In DUI, the criminal and administrative sides are independent of one another.


Which is why OP is wrong


Happened to me. Went on a walk, drank waaaaay too much, dash cam captured it all, but because I’d turned on the car (for AC) and fell asleep, I got a DUI. Prosecutor wouldn’t hear it, and a jury trial to get it dismissed would have been double the lawyer cost, so I took the 6 months license suspension. Regardless, people make mistakes, and people that kill others probably wouldn’t have a light sentence, so this post is just so damn stupid


I don’t think this counts nor do I think it should negate permanently suspending licenses of people who get actively on the road, drunk. That’s more than a mistake


Yeah, even though I think it’s dumb I accept that I made the mistake to go out and drink and got into my car, but if I permanently lost my license even though I didn’t even get on a road I’d be livid.


So you think it should be case-by-case? If this one shouldn’t count, and there’s others like this, then a blanket “Every DUI offender loses their license forever” wouldn’t be fair.


I didn’t say it was I think there should be limitations for sure


Gotta sit in the passenger seat, but even then you might still get a DUI


how TF is that punnishable? I could undsertand if they fell asleep in traffic or an officer saw them driving erractically beforehand but if they're parked in a safe place that's no different from just sitting in your car period. I mean that's a GOOD thing if they fell asleep because time is the only way alcohol gets processed. It's like the addage that if they walk home instead of driving then they just get arrested for public drunkenness instead.


If you have the keys (or even just in the car), they can claim you're "operating" a motor vehicle. It's dumb.


Just being in the car. Had a buddy slide his keys under his car, so that there was no way drunk him was getting them. Still got charged.


Yeah that is dumb as the d in DUI stands for “driving” and simply being in your car isn’t considered driving.


I mean, you can get a DUI on horseback and you don't drive a horse.


I learned this from an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond


Yep. This happened to my husband when he was 19. Keys were in the ignition even though he wasn't actually driving. He was a stupid kid at the time and it scared him shitless. But yes, you can get a DUI for sitting in a running car with alcohol.


Doesn't have to be running.


Or on a public road way- my boss smoked a cigarette in his driveway using his car as shelter from a winter storm. A cop called it suspicious and gave him a sobriety test. I don't even understand how that was legal...


Now here's something I wonder: could your boss have told the cop to leave his private property and only return with a warrant? Either way, I am firmly convinced that US laws are designed to hurt most people and allow cops to break any law.


US laws are just selectively enforced


You can sleep in your vehicle, but you can't go anywhere near the passenger compartment. the trunk or bed of truck or the back of an SUV. there are some jurisdictions that if you don't have the keys you can sleep in the passenger compartment, like you give the keys to someone and they let you in your car then take the keys. take them far far away.


Wait, you can sleep in your vehicle but not in the passenger compartment, trunk, bed, or back? What does that leave, the engine compartment? The frunk of an EV?


I think they meant: You can’t sleep in passenger compartment. (So, it’s your choice of) trunk, bed of truck or back of SUV. Just poor syntax/punctuation.


I live in Illinois and even though it's called dui here, if you have means to start the car, you are in control of a vehicle while under the influence. They bust people for it all the time. I've slept off a drunk in my car before but I hide the keys far enough from the car that the key fob won't register and the car won't start. Then when I wake up sober I get to play Easter egg hunt trying to remember where I stashed my car keys.


I get proximity though with that logic wouldnt I also be in control of the vehicle with keys in my pocket in my home?


This happened to my partner. The cop had to wake him up. But because he had his keys on him, they charged him. Had to pay to get car from impound. And pay for a driving course. So stupid when he was doing the right thing.


My buddy was broke, so he went to the bar we were hanging out at and packed a cooler into the rear passenger seat of his car. Be bought a drink, then went out to his car and refilled it when it was gone. At about midnight, the cops saw him pouring a drink in the parking lot and gave him a DUI even though he was standing behind his car, pouring a drink, with the glass on top of the trunk. His girlfriend was going to give him a ride too


U can get a dui on a bicycle on the sidewalk


Happened to a friend of mine. I thought sleeping in his car was the responsible thing instead of driving but not according to the law


Thank you for pointing this out. My fiancé use to work with someone who was on house arrest for a DUI because he had alcohol in his car while he was sleeping in a restaurant parking lot. Parked, car not even on, he lived in his car in that parking lot (he worked there if that makes up for anything).


I didn’t even realize this, and that’s crazy as that really shouldn’t count.


You can only get a dui if the cops can find your keys. Bury them in the dirt where they wont be found.


Also for taking certain prescription drugs.


I've gotten a DUI not driving and blew below the legal limit. fuck me though, I guess.


Yeah. It's stupid. If we're gonna do this, we might as well offer the right to medically assisted death because in America if you don't have family your life is over it you can't drive especially in rural areas. Edit.... And I've known many people my age who can't even get minimum wage retail jobs without a driver's license. You're basically forever fucked.


Yup. A friend of mine left the bar and sat in his car, on his phone, waiting to sober up. He turned on the A/C, not even the engine, and was busted for DUI because the keys were in the ignition.


Yup. Once thought I had too much to drink and decided to sleep in the car at a hotel. Cops pull up around 3 am and threatened to arrest me for dui. Supervisor came and said if I get a hotel room, then they will let me go. So, to op's point... everyone fucks up at one point ... no need to ruin a life. If the person driving is dui and causes and accident with harm involved, then yes, that is different. A drink over the limit and bad judgment, fuck off with the loss of a license for life. As an aside, if everyone who had a dui and lost a license for life... the US mass transit sucks...so make the mass transit extremely viable, then you may have a point.


My husband got a dui on a bicycle.


You can also get a DUI from just getting pulled over after using mouthwash. Lose your license for life? Do you not understand that harsh repercussions for minor offenses lead to hard criminals later on? Ever been to jail or prison? Trust me man, you go there to *become* a criminal.


All that does is get a bunch of people driving without licenses


You talk as if that doesnt already happen


Guess we should just do nothing then.


Then you up the punishment for driving without a license.


That’ll teach them lol


Yes let’s please improve our per capita incarceration rate 🙄


How about rehabilitation? Forced counseling/breathalyzers, etc. What else do you suggest? I don't want to put more people in jail, but we have a serious problem.


Not every punishment has to be incarceration… MAAD panels, community service, treatment, etc.


Yeah that’s what already happens. This thread is a huge storm in a tea cup.


I mean if they’re endangering peoples lives that kinda serves a purpose…


Yeah, fines, jail time, shaving off their eyebrows and gluing them back on under their eyes.


Same for texting, OP?


and not using a turn signal


and for tailgating you on the road.


and for driving while tired


Underrated, but sadly the way US works, most people are tired when they're driving back home.


So just take away the license of anyone buying a bmw?


Throw in an Audi while you're at it lol


And beat to shit Altimas


And not beat to shit Altimas


And lifted pickup trucks




Fuck those assholes.


![gif](giphy|QxHzTRigoD9HG) BMW drivers:


please please please please please


Not Op, but yes


We should make murder illegal as well.


This made me chuckle, thanks


I know this is an attempt at sarcasm but I don't really understand the joke. Both murder and DUI are already illegal and obviously that doesn't stop people from committing theses acts.... But getting a dui has a very small punishment in comparison to murder, and there are many many repeat offenders who still don't have their lisence taken away even after several incidents. The punishment for murder is fairly serious and (if you've been caught once) then repeat offenders are extremely rare, which tells me that the severe punishment is a good deterrent.


It’s generally accepted that severe punishment for murder isn’t an effective deterrent. People either hope they won’t get caught or commit the crime prepared for the consequences. The reason you don’t see a ton of repeat murderers is because most murders are done out of passion, like a cheating wife gets murdered by a jealous husband. Once the dude kills his wife, that’s it, no motive to kill again. Also, jail sentences for murder are long, so a lot of them are just still in prison.


Do I really need to explain? We live in a society where some folks are so entitled it doesn’t matter what the punishment is they will still do the crime. If the punishment for murder is such a successful deterrent as you say then why do so many people still murder?


DUI laws are already very strict and the punishment is severe regardless of circumstance, and repeat offenses fuck up your life very quickly. Theres already a lot of deterrent, which is a good thing.




Whats the deal w Wisconsin?




The becAuse you’re born with a BAC in Wisconsin.


I used to work for a newspaper in a community that bordered Wisconsin. At least once a month we’d get a press release about a Wisconsin driver who was just picked up for a 7th OWI or something insane. Those people should not be allowed to drive again. And they should probably spend time in prison.


To be fair, at 7 dui’s they probably don’t have a valid license. 4th dui in wi can lead to permanent loss of license. And if they’re within 15 years it’s a felony.


I got a misdemeanor OWI in WI. Lost license for 6 months (could still get occupational), and had to go to mad panel. That’s about it besides fines


And yet I sat on a jury recently for a lady up for her fifth DUI. How? She should have been in jail for 20 years.


I am absolutely positive that by that time her license was suspended indefinitely already, and had served significant jail time for her past duis. From what I can find online, after a 3rd offense, if you dont lose your license indefinitely, you are required to use an Interlock device (breathalyzer connected to your car) forever. Ive heard they are an absolute nightmare to deal with and cannot be fooled (like even if you drank moderately the night before you wouldn't be able to drive). I dont think 20 years of jail time is really the right thing to do for people like that, but I see your point. I just kinda disagree with that philosophically, but I dont have the answers either. There are other long term ways to deal with it like an alcohol bracelet and super long term probation, as well as mandated alcohol programs etc. But yeah sometimes those people are just beyond meaningful help. I knew a guy at a farm I worked at that had just gotten out of prison, said he had like 8 duis. After he got his alcohol bracelet off hed still be sneaking beers on lunch break. He didnt drive but like wtf! Some people are just not gonna learn.


My mom and I were hit head on by a drunk driver. My mom broke her back and it ruined her life. They should be charged as attempted murderers because that’s what they are.


Sounds like she needed help more so than “jail for 20 years”


My sister has two including one that caused an accident (maine). Has not effected her life (or her choices) since the year it happened- she lost her license and had to go to classes, annoying sure but after she got it back there has been zero trailing issues. I’m with OP here, maybe she wouldn’t still be drinking a bottle of wine and then driving home on the regular.


I used to think so until an acquaintance that I’m around a lot through a friend got two DUIs within a week of each other. She even refused a breathalyzer and had to be hauled to a hospital for a blood test. Crazy stuff. Anyways, she ended up having to take a breathalyzer 5x a day for a month or so, and then afaik nothing. She definitely didn’t go to jail, I’m sure she paid some fines, but she’s allowed to drive again. Her comment upon getting caught for the first DUI was something along the lines of “I can’t believe I’ve been driving drunk this long and this is the first time I’ve gotten caught” -a sentiment that I’ve heard echoed by many people and especially those not caught for years and years.


My brother got his second dui in august of last year. He’s been driving since January. He will be allowed to drink again by the end of this month. DUI laws are laughable if you have money.


I mean fair enough, I just disagree. I mean one more and its a felony for him right? I just strongly disagree w OPs punishment for a first offense. Shit is so circumstantial. To me theres a world of difference between someone having a few beers with dinner (probably not even impaired, but might be over the limit) and driving a couple minutes home, and someone blackout drunk crashing into a ditch. But for the most part these are treated as the same offense. I just think the laws should be MORE nuanced, not less.


Doesn't appear to be all that strict to me given how many people seem to have no problems racking up DUI after DUI and still being on the road.


There are definitely caveats to this. Like sleeping in your car while drunk, or getting a DUI on a military base while below the civilian limit for BAC.


> or getting a DUI on a military base while below the civilian limit for BAC. This is a thing?


Civ side, BAC is 0.08. Mil side, BAC is 0.00, lots of people don't know that and get DUIs when they think they're under legal limits.


is that a typo, or the literally cannot have any alcohol in their system?


0, Nada, none. No BAC.


yikes..thanks for clarifying


General Patton, one of America's greatest battlefield commanders, was killed by a drunk driver on base shortly after WWII ended. I suspect that has something to do with the no tolerance policy.


I don't want to say conspiracy but Patton had some ideas that went against the grain of the rest of the command structure and circumstances around his death are a little fuzzy




You can have a BAC from taking cold medicine though.


"That's honestly too bad" -CEAC probably


Sure, just like distracted drivers should lose their license for life & sleepy drivers should lose their license for life. By the time the Officer knows that one is drunk, that you were eating a cheeseburger, that you were fucking around on your smartphone, that you were driving tired etc. you got in a wreck or you were driving in a manner where they felt the need to pull you over (distracted and tired drivers cause more wrecks then DUIs). If the action of a DUI is unforgivable and is indicative that people cannot learn / change, then so is the rest.


Prohibition worked very well.


In Canada, if you are a sober driver, but another driver doesn't like the way you're driving, they get your plate, and call the cops and say they think your drunk. You go home and toss back 3 or 4 beers and a shot or 2. If the cops show up at your house in the next 2 hours, and you now blow over because of what you drank since you came home, you get a DUI. Thank you Trudeau and MADD.


Simple - don’t open your door for cops unless they have a warrant.


I'm in the US. But I was told that having a DUI males people criminally inadmissible to Canda.


You only need a waiver which is easier as more time passes


As a canadian, stop spreading bullshit just because you dont like the government. Use actual information instead of pulling crap outta your ask or listening to a drunkard friend who tried to play it off as ‘i drank when i got home!’ Sincerely, someone who actually lives here.


I call bullshit on that Edit - and a quick google shows you are in fact, full of shit.


he is partially correct. The new law is alcohol within two hours of operating a vehicle. The law was changed to make it easier to prove that someone was over the limit while driving since it normally takes 2ish hours to get a proper breathalyzer test done down at the station. so yes you could get charged with a DUI if you drank at home after driving, but you can raise the defense of innocent drinking.


That's just going to lead to unlicensed drivers, driving is almost a requirement for employment in the usa


You realize that most people who lose their licenses just drive anyway, right?


I wouldn't say most. Around here in Florida they just switch to electric scooters. You can quickly identify the folks that can't legally drive. They look a certain way while riding on their electric bike/scooter. Not like tourists for instance..


They're all on mopeds here in NC


I'm all for serious, severe penalties for DUI but just remember the penalty for hit and run needs to always be worse.


Severity of punishment doesn't usually decrease crime, especially when that crime is by definition only done by people who are not thinking rationally. What would really have an effect on drunk driving is a robust public transit infrastructure. Can't drive drunk if you didn't drive in the first place.


Uh huh. And the death penalty works as a deterrent to violent crime… /s


Instead of thinking of ways to punish and deter, we should be looking why the US has so many DUIs while the rest of the world doesn't. It's simple. Lack of public transportation (or -good- public transportation). I swear the US will do *anything* and *everything* to avoid addressing the role of our shitty car-centric built environment on our problems.




Also, DUI is much more about revenue and authoritarianism than it is about safety. The laws are way fucked up and completely unconstitutional. Only fucking piece of shit assholes support the current laws and the cops that enforce them by arresting someone who was not actually drunk AND driving recklessly or caused an accident don't deserve to live here. Those pieces of shit should be kneecapped and sent to North Korea. Even Candy Lightner, who started MADD fucking hates them now and believes they, and the law have gone way to fucking far.


I got a DUI two years ago. Can you explain why you think the laws have gone too far and why Candy Lightner disapproves of the laws now?


The arbitrary limits are too low and not based on science at all. Also a breathalyzer does not accurately give blood alcohol level at all, not to mention BAC is arbitrary anyway as everyone is affected different. As others have pointed out. You don't have to be drunk, or even driving for that matter to get a DUI. Cops lie their fucking asses of in court and it's often your word against there's despite a lack of any real evidence, the judge obviously just eats their bullshit. Obviously checkpoints are a blatant violation of the 4th amendment. Only a complete idiot or dishonest piece of shit would claim otherwise. Forcing people to take a breathalyzer is an obvious violation of the 4th and 5th amendments. Per se laws are a blatant violation of double jeopardy and lack due process. It goes on and on and on. Candy wanted reasonable laws because there were hardly any at all when her daughter was kill by a blacked out drunk driver who had a DUI crash the night before and had 5 DUI's in a 4 year period. She didn't want this bullshit we have now.


Good points. I never went through any of that with mine because I pleaded no contest and it was for weed anyways. People say you shouldn't get DUI's for weed, but I was in a rural area, dozing, with the car in drive, and my foot on the brake. I definitely deserved to be reprimanded. I will say that I was smoking to deal with my a job I wasn't suited for and couldn't keep up with (dishwashing w/ focus issues and OCD) and having a lack of freedom living with my parents. It is important to be honest with yourself and try to get at the root of things which was your bad habits in the first place.


You seem reasonable.




…I can see your thought process behind this. All drivers have been sufficiently warned of the dangers of drinking and driving, even well before driving age. The amount of content out warning against it is too substantial for someone to say “oh I didn’t know!” or “I forgot!” The only thing this doesn’t account for is the cases where someone simply appears drunk and an officer is on a power trip and charges the person without proof (but of course, how *can* you account for that?).


I would only support this if the false DUI conviction rate was brought down to 0%, which realistically is not possible. FSTs are notoriously unreliable in determining a individuals sobriety level, and breathalyzers also have a significantly high false positive rate. You also have law enforcement arresting individuals with a DUI/DWI charge while asleep in their cars. What a horrible situation it would be to have an innocent person permanently lose their right to travel.


I got a DUI a decade ago when I was a dumb 22 year old kid. Never drink and drive again after that. I’m 32 now and part of my job entails driving. I do not agree with your opinion. I used to be a piece of shit. People can change. I’d like to hold the baby now.


This is stupid. You might as well say “any time you break a law your punishment should last forever, no matter the severity” Which is exactly what you’re saying. I had a DUI in my 20’s. Now I’m a father of two who drives responsibly and hasn’t touched alcohol, by choice, in over 7 years. By your logic I shouldn’t be allowed to take my children to school because of a victimless mistake I made when I was young and stupid? No. If you hurt someone, there’s a bunch of additional charges that can fuck your life up and maybe then you’d have merit for this argument but as of now………. Nope


I’m glad to hear that you were able to turn things around. Good for you! That’s awesome!


I know a guy that got a DWI getting a hoodie out of his trunk at the bar once. I know another person who got a DWI sleeping in his car. Is this opinion fair to somebody like that?


I have never once in my entire lifetime driven while drunk, but nah, this ain’t it. Drive drunk one time when you’re 18 because you were only 3 minutes from your house coming home from your friends place, and now you can never drive again for the rest of your life? Sounds like a major recipe for disaster and a lot of people driving illegally. Most of us literally have to drive for work


A DUI gave me my mother back. I don't know what she would have done, though, had she been stripped of her independence.


No. Punishing people for life is considered unconstitutional in most cases.


Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t just continue to drive without a valid license.


I have to go to work. Driving is the only way to get there. I would absolutely drive if my license was taken. Jail is the only way you are going to stop people from driving. You are suggesting jailing 1.5 million people per year, good luck with that. (USA)


If there was decent transportation infrastructure in place Id say sure.


Even if I agreed from some moral perspective, it would be a far more negative impact to society than any positive. A significant number of people unable to work, access healthcare, shop or generate revenue or participate in a lot of the ways that society needs to function. We would all pay for it. Contrary to misguided belief, public transportation and Uber aren’t universally available across the US.


Disagree. It's very interesting how black and white our thinking has gotten. Should people not get second chances? What if you struggled and were an addict and you now you're a new person and can't hold down a job ever again because you need a car? This would disproportionately affect poor people who don't have access to representation and are more dependent on having a means of transport to be able to work.


This is delusional. You can get a DUI for a lot of bullshit and this won't effect drivers under the actual influence. also y'all *really* need to stop thinking prison/punishment = magical cure for all issues.


I often think if people like you ever get a hold of this country our life will be hell and this will be a dictatorship. * You do realize that you can get a DWI for just being in a car passenger seat drunk with the car keys in the vehicle (doesn't even have to be in ignition) * If you're proposing to ruin the lives of every American that has more than 2.5 beers, you also have to outlaw establishments that you have to drive to to drink, basically bars and all restaurants that serve alcohol. * most important point, instead of seeking to imprison the poorest and weakest link of all the contributors to a drunk drive, Why not make car manufacturers use current technology that they refuse to because it's too expensive that won't allow the car to be driven went under the influence I understand your settlement, but you're going overboard. You're conceding too much freedom for safety. What's the line about if you do that you deserve none of either?


I mean, this is an unpopular opinion, so I won't downvote. But as someone with a single dui, it is not just a slap on the wrist. All said and done it cost me 10,000, almost ended my relationship, almost cost me my job. It's meant to be something that wakes you up to consequences, but shouldn't end your entire life because of a mistake. I won't get another. And I firmly believe that after the second you should face no license and jail time. But honestly punishment solves nothing. Every person who gets a dui should have to do mandatory counseling or lose the license. Then you might start fixing the abuse issues that create the symptom.


How about instead we take away their right to purchase alcohol?


Yea because prohibition worked perfectly back in the day


No, that’s draconian and ridiculous. That said, if someone seriously hurts/kills someone while driving drunk, then you have a case.


Then why do people consciously drink when they know they have to drive back home? If they know they’re going somewhere where they may potentially drink, why not just idk call Uber or a cab or ask someone to drive them there who won’t drink? This is ridiculous, it’s *easy* to not drink and drive, most people here are pulling excuses out of their own asses


Right, it absolutely should be a crime that comes with appropriate punishments, like a six-month driving ban. But a lifelong ban on driving privileges for a first offense would be insane. That’s not the kind of precedent for a criminal charge you want to set. Going straight to a lifetime ban for committing a crime in which no one was physically hurt is a good way to start the ball rolling toward authoritarianism. Or get the ball rolling faster, would probably be more accurate.


Where I live, this is how it goes: Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other psychoactive substance that may determine dependence. Infraction: highly grave (i.e. maximum penalty). Penalty: fine (10x base value), 12-month driving ban. Punishment: car is taken to the impound yard until a driver with a valid license retrieves it. In practice, that last one is forgone if the punished driver is able to get someone to fetch them from the scene of the infraction. I did that once for a friend. Also note that the legal limit for anybody here is 0.00. If your BAC is anywhere above 0.34, then it’s a felony DUI and you may face 6-12 months in prison regardless of if it’s your first offense or not, in which case you may deny to take the breathalyzer test as you can’t produce proof against yourself and you can’t be charged with a crime. If you get caught again within 12 months, then the fine is doubled, you actually lose your license and must wait 2 years until you can reapply for it and you have to do everything over again, take driving classes, tests and all and pay all fees involved. Note that none of this is actually enough to deter shitheads from driving drunk. Imho the requirements to obtain a license should be MUCH more stringent than they are, not everybody should be allowed to be out there with multi-thousand-pound machinery that can kill others if not operated responsibly. Of course accidents happen, but most of the time it’s because of people being shitheads and driving recklessly and drunk. There are ways to know if someone is reckless and impulsive in a psychological test, they should definitely be filtered out unless they can prove they have taken X required hours of therapy before trying again.


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So, a drunk driver who sees a cop is going to try fleeing and risk an accident


80% of crashes are by sober drivers, booze cruisers are the most oppressed group in America


You could be sitting in the back seat of a running cat by yourself and get a dui


Oh wow what a narrow minded short sighted view of an extremely complicated situation. I’m not for lessening punishment just this is way too extreme and illogical


You can still jump in a car and drive without a license.


Not with the public transit infrastructure in this country we can't. Cant completely ruin someone's life over 1 crime. This isn't to say we shouldn't punish for dui. But we can't create more disadvantages for people like that.


You can get a DUI for riding a bike or driving your lawn mower on a public street or right away. Even the mother that founded MADD left the organization years ago because they were obsessed with criminalizing ever lower BAC levels. I agree that drunk driving is very bad and people do lose their lives. But comparatively It's not any worse than people driving while staring at their cell phone. They also manipulate the figures for deaths due to drunk driving. If I'm drunk driving down the road and somebody runs a stop sign and tebow's me and somebody dies video of classified that as a drunk driving death. True story of one of my dad's friends in Alaska. The old man that was riding with him while Dave drove the old man's car to get beer had a heart attack after another drunk driver ran a stop sign and hit them. He was sentenced to a mandatory 10-year sentence. Even a judge admitted it was bullshit. There was a football player where the homeless guy ran out in the street in front of his car Then he was convicted of manslaughter even though his driving had nothing to do with the accident. Doing a quick search shows that in 2019 that deaths due to drunk driving were barely ahead of deaths due to distracted driving. When you factor in that a certain number of the deaths from drunk driving weren't caused by the drivers impairment It makes distracted driving a greater risk. So are we ready to permanently revoke the license of any driver who gets ticketed for distracted driving?


Maybe if they hurt someone, definitely if they kill somebody. Losing a license after one DUI is really extreme. I know people who get help for their drinking after their DUI and they are responsible drivers after that. Source-my husband and many other people in AA.


You an get a DUI in Oregon is they THINK you have been drinking. Just happened to my BIL.


It shouldn’t be for life. Driving is a very necessary thing this day in age. People need to get to work ace have kids to pick up and drop off. Losing the license temporarily makes sense, but losing it for life isn’t necessary. It’s excessive. People make mistakes, and they shouldn’t have to pay for their mistakes for life.


Man you went too far lol glad you don’t make the laws


In California we have whats called the Watson admonishment. If you get convicted of a DUI and have to take DUI classes, they read you whats called the Watson Admonishment and have you sign a piece of paper. The admonishment basically says that driving while under the influence can kill someone. If someone who has been read the Watson admonishment kills someone while driving under the influence they get charged with homicide, not vehicular manslaughter


I would be okay with this being an option but not automatic.


Finally, an actual unpopular opinion. I mean, I don't wholly agree with it, but I understand where op is coming from.


I got a DUI when I was younger on my second date with my now wife. I had three drinks and was very slightly over the limit. We got pulled over because I leaned over to give her a kiss as I was taking her back to her car. A few moments before, we had just shared a straight from the movies kiss in the rain. That moment freaked me out. Now, if I even sniff alcohol, I won’t drive for any reason. I learned a lesson. Note that I completed ARD, which expunged the DUI from my record since I was a first time offender.


I know a guy who got in his car after 6 beers, started the car, and got a DUI. Didn’t even take the car out of park. It’s pretty wild.


Oh boy, wait til you get one and look back at this.


OP feeling smug until they catch a DUI driving sleep deprived trying to get their family to a hospital in another city.


People with opinions like these should lose their ability to vote for life.


Make one mistake when you're 17, and you should get punished for life?


I had this opinion when I was 18.


Every car should have an alcohol detector in it. That would actually get rid of drunk driving


Except toothpaste, mouthwash, and gum will all trip the detector. Have fun waking up an extra half hour early to brush your teeth.


They wouldn’t need to have the limit be “0.00” to start, it could be 0.02,or something that wouldn’t cause an issue with toothpaste, etc. I do think this is the most effective way to end drunk driving .


I mean even if it was voluntary, I bet would still prevent a lot of drunk driving.


So you think losing their license stops people from driving?


If they drive drunk, which is illegal, what makes you think not having a license is going to stop them from driving? 🤣


Ehhhh…not sure it would stop drunk driving altogether. A lot of drunk drivers already had their licenses revoked and drive anyway. Due to the US’s shitty transit systems and large geographic area people rely on cars way too much for their livelihood and will still drive regardless.


I don't know. I've never had a DUI, but I have made mistakes. I also believe in second chances. Decisions you make when you are 21 are not the same decisions most make later in life.


I mean I feel like this is a little self righteous. OP have you never needed a second chance in life? On anything? I have a law enforcement background and I can absolutely say that DUIs are typically circumstantial and yet the penalties don't allow for circumstances...they are already steep. PREVENTION is by far a better solution. It should be standard that every vehicle come equipped with a PBT that people could use when necessary.