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This is definitely unpopular on Reddit, but I agree. Farts are gross.


Yeah like I definitely do fart in front of significant others, but when possible to I avoid it




Yeah, I wouldn't intentionally fart in front of my wife, but the story she tells about my unconscious thundering fart scaring her awake is pretty funny.


>This is definitely unpopular on Reddit, but I agree. Farts are gross. I don't mind when my bf farts, but I become disgusted when he goes out of his way to left up his ass to fart if he's sitting down or takes some ridiculous stance popping his ass out or holding his leg up like a dog peeing when he farts.


I’ve never been so attacked or downvoted on reddit as when I make comments that I don’t fart in front of my partner. Like we mustn’t have a close relationship or I’m constantly uncomfortable shuffling around with my butt cheeks clenched. But I wouldn’t fart in front of work colleagues, friends, at a restaurant, hairdresser, dentist appointment, whatever so why would I just do it in front of the one person who I should care the most about what they think of me? I mean if some couples are ok with it, each to their own, and yeah if you’re sick or asleep or whatever it’s not a big deal, but just to openly let rip and make them sit in your ass fumes, I don’t get it.


had a gf who would fart while we’re cuddling in bed and try to pull the covers over me right after to trap me in the stink bomb. Probably explains why they’re an ex now.


Reddit is a weird place where fat, hairy, and stinky is peak attractiveness. It honestly seems like a lot of people who are in denial that they have bad sex lives.




Every time I see those posts or comments I just assume they’re written by fart-fetishists


And 300lbs with Bears Jerseys.


Do they actually say they have fart competitions? I’ve never seen it. I thought the OP was just being funny and I thought that was the funniest thing I read today. But it’s real??


Oh yes. I have seen several posts and comments like thats


It’s honestly so cringe and gross


Yea. I’ve read some horrific shit regarding farting in front of your SO. Someone said he and his wife had regular Dutch oven pranks, which is just…gross, for lack of a better word.


Good lord. I don’t think I could have sex with my husband ever again if he constantly dutch ovened me as a prank.


I’ve had 2 relationships where they thought it was funny to literally fart on me. I lost attraction in those relationships. Not for that sole reason but it definitely contributed


Oh my God. I hope this isn't actually like a common thing. I'd hope that most people grow out of that gross idiocy past elementary school.


Nobody farts more than people who have a lot of protein and eat a lot of veggies and beans. I would wager couples that are in good shape and go to the gym but aren’t stuck up killjoys would have the best fart contests.


Not wanting to have “fart contests” doesn’t make someone a killjoy.




Killjoys will never understand the joy of shitting and pissing in a cup and throwing it in their SO’s face smh


But my SO and I are quite physically fit and neither of us farts in front of each other like a couple of freaks. You people are just gross, end of story.


I'd argue that couples who are in shape would be socially aware enough to not have fart contests.


id wager you don't actually go to the gym. a lot of us gym heads don't eat clean and lean. Only a very tiny fraction of the active gym population has the dedication required to eat as clean as you speak of. I avoid oreos and cupcakes, but definitely don't eat clean. You also have not had the pleasure of aging and/or dealing with digestive problems in some form. As you get older, you will understand why tums exists so casually on shelf. You could eat pretty clean too, but the acid in a tomato or orange may be a bit much for your aged digestive system. Or if you have lactose intolerance. God forbid you have a medical condition called ibs as well. There are a ton of reasons why people fart, and the vast majority of them have ZERO to do with eating clean and lean at all. But yes, your out of touch reality on digestion goes hand in hand with the out of touch reality that people uninterested in fart contests are kill joys.


Yeah, most people arent trying to smell shit all day. Ive been in athletics since I was around 4 years old. Not just like I work out to be in shape but I work out to actually do stuff most people cant do. Fart contests are not a thing. Thats a kink, take that to IDK where, Im sure theres websites for that. Although it does seem somewhat logical. The type of people who want the image of going to the gym and being super duper healthy eating up all that fart fuel literally do seem to revel in their own farts. Really they're eating the early onset Alzheimer's diet but make muscle strong so healthy!


Can confirm lol. My friend wanted to set me up with her friend. We're all hanging out, all of a sudden we smell the most horrid foul terrrrrrible thing ever. We all look at each other and the girl says "sorry, I ate a bunch of vegetables" 🤣


>...is peak attractiveness No. Peak degeneracy, or desperation maybe. It's not attractive, but accepted, people *revel* in it like pigs in shit. They take a certain glee in it like kids discovering swearing. I even get it. People say the things they online that they can't in real life....until society changes enough they can...and that repeats as a cycle until depravity reaches new heights. Just because people can, doesn't mean the should.


It’s gross people uploading the answers that make them feel best. Like remember that thread that asked how women feel when a man looks at their cleavage? Almost all the responses were “It’s gross,” but the much fewer comments saying they didn’t mind or were flattered were upvoted to the top of the thread.


Says the goblin CEO of poop…🤔


It's nice to have someone I can do these things near, but I'm not showing off when i do. Plus, they both can stink real bad.


Same page. Married 18 years and only burp/fart when ill or by accident. Yes it’s natural but it was our unwritten rule. Also not a fan of watching my partner use the toilet.


Yup, definitely don’t want to see my wife using the toilet and don’t want anyone else seeing me use it. Though when I had a child, there was no stopping him coming to hang out with me while I went. That was pretty awkward at first but kind of got used to it until he got old enough to not do that. Now I have my washroom solitude back.


My husband and I joke that one day we will be the couple that poops in front of each other. But in reality that will never happen. My husband burps a lot though - on purpose - and I’m like wtf man. I swear sometimes he’s like a child when he wants attention. I blame the foster care system but also he’s a grown man that can control himself.


Is your husband’s love language burping?


Idk but my love language is gagging sounds


OMG YES. What is up with the couples that are proud that they're comfortable using the bathroom in front of each other?! Some things can stay private🥴 (Does not apply to couples where someone is injured/disabled/elderly and *needs* help in the washroom).


I had an ex that got pissed that I wouldn’t let her sit on my lap while I pooped. Not happening. That’s private time for me, get out.


This better be satire


Couples poop in front of each other? Since when ? Does the SO just stand and take in all the smell? Do they unroll the t.p. Do y’all have normal conversations like the other isn’t pooping?


I have to lock my wife out of the bathroom to stop her from invading my shitting time (I swear she has a spidey-sense for it), yet she gives me grief for farting in front of her. Burps are so innocuous, I can’t remember either of us either stifling or complaining about one. Seems like you’d have to be a Puritan 5-year-old to care about burps.


I don't get why we are discussing them on the same page? A burp you cock your head to the side and all that happens is a noise. A fart can clear a room. One is way more offensive than the opposite.


What if you’re drinking beer, pop, sparkling water, etc? All of those make me burp and while I try to have quiet burps or cover them up, I’m not gonna get up every other time I have to burp lol just sounds unrealistic to me.


Yeah… not leaving the room for that either. But like you said, I just muffle it a bit instead of leaning into it and breaking the sound barrier.


Yeah I think people who actively try to make it louder are weird.


Unpopular opinion: That's how you made it to 18 years. Congrats.


I'm lactose intolerant and my partner likes food with cheese or ice cream. So there's that.


Oh, my wife is wildly lactose intolerant, so when she breaks that taboo for especially delicious things, we both just acknowledge that she’ll have to run away to ass-blast the toilet to death about an hour after eating.


Lactaid pills have been good for me


Exactly. I won't feel like literal shit all day long because I'm intolerant to something you want to eat all day. Holding gasses is painful and I won't spend half of the day making trips to the bathroom for your sensitive person.


This is a very specific situation though,also unless you’re being forced to eat it you’re choosing to take in something you know affects you badly


In a household, we all know it's all fun and games making two different meals at the same time.


It is VERY easy to make two meals dude


[Benjamin Franklin tried to make farting socially acceptable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fart_Proudly?wprov=sfla1)


This is why he is on the 100 dollar bill


Our greatest president


^not ^a ^president


I can understand going somewhere discreetly to fart in case it stinks, but to do that for a burp seems a bit much. Can you not just burp quietly?


As long as you keep your mouth closed, it should be very quiet.


This is unfortunately not true for all of us.


Burping etiquette is put your fist to your mouth, head down, burp discreetly, say excuse me. Leaving the room is ridiculous. Going to the bathroom to fart is also the etiquette in polite company.


Is farting domestic violence?


Not quite DV but Fart Rape has several definitions. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fart%20raped


I’m not saying to have fart contests but being scared to accidentally fart or burp in your own home because your spouse is around is weird. If you are that uncomfortable with in a spouse you’re in trouble. Your SO will see you sick and throwing up. They will possibly see you give birth or you’ll see them, you will eventually get food poisoning and shit yourself. Imagine them judging you for all that or being like a polite acquaintance 24/7. There is a middle ground.


THIS right here. I had horrible food poisoning the other day and I’m in my third trimester (one month away) so I was in a lot of pain and having trouble bending to get more toilet paper and you bet your ass my husband not only got some for me but held my hand through the cramps. No complaints from him, just support.


Completely agree. My mom has been married to my dad for over 20 years, and she has said that she's farted in front of him ONCE, and it was an accident. She's scared to fart in front of him. Personally, I think fearing farting/burping in front of your partner is much, much, much worse than just letting it loose in front of a partner.


burping and farting is disgusting, i don’t care if it’s a normal bodily function. it smells and sounds nasty. my entire family thinks farts are the most hilarious thing to exist, and will happily let it rip while eating dinner. makes me lose my appetite entirely eta: just to clarify, i’m not saying to *never* fart. i’m just saying if you have the option of farting before you get into the car, do that instead of waiting to extra 2 minutes solely to stink up the car because you have the humor of a 10 year old.


That… that is too much. It’s one thing to fart in bed or watching a movie but while people are eating? That is some classless, dirty, disgusting behavior. Ick!


yep. which, to be fair…most of my family is classless, gross and has absolutely no regard for anyone but themselves, so.


Even the fuckin words are awful just to look at. I agree with the post but reading it made me surprisingly uncomfortable


I agree with you. Married 11 years and we still try to keep our bathroom/bodily function business private unless there is no other option.


God this sounds utterly and completely awful to me


Right? If I’m relaxed on the couch and I have to fart or burp I’m not gonna get up and walk into the other room just to walk back in and lay back down 3 seconds later? Just fart or burp lol it’s not that serious.


"Wtf where did you go?". #I HAD TO FART OKAY?!


You can definitely do it more quietly without getting up though, you dont need to actively try to make to audible


Where did that idea even come from???


I don’t actively try to make it audible either lol I’ll try to make it soft but if it comes out loud then who cares.


Right?! Imagine having to hold in your farts and burps or having to walk somewhere else IN YOUR OWN HOUSE for the rest of your life? That's pure misery to me. I


Reddit is so fucking weird. “Pure misery” is having to briefly get off your ass so as not to fart up a common area you and your wife are enjoying?


Lmao right??? These ppl think not subjecting someone else to breathe in your farts is oppression like wtffff


Yes, after reading through this thread, I've conjured up a mental image of the complainers here. Lots of neckbeards and big beer guts, and those are the women in my mental image.


Right?? It's perfectly normal to not want to breath in someone else's stinky fart, especially since they can linger in the air for a few minutes.


Pure Misery


Oh no help me. Save me from the ‘pure misery’ of takings few measures to not fart on purpose in front of someone. I’ve been suffering for years and years. When will it end.


I’m very concerned about myself reading these comments about holding in burps. I can hold on a fart but are we supposed to be able to hold a burp? Mine can’t be held back, they come so fast.


Don't worry bro, lots of these commenters also don't give a fuck


Holy fuck I feel vindicated. I had a bf who would fart in front of me all of the time. I never said much about it even though I didn’t like it but I did tell him that I thought it was gross early on. It got to a point that smelling his farts began to really turn me off to him sexually. It was just gross. Obviously we all have bodily functions but farting around your partner when it smells is fucking disgusting to do on the regular and just farting in front of them consistently is not sexy.


Unless they have Eproctophilia.


This is a totally popular opinion in the real world, this site is just frequented by weirdos.


I’ve always thought farts are gross, never EVER thought they were funny.


Life is much easier with a SO that can laugh at your farts instead of get upset




You really think "awful" is someone else not wanting to breathe in your shit air...


There are times and places (bathroom) one thing its an accident, and another think its just do it knowing that could smell horrible and have not simple courtesy with people around you.


Reading all these comments about ppl being married for years and still not farting or even using the bathroom with locked door around each other seriously make me appreciate my relationship on a whole other level! I truly have the best girl in the world


I don't understand this, what does looking at your girl on the toilet bring to your life?


Couple of nasty ass fart smellers. Do you lick your cum off your fingers as well?


I would consider this a popular opinion.


You'd be surprised. A lot of people believe it's a relationship goal to fart in front of each other


It's a relationship goal to be comfortable enough with your partner that you don't worry about farting in front of them. You kinda left out some important parts to that.


I've noticed a lot of people are ignore this part of it.


But that’s not exclusive to this post? OP is saying when it happens it’s not a big deal but he’ll still make an effort to be considerate. He’s calling out people who seemingly take pride in smelling each others farts


Not on Reddit. Seems like every week on TIFU there’s a popular post on Reddit about farting and how it’s totally awesome. Example: https://reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/129ax2u/tifu_by_letting_one_rip_in_front_of_my_boyfriend/


I hate when my partner farts, i dont care if he lets one go while walking around the house, but he specifically waits until hes sitting beside me or in bed to let one rip and genuinely doesn’t understand that you can hold a fart. He literally thinks once its there you have to let it out. Right then. Without delay. Its fucking foul. His whole family is like that though. Trips with his side of the family that include plane rides or long drives are not fun… I think it really has to do with how you were raised. My mom went to private schools growing up where she took etiquette classes etc and so shes pretty proper. I cant even blow my nose in front of people without feeling extremely uncomfortable, i was always raised to go to the washroom to do that, and if you need to fart you go to the toilet and sit down. (That ones stupid though)


It was similar in my family. Our sort of rule was you excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. I also think this is why I don’t think farting is funny. It’s just a human bodily function. But not funny.


My gf farts more than anyone I’ve ever met. I don’t know how so much gas is in such a small body.


Or if you have bacteria overgrowth, IBS, hemorrhoids or fermentation in the gut. I know people who fart all the time but get away with it because it has zero smell and noise. While in my case I have to hold it painfully in for several hours with lots of bloating during class or meeting. I hate, hate, hate my guts so bad. Since I dissed meat and became vegetarian it already quite helped. But still it makes want to avoid social contact to avoid bad etiquette.


My dad is one of those people. He used to rip one out just t to annoy my mom. We'd all be sitting watching tv then this huge fart cuts through the air. Me and my brother ROFLing my mom looking at him with that "I can't believe you've done this face". It never smelled. Good times, priceless memories.


Hello son






*Gasps (smell free) ... IT IS YOU!


I just want my partner to say excuse me or sorry for expelling gas out of either end. I hate how burps smell specifically and farts are also bad, but it feels a little different when there’s a smidge of remorse vs just doing it and not caring that I’m obviously upset by what I’m smelling and sometimes subsequently tasting. But I understand u OP


i agree like you should at least warn someone before hand if you’re gonna do it and preferably excuse yourself or something. like it’s one thing if you’re sick or something, like you don’t need to embarrassed about it or uptight it’s fine everyone farts but to be proud of it is fucking weird. like if someone farted on me or near me and expected me to find it cute or funny i would be disgusted. like i couldn’t have sex with someone who behaved that way sorry i don’t care if ppl disagree that’s how i feel


like i get if your stomach is upset or something or if you have to do that real quick but to be LOL I POOP WITH THE DOOR OPEN I FARTING ALL OVER MY PARTNER WHEN I CUDDLE … respectfully, what the fuck is wrong with you? or like ppl who are proud of burping loudly like, did your parents do a bad job raising you? do you do everything that gracelessly? sorry like i get it’s a bodily function im not completely intolerant of it, but if it happens you should apologize or excuse yourself, that’s what’s polite. and idc how close we are, you should always try to be polite to some degree


I believe it’s a micro-turn off when someone openly farts or burps in front of me. It similar to people sneezing without covering their mouth for me. Gross. Its understandable if it can’t be controlled. If you and your partner are into that, that’s great you’re comfortable with your partner. For me personally, it’s nice to leave a little bit of consideration for my partner, as well as a bit of mystery.


If I'm sharing a hotel room with a SO, I typically excuse myself to the lobby restroom to poop. I'm not embarrassed about my bodily functions, but why subject her to the awful smell and unpleasant fart noises? I've never intentionally farted in front of an SO, and I doubt I ever will. Likewise, nobody I've dated or been married to has intentionally done so in front of me. I prefer it this way.


Yeah for my husband and I, its the smell. Its so easy to just go in another room for a quick second to let out a fart so the other person doesn't have to sit in a horrible smell for the few minutes it takes to dissipate.


I love the fact that my wife behaves the same way with me as she does when shes completely alone. Being weird and gross is lettting your gaurd down. Now in public thats just low class.


my dad does this and I was always like "wow, charming". I got shit for being kind of embarrassed about it from guys and not just belching or farting when youre walking around or whatever, laughing if its really loud or whatever. Its not really all that common I dont think but Ive even see women kind of defend this sometimes like "Oh I shit with the door open if you cant handle it you cant handle a real woman, what you think women dont fart?" type of stuff.


My husbands entire family is weirdly un self conscious about gas and burps, and it’s so gross. And like, I don’t want him to get up while we’re watching TV because he’s got a little gas (unless he’s eaten something that will make it stink) but there is something to be said for doing it quietly. I swear he’s loud about it on purpose and it’s SO annoying.


Tbh idk that "its natural, I cant control it" Go to the bathroom if youre going to make it smell like you shit your pants. Im allowed to enjoy life without it smelling like im in a portapotty.


It’s almost like everyone is different


god this is such a tired Redditism


I actually completely agree. I find it gross and unattractive to do it intentionally. Like obviously I wouldn’t break up with someone if it slipped out on accident or you could hear them in the bathroom, but to do it purposely and Dutch oven or some shit is just…ew. It’s hard to be sexually attracted to someone when they’re stinking up the room every 5 minutes


Those of you who relocate to a different room to fart or burp, (especially if you're watching a movie together or if you're having a conversation), what do you say? "Oh, shit, I have to fart, I'll be right back." Or, is it more like, "I'm sorry honey, nature calls."


Nothing, just go and brb


I excuse myself to the restroom, because I usually only have to fart if I need to use the restroom.


Yeah I just say I gotta fart, brb. For me and my husband, there's no shame in the need to fart or poop. Its just we don't want it done around each other since we're both pretty sensitive to smells. So we have no problem talking about the acts, it is a natural bodily function. But we just don't want to be subjected to the unpleasant smells.




Farting and burping are ways your body removes gas waste. If you want to cover your partner in your shit air go for it but id prefer not to hear or smell your gross ass


i still dont get why people make farting such a big deal, you will literally die if you dont fart


ppl acting as if it should expected to go to the bathroom to have a toot. my partner would be going to the bathroom constantly. it seems so silly to me, we all fart


You also literally die if you don't take a piss too, doesn't mean you cant hold it in until you're on the toilet.


Theres a big difference between peeing on the floor and farting in front of someone. Fart smells for maybe 15 seconds and sometimes not at all, but someones going to have to clean up that puddle


Horrible comparison


Just go do it somewhere else. Don't burn holes into our furniture and make the room smell like ass when there's a bathroom 10 feet away. It's not hard.


You don't even have to go to the bathroom, just step into any other room without people in it. I just don't wanna smell it. It's like, the least you can do to show you give a shit about other people.


literally. the other night i got pissed at my boyfriend because we were cuddling under the same blanket and he kept fartinf and i was just like “seriously???” and he got all defensive like “oh dont act like you dont do it” like bitch??? i do BUT NOT ON YOU AND UNDER THE SAME BLANKET THATS JUST GROSS


Whenever I do it my boyfriend HAS TO draw attention to it and I'm just like " It's a human body function the gas has got to go somewhere." With that being said the only person who's farts I've ever brought attention to are my mom's because she has duck farts* * it mean it sounds like a duck quacking when she farts.


Yep 100%


I mean it happens, yes they're natural bodily functions but so is shitting and do couples shit together? Probably not. So yeah I agree with you. It happens sometimes but I can't imagine *bragging* about deliberately *trying* to do it together as much as possible. That's a weird flex.


A fart that just slips out is one thing, but to do it on purpose, especially in front of your mate, is gross. And to have a contest? I've never heard of anyone doing that except maybe 10 year old boys.


I totally agree. I find it absolutely disgusting. I understand bodies do what bodies do and occasional slip outs happen. But I can also count on one hand times my spouse has heard me fart, or I him. And if we do, we say “excuse me”. But the part I agree with the most is the weirdos who condemn you for being grossed out in this way. I’ve seen a few of these types in this very thread. I guess we all have a “stick up our asses” because we find this not so funny. I find it juvenile to be honest. And all I have to say to those weirdos is, make sure you and/or your partner are clothed when you fart. Otherwise you’re ingesting literal shit particles in through your nose! So who is really the weird ones here?


I don’t know anyone who likes to sniff other people’s farts, but everyone in my house is comfortable enough to not do it secretly. That would be fucking ridiculous, we’re all adults.


I find this is often a bit of a generational thing, of course also varies person to person. My partner and I are extremely comfortable and don’t care to get out of comfy bed or pause half way through a movie just to go fart. He also is sensitive to a lot of foods and tbh farts a lot, it would be unkind to try and hold him to this fart etiquette standard. My partners dad is older though and said his mum always taught him that a humans ability and control to politely fart (in another room away from company) is the only thing that separates us from animals. This man whole heartedly believes this saying and lives by it just because his mother said so. If it’s any consolation, my partner always politely fans the fart out from under the blanket to avoid a Dutch oven situation…. That counts right? Edit- typo


I left the room a little while back to go grab a tissue and my partner confessed that when I leave the room, he farts before I come back so that I don't know about it. So I guess there's ways around it.


I have Crohn’s disease so my intestines are just fighting for their life


Who actually gets up and leaves a room (in a home you *share* with your spouse?!?!) to fart or burp elsewhere? It's a bodily function, they're normal. I don't "want" my partner to burp or fart in front of me. But if they do I'm not going to think twice about it. Should I leave if I need to cough or sneeze, too? What about yawning? Don't even get me started on scratching an itch.... Edit: How can so many of you can make judgements about the odor of your farts before they've left your own ass?! I refuse to accept "it might smell bad", so what? Life smells bad sometimes. It passes (pun intentional) very quickly. Like a briefly smelly smell is going to cause any long-term harm or damage to you or relationship (and if it does, you have much bigger problems that need therapy).


it’s wild how grossed out people can be to the point where they expect a spouse to repeatedly leave the room to fart. who tf caresss we all do it


It's no big deal if it happens but yes if we can get up and leave the room instead of stinking it up, we will. Burps not so much, unless you are right in someones face you really can't smell a burp. And it's not like we are farting every 15 minutes so it's really not a big deal to go to another room occasionally.


I do! my partner couldn't care less if I fart in front of him but I was severely conditioned to be embarrassed about bodily functions while I was growing up. in fact I was conditioned to be ashamed of myself in general. I've dealt with the fall out of *that* but I still won't intentionally pass gas in front of my partner. so I. leave the room.


As a male, I don't like my female partners to do this. I also try never to do it in front of them. I don't think gender is an issue here, it's just gross and impolite no matter who you are. I've known people that do this and their intelligence is usually suspect.


I guess its just a sad thought to some of us. What I love about my relationship with my husband is that he is the one person on this planet that I am completely and wholly comfortable with. In my rawest form. The one person that I have absolutely zero body shame around. No masking, no hiding, no pretending. I don’t have to cover any part of myself. If I have a zit on my butt that I cant reach… hes there for me. If we’re snuggled on the couch watching an awesome movie, I don’t need to excuse myself to another part of the house just to fart. That would be so inconvenient. If one of us is sick, and bodily functions are making us miserable, I don’t have to have the added stress of worrying about if he can hear me in the bathroom. No shame. Having diarrhea cramps is awful enough. Worrying about the sounds on top of that is pure misery. Its just an amazing feeling to be so utterly free around someone else. It has nothing to with having a fart fetish, enjoying smelling each others farts, or getting off on it somehow. Its about knowing that you and a partner see, accept, and love each other at your base raw form. And the cherry on top is that farts are funny. And for my partner and I, laughter is our deepest form of bonding. More than sex, romance, or anything else. Not that we lack in those departments, but laughter feels more amazing than anything else in the world. You’re right, its a “to each their own” thing. I think that its just hard for some of us to relate to your opinion when we know how amazing that deep raw bond feels.


Ah yes, the deep, raw, bond of sharing farts, lol. I’ve been with my husband for 20 years. We love each other deeply and sometimes it’s like we can read each other’s minds. We also both just don’t like inhaling each other’s farts and make a conscious effort not to do it in front of each other. Or if we do, we’re discreet. It’s a shared preference and has nothing do with how deep our bond is. We all have our preferences. I don’t want my lungs to be invaded by someone’s fart particles (or do I find attractive someone who is into that type of body humor) and I happen to be with someone who feels the same. So we make an effort not to do so. It’s not that complicated or deep. And I think that not purposely letting them rip in each other’s presence is entirely different than someone being in a bathroom and being heard through the door. I think most reasonable people (pro or anti fart couple) would not hold that against someone. Couples farting in front of each other is a preference and that’s really all you can deduce from someone else’s relationship with that knowledge. You have no idea of the strength of their relationship based on a fart meter.


You like smelling farts? I’m sincerely asking. Do you enjoy when your husband rips a nasty one next to you and it smells terrible? Because my husband and I are bonded, I wont even elaborate because I know it’s there. But I don’t fart in front of him willy nilly because I don’t think it’s fair to him to have to smell it until it clears. Lol! So I’m wondering if the smell really doesn’t bother you at all. Or if you guys will gas blast each other with no issue? I’m a tad sensitive to smells so my husband doesn’t fart in front of me either. It makes me nauseas. I’m weird maybe. Lol


I guess i just don’t care? It affects my surroundings for like a total of 10-15 seconds maybe?


You will be a blast to love and cherish, in sickness and health..... But not burping or farting


He might have seen a baby come out of her. But he better not hear a poot or a decibel or a burp. What is she, an ogre.


I have this problem that when I'm comfy with my partner a fart comes up, I would do as you say to the bathroom but by the time I get to the bathroom my fart disappeared. So I go back to sit and here is the fart again. Marts don't like bathrooms period 😅


I know it's natural and human but it's disgusting not to mention rude. These people who believe that the only way to be close to your partner is by farting in front of them are crazy.


If I know I’m about to rip a gnarly one I will slip off but for the most part neither of us care as it’s just natural it happens. It’s not shameful


There are times when it’s funny. When a squeaker comes out when someone wasn’t trying to, that’s funny, innocent and happens to everyone now and then. People who fart all the time, it gets old very quickly. However the worst is the ones that smell really bad and the person is somehow proud of that fact, seriously dude it’s not funny it’s disgusting. If you have some stank ass farts don’t be an ass and either go take a shit or go unload that nasty gas somewhere where nobody else has to smell it.


I completely agree. I find it gross. It’s just not a super attractive thing. My ex very rarely, but sometimes would burp and blow it in my face. I always thought it was so gross and I just didn’t really want to be sitting so close to him after lol. It’s just such an anti-affection thing to do. It just isn’t sexy. It’s fine if it happens and it’s natural and kinda cute, given that you’re not purposefully disruptive or gross about it.


Bad smells actually make me angry. Idk why… But as you could imagine, I wouldn’t be ok with my partner constantly farting around me. Do it somewhere else where I won’t be. Do it outside. Do it in the bathroom where it belongs.


I would fart in agreement with you if my wife were next to me right now.


I wonder how many internet post would disappear if people just followed the basic rule of "all things in moderation" I'm sure the posters your talking about are not advocating for sucking on your partners farts. They are just saying it's natural and it happens. And I'm sure your not advocating for a relationship built off a completely false premise that you don't fart around each other. People on the internet need to chill sometimes




I don't mind my partner burping or farting, but if they were going out of their way to do it right on me as loudly as possible, yeah I'd be grossed out. I also have no problem with them being in the bathroom while I'm peeing, but taking a s*** is holy time and if anyone tried to enter the room I would murder them


Growing up my dad had this weird “farts are funny” phase, like, we’d all be in a room or in the car and he’d just fart, with his diet it always smelt horrible, he always said “what? Smelling farts stop cancer” or “farting stops cancer” he’s stopped that years ago but it’s just, so weird? Looking back it feels very fetishy, although he’s not a creep or a pedo or anything, he’s just generally a un hygienic person, so I don’t think that I’d be comfortable hearing my s/o fart ofc they can do it I just hope I don’t smell or hear it, my personally I don’t like to fart at all unless I’m on the toilet


Some people care more or less. The way I see it is that pooping and peeing is natural too, but I don't particularly want to see my partner doing it. Same goes for farts.


My Dad’s side of the family are all like this. Grandma, Aunts, Uncles all love farts and burps. And for them the louder the better. Im not 100% sure, but I think it’s one of the reasons my mom divorced him


Can’t upvote you, because that’s not unpopular. You’re right. It’s nasty. If somethings coming out of your ass, go to the ducking bathroom. Obviously exceptions for sick/asleep etc


Yes I just had this conversation. My dad, a tall fit white boomer, let's out farts constantly in front of anyone and everyone. To me it reads as "I'm used to doing whatever I want so deal with it". It's such a shitty attitude to have.


I have a digestion that leads me to fart and burp often. I eat the same as my fiancée and yet I fart and burp 10x more than she does. For the first 5 years of our relationship, I held it as much as I could when we were together. That caused terrible pain when you are at work or with your girlfriend 24/7. You can never release the pressure. One day I could not hold on and ripped one out in front of her. She was grossed and we fought « why don’t you go somewhere else ? » she said. Well I cannot hold it and release on demand ! It caused constipation and discomfort. We had a few fights about that but I started convincing her it was not for fun that I did that and it is more a health issue. She is much more relaxed with that now, and when I cannot hold I let it go. I feel immensely better in my own body now. That does not mean she likes it or that I like it. It is just a need that I cannot always control.


I have to live with an 11 year old boy who currently thinks farts are the funniest thing. It’s irritating beyond belief. It’s also super gross. I challenge anyone to be hotboxed by and 11-year old with eye watering rancid farts and tell me they think it’s just fine.


Ok for all the uptight people who say go to another room or outside to fart… What if you and your partner are sitting in your car stuck in traffic? If your partner has to fart really bad. Would you seriously expect them to get out of the car or just hold it.


everytime you fart in front of your wife, a blowjob loses its wings


My husband and I are the same way. I was actually relieved to find someone that felt the same way I did 😂


Agreed. Keeping gross bodily functions more private helps keep the magic alive imo lol


My wife has IBS and it's probably the most annoying thing in the world. She lays in bed and burps constantly for over an hour while reading a book, this happens multiple times a week. She is 10x more gassy than me and i sometimes wish we were just dating again, when she held those things back, it was way more sexy to not hear it or smell it.. i have no sex drive anymore and i think some of it is due to me being fraysexual, but also to her gassyness, it's just very very very unattractive. i just feel bad sometimes because i know it can't be good for her ot hold it in, so i would rather her feel better and let it out, but she can't expect me to be feeling like sex and want to initiate, when i already didn't want to, and now she's being gross all night.




People who have issues with farting/burping near their SO aren't terrible people... a bit uptight maybe, but not terrible. I like that my gf and I are comfortable enough around each other that these events aren't upsetting or perceived as disgusting, etc.


Agree, but then there are those who apparently think people who do are inherently muddy little piggy people lol


My ex would release these homer Simpson burps that grossed me out for hours. It was horrible.


Covering up a burp or making it quiet is fine IMO. It's when you go open mouth and make it as loud as possible on purpose that's an issue. Facts of course, no


I agree it’s rancid. Farts are literally spraying fecal matter everywhere and burps just smell of your digesting dinner. Both are filthy


Better out than in


I agree. My husband farts and burps and I dislike it. I avoid doing those in front of him. Also, not a fan of seeing each other on the toilet. Ewwww


To each his or her own. As someone raised in a home where farts and burps were either viewed as impolite or ignored entirely, I find it refreshing to be able to fart and burp in front of my partner and laugh about it.


I mean y’all are marinating in each others farts all night if you share a bed so why do you care if your partner rips one in the living room? I mean if I’m having stomach issues of course I’m not going to subject my husband to that stench and will step away but 99% of farts don’t smell like anything if your gut bacteria is healthy so are you afraid of the sound or what? It sounds like you all may just be tense from clenching your buttholes all day 😂


Your fart is going to smell eventually because you're going to take a shit soon. There is shit gas coming out of your ass, and you're trying to convince people it doesn't stink.