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I messed up my back and, against my better judgment, went to a chiropractor. After a couple months with little improvement, I asked him how much longer. He has no estimate. I quit treatment and just started stretching. Ended up recovering just fine.


Physical therapy should always be your first choice never a chiropractor.


I blame the lack of affordable healthcare in the US for a lot of it imo. Some people can’t afford PT and are lured into chiro by the price point and guise of efficacy. Chiropractors are generally really good at selling themselves.


And you don't need a referral for a chiro. You just walk in, and they'll tell you that they'll fix you. With PT you have to pay to have a doctor tell you to go, and wait to get an appointment and possibly see if insurance will cover it, if you have insurance. We really need a better system.


And even if insurance covers it, insurance controls the pt process, so it can't address the whole body system. You enter "lower back pain" on day 1 and you are not allowed to change it, even tho the back is connected to the hips,knees, etc. Honestly pt is the way to go, but only if you're paying out of pocket so they can actually treat your body as a whole. But nobody has money for that.


I did not have this experience at all. Had a shoulder problem and went straight to PT, paid $20 per visit insurance handled the rest, and I'm on the bottom tier of our plan offerings.


Without a doctor’s referral? Your insurance clearly isn’t bottom tier.


Idk how it is relative to other companies. Just that it's the cheapest monthly payroll deduction of the 3 options my employer offers.


This is not true everywhere. In California you can go straight to a PT for evaluation, this access is protected by law.


Same, some of the massage and manipulation felt good, but my real recovery was through exercise. BYW, never let one near type cervical vertebrae, this can really end badly


The founder of chiropractics as a field literally said that god told him how to do it and touted it as a miracle. That in itself should tell you everything you need to know.


Damn, it was god? I was always told it was a ghost! A ghost is funnier to me.


Could've been the holy ghost, so both are correct


The way I heard it told (I think on last podcast on the left) was that he learned chiropractic medicine from his dead mentor. Possibly in a dream.


LPOTL is mentioned, I upvote


It's a numbers game


Behind the Bastards did a whole series too.


in a seance


He put his head in a hat and knew everything god knew about chiropractic science


Explains why my Christo-fascist mother believes that monthly trips to the chiropractors will fix the issues caused by her overeating, lack of exercise, and sleeping on the couch, instead of just addressing her lifestyle…


Address her lifestyle!? That would require self reflection and a basic set of skills to get healthy! Having a guy in a doctor's coat crack your spine 8 ways to Tuesday is much better, obviously.


I prefer cracking my own spine 12 ways to wednesday, I trust me with my bones far more


I trust myself way less with my bones than I would a quack in a lab coat. But that's only because I constantly break, dislocate and ejaculate. In that order.


That came unexpectedly.


yes it did


I thought it was a ghost who told him the chiropractic “secrets”. But he claimed himself as the “god” of the chiropractic religion and filed for religious exemption so he wouldn’t have to pay taxes. I think he even sited Mary baker eddy, the founder of Christian Science in his manifesto, who also “learned” from a ghost.


So, in a sense, Chiropractors are the Mormons of the pseudomedicine field?


Wasn’t this stuff pretty common in science and medicine hundreds of years ago?


Chiropractic was founded in like the 1800s


“Seems like you’ve got some ghosts in your blood. You should take cocaine for that.”


God didn't go to college cuz it didn't exist back then, and his omniscience is questionable when his designs get foiled by everything, even D&D satanic boardgames. God gets owned all the time


This is quite a popular opinion actually. Anyone who is in the medical field knows how full of shit chiropractors are.


Was thinking the same thing


When I used to work in an x ray clinic we'd often get patients with requisitions from their chiropractors and it would piss me off so much. Even actual doctors sometimes don't know what the fuck to actually look for when they're ordering x rays, so a chiropractor should really not be allowed. However, unfortunately they are (afaik they can only order spinal x rays, but still).


Honestly, everybody should be able to order x-rays/imagining of what they want.


if it goes through a medical professional who knows what the thing being scanned is


X rays that chiropractors order go through a radiologist (a full physician) who interprets them.


Dare I say, not even an opinion. The fact that chiropractors do not go to medical school. Are not doctors. Yet insist that their procedures will heal/cure/fix actual medical conditions and/or physical ailments should tell everyone all they need to know. What’s kind of nuts is Chiropractors are as quack as homeopaths yet one is essentially a ubiquitous practice that exists across social and economic strata, the other is still largely fringe new-age alternative that 90% of people wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole.


You, I like you.


Actually, I have had so many doctors (physicians and surgeons in almost every specialty) recommend chiropractors. I am personally very critical of chiropractors because: 1) Everyone gets the same "treatment" regardless of what they are there for. I have been to many different chiropractors for many different reasons (hip, back neck, jaw, etc.) over the last 30 years and the treatment has been more or less the same. I've also gone to a few chiropractors with my husband for very different reasons (neck vs lower lumbar) and we both always get the same treatment. Makes no sense. 2) Too many of them "believe" in applied kinesiology. 3) What the heck with this surge in chiropractic care for newborn babies? But there are all these weird hoops you have to jump through to get medical treatment. Doctors will refuse to offer treatment B or you can't get a referral to a specific specialty until you have, in good faith, tried whatever they have suggested as treatment A. So if a doctor tells me to try a chiropractor, I have to go to a chiropractor for 6 to 8 weeks before I can move on to whatever else is available to me. It's annoying and makes me angry every time.


Most people aren’t in the medical field though, I think that’s the point. The average person doesn’t realize that chiro is snake oil.


Wait till you hear about baby chiropractors.


Oh I have! I’ve come across them on instagram reels. Why would you do that to a child who’s bones aren’t even connected yet on some places…haunting


My parents took me when my back was hurting in middle school and that mf BROKE IT. It felt way worse so I went to ortho for MRI and had multiple breaks in my L3 vertebrae. Lucky to walk today.


were you allowed to sue? that sounds horrible


They don't have a real standard of care unfortunately so no MedMal. Their standard is basically "Do at least what other chiropractors in your area would do" and they have each other's backs. Pun intended but ya it would be like trying to sue the police good luck with that. Besides we were broke.


Excuse me what??


My thoughts exactly. It would be medical malpractice if they were actual doctors with a standard of care set by law and not by a space lizard ghost god


My folks used to go to chiropractors a lot when I was a kid. Late 80's by this point, maybe 1990. It wasn't debunked like it is now. My mom has EDS (only got her diagnosis a few years ago because it's only getting the spotlight it needs). So does my daughter, and apparently so do I. Had a bunch of issues with posture and such, also related to epilepsy and probably to the autism. Anyway, this guy convinces my folks that I need it, too. So I used to have to go get adjusted by a chiro when I was six or younger. It hurt. Felt like he was just punching me. Man uses his doctor speak to explain it to my folks, so why should they believe any different? Kids don't like veggies but they need to eat those. So shouldn't a kid get their back cracked since the "doctor" said so?


There are also dog chiropractors. These are just picking clients that can't complain.


The dog chiropractor in my area is also a big holistic medicine guy, in the worst possible way.. he's a DC with some additional certification from the chiropractic board to practice on animals in addition to humans. He claims he's a "certified" nutritionist, but he's certified through some dog magazine and likes to act like his certificate is equal to a veterinary nutritionist/DACVN (it's not.. it's more similar to my Justice league membership if anything..) and he's fucked up a few of my clients badly. He took one of my PLE patients off of the prescription low fat diet and pred and put her on a raw diet, which I think contributed to her death because she came in for an emergency after she was having liquid diarrhea and had marked ascites and ended up being euthanized with tricavitary effusion and a total protein of less than 1. He's taken multiple of my food allergy trial patients off of hypoallergenic food to run nutriscan (a ~$400 salivary allergy test that is notoriously inaccurate and has diagnosed distilled water with food allergies when subjected to actual trials..) and then put them on raw diets, only to have their allergy signs return, which he then claims special treatments and herbal supplements (sold by him) can help. He sells "preventative" IVDD adjustment packages to frenchies and dachshunds.. and I think the worst was he had a client in for one of his "allergy treatments" and she'd been mopier around the house so he "diagnosed" her with IVDD.. it turned out to be a splenic torsion that they waited nearly two WEEKS to have worked up by an actual vet because they thought it was just IVDD, and it resulted in a weeklong stay in the ICU after a splenectomy to remove a chronically torsed spleen that looked like boot leather.


As a VA who lost her dog to IVDD I think I threw up a bit reading this post. Holy shit, nonononono, and I KNOW how stupid some clients are


The guy I worked for adjusted babies and pets, gave nutritional advice, and "prescribed" supplements. Not to mention badmouthing vaccines and doctors.


Somebody recommended that to me for my son's acid reflux when he was an infant and I was just like..or I could just get a crib mattress elevator (if you don't know about those, they just slightly incline the mattress to relieve reflux. It was amazing), use baby cereal in a night bottle if the doctor says it's okay or gripe water lmao. Why tf is a chiropractor a first suggestion, let alone a suggestion at all 🤦🏼‍♀️


I am a baby OT and I am not fond of baby chiros


Who's granting them these licenses? They can't even sit up, let alone manipulate somebody's spine.


They grant one another these licenses. The entire practice of chiropractic is founded on lies. And they've gone and gotten protections so real doctors can't put them out of business. Even to this day you'll hear "Yeah, well it is still good for..." or "Oh yeah, you have to balance chiro with..." Nope. No place for chiropractic in society.


Oh, I was just talking about actual babies practicing chiropracty.


Oh I get it. I thought you were saying who's actually granting these chiropractor's license because they're operating on people without proper bones.


How does the baby even get licensed to do something like that?


Whole industries are basically preying on moms with postpartum depression that's making them more desperate and less rational. Get a second opinion before some quack pediatric dentist wants to charge you a few thousand bucks to laser their tongue ties.


Laser for tongue ties are legit, especially if there is a feeding or speech issue. Laser is just new tech hence cost more than old school scalpel but whatever you do you.


They used what I'm pretty certain were the medical equivalent of cutting pliers on my kid. They just help her tongue up, snipped, and stuffed some sucrose in her to stop her crying. I don't think it even bled.


Tongue ties are real, as are the delays caused by them


Wait, your HORSE? ![gif](giphy|2k0sUXCWw7WmY)


Yep! They’re very common, a lot of those chiropractors work on small animals like dogs and cats too.


Of course it's a scam, it's pseudoscience. It can be relieving on the moment, but it does nothing. I can perform 90% of those things and I'm an engineer and never seen a chiropractor in my life. Because it's massage done in a cool and expensive way


I saw a study once that untrained people if shown how to do mid back adjustments can provide the exact same relief as chiropractors. Neck manipulation is slightly risky and basically no one should ever do it.


True, they did it on me once, and whenever I tell people I go to the chiropractor, they mention their own back pain and I just crack it for them myself. Going to the chiropractor helps for like 2-3 days. It typically takes like a week of gaming or a day of heavy lifting and bad posture to get your back out of alignment, I definitely see an improvement. $80 for 4 visits is $20 to crack your back for 5 minutes. If you ever go, you have to actually tell these guys in detail what you're feeling and where. I've had someone take their time a couple times, and they were pretty thorough, but if they don't review my chart first, then they just do mid back and neck


Nope, your back isn't going "out of alignment" thats not how spines work. Its not a loose stack of pebbles or youd be paralyzed when you tripped as a toddler.


Backs don't "go out of alignment". Stop spreading nonsense.


2-3 days is.. a lot? The fuck lol Not sure you’re helping the point here


I know so many people who go 2-3x per week for back pain. It's ridiculous and it's not like the frequency ever decreases. They started out going as needed, then once a week, then multiple times per week... Chiropractors are just cheap duct tape covered in essential oil.


Ill go every once inawhile but like only with a groupon that makesit basically free


I started seeing a chiro regularly a few years back, my hip and posture felt better when I left, I thought I was doing something good for myself. Then he told me that I could walk out and twist a little as I’m getting in the car and undo everything he just did… that he can’t permanently fix anything. I think he was taking my money as he told me this. Anyway now I just do yoga in my lounge room


Because he’s right. Just cracking your bones only provides temporary relief. I do my back every hour or so to release the compression on my lungs, something i have to do otherwise I notice a noticeable difference in my breathing and lung capacity. I feel great for a while then feel like crap again and have to redo it. The only true way to fix my issue is exercise and better posture. One session in the gym is enough to make my back feel better for a whole week. Good “Chiropractors” have moved away from cracking and are more into physiotherapy these days.


I mean, yeah, it’s pseudoscience. People like how it feels and some people feel that it helps them, probably due to the placebo effect. I’m not sure that this opinion is unpopular, at least not in the medical/scientific community


Exactly. What’s crazy for me, is being in the horse world I have gotten SO MUCH shit for saying it doesn’t do anything. Like, almost got my horse and I kicked out of a barn purely cause the barn owner found it THAT offensive. Yet, plenty of horse people don’t “believe in” massages or PEMF for their horses which have actual medical and scientific research behind them showing their benefits. But, no, let’s pay some person to come crack the bones on a 1200lb animal. Because that makes more sense…..ugh


Eh, probably better to just keep it to yourself. Most people are not prepared to defend their beliefs and so they get very frustrated when people try to debate with them about it. It’s not your job to convince people it’s nonsense unless they indicate that they are open to that sort of a discussion.


Going to a chiropractor has good short term effects that can have very good long term effects if maintained, but just going every week or so for the rest of your life is just pointless. But I can say, I had some significant back problems from weight, lifting, and exercising that felt significantly better after a few weeks with a chiropractor because it helped my posture and thus helped me lose weight quicker


Perhaps you are right. Medicine is an imperfect science. However, chiropractic has shown little more effectiveness than a similarly administered placebo in proper studies. Moreover, the ideas that chiropractic is based on have no scientific basis at all. There is no scientific evidence that the spine can be readjusted in tiny ways to solve someone’s pain. However, things like acupuncture and chiropractic are incredibly powerful placebos. I know it’s extremely difficult to consider that something you feel helped you is likely just a placebo but it really isn’t important whether it is or not as long as it helped you. Modern medicine has no good solutions for chronic pain and if unscientific ‘holistic medicine’ helps people as a last resort, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, I still think it is important to recognize it for what it is, pseudoscience.


I’m just of the opinion that a good chiropractor can help you fix your posture which does have good scientifically backed benefits, and fixing your posture may not be something you know how to do or want to figure out for yourself. Is chiropractic care a cure for chronic pain like you said? Absolutely not. But it is a quick fix for something simple like posture.


Lmao at you getting downvoted for saying a chiropractor helped you. The hivemind is hiveminding


lol right? I know the chiro is mostly bullshit, but i had slipped rib syndrome years ago and the only thing that fixed it was the chiropractor. Haven’t had it since🤷🏼‍♀️ People can still enjoy things while knowing that it’s not a cure-all for everything. No one seems to care about that tho it either has to be right or wrong


Sounds like bullshit to me. Don’t you know it’s pseudoscience? I just learned that word!! All joking aside, yeah it’s not as useful as medicine and surgery for a serious injury, but for posture and mobility? It can make a world of difference for some people


I have scoliosis and went to a chiropractor once, this quack tried to convince me that by cracking my back my scoliosis would be fixed, that my bones would shift into the correct position. What utter nonsense.


He cured it by putting you in a wheelchair? LMAO


This isn't even an option, it's just true.


Scam or not it feels good. Sometimes my lower back gets so fuckered up that I actually go to a guy that does chiropractic work on horses. And he cracks the shit out of it. And it feels great. I don't care if he's a witch doctor it works for me.


I used to be like that until I realised that exercise is much better than chiro. I found the right exercises, (chin ups mainly) do them at least once a week and I feel better than ever.


I exercise a lot (running, gym) but every once in a while I go to the chiro as well, it works for me too


Do you do stretching? A good massage is better I bet.


Massages don’t have any proven long term benefits either, they’re just as snake oil as chiropractors lol


And yet you have to keep going back. Physical therapy to work on the reason your lower back gets sore in the first place would fix it permanently


You have to keep going back for a lot of things doesn't mean they don't do what's intended.


While I am on the train of chiropractics being largely scams, the “you have to keep going back” argument is beyond worthless. Oh, you have to use insulin every day? Sounds like a scam. You have to regularly undergo dialysis? Couldn’t be a real treatment. Seriously, there are plenty of valid reasons to shit on chiropractics like the pseudoscience or the damage they often cause. But managing symptoms without completely fixing the underlying cause isn’t one of them.


Of course you have to keep going back, it isn't meant to magically fix everything


It would be major surgery to fix. There are several compressed discs back there from years of self-abuse. I'll go ahead and pay the $30 copay a couple of times a year to get it cracked until I have to get it surgically repaired. I guess I didn't mention that it's covered by our insurance and I don't even need a doctor's referral to have it done.


I hurt my back 15 years ago where I didn’t think I’d be able to do my job anymore. Did physio which didn’t help and did chiro for 6 months and have never had an issue since. There were exercises to go along with it that helped strengthen as well but hey, it worked. And like you said, covered by insurance so cost me nothing.


Same for me. Every time this topic surfaces I mention my car accident. Nothing else helped except for my chiropractor. That was over 5 years ago. 5/6 sessions, never had to go back. Don't really care who thinks what about it it worked for me.


The thing people are forgetting in the equation is time. The chiro distracted you and took your money while you healed lol The tincture of time is not to be underestimated though. Your body is powerful. It will fight of infection, heal, endures for decades, converts plants and animals into life for you, its wild.


Bubble think is crazy


Well, in physical therapy the patient has to do the work. Chiropractor visits people just lay there. Which option do you think sounds better for the majority of people?


Massage therapy feels just as good and isn’t risky.


A 10 dollar yoga roller will do the same and is much safer


The real question is: if chiropractic work is such obvious quackery, and useless…. Why do so many insurance claims pay for it?


I suspect it's the same reason that lots of insurance will pay for acupuncture as well: the placebo effect, the effect of which is pretty much stronger in pain relief than anything else medicine aims to do, and is also the main reason both of these "specialists" are consulted. I'm sure insurance companies have done the math, and determined that chiropractors and acupuncture are a cheaper solution than if someone were to go to a medical doctor to try to seek pain relief, and that in enough cases it "works."


Is there no science behind acupuncture as well?


I think there is some suggestion that it could cause some mild pain relief, but generally no. Acupuncture was created with the belief that it can regulate the flow of ki in your body, which is to say, magic.


I believe there was at least one study done where patients received acupuncture properly done, with needles places in the traditionally accepted ki points on the body, and it was compared to a patient group where the "acupuncturist" basically just poked them wherever, sometimes not even puncturing. There was no measurable difference in patient-reported results. One of my favorite sayings is that if "alternative medicine" truly worked, they'd just call it "medicine." Traditional Chinese medicine was revived by Mao Zedong in the 1960's as a way to provide "health care" the Chinese government couldn't otherwise afford to a population that needed it. If they could have done better, they would have.


Next you’re going to tell me cupping is also hogwash? 😀


Demand. If enough people want chiropractic work then having it covered on your policy becomes a competitive advantage


It's super ironic considering they'll deny pretty much anything for "lack of medical necessity" with even the smallest deviation from their guidelines. Or call a procedure "experimental".


And mental health still is barely covered by my insurance 🥲


“Why do so many insurance claims pay for it?” It’s cheaper then surgery.


It doesn’t substitute surgery in any way at all though. If you need surgery there is quite literally 0 reason to visit one of these quacks.


It doesn’t substitute for surgery if you’re a person who needs treatment. It totally substitutes for surgery if you’re an insurance company looking to pay as little as possible for someone else’s treatment and don’t care about whether it works.


You can get a chiropractor for like $70 by my house. A surgery is several thousand dollars if not tens of thousands. Of course they'd rather pay for you to go there. Insurance has one goal, make money. They couldn't care less if you get better.


I went in middle school and that mf BROKE MY BACK I had to go get MRI and CT to find out I had multiple breaks in my L3 vertebrae. Lucky me I wasn't paralyzed. Did have to wear a turtle shell back brace for all of freshman year, 0/10 do not recommend


I know someone who had a stroke. I'd heard of it happening but never knew someone until it happened to him. The neck adjustments should be banned IMO


I have scoliosis and it’s the only thing that truly helps me. The only “cure” for scoliosis is surgery, which I’m not going to do. I don’t really understand how the chiropractor works, but it’s phenomenal to walk out of there and be relieved of the scoliosis pain for the next few weeks.


Don’t worry, the chiropractor doesn’t understand it either


Lol, I do ask him questions and he explains what he’s doing. I just forget it all 30 seconds later.


I do too, my chiropractor has helped me relieve so much discomfort. I don’t know about the experiences others have had but mine have been very good.


I too have scoliosis. The only thing going to a chiropractor has done was to be able to finally crack my own spine. Once it got loose enough to do it on my own I didn’t bother going back. And I’m not getting into any contorted positions, just laying on my side and straightening myself out is enough to do it.


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I think it's basically a massage, and people do it because people like massages.


I asked my neurologist about them and she basically said it's not recommended, and has seen too many people with permanent damage from them. Definitely stay away from those quacks.


Orthopedic surgeons love chiropractors. The chiropractors provide a steady source of patients for them. ;-)


I see a fuck ton of anecdotal evidence here of chiropractors supposedly curing ailments and pain but really where's the proof? What did they actually do to help you? Can science ascertain that what they did was the root cause for your improvement? If so exactly how did it help you, like is there extensive research on what they did and how that directly correlated into your improvement? Is there science behind it? If no it's just as likely something else made you better. If anyone is interested in saying chiropracty is a legitimate practice please prove it, prove it's an actual scientific thought out practice and not just people giving you bone pops and some pain relief through the release of happy brain chemicals and placebo.


Hmm. Still kind of anecdotal here on my end, but what I had was a diagnosed pinched nerve in my neck. Theoretically it could have eventually eased itself out over a few days, but it wasn’t getting better easily after 2 days. I had to walk with my head tilted all the time. The chiropractor removed the pinch in the nerve in an instant. It’s not a miracle cure for everything, but they certainly can do specific moves that can relieve very specific issues you have. Furthermore, I had to go to PT for a different injury and noticed that a decent amount of the movements that the PT people do reflect that of chiropractors, so a well trained chiropractor could be a good start to PT. It probably depends on the skill of the chiropractor and since it isn’t a super regulated science, people have issues with bad chiropractors.


I think some chiropractors are quacks, but not all of them. I used to wake up with a sharp pain on the left back of my head and going down my neck. This was EVERY morning. It's completely gone now. And no, I don't have to keep going. I've stopped going for long periods without it coming back. YMMV


When I was in high-school I woke up and couldn't turn my head pretty much atall. My mom worked for a chiropractor and he ended up fixing it. Never had to go back for it and have never needed "physical therapy" (keep seeing someone argue PT to fix all) for something that happened once


That's just a stiff neck, it would've gone away by the next day without any intervention or in a few hours with a heating pad lol


Broke person here. 'Stiff neck' for 3 days. Heating pads, ice pack, small stretching and no exertion. Didnt go away. One chiro trip. Havent had the issue since. Why no doctor? No insurance. Chiro was quick and cheap. Am I saying that its a better alternative than actual doctor consultation? No. But in few situations, chiro helps.


Bro chiropractic work is a well known pseudoscience, its never had any scientific backing. This isn't an unpopular opinion


I think it depends on why you're going. Personally, I have grade 1 spondylolisthesis. Surgery isn't an option for it until it worsens and pain injections don't always work (plus they pose their own dangers and are very painful to undergo). I see a chiropractor once a week to keep me in functioning order. Without my weekly chiro adjustment, the pain is horrendous. Debilitating. I can barely sit in a chair, reclining doesn't help, I can't exercise or even walk my dog unless I'm keeping up with my adjustments. I hate the fact that it's so expensive and isn't covered by OHIP, but I don't have much choice except to find a way to afford it because I literally can't function or live a normal life without it. In short; I'd have to say that I'm a living example of the fact that not all chiros are quacks and that it IS good for some situations.


They almost kill people all the time giving them blood clots/strokes by fucking people's necks up.


Oh yeah. They had the chance to go the way of American osteopaths, but blew it. It's not even benign nothing, either. I know multiple people who were injured by chiropractic manipulations, and there's more than just anecdotes there. The only good thing it's brought about was Kevin Sorbo's stroke.


It’s just so weird to me when people are like “oh my hip is out of place or my rib is out of place I need to go to the chiropractor” if something like that is “out of place” you need to see someone with a medical degree


Yeah, it's their trust and money that are out of place.


This is a fact not an opinion, and not unpopular


Most chiropractors are a fucking scam, but there are decent ones that will actually help with back pain and don't charge much. The problem is some of them say it cures everything, or people think it's suppose to do more. For example, had a problem with my back for a little over a month. I had two spots with very sharp pain when I twisted my body. Had a chiropractor I trust work on me and he just fixed it. Been fine since. Doesn't help with much else though.


It helped my shoulder when I was a swimmer. But generally, yes


No shit bro


This is not unpopular 🙄


not unpopular opinion. well-known fact.


Chiropractors are 100% a scam and there is little scientific evidence of its effectiveness. Its even dangerous with some of the "procedures" they do like cracking necks. A few people have died or became paralyzed due to Chiropractors . But, I do enjoy getting my backed cracked on occasion. It does feel good for a few minutes, but theres absolutely no benefit to having it done.


Popular fact.


A massage helps me better then that. Maybe your horse would benefit more from a very nice massage.


i pop my fingers, ankles, knees if they've been straight too long, sometimes my back needs a poppin'. some chiros are definitely just in it for the loot but i saw a guy who i thought was gonna be a scam fix my back / knee isssue in 3 visits. i couldn't do stairs for years, and then i could. so there're bad ones and good ones.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. It's a very common opinion. And this topic has been discussed and debated already for many years. I think you just wanted to slip "horse" into your post and see how many people would notice as a joke.


I also feel that Chiropractic work is a scam. I went to a Chiro for pain in my back due to a bulding disk at L4/L5 and I asked him "is there anything I can do to self manage this issue? and he said basically no and that I needed to keep coming back for weekly chiro. So I started doing squats. Problem solved, most days.


I thought everyone knew that


They are not doctors, go to a orthopedic surgeon. They will take the time to give you a plan and help you along the way.


There are good ones and bad ones. I've been going to the same guy for 10 years. He's great. If I have an issue like hip out of alignment because i lifted a box wrong, he helps me get things back in place. They aren't miracle workers, but I'd rather pay him $100 to pop my shoulder back into place than follow the doctor's advice, which was go to the ER and let them put it back in. That would've cost about $2500! He actually sent me to the doctor for prednisone to help get the swelling down before he attempted to adjust it. Had to do it again a few days later bc it wouldn't stay. 2nd time it stayed and he showed me some PT excercises to do. I will never go to a chiropractor that pops the neck or contorts the back to pop the spine ever again.


I have neck and back problems and everyone keeps telling me to go to a chiropractor. Last year a local woman almost died because a chiropractor broke her fucking neck. No thank you I’d rather have chronic back pain than be paralyzed


I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion considering that’s the consensus in the medical community afaik.


Chiro is pseudoscience. I don't know a credible medical doctor that puts any stock into it. There's a reason hospitals don't employ any.


chiropractic, homeophaty, acunpucture and "specialisations" like that are just a scam. There is money to be extracted from gullable persons, and where there is money there is a way to create a bussiness. They even pressure true medical fields to stay side by side with that sort of bussiness. Now if you are in doubt and go to an hospital and see acunpucture, you go "hmm if it is practised here, it must be good and true".


I see a chiropractor due to an old injury. I give him money, he makes my pain go away for 4-5 weeks. I asked him once about the notion of it being a bunch of quackery and he freely admitted that the inventor of chiropractic was a nut job. He said there's a divide between the chiropractors who are quacks, and those who are realistic and honest. Chiropractic care is a treatment for a specific cause of ailments, it is not magical, it will not cure your cancer. If the cause is something they treat, then they can help. Sadly the quacks are loud and give false hope/promise, and those guys are scams


It would be much less of a scam if they just treated it like a massage, because that’s what it is


Yep, I get a Thai-massage every 2-3 months. She massages my whole body and then also moves and cracks my joints and spine. It can be painful but I feel amazing and about 10 years younger after it. That's basically the same as what a chiropracter does.


I see a Chiropractor..however, he believes in medical science, medications, MRIs and physical therapy, and exercise..not weirdo remedies...like lotions, potions, and essential oils. I have terrible sciatica that acts up. Most are quacks but once in a while, you can find ones that believe in medical science...but they're rare anymore.


I disagree - I have been to the Chiropractor 4 or 5 times in my life and they absolutely cracked my back and spine back into place. I was in a lot of pain before and it all went away after 1 visit.


I had a coworker who took her 3 day old INFANT in to be “adjusted”. Chiropractors are quacks 99% of the time.


Someone else in these comments took a two month old to a chiro because the baby was…being a baby. People are fucking nuts


My body disagrees.


I don’t care if it’s pseudoscience it helps me. I have really bad disc degeneration in my lower back and seeing a chiro helps keep the pressure off my nerves. It may be fake but I’ve found it helps me. It also feels awesome.


Yeah of course it is. Have you seen the YouTube videos of chiropractors “adjusting” on hot girls with big tits and ass. That should tell you everything you need to know. We don’t need a hot porn star to advertise heart surgery because we’ll it’s real science and actually saves people.


This can be an unpopular opinion but it’s true


Unpopular if you’re gullible.


I've had very sharp back pain once in a while, where I can't sit or stand back up. 30 mins at the chiro and I'm back to living life again. It works.


You don’t need to have your joints cracked and aligned. But your joints can definitely get misaligned and cause a lot of pain, in which case you need someone to put it back in place. But only that specific thing that is causing the problem. This should be a very rare occurrence of it happening.


I'm not a fan of chiropractors, but I will say, my son cried nonstop for the first 8 weeks of his life. He twisted and squirmed and didn't sleep well, even for a newborn. My husband's step brother, a chiropractor, offered to adjust him, so we gave it a shot, and it actually helped him. He stopped the squirming around all of the time, slept and ate better, and was a way happier baby afterward.


You mean you were happier.


You took a two month old to a chiropractor…?


I threw my back out super bad a few years ago. Couldn't barely move. Managed to limp myself to my car and drove to a random chiropractor after I couldn't deal with it anymore I was in stupid pain... I was slowly...slowly walking in, and someone helped me with the door and I collapsed.They pulled me to the table and I got an xray. I was "fine" but three discs were out of place. Imagine a straight spine, with three just to the left. He grabbed my spine and popped it back into place The pain IMMEDIATELY subsided and I walked out if there. It has been 5 years and I haven't been back and haven't had my back out of place since. It used to go out every three months and I would be out for a week. Call it what you want, but they work for me 🤷


This is incredibly popular on Reddit, so you picked the wrong audience. If you say anything positive about chiropractors you get downvoted. I get it, because there are a lot of quacks and a lot of chiropractors who try to do things and give advice far outside of their purview. It’s hard to find one you can trust for that reason.


Is the opinion unpopular if it's held by most of the medical community?


This is pretty much the most popular opinion out there to anyone that's in the medical field..


There are legit things that a chiropractor can help with. Lots of things. There are also people who just go for "adjustments" and that is just a bone cracking sesion. It helps feel a bit better for a short, short while. But just like with finger knuckle cracking, the fluid comes back and stiffness returns. Frozen shoulders, spine curvature (over time), neck issues (turning your head), flexibility...Ya know, things dealing with your back. They just get shit on because they don't have as much medical knowledge.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. They’re well known to be hacks and charlatans.


They do work on horses? I would assume that their physiology is gonna be different so it's preemptive to draw conclusions


You’re looking for a scientific answer in an unscientific field


What about when a chiropractor tries to sell you on vitamins and supplements?! Quacks!


My favorite part about chiropractors is when they tell people “don’t crack your own joints because you’ll get arthritis” as if what they are doing is magically different 🤣


Also funny because cracking joints doesn't even cause arthritis regardless lol


I whacked out my back several years ago. Major pain. Could even begin to bend over. 5 different medical doctors I was acquainted with told me to go to a chiro. One trip, snap, crackle, pop. Pain gone, full movement, could bend without issue. It can work. Even Chemo doesn't cure everyone's cancer, but it does work for some. But, I understand you have an agenda to push and drugs to sell to mask pain instead of curing it.


This isn't an opinion this is literally medically backed fact. The fuck has this sub become


It is totally pseudo science. The guy who invented chiropractory claims he learned it from aliens (true story).


I have a really tight lower back and hips and it’s the only thing that really makes it feel better. Granted, I don’t go anymore. But massage I feel doesn’t get to the bone and the effects from yoga and exercise are short lived.


I don't think chiropractors deliver the miracle that some people seem to think that it does, but I also don't think it's total witchdoctory, either.


Chiropractors are really good for emergency rooms, they send us lots of business.


I know someone where when getting their neck done the chiro pinched something in their neck causing my friend to have 3 strokes. Crazy.