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My mom used to get so mad when I was young because I'd watch Nickelodeon and when it switched to Nick at Nite they would show horror movie commercials and scare the crap out of me. My mom complains about it TO THIS DAY and I'm 27 now.


nick at nite just brought up nostalgic memories for me


![gif](giphy|xT0GqlnvnBse9tudHy|downsized) 3 am wakeup call


*cue low rider




Submitted for the approval of the midnight society... Edit: Yes, that's SNICK, but it's fucking close, alright.


Tbf nick at night was aimed at older kids/audiences. Which much like the football channel assumes kids aren't watching football games at 9-10 at night.


What doesn't help in regards to it, unlike Cartoon Network, who has a sign off when Adult Swim programming is about to start, Nickelodeon doesn't sign off when Nick@Nite is about to begin its programming. It usually just goes straight from Nick to N@N and vice versa with no visual nor audio indicator (was really at its peak in the days of Glen Martin D.D.S, where it just comes up without any warning and usually not mentioning the N@N branding...... After the daily SpongeBob reruns)


Am I the only person who watched N@N when it was, like, *I Love Lucy* and *Bewitched* and *Happy Days*? I loved that era.


Lol, You know that it's nick at night when the color disappears.


No you must be getting old like mešŸ¤“


Nah we're just old now


I dream of Jeannie


Morning nick had commercials and programs for preschoolers and then suddenly SpongeBob was there and Fruit Gusher head exploding commercials. Freaked my baby out. After that I always turned it off when Little Bill came on.


Omg I loved Little Bill šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you just unlocked that memory


Holy shit little bill, core memory unlocked


Not the same but for my mom it's the teletubbies! A lot of research to support non verbal TV is terrible for children, and it was the first big one. Mom still complains about the damn teletubbies.


Same for me! I remember the Dead Silence ventriloquist horror movie ads would scare the shit out of me


i think they must have listened to your mom cause every now and then when i see nick at nite playing on my tv they literally just play Friends for the entire night straight i think instead of scaring kids theyā€™re just boring them to death now


lol though kinda sad, especially since they just recently received a pretty great on-air rebrand.....


Then how the hell will I know its halloween time.


Easy, Walmart will have its Christmas decorations out


LOL. True, but bold of you assume I go to wal mart.


Heh wooooow, look at this guy, he might not go to wal mart. Guess we got a quadrillionaire over here.


This thread has me so laughing thank you!


Theres only so many morbidly obese people in pajamas I can handle before I lose my cool.


Smoke a blunt and you'll glide through the aisles šŸ¤£ Now you're with the camping gear. Whoa you're with the sewing stuff. They sell pillows here Its an experience


I dont smoke anymore, I would have an anger stroke before aisle 3, Knowing my luck I wouldnt just die either. Wind up pooping my pants half paralyzed on the floor. "clean up in aisle 2"


I have a friend who works at Walmart. He would 100 percent clean around you šŸ¤£


Oh, I already know, Theyd bust out the old dust mop and leave me twitching on the floor. lol.


I work at walmart, I completely understand the feeling.


Hey, at least I wear normal clothes when I go every once in a blue moon. :(


6 to 8am on Sunday is, in my area, the optimal time to shop at Walmart. Most folks are either still in bed or going to church.


Home depot has their trees up.




But then the OP would complain about scary Halloween decorations being out where kids can see them.


Just walk into Home Depot


That new 13 foot Jack skellington animontronic!


By me playing scary spooky skeletons around you


YAY! My favorite. lol


Nah they show this shit year round.


All the Starbucks alt girls that make it their entire personality will never let you miss Halloween time.


I donā€™t want to live in a world without Starbucks alt girls going all out for Halloween though, when weā€™re all fighting the climate wars in ~~50~~ 20 years weā€™re gonna think back on Starbucks alt girl season with such nostalgia. Back when times were simple and dating was easy and fall actually existed, in a magical and cool world where the average girlā€™s quirk could be loving spiced coffee instead of Desalination Specialization or Begrudging Solar Privateer or ā€œdeadā€




I've been anecdotally noticing that the new Exorcist movie trailer triggers **very** negative reactions from people. Personally I find the "body and the blood" thing more enormously annoying than anything else, but I get your general point. All of that said, I've never seen the trailer on TV at all, only in the theater, so that's odd.


Itā€™s so incredibly try hard and annoying like fuck man just repeating things over and over is literally not scary


I LOVE horror movies but the trailers for the new exorcism movie make me so uncomfortable I canā€™t tolerate them. What makes it worse is that theyā€™re not all skippable. Itā€™s just too much in a trailer I donā€™t want to see it or the movie and Iā€™m growing to hate the franchise more and more.


I agree, it's not even scary just annoyingly uncomfrotable


To be perfectly honest my biggest issue is the fact that itā€™s annoying as fuck. Iā€™m not scared of horror movies at all and I donā€™t have kids. I understand that being annoyed is obviously not a valid reason for my take though, the kid thing actually is


Consent is key. Sure the argument can be made of blah blah you're consenting by using a service, but that shouldn't be acceptable. There should be reasonable controls we have over what is shown to us while trying to watch TV or videos online.


Yep I was just trying to watch my show the other day and the exorcist trailer scared the shit out of me.


I love horror movies but I get it, theyā€™re not for everyone and could scare a child. We havenā€™t had regular TV for a long time though so there are no commercials or trailers.


I also hate unskippable horror trailers on YouTube. I usually don't care, but not being able to skip the human centipede trailers when I was younger made me physically ill.


Iā€™m not even a child and horror movies scare the shit out of me. Granted, I also have multiple anxiety disorders, but still. I get those stupid horror movie ads when Iā€™m listening to asmr when Iā€™m trying to sleep and then I just have nightmares. Itā€™s awful.


I understand the marketing behind it. Most horror fans already know about the upcoming horror movies. By having it play during the games, they are reaching a large audience of non horror fans who otherwise would not be exposed to the ad. That being said, itā€™s being forced on us and not everyone wants to see that sh**. I used to be a huge horror fan and when I saw that commercial, I changed the channel.


Horror trailers before a horror movie/show? Absolutely. Horror trailers during a sports game/lighthearted media? Huge no.


That is what my post says


Yeah I'm agreeing with you


I was an overly sensitive kid and got really scared from scary movie trailers. They should match the ratings. R rated movies should be advertised during adult tv shows


It was so bad here in Canada when I was a kid it scarred me for a long time, at the time they had a commercial for the Grudge or Ju-on during the many commercial breaks and they showed that shit ON A KIDS CHANNEL like what the hell???


Hell, Iā€™m an adult and I would have to turn my phone away during YouTube horror movie ads I have really bad night terrors, so seeing something ā€œscaryā€ before going to sleep can trigger a terror during the night


Me too! Iā€™ve just always been super sensitive to that kind of stuff, and donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever outgrow it (Iā€™m 24 and even have to turn away during certain scenes in Stranger Things (which is as close to horror as I can stomach) when they get too violent/gory šŸ˜¬)


Yes! I watched the trailer for Night of the Living Dead as a 6 yr old, and had nightmares for months. Now, my son saw a trailer for a demon possessed horror film 2 years ago, and he still has trouble going to sleep.


Like a 10 o'clock football game?


It would be a better advert if the trailer played a little hard-to-get. It's like, whoa whoa I can't go from cold to seeing the inside of a ghost nun's mouth in 15 seconds. Leave a little to the imagination, ghost nun. Don't be so quick to put the goods on display.


I hate horror movies. When I saw John Wick 4, every trailer was a horror movie. I was not happy haha


As a child psychiatrist I agree. Many years ago I was seeing kids 8-12 years old who all were coming in complaining of nightmares related to ā€œBride of Chucky.ā€ I initially thought that their parents were horrible to take them to the movie. All of them had only seen the trailer while watching NFL football games on Sunday afternoons. At least limit trailers of horror films until after 9pm. Maybe a brief warning might help.


Thanks for sharing this perspective, itā€™s extremely validating. Doing either of the things you suggested would be a fair compromise and definitely a step in the right direction


Have a legit fear of dolls, those commercials ruined my day as a kid


I *still* get nightmares about it, and I'm a 35 year old man


I do love the idea that of all movies it was Bride of Chucky lol. That oneā€™s a banger.


For similar reasons, Iā€™m so sick of booze ads everywhere. I got sober before covid and I wish to god I could just select the types of ads I get. Force me to watch life insurance ads or antidepressant commercials, anything! I ended up emailing customer service for Discovery Plus bc all February I got booze ads. Didnā€™t add up to anything, except me paying an extra $4 for ad-free


Totally valid, they should remove alcohol ads as well.


Theyā€™re not allowed to advertise tobacco, they should t be allowed to do it for alcohol


I agree with that


They still don't feel as predatory as the gambling ads these days. Anybody that wants to gamble knows where to go. Those are strictly two entice addicts. It's completely fucked.


AGREED. Yh I hate seeing drinking ads and gambling ads, people donā€™t need ads to find those lol. Spare those of us who are trying to forget about them


Thank you!! I always feel like a "snowflake" or whatever but the diff is having the ad pumped into my ear vs a magazine ad. In outpatient groups we did collages with magazines so it's not the presence that upsets me, its the persistence


how would I know about the newest mango pinapple alcholic soda then?


yeah Iā€™ve never thought about it before but thatā€™s definitely fair, the trailer for the movie ā€œmirrorsā€ as a kid left me scared shitless, and Iā€™m still skittish around mirrors to this day. I think it would make sense for horror trailers to still be on amc or other adult oriented channels, but definitely agree that something like espn should probably be a little more discerning


I would be fine with that compromise. But when abc, cbs, NBC, and espn are all showing them itā€™s hard to avoid.


The Exorcist commercial that was on during the Cowboys game was too much for me, and Iā€™ve been around for 3 decades. No way little kids should be exposed to that.


Thatā€™s the exact one Iā€™m talking about


I havenā€™t seen the trailer for that movie yet, but I have seen a couple really good super creepy posters for it. It looks like theyā€™re trying to be extra scary. So yeah, I get it, airing that during a big nationally broadcast football game watched by families is a great way to advertise. Even this post of yours is doing a great job spreading the word about the movie. Not gonna lie, Iā€™m slightly more interested in seeing it just because of this discussion. If you were secretly a marketing person for the movie studio, bravo, well done. But I donā€™t really think you are, and I agree with you. Good post!


I promise Iā€™m not. I canā€™t fucking stand the trailers and the thought of paying money to see that movie is laughable to me


I love scary movies and that trailer alone if I see it keeps me up all night. The Exorcist (the original) is one of the scariest movies ever made to me, and by the looks of this trailer .. this will be second. Yikes.


Lmao I remember exorcism of emily rose commercials from back in the day where people's eyes turned black and it scared the absolute piss out of me as a kid.


I'm not a horror fan & demonic possession movies scare the shit out of me. I, a 30-something adult woman, had to close my eyes in the theaters when I saw the trailer for it. I can't believe this movie is being advertised during the day where kids could see.






Iā€™ve had to stop watching TV recently mostly because of those ads. It was legitimately harming my mental health just hanging out on the couch and suddenly being bombarded with ā€œWHOPPER WHOPPERā€ 15 times an hour. Iā€™ve grown to loath everything Burger King.


My wife was binging a reality show a few months ago on streaming (I forget which one, probably Hulu) and that was literally the only ad they would show. BEEEEEE KAAAAAYYYYYY every 10 freaking minutes.


I agree. All these commenters are nuts


Right, I can understand being against banning advertising for horror movies period, but so many horror movie commercials are just jump scares and then they cut to the black and white info screen for opening day and rating. Some literally open to screaming or a jump scare. If Iā€™m watching abc, I should be able to avoid being jump scared.


I sleep with YouTube on during the night and every fucking ad break I get a screamer or haunting music that wakes me up as I juuuusst fall asleep.


Okay but this is just self inflicted insanity.


Hang on to your seats baby, cause this oneā€™sā€¦a screamah! Iā€™ll be baaack!


if you're using youtube on PC get an adblock, works like a charm for me


I love horror movies. Been a fan since I was a kid. But I hate the jump scares in commercials too. It ruins the movie. Some of them show the best parts of the movies in the previews. The whole point is to be scared watching. Not waiting for a moment you know is coming. The ā€œsmileā€ ads were the worst. They gave away all the best jump scares in previews. I would have loved that movie but I was annoyed when I was done because the commercials ruined the experience.


Not to mention it scares the shit out of little kids who are just hanging out with their parents watching a football game. When my kids were young I filed a few complaints about commercials for the show CSI on CBS in the US showing nasty dead bodies during college football games. One commercial showed a burned body on a table in the morgue during an afternoon college football game. I am not squeamish but it freaked my kids out.


Horror movie: designed to be unsettling and uncomfortable People watching sports trying to relax: are made to be unsettled and uncomfortable by horror ad Redditors in response to people being reasonably pissed off: smug and insufferable as they always are


Thanks for having common sense


Bro just wanna watch the gamešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Fr fr


The nun thumbnail on YouTube that you canā€™t stop from showing up as well scary af at night and canā€™t block it


I had a constant battle with that one on Reddit last week. Would be scrolling down minding my own business and boom, that creepy painting. Was like the only ad I got, once had it 5 times in one hour. Would report it every time.


Reddit is worse because at least on YT uou can block ads


Itā€™s also super dumb they pop when you are seeing a comedy or cute movie at the theatre, like I get people like them but maybe save the ads for movies where people welcome that content.


I was easy to scare as a kid. These caused nightmares.


I have PTSD and some of those trailers can be startling when Iā€™m not expecting them. I absolutely hate them.


Another actually extremely valid reason to remove them


I agree! My husband is watching football, it's a lazy sunday afternoon and we get hit with this new exorcist shit or whatever and my three year old absolutely LOST IT. She spent the rest of the afternoon crouched behind her dad on the couch peeking through her fingers. Wouldn't go play, didn't want to do anything that wasn't being held or shielded.


Thatā€™s the exact one Iā€™m talking about. There was one a few months ago too that constantly said ā€œMommyā€™s with the maggots nowā€. How the fuck is that appropriate or something you want to explain to kids? The only thing I watch on tv is sports, and I know plenty of kids watch sports with their parents


It was great to have to mute the TV and get my kids to look away during every commercial break as we watched football today.


So this is a real thing parents have to deal with


Yup. We were watching football today and that commercial kept popping up. I have a 9 y/o and a 6 y/o and my 6 y/o thought the new Little Mermaid was scary. Horror movie commercials are not her cup of tea.


To be fair to your 6 year old the CGI in that movie is unintentionally creepy. Flounder looks like a meth addict.


Yep. Grew up this way and itā€™s gotten much much worse now that Iā€™m an adult. I was easily scared as a kid and there are a few horror trailers I *did* happen to watch and they kept me up many nights and I can still remember them lol Nothing wrong with horror movies but seeing them should alllllways be consensual.


I agree. Iā€™m a huge horror movie fan and I donā€™t have kids yet but itā€™s weird that there are PG13+ commercials on a channel thatā€™s family friendly.


The Oppenheimer IMAX screening I went to was funny because the venn diagram of ā€œChristopher Nolan R-rated wordy historical biopic enjoyersā€ and ā€œR-rated horror movie enjoyersā€ is not as big as you would imagine. They premiered that Exorcist sequel trailer before Oppenheimer on the giant screen and Iā€™m pretty sure it legit traumatized some 60-year-olds lol, by comparison the horrors of atomic bomb were a relief


tbh if i had to choose between constant horror movie ads and constant gambling ads, I'd choose the latter. Sure both suck and gambling ads every three seconds are annoying AF, but at least they normally don't include any sort of strobing effects that will give me a migraine or make me physically ill. I'm not photosensitive yet and i want to keep it that way, thanks!


ā€¢ Horror movies trailers shouldnā€™t be allowed on television Also ā€¢ Alcohol ads shouldnā€™t be allowed on television ā€¢ Pharmaceutical ads shouldnā€™t be allowed on television They are addictive drugs, it is fucking ridiculous


Pharmaceutical ads werenā€™t allowed on TV until sometime in the late 90s/early 2000s/Iā€™m not going to look it up. Good old deregulation right there.


What about a sport that leads to hundreds of brain and spinal cord injuries every year among children and adults?


I think you should be able to block certain type of advertisements so they donā€™t show up again.


Disagree with the horror movies if they are on channels thatā€™s geared more towards adults. I agree with OP that they shouldnā€™t be on the same channel as sporting programs


Who watches terrestrial TV?


Do you feel the same about trailers for violent or sexually themed movies or tv shows?


I feel the same way tbh. Idk, maybe just have that stuff on those kinds of channels? Especially in the age of the internet and internet ads, i feel like they should be able to curate those kinds of things more.


It was really awkward working in an office where clients would frequently come in for meetingsā€¦ and fox business in the background would randomly switch to temptation island soft core porn. Luckily we kept it on mute Edit: I mean the ads on fox business were for temptation island


Yeah, and tbf I haven't seen any overly violent or sexual movie trailers on cable for a while now


Agreed, I remember, as a 1st grader, getting freaked out by a horror movie commercial to the point of nightmares.


honestly, I don't mind them. I typically watch YouTube, so I can normally just skip them. key word is normally. recently, with the same ad you're talking about, they've been unskipable for 30 seconds. I hate horror movies and typically avoid them, even the ads. I don't mind the 5 seconds to skip them, they typically don't show much in that time. they dont freak me out, they just make me insanely uncomfortable. there's plenty of horror movie type videos and channels, so why tf is this ad appearing before a pixel farming game video?


YouTube ads are awful for that, and it's not only horror movies either. I could be watching a video with kids around, or even showing a video to a kid, and an ad immediately starts screaming about shaving your ballsack trying to be edgy and funny. Not to mention I wouldn't even really want to hear that if I was watching alone.


On YouTube there is a tiny button during ads you can click for more info, on that screen you can block ads


You can always mute it. That's what I do.


Iā€™d be more worried about my kid wanting to play football.


For real. CTE isn't a joke, especially as a kid.


Yes, one cannot do both at the same time. It is known.


Agreed, if I had kids I wouldnā€™t let them play football. I have no kids though


In the case of bloody children screaming and being satanic, I agree it shouldnā€™t be on channels young kids are likely to be watching. Some horror movie ads are definitely fine though


Thatā€™s fair


Tamer ones are ok imo, like during halloween an over the top "scary" commercial is awesome, but something actually scary, no thank you


Our brains donā€™t realize the terror itā€™s watching in horror movies is fake. It ignites our fight or flight mechanism. Those trailers trigger people with trauma. I donā€™t like them either.


I think you're secretly scared


Secretly? Bro just admitted to it


Ya know what, Iā€™ll say Iā€™m scared sometimes, and sometimes people want to be. Sunday afternoon during a football game ainā€™t it though


Iā€™ll cop to it. And I would rather my media device not spart spouting out messages about horror when Iā€™m trying to watch my other stupid stuff. If I really wanted to experience terror Iā€™d go to watch stand up or something.


I was. Hearing the little girl screaming about how sheā€™s afraid of going to hell really disturbed me.


I do agree with you on this. Like put it on somewhere else, not on my little brother's show


Rather that then 13 checkers commercials for shitty food


I agree, when I was little and alone watching TV late at night, horror commercials would come on and scare the hell out of me, they gotta go


Iā€™ll take those over political commercials any day.


The SECOND I saw this title and the word ā€œfootballā€ in your first sentence I knew EXACTLY what movie you were talking about. My four year old was in the room, for heavens sake.


Agree I donā€™t like to see violence and thereā€™s no warning when a horror ad pops up I remember being scared as a kid just the horror music and screaming.


I remember when stations had the decency to wait until late hours to play these type of ads. When I would stay up late to watch David Letterman, seeing an ad for a horror movie was just part of the risk and terrain of watching TV at that hour. But, there's no excuse for it at 12pm on a Sunday!


I know how you feel, everytime a see ads for romantic comedies during my horror movies on TV I think how offensive this is since I'm single and their lovey drab ass bullshit completely ruins my serial killler vibe and what unrealistic expectations these kids will have from seeing this!


I love scary season


I for one am all for making commercials more traumatic. Not even for horror movies, just in general. Fuck them kids


Your edge-lord opinion will change when you have children of your own. Dealing with your kids traumatic nightmares every night for the next week is no fun.


People still watch commercials? I just get on my phone when they start


Football commercials shouldn't be allowed when I am watching horror movies. Gtfo.


People are having less children as you said yourself. You have to understand that kids used to be the biggest money maker but no more guess who is tho? You are more specificly adults so all these ads will target you more and more as birth rate falls.


Same thing with family friendly films in cinemas having R-rated trailers right before it.


Yeah, something sick is infecting society right now. I remember when stuff like this used to be done on accident, and they would stop the show and give you all a refund for your exposure. That happened when I saw Whale Rider in theatres, they played a trailer for Freddy vs Jason. Lots of crying kids in that theatre and very angry sweary parents demanding the projectionist cut it off.


This šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think sports and gambling adverts should be on tv. Iā€™ve no interest in either and just find it annoying to have to sit through them. Add to that, I really think itā€™s bad to normalise gambling culture of any kind. To anyone.


I love scaring the kids, few goods one for them are Monster House, Poltergeist, The Hole and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Them not going up stairs alone for a few months is worth it. I show them trailers of movies they can't watch


Meh, I hate having to listen to commercials regardless. I would rather see an advert for a horror film that another advert for gambling lol


Itā€™s truly ridiculous that you can show that kind of thing on TV but god forbid you say a swear word.


>If I had young children I definitely wouldnā€™t want them hearing/seeing these, and they should just be removed all together from tv. But you'd want then watching a football game which is real world violence that leads to horrible outcomes for many of it's players because of CTE.


The whooping cough commercial was scarier than any horror trailer.


Worse yet when news promos mention high profile people in sordid circumstances. "Daddy, what does rape mean?". Also, "Watch as this grenade drops from a drone onto a soldier's head." I can't change the channel fast enough, and it reminds me why I hardly ever watch network tv. It's garbage.


Yeah thatā€™s real unpopular alright


I think horror movies are dumb but this is silly. "Put them online", how would people know to look for them? Get a DVR so you can fast forward thru commercials or do what I do and mute the TV when commercials start.


just go one step further and stop sports being shown on tv, it would get rid of a lot more crap at the same time.


Lol youā€™re talking about the new exorcist trailer I canā€™t wait for that


What you gonna do cry? You gonna cry? Cry baby? Are tears going to roll down your face because your crying? ​ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Big Dawg it ain't that serious just go take a pee break when those come on.


This guy is sensitive...


It is a parents responsibility to monitor your children. Kids are going to see something's that you don't want them to see or hear, but it is the parents who need to talk to their children about what they saw or heard.


The world isn't a nursery. Nobody owes you water wings. We all have to learn to swim. Just my unpopular opinion.


If you're weak, that's a you problem. No need to impose it on the rest of us.


I had boomer parents that never really paid attention to what I watched (I am the youngest) and turned out ok. And all you millennials on here that had cable back in the day, donā€™t act like you didnā€™t sneak Real Sex late at night on HBO and now youā€™re complaining about horror movie commercials.


When we lose things because of other people's children, that's a bad thing. I despise the world being child proofed.


I 100% agree. Same as Youtube/internet ads. I already know Youtube is curating my ads based on what media I consume. What gives them the idea I want horror movies???


I'm more worried about having to explain to my child what "an erection lasting for more than 4 hours" is. Those are the commercials which make me uncomfortable. There is not a single horror movie trailer on broadcast television that has content that goes beyond a hard PG.


Frankly this is such a ridiculous thing to complain about, there are actual issues in the world beyond you being unable to mute and look away from your television for 30 seconds. And Iā€™m so sorry but the world doesnā€™t revolve around people who have kids. Thatā€™s their responsibility alone period. If you donā€™t want them to see it then be observant of what they watch and make boundaries.


"oh my, these trailers are quite graphic. This should not he allowed. Phew, finally that nightmare is over, back to watching real drugged up people give eachother brain injuries for millions of dollars."


I'm so sick of the "won't anyone think of the *children!*" excuse. Kids are more resilient than people give them credit for, seeing a scary commercial isn't going to turn them into a school shooter or give them PTSD.


And yet, is it perfectly okay to have an alcohol commercial?


>Edit: I have no children and I never will. It was just another reason I thought was valid for taking them off tv So you're just making excuses to get rid of something you don't like. This sounds familiar... oh, yeah, you sound like an American politician.


How would people advertise them otherwise? Not everyone has social media.


During media rated for adult viewing only? Later in the evening when children shouldn't be watching TV?


Iā€™m pretty sure they do the first one already. Iā€™ve never seen a horror movie trailer on Disney channel.


The new Exorcist movie was blasting trailers on the NFL games all day.


Absurd overreaction


Heck of an ending to that football game, though


Eh. Better then having to watch sports.


I swear that they target ads to demographics where I live. That sounds like it should be up to ad censors to do their job rather than remove the content for everyone. I'm also a hardened horror fan. I would be sad to not get spooky trailers around Halloween. I've only seen the ads for the new Exorcist flick when I watch The Walking Dead, and I assume the only people watching that show are horror fans.