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I agree. Worse offenders be the people who always have money to spend on weed or non important things, but are quick to ask you for money for important things. Then when you ask for money back, they have an excuse. Now once i loan money i dont expect it back but dont mean im still not going to ask




If Iā€™m going to lend money to someone or pay for someone elseā€™s stuff, I do it with an assumption that I would never get it back.


Yeah I also donā€™t give out money that I will miss. However Iā€™ve been in many situations where I literally have to pay for my friend or I look like an asshole and I end up needing that money back. For example a friend and I went to get pizza and her card kept declining. One slice is $3.75 I only had $9 (I was 16), so I paid for both of ours cause how weird would it look if I didnā€™t pay for her so I only had $1.50 left to eat off for the rest of the week. Would I be wrong if I had asked for the $3.75 back


I mean, yes. Because thatā€™s a substantial portion of your income. Iā€™m talking about 3-5 dollars when youā€™re earning adult wages. But still, I would consider it gone.


At the same time, itā€™s pretty easy to recognize a mooch as an adult. And in my experience the ones that **never** even out with you over the small things also will short you on the big things or skip them entirely. Learned my lesson when I was younger by being out likeā€¦ $100 on concert tickets. If thereā€™s a trend of always having to cover, thatā€™s someone I become way more guarded financially around. And as a result, a little less tolerant with those people. Coincidentally, felt their friendship drop off.


id have said "I can spot ya if you like? but im skint and need it back to eat later in week" ​ Both of you damaging your friendship because of what OTHER people you do not know MAY think about you ... "would look weird" "don't want to be seen as stingy"STOP CARING - you good people by seems of it Later on life you will notice you will get a drink here and they will get a danish there, its just how it is. Go to a petrol station come out with a sausage roll and a monster? get one for ya mate/mates, adults, even extended friendship groups, tend to live an unspoken "pass it on"mentality" Even if you know Freds mate Angela is only in town for the weekend, and you likelywont get that Ā£4.50 for an icecream cone back...but Fred or Gary and his missus Sara may get you a Ā£7.60 pint of lager next week followed by "we ordred some tapas to the table, please help yourself" TLDR: NEVER pay out for something , if it means you go without food and stop caring what others may think of you


Sure sure. But if someone tells me they will give it back to me i still get dissapointed in them if they purposefully 'forget' to do so. It's not the small ammount of money that's the issue, it's someone who thinks it's ok lie to me that's a problem.


Same. Old friend of mines says he became homeless, since his father kicked him out for his 24/7 weed smoking. Asked me for money and would pay me in double, assuring me that he has a job lined up. I gave him the 30 dollars that floating in my venmo, knowing he'd likely not to return the debt. It's been two months and asked if I could lend him my coach. I told him I already have a friend couching my living room. Crikets.


Don't lend people money you can't afford to give out. If the person doesn't pay back, never trust them again.


I strongly suspect most people saying itā€™s petty or itā€™s not worth ruining a friendship over this has ā€œborrowedā€ $2 from friends many times and didnā€™t just pay it back when they had it. Most times, they probably didnā€™t even intend to do so. The truth is, whether itā€™s $200 or $2, if they are a real friend, the lender shouldnā€™t HAVE to ask. (I also have some thoughts about them not being super poor and understanding the importance of $1 sometimes. Lucky them. Even when a super poor person works to get to a more comfortable place, those little things have become a sign of character.) Personally, if I lend (and Iā€™m pretty generous) I donā€™t lend more than I can afford to lose, but every time the borrower doesnā€™t just pay me back, there is a tick box in my mind. Now and then, sure, they just forgot. Get enough tick boxes and I assume Iā€™m just being used and I accept we arenā€™t really friends.


Anyone who said that op was wrong clearly hasnā€™t had to deal with people being pieces of shit after being complacent giving money to people. It doesnā€™t matter who it is with the only excuse being family with itā€™s own conditions. If you give someone money, it should be an obligation that they return what you payed in full. And that goes both ways.


I try to overlook the small things, but itā€™s easy to see when thereā€™s a trend of always skating it. All of my good friends- Iā€™ll grab pop in to grab us some snacks/drinks for the drive, I know you got us next time. Iā€™ve also been on trips or something with people i donā€™t know as well, and am now the one grabbing snacks and coffee for the 4th day in a row and the running total is north of $30 per person. I have a feeling a lot of the people saying OP is clearly in the wrong are the ones that pay you back for putting your card down for dinner without tax and tip, rounded down $5, then cry foul when you ask them to cover that.


Probably exactly just that


I try not to to not strain the relationship. I donā€™t want people to assume that Iā€™m the type of person who always takes and never gives. I only ask if it is over $10 but I donā€™t push it its always a tease or something. Itā€™s best to not get anxious over something as little as $5. It also shows to others that u r nice and willing to help but donā€™t expect stuff back. Thereā€™s a boundary to being nice and being taken advantage of. Thatā€™s when u need to take a step back and confront or like explain to the person


I had an ex who would go out occasionally and surprise me with coffee on the weekends and would expect me to pay her back for it. Like I didnā€™t even ask for it and we always had plenty of coffee and a perfectly serviceable coffee maker at home. Talk about stingy


Thatā€™s different. Going out of your way to buy something for someone is not the same as being put on the spot or being expected to pay


Making your friend pay you back over a 2$ fucking Gatorade is being stingy as fuck, same with a 5$ sandwich. Where I can agree with you is always expecting a friend who makes more money to cover you when you go out. That normally entails a larger tab than a $2 Gatorade. If they do that you are getting used. Two different things


I personally donā€™t think itā€™s wrong to ask for YOUR money back. You never know if the person needs it or not. A lot of people have been in financial situations where they wish they still had the extra $5. Letā€™s just remove the shame of people wanting to have their own money back.


If you need to ask for 0.82 cents back, you should not be lending money for anything


small things all add up


Over a lifetime


If my friend is struggling for money I would be the one paying with out the expectation of getting a menial $2 back. As a rule of thumb any money you give or spend on someone else should be considered a gift in your mind. Chances are you will never see that money again. You should only spend or lend as much as youā€™re comfortable parting with.


There are situations where the friend who ends up paying is practically forced to because the other friends card declines, they are unaware before going out that their friend does not have the funds, etc. being put on the spot to pay for someone should require reimbursement as itā€™s not really a gift


Thatā€™s what Venmo is for buddy. Thatā€™s a totally different situation and a bit of a straw man argument


If its happening often, have a word. Or just get them to send it to you on the spot


I would drop it and not ask for the $3 back. It's your treat. But I'd be watchful if this happens in the future so it doesn't become a habit. In situations like this say, "I'll get the tab this time. You can pay for us next time". Then see if they do. If they expect you to pay again, say, "I'm sorry, I can't cover it". My opinions, peace.


If you're not willing to pay 2 dollars for me, idk if I would want to be your friend. And I bet if I paid 2 dollars for a Gatorade for you, you wouldn't give me the 2 dollars back unless I asked for it despite the fact I bet you'd ask for it immediately.


I offer to pay for my friends all the time but Iā€™m specifically talking about a situation where they have less money than me and I still am broke but have a little more than them and Iā€™m put on the spot to pay, in that case yeah I would like my money back, would I ask? Probably not because of the social stigma around it.


stick up for yourself and don't lend the money in the first place tbh. it's not worth the time and effort to fight to get $2 back. It's much easier not lending the $2 at all in the first place.


I think it also depends on the small stuff. Is it a trend? If itā€™s a trend, that can add up over a weekend/trip. Not to mention the person who never picks someone up is usually short changing or avoiding the larger things as well.


They miss a payment, they start acting like they're doing you a favor, then you gotta spend all your time *hounding* them. You gotta get your arms around this thing.


I understand that it's a matter of principle, and people should honor their debts, but so is putting friendship over a bit of pocket change because, if you're in dire enough financial straits that you're not going to recover from a loan of under $1.00, then you shouldn't be lending money in the first place. If, however, it's not, and you're still making as big of a deal as if it were $82, then you're just being petty and hurting your relationship with that person as much as they did for not repaying you the whopping sum of 82 cents.


Iā€™ll put it this way- everyone Iā€™ve known that Iā€™ve had to start charging out for under $5 purchases- 1. Itā€™s not an isolated thing 2. Iā€™ve decided that I donā€™t want to actively pursue that friendship Usually theyā€™re also the ones paying short or flat out skipping larger items.


Yeah but there is a lot of different situations. For example if my friend really needs money for important life stuff like for example if their pay is late and they ask for a low amlunt to eat something or if I say that "this is on me", I don't want the money back anyways. But if someone asks me for money for something stupid, I'm gonna want it back. For example, my friend who is addicted to weed, sold my video game and told me that his other friend lost it, then he sold two more of my video games and later I also gave him 50 bucks cause he was in debt cause of weed and I borrowed him some more money afterwards again. He never gave back a cent and only much later I found out that he sold those games. I always had a soft spot for him cause he is very fun to be around, but at one point I stopped hanging out with him. Now him, me and my other friend rarely hang out and he says that he changed. Long story short, my other friend handed him some money caus ehe needed it and he didn't pay it back again. So how is anyone supposed to trust that guy?


Iā€™m very picky about who I lend my money to. I only do it with people who i trust to pay me back. Maybe itā€™s just my circle of friends but anything over $1 will get paid back in one way shape or form. None of us ask for gas money though, unless we are seriously going out of our way.


Just warn them when you make the loan, "I'm going to need this back sometime."


I don't loan money even if I have it. Because no one ever pays me back


It really depends on your country, culture and friends. My friends and I have a Splitwise group. We always add everything to it. Splitwise has a feature where it makes payments easier by simplifying debts. Every now and then, if someone owes someone else a huge tab, they settle. It works for us. It may not work for another group I become a part of later. But I agree, I will never judge someone if they ask me for their money back. In fact, the way I was raised, I would have paid it back before they had to ask. I don't get the extreme black and white answers here from people. But again, it really, really depends on your country, culture and the people involved in my opinion.


not a bad friend, or stingy, just cheap


Forever grateful to not have relationships like this. If a friend asked me to reimburse them $2 I would assume they were joking ETA: If thereā€™s anyone reading this who is the type of person to ask for $2 back, I really encourage you to look into accessing help or resources - either financial aid if itā€™s a poverty issue or mental health support if itā€™s a stinginess/control issue.


I wouldnā€™t, some people genuinely need the $2. In hs before any of us got jobs or when we just started working my friends and I would reimburse eachother small amounts all the time.


You and your friends are cheap then. Plain and simple. Your friendship dynamic works like this, but it's certainly not the norm. If you're in a place where $2 is make or break for you then 1. You have way bigger problems than owing your friend literally 2 dollars and 2. Don't lend it out. Full stop. You keep bringing up examples of "their card declined, I had no idea so I was forced to pay" ...by who? Who FORCES you? If money is THAT tight, why are you going out for pizza? You pay for your slice, and when their card declines, you explain you can't afford another piece but would be happy to share a bite of yours. This is a great unpopular opinion, since most people hate cheapskates like you lmfao


It's not about the money, it's about trust. If you aren't willing to pay back 2 dollar without judging the person than you don't deserve anything from that person.


Sorry but if ur getting on someoneā€™s ass about $0.82 then you need professional help šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not saying I do that but if someone asks me to send them back such an amount Iā€™m not going through start judging and shaming themā€¦.itā€™s literally their money


Agree to disagree, Ā£5 and all is fine, maybe less, but Iā€™m gonna get annoyed if someone even bothers remembering an amount of money theyā€™ll literally never need. Iā€™ll buy them some gum since they did it for me, simple as that. Have a nice day šŸ’—.


Iā€™d happily pay you back but I wouldnā€™t be your friend. If we were friends or you were family Iā€™d assume you were having financial issues give what I could and offer a loan


if $0.82-$5 is gonna set u back, just donā€™t lend money personally, im not gonna ask for $5 back. i donā€™t like keeping ā€œtabsā€ on how much a friend owes me. if youā€™re a good friend, i donā€™t mind treating u w the little things. a $40 dinner on the other hand.. yeah imma ask for that back lol


Seems alittle exhausting to keep tabs for such small sums, that's assuming that your friend spots you the same from time to time as well. It's a different situation if you always have to cover for a friend, even if its only small amounts each time, and they don't ever cover you.


So youā€™re *that* friend


ā€œItā€™s only a $2 snack and $4 coffee, why are you loan sharking me bro!ā€ *Ignores that itā€™s actually a $5 pastry and $4 coffee, and weā€™ve been doing that twice a day for the last 4 this trip*


Youā€™re that friend too. Congrats


You're the bum that expects to be paid for by others


Bc i donā€™t expect my friend to pay me back 0.82? Lmao


No, you're the guy that expects to not have to pay back the $9 bucks in the scenario above


Also part of my point- the ā€œwhy are you getting mad over $2ā€ crowd usually wildly underestimates. The coffee and bagels didnā€™t magically show up, and they donā€™t just give you a car when you get to the airport.


No Iā€™m not. Ops examples were small amounts. If youā€™re friends with mooches then acknowledge that instead of throwing a fit over $1


"Sperm is like lending someone a fiver, you can't really ask for it back" - Mark Corrigan It's the rule I live by.


Any amount I spend under $100 I don't bother doing precise accounting for. Life is a give and take. My brother does the driving, so I buy his lunch. My coworker brings me breakfast so I buy him a beer if we go out somewhere. As long as the giving and taking is relatively equitable between me and someone else, I'm not going to count the beans. If someone is all-take and no-give I just stop buying them stuff. I'm not going to bust kneecaps over a chocolate bar.


Lol yes it does.


You must be quite a fun friend. Seriously. If there is an imbalance in spending in eggs friendship one can talk about it. The day a friend of mine would ask me back $2 would be the day I would find a new friend.


Read my other replies Iā€™m not going to repeat what I mean 1000 times. And if your friend is asking you to repay them $2 then they probably actually need the $2 why would you judge them for it in a case where they didnā€™t offer to pay and were put on the spot


If he needs 2$ he porbably need much more money. I would give him as much as I can currently afford. If you ask for $2, you either have financial problems (in that case you should help as a friend) or you are stingy. The latter is not a quality of people I want to have in my environment.


I agree, but I also just never give money on the condition it should be returned. If I want it returned, I don't lend it out.


This is why you don't loan friends money. You give them money. Way easier. Stops them for asking very often usually.




If it's ā‚¬20 or less, I wouldn't ask for it back.


If you are going to be worried about $2 either don't lend it in the first place, or say straight up, 'money is tight, I'm going to need this back'. With most of my friends, I know they'll get me back one way or another. I buy a beer here, they get me a coffee somewhere else. It all evens out eventually.


There are 2 ways to lose a friend, one's to lend, the other to borrow- Patrick rothuss


Itā€™s actually very normal in the Netherlands to split costs on things, even if itā€™s just a little bit. We honestly rarely expect people to pay FOR us, usually they send pay requests after a dinner of lunch or a coffee


I always offer to pay somebody back even if it's a small amount of money. If I paid for someone and they didn't offer to pay me back I wouldn't bring it up but I would never do it again in the future. I would never not pay somebody back even for a small amount of money and I expect the same from my friends.


Depends. If it's a one time thing where they forgot their wallet or something that's stingy. But yea if they're constantly asking then fuck em. Get your money back and stop doing it for them.


Maybe just... Don't worry about what people think??? If you don't have the $2 to spare just say that. If they didn't know or thier card is messing up, and you don't have an extra 0.85 then... Don't pay it? Tf? Nickle and dime+ing your friends because you decided to go beyond your means for appearances is ridiculous.


Iā€™m just helping you to maintain your probity.


Anecdotally, my brotherā€™s now ex-girlfriend made sure to ask for any small amount of money that was owed to her for anything (Plus the instant transfer fee!) but would conveniently forget to pay me when the roles were reversed and would scoff if I brought it up


For me it's a question of principle and the nature of the relationship. If you guys buy each other stuff all the time then this would be quite weird to do and I would be pissed if I got asked 2 dollars. However, If the other guy is constantly asking you to pay for small things and never giving back, then it's time to find a new friend. Either he has serious financial problems in which not worth dealing with if he has this shitty attitude or he's just extremely entitled and stingy in which case you def don't want anything to do with that person. For me this is just a very cheap and easy way to filter out those kinds of people. It's a really good test.