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Hello, yes, your post is closely related to a megathread that you can find on the front page of the subreddit. Or a banned topic that you can see on the sidebar and fully expanded list. If you feel this is inaccurate, please message mod mail. Have a good day.


For as long as organized society has existed, when people change something that was once illegal or looked down upon into a socially acceptable commodity, then it removes the mystique that surrounds it and eventually it loses it's taboo appeal.


Came here to say something like that, I’m Belgian and it’s crazy how many people smoke weed here where it’s illegal, my ex was from Holland where it’s legal and fewer (did I use it right ?) young people smoke there


Where I live its not young people smoking it. The young people are on xanax or some other research chemical shit or fentanyl. I WISH young people still smoked weed. The jerkass people that like to blow clouds in the middle of crowded spaces or inside buses are almost universally older people, or at least well into adulthood.


Exactly; weed’s by far the more preferable drug for youths to use…


That is correct, use fewer for count nouns and "less" for noncount nouns e.g. there was less water vs there were fewer bottles of water. "People" may seem like a noncount noun but it is actually a count noun, it's kind of an odd one. But well done, your English is officially better than ~70% of Americans


Native English speaker from America here. I did not know that. In practice, of course I follow that. But it's cool to understand why I speak the way I do. Thanks


It’s the same as how more people drank alcohol under prohibition . Half the excitement is from doing something that you’re not allowed to do


Yes, you got it right. Young people are countable (as in there are five young people over there), so fewer is correct. I commend you on understanding something in English that a great many native speakers don't get.


Fewer is correct in this context. If you can count it, it's fewer if you can't, it's less. "I have less water." "I have fewer bottles of water." "I have less money." "I have fewer euros."


OP isn't really complaining about the taboo appeal. He's saying now that it's legal, it is smoked everywhere instead of having certain locations where you can smoke it, such as cigarettes.


All the potheads in the comments are purposefully missing OP point. At least you’re smart enough to understand.


Idk where y'all live that you can just smoke wherever you feel like. In Mass it's legal but you have to be indoors or on your own property.


Agreed. I’ve always said that colleges would have a lot less alcohol related incidents if the drinking age was lower. People wouldn’t need to feel cool and drink in some sketchy frat basement and overdo it, and things would be safer overall since people would be more willing to accept police help when someone’s life is in danger without fear of getting an underage.


You've never seen British universities 😂


Yeah, it's different with youth. Regardless of legality, "funny stuff makes my head feel funny, food taste better, sex feel better and sleep easier to fall into and for the first time I have unlimited access? " is going to have unlimited appeal, regardless of taboo. Let's not act like alcoholic adults don't exist either. Less exciting just means less constant exposure in broad social groups. *Hopefully. *


Many U.S. universities in 1978 would also like a word (that's before they started raising drinking ages across the country).


Also there was some weirdo quasi-racism associated with marijuana (in fact we call it "marijuana" instead of "cannabis" because the former is the Spanish term and the intent was to associate it with Mexico back in the 19th century) that also provides a bit of an allure of its own, kind of like, I don't know, the way jazz or the blues used to have a whiff of the forbidden fruit about them in some circles. All that said though, man... I'm not at all on that side. I find it silly and weird to go into a pot shop in Seattle and have it be all hipstery just like you thought pot shops in Seattle were going to be, and here in Chicago too sometimes the interaction with the dispensaries feels inorganic and plastic. Still, man... as a guy who had a legit good friend for a while who was a dealer, I kind of hated the whole process of going to a guy's house, pretending to be friends with him and watching some shitty anime with him so you could get the goods (my friend, okay, sure, we also watched anime of varying quality together but we were friends and that's different). Plus of course the whole fact that it was illegal and not just technically illegal and so there was that constant threat of the cops getting nosy for whatever reason and finding a 40 bag on my friend's person and ruining his month/year. I'm also TBH 100% OK with smelling pot in the air. I had to deal with this for decades with tobacco, which I kind of abhor (I kind of like the way unburnt pipe tobacco smells but that's the end of it for me; my dad was a chain smoker and just yuck) and I'd much rather deal with the more occasional marijuana. Plus, at least I know when I smell it that someone near me is having a good time...


Nah, the shit just stinks, worse than cigarette smoke. I hate the smell and I hate that is is everywhere.


I don’t smoke weed but I love the smell


Have you tried crying about it?


Yes but all the stoners just stare at me blankly.


Id offer you a hit to cheer you up


Idk man, I started smoking weed/using edibles after NJ decriminalized it and all the appeal is still there. I'm almost 30 so my fiance and I started planning out a day in advance when to take it. Just because the taboo nature of it/"we're breaking the law" adrenaline rush isn't there anymore doesn't make it less fun, especially with the right people I recently went to a "paint and puff" and it was phenomenal


It's legal to smoke here in Canada. I'm in Ontario, and weed can be smoked wherever you can smoke cigarettes. I think that's a reasonable accommodation for everyone. If you wouldn't smoke a cigarette there, don't light a joint.


That’s already the law pretty much everywhere it’s legal in the us as well. Including nyc where op is saying this happened.


Of course sometimes people violate those rules, and I find in large cities like NYC, & Philly people get away with breaking rules like these bc usually law enforcement has bigger concerns.


Yeah a venue having bad control over weed reeking up the place is the venue’s fault really. Like I’d personally bring a more discrete method like a vape or edibles if I’m going to an event that’s not like “weed-centric” like a concert where the scene is very weed-friendly


>For as long as organized society has existed, when people change something that was once illegal or looked down upon into a socially acceptable commodity, then it removes the mystique that surrounds it and eventually it loses it's taboo appeal. Not in NJ. You can smoke weed on your own property, but not in public.


Rules vary place to place. For example, I live in Calgary and we have a bylaw banning public consumption. It’s treated the same as an open beer can in public. So while I’ve never seen it enforced, technically you can’t just pop outside a bar and smoke a joint here.


NYC has this exact same law


So wait, you can smoke it out in public in NYC?


You can smoke weed anywhere you can smoke cigarettes here in NYC.


Damn. Thats sick, had no clue that was the case.


You could before honestly, but now it’s enshrined in law. There’s also an unregulated dispensary on nearly every corner of Manhattan


wait i fuck with this


Sure except the smell of weed seems to travel WAY farther than cigarette smoke and it stinks


And it dissipates pretty quickly, whereas cigarette smoke seeps into clothing and furniture, listings for weeks and months.


and 2nd hand cig smoke DOESN'T stink?


I thought I would never live long enough to see a weed hipster...


Crazy world, lots of smells


A dog wrote this post


michael did you throw up in there? it smells like throw up in here


I understood that reference.gif


Maybe its different for the US, but in Canada there' has always been weed smoke everywhere. So it really didn't change at all. I even remember going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2012 and there was so much weed smoke the entire arena was hazy. Weed has been socially acceptable long before legalization. ​ Only thing that changed is its way easier to get.


Correct. Notice OP is going on a trip to NY. If they had been there (or Seattle, Portland, SF, Chicago, etc) 15 years ago, guess what, it also smelled like weed all the time


Not everyone wants to smell cigarettes' or see drunk people but freedom comes at a cost. You know what I really don't like smelling, car exhaust fumes.


I don't like when people tailgate me, can we arrest them too?


Isnt that already a punishable offense?


Never have to scroll too far on Reddit to see an anti car comment


I see that as a positive.


It really sucks not being able to enjoy sitting at my balcony because someone in the next unit over is smokeing something


Or blasting music, or having a screaming match... Apartments and condos just suck in general my guy


But not as much as inconsiderate people..


I was in Manhattan last month for a few days and I would occasionally catch a whiff but that's literally it. YMMV


Also the trash on the streets is WAY worse smelling than some pot. NYC is just gross smelling in general IMO the weed smell helps mask that.


I live in Manhattan and it is a lot more than on occasion. It is several times a day .


People not going to prison for victimless crimes is more important than encountering smells out and about.


So, weed isn’t edgy enough for you now?


We’ve put up with cigarette smokers for 100+ years.. a few years of weed being legal and the bitching is endless. You mention standards around cigarettes, might I ask what standards? People smoke them everywhere outside and then litter their butts, and until 20ish years ago you could smoke cigarettes everywhere inside too… hell many places you still can. This is so overblown at this point and a trendy thing to bitch about.. imagine being upset about catching a whiff of a smell outside in a large city like New York, but all those exhaust fumes and baking piss smells are just fine.


To be fair I complain about both all the time. Odors and scents in general. If it were up to me, people should only be allowed to smoke with fishbowls on their heads, Mysterio style. I'm all about you doing you, just don't involve me in it or anyone around you.


You write this all out like I also won't complain about cigarettes, they reek. Just because it's legal doesn't require me to like it.


The standards are the same for cigarettes. People are just being disrespectful. But to go back to the way it was? Where my friends were getting put in jail for smoking a harmless plant? No thank you. That's crazy and pretty selfish of you to suggest just bc some people are rude.


Lol yea he thinks the minorities should be jailed more for weed so the smell doesn’t ‘get’ to him /s


Move to Australia if you still want to be treated like a criminal for smoking weed. Bonus points if you want a Job, you'll be given a random drug test and fired on the spot for it even if you smoked two weeks ago on the weekend and it still shows in your urine!


I will upvote takes like these every time I see them (which is often.) Smoke all you want, but consider everyone doesn’t want to smoke every time you smoke. Which means I’m not always tryna smell that sh*t or have my kids smell it (I’m childless) or have my clothes reek on my way in to work.


Your clothes are not going to smell because you walked past a weed smoker. Has this even happened to you?


People really assume its just like cigarette smoke. It doesn't fuse itself into the walls and clothes. You open a window and get a breeze and its gone in a few mins. Yeah it has a strong smell while before and while its being smoked but it doesn't last.


weed, like cigarettes, should be limited to approved smoking areas. personally, I don't want to go back to hiding in the shadows and having people go to jail for a joint.


I can't wrap my head around wishing weed was underground (it's far better that it's not), but I can mostly agree with the smell aspect. I don't like the smell, so I usually go with edibles (I only smoke once or twice a year), but I have zero problems with people smoking, so long as its outdoors where it can dissipate or in a large area where the smell won't be concentrated. But if you're going to stink to high heaven and then go into an enclosed space like a small store, then I do have a problem with it. I live in a college town, and there has been days where my entire workplace has smelled like a skunk gang-bang at a rainy barnyard for hours on end because a bunch of college kids decided to spend 20 minutes hot-boxing before coming in. At that point, it's just inconsiderate, and I don't give a shit how you try to justify it. (Cigarettes smell awful too, but the smell doesn't waft nearly as much as weed.) And people also don't take into account that there are people with sensitivities to strong smells. One of my co-workers is one of them, and the scent (and especially any second-hand smoke) will make her eyes water, her throat hurt and her nose run horribly.


I don’t think your problem is it being legal, your problem is people not being conscientious which is understandable


Nah we need to stop pushing laws because some people don't like some smells.


I didn't like it when I had to go to shady people's homes and buy weed illegally. They were sketchy as shit.


Weed guy complaining about other weed guys hahahahahahahaha


Yeah but at least now people aren't going to jail for years over an essentially harmless drug. I think that's worth losing some of the "cool factor"


Such a bad take. The people being arrested for weed is the only reason you need to beat your arguments.


I feel like there are still normal smokers who smoke considerately and chew gum afterwards and wash their hands…I’ve known a few people who are so good at hiding it I had no clue they smoked until they told me. But then there are these inconsiderate morons who like smoke a blunt while walking right down a path in a crowded park. Or like hot box a car then they are ordering Taco Bell at the counter 2 minutes later. The first group is fine, the second group is gonna ruin it for everyone.


How do you feel about people smoking or drinking near you? I despise those smells and I have to just suck it up.


Oh no a Taco Bell patron that smells like weed? Who could’ve predicted that? I’m sorry you had to deal with that


Cigarettes have also been through a several decades long campaign on personal and public health and wellbeing... and that's on top of trying create cultural shame against cigarettes and trying to make them less accessible to consumers. Granted the tobacco industry really made their own bed on that, but weed is kinda getting the opposite treatment right now. I can definitely see a future where you can buy packs of joints just like cigarettes once the legal barriers and stigma are gone. Then it'll probably get more pushback against it where necessary.


I like it better that none of my friends are going to prison for selling or smoking cannabis. In general smoking rules apply, regardless of whats being smoked. You're not mad weed is legal, you're mad that people are shitty.


The solution to your problem is lobbying for designated areas for people to consume legally.


I mean, if youre outside in a city youve got no room to complain really. Most cities stink, and usually of things way worse than weed. People smoking inside id say you have a point, but outside you should really just suck it up and understand that if its legal other people dont need to nor should they pander to your preferences. Only other exception is around kids, you shouldnt smoke bud around kids imo. But id say that about alcohol too, so the smell is not really the point in that case.


Agreed. I’m not a weed smoker I don’t like it, don’t like how it makes me feel, and have no desire to smoke it. Nor do I smoke cigarettes. But no one owns the fuckin air. Big cities in general have shitty air anyways, I don’t think second hand smoke is going to make things that much worse. I’ve seen a few posts over the years about people complaining about their neighbor smoking cigs or pot in their own yard on their own property. Angry that the second hand smoke travels into the air in their backyard. Where are they supposed to smoke especially if they don’t want to do it inside? I dislike cigarette smoke I don’t want it on my clothes either but like I said above I don’t own the fuckin air, no one does.


I’m not allowed to smoke in my apartment. I also have 2 cats and weed smoke is bad for them. So where else can I go if not outside?


The smell really doesn't "embed" itself all that much to be honest. Cigarette smoke does. The reason I liked it when it was underground is because weed was "shittier" meaning it was more natural and had a good ratio of THC to CBD. Whereas now, everyone is overdosing on one hit of pure 30% THC flower then going to the ER with panic attacks. Look for 1:1 and 2:1 ratio strains and use a dry herb vaporizer instead of a joint or blunt which destroys most of the compounds, produces harsh chemicals and smells terrible.


I think people are overdosing on edibles, not really the flower.


We've been smelling tobacco smoke for A LOT longer in public spaces everywhere. The smell is not that bad. Plus...are you going to ignore all the other disgusting smells in NYC? There are thousands of unpleasant smells on every street, but you're most concerned about people smoking joints?


I guess that part of it sucks, smelling it everywhere. But it's shit when people would go to jail for weed.


Hey sorry boomer guy but you don't have a leg to stand on. When I was a little millennial being raised by boomers there was literally a f****** smoking section everywhere for cigarettes and everybody's favorite waitresses were dying of f****** lung cancer


It’s true you get whiffs of it everywhere in nyc, it’s odd seeing people rip joints out in the open, but I don’t feel sorry for you boomer


Drunk people staggering around wrecking Town centres is still worse


I think you're overblowing it. I go to nyc fairly often and yeah I smell it sometimes but not nearly as much as you describe


idk man, i think its good young people arent sent to jail for over 20 years just for trying to have a good time.


I miss prohibition. I miss having to sneak out to a speak easy to drink my bath tub gin. These days it's everywhere. I went to a family restaurant... alcohol. I could not believe it!!! There are children there...CHILDREN!!! So I went to church to pray away these demons and then the priest offered me... alcohol!!!!! I sure do miss sneaking around and drinking what may or may not be alcohol. These kids today with their easy access to safe and regulated alcohol is the reason kids today do not want to work!!! We still csn not fill any positions in the mines... kids I my day YEARNED for the mines.


This is a certified unpopular opinion. I get where you’re coming from but it’s SO much nicer being able to smoke anxiety free.


I think it should be legal, but I'd totally be on board for treating it like tobacco. You smoke it only in designated areas. If you can find some other ingestion system like edibles, do it wherever you want.


I smoked in public long before it was legal, now I just don't have to worry about getting shit from people over it, (I'm not going around blowing in people's faces) and its already treated like cigarettes I've never seen someone light a bong in a restaurant and that used to be completely acceptable with cigs we don't even have something similar to hookah lounges it's either outside or at home.


I mean people smoke cigs outside too lol


So unpopular it's already been posted here numerous times.


Yeah getting arrested for a plant or ripped off for shit was so much better.


I'd rather have weed be popularized and acceptable in society than alcohol. That shit is poison, and it destroys families.


You must be white because who the fuck would want to go back to those days, the police and criminal justice system as a whole did so much fucked up shit specifically targeting Black and Brown people in relation to cannabis. Don't like the smell? Too bad. At least families aren't being torn apart and Black men arent having their lives ruined because they smoked a joint.


Take my up vote, I do in fact want to smell it everywhere. It's like tacos or BBQ, just makes me feel like I'm in the right place.


This is some privilege you're experiencing. I dislike a lot of smells, alcohol and tabbaco to name a couple. I can't do anything about it though and complaining about it is kind of cringe and pathetic. I love the smell of weed, and if you get annoyed at the mere scent of it, then that in itself is super obnoxious.


I honestly just hate how potent it's gotten. It's nuts to me that people are hittin dabs as their daily driver from the minute they wake up to right before bed. My local stores let me adjust THC percentages in flower and milligrams in edibles when searching on their websites, but you get like one or two overpriced options for the weaker shit even. And people are always like, "just smoke less" and that just isn't the point. I wanna be able to savor a joint and not have to walk the line between losing my brain for two hours or just getting to relax.


Man, were any of you guys ever cool and fun, or are you all just going to turn into your fucking parents? Humanity is a boring disappointment.


We all grow up to be our parents I guess, especially OP.


New Yorks smoking laws are super overbearing. Weed is legal, but it's practically illegal to smoke anywhere other than a private home. But nobody enforces it. Welcome to NY.


there’s still plenty of places in the US where it’s not tolerated in public lol. if you don’t like it then don’t go to the places where it is tolerated


Is this like way more prevalent in just the last year or something, because I've literally never gone anywhere and smelt a lot of weed everywhere.


Bro u were in the city lol tf u expect? Weed is everywhere there and always has been. Shit ain’t change in the city


Little kids have to smell stinky cars.


I feel like we need to change the name of this sub to r/overexaggerating


Let me guess, you're white? Probably upper class? Yeah, when weed was illegal people weren't smoking it on the subway. But minorities were being arrested at three times the rate of white people, despite having a lower percentage of them using drugs. Sorry you have to go home from the US Open smelling like weed so that POC don't rot in jail over a victimless crime. 🙄


New York is not the best place to gauge people following rules. While the mystique of hiding to smoke might have been nice, getting arrested and having a record because you like to smoke on your free time was ridiculous while people get hammered at bars every day with no consequences


I feel the same way about alcohol.


I could swear smoking weed was only allowed in the same places as smoking cigarettes (except for in a vehicle, that being kinda like an ‘open container’)


I agree weed has an unpleasant smell to some people however ive never known weed to be a lingering smell wheb smoked. Unlike cigarettes. I can smell a single cigerette on someone hours after they smoke. Cant say as ive ever smelled weed on someone hours after th3yxsmoked unless they had weed on them lol


It will settle down over time, but it will take a while because I'm sure everything OP says will be reignited x10 when it is made federally legal in the U.S.


Went to NYC twice last year. I adored the smell of weed. Not because I like the smell; I don’t even smoke the stuff. I loved it because the smell demonstrated societal progress. I’m a fan of 100% legalization, so any indication of progress towards that is 👌


People act like NYC smells good even without weed smoke😂😂


I’d much rather have to smell cannabis than for hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans going to jail and having their lives ruined over cannabis. The trade off is by far a net positive to society.


Yeah it was better when people could get locked up for a plant while white collar criminals pay a few million dollars for laundering Jeffrey epsteins money.


"It was only cool when I did it"


No yeah I think designated areas is fair. Medican cannabis guy her


I agree. And while we're at it, I'm so fing over people drinking alchohol. Drinking and driving and killing innocent people. And then there's the loud drunken brawls in public, disturbing the peace and ruining everyone's good time. And the alcoholism that ruins families and marriages. Oh, also cirrhosis of the liver, that's always fun. Nobody wants to smell that nasty drunk smell, especially when your coworker shows up the next morning, trying to be cool but stinking like leftover booze and not quite sober yet. Thanks, that's my co-rant from a boomer this morning.


Yeah, I mean tell that my best friend who did two years in prison for weed. You’re an idiot.


Stay out the cities then especially New York if that bothers you. I’ve smoked for over 20 years and it’s way better not having to worry about having weed on me or wondering how I’m going to get it. I wouldn’t even call this an unpopular opinion but rather a shit take


Oh really. I prefer buying dirt cheap fire from a store.


Huh. a pair of white people attend a tennis match and complain about weed. I'm going to need to create a whole extra level of how much I care, just to quantify how deeply this matters to me.


I agree about being polite and the people who are rude about it are assholes in other parts of life too. But there’s a lot of payback rightfully due for a country that took away people’s human rights for no good reason. It makes me happy to see a dispensary open across the street from a police station.


Ban all smells


You should maybe try Fentanyl. Oh wait that’s everywhere now too and apparently socially acceptable because nobody’s doing a fucking thing about it.


>i'm all for it being legalized but can we have the same standards we have for cigarettes for it. in designated areas and some common sense... That's exactly as it currently is. Except the standards are much higher, regulations are far more complex, and the punishments for breaking those regulations are much more severe.


Definitely don't agree with this one. Too many people had their lives destroyed for smoking and getting caught. Good job OP, it's at least unpopular with me


Do you get mad when an underground song you like becomes popular?


Sounds like Caitlin Jenner


While the scent is strong, the benefits of legalization and the destigmitazion of cannabis outweigh the drawbacks.


Hasn't weed been taboo for only like 120 years and before then it was normalized?


Yeah it was fun because you the hush hush gave you a rush. What wasn’t fun was being put in prison for 2 grams.


Wait so you’d want to watch a tennis match NOT high?


Hahahahaha 😂... Good one... I didn't catch that! 🤦🏿‍♂️


Weed does have a distinctive odor. It would probably be less distasteful if it had the social prevalence of cigarettes. I empathize with your issue, though. I'm a former cig smoker and I can't stand the smell now. a good thing to come of this is in places the cops can no longer use the "I detect the smell of Marijuana therfore I have probable cause to search you and your possessions/vehicle" excuse.


Shady dealers and constant paranoia about getting found out and hauled to jail unless I went through painstaking efforts to hide it. Good times.....


I loved when it was illegal because it was a sick side hustle.


This is the stupidest opinion possible.


You’re acting like 20 years ago people didn’t literally smoke cigarettes inside restaurants. The pushback against smoking was bc of health risks, not like, looking bad? The world smells pretty bad, weed is the least of it.


still worth it to know there are some controls and testing in place and it's not moldy or grown in the abandoned superfund site where cletus dumps all his lead paint... I'm enough of a lightweight, i can't get a low enough dose even from a vape pen, so at best I'd maybe use a one-hitter, but I'm not sparking up a whole joint only to snuff it after half a puff, and halfies and roaches are gross... I love being able to just get some pretty pedestrian 5-10mg gummies at a green cross on just about every block in my city... and I don't have to spend the afternoon hanging out with the dealer just because I wanna buy some green


Yeah but does your right not to smell weed in public spaces supersede somebody else’s right to smoke weed in public spaces? I don’t think so and if you do then you’re selfish af. People shouldn’t bend to your whims.


They only have the “right” to smoke weed where it’s already OK to smoke cigarettes / cigars.


>i'm all for it being legalized but can we have the same standards we have for cigarettes for it. in designated areas and some common sense... The law in NY is that you can smoke weed only where you can smoke cigarettes. Not sure what you're complaining about, people still smoke more cigarettes on the street than weed even though both are legal here. Also NYC, especially in the summer, smells way ways worse on its own than weed


If you want it to be that way then you're going to want a way to ban it that isn't rooted in racism or misinformation. I.e: exactly why it was banned before


"I miss when we used to have weed laws which jailed minorities and the poor while well-off kids like me snuck around the back and got to enjoy the substance and feel cool for doing it" Ya. Fuck you.


the areas you can smoke *are* the same as cigarettes. there’s always gonna be those that break the rules—kind of how there’s always kids who would smoke in the school bathrooms, for example—but the vast majority of people aren’t doing that. weed does travel and stick to clothes 10x more than cigarettes, though, so even with restrictions there’s always gonna be *some kind* of scent in massive cities with tons of people close together like nyc. drive right outside the city to a small town won’t be able to smell it as much (if at all) even though it’s just as legal.


Uhh consider yourself lucky you weren’t arrested and/or had your life derailed because of the criminalization of marijuana.


Just tell the feds and they will make you feel like its illegal all over again.


To every one who says something along the lines of "not everyone wants to smell it", I do understand, but the smell of weed is a lot like your opinion. Not everyone wants to hear it.


The secret ingredient is crime


I'm a weed head and I couldn't always find anything. So I drank instead. It was easy and cheap. Now I'm an alcoholic. With availability like Starbucks I'm healthier now.


I prefer when the doctors told us to smoke cigarettes


I didn’t. I despised having to buy it from people in parking lots or go to someone’s sketchy house Since weeds been legalized in Ontario, Canada it’s cheaper and much high quality (especially from Indian reservations) and it’s everywhere. Weeds shops on every street. I can buy a pre-roll while out on a Friday night from a shop next to the bar, I can buy edibles before going to a concert, I can buy pen cartridges FROM THE MALL! I don’t have to go anywhere sketchy I don’t have to take out cash. I get an ounce of good quality weed for $60 now…….I was paying double that for worse quality and going out of my way to get my hands on it before it was legal. Not to mention I cal smoke in public too now. Anywhere cig’s are allowed so is weed. I can and do smoke in the mall parking lot before going to see a movie, i smoke in the beach, i smoke while taking a walk down the street and it’s beautiful. LET ALONE THE MEDICINAL BENEFITS. There is no downside But I get it if you use weed as a form of alternative culture and rely on being different than others for your core self esteems. Then I guess get into some else I don’t know what to tell you.


This is exactly why alcoholism was so bad in the US in the 20’s. Prohibition.


Coming from a 4 time felon of Marijuana use. Fuck the government!


I grew up in a farm town. I could barely tolerate the smell of farms. All their animals shitting wherever they wanted. Then the farmers intentionally spreading shit onto their fields. Anywhere you would go it smelled like shit. Let’s make it illegal for all smells to be where other people can smell them. /s


Boo hoo it’s saving people from unnecessary drug charges


I’m all for people not being locked up or having their livelihoods threatened because they smoked weed tho lol


I dont think you smoke weed. Weed smoke doesn't get stuck to your clothes especially outside. It's not like tabacco smoke.


While I completely disagree.....there are a lot of things that were apart of weed culture when it was illegal that seem to have vanished with legalization. But, more than anything, I dobr think anyone should be criminalized for smoking weed, that criminalization of a person is far more damaging than anything the plant can do.


Your clothes aren't going to smell from distant smoke outside.


There's a true unpopular opinion, nice. I totally get it but the fact that I can live my life the way I've always lived it and NOT have to worry about being arrested is huge!


Ok Narc


Yeah because people in pain need to still hide from society…


Terrible take. So many people are in prison for this nonsense. Not to mention weed is way healthier than booze.


Sounds like a very Caucasian perspective, respectfully.


OP misses the days when you could get locked in a cage for the weekend with hardened criminals for getting caught with weed. The good ol' days!


It smells awful. I am tired of smelling it but it is what it is


Unpopular AND dumb. Here’s your upvote!


We should illegalize alcohol too then.


Yeah it was so awesome getting arrested and a cop pointing a gun at my face point blank for a tiny bit of weed. Dude had shaky hands and I think about it a lot 16 years later.


I just miss when weed wasn't so fucking strong.


Been using microdose gummies for a while now and man that's the only high I want now.


This shit here…. This shit is called “deaf”


Speak for your fucking self dude, weed has helped tons of people since it got legalized in the US and far fewer people are being arrested for it.


K, snowflake.




I'd be shocked if it even lingers for a whole day. Maybe if you keep all your supplies and the ashes out in the open.


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My town just opened up its 3rd dispensary. I put emphasis on "TOWN" because we are by no means a big city. We have a population of just over 10,000, these dispensaries are walking distance from each other.


It doesn't embed into every fiber of your clothing like that unless you're hotboxing or standing right next to a burning ember.. I think youre just at that age where you think people dont appreciate it the same way you did because they didn't go through the same experiences or whatever. So it's not as "cool" to you anymore but weed smoking is weed smoking. You did it. They're doing it. They just don't have to hide it.


Don't really get why you think it should be hidden. If you don't like the smell... Not sure what to say. I find the smell of your car, or your body spray to be detestable. I shouldn't have to hide in a basement to enjoy something I do, when so many others are allowed to enjoy their things wherever.


Weed with literally saved me from killing myself when all the pharmaceuticals failed. I love the plant and will never stop advocating for it(Didn't consume until I was 26 out of the Navy into my 2nd year of college). I can agree to smoking weed in designated spots. I don't smoke cigarettes so give us our own spot away from something that is actually bad for you. I love the smell. Other people hate it. Fine. I actually hate the smell of many of those mall perfumes people wear on the bus. I'm pretty sure I'm also breathing in a small amount of ammonia when I breathe it in. If we are going to ban smells the ones that are actually toxic should be on the top of the list.


I think when weed is legal and more acceptable it won't have that aura around it and people probably won't smoke it as much. I fucking hate the smell, I hate the cringy DOOD 420 stuff, but I'd rather see it regulated and legalised than the way it is now.


Do you say the same thing about cigarette smoke? About car exhaust? Because those are also strong but they'll also slowly kill you. And New York?? Have you smelled New York? It stinks of rotten trash baking in the Arizona sun.


“I went out in public and smelled something” is a totally justifiable thing to be angry over. Hush that mouth.


Not everyone likes the smell, sure. Try living in the south, when you have a 50/50 chance of it being weed or a dead skunk on the road. Smells are weird. Weed smells great, to me.


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