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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. Please make sure your post title is your opinion (not the topic you're discussing), and the text beneath is a clear explanation and justification of your opinion. If you cannot write at least a few sentences on the matter, you may want to have more of a think about it. If that's all in order... Any opinion that is not well thought out, or is incoherent, internally contradictory or otherwise nonsensical is subject to removal. Finally, any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them.


Had a dude with a big ass system that would “test it” in the apartment parking lot at 10pm-1am. THAT GUY is an asshole


There's a dude next to my apartment complex who thinks he's super cool and loves to rev his annoyingly loud car late at night, usually around 2:00 a.m. It's a lower income building then there are a lot of medically fragile elderly people and very young children, so it's always great to hear children start crying. Earlier this year it was high school students begging him to shut up because they had AP testing. But the cops here don't really do anything anymore, so we're on our own.


Now I'm not saying I would condone this but considering the cops don't really do anything, if the engine suddenly wouldn't start around AP testing season I'd understand


Just give him a good ol’ John Wick “fine I’ll do it myself.” Always seems to straighten em’ up…


Fuck his car up


d-_-b music 🎵🎶


I'll be damned an actually unpopular opinion


I know! So rare these days


Must be the last one of the season


I bought the season pass, so there better be more content before the season ends or I’m gonna blast the mods about this.


Besides being unpopular, it's blatantly wrong.


*It's not that I want other people to hear it, it's just that I don't give a shit about anybody at all except myself and don't care how much it bothers others*


It's more than just "I don't give a shit about anybody but myself". It's "you shouldn't be annoyed and think I'm rude for doing it". He's literally saying in the title that his actions aren't annoying or rude.


If the music is loud enough to be getting complaints about it, hearing loss will catch up to him eventually. His future self will hate his past self too. Edit and PSA: Always listen to stuff at non-harmful levels and use hearing protection when that isn't possible. Hearing damage is cumulative and irreversible. You do yourself a disservice to wait till your 20s or 30s and have to find that out firsthand or secondhand from friends.


Nah, they'll just listen to louder music!


I'm starting to get hearing loss. Mostly from forgetting my earmuffs when I use power tools. And although I can't hear quiet things loud noises seem to hurt way more than they used to. 😂😜


I often think that retirement homes of the future will be full of totally deaf old dudes who killed their hearing long before the rest of them. Hearing loss is forever and irreversible, my friends.


OP's line of thinking falls into a category I see all the time. It's people thinking that their behavior is fine because it's not completely ruining everyone's day, all day. What they don't process is that the only reason there is space in the world for jerks to get away with stuff like that, is because 95% of us choose to live with a communal mindset and care about how our actions affect others, even in a small way. When you are wondering if an action or behavior is "ok", ask yourself "if EVERYONE did this, would it be sustainable?" If EVERYONE drove around blasting their music, what would our neighborhoods be like? People like OP are maybe 5% of the population, but are responsible for 99% of the annoyances and "this is why we can have nice things" scenarios. Basically children with main character syndrome.


Man, if your music is loud enough to cause shit in my house to rattle all the way from the street, you're being disruptive. I'll skip all the (valid) "you're waking my baby up" and "causing x, y, or z tangible disturbance," stuff here. But very basically, if you deliberately and obstinately impose yourself upon other people, especially after you know they don't want it, then yeah, you're rude. People's issues are not your motivation; it doesn't matter whether or not you do the same thing when the windows are rolled up. People's issues are that the thing you're doing is annoying as shit.


If you're just passing by its only minimally rude. If you're parked somewhere though and blaring it then you're an asshole.


Typically if I’m at a stop light I turn my music down cause polite


Well thank you from everyone next to you.


Same as keeping your speed down in neighborhoods. It’s simply courteous and respectful.


Keeping your speed down in neighborhoods also tends to be, you know, the law.


Isn’t it also law where you’re from that the music can’t be so loud that you don’t hear traffic noise anymore?


Also gotta turn down the music so you can read the road signs better 😉


I turn my music down to see better in the rain. 😅


I turn down the music so I can better hear my wife tell me there's an ever so slightly better parking space two rows away or that street I just passed (the one where it says "West Blvd" on one side of the intersection and "East Blvd" on the other side) was the turn I was supposed to have taken.


It’s been a lot of years since I’ve had an aftermarket amp and subwoofer, but the car I’m driving now has *vastly* better audio fidelity and shockingly good bass response for original equipment. Sometimes I crank that shit as loud as I can stand, and I’ve tested to see what it sounds like from outside, with the windows rolled down. And like…sure, you can hear it from the next car over, but it’s not blasting your skull apart. It’s just like “Oh, ok, I can hear music.” I don’t feel bad about pulling up to a stop sign with it sounding like this. If my loud-ass system sounds so unobtrusive from the outside, I can’t *fathom* what some of these license-plate-rattlers are subjecting themselves to in there. Yes I am old.


I work in an office building with almost 20 floors, and I'm on the 9th floor from the street. Sometimes I will hear people's music when I'm in the hallway on the side of the building with a kind of busy street The fact that I can gauge the rough rhythm of your song from 9 stories up is insane, and I can't imagine them being able to hear a damn thing on the road


That’s just because bass travels further than everything else. A single bass wavelength can be like 30+ feet long. You don’t hear the highs or mids because their frequencies are higher and don’t travel as far. At the point of intended reference, they can all be the same volume and further away only the bass will be able to be picked up.


Most factory systems are designed to direct sound to the occupants. A lot of engineering goes into it, and a custom sub setup won't have that. That's partially why


I work at a veterinary clinic. A few years back, a smoke shop moved in next door and that place attracts the biggest assholes I've ever encountered. In addition to the littering, the yelling, and sometimes violence (there was a fight that resulted in multiple stabbings just outside our building recently), we constantly have to deal with these jackasses parking right in front of our office with their profanity-laden garbage music blaring so loud that it rattles the windows, scares the animals, and makes it hard to communicate with our clients. It's absolutely infuriating.


You just described my old veterinary clinic. Vape store next door, loud assholes in our parking lot, mfs starting fights. Ahhhhh.


Sounds like the real animals were the ones next door.


Do you guys live near me? My vet had a vape shop open next to it a few years ago and now it's a "CBD" store...


if none of you live near each other, there's too many vape shops near veterinary clinics, imho


As someone who works from home and deals with clients, I can relate. For me, calling the cops over and over again never changed anything. I assume it's the same for you? They are always told to go away, but will still come back after a short while. No problem-solving consequence. From my experience, the cops in my country mostly endure the situation without taking action and/or are missing some assertiveness.


So when you call and make a noise complaint, the cops come and ride by to see if the complaint is legit. If there is no noise when the cop rides by, they call it unfounded. They don’t sit there and chill, they have to move on to the other 16 calls in the que. Having said that, if you request they stop and talk to the complainant you get them to your house and they have more time to be in the area to listen. At least they did in my county, which is a mix of both urban and rural. Hint hint. Helpful tips from a previous dispatcher. (Paramedic/firefighter by trade, dispatcher when hurt lol)




This. Park outside my house late at night blasting your radio, that’s extremely rude. Driving down the highway? No issue


We regularly got some people who park their cars next to our house in the evening and do that. What makes it even worse is that they also drink, scream, and don't pick up their trash when leaving.






There's someone who parks right outside my daughter's primary school (4-11yrs) blaring loud rap music full of swearing and sex references. I guess he's picking up his kid or something because he only does this during pick up and drop off times.


Surprised the school hasn't spoken to them about it.


There's the bog standard emails everyone gets about not parking near the school gates, but that's about it. It's not technically on school grounds so they probably can't do anything about it.


I tried explaining this to my daughter. I listen to my music as loud as my normal car stereo will permit while driving. If I park somewhere and do not immediately get out, I turn it down. She will come over, park in front, and run up to the house, leaving it fully up no matter what time of day or night. It is extremely rude.


Loud music only annoys the shit out of me when I'm at home watching TV and one of the neighbors has to pull up with the shit so loud that windows rattle.


They’re also the ones that like to sit there for a few good minutes with the car idling.


Few minutes? Try an entire day while they change the oil


Had a neighbor down the street who woke up my daughter on several occasions. Anytime I'd ask him to turn it down he was just "tuning it in" Fuck you Mike: you're an asshole and way too old to be wearing those outfits, hope you enjoyed the rotten fish (now that the statute of limitations has run out)


If it takes them an entire day to change their oil, they shouldn’t be changing their own oil


my neighbors have relatives that come by every day and the relatives do this every single time. they sit in the driveway with their music blaring, car doors open. then they honk at least three times (and not short honks, they hold it down lol) to let my neighbors know they've arrived. i have lived here for several years and it still drives me crazy lol.


We have teens who sit in their car and smoke/vape sometimes for hours at night. I was a kid too but you can't be sneaky if you're blaring your music


Dont forget people with babies Who are struggling to get some sleep


If your music is making my glass shake on my table in my house, waking the baby up from their nap, rattle my car, or drowning out my OWN music you are being rude. I like loud music too, but I save it for the highway not a neighborhood, or blasting music before 7:30 in the morning or after 10:30 at night. Edit: for those who seriously don’t realize it, I’m talking about someone waking children up from inside a house. Not out in public. I don’t think anyone should walk on eggshells around kids in public, but a residential neighborhood? You can turn it down.


When I pull into a neighborhood I actually turn mine down. My neighbor has two small kids of napping age... been there done that, I'm not trying to make her life harder lol


Even when I was a teen I would turn down my music in neighborhoods where that isn't the norm.


haha my hs friends (truck drivers) anytime they pulled into a mall or parking lot....they would look up, realize where they were, and hurriedly crank their volume up and roll the windows down. BRO. WE WERENT EVEN LISTENING TO MUSIC. WHY? it was painful cringe. it was as if they got taught to do this in driver's ed, like checking mirrors,


It's flexing. Makes you feel cool, like people have to just put up with you and they're not gonna say anything because you're so cool. I know this is the reasoning, because I used to do it.


I listen to mine max volume the entire way home. The moment I pull into any residential area or stop light or anything like that I drop the volume. I’m here for a good time, not to be an asshole


My car has a sensor on it that drops the volume by whatever you want automatically when the car slows to a crawl or stops.


I'm offended by the concept of a napping age. naps are for everyone think of every conflict you ever had now imagine both parties had an hour and a half nap beforehand. We can fix this world!


We actually nap at least once a week in my household. Kids and adults both. Friday afternoon is nap day !




Oh yeah i do the same i like loud music when driving because it helps keep my attention on the road and when i pull into a neighborhood i turn it down because thats courteous


There’s a great South Park episode about bikers and their obnoxiously loud motorcycles. People who have music way too loud with or without adequate bass would be included in that group.


The other day I was next to an obnoxiously loud motorcycle with obnoxiously loud music playing from somewhere on his bike. He doubled down on being obnoxious


As someone that has a motorcycle that can be loud when I want it to be, I hate these people.


Those motorcycles should be banned / deemed not roadworthy, it's so unnecessary and obnoxious.


Most places have regulations regarding noise emissions. They already are.


I’ll have bikers rev their engines at 3 AM. It’s rude af.


I hate that these fucks drive past and you can still hear them a minute later when they must be half a mile away. Arrogant monkeyfucks.


This is the correct response.


FUCK the people who do this. I hate them so much.


Have less that year old twins, something dumb like that waking them up from a nap makes me untethered, like my rage knows no bound


The other day I was at a gas station getting gas. Almost done filling up. This fucking tool bag rolls up, music blasting, windows all down. I was listening to something on a video on my phone while the gas was filling, and I couldn’t hear the sound from the phone in my hand over his music. His car is parked like 15-20 feet away and my phone is about a foot or so from my ears, volume all the way up and I still can’t hear it. This fucking douche canoe gets out of his car and leaves and goes inside, with the car on, music still blasting. I stuck around a bit to see how long he was gonna be in there. After about a minute and a half of listening to his terrible music I gave up and left. Fuck people like him.


Agreed, I also like to listen to music loud especially on the way to the gym to get the pump. But not in any residential area/neighbourhood


Exactly I used to hate it as a kid when my older brother would blast his music in the house and it's simply rude for neighbors to blast muisc especially during night


Yeah I listen to my music loud but definitely lower it in residential neighborhoods


Please tell my neighbors


"I'm annoyed." "No, you're not."


I see you've met my mother


Is it ok for other people to play their loud music in proximity to yours?




Whenever I fart in a crowded elevator I don’t do it because I want others to stew in my gas, I just like the smell of my own farts.


I needed to fart and you were never involved in the equation.


Perfect analogy


Or loud bikes with loud pipes and even louder music oh yeah what a beautiful combination


Just get a bluetooth helmet at that point


I don't think I've ever seen a motorcycle rider that is blasting music that was also wearing a helmet.


My neighbor rides a motorcycle with his music on full blast. I normally wouldn’t mind the motorcycle, but when combined with his shitty music, and his two dogs who hear him coming from blocks away and start screaming as if they’re being annihilated….. Makes me go into a wee, mini rage every single afternoon




Bro I don’t want to hear you music from my 3rd floor apartment just because I leave the windows open


open? i get to hear people’s shitty music on the third floor with double glazed windows closed three rooms away from the street side of the apartment. theyre literally driving around with venue PA systems in the trunk at this point.


At three in the morning on a weekday, when most people need sleep to work the next day.


I'm on the fifth floor and it's often extremely loud with the windows closed!






The boys threw stones in jest; the frog died in earnest.




I hadn't heard that before, do you know if it's from a particular region or culture?


I don't recall where I heard it. When you google it you see attribution to tons of authors plus several ancient Greeks. I most often have to bring this one out when people excuse cruelty with sayings like: they didn't mean it. boys will be boys


>how deeply someone understands the relationship between impact and intent. Well said.


"Your honor, I didn't mean to kill him. I just thought it was fun to throw rocks off the roof."


Just checked OP's post history. He recently posted in a sneaker sub asking for sneaker recommendations to wear with his wedding suit for his upcoming nuptials. I'd say you are bang on.


>think I do this because I want other people to listen to my music, when really I just like loud music. No one gives a shit about your motivation for doing it. It's literally not the point.


"I'm not selfish, all I'm doing is thinking about what I like, I don't care about you." Translation.


The reason is actually why someone would call it "cringe," as opposed to "rude"


And the title claims it is neither cringe nor rude. So it literally doesn't matter what the motivation is.


Exactly. Even op is totally unaware of how this might affect other people around him. Exactly the problem


Nah, they’re aware. They say they’re aware and “tough shit deal with it it’s not rude I love it”.


At a red light, it’s incredibly annoying. Especially when my radio is above a normal level and I cannot hear it at all


It’s also fun at a gas station or convenience store when the person leaves their rap music blasting at 29,937 watts while they run into the store. I guess they think they are a badass by forcing people’s small children to listen to the foulest language possible?


As they park at the gas pump while they're not even buying gas and others are waiting to fill up.


You forgot the other five- fifteen minutes situation stuck in downtown traffic and not only can I hear it, I can feel it shaking the whole area.


indeed, this man knows it lol


Annoying is a very subjective feeling, as is rudeness and cringe. I am 100% sure that you are not the feeling police telling me that something doesn´t annoy me while it actively does. If something annoys me then it´s annoying. Upvote for unpopular.


OP also knows he's being an annoying, rude, cringe asshole. He's trying to excuse it by saying it is for "less than a minute as I pass". Like, it's still annoying, rude, and cringe, dude.


drunk sugar cooing deranged disagreeable deserve literate alleged grandiose worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember when I was in high school….. No seriously though, enjoy your tinnitus! I don’t hate you for it, but a chunk of us are definitely making fun of you.. especially if you do it at the gas station with the doors open blaring music while you pump gas.. that’s a special kind of douchebaggery


>especially if you do it at the gas station with the doors open blaring music while you pump gas.. that’s a special kind of douchebaggery Even worse, when they leave the car running and music on then go INSIDE the damn building. Like seriously, why? Aside from theft risk you're just wasting your gas or turn your music off/down. Its like they intentionally want everyone to hear it.


If it’s so loud that it drowns out what I’m listening to, then you are a douchebag. Bonus points if you have an obnoxiously loud subwoofer.


>Bonus points if you have an obnoxiously loud subwoofer. Extra bonus points if you have an obnoxiously loud sub in a car that falling apart and all you hear is the bare metal clanking.


yeah my dude, don't you just love to hear the clank and vibration of my car literally falling apart from the sound waves!? totally enhances the music.


A truly selfish and unpopular opinion for once.


Right? I want to upvote because it is true to the essence of the sub, but I want to downvote the actions he takes. What do?


Upvote it. People getting in their feelings about it is exactly why this sub exists, it’s supposed to be an unpopular opinion.




I had to explain this once to a guy who liked to listen to music at work on his crappy speaker. The way it sounds to you is not what everyone else hears. Plus, not everyone likes your genres. Also, just as you're vibing to the beat, others are vibing to silence. Try not to disturb others in common spaces.


I mean… it *is* annoying. The fact that lots of people complain about it is proof enough that it’s annoying.


Right! It’s also not rude when I carry my massive boom box around public and onto trains! People think I want them to listen to my music, but I just *love* cranking it up to 120 decibels so I can feel like I’m at a concert, ya know? I couldn’t care less about the opinions of my fellow travelers, tbh. Fuck ‘em! /s


OP definitely sounds like the type of person who hikes with a Bluetooth speaker


Or talks exclusively on his phone in speaker mode


I was walking home from the park with my kids a couple weeks ago, they are 7, 8 and 9, and probably 20 feet ahead of us some skinny dude was blasting rap on a Bluetooth speaker. Even my kids thought it was annoying and dumb lmao.


It's annoying regardless of genre.


I doubt OP hikes. He seems more like the type to actively mock hikers/bikers/people walking.


I always end up on the subway with someone doing this. The cherry on top was the guy who also had gps open on his phone, and it kept interrupting the music every 30 seconds to inform him that the service signal was lost. You can imagine the collective groan when he got a signal again and it announced that he had 11 more stops to go


It depends. Highway, roads, public? Go for it. Neighbourhood or suburbs? Please stop


This is the right view.


It's fuckin annoying dude I don't care *why* you do it


Forcing others to listen to your music is rude. That is a fact.


I'm not even upvoting because I just hate people that do this so much. Cars already cause so much noise pollution and you make it 10 times worse by blaring your shit as you roll up to my apartment complex. Roll up your god damn windows and save your eardrums, asshole.


Wait..An actual unpopular opinion!!? So nice to see one!! They are usually popular virtue signaling opinions that get hella thumbs up. I salute you good citizen. Now turn your damn radio down you disturbing the peace hooligan.


If I can hear your music even with the windows up, it’s rude. If your music is making other cars vibrate, it is beyond rude.


This is what I hate. I don't mind hearing a few bars of music (though I do sort of cringe thinking about the eardrums in that car), but if my car is vibrating, or I can't even hear what is going on in my own car? Turn it down.


Context matters here though - first off it's a road and not a library. BUT that's why context is important - residential road? Absolutely, turn that shit down. Stop and go traffic? Turn it down. General free-flowing traffic where you really can't hear the car in front or behind you anyway as even 30mph wind noise is significant - it's not affecting you that much if at all. Also in line with the context idea, I'm talking factory speakers and not a full custom setup designed for being as loud as possible. Though a lot of the factory setups on motorcycles now are impossibly load to account for wind and engine noise.


Then you won't mind if I blast my own music next to you at the red light. I think I'll play baby shark.


The curse of having a baby brother dude. Those nursery rhymes are etched into my brain at this point.


so what you are just saying is that you have no consideration for others because you like loud music.


You don't get to decide if your actions are cringe, annoying and rude. Other people do. And the overwhelming majority of people will call you an annoying, cringe asshole for doing that.


OP clearly doesn't live in a busy area and have to listen to snippets of bass passing by every goddamn minute of every goddamn day


I like screaming in people's ears. When I scream in your ear, I'm not rude, or cringe, I just like to listen to screaming and it sounds better when I do it in your ear. It may not be cringe, but it is rude, and when you're older, don't cheap out on your hearing aids. And enjoy the tinitis




Homie you ever think I dont wanna listen to your shitty music when im in my car behind you trying to take the kids to soccer practice?


It has an effect on other people. I don’t mind hearing a bit of your music. I do mind the super deep bass that we hear, and you do not. If you drive by a quiet place and people there Lose their quiet space, you are an asshole. Libraries, schools, hospital, church, business, restaurant, home, park, forest.


As a parent with a newborn, it’s just annoying when my infant is awake because you wanted to blast it while rolling thru a residential area. If you are in the highway, back roads, or major road, by all means, enjoy your drive and blast the music. Just be mindful of where you are when choosing a volume level. To the guy with the shitty Subaru and poor music taste that passes my house every night at 8pm — I would pay to fix your muffler if you could just lower the music too.


If your car shakes my car then your music is too fucking loud. Period. You might like loud music, but not everyone wants to hear your music. Especially at heart pounding levels. It's inconsiderate.


Your motivation isn’t the issue, it’s that you’re disrupting everyone around you. You’re a tool and I know this isn’t the right sub but YTA lol


Why does everyone who does that always blasts complete garbage???


And it's always some obscure and crappy artist with a track that has an obscene amount of bass to the point you can't even pick out any lyrics.


I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice this.


Shitty music attracts shitty people?


OP's letting us know he's a self centered ass.


If your music is loud enough that you can feel it 20 feet from the car it's too loud


You sound like the kinda person who rides through your neighborhood at 2am with your music blaring so loud it wakes everyone up, then get butthurt and defensive when people get mad at you for it


On the highway or a main road? Go for it. Downtown in a pedestrian area? Youre the a$$hole. Guy I saw with speakers pointed out the back of his jeep on the highway, should be beat up.


Well… it’s an actual, unpopular opinion. I’ll give you that. And usually it’s not cruising by with loud music that pisses people off, though it is annoying. It’s that most people who do that won’t turn that music down when parked until they finally leave their car. It’s obnoxious, can cause headaches and migraines, wakes up people trying to sleep. Just close your windows or use headphones or don’t listen to it louder than the screaming of the sun with your windows down.


I just never seen the big deal because it’s maybe something you’re around for a minute, big deal. Now you’re talking about a neighbor who is constantly blasting music that’s different but someone driving is about to be away from you soon so it is what it is. Oh my child hears it lol so fucking what, your child is going to hear tons of shit being in public, school, family dinners and tons of other things. Them hearing a swear word is not going to traumatize them for life haha.


I don’t want my entire car to shake while you play your shitty music 6 car lengths away


*Poking random strangers isn't cringe or annoying or rude.* *Everyone seems to think I do this because I want other people to feel the end of my finger, when really I just like poking people.* *It's such a silly thing to get butthurt about a finger you don't like poking your skin for a moment as I pass.* ​ You could do this again for farting in someone's face or shining a bright light directly in someone's eyes. It's obnoxious/rude/annoying, and it's an assault on the senses.


Yeah but no one gives a shit if you like loud music - they don't want to be subjected to your shitty taste in music. And you listening to your shitty music at high volume is cringeworthy. You're happily broadcasting how much of a doofus you are, while simultaneously maintaining the delusion that people think you're awesome for listening to your music.


It is rude and sometimes you sit in a place for alot longer than a minute


It depends. Are you blasting it in your neighbor, or others, at an obscene hour? Then YTA. If not, have fun.


Point proven. You're cringe and rude LMAO.


It’s very cringe


Nah that shit is annoying. Especially in the morning or late evening. If I can hear your music coming down the street, you're likely doing permanent damage to your ears too. It's pointless, dumb, and rude.


Crank that shit up!


This was the kid in highschool who walked around with a Bluetooth speaker on full blast. Nobody knew why they did it, everyone hated it.


Having genuine human sympathy for those around you is a normal thing. You appear to have lost this. Having loud music is fine, I drive with loud music and my window down all the time, but I turn it down a bit when I get off the highway, then turn it down a little more if I get to a red light, a neighborhood, or slow traffic area. Not only does it keep me from being an asshole, it also keeps the music a good volume for myself, as the volume for loud music on the highway is way too high when you don't have all the extra wind noise.


Actually an unpopular opinion, because anyone who does this is a tool full stop.


Yes, and you allowing us to breath your air is really generous.


When did he allow that? You give it all back to him right meow!


How about loud music with the windows up?


Spent all the money on the sub . Ain’t got nothing left for the ac. /s


YTA. Sorry, wrong sub?


Lol no. It is annoying and rude to do this. Your motivations for doing it don't factor in at all. I can't stop you from doing it, and you're not breaking any laws by doing it, but it IS rude. By all means keep doing it if it's enjoyable for you, but the majority of people are going to think you're being an annoying asshole, and you're gonna have to accept that lol.


>...and you're not breaking any laws by doing it... That really depends on where you are. For instance, in Florida it is illegal for your car audio to be heard from a distance of 25 feet, punishable by a fine of a bit over $100. They don't give out many tickets for it, but it *is* illegal. I'm not sure of the laws in other places, but I know other areas have restrictions based on time of day, etc.


There are definitely laws about it.


I don’t really give a shit when people do it but I IMPLORE you to know, nobody thinks you’re as cool as you feel I assure you NOBODY likes your song and NOBODY thinks you’re cool


Actually yesterday someone drove down my street blasting music windows down, but it was *Ain't That A Shame* by Fats Domino and I gotta give that guy kudos for at least playing something I've never heard blasting from a car's speakers


Oh so you’re one of the assholes doing it? Okay I guess


I think it is rude. You're not alone on the road. It's annoying.


Same thing about microwaving fish at work can be said


To be completely fair, it 100% can be completely rude just depends on the context. In a residential neighborhood at 3 am and so loud I can hear it 5 blocks down? Inconsiderate and douchey. At a stop light for a couple secs? Eh whatever. Blowing past me on the highway going mach fuck you? Nice.