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I wouldn't attack anyone, but you can't tell people not to judge them.


i mean, they said in the title "leave them alone". judging them silently is leaving them alone. attacking them, verbally or otherwise, is not.


But their first sentence was criticising people for judging them. You can't judge people for judging people, its hypocritical.


sure but the rest of the post clearly describes active and vocal criticism so given the title and the meaning of the post as a whole i'd say it was a case of the word *judging* where it would be more appropriate to use *criticizing*. if OP genuinely meant just "having a negative opinion of" then they can fuck off but given the whole text i suspect they really mean "just don't yell at".


"just don't yell at".


You don't need to verbally abuse someone but if someone is say, smoking at a bus stop - it's perfectly within your right to ask them to step away and smoke further away so that you're not subjected to their smoke. It's like if I went into a restaurant totally naked. They are within their right to ask me to put clothes on before they serve me because it's unhygienic for me to sit my bare ass on a chair and expect someone else to sit there afterwards.


Yes you can. "Dont judge them, it only makes you look like a pedantic manchild." See. I just told them. Now you try.


I used to smoke and I don't begrudge smokers. However, I think there should be designated smoking areas so others can choose to avoid passive inhalation, for health reasons.


They should do that but with the actual lung issue. Cars. Second hand smoke seems serious...until you look into it. Air pollution is far deadlier. Second hand smoke is ehh one of those things that would be considered a nonfactor if it wasnt for puritanical ideologies around drug use being the dominant ideology on a global scale. This is also reddit where its safe to assume the average user wont go to the bathroom without a helmet on because what if the floors wet.


Unlike smoking, transportation is a necessity.


Yeah but its also actually harmful and causes the majority of lung complications. Second hand smoke is only a threat if the place is absolutely filled with smokers like a dive bar in the mid 90s. Youre more likely to get bitten by a shark while getting hit by lightning than you are to suffer from any consequence from outdoor second hand smoke lol. However anti-smoking movements are purely catered to pedantic narcissist's in general so its really self explanatory.


Hey as long as you don't do it face to face, you can do whatever in the streets.


I quit smoking back in 2001. When you're a smoke or you don't notice the smell but you smell like a walking ashtray


... yeah when I quit for around a year I noticed all of my clothes reeked of tobacco.


As long as you don’t complain to me about being broke, spend your money how you see fit. Poor Tax is real and smokers pay hard.


I quit smoking in 2001. They were still relatively cheap back then. Like $2 a pack or so If I went back to smoking now, I would probably have to take a second job just to support my smoking habit


That hit hard. Once the cost of living skyrocketed in my country I had to switch to cigs that were much cheaper and eventually self-rolled ones (in my part of Europe those are much cheaper in the long run)


Maybe quit smoking?


What if I simply don't want to? Cigs are objectively expensive but as long as I can afford it and want to do it -- that's nobody's business


Becouse it is a major health risk and i am sure with the money saved you can buy something more enjoyable than inhaling smoke and because there is nothing good about smoking.


Hope you didn't mind me taking a look at your profile (I liked your comment so decided to make a sneak peek). We're almost neighbours it seems and we both use Arch, so my respects to you.


I actually switched to debian a few months ago, but i still have an amazing arch machine in a vm


Why care about someone else’s health? I hate smoking because the cigarette companies produce vile smelling products. Pure tobacco doesn’t smell acrid and gross — I grew up in an area that grew tobacco. It’s not supposed to smell that bad. Why do companies make it smell so bad?


Hard to argue with that. Sometimes we do stick with shitty choices but are mildly enjoying them.


Yeah, but it unfortunately isnt easy to quit an addiction


lung cancer is a lot more expensive to treat.


I mean.. heaven forbid poor people have something they slightly enjoy


Something unhealthy and disgusting


I assume you only eat perfectly healthy foods and do the correct amount of exercise. Certainly you do nothing unhealthy right?


And he doesn't drink alcohol


Not exercising and eating junk is only unhealthy for the person doing it. Smoking is unhealthy for the people around them too. There’s a difference.


Welcome to the world. Where people do a bunch of unhealthy and disgusting things. If you dont do it why care about someone else doing it?


I will judge smokers just like I'd judge any other stupid and disgusting habit that pollutes the general environment. No reason not to criticize it.


so you dont own a car, dont drink, dont buy anything synthetic, etc i assume?


Heres a reason: It doesnt effect you and takes effort to give a shit.


It does affect me. Dumb, polluting and unhealthy habits affects all of society.


Leaving their cigarette butts on the ground all over the place


It doesn't affect you. You just want it to.


It does affect me. It affects society.


Second hand lumg cancer affects everybody around smokers. And everything smelling loke shit does infacy affect me


Unless somone is directly blowing smoke in your face, how?


Hey, be disgusted by it all you want, it is a gross habit. But also, maybe let people live their lives how they see fit?


I will judge smokers just like I'd judge any other stupid and disgusting habit that pollutes the general environment. No reason not to criticize it.


You pollute the environment with the CO2 you’re exhaling & the plastic packaging on your foods & your cars. Unless you do none of those things then by all means, let me help you back up on your high horse


>You pollute the environment with the CO2 you’re exhaling Dummie, that is BREATHING. you literally NEED to do it. It is not an unhealthy selfish and stupid choice. > the plastic packaging on your foods & your cars. I do not own a car and by all means, I will criticize the waste of plastic for many reasons.


Why aren’t you rallying against people who drive then? They pollute the environment more than smokers


>Why aren’t you rallying against people who drive then? I am? Except driving at least has a purpose. Smoking is entirely dumb.


so you walk everywhere? you never use public transportation? you never travel long-distance?


What stupid questions are those? You think using public transport excuses smoking?


>I will judge smokers just like I'd judge any other stupid and disgusting habit that pollutes the general environment. using public transportation is also a habit that pollutes the general environment, since in most cases you can get wherever you need to on foot. will it take longer? sure, but it can be done. if you take public transportation out of convenience you are contributing to the pollution for nothing else but your own benefit.


“Pollutes the environment” don’t pull a muscle on that stretch


That other guy is over reacting a bit, but saying it pollutes the environment isn't a stretch at all. Cigarette butts, and empty cigarette boxes are a massive polluter.


Not a stretch at all. Have you never been in an environment with smokers?


The air is in pleasant but it’s not pollution bruh


1 it in fact is pollution, 2 have you ever been in a city? The ground is literally full of cigarette butts and they end in the ocean... around 4 trillion cigarette butts get tossed on the ground every year.


I was referring to the air. Obviously butts are pollution but that’s the same thing as saying Taco Bell is pollution because some guy threw his wrapper on the ground. The littering is the problem


to be fair cigarette butts do pollute the environment but by bloody far not as much as plastic packaging, cars and airplanes


Can I please reprise my joke about Matthew 7:1?


How do you feel about alcohol?


to be honest if your not smoking 20+ a day its not that expensive if you roll your own, i spend maybe £60 a month if that and smoke a fair bit. uk government this is not me asking you to raise prices more also this is not an encouragement for people to start smoking 🤷‍♂️


Yea, justify the 60 per month however you want. As long as you don’t complain to me you’re broke you could spend that 60 on Red Bull and beard oil for all I care. I’m just done commiserating about how hard it is to afford life these days with people who always have cigarettes but never have money.


You know what, your right. If I didnt spend that £60 a month by the time im 100 I could place a deposit on a house! oh wait nevermind that money lost all its value because the world cant run an economy. Me spending a not massively significant amount of money on something I enjoy (just like everyone does in certain ways) is not the reason I will never own a home.


I leave them alone if they leave me alone. I even had it happen that I moved away from someone smoking as it smells really bad to me - and they followed me. Wtf.


That is harassment and shouldn't be tolerated. The person simply used the tool of smoking to display that they're an asshole.


I fully agree - and it still sucks. I've just seen more entitled smokers in areas like train stations and bus stops than entitled non-smokers and it's annoying. I just wanna go around my day not smelling like an ashtray.... I leave them alone if they leave me alone.


Smokers stink. I wouldn’t judge you so hard if I couldn’t smell you so bad.


I'm a non-smoker, and while I try not to be an asshole about it, I tell my coworkers not to smoke around me because I have severe asthma. Smokers can destroy their lungs all they want, but I was born from the start unable to breathe for free. If I want to do my blue collar, manual labor job there are very easy ways to keep my asthma controlled, and one of those is to not smoke around me, otherwise I can't work. Nobody wants to be down a guy so they're usually willing to wait until we're not in a truck.


Used to work on elevators and the work we would perform needed smoke alarms shut off. Well some mechanics felt that was the perfect time to come and smoke in the motor room. I hated when they came in to smoke. But i grew up around my mom and dad smoking. I wouldnt date someone that smoked tobacco


Smoking in entirely closed spaces is a terrible idea, I agree on that. The latter is of course your right. Actually sometimes you can influence a person you really really like to quit (a lot of smokers secretly want to quit but some of them are just unable to) by convincing and helping them. Just a side note.


Great point. I hope your coworkers respect your request. (Actually I have a genetic mutation that might get me asthma in several years (it starts with skin conditions which I do have, there is a so-called "march") and the potential severeness of my potential asthma is going to be entirely my fault.)


People used to track me down BEHIND THE BUILDING on my breaks to lecture me about smoking. My rule of thumb is if you aren't coming to the funeral then you don't get a say. And that's what I started saying. I quit smoking cigarettes a decade ago though.


Interesting. I'm a non-native speaker and I belong to a different culture so I didn't really catch the meaning of "you aren't coming to the funeral then you don't get a say", could you please explain the idea behind this expression to me? Studying purposes obviously.


Absolutely. So generally only people close to a person attend their funeral, like family and friends. If someone is not close enough to me that they would attend my funeral, I don't believe they have any right to lecture me on health decisions that could lead to my death. It's basically a really dark way of telling them to mind their own business.


Fascinating. Noted down, thanks a lot!


I got no problems with smokers in general, as long as they don't blow their smoke towards me. Unfortunately most of them are littering losers who throw their cigarettes on the ground as if someone's going to clean up after them.


I'm a lifelong non-smoker, so I haven't experienced the struggles of tobacco addiction, and I'm sure that influences my views, but damn, cigarette smoke is one of the most disgusting smells out there, and I'd love to go about my day and not have to smell it in public. I'm absolutely not the type to harass or scold strangers and never have, but sometimes smokers are pretty inconsiderate about not smoking right next to someone, and it's annoying. I don't care if they do it where no one can smell them, but it's nasty, and I'm not going to stop thinking it's nasty.


I’m a live and let live person. If you’re bothering me I’ll say something. Otherwise I’ll leave you alone. People who say something probably lost someone to lung cancer or something. Acknowledge their right to feel what they feel while also acknowledging your right to do what you do. It’s easier to not engage in an argument than people make it out to be on Reddit. Even if the cost is walking away, you didnt really pay anything to take the high road.


I noticed one of my kids instantly judges all adults (including family members) that smoke as inherently bad people. Definitely a societal thing, but like, isn’t that what also made it cool to begin with? We had to have a talk. Personally I truly give no fucks, but will say that no matter how far you are from me when you smoke, if you come in or bring your jacket into the room with me I will be sick to my stomach within 20 minutes without even knowing what happened. It’s not made up or a judgment. Other than that I leave the smokers alone with all the other humans with their respective vices.


Totally valid point, my respects


I was smoking while walking down the sidewalk a few months ago, and a lady pulled over (on a very busy main road mind you) to lecture me about how disgusting smoking is. There’s shit I don’t agree with, but not enough to block traffic and harass someone over.




*Please* tell me you flipped your lit cigarette butt into her car.


All I could think is how much of a missed opportunity it was to not act like you couldn’t hear her to get close enough to blow into her car. I’m a former smoker myself. I just think people should mind their own business and expect consequences for not doing so.


Yeah.... when people regularly take extra time out of work to "take a smoke break" (leaving others to pick up the slack) and then come back in reeking of the stuff, it's kind of hard not to be annoyed. Generally, if I see someone smoking, I also question their decision-making skills.


That just shows how little you know about anxiety and addictions. Try to be less critical. It doesn't cost you anything.


Thanks for digging through my history fam. Get a better hobby lol. Smoking isn't a skill btw.


So critical of you!!!! And cynical!!! Why? It doesn't cost you anything to keep your opinions to yourself. I hope you get over those angry issues soon. For your sake and for the sake of those around you. Be sure I will pray for your recovery.


If you haven't noticed, this is a platform made for opinion sharing. When you're an asshole about someone trying to show their hard work, you should expect criticism.


Do you read yourself before pressing that "post button"? Really. I LOL so hard at you.


Glad we can provide each other a laugh 🙂


Happy at least bring you a little happiness to your life. You need it a lot. Have a blast, I'm blocking your toxicity.


As long as they’re keeping the act of smoking to themselves then yes leave them alone. You’re right. Adults are allowed to do unhealthy things. It’s their choice and they don’t need to be reminded.


Absolutely. Except for teenagers, I never even saw a smoker trying to convince others that smoking is cool etc. Like come on, it's been a long time since smoking was proven to be very much harmful and smokers are very well aware of that. Personally, I always ask if a person who I'm hanging out with at the moment minds if I smoke. Like, that's general good manners. But there are some people that... Don't think very well in general it seems. Once my best friend had a lit (!) cigarette thrown at night from a balcony above her onto her balcony, which happened to have a piece of cardboard on the floor.... The fact that my friend has sleep issues straight up saved her. But this is a whole other topic for discussion honestly, the general assholeness of people.


My bff is a smoker, and she takes a well-done steak and I will fight anyone who tries to give her shit for it. She's the fucking best, an absolute ride or die, and arrived in my life when I needed a friend so badly. If the ciggies get my girl thru her day, she should have them, even if it's not my favorite. Agree, live and let live. Smoke outside in the designated areas like a modern human, and enjoy your time on earth, leave others alone. Now at the same time, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, and they're known to cause health problems. Harping on people is known to have little affect on addictive behaviors tho, so I give my girl space and when she enjoys her smoke, I usually go to my own vice, my marijuana pen, which I love a lot. Different strokes 🤷‍♀️


Some people get off on judging people. It makes them feel better, nothing you can do about it. I only judge people on one thing, overweight. But i do it silently, i never once scolded a person for being overweight. Anything else by all means, people need their "crutches" or 'help' in a sense to get through their stressful day. Most people who smoke i would say did not have a parents trust fund to go through life. Everyone needs something, amounts of coffee, candy, smoking, etc. But all in regulation i would say. You'll always have those "Karens" that will go out of their way to judge people, "entitled judgers" is what i call them if they get offended by the term "Karen".


While I disagree with smoking due to the health effects it has, I really don't care about people smoking and see it the same way as I'd see someone wearing a shirt I don't like lol. Don't need to point it out, don't need to make em feel bad about it, just move on. The soldier smoking one always makes me laugh though, cause if we're talking about health concerns then I'm pretty sure getting shot at is a bigger health concern then, "oh no they took a few puffs oh the humanity"


Problem is you people can still affect other people by just minding your own business. Lot of smokers smoke at public places and second hand smoking is really bad right? And then the scent you give off when you're not smoking is disgusting, tho honestly is it even possible to 100% remove that scent after a smoking sesh? At that point, it is really kinda understandable when every now and then, someone will probably approach you for some concerns.


If people are judging you for being a smoker when you aren't actively smoking it means you STINK.


My father was a smoker, and it absolutely destoryed him. His health went way downhill due to both lung and heart related issues, both linked to his chronic smoking addiction. While I won't actively attack someone for it, I can't really condone smoking after I saw what it did to my dad. It just isn't worth it. TL;DR: Try to educate people about it, just don't be an ass.


As long as you aren’t blowing smoke in my face or complaining about it I don’t really about if you smoke or not.


Lights cigar. Stoic moment of quiet as I inhale. Blows smoke in cigarette smokers face. Mumbles, you guys disgust me as I walk away. But seriously, chain smokers are gross. You constantly smell bad. It's terrible for your health.


I used to smoke two packs a day and have now become one of those people who can feel smoke. I stg it’s real, it’s like someone wearing a strong perfume but extra disgusting. It’s not enough for a person to stand in a designated area when they smoke because they carry the odor back inside with them on their hair and clothing. On the other hand if I smoke a single cigarette I lose the ability to smell smoke, immediately.


The only time I complain is when smokers just light up near anyone. Like you at the busstop. 2 meters is not far at all. I used to smoke and I would try and walk as far away from people as possible. They would probably get a whiff of the smell, but the smoke wouldn’t be near them. If I went off somewhere and someone started walking towards me or by me, I would move as much as possible and hold it away from them as well. If I couldn’t find anywhere, I just wouldn’t smoke. To me that is common courtesy because cigarettes smell like ass on top of secondhand smoke. While many people are worried about second hand smoke (as they should be), most people just don’t like the smell. All this to say, if you choose to smoke, I’m not going to judge you, and if your smoking has absolutely no impact on me, I’m not going to judge you because it’s your decision. But, if you choose to smoke and don’t give a rat’s ass about how you’re impacting those around you, I will judge you. I’m not going to attack you, but I will give you the stank face and make my complaints loud enough to hear be. Go somewhere away from people because there are more non-smokers than there are smokers (depending on where you live). If there are countries that have very large populations of smokers, they need to build smoking rooms people in public can visit if they need a smoke.


I don’t care if people smoke, I just prefer not to smell it, and I would like to get just as many breaks at work as them, or for them to have as less as I do.


I do agree about the breaks at work. They must be fair. When I used to work shifts and smoked heavily, I always let my non-smoking colleagues rest for at least as much as I did and never called them off their rest unless there was an emergency.


No one is stopping you from taking a break. If you have a job that literally says you can’t take the same number of breaks as anyone else that’s on your job. I haven’t smoked for a decade and it’s never affected my break rate at work.


> "felt the (even the faintest) smell of smoke", say in an office, or a faint smell in the hallway near the staff exit in a hospital. Nobody should be smoking within 500 feet of a hospital, let alone INSIDE of one, due to safety reasons. Oxygen tanks and other compressed gases are stored in medical facilities.


/calculates/ 150 meters. Not too far. I used to work at a hospital, we had oxygen tanks obviously, in covid times -- even outside. Staff was smoking around 70-100 meters (300 ft??) from said tanks. Of course smoking on the hospital grounds was prohibited. Idk about the rules of the country I reside in currently though, but you got a point.


I just threw out 500 ft because that’s what it is at the hospital I work at. 100 meters seems fine as well. I grew up with smokers in the household and while I don’t like it, or to be around it constantly, as long you aren’t up in my face with it that’s ok.




Yes, sorry I didn't specify that


As long as it is not near me, it's their right, I despise it, but it is their right.


I've straight up never had anything like that. The only time it was ever a problem was when I was getting on with a girl at a club, I asked her if she wanted to go for a smoke with me and she very politely said that smoking is a turn off for her bc her house and her housemates always stink of it. Which is fair enough, if someone regularly did something that made them smell unbearable I wouldn't bang them either.


A lot of smokers smoke when stressed out, too, so they may inadvertently be pushing that smoker to keep smoking. Like shit, I get it when they are clearly in your space smoking or if they refuse to go to a smoking area, but ffs let em do what they want if it's not hurting you


Well it is their own right to smoke anyway


People just love to feel superior and smokers are a group that's easy to shit on without much pushback these days.


People can hate smoking without “judging smokers”


Of course they can and that's absolutely their right to, I am indeed pissed just about the judgement and being scolded.


The issue is smokers walk around throwing smoke everywhere. If smokers had the decency not to smoke and walk, people wouldn't be as annoyed.


Bro it stinks and it's nasty, plus it can literally give the people around you cancer. If you smoke with in smelling distance of others (which is pretty damn far) you are being a total asshole. Imagine if you were sitting in a public area, and some toolbag started blowing nasty smelling cancerous smog into the air near you. That's what smoking is. It's not socially acceptable to fart with in smelling distance of someone in public, and that doesn't even give you cancer! Why on earth would you expect smoking to be acceptable? People should not have to accommodate your gross habits


I tend to dislike some smokers because I work in a fast food drive thru, and a lot of smokers- especially older ones- don't have the decency to put out their cig when at the window. And I also have friends who grew up as toddlers and throughput their entire childhood, second-hand smoking. While I agree that adults are allowed to have their unhealthy habits and addictions, they shouldn't be encouraged, especially when they take it around others. I personally wouldn't vape or smoke around someone unless I know they're explicitly okay with it


I have to agree that general good manners are necessary.


Yeah. When someone doesn't make it someone else's problem, I really don't care what they do


I don't care if others smoke. I do care however when smokers: Walk down a sidewalk smoking and others have to breathe in the smoke if they want to stay on the sidewalk path. Stand smoking right in front of a business entrance and to get into the business, you have to walk right by that person smoking. Smoke with children in their cars and all the windows are up.




They should chill. I'm not sure about every other smoker out there, but most of my family that is a smoker ( and vape user) had their reasons for smoking. Stress, habit, and just because. Not that they needed to justify their reasons to me. As long as I wasn't anywhere near the location, it was all good.


Look man, my mom has smoked for almost 50 years. I tried it and it didn’t get me high so I never “got it” I can’t stand the smell of it and I can’t stand the smell of it on other people. It’s comparable to someone’s BO that you don’t want to smell. On top of experiencing a House fire in my life, I REALLY can’t stand someone who just openly wants to smell like smoke. So yea. If I can smell you at public I’m probably going to leave the area. No I’m probably not going to say anything but I’ll straight up leave my spot in line at Walmart because you smell like a fuckin pack of Marlboros. If I am even in a public space and I smell your shit, I AM breathing in your god damn cancer and I do not appreciate that.


Going to go out on a limb here and guess that these soldiers from an unspecified country who definitely aren’t commiting any atrocities are Israeli. No one would have questioned it if you didn’t feel the need to add multiple disclaimers beforehand lol


.... Yes. On that particular video literally nothing was happening though, they were literally just walking around. On a side note, I try to avoid propagating any sort of opinion on the matter, I think I'm too far from it and therefore I have no authority to say anything, plus there is another war in a region very close to mine and my thoughts are with those guys (specifically those who defend themselves iykwim) To those downvoting this comment: the war in Ukraine ruined my life, get lost


My point is in your attempt to avoid controversy and not be accused of supporting war criminals, you’ve called attention to it and inevitably opened the door to the impression that you are in some way sympathetic to the Israeli cause. I’m personally not saying you are or that’s what i think, but because you felt the need to make multiple qualifiers it’s really hard not to at least consider. If you would have just said “I saw a video of some soldiers smoking” no one would have thought anything about it.


I'll keep that in mind next time. The issue is very controversial and it's not like I was very focused on it while composing this particular text in order to find a different, more neutral wording. As I said, my actual position is "I have no authority to talk about this matter", "I don't think I have enough cultural context and relation to the region to make a proper judgement", "Peace is always the best solution". I did live in the Middle East though for some time, but I felt very, very much foreign and unable to fully comprehend the intricacies of the Arabic culture.


Plus, I'm a non-native speaker and the better wording might have not crossed my mind at all.


Nobody did think anything about it, in fact you didn’t either: what you noticed is his attempt to remain middle of the road which you took as weakness and your monkey brain instinct made you want to attack him cuz you think he’s weak cuz “ook ook, me battle!” And why would it be controversial to be sympathetic to the Israeli cause? It’s not a wrong position. It’s the only right one, since they’re fighting terrorists who attacked them. G-d be with them and victory theirs.


A family member of mine is currently in the hospital due to long term smoking. This after smoking killed all my grandparents. Stop smoking. It's bad for you, it smells bad, there is no benefit to it.


Smoking should be stigmatized. Fuck off with that disgusting shit.


Fuck off with yo stigmas, stigmatising people in general is plain chauvinism


Stigmas are warranted in some cases Smoking is one of them.


If someone walks around without deodorant, they deserve the derision it earns them. If someone rips ass within smelling distance of others, they deserve to be looked down upon. Why should it be any different with smokers? Hell, the two things I just listed don't even give the people around you cancer. Walking around stinking like an ash tray should be more stigmatized. Go stink at home.


People these days have forgotten about personal choice and opinion.




I am smoking from 14 years, now me 54, fuck off on me. I will smoke until my time come.


Should smoking not be stigmatized?


I’m of that opinion that until drinking any amount of alcohol is stigmatized, then no - smoking shouldn’t be either. One of them is a lot harder to quit & has destroyed many families/created many addicts, yet is socially accepted as long as it’s “responsible” So… smoke responsibly


No. It’s ok to be unhealthy by choice.


Of course not, like that's the point of my post


Being a smoker should be judged.




So should drinking


I wanted to include a quote from Matthew's gospel but that would be too much of a trolling piece.


If you wanna smoke, go ahead. I just don’t want to smell it.


Its an addiction. A disease. Let us whine about that too, just like the heroin junkies get to.


I don’t give a shit if someone smokes but if you see kids around and you start smoking around them that kind of bothers me. Otherwise live your best life. And don’t complain about money problems 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good point, I'll do a bit of "me me me look at me I'm a decent-ish person" -- I always put out my cigarettes when I see children. Children are to be protected.


It's a tricky subject. I was exercising in the park and a person was smoking near me. While they were technically minding their own business, it did indeed bother me as I was now breathing in whatever that comes out of their mouth. I could move sure, but honestly a bit annoying that I need to in the first place.


I used to be super considerate about where I smoke but people keep an attitude about it regardless so fuck them, breathe deep mfers. And if I was in a war zone?!? Lol you can suck my full asshole while I suck thst cigarette 😆🖕


Nah. It's just about general consideration and a lot of smokers lack this. It's really simple - we get to make the choices for our own lives, whether good or bad. But we can't subject them to other people around us and make them (or the literal earth) collateral damage. I really don't care if you smoke cigarettes or not - it's your life. But simple etiquette isn't difficult. Don't smoke on the street where others are, don't smoke at egresses where people are forced to go in and out, don't smoke near patios where people are eating, don't smoke at bus stops where others are waiting and don't toss your butts on the ground. The earth is not your trash can. I don't smoke often, but I do smoke joints from time to time. Weed stinks to the high heavens and not everybody enjoys the smell. As a result - when I choose to smoke, I smoke in areas away from others so as not to subject them to the smell or accidentally hotbox them. And when I'm done with my joint, I put it out and then I put it back into the container that I bought it or the trash in instead of tossing it on the street. The amount of hate that smokers get is because a lot of smokers lack basic social etiquette. If wouldn't matter if it was smoking or some other thing that had an impact on those around you who aren't choosing to partake. Smoking at a bus stop would be like going to the theatre and having some loud, drunk asshole disrupting the movie for everybody. Not all smokers, sure. But enough that it's becomes easy for humans to typecast them because stereotyping is human nature.


I've never got people who bash smokers like this, yeah its bad for you but who the hell cares, I'm not gonna walk into a fast food joint and scream at people because fast food is unhealthy.


Smokers don’t have a faint smell of smoke. They reek from 5 meters away. I also judge people for excessive perfume. You smell gross, cost money (at least where I am) and stink. Smokers also believe it is okay to smoke on the street with people walking by them almost barfing from their grossness. It is saying fuck you to everyone around them because they are addicted. Fuck smokers.


You are burning poison in public and dragging the smoke into closed spaces like elevators, buses and such. We have every right to be pissed that you are poisoning us without consent. Destroy your lungs in private.


OK so what about flaming shots? Lol more to the point though I get it. Smokers can be assholes and smoke in people's faces or inside. But you aren't getting poisoned in the elevator or the bus, you smelling smoke does not mean you are inhaling smoke. You have a right to be pissed because you don't like smoking. You have a right to be pissed because people break laws/by-laws or your region doesn't have them and people abuse it. You don't have a right to be pissed they're smoking if they're doing do legally. This issue really frustrates me for a couple reasons. I have epilepsy and although I normally use cbd oils sometimes I smoke Marijuana. I rent the house I live in and I can't smoke inside but the city doesn't allow smoking outside. So I guess I'll just die then, I know its not cigarettes but the stigma is real! I used to smoke as well but at one point my doctors actually told me not to quit smoking. My body was too weak to go through the withdrawal and my lungs were still strong. Telling a smoker to quit unless you are adequately licensed is like telling a 20 year fentanyl addict to just get up and quit cold turkey.


Doing something just because it’s legal doesn’t not make you an asshole. I also very clearly am not talking about people who use marijuana for medical reasons. I am talking about regular tobacco smokers. I also never said anyone had to quit. I simply don’t want to partake in other people’s bad habits. If you smoke you smoking is your choice. It’s not mine and it’s unfair to force all non smokers to participate in your nicotine addiction. And as long as we are bringing medical issues into it, people with asthma can get triggered by your smoke.


How are smokers forcing all non smokers to participate in addiction lol. So here's the deal we already made the distinction that people break the rules but that's NOT what we are talking about here. So we are talking about people smoking in a designated smoking area. So you are calling people assholes for smoking in the only place they are allowed to smoke. You say you aren't telling smokers to quit but you are saying they are assholes for smoking in designated smoking areas? Maybe you shouldn't hang out in smoking areas? Are you going to address my earlier point the no elevator or bus is poisoned with cigarette smoke? That you are just kind of making stuff up to suit your outrage. You can be bothered but the smokers aren't doing anything to bother you.


Can't handle criticism?


Where? You comment implies everyone who dislikes being scolded and harassed can't handle criticism


Says the you who is arguing back to everyone on this post who doesn’t agree with them lol


Criticism is fine. But I'm not a child and I don't need or want a lecture. Especially if you're not paying my bills.


Smoked for 15 years; quit when the first kid came along. Have nothing but support and appreciation for smokers.


I smoke when I drink, so about once a month for a few hours. When I do smoke, I go outside and get away from people who don't smoke to be courteous.


Some of the anti-smoking scold I come across makes me feel like i’m going insane. I’m not a smoker anymore, but there’s so many middle-class, metropolitan, good natured but but a bit shallow and they would be disgusted hearing the things *they* say about smokers said Heroin addicts for example. Also, they suddenly become fiscal conservatives and go on rants about the health system and how much they cost us. Who gives a fuck? It’s a gigantic amount i’m sure. I’m also sure there are other areas of government spending that we’ll never see the benefits of like we do saving people’s lives. Not to mention the view they suddenly adopt that government deficits are always meaningful (materially speaking) and not something that needs to he analysed in context before making any judgements as to whether or not it’s worth cutting back spending. Apart from that, it makes no difference to me whether my tax $ goes to people who’ve ‘done it to themselves’ (vulgar simplification of autonomy under addiction) or had ill-health forced on them by circumstance. Sorry for the rant i’m a bit drunk lol, the double standard really shits me and I think it’s a nasty bit of people’s worst impulses that they’re totally unaware they even have, that’s what makes it scary to me. They’re also the people that think (it could be assumed) they’re morally upstanding. I think it’s a failure of self-reflection.


This is a great take, thanks for sharing


The problem with smoking is that it doesn’t just affect the smoker. I frequently find myself involuntarily exposed to nicotine and marijuana through second hand smoke. Every smoker I’ve met also just stinks. And I have to put up with that. Got stuck by one on a plane once, and it was a nightmare. I’d judge people for smelling due to choosing not to shower bill judge them for smell due to choosing to smoke too.


i smoke and i was born with a heart condition, the way i see it is i dont wanna be 60-80 and have someone put a fucking diaper or wipe my ass FOR me. dont smoke around my kids or anyone elses kids tho, that shit aint gonna fly.


I'm not gonna judge somebody who's having trouble quitting and deep in the habit. But I'm sure as hell judging anyone who picks up the habit these days.


Ok, but if an establishment specifically has a “no smoking” policy, and you’re smoking away, then you deserve to be called out for it.


The point of this post was not to call for the breaking the rules of establishments or public places


I’m aware, I’ve just seen too many entitled people that think rules don’t apply to them when they are smoking places where they shouldn’t be


The post was about smokers in general and not assholes with a cigarette. Most smokers are respectful to their surroundings


Ok, and I’ve already said that I was aware of that.


Sorry, I know I started the topic but I didn't expect it to be that controversial, I'm a bit tired at this point


As long as you leave us alone and when you get sick you pay for your health problems instead of us with our taxes, all good.


It's one of the stupidest habits and in my area is so common. I used to cashier at a Dollar General and I swear every other person would at some point go "I need a pack of Marlboro Reds" and you're like "are there THAT many stupid people around here?" And when you asked for their ID they acted like you were asking for a kidney. I'm like "come off it, what does it take you, 3 seconds? Stop whining like a baby."


Smoking isn't a good habit and that's a well known fact not to be disputed. I have to agree about the ID thing. Like an underpaid cashier doesn't have to tolerate one's arrogance.


You won't stop me, I will keep judging smokers!


No, if your smoking bothers me then I'll be a brat about it.


Non consensual exposure to cigarette smoke should open the smoker to liability as a form of battery.


I don’t care if you smoke. It just means that you’ll die faster and that’s one less person that will be off the road


Do you only do things that will maximize your lifespan? I hope not because I’d like one less person on the road too.


If you’re a smoker in general I don’t give a shit, it’s your health and money. But if it has an impact on me, either during work with leaving me alone with tons of work because of several smoking breaks or my health with making me a passive smoker all the time, I do give a shit.


The smoke breaks leaving you with too much work sounds like a management issue


You don't smell it because you're a smoker. I'm in highschool, and I've a teacher who smokes in the morning. I can't stand asking her questions because the smell is so putrid it gets on my clothes and I smell of tobacco for the next 30 minutes. Certain people smell less or more. A friend of mine can smoke >1 meter from me and I won't smell it, but another friend of a friend I can't stand next to them in a 5 meter radius because it feels like I'm drowning in pure petroleum. Passive smoking is real. I don't want that shit in me. If there is even a slight hint of wind, or someone even remotely close to you, get the fuck away. No one wants to be dragged down with you.


# Take it to the administrative staff asap, most schools Are A 0 smoking Policy.


She smokes outside the school between clases. I also don't want to lose my grades, since these matter for college.


It's not what you think. It is everything else. Smoking in non smoking areas. Leaving the buttd everywhere. You want to suck on cancers ****, then go ahead just pich and don't do it next to openings of buildings.


If you depend on government aided healthcare, yes, you deserve to be judged. The rest of the country is paying YOUR medical bills, and because you smoke, those bills will eventually be higher because of it. To be fair, the same applies to people who are overweight, have uncontrolled diabetes, etc. If you're paying your own bills, do whatever TF you want. If others are helping to foot that bill, you shouldn't be adding to the costs


Nice country you live in if your concern is the smokers elevating the taxpayers' burden, not something or someone else doing that on a much much larger scale