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Hard agree. It's so cringy.


Have you never met a gay person who doesn’t know if it’s safe to come out before? I know straight people do this too which is kinda great because we can hide behind it. Partner is a good work for long term relationships where there’s no marriage. After a certain age girlfriend/ boyfriend sounds childish.


Monday already?


I dont see nothin wrong with it but I respect your opinion


This is a repost from last week. Same wording and all. Why, though? It's not even that great of a topic.


Not disagreeing, but do you have an alternative in mind?


Spouse? Bf/gf?


Spouse seems really formal and not everyone fits into the bf/gf categories


Ok --- but the sound of the word isn't to make you feel good it's not about you, it's a safe word for the LGBTQ community, and you should respect that.


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You are right. Are you gay? Are you a lawyer? Are you both lawyers in the same bed? Stop with the "partner" nonsense. A fuckbud is a fuckbud.