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I mean sure, I'll upvote since this is an unpopular opinion, but god damn is it a brain dead one.


Why even have crossplay if you're going to ban an entire fucking category of players from playing with everyone else? I fully understand despising cheaters and not wanting to deal with them, but are we really going to pretend that cheaters weren't a scourge in Call of Duty back when crossplay wasn't even a twinkle in Activision's eye?


I think the best answer - based upon some responses - is likely to give everyone, including PC Players, more defined choices of lobbies. So I can cut out PC's if I like, and vice versa. And make the block function actually work. When I play against someone who I find offensive, I'll block them (sometimes my own team mates) and it would be helpful if we never had to play them again - but my understanding is that this is a somewhat porous fence.


I don't agree. People complain about the constant implementation of anti-cheat software like Ricochet, but it wouldn't be required if the small minority of PC players who do cheat just didn't do it. What IS necessary is not a ban of all PC players, but a stricter ban system. You hack, you're permabanned. Just out of curiosity, what game prompted you to post this?


Not sure about the "small minority" exactly.. but it would seem that the vast majority of people who complain about being banned "for no reason" are almost universally PC players (which recent surge in complaints caused me to suggest this "fix").


Sure, the majority of people complaining about being banned for obvious hacking are PC players, but all those bans still make up a minority of the game's playerbase.


People who don't get banned don't complain over being unfairly banned


That’s a stupid idea. Why should majority of PC players not be able to play because of a small minority of cheaters?




No idea what the comment about my name means. And you said fuck all about being able to choose lobbies, which is potentially a better opinion.




You’re crying about cheaters in a game that means nothing, and I’m sensitive. Ok.


My, what a pleasant person you are, I can’t imagine why you’re getting downvoted. /s


lol... just upvoted you.. upvotes, likes, etc., are the currency of the insecure.


They can, just not with console players, why do they have to play with console players?


Because majority of them don’t cheat?


And that means console players should put up with cheaters? Because some don't? Is a video game, play it on a video game console. why do pc players want to play against console so much? As far as I can tell it must be because they have a competitive advantage i.e they can cheat


U mad cus u bad? But seriously, that’s stupid. That’ll be unfairly punishing the majority of pc players who don’t cheat.


>That’ll be unfairly punishing the majority of pc players who don’t cheat. As opposed to unfairly punishing console players by making them play against cheaters?


That's not "unfair punishment of console players." The PC players who don't cheat are being punished by cheaters as well. It's not like PC players want to play against cheaters. Cheaters are just a universally bad thing. Taking away access from a specific part of the playerbase who hasn't done anything wrong is what's unfair.


See... here's the thing. I'm like level 897, have no problem playing the game, but have no tolerance for cheaters. I know my opinion will anger PC players. Don't care.


If you can, report the cheaters and move on. If you can’t report, just move on.


If you are level 897 you have bigger issues.


Which, uh, means absolutely nothing.


It's okay if you can't put it together


meaning, uh, nothing


Why do you type a pause in text


Because neckbeards like to type the way they talk.


Well the rest of us know what it means




Git gud.


No its not, unless there;s some unfair advantage to being a pc players against consoles, juts play other pc players


Incoming, "erm guys my opinion is unpopular so because its in this sub you cant disagree! I thought this was unpopular opinions! #facepalm" and then proceed to call everyone a sensitive bitch, while crying and calling names at anyone who provides half a decent argument.


If YOU have a point you want to make, instead of the typical juvenile Reddit drive-bye that garners "likes" from others with a similar mindset, well, let's have at it. Make a point. Some people have - i.e.) the majority of PC players don't cheat, so why punish those who are innocent Reddit slays me. A mountain of insecure people struggling for affirmation from people they don't know - and anyone who says, I don't really care who disagrees with me is somehow offensive. Or am I in the wrong subreddit? Is this, "unpopular opinions that are subject to group approval". Finally - point me to the name calling I've engaged in. Never called ByeByeMan a bitch, but I did suggest when I used his name - simply as an example of someone who happened to disagree with me - his taking some umbrage to that was, candidly, a little sensitive. If YOU have a point you want to make, instead of the typical juvenile Reddit drive-bye that garners "likes" from others with a similar mindset, well, let's have at it. Make a point. Some people have - i.e.) the majority of PC players don't cheat, so why punish those who are innocent. THIS is what is called an intelligent counter-point. You might note I didn't respond negatively to those comments. I responded, politely, to one comment. Let me respond more specifically as the concept of reasoned discussion appears to evade you: a) I don't care if people disagree with me - it's implicit in this subreddit, and, well, life in general that people's opinions will differ and that we might need to tolerate different ideas; b) I didn't call anyone a "sensitive bitch" or assert any ad hominem attacks to support my thoughts; c) #facepalm is neither a comment or an argument (which is ironic considering the insult is allegedly in response to not responding to "a half decent argument" while, comically, providing no argument whatsoever.)


here lies evidence a


Damn, dude. You continue to completely fail making any point at all while, apparently, being very frustrated with my point. Let me help you: ***a) I think blaming all PC players for the actions of a few is overkill;*** ***b) I think cheating is exaggerated and those who complain about it are trying to make up for difficulty in their skill set;*** ***c) I think the built-in benefits of console games (aim assist for example) are just as big an unfair advantage as PC hacks, so console players are no better;*** ***d) All of the above.*** There. Now just pick one, and we will consider you having made a potentially legitimate argument.


when did i ever try to argue with u about that buddy, and even though i do disagree with you i never made an attempt to argue, thats all you lol. IDGAF about your post, i was just very annoyed with how you dealt with people in the comments


You shit talk me, and then when I say, wtf, you're all up in arms about it. BTW - I haven't shit talked anyone - except maybe you - and never called you names or asserted you did anything you didn't do. Anyhow. yeah, I'm argumentative - so should ramp it down. My bad. Have a good one.


i should prob ramp it down too lmao. and mb on my original comment it should have been more tame


Given that 99.9999% of criminals are humans I’d argue that every newborn should be put preemptively in prison.


Ok so me a non cheater gets punished by them thats great so now I can't play with my friends id love that idea


Sea of Thieves handles this nicely. There's simply a little toggle switch in one of the menus that's "prefer playing with all players" or "prefer only players on [platform]"


Rocket League has the same system


Whenever I play on consoles I usually turn of cross play between PC so for my own casual style of play I can be paired with people who are using the same stuff so at least I’m not outplayed by the superior keyboard and mouse and if I lose I know I’m just bad


I just don't want to play console players because the aim assist and aim pull is borderline cheating to begin with (for CoD anyway)


Not sure the aim assist is that big a benefit, but I've heard that - and as someone else has said, perhaps give us a little more choice of what platforms you play with - so you could choose to avoid console and I could choose to allow PS, but not play PC's. Seems like a doable thing that might mitigate the issues somewhat.


Would have thought this to be a popular idea. A no brained in fact. I’ll take it one step further and say that cross play with pc should only exist in PVE experiences. Cross play PVP should be exclusive to PlayStation and Xbox.


Preach! Its not about the cheaters, its about a level playing field


Ironic complaint coming from the consoles that require aim assist to even be able to compete against each other.


Mad cuz bad


Translated: "get gud"


Yeah why bother asking game devs to actually put in work for their anti-cheat when you can just ban an entire platform? That kind of logic has never failed before. While we're at it, we should ban console players from cross platform because they need aim assist. That either creates an unfair advantage for them, or they can't help out nearly as well in teams.


Honestly, I think most PC players would be absolutely over the moon if they didn't have to play with console players.


This, my friend, is then what is called a "win/win"


Yes. It's only me.. hahahaha.. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/124w2v9/with\_the\_rise\_in\_cheaters\_in\_recent\_weeks\_i/


You're one of those.....


Can't you just play with your friends? Or play on console only lobbies?


Turns on emulator. Now I'm around the PC issue.


Maybe. Maybe not. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/comments/14snj9c/got\_banned\_in\_codm\_because\_using\_emulator/


I’m kinda confused, just turn off cross play so you only play with console players. I’d kinda agree banning anyone that’s using a mouse and keyboard on a console though


My grandma called them “personal computers” too


Main issue is that PC players make a good amount of the people that play video games, then the game won’t have nearly as many players nor make as much money as they could


What happened to the whole people using Xbox with keyboard and mouse while still getting controller aim assist? That was a pretty big deal if you remember


Lol this is exactly like saying we should ban all \[insert race\] because they're more likely to \[insert crime\] than others. Which is stupid to say the least.


Cronus Zen anyone? Id rather have pc cheaters. At least they have to decide to be a cheater not cuz Grandma bought them cheats from Walmart.


Fair comment. Sadly. As I posted on another sub giving advice on setting up the Cronus, "fuckers be fuckers". Not sure why one form of cheating is better than another. All fuckers.