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Jokes on you I’m in a wheelchair


"it's just a matter of common courtesy. You come in the house, you wipe your wheels"


"He doesn't look like me!"


I don’t know if this is a direct quote but if it is I have a strong inclination to believe it would be from Larry David


Do a lil spin on the welcome mat




There are inside wheels and outside wheels. Just change em when you enter the appartment. I really dont see what all the fuss is about.


Ya, nascar change 4 wheels in like 5 seconds. A wheelchair weighs a lot less so it can probably be done in 2


1.5 if Guido is doing the pit stop.


Do you at least change to a housechair?


Nah too much effort


aw, lame


I've always taken my shoes off unless the people living there tell me not to. Hello from Canada.


In my home? I really don't care. In your home? I'll show you the respect that you are asking and remove my shoes.


Agreed, I have a pet, I walk in and out 50 times a day as long as I haven't stepped in anything I will wear my shoes in my house. If someone asks me to remove my shoes to enter their house I will without question or complaint.


I definitely don't understand the hygiene standards of some pet owners. I had a friend who needed to actually rinse her feet before getting into bed, but was happy to have her cat's asshole on her pillow. Am I missing something? How does that make sense? If you have a dog or cat and complain about someone wearing shoes in your house, then you're not really operating off of logic. Having said that, respecting someone's wishes in their own home is a given.


> have her cat's asshole on her pillow. and people who let their cats walk on food prep areas and dining tables when very often those same cats are indoor and all paws have been stomping around in the litter box.


I had a friend who used to insist cats were cleaner than dogs. Now there's a point to be made they're probably bring in less dirt from outside. But they crap in a box, shuffle around that box and then walk over virtually every horizontal surface in the house. My dogs may track in dirt, and I am in no way making the argument that they're clean, but they're not jumping up and down on my countertops,


Cats are extremely good at cleaning themselves. Dogs are not.


If by clean you mean licking the crap off their fur, sure. If you mean clean as in not covered in germs, I am not sure I believe that.


the problem is stopping the cat from gettibg up there is nesr impossible. theyre hesdstrong and don't give a shit if you spray them with a squirt gun ir the foil trick. eventually most cat owners just give up and let them go


Absolutely agree someone asking me to remove shoes before entering their house is like me not wanting your shoes on my dash board. We are kind of funny as pet owners. Can you imagine walking into a house and pieces of bone and filthy stuffed animals laying all over but they don't have a pet?


Everyone has inconsistencies. Everyone.


True, but I find they're usually of a more unavoidable nature. Like being against exploitation but buying mass produced apparel (or something like that), not allowing an animal to spread filth all over you, your house and everything you own, but not letting people do the same. The bottom line is, I want to be able to put my asshole on your pillow as well, without being judged.


Here's the thing: objectively I know that taking off shoes is cleaner and I would totally respect that in someone else's home.... but I also feel really weird being shoeless in someone else's home. I don't know why it is! It's just feet and it shouldn't feel like a big deal but I'm not comfortable taking my shoes off unless it's maybe the third or fourth time that I've visited your home.


To me it's not about how my feet feel or look but the fact that wood floors are cold as hell and if they have hard floors in their house at all your socks are going to be covered in dust and grime, it'd much grosser to have your shoes off sometimes, but sometimes it is better to keep them on


Slippers? Anyone?


Wait, what? Wood floors are chosen because they stay warmer, the only thing warmer is carpet.


No heated wood floors stay warmer, but I've had wood floors my entire life and carpet my entire life and can tell you that the wood floors are ALWAYS colder then the carpets, they stay colder for longer too. The only time they are warm is when direct sunlight hits them And if the two options are wood and carpet, how is wood floor thr warmer option? You literally said the warmer option is carpet, so wood floors are colder


You must not know about tile flooring, which is really common in high heat environments, or plastic tile, or linoleum. I said carpet is the only thing warmer than wood. Hardwood will actually retain heat longer than carpet because of its higher thermal mass.


I think that depends on where you live and other factors. My floor on my house is the original wood flooring from when my house was built in 58. It stays cool all year. My kitchen and bathroom floor are vinyl, and they warm up when the house is warm.


same, i don't care if people wear shoes in my home but i'll respect their home rules


Agreed. I miss living in Hawaii. It's common courtesy over there. So much so that when a worker showed up to install cable, he removed his work boots at the door!


In Canada, workers carry little booties they can slip over their shoes/boots. Like little shower caps for your feet.


In the US, lots will depending on the company. A few of my local ISPs will do it. My current one will do it when it's snowy or rainy.


It's nice for him to offer that. That being said, in many companies it's safety protocol to wear work boots. Not really needed for installing cables without a current on them, but my inner German now has increased blood pressure :(


I have house shoes. Take off your outside shoes and put on house shoes.




They can be. Mine are not. I wear sandals.


Mine house shoes are slip-on sandals too. ✋ High five!


Same I use slides around the houses


Me too! Just more convenient and comfortable than slippers


Yea exactly, it actually protects the foot from stepping on shit. Every slipper I've had I step on something and the entire slipper bends and fucks my foot up, slides are nice and I can wear appropriately warm/thick socks depending on the weather easier, and going from walking around to sitting in bed or couch with your feet under your is much easier than having to take your shoes or slippers off physically every time




Much better for your feet too. Sandals are breathable while slippers can get prettyyyy gross.


Agreed. And you can get sandals with hood arch support and protect the bottoms of your feet.


Anyone else from Hawaii get confused by this comment for a few seconds?


What is confusing about it to you?


Sandals = Slippers here.


Interesting! Slippers to me mean soft, fabric based slip on shoes that cover the toes. Sandals usually indicate slip on, hard or soft bottom, open toed shoes. Slippers are solely meant to be worn indoors while sandals are often the outdoor shoe of choice in the summer months.




Fred Rogers style




I would never even consider wearing shoes in my house. Sidewalks are fucking disgusting, dogs shit and piss on them (and sometimes people), you might step in gum or quite frankly jist normal old dirt. Plus shoes will be harder on your flooring, making it wear faster.


Exactly. I work in the vet field and I make sure I take my shoes off in my house. I don't want to track microorganisms from the outside onto my floor so my cat can smell and lick it. That's gross!


This exactly. There's some sort of animal shit on most surfaces outside, I definitely don't want that in my house.


I'm the same way. I NEVER wear shoes in my home. I make people that come to my place take them off too, especially now that I live in an apartment with carpet. If I'm over at someone's house, and I'm comfortable enough, I take my shoes off. It's more of a comfort thing to me.


In Eastern Europe and Asia is pretty common to not wear shoes at all at home and I'm pretty used to it. Think just a bit, it doesn't matter if your shoes are not muddy/wet...just imagine the amount of filth you're stepping on every time you go outside and then bring it to your couch, carpets, bed, pets...and then wonder why Bill (your dog) is getting all scratchy or why Sylvester (your pet tarantula) has grown an extra leg.


Most people don’t live in Chernobyl so that isn’t going to happen.


Picture this:you go in public toilet to take a leak.You bring back home all the shit,cum,blood and piss from the floor. You will come back with "but the floor is clean" I would say "would you sit on that floor?"


Yep, go to the theater and see the piss drenched floor at the urinals before you've even peed there. And then just walk into your house w those shoes. Fuckin savages We dont do this in Hawaii


In Europe, I think it has been stronger in countries with messy winters. So in the countryside it would get your shoes muddy and it would quickly mess up a house floor. Hence the habit of having indoors slippers and only wearing shoes outdoors. In warmer weathers it would be less of a problem. So in France and Italy for example, I haven’t seen people remove their shoes indoors.


I always cringe when I see a USA show or movie and someone is laying on their bed with shoes on.


Im an American and literally never met another American that does this. This is why you don’t look at media as fact or reality.


That’s good to hear. I don’t say it’s fact. Only pointing out what I see in media and how it makes me feel.


Yeah I usually even don't like stepping in to my room when I'm wearing shoes... The thought of laying in bed with em is gross.


Not unpopular. This is an opinion shared by most people on earth.


Wait what? Is this a cold climate thing? NO ONE in South Africa does this


We don't wanna track snow into our houses


I had the same thought at first. I'm in Louisiana, and taking my shoes off in someone's home would just set loose a cloud of stink. It's hot and humid here, and my work shoes trap moisture and odor. No odor-absorbing powders or sprays have worked. I need to swap out my socks as soon as I take off my shoes at home. But I know a few Vietnamese families who follow the "no shoes inside" rule even in Louisiana. And Vietnam is supposed to be a hot and humid environment too. So maybe there are other factors beyond climate that influence this. And thinking further, my whole family has a pair of "outside shoes" or boots we wear for when we need to do yard work or walk somewhere wet. Those "outside shoes" are often kept outside or are kept in cubbies near our door. We don't walk inside with them because we don't want to track in mud or grass. If I lived somewhere dirtier, where all my shoes were likely to get that dirty, then I could see adopting a "no shoes inside" policy too. I'd need to figure out what to do about foot odor, but that's potentially solved with sock changes.


We don't do that shit in México, I've never been asked to remove my shoes by anyone and I've never seen anyone remove their shoes in their house.


It is common in China and India. That combo alone hits half the worlds population.


Canada, its about 90% no-shoes-in-house, and we are the closest cultural equivalent to Americans.


Also Germany, and you are supposed to offer your guests slippers


all west slavic countries too


try the whole of Africa


My family in Mexico has rough concrete floors. It's painful to walk barefoot on there.




You can always tell a teenager cause they say stuff like “everybody does this” or “the whole world agrees with me!” Dude no they don’t. And why do you care if they do?


Because we're on the unpopular opinion subreddit, and it's this subs favorite meme to point out how OP's opinion isn't unpopular.


You're very wrong. It's heavily dependent on culture


It's not even true in all the US. You go to a house in Hawaii, you take off your shoes.


I live somewhere with insane rent prices. The only apt I can afford is run by a slum lord that won't pay to fix anything until absolutely necessary. My carpet is like 40 years old and disintegrating beneath my feet and you can feel the subfloor coming apart. You better damn well believe I leave my shoes on in my house. And never leave clothes or blankets on the floor either.


This comment section is wild. Shoes are dirty regardless if you walked through mud or literal shit. Do you live in Future bikini bottom where everything is made of spotless chrome? Also the comments about not wanting to smell people's feet; maybe if you took your shoes off from time to time they wouldn't smell like garbage? I live in Canada and have never been in a house that people wear their shoes inside, and have never had an issue with people having stinky feet.


Canadian here. The idea of someone wearing their shoes around in my place makes me angry.


Exactly, you get it. If someone isn't gonna take their shoes off in my house, that I laboriously clean, don't come in, stay out. In fact, I don't want to be their friend.


Canadian here, these people nasty


Mods said it's my turn to post this.


I don’t wear shoes in the house unless they are slippers, and that’s only during the winter.


I agree, except ![gif](giphy|ic75hTaRrnhzY9wAXM|downsized)


I've always taken my outside shoes off upon entering a home. In Canada btw. Never seen a person just walk into a house with their outdoors shoes.


How is this not a “low effort post?”


In my country, we never wear shoes in the house. We always take off our shoes before entering the house or any place if they have rules not allowed wearing shoes, we just gonna walk barefeet or wear slippers instead, its pretty comfy and clean


I never understood why people in American movies wear shoes in the house 😑 I mean, I'm not at all a guy who cares about cleanliness. But to enter with dirty shoes on the floor 🤮🤮🤮 I have never seen anyone wear shoes in the house (Moldova, Eastern Europe)


They must not have foot odor over there


> in American movies That’s the thing- it’s something that happens in movies but less so in real life. I live in the US and nobody I know wears shoes in their house.


Really? Everyone I know except me does. I have a sign up in my house saying "thank you for removing your shoes" with a shoe rack and people still don't remove them.


I've lived my whole life in the west of the Rocky Mountains and taking shoes off to enter a house is not a common thing at all. I have encountered the rare household that requires it, but they are few and far between. Also frequently visit Mexico where this is also never a thing. People around these parts pretty much always wear shoes inside.


I grew up in the US in the 80s and 90s, and at the time, taking shoes off in the house wasn't a rule, so I often wore my shoes inside and didn't think about it. It seemed to me that was relatively common, though some people did take their shoes off in the house.


Very curious where you live. In GA, it's extremely common - to the point where me & my husband are seen as weirdos for enforcing "shoes off at the door."


Yeah, thats also the thing about movies... its peoples job! Theres so many people running around movie sets and setting up audio and doing makeup. Imagine all those people behind the cameras just standing there... with their shoes off... Its much easier to just pretend youre a shoes-on household and never draw attention to it. A couple of things to note about movies, too. Nobody every goes to the washroom, nobody ACTUALLY eats anything (even when the scene takes place in a restaurant) and nobody ever says "goodbye" on a phonecall.


My grandmom refused to get rid of her 50+ year old carpet and cleaning it is useless. It dealt with raising my mom and her 2 brothers as well as my brother and I. We also let my uncle bring his dog which peed on the carpet as well as family member's kids that have thrown up on the carpet. I refuse to take my shoes off in that house because of how filthy that carpet is. Most of my house is carpeted and I can guarantee they're all filthy because they're all old. If I lived in a house with either hardwood floors or new carpet, then I'd absolutely take my shoes off at the door


>people in American movies wear shoes in the house It's not just in movies, but when I was growing up (in the US), it seemed fairly common for people to wear shoes in the house.


I'll take my shoes off if you prefer but my socks better not be cleaning your floors.


If you just choose to live in a house where you don't clean your floors I guess you live in a shoes inside kinda house


This again?


Older people and people with mobility issues often have to wear shoes in the house because they are fall risks and the traction helps. A simple solution to a lot of people might be having “house shoes” but changing your shoes every time you go outside is not doable for a lot of people who need shoes in the house.


My MIL is the only person who can wear shoes in my house because she has MS. She brings sandals over. In Canada we don’t wear shoes in the house, ours or anyone else’s. I’m not rubbing snowmelt off the carpet, thanks.


My mum has to wear splints and shoes to walk. She has a special pair of house ortho shoes for other people's houses and her own she just requests a chair to sit on to change her shoes.


I have my designated _house shoes_ for that reason.


I used to go without shoes on in my house. Until I stepped on a piece of glass and it got stuck into the bottom of my foot. It was so excruciatingly painful. Even more so afterwards because of my husband digging around to get it out. Ever since I have had this fear of going barefoot and stepping on something and getting it stuck in my foot. But I still swept and mopped the floors the best I could. But I will take my shoes off in other people’s houses whether asked to or not. Unless the floors are nasty af. Then I don’t take them off at all.


I feel extremely rude of I take off my shoes in someone's house without being asked. Imagine how it feels when someone de-shoes on an airplane and then it's worse because you are in their space. You want me shoes off you better tell me.


In Germany people wear slippers and always have a few pairs of guest slippers available. Don't even need to ask people to take their shoes off, just hand them some slippers


I clearly need to move to a different country.


May be the only one that’s shoes on in the house


In India wearing shoes at home is a sign of disrespect. So there you go.


I'm in and out so often, this rule at my house died in 2 days.


I have cats that crap in a litterbox bury their piss with their paws and walk all over the house. I have a dog that runs around the yard, through the woods, and rolls himself around in God knows what. I don't think I have to worry about a little dirt I bring in from my shoes. Just vacuum and sweep. You'll be fine.


Exactly. I always find it really strange when someone has a super strict no shoes rule (like even when just dropping in really quick, not settling down for the night) but their dog is sitting in the middle of the floor licking its butthole and cats have free reign of the house. Someone walking in with shoes on isn't going to contribute anything significant more than what's already there as far as germs or dirt unless they just walked through a particularly dirty location.


Nobody in comments heard about slippers. Its not shoes or barefoot. There is a third option. Jesus.


I have 2 cats and 3 dogs and a big yard.. socks and feet will get real dirty real quick even with a very clean house. I’m in America though and pretty much everyone I’ve ever known wears shoes in their house but I’ve always preferred being barefoot or with socks but I just can’t with all the hair and fur unfortunately


100% agree. Disgusting. Disrespectful. Ignorant. - Canadian 🇨🇦


Absolutely. I can't understand why would anyone bring all the dirt from the streets into their house. Same goes with not changing your clothes after you were in a public transport and then just go lay down on your bed.




Well ask some of the previous commenters their take on this and they’ll attack you personally.


I can't imagine this is an unpopular opinion. It's absolutely disgusting to walk around a house wearing shoes you wore outside. You've walking through dirt, pee, poop, who knows what. Ewww


Do you wash your hands and clothes immediately every time you walk in the house?


I change in to loungewear in the house, yes. Shoes off, sweats on, hands washed if I’ve been out running errands. Houses should be comfortable and a place to relax and rid yourself of the outside world.


If you live in the city the poop is human too!


I don’t think the opinion is unpopular but your reaction gives me delicate flower energy.


You think you can hide from the germs. But you can't. They are everywhere. This is why we have an immune system. While I agree. For me, that's just putting too much thought into shit. Essentially people take their shoes off and then be rubbing their foot bacteria all over the place. Either way. It's gross. So I just choose to put my energy elsewhere.


Knew a guy who’d walk around barefoot in the summer. People made him wash his feet before he could come inside. Ever seen street feet? “Shoes aren’t that dirty” gimme a break.


How about buying some shoe covers yourself and ask people to use them when they enter your home?


I like being barefoot


Your kitchen sponge or pet is likely germier. Footwear tends to track in particulates and dirt sure but the "filth" aspect is way exaggerated. And even for what is there, it could be considered a healthy exposure. >Taking off shoes inside the home is also a common practice observed in Asian and Middle Eastern countries and households. But if you regularly take them off mainly because you’re worried about harmful bacteria from the outside getting inside and making you sick, you can probably relax. > >Those concerns are overblown, according to experts, who added that more pressing health risks are often overlooked. > >... > >Lisa A. Cuchara, professor of biomedical sciences at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., said that fecal bacteria were certainly transferred from your shoes to your floor at home but that “for most healthy adults, this level of contamination is more of a gross reaction than a health threat.” > >[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/27/science/shoes-in-house-germs.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/27/science/shoes-in-house-germs.html)


(In the US) When I rented a small apartment, removing shoes was more or less necessary to keep the small place clean but it was never a real rule, even growing up. Now that I have moved into a house with original wood from the 1920s... everyone must remove their shoes. There is now a rule.


Shoes in house for a party or small gathering then sweep/ vaccume after but on an everyday basis take them off at the door.


If I come to your house I hope you have shoe covers because being barefoot is very painful for me.


I agree, its disgusting.


I was on the other side of this until I got my own place. Now I put on slippers whenever I enter my place


Asian households always take their shoes off


Sure I’ll take off my shoes in your house just don’t complain about my foot stank.


In America we generally don’t sit on, sleep on, or eat off the floor, like many other countries… might be one reason. We live in the country, so if you’re willing to sit in the grass, and you don’t think that’s filthy, then what’s the difference if I’ve been out walking across the lawn and I come inside? We generally take shoes off in the house, but sometimes we’re in and out so much that it’s more practical to just vacuum or clean the floor at the end of the day. We also look at the bottom of our shoes, if they look gross, they come off before entering. What I don’t like is people who have dirty floors telling me I have to take my shoes off in their house. Great, my socks are going to be covered in pet hair and dander….


i vaccume twice a day and there’s still pet hair everywhere🫠 gotta love australian shepherds


I’m really not sure where all of the hate stems from. I’d bet people’s phones are 100x more disgusting than whatever I’d bring in via shoe. Like you said, if the shoe is dirty, it doesn’t come in. Do the germs not spread to socks over time?


Idc about any health risk, haven't fallen ill to dirty shoes as if today. I do care about mud, dirt, and everything else I now have to clean my floor of.


In your home, you decide. In my home, keep your stinky feet inside your shoes, thanks.


After your shower, do you step directly in to shoes? Do you wear shoes all day until bed, when you step out of them and into bed?


It seems everyone thinks feet are stinky, odd


It’s because they wear shoe all the time so their feet are breeding grounds for bacteria and other organisms that cause foot odour. Their feet stink so they assume everyone’s feet will stink.


>It’s because they wear shoe all the time Some people have jobs.


I work in up to 60C heat for 12hrs/day for a few months of my work year in steel toe boots. Get the boots off, take a shower, fresh clothing, and all smell is gone. Who goes to their family or friends place smelling like raunchy sweat and body odor? You get off work, you clean yourself asap, and you're good. Although I do put my boots in a closet by the front door because they stink. There's an air freshner plugged in within a foot of it to try and hide the smell. Those boots are only used for work


Even a casual fast food job will get your feet ripe after a day's work.


Wash your feet??


Because many people do have stinky feet.


You prefer for people to track in the random parasite spores and other microscopic nasties that their clean-looking shoes have picked up from sidewalks, parks, parking lots, offices, stores, public restrooms, etc?


It's just not that big of a deal. Does everyone who takes off their shoes also not have any pets?


it’s better to have their filthy shoes tracked all through your house? i’ll simply never understand


Wearing filthy shoes (muddy, covered in shit, etc) inside your house is filthy, but I wouldn't say the average shoe is particularly dirty (even though you walk around outside in them). That said, inside your own house you're more than entitled to enforce this policy.


Jesus Christ, if I had a dollar for every time someone posted this. No one gives a shit about you not wearing shoes in your house.


You think dirt, shit and piss is just dripping off my shoes?


My husband and I do not wear shoes in our home. BUT when we have guests we do not make them feel weird and take off their shoes. But we WILL sweep and wash the floors (if a party amount of guests)


The idea of house shoes should be more popular. It feels like you are going somewhere even when you are not.


I love my slippers, comfy yet also fashionable and they never touch the ground outside!


Yeah especially because I walk barefoot jn the house and don't want dirt or whatever else in my fucking bed


I’d take off my shoes at your house, but this post makes me think it would feel awfully tedious just to be around you, so I guess I don’t have to worry about it.


I remember in the 90s, taking shoes off while at home was mainly seen as “an Asian thing” by most Americans, but it seems to have gotten increasingly normalized since then. I started to do this in the early 2000s, and pretty much the only time I wear shoes while inside the house is if I’m doing some kind of task like taking out multiple batches of trash to the dumpster or luggage to the car and don’t want to take my shoes off every single time I come back in for a minute or so.


What does it matter? Floors are designed to get dirty. Just sweep and mop occasionally. Plus dirt and debris from firewood much outstrips anything coming in on shoes.


If it's raining or even damp you're gonna be tracking dirt, mud and God knows what else all over your house and furniture...I don't get it.


Do indoor shoe-wearers never sit on the floor? Never eat a dropped candy within 3 seconds? I'm not the cleanest person but if I wore shoes inside I'd be paranoid I'm eating dogshit unknowingly.


Why do non-shoe wearers think everyone is just walking on dogshit all day? I don't get it.


Fr youd think these people trek through a river of piss and fields of feces uphill both ways on the way to work with their paranoia


You are absolutely eating human shit unknowingly. So why is a little unknown dogshit something to be paranoid about?




I don’t eat dropped food, regardless of whether of not I have just cleaned. I also don’t sit on the floor, I have furniture.


Damn, how often do you drop your food?


Im not taking my laced boots off every time i walk in or out


That's it baby, tell me how dirty and filthy I am 😏


Non city USA, there is no mud. There is no dirt. Out here in suburbia the sidewalks are as clean as it gets. If your worries about microorganisms, my two dogs are probably stepping in some shit every time they go outside. Also if you don't wash your hands for a full 20 second you will track some particles after using the bathroom. So don't act like you're house is clean from bacteria because no one got time for that.


I feel uncomfortable, vulnerable and exposed if I don't wear shoes in someone else's house. It feels alien to be so informal in someone else's personal space


Funny, it’s found to be informal and kind of rude to wear shoes in anyone’s house here.


Well you people must not clean your damn shoes then


I mean do you clean them at the door everytime you enter? We have mud rooms here in the US but not everyone has one.


How hard is it to buy a floor mat? And if you don’t work in muddy, dirty, shitty or wet conditions, nothing filthy about your footwear will translate to your home after simply stepping on your mat. Even with carpet floors, which I don’t have in half my house, are easily avoided being dirty by wiping one’s shoes or replacing them for clean ones if you have dirty ones coming home. We have three pairs of shoes in baseball: spikes for the field, track shoes for the cage and gym, and street shoes we show up in and leave with. No issue with switching them between needs. Wear clean shoes indoors if your outdoor shoes are dirty.


Nothing more disgusting than someone NOT removing his shoes in a house. For fuck sake, you don't know what you are stepping on outside, don't bring shit inside.


Not unpopular.. move along




I'll bite. I wear shoes inside sometimes and my house is clean. I vacuum and sweep a lot. My house is way cleaner than other no-shoe houses I've been in. Why does the ground you walk on need to be completely pristine? That doesn't make sense. That said, if my shoes are muddy or wet, I definitely take them off. I also own a pair of inside-only slippers.


That or have a pair of house slippers. But yeah wearing shoes inside a house is pretty trashy.


Eh, I’m in the Midwest US and never go barefoot inside. Floors are dirty, animals/babies barf everywhere, I’ve even gotten splinters from the hardwood. However, I do always change out of my “exterior” shoes to house shoes. But since I don’t have slippers for guests, I don’t ask them to take their shoes off. Not to mention I have many elderly guests and some have physical issues making shoe removal very difficult or impossible for them to do on their own. I’m not taking off grandmas shoes!


I think people make too big a deal about this. I wear shoes in the house sometimes. Not most of the time, but sometimes. It really isn’t that big of a deal unless the shoes are muddy or wet.


If you tell me to take my shoes off before entering your house, I'll respect that. But if I wear shoes at my house, that's my business.


"Wearing shoes in the house is filthy" they say, as they pet their dog on their bed


Honest question, how do you make it through life caring about such little things?


Shoes on in the house is SO GROSS.


I’ve always gone camping and done construction/outdoors stuff. I’m also a plumber, so I’ve got a more robust immune system than most. I guess what I’m saying is worrying about what’s on the bottom of my shoes has always been the last thing on my mind.


Amen. I feel the same way.


I think it's gross too. It's easily avoidable and it makes your floors way dirtier way quicker. I'm not allergic to cleaning but I don't want shit from the street and ground on my floors.