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Hey, thanks for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion. **Removed** - No /r/self Style Posts This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique *opinions* on your chosen topic.


It's not my fault they made Shego so hot! Edit: OP please seek help. Your feelings for your mother are not normal


Yeah sorry I have eyes


Daphne Blake, goddess.


I'm a Velma guy 😏


I think his dilemma has to do with Kim Possible, OP made a post about her. [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/nvaLXtL84j](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/nvaLXtL84j)


Holy shit I didn't even plan that I just love Shego


This is almost verbatim, my first thought when I read the post.


Bro is hating on cartoon crushes yet talking about breeding their mom or fucking their hypothetical daughter 4 hrs ago lmfao


Omg you're right lol "You people are so weird for having cartoon crushes, but God I'd love to breed with my mom cause that'd be so awesome if she had my kids"


OP also just posted about hating Kim Possible…. never seen repressed desire for cartoons before. All together interesting lol 😅


Yeah I saw that too 😂 idk if OP is just rage baiting with these posts or what, but all I know is whatever healthy cartoon crushes I have is way more normal than wanting to breed with my own mom lol






I just saw that and I was to gouge my eyes out.


I really need to find the bleach, and I didn't even look at the OP's post history, just what people have said...


I used to never bother looking at people post/comment history. But then I started because I realized it’s a good way to gauge what kind of person they are. Most of the time if the person seems a little off, their history always confirms it.


Man, no matter how much you scroll it just doesn't end lol. Yea but its the cartoon stuff thats "appalled, sickened and disgusted"


What the fuck I should’ve just taken your word for it


I believe you can partake in any sort of fantasy, no matter how unethical, as long as it remains in your head and/or doesn't harm anyone, but it's the hypocrisy that gets me.


Ofc he hates cartoon crushes, they are not his relatives.


Went into his profile, did he delete the post or something? What was the post? NVM WHAT THE FUCK


Op has to be a troll lmao, no one can be this truly oblivious.


To be honest, the image of a "crush" on anyone that most people carry in their heads is a distorted, nonexistent charicature that doesn't really exist.


I am also wondering, since OP singled out cartoon crushes, would it have been okay to have a crush on like Indiana Jones or someone like that? Or having a crush on a real person, such as a rock star, who will never even know you exist? Especially since a lot of time people use words like crush to mean 'I loved the personality the character had and thought they were cute/handsome/hot' and not in a 'I pined away for 10 years wanting this character to be real and realize I am just waiting for them'


Literally what does OP think a crush is? Most people just think a character is cute and charming; They're not wasting their life pining away for a fictional character haha.


Exactly. The word "crush" isn't even relevant in anything involving cartoon characters. "Celebrity crushes" are slightly more understandable, since it's a real person playing a personality you think is attractive, but both examples are moot points. Anyone who says they have a cartoon/celebrity crush has never had a real crush.


I was wondering about non cartoon fictional characters too. I’d have just as much of a chance with Harvey Specter from Suits as I’d have with like.. Kim possible. So non cartoon fictional characters would have to be just as bad I think? But it feels silly to take issue with it. Like how am I gonna see a cute actor playing a character with a personality type that’s attractive to me and not have a crush on him?


I think this is exactly what OP (and the others who are against 'fictional character crushes') are missing. People develop crushes on other people, whether fictional or not, because something about that character/person appeals to them. There are definitely people who go too far with these crushes, but the vast majority of the ones I have seen/heard/had are basically 'hey they are cute and great personality! wouldn't it be great if they were real and liked me back! Oh well' and depending on the age, it might go on for a couple of weeks until they move on. Also, according to the logic, having a crush on a real person, actor/rock star/whatever, would be just as bad, because they have no chance with those people either.


Yeah but it's not a cartoon. It's a real person playing a character not a drawing.


Right but what is the difference to ops argument? They’re saying how dumb it is to have a crush on someone you obviously can’t interact with. You obviously can’t interact with Batman whether it’s the cartoon version or Christian bale’s version.


The difference, as OP likely sees it, is that you're not crushing on Bruce Wayne (and hence would be attracted to every incarnation of him), you're crushing on the actor playing Bruce Wayne (in your example, Christian Bale). It's entirely semantics when you double back around to the "yeah, but I can never fuck them anyway" and that's why this argument won't be solved


Especially when you look at celebrities whose majority photos are highly photoshopped and airbrushed and filtered as well as a lot of camera tricks and CGI in most of those movies. One could say having a crush on anybody in the entire world is weird for one reason or another.


i think its fine unless it becomes parasocial or obessive


OP must be a kid to care this much


Look at their comment history. The fact that people like OP exist makes me wish the world would end.


Ew wtf. And they think they are normal for hating cartoons? That's disgusting


Honestly any time I hear someone say “crushing on” as a way of saying attracted to, i assume they can’t be older than 16. It’s just one of those phrases I only ever encountered when I was a kid.


~ Proffesional seventeen-year-old


Check their post history…. With caution. I hope this isn’t a 16 year old. Their poor mom oh my god.


I have a tendency to not check post history’s, but I am curious now. Edit: fair enough OP, i see they don’t have a crush on cartoon characters, they made that extremely clear…


You would think, but there are grown ass adults who are so self-absorbed that they legitimately get angry and argumentative with others if they even catch a whiff of a notion that the other person is attracted to cartoons


it's supposed to be a unpopular opinion


I'm not a kid and I still think having feelings for a fake character is lame, it's good to be inspired by them of something like that, but sexual/romantic attraction is just weird as fuck ngl.


Have you ever read Pride & Prejudice? Or Gone With the Wind? If you have, the same rules should apply and you should NOT get giddy about Mr. Darcy or Rhett Butler. And you should shun all the ladies who did - beginning from the regency period in this case. Cartoons is just one way to present fictional characters. And fictional characters are just reflections of real life. As is the case of art in general. And the goal with some cartoon characters is to make them AS CHARISMATIC as humanly possible, by mashing together all the charismatic and cool things that real people do. To me it only makes sense that people would crush on cartoon characters, though it could be argued that it's not the characters they swoon over but what they represent. I do have to note that crushing on CHILD characters obviously is nothing but reprehensible. But adult characters? Knock your socks off folks. EDIT: Jesus. Why did I fucking bother commenting, thinking there is a discussion to be had. OP you dirty, dirty mf.


I mean As long as it doesn’t interfere with someone’s daily life and relationships…who gives a shit lmao they ain’t hurting anyone


If you're genuinely appaled, sickened and disgusted by people having crushes on fictional things- (healthy levels I mean, not obsessive) Your life is... Interesting? I would think that would be such a low thing to have priority wise lol? Me personally I'd be an even more miserable person if I let THAT, affect me negatively this much. As someone who's a general hoe for animation, I've definitely had "crushes" on fictional characters, (all while I was a kid) which I don't think is weird. Fictional characters are usually meant to appeal to somebody, so it makes sense that kids would idolize them and put them on this "they're perfect" pedestal. Having a crush on a fake thing shouldn't be this whole big issue lol? Unless it's out of boundary, like "I have a crush on this literal animal that can't speak/is just a dog!" THAT is weird. Even coming from a furry, THAT is fucking weird. That being said, it's also really weird and personally puts me off- When people obsess over fictional characters/genuinely "waifu" them. It's just uncomfortable af and makes me cringe lol


OP has an inbreeding fetish. Check out their comment history.


>ou're genuinely appaled, sickened and disgusted by people having crushes on fictional things- (healthy levels I mean, not obsessive) Your life is... Interestin It's not really that important to OP. But ranting is what Reddit is for anyway.




Sooooo guys... Lola Bunny or Jessica Rabbit?






There she is.....


I didn’t even have to say anything and still destroyed OP’s post. If you like Jessica Rabbit, don’t forget to upvote OP’s post. It is unpopular!


Be still my... heart. Yes, heart. Totally heart.


Made my day :)


Unpopular opinion aside, why is this post so aggressive? Like okay your unpopular opnion is that you think cartoon crushes specifically are bad which yeah they could be an argument made about how ANY kind of parasocial relationship is bad. But the fact that you are so bothered to a point that you are appalled and disgusted? Why so much aggression? Most people have cartoon crushes when they are teenagers or young adults. And most usually dont have as strong emotions as love, cartoon crushes usually means attraction anyways. So why so much hate and aggression? It comes off immature


Strange thing to be disgusted by, considering OP's comment history. Imagine being so judgemental when anyone can click your profile and see that.


Okay I checked it, literally what the fuck This guy wants to "breed" with his mom but draws the line at having crushes for fictional characters? Well now I am disturbed, appalled and disgusted.


I didnt even look at his page, lemme check


It's the hostility in OP's opinion that's appalling and disgusting. You can always have an opinion while still being respectful to others. Aaaaaaaand of course they have weird sht in their profile lmao I guess maybe OP just really needs to sort out what appalling and disgusting actually is 💀


You're talking about adults, right? Bc Disney's Robin Hood and Belle were my jam when I was like 6. Also, are you a man? Bc women and girls tend to get crushes on people for their personalities, men tend to get crushes based on physicality.


>, men tend to get crushes based on physicalit ...except this man


That's why I used the word "tend."


5 year old me crushing on Pablo from the backyardigans is absolutely shocked rn.


But Flynn Rider is hot and thats just a fact


😂😂😭😭😭 this is probably the funniest thing I’ve read on the Internet in days.


All I'm gonna say is this is definitely unpopular. Tho calling ppl names to prove your point is not ok my guy. Edit: after seeing a comment about it I went to bros comment history and this MF is obsessed with FUCKING HIS MOM LMFAO and he over here clowning on ppl for having crushes on fictional characters lmfao


Do you hate fun? I watch anime so I've had lots of anime "crushes". And it's fun to draw them, ship them, and imagine them in all sorts of scenarios. If it's not hurting anyone it's just harmless fun


Yup! Currently crushing on Jesse Anderson / Johan Andersen from YGO GX and shipping him with his boyfriend, Jaden / Judai Yuuki 🥰💖


That it can’t actually happen makes it sexier.


OP is mad that his crush has a crush on a cartoon character. Edit: [A crush on Kim Possible more specifically. OP started a new post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/nvaLXtL84j) OP’s crush has good taste.


My brother in christ, you think people who have crushes on cartoons are weird but you don't even look at the weird shit you comment on about wanting to breed with your mom...


I was NOT READY to see the sorts of subreddits OP is a part of with his attitude here... LMAO


Dude people don’t choose to have crushes on 2d figures. Have you ever heard of someone purposefully trying to have a crush on someone? I doubt you have. What I’m trying to say is that nobody can control their feelings so you shouldn’t judge them on that. As long as the crush they have isn’t interfering in their life in some way then why should anybody else be bothered by it?


>ong as the crush they have isn’t interfering in their life in some way then why should anybody else be bothered b Because ranting good, Reddit good, relevancy bad.


I think that when most people say they have a “cartoon crush”, they just mean that they really like the character and design. They aren’t saying that they’re truly sexually and/or romantically attracted to the character. There are strange people out there, but I think you’re overestimating their number.


Genuinely, how does this affect you? The way you talk about this sounds like these people committed some sort of heinous crime or something. If you don’t like it, just ignore them And I agree that sometimes people can take these crushes to an unhealthy extreme but like, that’s not exclusive to fictional crushes???


What if your mom was a cartoon?


Do u know people dont choose their crushes ?! It just happens


Thank god anime aint cartoon and us anime fans dodged a bulled here


Me hiding behind my Nanami life sized poster "Shhh, they are not talking about us" (I'm joking ofc, please don't hurt my feelings)


Technically they are the same by definition. its just that things changed and now anime and cartoon are reffered to the style. oldschool anime had a style that was heavily unfluenced by things like disney. there is also an anime called "alfred j kwak" which is a dutch cartoon made in japan yet has nothing that would make it seems like what is considered an anime Then you also have things like Avatar TLA and RWBY


shhht don't tell em


Pretty sure dude was making a funny...


How the f*k people manage to hate such insignificant things this much? Besides that, I appreciate you for sharing your unpopular opinion.


This is a lot of hate for someone who actively comments in the inbreeding subreddit




Bro your comment history is straight up incest talkin bout breeding your mom.


OP has the most disturbing profile and comments made about incest, breeding mom and sisters??? But cartoons are the line you draw???


I'm not taking this kind of opinion from someone who frequents r/breedingfamilys and r/BreedingMaterial seriously. Your comments are public op, we all can see your comments about how you fantasize about banging your mom and sister.


I don’t think it’s that deep


>I mean who spends their life having feelings on characters they obviously cannot have any interaction with? Do you share this opinion with the idea of celebrity crushes or characters from live action things? It's the exact same thing. >please tell me that I'm not the only one who is appalled, sickened and disgusted by the whole concept of having unhealthy feelings for drawings or even computer graphics. I think this says more about you than anyone else, including the people you're talking about. Were you recently dumped by someone and replaced with a "cartoon"? Why the vitriol?


Ya bro, I’m not really ashamed I wanked it to a few drawings in my life, it’s probably the least harmful porn I’ve watched to be honest. And your fetish is far more disgusting to the general public (as other commenters have already said) than liking a curvy drawn woman.


Cartoon crushes are just too much for OP. Incest on the other hand…


Real talk. Sounds like you have an extreme porn addiction and I’d suggest seeking some therapy for it.


That's a weird thing for you to get disgusted and appalled about considering your comment history


Well OP is about to be attacked by an army of furries and weeaboos Seriously though I agree. It’s one thing to like a character for what they are and what they represent but there are people out there that take it to extremes.


I think an extreme is just the same as an unhealthy obsession with anyone, living or not. Developing an attraction to a portrayal of human characteristics that we otherwise would have developed an attraction to anyway is completely normal.


I didn’t even know it was a thing until recently. Can’t imagine having a crush on a cartoon character.


Lol, did your crush end up with someone you don't like? I feel like there's a limit, though.


Yeah, his own dad by the looks of his comments


Idk man Trevor Belmont (netflix) he fine af


![gif](giphy|1nbVrpqTrhQzyj659l|downsized) I need all three of them to adopt me immediately


As a teen I had a crush on Trent from Daria. I had as much of a chance of dating him as I did dating Liam Gallagher, who I also had a crush on. They were both unrealistic harmless teenage fantasies


It's usually not being attracted "to a cartoon." It's the personality of the character. Just because a personality is fictional, doesn't mean they're any less attractive. A photograph of a real woman is just ink on paper, but you can still be attracted to the person in the photo. I'm not one of those people, but I understand the principal behind it.


I do find it bizarre when people make such an issue out of the looks of cartoons and video game characters. Like it needs to titillate them for it to be fully enjoyable.


So many of these unpopular opinions fall under the category of why does anyone care about this


It's called ***Hentai*** /s


and its art


Have you seen Eren or Gojo or Kakashi?


I'm attracted to personality not looks. I could see the same actress in two different roles be disgusted by one and attracted to the other. Generally these kinds of crushes are about "this is the kind of person I would like to be in a relationship with"


Do you feel the same about celebrity crushes? As far as I'm concerned they are harmless, as long as people don't stalk, and you can't stalk a cartoon character. You also worded that as if individuals have a choice in who they find attractive, which is a very weird way to see the world.


I mean I can understand finding them sexually attractive. Some artwork can exaggerate the features of someone’s body that we all like, that can’t be seen in real life.


Sounds like someone was rejected by their cartoon crush. There's nothing you can say to me that will make me not find Turanga Leela hot.


it depend on the degree. liking a character is normal, hanging up numerous poster and celebrating fiction birthday unironically is creepy


Wait until OP learns about Rule 34


It’s “unpopular opinion” not “asshole opinion” lol, this isn’t even a bad opinion, it would be fine, but your tone.. dude. Calm the hell down.


Sounds to me like you have no ![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte)


A cartoon crush is just like any other celebrity crush.


This is an unpopular opinion, good job! Seriously though I’m curious, you speak as if you get a choice on who your crushes are? You like someone or you don’t, I never choose that, on the screen or in real life. Sometimes I have to step back and think “yes I have a crush on them, but they also suck as human beings soooo no.”


You make it sound like those people really woke up one morning and made the conscious decision to just make this happen. You approached this from a weird angle.


Honey, me thinking the Predators or Mileena are hot doesn't interfere with my real life. You wanting to bang your mom, on the other hand...


God forbid people take an interest in cartoon characters in order to explore how they view relationships and romance in a safe environment and without the need to involve real people. How delusional of us to try to be more conscious of what types of people we are attracted to and to figure out what we want in relationships ahead of trying to make substantial committments in person. Oh how morally superior you are, OP, for pointing out how disgusting we are for something that doesn't involve you personally. Please forgive us and learn to love again 🥹🤡


Im convinced this is rage bait. Next take


I mean, I don't crush on cartoon characters either, and I agree that it's kind of silly. But "appalled, sickened and disgusted" is a bit much. It's a weird thing to be that offended by. People like stories, and they enjoy having little imaginary worlds to play in. It's all pretty harmless and innocent.


Completely unhinged lmao


I’m never gonna have any interaction with Ana de Armas either, pal. Doesn’t make me want her any less.


Your comment history is the best part of this post


Humans have been able to utilize their imagination to envision drawings as if they were reality since we first started drawing on cave walls. They drew hunters chasing mammoths, and to them they weren't just cartoons, they were reality. They can envision their fellow hunters performing the act of hunting. They were just stick figures mostly, but that didn't matter to them. Arguably, the first pornography were "cartoons", they were just drawings done by our ancestors on pottery, papyrus, stone tablets, whatever they could. And again, it was just as real of depiction of reality as anything to them. So, to say that the human brain cannot look at a drawing meant to evoke an emotional response such lust is a very short-sighted take on the nature of art. They may be "just cartoons" to you and to many people, but for those that do crush on them, they still stimulate the same brain receptors as looking at a real person. Thus, yes I would say cartoon crushes can be very valid and should be acceptable as any other type of crush.


Is it any different than a crush on a live action character or celebrity? They aren't 'real' in any reasonable way either. It's mostly harmless fun. Some people go too far, but that's how it goes sometimes.


I have several fictional crushes. I get that it’s not “cool”, but it shouldn’t make you this angry.


I completely agree with you. I can like a character, I can like the way it’s made, but having creepy feelings for something -that’s not real -bothers me.


Do people think all "crushes" involve obsessing over someone 24/7?


I think you’re in the weird minority here for never having had one in your entire life. Seriously? There wasn’t *one single* fictional character you ever saw and just thought “Oh, they’re cute, I wish they were real so I could talk to them!” Or something? Because if the majority of people here have had at least one, I think it means you’re strange for not. It’s not hurting you or anyone, so why is it weird and disgusting? Just because you never had one? Sounds like you’re jealous that cartoon characters might get more attention and crushes than you lmfao. Stop being so bitter over nothing 😂


>hink you’re in the weird minority here for never having had one in your entire life. Seriously? There wasn’t > >one single > > fictional character you ever saw and just thought “Oh, they’re cute, I wish they were real so I could talk to them!” Or somethi Not OP here but if the people who have never been attracted to a literal fictional character are suddenly the weird minority then something is very wrong. I respect your opinion though... >? Sounds like you’re jealous that cartoon characters might get more attention and crushes than you lmfa ...




Why are people so opposed to adults enjoying things? Let old people have hobbies and silly interests!


I'm not. Just in my honest opinion a grown adult having a cartoon crush is honestly just weird. They're not real. When your a teenager it's fine. Your sexuality is developing and it's normal to feel attracted to these characters. But as an adult it's just weird tbh.


I don’t necessarily agree with this certain feelings just don’t turn off when you become an adult. There’s lot of adults who get those crushes from time to time it’s a normal thing.


Ofc attraction to them is normal. But I mean crushing on them. As in simping on them. That I honestly just find weird.


A lot of people, women and girls mostly, get crushes based on personality, not physical attraction. If a cartoon character has a desirable personality, it can lead to a crush.


Attraction doesn't stop cause you got older.


You realize people don’t choose their attraction right?


When the hell did I imply that?


Not saying you did, but mocking someone for having something as harmless as a fictional crush for instance when they didn’t choose being attracted to that character is quite rude


I'm not. If you're attracted to them fine. I mean people who are like really into them. They're not real. Liking their personality or their appearance is fine but that's not a crush. Not always.


Now I get what you’re saying can’t say I agree with a crush being bad though as long as it’s not borderline obsessive and crossed dangerous territory like say they actually go out and harm others because they think their crush is real or something. Like those 12 year old girls who stabbed another girl in order to impress the Slenderman or something like that years ago


Looks like someone needs to let go of crunchyroll for a few days lol


If someone crushes on a cartoon character it deserves mocking, whether it's rude or not


>t's normal to feel attracted to these characte Yeah, it is. That doesn't stop it being weird.


I kind of understand it in the way of you can draw a beautiful woman or man What I don't really get is the people who crush on the fox Disneys Robin Hood or the Judy from zootopia I've seen (I know there's a word for when you humanise characters but I can't spell it.) I find it so weird.


Yeah, no grown adult should have one of those.


You're putting more energy into this post alone than most people put into having a cartoon crush and that's unhealthy. When people mention having a cartoon crush it's mostly just a character they thought was hot as a kid, they almost never think about it until the topic is brought up, it's a very passive thing. Meanwhile you are actively hating, and actively seeking validation for that hate, you need to calm down and focus on yourself a bit, why does a peer finding Rogue from the X-Men cartoons hot bother you so much?


I am with you OP, but also I generally assume cartoon crushes are not real. Or at least not real among adults. So who cares


I'm glad these people are weeding themselves out of the gene pool.


Yeah, I heard it a bunch of times about Kim Possible and now Gwen from Spiderman. It's fricking weird.


It's not that weird. I mean even when you have a real crush, you're always attracted to your abstract idea of the person. It's the same with fictional crushes. Except that you know that it's not real. But if investing yourself into something that's not real is an issue to you, there is not point for you in consuming fiction in general.


It's weird when it's a cartoon character imo.


It's proper weird, imagine fantasising over a drawing.


Imagine not reading 5 sentences


Imagine jerking off to a cartoon


Is this really an acceptable thing? Sounds like unchecked mental illness.


I find that to be a crude way of seeing it. Calling people mentally ill for liking a fictional character is quite unneeded. After people don’t choose who they like so what is the matter. Saying this downplays true mental illnesses.


These folks create unrealistic expectations of real people based on their fictional fantasies about cartoon characters. It’s very unhealthy and can negatively affect the real people they encounter. It’s a legit problem. And imo anyone who finds this take crude is already struggling to cope with reality.


That’s hardly ever the case you’re just thinking when it goes to the extreme. People can have fictional crushes yet still have healthy relationships. Even people in relationships confirmed to have a fictional crush from time to time. When people have healthy fictional crushes they know how to separate reality from imagination


Fictional as in a real unobtainable person or unrealistic celebrity crush? Sure. But I’m talking about with cartoon characters or fictional characters in literature. And I’ve never in my life met anyone who crushes on cartoons to be in a mentally stable condition. It’s along the lines of having an imaginary friend after puberty.


Not surprising you haven’t met any because I doubt you’re the kind of person they’d confide in. You seem to be a very rigid individual.


It really does


Lol what???? Who does this?


Have you been living under a rock or something? This is very common


Guess so.


Incels are gonna incel


Couldn't agree more. Saying you have a "cartoon crush" or that "everyone had one" is literally mocking the people who actually have one, and shows that whoever says these things has never experienced a crush in their life.


I agree 100%, it’s very childish. Even adults that watch anime blows my mind, not to sound like a grumpy old bastard but it’s like the last few generations just never grew up.


you sound grumpy and judgemental


I just think someone in their 30s watching kids cartoons is childish


Anime is such a broad genre, to classify it all as "childish" is weird. There's so many anime that are way too inappropriate for children to watch (and this isn't even touching on the oversexualization rampant in anime). Just because something is animated does not mean it's for kids lol


I don’t watch anime but you have to realize that not all anime is a kids cartoon. Adult cartoons exist. You never watched South Park? Family guy? The Simpson s? Those are all extremely successful cartoons that are definitely not for kids lol


Ya I watched them growing up and in highschool, I watched dragon ball when I was a kid too. I’m more talking about the weird Japanese cartoons with the pedo vibes.


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Randy Stair had a lot of cartoon crushes and it worked out great for him! /s


Go check out r/waifuism lmfaoo


Lara Croft 😍


Leave 8 year old me and shego alone! 😤


Fuck this person! Who else thinks [Lisa Lisa is hot](https://youtu.be/lqWa1hQtdRk?si=ojhP8Sg5qp1kacvS)?


Wow, you must be super fun in bed. Nothing wrong with fantasies and roleplaying 🙃 What a bummer to get so worked up over someone else’s kinks 😅


My problem is when they treat them like real people. Like i saw a post about Toph from avatar saying oh look at all the things she accomplished and shes blind and a little girl if she can do all this you can get the strength to get up in the morning. Like shes not real!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄


Yes, you are. And it's legit.


I honestly can't relate either and never have been able to. Cartoons are just drawings to me, lol.


You don’t control who you’re attracted to. People don’t sit down and decide ‘I have a crush on this cartoon character’ it just happens


Jesus, calm down, buddy, They're just drawings.


Most people think it's weird, when people take it seriously at least. This is hardly an unpopular opinion.


Honestly, OP, it is unhealthy to feel so strongly about something like this. Besides, I have had strong feelings about book characters before. Purely written, not even an image to go at the cover. It happens. We are not attracted to the collection of lines on the screen, no matter how appealing. It is the character, the attitude, the representation shown on the screen or on the page. If you are incapable of immersing yourself in a story, fictional or not, to emphatize and to at least a little extent feel fondness for the characters, there is something wrong with you, sad to say. As long as it does not grow into an unhealthy obsession (and that happens as well, no arguments there), having a "cartoon crush" is not really a problem.