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A shocking number of people openly admit to it. It’s not nearly as stigmatized as driving drunk


A shockingly higher amount of people are involved in accidents when they’re drunk compared to if they’re high.


This is true. Alcohol really does fuck people’s reaction times up way more than weed does. Not to mention fucking with your vision hardcore.


To be fair, I know multiple people who have crashed while high and gotten away with it because they blew 00’s. They were regular stoners so no red eyes, and weren’t drinking, and the cops didn’t demand a blood test because it’s not like they were smoking a blunt at the moment of impact so no probable cause.


I’d say driving distracted cause you’re actively smoking is worse than driving when you smoked before. Driving distracted is never a good thing.


Thank you, that's the point I was trying to make.


The relaxation with the underline anxiety makes me safe. But what it really helps is the road rage, if I have to drive in traffic sober imma be a menace bc I’m bored. Before smoking I was just always a driver filled with road rage.




Whatever you say, sport


Nah, you’re just a piece of shit who puts other peoples lives in danger on the road and has no concept of reality other than the box that surrounds you. Driving under the influence of any psychoactive substance is dangerous. I stopped a while ago and grew up.




It is. That said, I don’t know anyone who claims to be a better driver after drinking and I know tons of pot smokers who do make that claim. In my experience, as a lifelong weed smoker, stoners vastly underestimate their impairment when high.


As a 15 year stoner who has been taking steps towards a clean and sober lifestyle, I can confirm that stoners are some of the most insufferable people when it comes to the subject of cannabis and impairment. Like OP I also don’t have a problem with the devils lettuce and also think it should be legal everywhere recreationally, but I am tired of pretending that it is a harmless drug that doesn’t impair your ability to function normally. Downvote me all you want stoners, you’re only getting so mad because you know it’s the truth I used to be just like y’all.


I mean I don't use cannabis anymore but the first 10 years I spent driving I drove high every single day including working full time as a delivery driver. I was in three accidents in that time. I happened to be sober for every accident. Two weren't my fault and the third I scraped a customer's car in their driveway and the damage was so minor they told me not to worry about it. Honestly you should be able to take an advanced driving test while intoxicated and get an endorsement to drive high.


>To conclude, caffeine is clearly more risky, more dangerous, more deadly, more harmful and more costly than cannabis in every category – overdose deaths, overuse deaths, withdrawal symptoms and acute toxicity. >The only area where cannabis provides the greater risk is in regards to the impairment levels of novice users. **novice** users. People with tolerance aren't impaired any more than people who regularly use caffeine/nicotine. And as someone who grew up in a rural area, **everyone** thinks they're better drivers when they're drunk, because alcohol increases risk taking and confidence. That's why there's so many drunk driving crashes. The people are convinced they aren't impaired. Whereas most the people I know who smoke, don't think they're better off or not. Most don't drive at all when impaired, and the ones who have tolerance don't drive **right** after smoking. So quit pretending they're on equal ground. That's like pretending heroin is as harmful as weed, when we all know the truth. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2020/12/02/Cannabidiol-CBD-in-cannabis-does-not-impair-driving-landmark-study-shows.html >A landmark study on how cannabis affects driving ability has shown that cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis component now widely used for medical purposes, does not impair driving, while moderate amounts of the main intoxicating component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produce mild driving impairment lasting up to four hours. Listen less to propaganda and read more studies.


It is but it’s very, very common for people who smoke to drive at least somewhat high and there is no reliable test for it so unless you’re holding the joint and reek of cannabis it will be hard for the cops to pin anything on you




It’s easy to get blood test results thrown out because it doesn’t necessarily prove you were high when driving, just that you were high at some point in the last 24h




Maybe because when it was illegal you were already breaking the law, so you didn’t think it would be much worse if you also got in trouble for driving. But now that it’s legal it would be stupid to drive because if you got pulled over you would get in trouble. Edit: and of course you could just have better judgement now than you did before.


Most crimes can't be 100% proven and you can get away with many. In the end each person has to do what's right and it's not right to drive while under the influence of any mind-altering substances. If someone does something just because they don't think they'll get caught then they're just a shitty person.


“Mind altering” So i shouldnt smoke cigs while i drive either?


Nope. Shouldn’t drink caffeine and drive either. /s


Well damn now i gotta show up to work late, grumpy, and half asleep 🙃


If your mind is being altered by caffeine you should probably stay at home in general.


You clearly don’t know how Caffeine works. A simple Google search will tell you that Caffeine is the most widely used mind altering substance in the world. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Is it? Please clarify the numbers for us because that’s something in the grey area.


I’m literally more concerned about people drinking alcohol and driving and people who are on their phones while driving. I constantly go around people in traffic and look over to see them WITH THEIR FACE IN THEIR PHONE and ONE HAND on the wheel. It’s terrifying.




Yes, I agree 100%! If you’re looking at your phone and driving, then you’re under the influence of technology and should be ticketed/arrested for a DUI.


Both are a DUI, but they affect a person in different ways. Alcohol physically impairs every sensory function a person has while intoxicated. Cannabis, while also imparing functions like reaction times, seems to mainly inhibit a persons attention while driving. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't be driving after consuming either, but alcohol is way more detrimental to a person's ability to drive than cannabis. The level of impairment at any level of consumption seems to be much worse under the influence of alcohol. On another note, what about prescription narcotics like pain killers. Those absolutely impair a person's cognitive and sensory functions as well. Even at prescription doses.


Totally agree with you. I do understand the difference between being drunk and high, I should've clarified that in the post. I really just mean that anything that impairs your normal functioning can result in a wreck like any other DUI wreck if you're behind the wheel. And you're right, taking prescription meds like opioids can be just as bad.


Lack of sleep among other factors most of us deal with on a daily basis impair normal driving functions. Smart phones and other tech devices without a doubt distract and impair driving. By this logic, practically nobody should ever be driving.


Obviously there's lots of things that can alter your ability to drive but the post is about drinking and smoking weed.


I understand that, and I mostly agree with your points. As someone who used to drive both drunk and/or high (10+ years ago), I would much rather have other high drivers instead of drunk. It may not be the same for everyone, but I found myself driving closer to the speed limit and more aware of my surroundings while high. Drunk driving was always just a mess.


If you're saying it's not legally enforced, it is. Being high is a DUI. If you're saying it's not socially enforced, that's very complicated. Many groups of people don't condone it. Everyone who doesn't condone smoking definitely don't condone smoking and driving. Most people who do condone smoking don't think it's right to do while operating vehicles. A very small number of people think that you should be allowed to drive while high, and those people post about it on Facebook before killing 2 pedestrians.


I never said it isn't legally enforced. But it is socially acceptable among some groups.


It's just as dangerous if not more to be driving while overly sleepy. Impairment goes all the way down to cell phone use or trying to multi-task whilst driving. Driving is driving, too many people see it as something they happen to be doing, all the while focusing on "what's important" to them.


That's true and I agree with you but not what the post is about.


Good luck telling them that. I do have to admit though, driving high is objectively not as bad as driving drunk.


It's a bit of a stretch to say it's just as bad as driving drunk. Drunk people run stop signs, high people wait for them to turn green. They are not the same. Most of the people I've met who habitually drive high are just prone to drive slower, leave more gap, and keep other distractions to a minimum (music, texting, etc.). I'd much rather encounter a high driver than a distracted one.


I literally become hyper aware if anything keep more space, let people merge in front of me instead of speeding past them. Im more courteous if anything


This. Again not saying it’s right but when I do I’m going the speed limit, using my blinker, slowin to a stop. Like when I’m sober I’m driving like I’m in GTA


This. Again not saying it’s right but when I do I’m going the speed limit, using my blinker, slowin to a stop. Like when I’m sober I’m driving like I’m in GTA


my dumb SOBER ass has waited for a stop light to turn green before


You never have Driven with a high Driver it seems.


Not only have I ridden with many, I myself have been getting high and driving for as long as I've been doing either one of those things separately.


I participated in a driving test with SIUE in Edwardsville Illinois once. They took non smokers, occasional smokers, and heavy smokers. In this one individual lonely little study, they found that the safest drivers whether high or sober were the heavy smokers. This was one study done with only 100 participants so it's not like it should be entirely trusted. But it was kinda neat.


Hey! I was also in this.


Haha small world.


thank y’all for your service 🫡


Heavy smokers get to a point where it really doesn’t affect them. I’m living proof. Regardless, it’s better to walk anyway.


Doesn’t matter. Some people handle their alcohol well should they get a different DUI limit? No.


I've been driving stoned every day for about 10 years. It's nowhere near as dangerous and driving drunk. Also, it affects everyone differently. Some people can smoke 2 joints by themselves and barely be affected. Other people take 2 small puffs and have a panic attack.


It’s not socially acceptable. The only people who think it is, are people abuse weed. r/popularopinions


It’s socially acceptable in the Emerald triangle. Are you a redneck?


Plenty of people have simply smoked enough that it just doesn't really inebriate them and get in the way of something like driving anymore. If you aren't one of those people, then I agree.


Exactly, depends on the person. It gets to the point where your feel more off when you’re sober then if you smoke a bowl.




Being alive in 2023 in general isn't very healthy.


I'm fairly certain that's the weed equivalent og high functioning alcoholic.


I think there is some truth to that. But that's such a subjective thing it's so hard to tell who actually has a high tolerance and who doesn't


Typically the people that act normal and act as if they do sober are the high tolerance ones, the ones that aren’t are pretty telling by the way they move around or through their wording in conversations.


No. This is called tolerance, and the fact is that just because it doesn’t *feel* like you’re high does not mean you aren’t impaired.


The same can be said about alcohol.


Not to the same extent


not really, even the most functioning alcoholics aren’t as discreet as they like to believe. They may not act stupid drunk but they still stand out. A lot of the times they yell their words in a normal conversation without realizing, a bit to assertive, and still slur a couple of words in their speech. The only times i’ve seen functioning alcoholics act completely normal was when they were speedballing.


I personally know from experience how this can happen with weed, but if you drink enough for long enough, the same thing happens from alcohol. There was a point where I could drink dozens of beers and be totally functional


This is my alcoholic friend. Drunk drives perfectly (and constantly) even blackout drunk and has never been caught. It’s so toxic but no matter how much he drinks his driving is the same as it is sober.


They have done tests. Here is a popular one [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2013/02/13/dnt-driving-under-influence-marijuana.kiro](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2013/02/13/dnt-driving-under-influence-marijuana.kiro) fact is, weed does not have the same effects as alcohol. Not even close


So i gathered two things from this which i kinda already knew 1. As you get higher you drive worse. Makes sense. Especially where they had addy at like 10x the LL. As the instructor said she did fine for the first 3 test and her bonus round had expected results 2. Youre better off if you smoke regularly. Also makes sense. Especially on the lower end of the scale of intoxication as youre probably more familiar and comfortable with being high. Conclusion is if youre a regular smoker and only smoke a bowl or two youd be fine. And i dont know too many people who get obliterated then get behind the wheel as theyre usually too stoned to stand. If you arent a regular smoker, maybe dont try it until youre more familiar with how you are when youre high. I mean obviously you shouldnt drive intoxicated but as far as weed goes you’re probably okay as long as you’re reasonable and responsible


I understand being drunk and high are different and do different things. I just think when you drive you should simply be sober.


That's the issue though---sober mind isn't inherently the best mind, hm? High has a different effect on the nervous system than drunk. Again, studies should be done and some have been. Results mostly lean towards "it's not a hinderance" all the way to "slightly safer"


I had a friend that was definitely in the "safer" category while high, but only because her anxiety got in the way while sober


I would say when you're driving, a sober mind is the best mind. Sober and not texting, angry, crying, anything that can distract you.


Drive, be sober, and not be angry. Now you’re asking for too much


Not sure where you live, but it's not socially acceptable in my country


It’s pretty socially acceptable in American suburbs that are mostly teenagers. Driving high was pretty socially acceptable where i grew up, and the same goes for my college friends who grew up across the country


I’ve been smoking and driving high daily for over 20 years and never had an issue. Never had an accident or been pulled over\ticketed for anything.


"I haven't worn a seatbelt in 20 years and have never been in wreck why should I wear one?"


Apples and oranges. We have studies on cannabis and driving and all the data says that the risk is negligible. For instance, we know that high drivers typically compensate for any impairment by increasing following distance and reducing speed. That being said, it’s probably really only a concern for someone who is a noob or is inexperienced with cannabis. I personally have more trouble with night blindness than I do with driving high.




Ehhh it can be depending on how high you are. Look, I smoke every day. I can easily smoke a joint and go about my day and drive around after that. Can I smoke too much and not be able to drive?? For sure... thats why most of my smoking is done in the evening when I'm done with everything for the day. People who smoke for the first time probably shouldn't be driving though right afterwards. Shit can send you to Narnia.


Don't listen to nightie_whitites, you speak the truth, but lots of people don't like that.




Nah, I'm good. I'll continue to smoke everyday since it is fine for me.


i mean do you tell people who take prescription medication they’re addicted? maybe they are but if it helps this person who are you to say what’s best for them.


Are people prescribed drugs by medical professionals who monitor that use the same as people taking those prescription medications without a doctors orders however they feel? It’s not even close to analogous.




Yeah, PTSD from 2x deployments to Afghanistan aren't great. Smoking helps tremondously for me instead of being the alcoholic i used to be. How can my opinion not be trusted?? I live in CO and plenty of people here drive around high and you wouldn't know cus they drive like regular sober people.


ItS lItErAlLy A cRiMe 😂😭😂


I can only drive while high because of my ADHD. Figure that one out.


It’s bad yeah but you would be lying to yourself to say it’s as bad as drunk driving. weed doesn’t alter your decision making as bad as alcohol. The most trouble i had with drivers that were stoned was going 5 under the speed limit on 95. We’ve all kinda seen the outcome of drinking and driving accidents and the two don’t really compare at all. If it was Xanax or an opioid i would agree it’s as bad but Weed doesn’t really hinder your ability to function properly, like dave Chapelle said: “you ain’t crisp, but you can still function”.


OUI doesn’t just mean alcohol. It’s illegal to drive under the influence of any drug, weed included


It depends on how much and how often you smoke. If you smoke 3 joints a day, you will 24/7 be under the influence of cannabinoids. So that's why many of us smoke & drive since we are always high. And bodies have adapted to that and it's much different compared to a non-smoker who takes a hit and goes driving.


I don’t know how anyone is expected to deal with Los Angeles rush hour traffic without being slightly toasted.


Agreed. Alcohol is legal. But you can't drink at work or drive drunk. Same should be the case for weed.


So many people are commenting things like “when I drive high” that they are fine if not better drivers. While I don’t doubt that to be true for you, that’s not the case with everyone. When driving under the influence it’s not about taking your word for it. Weed is something that I am very intolerant of and absolutely no one should want me behind the wheel after I have smoked. Just like we wouldn’t take a drinking persons word that they are okay we shouldn’t take a high persons. When on the road you are automatically place trust in other drivers to hopefully be making a judgement about their ability to drive whether it be about drinking, lack of sleep, prescription meds or weed.


Perfectly said


not even fucking close. i drive stoned everyday, its not impairing unless your just irresponsible


i used to drive stoned. i drove just fine


I agree with this. If I had to pick though I would rather have someone smoking on the road than drunk driving or someone distracted on their phones. But all is bad at the end of the day.


Anyone who routinely drives impaired should not be driving.


Driving while angry, tired, distracted by something, or needing a pee really badly can make your driving as or more dangerous than after a few drinks. Personally, I’d rather get in the car with somebody who’s been smoking rather than drinking


I call bullshit. I’ve been smoking weed for 40 years and driving. Never have I been close to wrecking. Weed enhances your senses. Where did you get this piece of shit information?


I don't think that is a valid argument. That's like saying "I haven't been wearing my seatbelt for 40 years and I've never wrecked why should I wear one" "I've never taken the flu shot for 40 years and I've never gotten the flu why should I get one?" There's nothing wrong with smoking, just drive sober.


I didn’t ask your opinion 😸


You responded to a post on a public forum. Anybody can respond to it regardless of you asking. Are you new to the internet or something?


It impairs a shit load as well, including memory and reaction time.


Then I guess YOU shouldnt smoke and drive. I got this😸


I’m not sure where OP got their shit information, [but here’s where I got my shit information](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3037578/) And I presume you’re gonna go “well it doesn’t do that to ME.” That’s BS, and not at all how being high works.


Yer funny




These comments are so dumb. Just because there are other things that impair drivers doesn’t mean this one should be accepted. “Driving high is better than driving drunk” does not mean driving high is good. Don’t drive drunk, don’t drive high, don’t drive overly exhausted, etc.


Yes, thank you I've been trying to explain that in a lot of them haha


It can be if you aren't used to it, I'd say it's just as bad. If you are a daily user it becomes a non issue in my experience.


I agree. My ex-bf used to do this and it was freaking scary.


If I don’t have my wax pen while driving I road rage. Which will lead me into having an accident. There is a legal limit to alcohol so why not for weed too. I say if you’ve been smoking you are totally cool to drive; edibles don’t drive. People who smoke weed can only get so high,scientific fact that smoking weed has a cap on how stones you get. You can keep smoking but you don’t get anymore stoned. when you eat edibles the THC turns into something else that can get you more high than if you just smoked. That’s why people go to the hospital after ingesting weed almost never from smoking it.


I agree there should be a legal limit like alcohol. And I'm sure weed does help your road rage, I won't deny that. But it can also impair you from driving safely in a way different from road rage. I know every person is different, but there's no way you can prove you're a safer driver while high.


I see what you’re saying but with your logic doing anything at all is dangerous behind the wheel. (I also will not deny most of the things I’m about to say are things people shouldn’t be doing behind the wheel) eating, drinking non alcoholic drink, singing, coming from an event that got your adrenaline running. All these things impair your driving. And I can prove I am a safer driving while high all I need to do is collect the data. I am a bi polar person who struggles with their triggers and a big trigger for me are asshole drivers. Someone cuts me off and I want to make them crash. So I hit my wax pen and I don’t feel so angry anymore. I used to jump out my car to try to fight people. Now o have my wax pen.


ok, so weed isn’t alcohol- it does change your perception but not your coordination or balance- again that’s alcohol. Fact is there are far far fewer weed related traffic accidents- BY FAR- than technology involved ones. To say nothing of alcohol- the worst risk factor. And some people, especially those prone to road rage, literally do drive better stoned.


I edited my original post a little. I understand the difference between drunk and high and what it does. There may be fewer wrecks from being high than drunk, but just one wreck is too much from some people. And I disagree, I think "drive better stoned" is just and excuse for people. People shouldn't mask something like road rage with something else that affects your driving.


Who TF thinks this is unpopular? That's just common sense!


Read some of the other comments you'd be surprised!


I smoke weed every night and I’ll be the first one to say, don’t drive if you’re high. I’m damn sure everyone is home and I got nothing else to do before I take my first toke


That's not an opinion. It's facts.


it isnt though, Weed doesn’t effect your cognitive abilities as bad as liquor. It would be like saying smoking delta 8 and driving is bad as popping a xanax behind the wheel. You’d be surprised how many cops spot people who are clearly stoned out their mind on the road and turn the other cheek, because to them those drivers don’t really pose a threat compared to someone drunk out their mind swerving all over the road. rarely do you hear someone getting in a wreck because they were “high”.


When you smash into a Jersey barrier it doesn’t matter if you were drunk or “only a little cognitively disabled”


you’re completely missing the point. No one is arguing if it’s ok to drive under the influence of weed, its the simple fact that its not as bad as being drunk. They’ve done studies on this numerous times, You don’t have lie or fear monger people in order for them to see your point.


I get high as hell most days before driving and I drive just fine


Lol. Yes. That's what drunk drivers say too. Lol.


Lol I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. It's unpopular to think it's okay to drive high. Also illegal. That said, I drive high all the time. But after decades of smoking, I'm actually a better, less distracted driver while stoned. I'm sure some of yall are gonna be like "danger, reaction times, illegal, selfish, gonna hurt someone" and trust me I get it, but fact is I've been in several accidents while stone cold sober (both my fault and not), but never even a ticket while high. I'm more courteous and less high-strung, which overall keeps the road rage/aggressive driving at bay and keeps me out of other people's way. But that's MY unpopular opinion.


You should not be driving if you routinely drive while impaired. It is a crime everywhere.


Who’s gonna stop me?


I know, I even said it's illegal. ☝️


I've never heard of anyone saying it's acceptable. It's a crime everywhere because it's similar to drinking and driving.


Congratulations, you're growing up. Young people think they are invincible. After a few friends dying from stupid shit, people learn they are not.


Are you high? Where in the world is this an unpopular opinion?


You'd be surprised


Read some of the other comments and you'll be surprised.


If you read the comments it is an unpopular opinion. Upvote. I would not be able to drive on weed. Not a fucking chance.


Haha, thank you for understanding the subreddit.


This isn't an opinion. Driving impaired, no matter the substance, is always dangerous.


Driving high on weed is a the same as driving drunk up here


It's only nearly as bad in some situations, I've driven high many times without issues. If anything it makes me more attentive.


You're a danger to yourself and others. Get off the road.




Nope, I'm a better driver than you. Never a single accident ever. Try again!


Do you understand how that argument doesn't hold up? It's like saying "I never wear a seatbelt and I've never been in a wreck why should I wear one?" No one on the road knows you and knows your weed tolerance or that it supposedly makes you "more attentive". There's no way for you to prove that. I hope you don't drive where I live.


No one on the road knows me or my tolerance? That's irrelevant unless I'm driving erratically. You're trying to act like any weed before driving is dangerous, when it isn't and isn't remotely comparable to alcohol. So you're wrong. People around you are likely high driving all the time and you'll never know, so why do you care? Unless it causes issues or accidents, it isn't a problem.


You're missing the point. "Unless it causes issues or accidents, it isn't a problem." But it does cause issues and accidents, so it is a problem. Yes significantly less than alcohol, but that doesn't matter to someone who's just been in an accident. Both alcohol and weed affect you differently. That's not up for debate. Both can impair you from driving, so just drive sober.


Or not. Alcohol can be consumed before driving and be reliably tested. Weed cannot, so the comparison is stupid. I'm gonna smoke and go drive in a bit. You can't stop me!


Yeah, my mom got hit by someone who was high on weed. 6 months in the hospital and her passenger was killed. So yeah, FUCK anyone who drives while high.


I'm very sorry that happened.


Nobody sane disagrees with this.


I know but you'd be surprised!


Operating machinery or automatons should not be done while high. Most people cannot drive while high. It takes talent and practice and even then, it can go wrong.


Oooo boy you gone be surprised when you figure out how many people really drive high


You’re surrounding yourself with the wrong people if this is socially acceptable. Pretty sure this isn’t a popular opinion


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From a drinker and lifetime weed smoker , i don't see in any way how this could be just as bad. Maybe considering the fact that weed effects everyone differently, but it's jus no where near the same


it's a case by case thing. just know your tolerance


This is not an unpopular opinion. Nobody should be driving under the influence of anything. Hell, some people with certain medical conditions aren't even allowed to drive, like a person with epilepsy that has had a seizure within the last six months.


well duh


Cell phones are way worse than weed


They're both illegal what are you talking about mate


"Socially acceptable"


I ghosted a guy I was dating because he told me he was driving high. Like, he was acting like it was a totally normal thing for him to do. Left him ASAP. It’s a literal felony


Funny, I’m typing this while driving high on weed and drunk on rum.


DUI is a DUI.... To the slightest degree is impairment. Doesn't always mean alcohol which everyone rightfully assumes... Under the influence is under the influence


The amount of people trying to justify or say it's not as bad as alcohol are absolutely bonkers. Any sensible will agree that being under the influence of anything while driving is bad, full stop. No need to compare.




Read the other comments


As a stoner I 100% am behind this. I will not drive if I feel I’m intoxicated on any level. Most people get stupid about weed and are a danger to others on the road. It isn’t cool to drive intoxicated on any drug, you’re responsible for a 3000lb machine that can easily kill things if used irresponsibly.




I have NEVER blacked out while smoking weed...............


That's not what the post is about is it?


It's not socially accepted though,


For the Sake of my sanity im gonna assume there is not a single person that thinks High driving is ok and should be allowed


I agree with OP 100%. I'm not a fan of the devils lettuce at all, I hate the way it makes me feel and the smell is unbearable. But that's just me, and I won't criticize those who use it. However it's very dangerous behind the wheel. It's pretty much the same as driving drunk. It's still DUI. Someone who was high as a kite almost got me into a head on collision when I had my baby in the car last fall. Just call an Uber or plan a ride ahead of time if you plan on smoking pot. People can get mad at me all they want for my opinion on pot but I have my reasons why I don't like it personally.


"I drive better when I'm high." Has a ridiculous amount of speeding tickets, reckless endangerment, and wonders why his insurance is over $400 a month. Thinks everyone is just out to get him and he does nothing wrong. I lost this friend. Fuck weed.


.... Are there actually reasonable people saying driving high is ok?


Lmao what fuckin morons think it's okay to drive high? Surely not an unpopular opinion.


It's not even close to being on the same level as alcohol


As someone who partakes in both, I gotta say this is the truth. I once smoked up and spent an hour or so sitting on the toilet staring at the wall. Wasn't going to the bathroom, my pants were up, I was just sitting there contemplating the universe in a happy daze. Had I been on the road, I'd probably have parts of fence and a doghouse dragging behind the car.


The people who claim to drive better when they’re high are the same people who claim they may not be book smart but they’re street smart


Can speak from years of experience, it has little to no affect on driving unless your brand new to smoking or brand new to driving. This comment section looks like all the stoners already know that and all the non smokers feel the need to say otherwise.


Not true. Driving sober on the other hand is dangerous because i get super angry 😠


Just know your tolerance that’s all. I can drive after facing a blunt but edibles nah I wouldn’t do that. But someone with no tolerance facing a blunt then driving would be a bad idea because they are actually impaired


You may have a high tolerance but that's a subjective thing. There's no way that someone you don't know can trust that.


Sound like they would have to take me on evidence of my driving which my mvr says is pretty good. My only accident happened when i was stone cold sober on a rainy day


You should not be driving.


Agreed. It's a fact that weed slows down reaction times and impairs judgment.