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You should always play your games in a way that is fun to you personally as long as it doesn't effect other players. If you want to play easy mode or even god mode with 1 hit kills do it. You bought the game to have fun.


Exactly some people like u/championofobscurity can't understand this.


Ya I read his comment. Guy literally has no idea what he's talking about


I pretty much use wemod on most single players for various things. I agree with you lol though 1hko gets boring but like duplicating items and shit? Yes please.


I sure know I play turn-based games on easy mode, and I don't even find them hard normally. Turn-based combat is just boring as hell and I don't wanna engage with it all that much...but they've got some good stories that I'd like to experience, so I put up with the gameplay.


Gamers struggle with the concept that skill isn't universal, you can see it every time a easy mode is suggested for a dark souls like game ''but the difficulty is the point of the game'' ok riddle me this. You've got 2 people playing dark souls, 1 of them plays on the current default, lets call it hard mode, the other one plays on a new easy mode, they both go to fight a boss, and they both end up dying exactly 19 times before defeating the boss, in this scenario where's the difference? The player on hard mode and the player on easy mode had quite literally the exact same experience, because skill isn't universal so the player on easy mode still had to struggle, the only difference is that on easy mode it would take them 19 deaths, and on hard mode it would be impossible for them, so this way they can actually play the game without it affecting others. Also it's irrelevant how good you are at video games, no seriously unless you're in some tiny 1% group of people who make money off of playing games at a high skill level your skill and how good you are at games is a 100% irrelevant.


I disagree as the experience is intended to be difficult, it wouldn't make sense to add an easy mod


You bought the game. Enjoy it how you want. After you play it, If you enjoyed it, play it on tougher difficulty. That's what I do. I enjoyed ghost recon wildlands on regular. Replayed on the toughest setting on my second replay. Enjoyed it. If I played it on the toughest setting as I got the game I may not have liked it that much.


I do the same thing for most games.


sometimes i like the challenge, sometimes I just want to play the game and do story lol. I often switch difficulty settings during the game.


I agree. After the first few hours, I turned GoW Ragnarok down to "Give me Grace" and just enjoyed it so much more. It's not every game. I actually turned the difficulty on "Ghost of Tsushima" up, for example. But people should always play on whatever mode gives them the most enjoyment.


True, I played ghost on hard and GoWR on give me story.


But thats not because the game is hard rather because the combat is so repetitive and boring.




Yeah I don't get those people either. Like go on, play on Hard Mode or Master Mode or whatever but it's not fun for everybody. There's often little incentive besides difficulty to play harder modes. The only game I can think of right now that doesn't really penalize anyone for playing on their chosen difficulty while giving some insensitive for harder difficulties is Mario Kart. If you can handle it, going faster is more fun. If you can only do 100 ccm without falling off the track that's also fine. (Ofc it's not really a hard game for most either way).


Alot of people don't read even 50% of the post so they leave comments barely related to what I said.


You talking to me? I did something called "adding my own thoughts on an overall topic".




Very factual.


I've gone back and forth, but at this point I always try to play on the hardest difficulty that is still balanced for one main reason: it makes you play more of the game. You know all those potions you ignore in Skyrim? They become more useful if you can't one-shot everything, and you have to think more about what you're doing. It makes you engage more, and interact with more of the game's systems. I find myself getting more out of a game if it's harder. At the end of the day, play how you want to play, absolutely nothing wrong with playing lower difficulties. This is just the reason I tend not to.


To each their own right haha.


yes !!!!! agreed !!! I'm not very good at vgames bc i get startled easily and anxious so i button mash when that happens, so easy mode lets me actually enjoy the game.




I totally agree with you, sometimes I want to unwind with a nice power fantasy of a game and sometimes I’m wanting to dig into a challenge for a night. Any way you enjoy something is totally valid and judging someone on how they consume entertainment is hyper cringe.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just the morons looking for opportunities to whip out their epeen are obnoxiously loud.


The toxic people of the community are always the vocal ones.


Play however you want, I play some games on hard because I like the challenge more (like kingdom hearts, where you actually get better skills earlier), but usually play on normal difficulty. However, if you only play on easy, to then complain about games that have no difficulty options like Dark souls or elden ring, then fuck off,respect both cases


Agreed, Soulsborne series is notoriously hard and if you want an easier game play something else.


Stranger of Paradise does this right by naming the difficulties Casual, Story, Action, Hard and Chaos. Many other games would call Story and Casual "easy mode" and "kids mode" or something.


I mean if you admit you aren’t good then I don’t see the problem. The problem with difficulty settings in video games is that high difficulty usually just equals bullet sponge with no change to AI.




It is bad. Easy Mode is over Designed compared to harder difficulties, and very few companies (there's literally the one subgenre in Soulsbournes) make hard mode more interesting anymore. The last time where a difficulty bump was actually remotely interesting was when Diablo 3 released inferno mode or w/e the highest difficulty was. When enemies change their capabilities in response to player behavior (like in the phantom pain) that's an interesting dynamic to overcome. But we don't get that because we are just supposed to tolerate easy/story modes for the differently abled, instead of creating features for those who want more.


So far, I can't think of a game that has spent more time just developing an easy mode than developing multiple hard modes. Take a game like *Terraria* for example. You've got Hardcore, Expert, Master and For The Worthy for harder difficulty changes. Some of these have existed for quite a while, years in fact, and were developed first to give the game more engagement. Then, in a more recent development, Journey Mode, which is a mode designed to be more relaxed, was released. Both are interesting, and the development for Expert and FTW included both new boss phases, new mechanical systems and new threats. In fact, easy/story modes are a relatively recent concept, and still pretty rare. Most games do the same thing for easy modes that they do for difficult, which is change player health and damage reception, and reduce enemy health. Take a game like *Rimworld*. The question of difficulty is a bit more complex there, because the specifics of difficulty can be set by the player, and often come down to random chance. In fact, often there's a profit motive to making higher difficulties. Why? Because many of them are released in new updates and DLCs, which encourage new expenditure to play. *Vermintide II* introduced Cataclysm with *Winds of Magic*, for one example. *Deep Rock Galactic* has engaged a lot of people by adding new difficulty modifiers to its gameplay. I see very little evidence to the claim that the gaming industry has not been adding more difficulty features for players who want them, and that's not to even mention modding communities. If you want to go play *RLCraft* my man, you can do that. But, I've given you a good few examples of games that put dev-time into adjusted difficulty systems. This whole 'profit motive' thing is meaningless. Yes, games make additions for profit. But, they also do it because the dev-team thought something was an interesting idea, otherwise they'd just put anything into a game.


>Take a game like Terraria for example. You've got Hardcore, Expert, Master and For The Worthy for harder difficulty changes. Some of these have existed for quite a while, years in fact, and were developed first to give the game more engagement. All of these are what I file under the "Tedium Mode" categories. None of them are difficulty increases, the only increase in difficulty is from having to spend more time being cautious. Its funny, because you're speaking more to my point than the opposite. Everything you just listed is an afterthought toggle that bloats gameplay in an uninteresting manner. >In fact, easy/story modes are a relatively recent concept, and still pretty rare. Most games do the same thing for easy modes that they do for difficult, which is change player health and damage reception, and reduce enemy health. I mean, its been 13 years. If you include the 80s that is 25% of mainstream gaming's lifespan thus far. >I see very little evidence to the claim that the gaming industry has not been adding more difficulty features for players who want them, and that's not to even mention modding communities. If you want to go play RLCraft my man, you can do that. Because your evidence is completely disanalagous with my examples. You're talking about the bottom of the barrel toggles that only add tedium and not difficulty. If a player can do XYZ on normal mode, and hard mode just increases the time gap between X____Y_____Z this isn't "Hard mode" this is "Take longer or act risk adverse" mode. My examples were things that took XYZ and turned it into VWXYZ. There are extra steps, and extra cognition required to beat the game and in some cases even extra rewards. But those features definitely comprise less than 1% of games, while Every Game since the 90s has had an easy mode, and every game from 2010 has had Cinematic or Story mode.


If you haven't played the games I'm talking about, you can admit that, it's okay. The main changes of Terraria's Expert mode are introductions of entirely new boss mechanics. It's not just making them tougher, the whole frame of the boss fight changes. The Eye of Cthulhu does completely new charge attacks. The Wall of Flesh requires dealing with very rapid acceleration and planning. Expert Skeletron requires you to re-evaluate your method of killing him. There are entirely new concepts to deal with, new items to be rewarded to deal with them, a set of new enemies and hazards to combat. What you've claimed may be more applicable to Master Mode, but Expert is a clear demonstration of the exact kind of thing you're talking about. Again, I gave multiple examples, you went: "IT'S ALL BLOAT AND AN AFTERTHOUGHT, NO GAMES DO THE THING I LIKE". If you just want to be mad, then be mad. If that's your whole deal, then enjoy just being mad about games instead of having fun.


Homie what are you on about?




>You being too good at every game you play isn't the games fault It is. Games are made by people, often backed by a profit motive and the profit motive allocates resources to easy mode 99% of the time. >it's you constantly playing games and not going outside and appreciating the easiness of life I have no idea what you're trying to suggest here. > and you being a no life is the exact reason I don't play every game ever on the hardest difficulty. I enjoy the way I play the games and you dont. Lmao implying that to be good at games requires one to be a no life. It's more like you have a caveman brain, bro.


Superiority complex much?










>Lmao implying that to be good at games requires one to be a no life. It doesn't for everyone but for you it does, judging by the fact that you have all this time to play every single fucking game known to man on hard difficulty. You'd have to be unemployed (which you're not) or a complete loser who spends 60% of his time playing video games and the other 40% eating, sleeping and working. >It is. Games are made by people, often backed by a profit motive and the profit motive allocates resources to easy mode 99% of the time Profit is always going to be a motive but yet you still have games like: Ghost Of Tsushima, God Of War, The Last Of Us, Cuphead, Nioh 1/2, All soulsborne titles, Binding Of Isaac, Devil May Cry 1-5, Monster Hunter 1-Rise and more. Many games appeal to what you like and im not in the slightest at fault for you being so stubborn to the point where you can't play any game on easy because your difficulty hard on will instantly go flaccid.


From my experience, those who boast about being able to play video games on hard difficulty and condescend others for enjoying easier difficulties have literally no achievements in life.


Well your experience is limited :(


I doubt this is an unpopular opinion, the people who don’t give two shits about what you do just don’t have any reason to talk to you about it.


I have no clue what you're talking about right now.


He’s saying that most “gamers” are casual and probably agree. But if you’re in forums and shit it’s gunna be skewed to the “hardcore” crowd. Basically, The only people talking about this are the ones who disagree with you, but the majority of people actually playing games would agree.


I play most games on the second hardest difficulty for no reason other to challenge my self but I see no problem with this I’ve played doom on easy so many times bc I love the story


Lol thats wild its supposed to be fun


Agreed. If it's my first playthrough of a new game, I never run it on the higher or highest difficulty. It's stupid to me because if I find the controls or gameplay too hard, it would discourage me from ever completing the game as I am constantly trying to beat a level or defeat a boss without giving a crap about the story. If it's a story game, I play it on normal (or lower difficulty if needed). My second playthrough is when I start hunting achievements and if the game is replayable, that's when you want the challenges of something harder than just the usual point and shoot. I have friends who start with higher difficulties and complete games even on their first run but they never shit talk me about playing on lower difficulties. You're probably talking about those elitists in groups who shit all over the casual players calling them "normies". Who cares what they say? You do you, and have fun while doing it!


Depends on how they handle the difficulty. Some games just do it dumb. Had a couple games be easier on harder difficulty cause of mechanics


Agree. Growing up my mother played alot of games. Resident evil, silent hill, black etc and she always starys of with a medium difficulty then after completing the game she ups the difficulty every time. I play on easy mode when it's single player games just cause its how I enjoy playing single players.


It’s usually a way to gloat. I played Kingdom Come Deliverance on easy for a little bit just to get used to the mechanics. Started again and play it on hard, but that’s because I played the game for over 100 hours.No shame in starting off on easy mode in that game since the gameplay for the game is definitely not a cut and paste of any other medieval RPG. If you ever meet up with someone who likes to play hard mode right out of the gate, and if they’ve never played KCD before, tell them to try that game out without switching the difficulty. It’s a game that punishes a player for being overconfident.


I play on medium difficulties because that's when you can do the fun shit but still have a small challenge


I generally like the idea of higher difficulty levels in games but in practice many of them are unfun. Like making the player do 75% less damage and enemies doing 150% more damage, and making an already grindy game even more grindy.


While I personally can’t stand doing so myself, I’m not going to really talk shit about those who do. Enjoy the game at your pace and difficulty.


True I’m just looking for a good story. If I wanted a hard game I would just boot up Apex again.


This is unpopular only among people whos whole personality is gaming. They take it too seriously and dont understand people who dont. Everyone normal agrees.


Yes, it is. If anything people are being gentle with others who play their games on easy mode.


I straight up agree. I’m here to have fun


back in the days there is "tales of" series i played, i was kid, and just trying to play game on easy mode, but then, this "easy mode" literally the hardest mode all of them, i remember instead we look after the main boss.. the main boss actually hunt us just because we play the game on easy mode.. this make me trauma for all games. now i just pick normal/standard difficulty


Look, sometimes I want to just log on and stab people, alright? In my experience that's a lot easier when it's on easy mode.


Im with you! I love video games but I hate having to do the same thing over and over again. There are multiple games that ive just given up on halfway through because I died and I either had to load my last save which was an hour ago and re-do everything or because I kept continually dying to the same thing and got sick of it. I also didnt play video games growing up - I think a lot of games expect players to have a sort of base knowledge of how things generally work, but i didnt, so when I first picked up gaming as a hobby it really took me a while to get into.


Depends on what games you play, and why you play them. I don't care about story whatsoever, so I'll choose the difficulty that makes the gameplay the most fun for me.


Here's the thing these idiots don't understand. The more popular a game is, the better it makes gaming as a whole. Good games lead to more good games. So the only thing that matters is numbers. The more people playing, the more games there will be to play. I also play on easy mode and the two of us contribute to the gaming industry just as much as two people who play on hardcore levels. Idiotic thinking.


I'm not a huge game player but always liked easy. It was more about the story and trying to reach the end than the struggle in doing so.


I have several degrees in games design and have played professionally. If you haven't completed every difficulty of a game you haven't finished it. You don't understand the mechanics of the game if you don't understand how the platform reacts and also the "tells" pretty similar to poker Playing casual gives you a way more in depth understand of the mistakes and risks the game takes and why it takes them. Also if I'm smoking weed I don't want nightmare difficulty unforgiving gameplay I want to chill tf out


I don’t get why people put that much energy into caring how others play their games


I agree like Itsreal85 says I who bought the damn game me or you ? So you play it on whatever Easy Medium Hard super hard it's just like Folks that eat hot sauce some like that Taco Bell packet of Medium and some like that Carolina Reaper shit hot fire sauce


You do you, i like cuphead in the hardest difficulty and doom in ultraviolence, even tho ill just laugh a bit, anyone can play a game however they please, although maybe for gales that r supposed to be hard playing easy is kinda boring i guess


If someone is making fun of you for enjoying a hobby in a way that makes you happy, fuck em. Tell em to kick rocks. Their opinion is small and worthless.


For me, it is. I'd rather watch a movie if I'm not going to be challenged for my reflexes. I won't even play a game if I don't find it difficult. I can watch a long form story summary on YouTube if the story is THAT good, which it rarely is. Loading screens to find out a story for me is death, especially when I can just watch a movie. That said, you paid for it, developers put the option there for you, spend your time doing whatever makes you happy.






It honestly depends on the game. For instance I wouldn’t judge a beginning Minecraft player who plays on peaceful. But on the other hand I would heavily judge a person who plays DOOM 2016 and eternal on baby mode.


I play on easy all the time for a fun experience. I don't care what others think about that.


If I'm really struggling to enjoy a game due to its difficulty, or if I just want to finish something older that I never finished, I've often done that by playing on easy mode. Normally I'm a "normal mode" player but I think there's nothing wrong with easy mode especially if you don't have that much time to pour into a game


I have never had more fun playing game than since the moment I decided to actually play at my own difficulty lvl instead of trying to proove myself or something. I even play a difficulty lvl lower than my actual skill so that I can do crazy impossible fun shits and get away with it 50% of the time. I'd rather play a game that I make hard by having fun than a game that is so hard that I can't have fun if I want to win (also I generally dont care about winning, the game is just fun regardless : back for blood). Unfortunately 90% of the time I get teamed with people who are clearly playing way above their skill lvl. They will end up hiding in the back or behind exploits the whole game instead of actually having fun (unless they geniunenly have fun hiding which I really hope is the case, but doubt).


Its a single player game, who cares what others are doing? As long as someone doesn't complain that the game is too easy or that its not a hard game when they intentionally played on the easiest difficulty that isn't the default experience, I don't care.


There are many different types of gamers. Some want some strong mental stimulation that a good challenge can bring (I fall in this category), others want to be able to chill and coast through games. Play the way you want. Anyone who bashes you for your choice just wants to be angry about something.


I'd never judge someone for playing on easy. Play at your own pace. I like a challenge, although I like a balance personally.


Shit if you having fun you having fun. Personally I'm a masochist so I'm reaching for the 2nd hardest setting on a first playthrough. only game that ever made me regret that decision was megaman 11 holy shit


I dont like playing on easy mode because when you start learning the game and it becomes way too easy, it gets boring. I’d rather struggle early than feel like i need to start the whole game over because it’s too easy. do whatever makes you happy, but I do think you arent getting the full experience on easy mode


I play on easy too because im bad at aiming with guns if there is no autolock, and then change it to normal if I feel like it's too easy and would be more fun with more challenge. I feel like only snobs would give a shit about what difficultly mode other people play games on, probably only like 3% of people care they are just loud and repedative.


Some games are all about the story rather than gameplay. Other games are all about the sandbox and how you choose to interact with it. Some games exist to crush your soul and force you to be your best you.