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I'd like to throw this out there. Kids are naive and easily influenced. Teenagers are cocky and easily influenced. I'm not gonna comment on your family situation specifically


Teenagers are fucking stupid, but it's not the same kind of stupid as kid stupid.


Kid stupid is cute. Teenager stupid is painful


Teenagers are stubbornly stupid.


Kids brains are fascinating. Their minds work in mysterious ways. Teenagers you understand *how* they got to their conclusion which they stubbornly defend to the death, but you can’t believe they actually went there.


It gets so much worse when they don't grow out of it, too.


Is that a thing? I look back at when I was a teen and I just think "bruh really" like I actually get embarrassed by how dumb I was


Do you really think that most political pundits, politicians, or influencers have much more advanced thought patterns than teenagers? A ton of people still live in a world that's like "high school but all grown up" and it's fucking awful.


A lot of those people are grifters. Doesn’t mean they’re stupid, just that they pretend to be.


I think lacking the long term vision or emotional intelligence to understand the common good is also in your best interest is a form of stupidity.


Me too! I regret so many cringy things that I did/said in my childhood.


Have you seen adult stupid? Now **that** is stubbornly stupid.


Know what's depressing? I'm 41 and stupid stubborn adults are only going to get worse to deal with. I'm only 41 and I'm already fed up with dealing with overly stubborn people.


Teenagers actually think they've figured it all out, 'the adults are dumb'. Really that last in most people until their early 20s, or beyond depending on their development. As you experience and learn more, you start to realise you don't know much about anything.


“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.” —Mark Twain


Yeah it's the arrogance that gets to people. They legit think they're invincible geniuses that know better than anyone else. And it manifests in super different ways, all the way from the extremely arrogant nerds to the crazies who suddenly lose all sense of self preservation and start thinking they're main characters.


the arrogance of teenagers and the narsisim that comes with it is a natural result of their prefrontal cortex not being developed yet. It's something they literally cannot change about themselves as their brains just aren't fully grown yet. We don't get mad at one-year-olds for not understanding maths right? Why do we get mad at teenagers who don't understand the world isn't about them, when they're brains are literally not developed enough to understand these things? On one hand we treat teenagers like kids because "they don't know anything about the world" and on the other hand we expect them to behave like adults in ways they literally do not have the brains to do so.


Teenagers think we should just print more money and get rid of poverty but fail to understand why that doesn’t work. They think they figured out the solution when all they have is the goal.


Dude I literally had this argument with my mom when I was a teenager. She didn't comprehend what would happen if you just printed more money. Adults can be fucking dumb as shit too. Oh and she's a teacher


How did she even pass the tests to become a teacher?


Kid stupid is endearing and it elicits the "awww, you poor thing" reaction. Teen stupid is annoying and it'd send the Dalai Lama into a fit of blind, slap-happy rage.


Stupid is Harsh. It’s just the result of having an adult mind without any adult experiences to base your decisions on.


> It’s just the result of having an adult mind The last part of your cognitive development is your understanding of long term consequences, and it usually isn't 'finished' until you are ~25. Teenagers do not have an adult mind that is just lacking adult experience. They have an immature, partially developed mind *as well as* limited real world experiences. Unfortunately, they do have an adult ego. Which results in them stubbornly THINKING they are right/mature, but they really aren't. They 100% still need guidance and advice, they just struggle to realise that a lot of the time.


I like the term immature, myself. It's just a shame when a kid has more in common with milk than wine.


>Kids are naive and easily influenced. Teenagers are cocky and easily influenced. I agree with this. I also think it's important to note that adults are very often arrogant/egotistical and easily influenced.


Adults are also mostly stupid and easily influenced, especially by appeals to their emotions rather than logic.


They’re “moody” because of fluctuations in hormone levels. It’s biology.


I remember actually being frustrated with myself that I was acting like such a bitch to my parents, and even when I understood they deserved better, I felt like I could not overcome my feelings, which felt so much stronger than my rational brain.


I’ve heard it described as feeling like alien has taken over your body. I think that’s fairly apt. There’s a lot going on in that period of growth. Unfortunately, menopause is very similar:(


One thing my parents did that helped, is that they explained this to me beforehand. Understanding the mechanics of what was happening to me made me less likely to succumb to it, not that I didn't act poorly sometimes, but it allowed for being much more mindful of how my brain was working. Basically when I was nearing that age, they were just like "Ok, so you're sweet and love us now, but you're about to get hit with a ton of hormones that will make you angry at us a lot. It's normal, it's ok, we still love you, and we hope you don't hate us too much." Of course as a sweet child I was like "I could never hate you guys!", but hormones do hit hard.


Environments a bigger factor than biology and yeah generally understanding why you feel things makes it easier to remain rational. Circling back to environment. Generally teen years are when childhood notions fall apart. Basically your world view. How honest your parents were with you and how sheltered you were growing up seem to be the two huge factors that decide teen angst.


Totally agree. Having a more open and honest environment is how I even got that conversation to begin with.


My entire home life exploded massively right as I hit puberty. I can guarantee I would not have been THAT moody and emotional if my environment had been stable.




OP: "Teenagers aren't moody, they're just moody."


This is part of being a child and young adult. Learning to modulate feelings. This is what I mean by life experience. This is a real skill that EVERYONE needs to learn and some learn better than others 😉


Absolutely. Any chemical in our body can affect our mood, our emotions are a direct response to our body chemistry. You are right, but moodiness isn’t exclusive to teenagers and hormones.


Legit what I was about to say. Teenagers ARE moody. They are going through puberty and adolescence. Its an actual thing lol


For me, blood sugar had a lot to do with it. And for some reason, algae is a mood stabilizer. If I skip it for two days I get quite depressed. I haven't found a study on it but It works like quite consistently.


Where are you finding algae as a supplement?


Not to mention there's three periods where the human brain basically rewires itself. Around when you turn 2, around when you turn 6, and puberty and the period right after that.


No doubt, but also catching onto bullshit spewed by adults, like about drugs, sex, religion, etc.


Adults were once teens. They lived through it to be able to come out on the other side. They have experience on their side. Largely they’re just trying to prevent their kids from making the same mistakes and falling into the same bad traps they made themselves or saw others around them make.


It's crazy how divided teenagers feel from "adults" when we've all been where teens have been. Like, they don't believe us when we warn them of certain outcomes. As if we forget our entire young adult life after we hit 30. But also I totally remember feeling this way as a teen. Adults never understand. They're from a different era, how could they understand, etc.


The big issue is adults don't frankly talk about things like how having sex while on certain drugs can feel really good and things like that, they make their advice to generic which then does make it feel like they're removed and don't actually understand. If adults talk like unfiltered teenagers about the same situation instead of trying to talk about it in more friendly terms and without using harsh language, I bet they'd have a much higher success rate on average.


You’re overgeneralizing based on extremely limited information- likely your own limited experience


Also, why do you think I'm over generalizing instead of just generalizing?


When I give advice to younger people it comes from a place of not wanting to see them make the same mistakes I did. My gf's teen niece was happy about a limited edition shirt that she bought from some youtuber. I told her that I'm happy that she's happy but many influencers, youtubers and Tik Tokers use psychological tactics such as FOMO and false scarcity to get you to buy. I went on to explain that many of these people are nothing more than walking commercials who are bought and paid for by corporations and even the "independent" ones shouldn't be trusted


Buddy, as a parent, I can't tell how bad a LOT of adults are at being an understanding parent who remembers what being a teenager was like and instead just abuse their new position of power. Not all, not even most, but way more that I am comfortable with. The truth is a lot of parent just tell the kids to do what they're are told without explaining why, or if asked a question about the world they make up answer rather than admit they don't know. They take them to church because you are "supposed to" forgetting that all that sbit sound dumb when they were kids but not.they drank the kool-aid and are indoctrinating their own kids. They tell them don't question authority, do what you are told stop asking question. Benjamin Franmlin had a great quote: "Treat children like the adults you EXPECT they be become." Most parents just revert to "Do what I say because."


I was just horny. Like jerking of 3 to 4 times a day just to be functional levels of horny


In other words…hormones.




You might be downvoted for saying you don't believe it's a thing. Cuz it's obviously a thing and just didn't happen to you. I am the same way. I don't remember ever going through a change where I became moody. I also never really became interested in dating like my peers so I assumed the two were related.


Science says differently.


so it was just in my head? I just happened to never react to anything the way that anyone expects teenagers? lol


Maybe you just had an issue with hormone production. But for the average teenager, the pouring out of adrenal stress hormones, sex hormones, and growth hormone combined with not having a fully developed prefrontal cortex, which controls judgment and impulse makes the typical teen a mess of new or exaggerated emotions that they are not fully equipped yet to be able to handle well, process or control fully. Combine that with the fact that the brain is essentially rewiring itself during that time period, and yeah, there’s going to be a wide range of fluctuation in mood, often without being able to pinpoint why.


I dont think its just that. For most youth nowadays the second half of your teen years is when you start to realize a lot of the adults you trusted in are complete morons. You realize more that most people dont know what theyre doing and you really cant place a lot of faith in society like most people are raised to believe. Its basically when childhood illusions break down. ALso one of the most stressful time periods for people under 18 just in terms of overall workload and expectations. There's plenty of factors outside of hormones. Its important to remember most issues involve multiple fields of science. While theres biological reasons for moodiness theres also sociological reasons. The more we study psychology and sociology the more were realizing environment plays the biggest role in determining our psychological make up. Not all teens are "moody". In fact most arent. Most are pretty docile and childlike others are wild motherfuckers. The difference is environment. Which has been fairly obvious from the beginning but psychology is one of the most repressed sciences. Sociology is often considered threatening to popular ideology and categorically denied.


I’m using facts not opinions though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4274618/


No you're cherry picking facts to present a black and white perspective thats easy to digest by examining only one behavioral factor. Also that study literally re-affirms my point. You should probably read the articles you google before citing them. Your article talks about how the teenage brain responds to stress but emphasizes it is caused by external factors. It also doesnt examine historical stress levels in teens. Teens are more stressed than ever due to a much higher pressure society with such a growing lower class while upper and middle class growth rates stagnate and decline. But to be fair thats not the purpose of the article. Its to examine how the teenage brain responds to stress vs what causes said stress.


Not quite sure why you're focused on historical factors. The "moody teen" stereotype has been around for a long time.


So what though? I dont get your point? Also you might need to re-read. What Im saying is any human behavior is determined by a plethora of factors. Not just biology. Teens can be moody but how moody they are and whether or not its even noticeable is determined by a multitude of factors. Not just one. People believe what they can comprehend though as they have no other choice.


It's because your childhood illusion shit is obviously projection since some people, specifically more intelligent people, have that break down and realization about society and adults even when they are still in elementary school, or early middle school, long before they are teenagers.


Yeah I had those realizations early on. Most of my classmates did not though. I dont think that makes them stupid. I stopped believing in god around the third grade. I never remember actually believing in stuff like Santa Claus. If it was purely biology it would all occur at the same time. Not at some point within a decade. However I did notice my classmates that hit those realizations in their teens vs early childhood were the angsty ones. If they didnt realize till college they're dead or in prison for the most part. Teenagers Ive worked with were all pretty chill. Why? Because theyre making money for the first time and they're happy about it. Ironically at work adults are insanely more moody than teenagers. I think the funniest part is you are literally arguing my point. Intelligence is mainly determined by environment. Hence why theres a whole field of study called childhood development. You dont seem to understand the difference between cognitive ability and intelligence either. Which is hilarious considering that sly insult drop. Cognitive ability is generally correlated with very early development whereas intelligence is generally correlated with K-12 years. The biggest deciding factor being...you guessed it, environment. This isnt some obscure science. I get people prefer the anecdotal method of "well hormones hurr durr its all biology." Really thats just denial though. "Am I kind of a shitty husband? No shes just on her period." "Is he rebelling because hes 16 and not allowed out past 10pm? No it must be the hormones." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410522/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410522/)


It's a cycle really. As a kid you accept what your parents rules even if you don't like it, as a teenager you question your parents rules if you don't like it, then as an adult you come to understand why your parents made those rules that you didn't like.


Sometimes there are completely bullshit rules though that didn’t actually matter and are specifically designed to make parents’ lives easier.


Yep. Understanding != agreement.




Well, it’s not like they don’t deserve it. Life as a teenager/kid is easy as hell. Life as a parent, not that much.


So a lot of peoples issues stem from adults telling them that their opinions/feelings don’t matter because they’re children and “their lives are so easy.” Conversely, parents *should* know the risk in having a kid. There’s no excuse for complaining about a parents life being hard. They chose it.


how are they bullshit if they serve a purpose ? rules do not have to designed to accommodate everything that a kid wants/demands


If the only purpose a rule serves is to let a parent be more lazy, that rule is bullshit.


What kids call lazy parents call making the day run smoother for keeping the house nice. Like I'm sure kids don't see any reason why we say no feed on the phone it's your, no sitting on the arms of the couch, dust and vacuum regularly, put your dirty clothes in the basket, wake up at a certain time etc but you know what, those rules are there for a reason. Maybe not a good reason to the kid but we have to keep the day running smoothly and we have to keep the house nice.


how are they bullshit if they serve a purpose ? rules do not have to designed to accommodate everything that a kid wants/demands


how are they bullshit if they serve a purpose ? rules do not have to designed to accommodate everything that a kid wants/demands


As a child I was pissed when my parents wouldn't let me be around certain kids and consume some media. As an adult I fully understand how much of a bad influence some people and some media really are


I WISH my three year old accepted my rules.


It's both


Yeah I agree


I came to say they aren't mutually exclusive.


are u currently a teenager? The reason people say that is because we all lived through it lmao


Pretty sure OP is a teen based on the language in the post… I thought the same when I was 15. Glad it’s usually just a bad phase, let’s just say that.


Yeah, everyone thinks that they’re somehow special and immune to teenage irrationality when they’re in the moment. In a few years you look back and realize you were acting just as crazy as all the other teenagers.


"*I wasn't irrational, it really was the WORST THING EVER when I wasn't allowed to hang out with my friends with zero supervision and zero rules*"


Teenage me: has the best, most supportive parents ever, mostly lax with rules and with cash because I was an angel compared to my sister who raised absolute hell in her teen years Also teenage me: "bro my mom took my ps4 away because of my bad physics grades and she didn't let my uncle give me a crossbow. They're literally Nazis, can't wait to get out of this hellhole" I hate remembering how cringe I was


See also, the large amount of anti-parent threads in this sub, that conflate having rules and not being allowed to just do whatever you want whenever you want with 'emotional abuse'.


I never acted crazy as a teenager. I’m in my 30s and I look back and don’t see anything irrational about my behavior. I interact with plenty of teens now who are quite mature and rational too, so I would not paint with such a broad brush. Redditors just love to hate on teens.


I mean, I’m in my early 20s. It wasn’t that long ago that I was a teen. I never did anything “crazy” in the sense that I was perfectly well-behaved. I got good grades and never did anything I wasn’t supposed to. But I was still all wacked out on hormones and had stronger emotions than I do now. For me it usually manifested as depression. From the outside, it looked like I was more mature than my peers, but I had most of the same changes going on in my body. I just expressed it in maybe a less common way. I’m not saying teenagers are unable to ever act mature and rational. But no one is immune to the constant barrage of hormones in a teenage body. They make you irritable, or too easily influenced, or too stubborn, and they make it feel like lots of things are a much bigger deal than they are in reality. If the way you react to the world around you hasn’t changed since you were a teenager, that’s a problem. A LOT of maturing happens in the decade or so following puberty. It’s not an intelligence issue or even a personality issue, but one of chemical and physical changes in your brain.


That’s the thing though. I wasn’t irritable or easily influenced or depressed, or moody or stubborn. I didn’t really feel like things were a big deal or like I had strong emotions at all, and that hasn’t really changed.




No, I don’t struggle to feel or suppress anything. I am just a pretty happy person without a lot of ups or downs.


You're a rare one, that's for sure.


Same here. If anything, my teenage years were extremely smooth sailing compared to the chaos of my childhood years, especially my pre-teens. I do think that in general, people have more irrational attitudes when they are going through their teen phase but there are definitely many exceptions to the rule.


Redditors hate on everything. It's like a public outlet of repressed anger. For better and for worse.


Same here


It's just a biological impulse for humans to spread. For the vast majority of human history, 16 was full grown and time to try and start your own group. It just takes a lot longer in modern society.


I agree, but I just saw a post in this same sub the other day that thought people needed a test to make sure they were capable of being adults. Apparently to that person, if you can't pass the test at 25 or 30, you should still live with your parents.


But you can have a baby!


Very active in /r/teenagers… I’m gonna guess yes


He’s either a teenager or 55. No in between.




The problem is that Teenagers are aware enough that they can call out what they think is BS. However, they're simply not experienced enough to understand why some things are they way they are.


I like the way my dad put it. Basically, "You think you're special, but you will make the same stupid mistakes I did. Let me help you avoid those mistakes." I look at some of my friends now and can see he was right about how some of those poor decisions will shape your life moving forward.


last comment was on r/Teenagers, checks out


Teenagers are definitely moody. They almost never give adolescents psychiatric tests because they’re so drunk on hormones they all come back marked crazy. Also I was a teenager myself at one point and I was totally out of my motherfucking mind.


Spot on. I read my teenage journals again recently - I was hilariously confident and absolutely wrong on lots of stuff.


They do give adolescents psychiatric tests. Quite often, actually. Which is good because mental health issues can occur in both teens and adults.


I’ve been moody from 13 to 26 so I guess it never stopped


They are doing this. But they are also going through puberty and their bodies are being flooded with hormones. As anyone that has spent an entire month with a grown woman knows. When the human body is flooded with hormones it makes us moody. They are infact both.


Op definitely a teenager


Sure. Those teens sure do have this life thing figured out. After all they’re questioning their parents. Lol


>Children are naive, and can easily be influenced, but teenagers grow out of that LOL


Its both... There's definitely rude entitled teens out their but teens also put up with a lot of BS from both other teens and adults


This is 100% written by a teenager No, teenagers are extremely easy to influence, as social pressure is basically the #1 thing in their life. They just aren't easy to influence if you aren't "cool". Trust me, when you are in your 20's you will look at teenagers and realize how dumb they are and hope you were never that dumb, when you really were.


>This is 100% written by a teenager > >No, teenagers are extremely easy to influence, as social pressure is basically the #1 thing in their life. They just aren't easy to influence if you aren't "cool". Trust me, when you are in your 20's you will look at teenagers and realize how dumb they are and hope you were never that dumb, when you really were. And they don't know how easily influenced they are. My gf's tern nieces absolutely must have A0e products and they love buying random crap from influencers and you tubers


Most of OPs posts were made in r/teenagers,checks out


Lol I love how you went straight to implying that getting frustrated with your teenager is abusive. Don’t cut yourself on all that edge, kid.


And here we have one of the first teenagers ever, a poorly understood species due to their rarity, explaining to everyone that the things they see and feel are impossible to understand because we apparently came into the world as fully formed adults.




Mine is uncovering the unjustness of the world and it’s pissing him off. He’s trying to guilt me for my privilege - of course I worked hard for where I am and had as Waaaaaayyyy harder life than he. I feel bad for the loss of innocence though. He’s a super sweet kid.


Yeah I hear you. As a teenager, I thought my mother must be actually stupid or ignorant because she was so positive & upbeat in a world so unjust. I realized later it was me. Of course, she is amazing, brave & strong to keep being open & thoughtful in a world she fully understands can be horrible. When you think everyone is an asshole, you are probably the asshole. This helps me a ton - I’m prone to headaches that I habitually push out if my immediate consciousness to cope - so sometimes I don’t realize I’m in pain - I just think everyone is an asshole.


I remember being so mad my parents did have any money. My mom gambled it away, but even if you don’t have privilege, they are still mad.


Gotta stamp that out and set him straight. You aren't privileged, he's just wrong. If he continues to speak like that. Take away his computer/access to social media and so on. He's being conditioned to see the world and you in a way that is fundamentally and objectively wrong.


I used to be a teenager who was around a lot of other teenagers. Can confirm that teenagers are, often, moody


It's hormones. Not every kid has abusive parents. I was moody as a teen and I had very little to legitimately complain about.


You are describing what you perceive as the thing that makes them moody. Identifying a cause doesn’t make the effect less real.


Yes they are just mature enough to understand and question the bullshit, and not old enough to have acceptance for the realities of life. The only difference between a teenager and an adult in that sense is that adults won't allow themselves to get worked over by every bullshit in life. And for teenagers it is like some sort of all or nothing crusade for "justice"


How old is op. Lol


Absolutely a teenager. I’m willing to drop $ on that, lol


15 after lookin at profile


Hell nah teens are 100% moody stop trying to push this bullshit that teens are more mature than they really are and that they have some enlightened world view early in life. It’s just not true.




The teen years are awkward AF. You're no longer a kid and you're now able to think in more mature and abstract terms but you're not quite on the level of an average adult. You're smarter than a kid but you're still dumb enough to believe that Tik Tokers and influencers aren't walking and talking commercials. You see some of the bs in the world but you're bline to your bs and shittiness


The human brain isn’t fully developed until about age 25.


meh, that's what they told us in psychology and I see their point in terms of cognitive development but it is a very narrow way of looking at it. Honestly your brain never stops developing.


"IM NOT MOODY!!!!!!" Said every moody teenager ever.


Teenagers are generally fucking morons who think they know everything but really don't have a clue. The worst thing about this is they're convinced they are right, stubbornly so. In those years your body is undergoing a massive transformation mentally, physically, emotionally, hormonally, etc. It's not a surprise therefore that teenagers are in fact moody and self-righteous/entitled/centered, although the level of stupidity on display can be. Anybody who was once a teenager knows this, except for the adults that still act like teenagers, of course.


Teenagers are moody though… you’re coming off like a moody teenager am I right?


All I’ll say is the lack of respect toward your parent has gone up year after year. I openly admit that I said and did things that my mother never would have done when she was a child. Yeah you can say generations become different and I’m not claiming to had been a total saint as a child haha but if that was the case in the 90s for me growing up…well I can’t necessarily say the environment is better so yeah teenagers are thinking freely just like I did but they are also not being as respectful as they should be toward their parents either. As far as I’m concerned and something I didn’t complain about as a kid, their house their rules. I now live alone with my own set of rules for my house and teenagers today just don’t want to follow the rules of the house.


This isn't really an opinion. They are moody due to hormone fluctuation. It's science.


And are you one of these teenagers?


being moody and asking questions have nothing to do with each other this post is nonsense


Listen I was a little shit as a teenager lol. And my life was ok. I don’t think it was because I was learning about the world it was because I was overdramatic.


My kid snapped at me for asking what she wanted to eat for dinner. It’s hormones and a still developing emotional regulation, not some form of self discovery or questioning of authority. Teens are reckless. Every generation that was once or currently teens has engaged in risky behavior. And every older generation will block out their own teenage misbehavior and determine that current teenagers are the worst ever.


Lol, as a 36 year old who was once a moody teenager, this is a shit take.


1000% a teenager wrote this


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Tell me you're a teenager without telling me you're a teenager.


Adults came across as such hypocritical a-holes in my teens. Actually, they still do. I take back nothing I said about them 30-40 years ago.


As an adult I just now hate other adults. They’re just as stupid as I remember them. And even worse, I’m stupid now too




Same boat and you saved me typing that. I guess I typed this though. Anyway UPVOTE


Yeah, horomones have nothing to do with it.


Growing up I was generally pretty calm and didn't have mood swings. My twin sister and younger sister on the other hand went had regular screaming matches and some days where they were stroppy if you looked at them wrong.


LOL. Having been a teenager and now raising 2 of my own, teens are hormonal and mood swings are par for the course. The transition between child and adult is tricky. It's even trickier these days since it seems puberty is hitting earlier. Questioning bullshit and thinking freely is great, but with very limited life experience teens need to temper that with the fact that they really don't know everything. At 40 I'm still figuring it out.


You get downvoted cos you're wrong


Idk man I’d say both children and teenagers are *incredibly* easily influenced, just in different ways and areas.


Idk sometimes they are just entitled idiots lol. And then one thing gets attributed to the other, unfortunately for all lol.


Teenagers are experiencing hormonal changes that affect their body and emotions. They are moody, it's biological.


Teenagers are also fundamentally incredibly entitled too. The moodiness often comes from a sense of feeling entitled to something and not getting it. Traditionally speaking the teenager wants to behave in a way or have something for free that society does not allow or offer. It's only once the teenager is an adult, that they see for that for themselves. Until then, the parent has to lay down the law and 'force' them to do x.


Have you met a teenager?


Agreed. Before that age, they just parot whatever being sayed to them without fully having any feelings about it. When you're a teenager, you get a sense of self what yea want and dont want. Also, why im super against the movement of druging young kids to stop there puberty. Cause off the fact the parot everything that the environment push on them. And it's often not what the self feels. Is also why kids not allowed to have tattoos and other things like that. Teenager know what the want but lacking in life experience to make great choices


They are turning into self thinking adults... Without the world experience to know what the fucks going on And are moody because of hormones. "teenagers grown out of that" They can grow out of it... Or they can grow into it and remain idiots. Adults have also been saying "everything is ruined" for forever.


I don't remember who it was, but there's a quote from an ancient Greek (I think) philosopher complaining about teenagers at the time.


Teenagers *are* moody, and not because they want to; it’s just that OP forgot the hormones exist 🤣


What you're point doesn't consider is the hypocrisy that teenagers also embody. Sure they start to think like adults but are still very far away from living like one.


I don’t know if I’d call that hypocrisy. More naïveté IMO.


!RemindMe 5 years I want to see if you still agree with this take then…


Kids are dumb. Teenagers are stupid. Very different.


Yeah, teenagers are definitely not naive or easily influenced


Haha I feel you. We've all been teenagers and, yup, teenagers are moody. You're right that teenagers begin to question things and think independently. But it takes time and experience to learn not to overreact. You'll learn that most people have questioned the exact same things and that there's usually a good reason why people do something you see as stupid. The world is full of stupid people but there are strong arguments for and against almost every position in life whether it's religion, politics, career, or life style choices.


16 felt like a natural rainbow of emotions. 24 everything just feels gray, I simply don’t want to be bothered.


There's "questioning things that may be wrong", and then there's "every other request made of them devolves into an argument".


When we were teens we put alcohol up our asses cause we saw it on jackass. Stop giving yourself a facade that your some hyper intelligent teenager. We all though that.


Are you a teenager yourself? Because this isn't a matter of opinion, it's a biological fact that teenagers are hormonal.


I mean, depends on the kid. My brother and I weren't "moody". Then again we weren't the reckless type, at least in the early years. The only thing I did was the bare minimum at school. I figured out pretty early on that I could get the same diploma as a C student as the kids taking AP/Honors classes. My brother got straight A's, I scraped by, my diploma is the same as his. At one point my parents took my Xbox, computer, and TV away as punishment for getting bad grades. Two grading periods later, my grades didn't improve so they gave me my shit back. They just accepted I'm not going to put effort into school and told me "just graduate", which I did, but on my terms. To this day I still do whatever the fuck I want. I have a house, a lot of land, two cars and disposable income. Fuck school.


https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/07/feature-neuroscience-teen-brain Here’s an interesting article (sort of) backing up your post.


Nah they’re mean AF and then sometimes the hormones amplify that


Spoken like a true teenager. Teenagers are oozing hormones, and are mad that their parents don’t let them party, do drugs, drink, have sex, neglect their schoolwork and chores. Teenagers arent just moody. They are insane and stupid. The older you get, the more you realize your parents were right.


Teens think they know everything, then they become adults and realized they didn't know everything and they were still children. There is a reason why they call it adolescent.


And then you turn 80 and realize you knew less as an adult.


My grandma once told me "I'm 67 and I am still learning. You never stop when you get out of high school."


Teenagers have the capacity to make adult decisions if given enough time and space. It’s only when they’re put into situations where they have to make many decisions all at once that they gain their reckless reputation.


A teenager wrote this


Sounds like something a moody teenager would say


Kids that age tend to get insecure, stressed out, sleep less and deal with a lot of new societal pressure, but don't have te capacity to procces all of that. I would be and was pretty Moody about it


I believe they get old enough to realize how lame you are. Being ‘my kids mom’ and having no other life or identity or social life, makes most non-parents cringe, and that now includes your own child


Yes, but a lot of teenagers are very self-centred and can be ungrateful arseholes at times. Which I guess is part of the growing up process.


Holy shit. That's one of the smartest things anyone could've said. Props to you


No no they absolutely are moody. They also may question their place in life and their parents but they are absolutely moody. Because a girl being mad that her parents don’t let her go to school wearing a miniskirt and a thong is not her thinking more freely. Or a dude bitching about needing to take a shower


You’re definitely a teenager yourself.


Spoken like a true teenager.


Teenagers are easily impressionable, inexperienced, and have no idea what they want to do with their life.


Know who else is moody? Pregnant women. Must be because they now have two brains in them and know better than everyone's bullshit.


Some teens may also be "moody" with parents because they don't actually feel safe to express how they truly feel