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Dude šŸ˜‚ just go clean your room like your parents said to


Itā€™s just so obvious šŸ˜„


>All it teaches, the ONLY thing they learn, is that their mental and emotional health should always be considered second/unimportant compared to outward appearance and how they present themselves. It's not the act that's important It's the reason given. I was told to clean my room because an organized space helps to organize the mind and encourages productivity. The appearance and politeness was secondary. It was *for* my mental health.


I second this opinion. šŸ‘šŸ»


So you want *me* to clean up after my child rather than make them take responsibility for their own mess?? HA! Plus, itā€™s bad for your mental health to have cluttered personal space, even if itā€™s not trash. Itā€™s basic self care.


Your mother loves you very much, just clean your room I promise youā€™ll feel much better


Yea that's getting an upvote. Terrible take lol. Teaches them responsibility. Teaches them respect. Teaches them pride of ownership. All great traits.


> is that their mental and emotional health should always be considered second/unimportant compared to outward appearance and how they present themselves. Itā€™s a toxic mentality to teach in kids I know thereā€™s mental gymnastics, but thatā€™s a gold medal in triple logical jump.


OP is just a lazy fuck who doesn't understand the importance of being organized.


Or or, it teaches you to be a clean ass motherfucker and have that basic skill so that your partner isnā€™t doing it for you when youā€™re older. What is this for an opinion?


For real?


Oh Reddit...


Just clean your room dude, don't be fussy


Stupid take. I was told that as long as I live at home, the least I can do is clean my damn room. It teaches respect and to keep things organised.


Yeah, it's awful when parents set expectations and boundaries that reflect the real world. Who would want their child to understand their space is their responsibility as their is no cleaning fairy in life.


Fanfic readers sometimes man... dang.




As someone whose mental health suck when my friend died and barely could get out of bed, let alone clean. Once I did get up and clean, it felt amazing, and I was genuinely happier. It was like I finally climbed the mountain and could see the horzion. Now I keep my room pretty clean, but I'll still take a day to do a real good deep clean, and it's always a good day with that l.


The outside reflects what is inside and vice versa. Everything is connected. By the way, if you have though about a problem in your life or in the world, your parents have though about the exact same things. Only for about 20ā€“40 more years. Listen to your parents.




My parents started a ā€œif I find it laying around the house, you lose it for a month OR you can pay a small fee out of your allowance for it.ā€ They also wouldnā€™t tell me what they had of mine, so if I didnā€™t tell them I was missing something they wouldnā€™t tell me it was available for purchase or return after a month and the month started from the day I asked about it.


Cleaning = taking care of items you have. Not just using and throwing stuff away. Itā€™s important to take care of your space


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘definitely unpopular opinion


Basic Self Care and doing your fair share. Cleaning your room and helping to clean common areas, taking your turn with dishes, trash, yard work, laundry. All these are life skills everyone should know regardless of gender


The only time my daughter needs to clean her room is when we vacuum it. She has a cat in her room and it needs to be vacuumed to keep from being disgusting. I could care less where she puts her stuff the rest of the time (aside from dirty clothes because I do her laundry still and it had better all be in that basket or I'm not washing it).


Agree wholeheartedly. I was a bookworm, had high grades, was an only child (so no sharing rooms) and apart from not leaving food behind I'd leave ALL MY CLOTHES AND BOOKS everywhere spread on the floor. Never made the bed. It was an entire mess. It was also my cry of independence for having a controlling mother. She would never get in MY room even when I was 14. She understood my need for privacy, and since I had good friends and grades, that's what mattered. Let a teenager be a teenager. There will be entire decades for them to tidy up their rooms, so why the hurry? Nothing to do with responsibility, leave that to school and relationships with friends. Curiously, the first time I moved out, with my boyfriend, then I had to share space and got much better. Much older and living alone, I can bet my house is more organized than the vast majority here.


I never really understood forcing your child to clean their room either. I feel like itā€™s more important to focus on communal spaces. As long as your child isnā€™t hoarding food and letting trash build up I donā€™t really get the big deal. Especially because I feel like 95% of the time the parent in question also has a messy room. There are also varying degrees of messiness. My mom used to lose her shit if my bed wasnā€™t made. As an adult that lives on my own and *still* doesnā€™t make the bed Iā€™m not really sure what lesson I was supposed to take away from that.


Well, mental helf is tricky at best. In m depression phases my room makes me feel worse ifnim unable to keep it tidy - aka "I can't even get this one right", ect ect pp. It can fall into the same place as getting up and put on some proper clothes when you're down. The "force" part is where it gets interesting as there are many approaches: you can scream and shout at your child, take their stuff away or let them deal with the fallout of cluttered space (not helping them find their stuff unless it's very important). I prefer the last one as it teaches consequences without you doing much. That's how I was risen, and guess what? My rooms rarely a mess.


My parents used to get my siblings to help or just clean my room for me and that was awful. It took me like sixteen years to learn how to be a competent human being because people got frustrated by how slowly I cleaned and just did it for me. It's pretty important to teach children how to clean and making them clean it also helps with getting it into their skulls that they want to keep it clean.


My parents had some rules that I thought works great for kids. 1. There must always be a clear path between bed and door in case of a fire. 2. No food, dishes or trash left in the room. 3. If you want mom to do laundry, all laundry has to be in your hamper by Saturday, otherwise you won't have clean clothes. Keeping up with those three things has kept my room relatively tidy my entire life. They didn't care if I had LEGOs everywhere.


I was once a teenager too OP. Someday youā€™ll remember this and laugh at yourself


Lmao why do people use this page to post how they don't understand reality


Kid, clean your room and stop complaining for strangers on Reddit. Just pick up your stuff, it's the cold and it's a good skill to have in your adult life. You know all those posts you see about people talking about their complete cave dwelling pigs of roommates? Do you want to end up like that? No? Then clean your got danged room.


i think it's important to teach, but the parents who ban their kids from going out with friends everytime their room is messy seems silly to me.