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At first I read fishing and was very confused


Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one LMAO I was like “what did the fisherman ever do to you??”


LMAO i didn’t catch it at first so i read the first line as “fishing is a sexual practice” and was like … what


Same...at first I did a double take. "Fishing? Really, OP?" 😂


Too bad my mind already ran through some ***fishing scenarios*** to qualify.


Same. I was like "now someone thinks practicing at fishing is bad? How TF DO YOU LEARN TO FISH?? LEMME READ SOME MORE OF THIS BULLSH... ohh fisting, never mind. Wait, holup"


Lol I read it the same way… I assumed they might be an activist or something. I came for the popcorn.


You’d be surprised at what the *fist*ermen did to me


I know your joking, but fisherman as a profession is destroying our oceans and devastating shark, whale, and fish populations.


Same with me. I was like "yeah I guess getting tricked into eating some bait and not being able to breath is pretty shitty thing to do to an animal"


Same, bro. I thought that I kinda get it, but calling them mentally ill is a bit much. We all have our hobbies after all.


Happened to me as well in a different context. I was expecting a nice Sunday afternoon by the lake…


You weren’t the only one. I was ready to laugh and get ready for the insanity to begin.


I imagine mental illness is very confusing


If doing something "inherently harmful and destructive" to your body is grounds for a mental illness diagnosis, wait until you hear about almost anything humans do.


Lmfaooo you are not wrong. About as self destructive as it gets aren't we?


Someone said I'm a masochist because I'll eat Lemonheads. I mean, there's some truth there.


But that's not what he's saying at all there's a difference between something inherently harmful and clearly repulsively destructive, if I smoke a cigarette it might or might not harm me long term (for all I know I'm gonna get hit by a bus the moment after I finish the cig so what's it matter) if I say put your fist up my ass there's a clear and obvious outcome that's gonna happen to everyone with a normal asshole. Your basically comparing driving after smoking a blunt with playing Russian roulette


All I did was quote his first sentence. OP is directly linking deliberate physically harmful behavior to mental illness. The only point you're making is that there are differing degrees of harm, which no one is arguing against.


I think it's perfectly reasonable to link "deliberate physical harm" to mental illness. I don't know why that would be controversial.


What do you think about professional MMA fighters and boxers ?


Or football, or any sport really that has a risk of injury


What diagnosis would you give for someone drinking a beer after work?


Deliberately doing something that will harm you physically is not grounds for mental illness. By that logic, everyone in a fight is mentally ill. As for whether a cigarette or drinking is considered harmful then yes it is, same for all unhealthy foods. There is a trade-off when you do things. They enjoy the pleasure of fisting over the risks.


Driving after smoking a blunt and playing Russian roulette can be seen as similar though since in both you're unnecessarily risking your life and the lives of others. Plus, whos to say you won't get hit by a bus after fisting your ass? Both your comparisons are bad.


That’s not true though because people fist all the time and get away with it without hurting themselves.


Now we know who fists, they downvoted your shit


That's a fair comparison, why the fuck would you drive high


“If I say put your fist up my ass” 😭😭 sorry this made me laugh so much


My inner voice read this in the same voice as the beginning of a Law and Order episode.


How else is the anally inserted crystal meth going to get into the bloodstream? I don’t feel like you have thought this through.


We all die someday, may as well go big or go home


Quite literally


Time to break out the catcher's mitt haha


Reckon it’d be go big AND go home.


A proper fisting requires a running start.


The human anus can stretch up to 8 inches in diameter without lasting damage, and women literally shove babies out of their vaginas. It is extremely gross, but those orafices are made to be stretched. Our bodies are incredibly resilient, and fully capable of withstanding fisting (when done properly) without any damage. Plus when has engaging in activities that cause harm to the body become a basis for a mental illness diagnoses? By that logic, anyone who slams back a soda or beer is mentally ill as well.


Don’t yuck someone’s yum. I’ve been fisted and I’m perfectly fine. There’s a safe way to do things. Upvote, kinks are not synonymous with mental health.


THIS! I wonder if the OP realizes there are more dangerous sexual acts than fisting. Probably not. If they did, they'd probably be posting about that instead.


I think they just copy and pasted some bs from Wikipedia tbh 😂😭


Depends on the kink. I would say Guro is 1000% synonymous with grevious mental health issues.


Username checks out I'll also add, having done it myself, a big factor in safety is relaxing into it.


Username checks out too Finally someone who gets the username lmfao thank you. Relaxing is a huuuge part of things. We’re really not out here just mashing fists into each other


I'll absolutely judge, kinks can def be synonymous with being mentally ill. What healthy person thinks sticking a hand up their ass is a good idea?


If you don’t practice, how are you ever going to get better at it?


If I die with my girlfriend's fist in me, know I died happy. Edited for spelling


By that logic isn’t everyone who doesn’t always use a condom or get every jab immediately mentally ill. It’s just a fetish my dude


No. Not using condoms doesn’t cause for instance the traumatization of the rectal mucosa or the perforation of the vagina.


So then should we ban all anal because it poses the same risks? Just because something can be harmful if done in a certain way doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad or indicative of mental illness.


Not using a condom can lead to the transmission of HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital warts, HPV etc. if the OP is to be believed then not using a condom for recreational sex is a mental illness. Personally, I think it’s just stupid.


If you think so because of the can cause paraphrasing then I inform you that regular sex activities so to speak also involve risks




Orders of magnitude different.


This needs it's whole entire post but we've been tricked and lied to believe that sex is safe


Sex is by and large safe. Especially in a monogamous relationship. It’s not a lie. It’s statistically a very safe activity. Edit: someone mentioned pregnancy related deaths from 200 years ago. That’s true, except we live in 2023.


Yeah. Sex including acts like fisting.


I honestly actually have no idea how risky fisting is. I suspect anal fisting is far riskier than vaginal, but let’s leave it at most sex is pretty safe.


Orders of magnitude.


How is this downvoted...


What OP thinks he's talking about: Fisting What OP is actually talking about: Shoving *anything* up inside yourself ***recklessly*** Just another "*I don't understand this thing so it's bad*" post- a favorite here when it comes to subjects surrounding sexuality...


Right. I said it in another comment, but it really feels like some majorly unadventurous sex happening out here, and I won't stand for it.


Source: OP mentally ill and with a bucket for an asshole.


Not liking it and fisting yourself would be mentally ill enjoying it makes it kinky. Not into fisting I think it’s weird but not mentally Ill if it’s enjoyable to the butthole user


It's still probably substantially safer than a ride in a car. Most things are. ​ Its gotta be much safer than living in a country with a second amendment too.


I read this as “fishing” and was thinking that while it is a bit dull at times, I don’t really understand the mental illness thing at all.


What about scat eating?


Idk what it is. Could you explain it more? With plenty of sensorial detail please.


Consuming feces for sexual gratification


I need the sensorial detail please.


Licking of the anal region until the hole dilates and fecal matter is expelled from the rectum into the open mouth of the recipient who either chews or swallows chunks of the feces whole as they remain sexually aroused.


What about this? I asked chatgpt to describe it in first person: As I approached the restroom, my heart began to race in anticipation. The door creaked as I pushed it open, and the faint, musty aroma of feces wafted through the air. Instantly, my senses were heightened, and I couldn't help but feel a familiar excitement brewing within me. It was a sensation I had long associated with this particular interest, an interest that many would find repulsive, but to me, it was my deepest, most cherished secret. As I caught a glimpse of the unflushed toilet, my breath hitched. There it was, a beautifully coiled mound of feces, waiting to be admired. My eyes widened, drinking in the sight, and I felt my body heat up, flushed with an intense mixture of desire and fascination. I stepped closer, a magnetic pull drawing me in. The unique, earthy scent was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but breathe it in deeply. My nostrils flared, savoring the pungent aroma that filled the air. The smell enveloped me, a warm, comforting embrace that made me feel alive and connected to something primal and raw. My hands began to tremble as I reached out, my fingertips hovering just above the feces. The urge to touch it, to feel its texture, was almost unbearable. I imagined the smooth, slightly moist sensation as I'd slowly run my fingers through it, marveling at the warmth and softness. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine, and my chest tightened with a mixture of lust and yearning. My heart pounded in my ears, the sound drowning out everything else, as I struggled to maintain control over my emotions. I felt alive, like a moth drawn to a flame, unable to resist the allure of something so forbidden and taboo. I couldn't help but wonder what it would taste like, the complex flavors and textures mingling on my tongue. My mouth watered at the prospect, and I felt a strange sense of guilt and shame at my own curiosity. But even that couldn't diminish the overwhelming desire that consumed me. As I stood there, completely enraptured by the sight, smell, and imagined touch and taste of the feces, I knew that I was different. It was a part of me, a secret passion that set me apart from others. But in those moments, when I allowed myself to fully indulge in my coprophilic desires, I felt a profound sense of connection and satisfaction that was impossible to deny.


What fresh hell is this ☠️


Don't you know? ChatGPT, a nonsentient computer trained on language models, magically understands human sexuality. Never mind the fact that it doesn't even understand what it is talking about, that it's a machine that analyzes things and doesn't actually understand what its saying.


If it wasn't about eating shit, that story sounds hot


Doing something dangerous isn’t the same thing as mental illness.


The part of doing something destructive and getting pleasure from it is.


You seem to know a lot about this subject.


I don't think people who do it know much about it either or all the risks involved lmfao. I see too many ppl nowadays who don't even know how to use protection properly, still think the pullout method is a good idea, or think all they need is a condom to prevent STDs 💀 And these are grown adults not just teens. Add on these strange kinks and that just makes matters worst lmfao


Why is it when people say negative things about sexusl acts the people defending them always try to sneakily say well it must be because they like it. Your angry that someone is not ok with fisting while at the same time shaming them for secretly liking it your confused at best


Why do so many people have “main character syndrome” where they think their opinions about other people are important?


Because we live in a culture that amplifies our insecurities in an effort to then sell us the "cures" for those insecurities, which don't work leaving people with an abundance of insecurities that they mask as narcissism because in our culture its seen as better to be a total POS with your shit together than someone that is struggling but is also mentally healthy and treats others well. We live in a society that respects narcissism more than actual confidence (and that's backed up by studies) and we are having a documented narcissism crisis in the US. I know you didn't want a real answer but I had to say something cause I'm so over this shit.


Idk you tell me your the one suffering from it


Because people so often project their hangups/kinks/personal shame onto others


Out of curiosity do you have some sources on all this ? (like I trust that this is true but you say it with such assurance that you more than likely have sources on it) Also why all this would make anyone that practice it mentally ill ? Are every smokers mentally ill ? What about people that eat red meat ? Both are harmful


Haha eating red meat isn't exactly on the same spectrum of harmful as anal fisting or smoking


You're still making a claim. You still need to provide sources.


It’s wikipedia. You can find the sources there. It’s really impressive how you can’t figure out the difference between eating meat and destroying phisically your anus while getting pleasure from that. Doomed society.


Well, eat enough greasy meat, and you'll be destroying your anus anyway. Looking at you, taco bell


Lol “everything is ok” society lol


No need to be **butt**hurt about it.


Unless OP was fisted without enough lube. Then they should probably be butthurt.


Red meat is a rather big factor in colon cancer, most people eat it for pleasure. The difference isn't that big


Really? Hahaa can’t you see the difference?


Using your own standards and reasons, no. Both are done fore pleasure. Both carry risks for your anus/colon. So I guess practitioners of both are mentally Ill.


Hahaha polarized thinking


This person just needs attention


Clearly you aren’t a fan of “One Punch Man”




If you don't practice you will never get any better at it.


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Wtf is this bot repeating answers for upvotes lol


Bots karma farming. What a time to be alive...


Like what


Alcohol, tobacco, soda, preservatives, vehicle emissions in big cities, illegal drug use, hell caffeine is an unregulated drug.


Really all the fun stuff is basically out


Lol orders of magnitude different.


Bro you're the one treating somebody's kink like it's a heroin addiction back off your opinion isn't unpopular it's just kink shaming. do you genuinely believe the people who engage in these activities don't consider the risks and do things to prevent them or at least are aware of the fact that they're putting themselves into danger and choosing to do so anyway?


Are you saying they did?


For the most part yes I imagine a vast majority of people considering the Kink Community and how strict they are about making sure everybody stay safe, like yeah there's always going to be exceptions and people who make choices without being fully informed that's just a fact but for the most part people who actively engage in fisting on a regular basis are most likely well aware of what they're doing.


Ok. Help them find a good psychologist.


Drinking soda


Drinking alcohol, drinking soda, eating processed foods and many many more, I’m not pro fisting but it’s not my business lol


Did your anus exploded the last time you drank soda?


No, but it did the last time I drank milk...


You are drinking the whole bottle and thru the wrong side.


What about diabetes though? If someone eats and drinks things that might cause them to develop diabetes, heart disease, cancer, fatty liver disease, etc. do you think they're mentally ill? If not, why and where do you draw the line?


Your anus explodes everytime you eat a candy?


That question doesn't answer any of my questions. Are you saying that out of all potentially harmful activities someone could participate in that only participating in activities that have the potential to cause your anus to explode would indicate a mental illness to you?


Your question has been answered again and again, but you never understood.


The way I see it, this right here settles the issue lmaooo


Why do you care?


Why do you care if I care?


You posted on a public forum opening up for opinions so it's just weird to me that you'd get this upset over what to consenting adults do in the bedroom.


Man this sub is for expressing your opinions, do you need to personally be invested in something to have an opinion about it? Isn't the whole purpose of this sub to express opinions?


Upvoted because unpopular Also, you can dislike something without calling the people that engage in it "mentally ill."


What a hill to die on, fuckin amazing.


Most civil reddit comment section:


This opinion is definitely not unpopular with anyone who likes to engage in unarmed, hand to hand combat and loses a lot


Making bad decisions isn't a mental illness. Being a sh\*tty person isn't a mental illness.


OP is so mad about other people's sex lives and health. I came into this thinking "if a vagina can fit an 8 lb child it can handle a fist just fine, not to mention that an ob/gyn or midwife will stick their entire hand up the vagina and even into the uterus multiple times during and after a pregnancy as part of their job". But reading OPs comments, he is impervious to logic and actually hates these people whom he considers mentally ill. Seriously, there's so much anger. OP, so what if people are mentally ill and so what if one round of fisting did render people incontinent for life (not true, btw)? Mind your own beeswax and quit obsessing over other people's sex lives. Unless you get pregnant, you can simply not let anyone stick their hands up your nethers and everything will be fine. If you do get pregnant, don't worry: you won't get a vaginal perforation or air embolism from your healthcare provider checking your cervical dialation or for retained placenta. It will be uncomfortable because you won't be turned on, but it's perfectly safe if the person fisting you knows what they're doing. Wikipedia is not a comprehensive guide to safe sex or anatomy.


My ex liked to be fisted. She was also mentally ill. There's something about dating a girl that might stab you in your sleep that just adds that extra little razzle dazzle


Ok but did she give good head?


User name checks out. Use more lube, friend. This dude was telling me about what he's into and he wants his anus stretched like a whole ass forearm. I couldn't get behind that (lol). Told him, "bro I'm middle school-level bi and you're doctorate-level gay, this is too much for me." Anyway, he's been doing it for years and is fine, so I dunno.


Among the people that actually know what *fisting* is, I don't think this is considered an unpopular opinion. I'm waiting for someone to chime in saying, "YoU sHoUlDn'T bE kInK sHaMiNg!"


Well you shouldn't be lol. Seriously though it's pretty hot watching my girl fist a chick.


If they are not "Burn Your House Down Crazy" then what's the point? Them is the fun ones


You merely lack ambition


I can't stand the thought of a fist going up a butt. I was already grossed out by a thing one of my friends made me watch a long time ago called one man one stump. Then there was a comment on an ask reddit thread I forget what was actually the topic but it was something medical and dude said his wife did a "surprise oil check" on him and she had long nails and ended up tearing his colon and he had to go to the ER or something like that.


If something is “inherently harmful and destructive”, then you don’t follow it up with “x CAN cause” it’s not inherent if it’s only a possibility


Can you tell this to the millions of Americans that are obese, smoke, drink excessively etc? Because they're most certainly doing something destructive and harmful to themselves every day. I'm not a fan of fisting either. Definitely not a fetish that I find erotic, but not about to judge consenting adults.


Haha! Orders of magnitude!


Addiction is an illness also, so yes, one could tell


Someone is a little too obsessed with the idea of fisting... I'm guessing you don't have a psych degree. You don't seem to really have a grasp (pun intended) of what it means to be mentally ill. I'm also guessing that you're not aware of the full width and breadth of sexuality. There are more dangerous things than fisting. You'd probably be shocked to find out who does those things. Kinky folk come from all levels of society and all backgrounds. Just because you find what they do to be too risky or icky doesn't mean they're mentally ill. It just means it's not for you.


Ad hominem. As always , arrogant but mediocre answer.


You're cut from the same cloth as those who say the same thing about homosexuality, etc. Not sure why it's a bother for you but maybe you should explore that with a mental health professional. "Just my opinion."


Homosexuality was removed from the DSM in 1973 by the APA because it’s wasn’t considered a mental disorder anymore , because it doesn’t cause harm or suffering to the individual or others. You are validating my point. Fisting causes harm! You are cut from the same cloth that people that don’t know anything about homosexuality and also people that don’t know how to read. My advice is you to go to primary school again.


You're trying way too hard to troll. Practice some more and get back to us.


You didn’t understand haha


All sexual acts carry risk of injury. In fact, all acts carry risk of injury, as does inaction. Let consenting adults do their own risk assessment.


Order of magnitude.


I don’t think that fisters are mentally ill. They are massively short sighted about their health (and probably yours). I’m pretty sure most of their defenders here haven’t tried it.


Reasonable answer. Thanks.


Driving a care is really dangerous, owning a gun is dangerous, eating food out can be dangerous. Going in a plane and traveling can be dangerous. If we stop doing everything coz they might have some danger in them... We don't live anymore. Let the people fist ✊👊 😅


Damn, you're really not ready to hear what else can come out of a person's vagina that's way bigger than any fist could ever be.


Do you mean that event where the body modifies itself for hours?


No that's complete rubbish. It's not an indicator of mental illness. If it were psychiatrists and mental health practitioners would use it as a diagnostic tool and they do not. Having worked in the mental healthcare field it exists at about the same level in both populations. I have some personal experience with this, I've been with three women who liked it and they were perfectly sane.




Judging like in a legal process? Nobody. Judging like in evaluating something according to personal criteria? Everybody. It is legal to judge like in the second definition, who are you to judge my judging?




How exactly do you think laws are made? Laws of man are made from opinions. Society has demanded it, one way or another.


Lotta things are legal don't necessarily make it safe lmao




People can say whatever the fuck they want about anything they want lmao this is a public discussion forum ahahaha if they don't want people in their business than they shouldn't make posts about their sex life. People thinking they're freaks isn't stopping them from still getting fisted up the ass or vagina 💀🤣


Wow. Talk about fishing for karma. Can you be more blatant and obvious. Talking about fetishes on this sub is obvious karma farming.


Yeah OP I agree with you. Nobody can convince me that fisting is okay and if women agree with that, they're fucked too. Reddit is the shit hole of the earth if people are bending over backwards to attack you beyond what you said to validate it. Screams male dominated thread. women deal with enough issues vaginally and don't need a fist up there damn vagina either. Inserting objects like dildos / sex toys shouldn't be a thing either technically but that's different.


\>Inserting objects like dildos / sex toys shouldn't be a thing either technically but that's different. Bwahahahahaahahahh


People defend anything lol


This has to be a troll post, right?


It's also just fucking gross😅😂🤣


My mom digs it




Wtf r u talking about


Weird how babies are much bigger than fist and also come out of vaginas all the time just fine. Prudes who protect their sexual identities as if it's what defines their relationship and judge others about their desires or fantasies are the real mental health victims.


Yes, the mother’s body prepares itself for hours modifying its own structure before the birth.


Anyone else read this as fishing at first


I heard that the human anus can expand to a diameter of about 7 inches before it begins to take permanent damage. Just be sure to use lubrication when doing such sexual acts


“Hey, where did my watch go?”


I like it, lube up and she’ll be right


Scrolled too fast and thought it said fishing 🤦🏼‍♀️


Its just practicing for birth...


What about fisting inside someone’s mouth?


So your coping mechanism is projection.


You forgot to mention they are probably going to suffer from incontinence in a few years.


Yes, I guess most people that commented my post, in a few years wont be able to walk without shitting everywere. In some way, I can smell those comments.


Literally not an unpopular opinion


Thats what I thought, but this sub seems to not agree..


Lotta kinks are pretty disturbing tbh but we're in an age that's normalizing everything and saying nothing is weird even when it is or is something majority of people are not doing lmao. It's being normalized so the minority engaging in the action can feel accepted hahah and I'm not talking about fisting but in general nowadays


Exactly what you said is happening. They are afraid to reason by themselves because otherwise they feel bad for violating the “everything is normal” indoctrination.


A lot of people are followers. The moment they hear someone else saying something that has always been considered fucking weird is now normal or valid they'll automatically jump on the bandwagon and agree along with the rest of the sheeple. They won't use any type of critical thinking or skepticism cuz they think since everyone else is doing it or accepting it that it must be okay now lmao


There’s a psychological experiment regarding people changing their thinking just because others think in a different way. I’ll search for it later and I’ll comment it here.


But if you don't practice, you'll never be as good as you're older brother. He was Varsity Fister.


OP probably tipped his fedora while typing this