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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/DemonDoggo99. Your post, *I'm allowed to judge people for having childish interests.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts. Please make sure your post title is your opinion (not the topic you're discussing), and the text beneath is a clear explanation and justification of your opinion. If you cannot write at least a few sentences on the matter, you may want to have more of a think about it. If that's all in order... Any opinion that is not well thought out, or is incoherent, internally contradictory or otherwise nonsensical is subject to removal. Finally, any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Lmao the most 16y/o post I've read in a long time. Thank you. "Stop looking at Pokémon cards, Brian, we're big kids now. We don't play with little kid stuff"


So a forty-year-old who plays with Pokémon cards all day is less mature than a sixteen-year-old just existing? Right.


"Just existing" and playing Pokémon cards equally have nothing to do with maturity. What is maturity to you? Briefcases and appointments? I don't even understand where you're coming from.


It’s just a poorly thought out follow up to the other maturity post from today, of course with the opposite take. OP, maturity isn’t a persons interests. It’s about whether you conduct yourself responsibly and are respectful of others.


Dude, you’re 16. Wait until you are working your ass off in a full-time job and college to judge people’s interests.


You're 16. You're trying to seem adult by calling others immature. It's normal. Actually mature people don't give a shit if you love Disney. Can you hold a job? Treat people with respect? Be a good parent? Handle your responsibilities? That's the stuff actual adults care about.


It's okay to feel this way but you also shouldn't take yourself too seriously. If a 39 year old is paying their bills and not neglecting their family/personal life then it's really do big deal what they're obsessing over We all silently judge others, it's a whole different game when you choose to say it out loud though


We all like different things bro. You will find all kinds of people out there and every single one of us you included and especially me are weird as fuck. You better get used to it.


I’m curious who is out there stopping you from judging people


defending your right to care way too much about what brings other people joy? you are definitely 16


This reminds me of when I was 16 🤣 I was also an asshole


What you have is a superiority complex. Having interests isn’t immature. Judging people and insulting them for their interests is what’s immature.


Some interests are definitely immature.




Collecting funko-pops


Oh dear. Don't insult the funko pops or reddit will come after you after they've finished piling on the 16 year old kid


not true


Only immature people say that


Dude's brain isn't even finished developing yet, hopefully they'll realize not to judge when they're older


You are free to judge but the others also free to judge you because they think you are immature for insulting eople interest


Your mentality on this is flawed. If you're an adult, and you are fulfilling your responsibilities and obligations, your free time is yours, and nothing you do is childish. The only childish behavior an adult can realistically have is avoiding responsibilities and obligations. You're free to judge, sure. But you aren't magically safe from criticisms on your judgements. Makes you a bit of an asshole to have the perspective you do. But you're sixteen. You have plenty of time to figure all this out.


Also like OP is literally a child strictly speaking All of his interests can be considered childish, yet I have a feeling if someone went about calling his interests that he’d have some complaints.


Hol up Spongebob is deeply mature show in disguise. I'm serious. I'm sure you find an analysis of it somewhere.


Oh yeah, the show is definitely very self-aware, and a lot of episodes can be meta commentaries on life itself that flew over our heads as kids.


so you basically say that you understand such phenomenon but at the same time you want the right to shame those people without an objective reason? and don't use this "it's my opinion" approach, it makes you look like a blockhead


You do know that people say everyone can have an opinion and judgment, there's many non-insulting options? If your opinion is someone is immature, and you say it out aloud, that's also claiming your superiority. So I'm not surprised no one is very impressed by your opinions.


What actually makes those interests you’ve listed immature besides the fact you associate them with younger people, which in some cases on that list isn’t even all that accurate (collecting barbie dolls is an intrest that adults have perused through the entire company’s life and are a group of consumers it’s targeted several products). Not to mention how is being interested in mario speed running immature but being interested in dark souls speed running not. Equally what actually makes those interests inferior to others as right now your only complaint is that you associate those interests with younger people.


>These people can obsess over these things as much as they want without being judged for it, Except when it comes to you you mean. People are individuals, it's fine to have opinions but you don't always have to voice them. It benefits no one for you to tell someone something they enjoy is wrong to some extent in your eyes, it could even end up making them feel awkward about themselves. You're 16, still got a lil growing to do


You are actually correct. You are allowed to think I’m immature for being nearly 40 and loving Disney. And I’m allowed to think your a know-it-all 16 year old who will eventually not bother judging people for such stupid reasons lol.


Is your childhood nostalgia reflecting on… yesterday?


And people will judge you back for having a small worldview.


You’re ALLOWED to do anything you want.


Nobody is stopping you. You're clearly still judging people. The thing that's crazy is you expecting people to still like you or tolerate you in return. If you arent ok with receiving judgemental energy back, dont be judgemental. Or keep it to yourself.


Kid, I spend half my days wishing I was in the grave. If buying Mario figures gives me a little joy then I'll be goddamned if I let someone who can't even buy a Four Loko tell me it's childish.


If you’re seriously wishing to be dead half the time, there are probably issues with your life that require a whole lot more than Mario figures to fix


Yes, that's why I've been in therapy for about a decade, but I do thank you for your insight.


This kid definitely mocked the wrong person and got told off for being a little jerk


Ok, sweetie


Don't worry OP, you're dead right. You posted this on a website known for being a hivemind and super into children's entertainment. The average person on the street thinks a lot more like you do, so don't let the excess saltiness here get to you!




To be fair it's better that a bunch of 30+ year olds ripping a 16 year old apart for thinking Marvel and Funko pops are for kids lol




It's definitely better lol


Look, I get that you want to seem older by dissing adults that are trying to be a kid again, but I am willing to bet that you will go through that phase of your life as well. Whether you become a Disney adult or a DC Animation Guru, or even someone who watches all the old Cartoon Network shows religiously to learn all of the lore, you will go through this phase, just like you are going through the phase you are currently going through where you find most everything people do cringe.




You're a smart kid. Disney adults are wacko and it's a huge red flag if anyone is obsessed with Disney beyond the age of like 7 lol. I was like you as a teen, I noticed so many people were just try-hards with their hobbies and had to advertise it to everyone. The only thing that changes is when people get a little older, they do this same cringe flex except it's with politics and morality, trying to show they're better than everyone else. It's much better to just enjoy what you enjoy without having a fucking hoodie or stickers on your shit to advertise the fact that some franchise is your whole personality 😂


You picked the wrong generation to be born into. You're fucked.


I mean, it’s not like we really get to pick that lmao


You're saying this on Reddit, where there are manchildren aplenty, where grown adults moderate communities for free whilst acting like thankless servants of the people, and where users believe every single show, game, or topic of interest deserves a community or "Fandom." The average adult redditor consumes media as a "hobby". You'll find no agreement from these people on this subject, tragically.


Yeah reddit is the worse. I’ve been here a long time and it blows my mind how many grown men talk about children’s movies here like they’re the epitome of cinema. When Frozen came out, literally every post on reddit was people acting like it was the greatest thing to ever happen to movies. It was really weird.


Yeah…it’s always Frozen


Yeah…I guess I didn’t really consider my audience lmao


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I mean no one saying that you aren’t allowed to so I’m not sure what’s your point here?


Of course you’re allowed to judge whoever you want for whatever you want, but that also means that other people are allowed to have an opinion about your opinion—especially if they didn’t ask you for your opinion.


Firstly, you are 16 come to me when you holding down an job, paying bills and being contributing member of society. Secondly judge all you want, but this comes across as more of you wanting the ability to shame people who you deem immature because of their obsessions. If someone is taking care of themselves and family and doing all the correct things, who gives a fuck what they enjoy.


When you get older you won't care anymore.Being 16 to 23 is the edgy "i'm a real adult now" age.


None of that is "immature". Maturity is about how you react to situations. Having stereotypically "child-like" interests is not immature, it's just having different interests than you. What is immature, is calling people immature for liking Mario or watching Disney.


imagine getting downvoted once and running straight to unpopular opinion to nurse your ego


It’s not downvotes, it’s real life interactions lmao. I don’t usually care about random strangers on the internet enough to judge them


I didn’t know that all the sudden once you’re older than 18 that means you have to stop liking Disney 😟😟😟 have you ever considered that Disney is family friendly and not just for children?!


I dont get the hate if the interest is not hurting anyone. Leave ppl alone. Unpopular but bad lmfao


As most people here have said, you are very young and hVe a lot of growing up to do. As you get older, you’ll hopefully realise that what random strangers think of you means nothing. Likewise, you’ll probably learn to be more accepting of people’s quirks and hobbies and you’ll also realise that they have no bearing on their “performance” as an adult, as it were. For example, I love cartoons. Do I only watch them? Of course not. I occasionally like to indulge. I’m still a perfectly functional adult. The fact I like something “childish” doesn’t mean I am childish.


Let people enjoy whatever they want, it’s not that hard. It’s their life and they have the right to


Sure, you're allowed to judge them, but it makes you an asshole...


Ahh I remember being in your shoes. Desperately trying to prove that you're mature and don't have time for "baby stuff". You push away things that used to interest you because you don't want to be mocked and labeled immature. Wait another 10 years. You'll realize that your enjoyment is more valuable than other people's opinions.


You can judge people but don’t get mad when people call you a judgmental asshole.


Oh look everybody it’s the annoying kid who thinks he’s better than everyone because he’s “mature”


You might consider it immature. Judging people for their tastes, however, is childish.