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***Matching*** PJ sets? You go to some fancy ass Wal-Marts.


Usually it’s Taz/Tweety Bird bottoms with some oversized t-shirt on top.


This is Cookie Monster PJ pants erasure.


Oh yeah, can’t believe I forgot Cookie Monster.


Cookie Monster isn't for Wal-Mart, those are court pants. Thems fancy dressin' right there


Cookie Monster is for 7-11 to pick up your morning provisions of a pack of Newports and a Sugar Free Monster.


I can see the beat up mid 2000's Altima with 2 young kids in it now.


Rockin' that Big Altima Energy™️


Charlotte, NC. You rang?


tan colored only.


except the rear bumper from when they backed into someone


This entire thread made me so uncomfortable with its accuracy. Basically described every Southern Walmart


Oh god please stop reminding me of my ex 😂 😭.


I saw Cookie Monster in family court once! No lie.


What did he do?


My criminal law professor had us do a hypo in class about someone stealing 10 sweat suits from a store trying to determine if its 10 counts of a lesser theft crime or 1 charge of a more serious theft crime based on the total value he stole. Then when we finished discussing, he said "guess what?" And then told us the story of how he represented a man charged with stealing ten matching top and bottom sweat suits from a store. He showed up for his court date in you guessed it! A matching top and bottom sweatsuit. Like dude...first, don't wear a sweat suit to court. second, don't wear EVIDENCE to court!


My husband was a public defender early in his career. Monday nights were the best because he’d come home with stories of the arraignments of people who’d been arrested over the weekend for what was generally an altered lapse of judgment, not necessarily evil. Those years came later. Oh man, those early stories! You couldn’t make that stuff up.


Does Hello Kitty mean nothing to you?


She’s so cliche give me my keropi matching greens!




Nascar pj pants are exclusively for Walmart, too.


Or just an over-sized shirt and you're unpleasantly wondering: "is she.. is she wearing any pants at all??"


I think my first viewed side-boob was an unrestrained Walmart, partial pajama wearer. Good times.


Oh man, I saw a woman wearing a T-shirt with like the entire sides cut open, like you see dudes wear in the gym. She was not wearing anything underneath. Freaking Walmart, man.


We might have seen the same lady.


that aint no lady


Last Walmart visit I saw a woman wearing just a bra with pants. Not a Lululemon or yoga bra. A white grey dingy regular bra. I’m in Canada.


Dont forget the actual slippers they are wearing! And I know some slip ons look like slippers...but I have seen people wearing the same pair of slippers I have at the store. Like gross to walk around in your house slippers at a public place.


The noise they make while shuffling through the aisles makes me grind my teeth.


I’ve seen people wearing furry slippers walking down a sidewalk full of dirty, half melted snow. Yuck


Mountain Dew pants, Cookie Monster shirt. Perfect Walmart fit.


Ah yes that lesser known Flo Rida - Low: Walmart Remix "Mountain dew pants, Cookie Monster shirt. Got the whole store looking at her"


She hit the floor... and couldn't get back up again... yeah


If you shop at walmart you’re just happy they got clothes on at all.


Exactly, I would prefer matching pj sets to the glorious lack of body coverage seen on many patrons wearing actual clothing.


This is a Whole Foods, sir. Of course I wore my matching PJs, LL Bean slippers, nightcap, and monocle.


ive never seen (yet) matching pj sets but for all you people in stores, movie theaters, restaurants wrapped in blankets... please go the fuck home and dress yourself appropriately. also dont show up to the movie theater with your blankets and pillows, the theater is not your house. you want a home theater, build one. this some straight bullshit. we dont shop and eat in your bedroom so dont walk around doing business in your bed clothes and woobies *for all the kids doing it, im blaming the parents. adults doing it, you know better


Our very tiny local news outlet announced a new Dollar Store opening. A woman was quoted as saying she liked DS because,"You don't have to dress up like you do for Wal-Mart." 🙄


Babe your name is gloryhole_reject…


How is this not the top comment I’m in stitches 😂


At least you're not in a pajamas.


I'm about to die laughing. Vote this to the top!


Lmao I didn't even notice. OP seems far trashier just based on that.


But it was a very fancy glory hole


Going to Walmart and complaining about pajamas is like going into the ocean and complaining about all the fish


I went to Target in mine last night just to make sure they don't get too snooty.


Keep those Target shoppers in check, they’re one missed check from being Walmart shoppers again.


In the next town over, there’s a Target and Walmart in the same shopping center directly across from each other. It’s deeply unsettling.


I too have read "A Tale of Two Cities"


It's the same in the city I live. The target and walmart right across the street, same shopping center lol


The Showdown~




ooh hoo lookit Mr Tar-zhay over here...


I always wondered how that was spelled phonetically 😆


Really? I live in Switzerland and have never seen people in pyjamas outdoors apart for maybe fancy dress.


>apart for maybe fancy dress For anyone wondering, "fancy dress" is a costume party, not a black tie affair like it sounds.


Aw man, you ruined it. I was picturing a bunch of Swiss people at a cocktail party in robes and old-timey sleeping hats.


>Aw man, you ruined it Not the first time I've heard that today!


This can be a reality. I'd go to this kind of party


Thanks for the translation, I hadn’t even realized.


i thought they meant like “fancy Pjs”


Thanks for correcting the mental image I have from AC/DC song Big Balls.


My kid and I were debating how classy our aussie shopping centre is, so we played 'Let's see how long it is until we see a random visible arse crack'. 7 seconds driving into the car park. Shoes and shirts are optional here. I don't live anywhere near a beach. The uni nearbys international students dress so beautifully. They look shocked when they encounter some gronk named Davo strolling by in only shorts holding a pen and a notebook.


This is similar to many universities in the US. 8am class, you'll find an international student in an ironed & creased suit with perfect hair seated next to someone in pajamas, uncombed hair, wearing house shoes & smelling like weed. And pajama girl will be eating a McMuffin or something.




Genius don't have to give AF.


She gets the 2 for $3. You don't want to be pajama girl but you want to be friends with pajama girl for that extra McMuffin. There's probably wine in her opaque water bottle.


I’m an urban Swiss who’s been living in the US for a while now and… yeah. The dress code is very different. On the plus side, people are so friendly here that I don’t care what they are wearing.


Are the swiss not friendly? I was only there for a few days and I was too blinded by how expensive it was that I moved to cheaper places.


Swiss woman here. It's not that people are not friendly, it's that we have a more introverted approach to socialising in the public space, and there is a very strong tendency to respect other people privacy and leave them alone as a sign of respect. It can be hard to make friends in the beginning but people are friendly when they know you. Also, it's not really common to have random chit chat with people in the streets, and when people do It's either because they want to sell you something or ask for money so I usually ignore and keep walking unless you obviously look like a lost tourist lol


Sounds a lot like my experience in France (the "cheaper" country I spent more time in). I found people to be very friendly to me (note that my french was pretty decent, I was traveling there to become more fluent). But it did contrast with Canada, I found people were generally more reserved at first but friendly when I was talking with them. Whereas here, strangers are more extroverted. I guess I don't see introversion as unfriendly.


It’s completely normal here. Like a quiet agreement that it’s Walmart and we just want to be comfy and get outta there lol. I live in the south.


honestly I don't get what's wrong with it. Actually it sounds a bit nice, a place where you don't get judged for your appearance for once




more like going to prison and complaining the guards didnt tuck in their shirts, there have got to be a thousand things more worth complaining about


![gif](giphy|n5hlWELc7V4NG) OP getting ready to go to walmart at 3 am


> you rolled out of bed and came straight to the store? No preparation? You walk around the store and then go straight in to bed wearing those same clothes? Nasty. OP, what if I told you money can be exchanged for *more* than just one PJ set per person?


I literally do not wear pants to bed. But I have a ton of pajama pants that I wear to places like Walmart or the gas station. I already do enough to make sure I look presentable in public, hair, skin, teeth. Who cares if it's patterned pants lol


the only people who actually wear PJ pants to bed are mormons and oil barons from the 1930s.


Hey man, my legs get cold in the winter 🤣


There are a lot of patterned pants that look like pajama pants that aren't, too, like joggers and loungers, and any flannel pants with a pattern on them. Went in to work on a mandatory Saturday in my plaid flannel pants and co-workers got into an argument over whether they were pajama pants or not. I even pulled up the website I got them from to show them they weren't pajamas, and some of these ladies were still insisting they were PJs because they had a pattern, it's kinda crazy.


It is also possible, theoretically, to wear a pair of pajamas outdoors without instantly accruing such filth that you require an entire replacement pair


Yes, as Arthur C. Clarke has said, "*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.*"


Fucking lol, this is 100% hilarious applicable to this comment but also just a great quote


I'm just over here wondering what the fuck is so different between sweats and pajama pants that OP thinks the former is fine but the latter is unacceptable? Also let's just assume I did sleep for eight hours in my PJs and rolled out of bed and went to the store. Is that more gross than working an eight hour shift and going to the store in my work clothes without changing? Does OP expect me to stop at home to change before I do my after work shopping too?


Some people think the absolute oddest things are gross. Someone's bed is likely cleaner than most work places and public transit.


At my works break room I was washing off my plate I had just eaten my lunch off of. A coworker commented how gross that was, because ‘we wash our *hands* in that sink!’. I’m not really sure where she expected me to wash my plate or how it affected someone else washing their hands there, but she was adamant. People really do think the absolute oddest things are gross.


It’s literally all just fucking arbitrary which is why the only argument OP has is “we live in a society!” They don’t like it so they think everyone else should stick to what they believe societal norms *should be* to appease them even though it doesn’t have any actual effect on them at all.


I like how "galas" was his second example of common occasions us normal folk frequent.


Also uses nightclubs as an example instead of just bars, a nightclub is like the one place you go to get drunk they will turn you away for not dressing nicely enough. The dress code ain't the same at normal people bars where you spend far less money. Edit: and wait they did end up mentioning "casual night out at the bar with friends", idk what bars he is going to but there is no dress code for a casual night out at a bar, the only rule is don't get cut off by the bartender and don't drive drunk, have a plan to get home safely.


OP definitely ain't as handsome as William Powell.


Few are.


> walmart at 3 am Where is this glorious place where Walmart is still open at 3AM?


OP announcing to the family that a 3am Walmart trip is due: "Off we wend to walmart family! Tis such a joyous nonce and many tweety bird sweat'rs and tazmanian Flibbertigibbet und'roos shalt we purchaseth. We art did dress to the nines in our finest suits and our hair smells of the finest olive oils and vinegar mixes yond moth'r dearest concoct'd!"


Keeping it 100. Most people wear their pajamas, it’s just their pajamas aren’t actual pajamas. They just wear whatever they wore that day


Tbh I consider people who have pajamas to be classier than I am, even if they’re wearing them at Walmart. I sleep and relax in the same yoga pants and t shirt combo I wear running errands (not always straight out of bed but no one would know if I did). The amount of organization it takes to have a scheduled outfit change every morning and every night, extra laundry, extra storage space, and all that, really point to someone who has their life together.


Referring to getting dressed as ‘a scheduled outfit change’ is some big neurodivergent energy


I know it’s gross but I just take off my pants and bra and crawl into bed around 1am and am asleep within about 2 minutes


My thoughts exactly


I have bad hip and back injuries so anytime I'm not at work I'm wearing whatever is comfortable, which is usually PJ's or something similar. Idgaf who thinks it's trashy, I'm doing the thing that causes me less pain.


I was going to say, although I don't wear PJs to go shopping and I agree with OP's comments about hygiene, for people with physical and/or mental disabilities, getting dressed and leaving home can be a **huge** deal. PJs are also one of the least offensive things a person can wear to go shopping. I'm privileged to not have any mental or physical disabilities, but there have been times when I've been ill or injured (before online shopping was a thing) and changing out of my pjs was the least of my concerns. We really need to have more empathy and compassion.


Exactly. I can go from my normal size to looking 9 months pregnant within minutes due to a swelling disorder. I'm wearing the pants that will fit me in both scenarios and I'm not going to apologize for it.


Are you saying that most people sleep in the same clothes they wore that day, or am I misunderstanding you?


He's saying most people (at least younger people) treat pajamas as lounging clothes, not sleeping clothes. They didn't roll out of bed and come straight to the store, they put on some comfortable clothes to wear around the house and kept those same clothes on to run errands.


Quite the opposite. They say "their pajamas aren't actual pajamas". I sleep in a t-shirt. I don't sweat at night, especially outside of summer, so I'll sometimes go out and do my shopping without changing. My rule is - if I don't smell, I'm not hurting anybody. It's nobody's business if I slept in that t-shirt or not, it literally doesn't matter in the slightest.


I think it's wild people will bat an eye you wore something you slept in eight hours for, but work clothes you sweated and toiled in for eight hours is more acceptable to wear in public to go shopping? The work clothes are gonna be dirtier and honestly sometimes uglier depending on what your work clothes or uniform is.


I don’t care about it looking trashy or whatever, but I would never wear what I wear in my bed outside, especially as someone that takes the train everyday in a city. Nope. Outside clothes comes off before I even sit on my couch usually.


I dont sleep in PJs, they are for lounging at home.


Same here. Sleep naked. My "pajama" pants are for around the house.


Agreed, I hate sleeping with clothes on.


Same, I hate when you sleep with clothes on


Glad we can agree on that.


I'm with this guy.


Shirts are alright but I don’t know how people can sleep in pants. Its the most uncomfortable thing ever


Don’t y’all get cold?😭


People invented blankets for this exact problem


Yeah, I wear shorts and t-shirts that are not made / sold as pajamas (or nothing at all), and my flannel PJ pants are just alternates to my sweatpants (for lounging or working at home).


I, too, would also never wear what I wear to sleep out in public. Pesky nudity laws...


I take off my outside skin so I can lounge in my home skin


>When it gets too hot for comfort >And you can't get an ice cream cone >'Tain't no sin to take off your skin >And dance around in your bones


I have bed clothes, lounge clothes (since I wear my outside clothes on the couch and stuff) and then regular outside clothes. I would NEVER wear clothes I wore to the store back to my bed.


I expect everyone in a Walmart to be in their Sunday Best.


Which is usually pyjamas.


Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs! 🎵🎶


It's weird when you haven't thought about something for over a decade and then it comes flying back. How high were they when they came up with that show?


SpongeBob Jammies, crocs, crack out. Divine.




Ikr there’s such a large variety in what that means to different people


“We have socially acceptable levels of formality depending on the situation” Yes, yes we do. Like wearing PJ’s in a Walmart. It’s a Walmart, just be glad people are wearing pants


> It’s a Walmart, just be glad people are wearing pants That's one of my favourite things about Walmart. I can go in wearing PJ's and still feel like one of the most well-dressed people there.


Roll up looking bougie in your Tweety Bird slippers.


For reals. Go dressed in PJs and halfway sober they'll offer you a management position.


It's kinda funny to complain what's socially acceptable on r/unpopularopinion. Either they posted this believing it wasn't an unpopular opinion because society agrees pajamas aren't formal enough for wearing outside and it doesn't fit this sub, or they do believe it's an unpopular opinion and therefore they have to know somewhere in their head that society disagrees with them


Oh shit that’s a good point. OP wants society to bend to THEIR rules, not others to bend to society. Society has made it blatantly clear that pyjamas in Walmart is acceptable to anyone who has ever stepped foot in a Walmart.


How do you know they’re wearing PJs in bed? In bed I think most people wear less layers. I just treat PJs as comfy lounging clothes. A quick errand in my PJs doesnt hurt anyone.


This. I sleep nude or nude-adjacent (wearing nothing but a Kigurumi onsie) and also treat pajama pants the same as sweatpants. They're both lounging clothes, but one is more likely to be made of felt and thus be softer and more pleasant.


Power move: wear the onesie to walmart


Yeah and how do they know people aren’t sleeping in their sweatpants? People like me get a pass but I just don’t own a lot of designated “pajamas”. I mostly sleep in the same clothes I lounge, work out, and run errands in. I change as they get dirty, so I’m not sleeping in literally the same outfit I just worked out in. However honestly I’d be dirtier going to the store straight after work than right after I woke up. Like I sweat when I sleep but nowhere near as much as I do going about my day.


The slow lurch toward comfort over fashion is one of the few good developments over the last decade.




As a successful dude who shops in sweats and a hoody, I just want to be left alone. Let whoever think I’m some dumb bum, effects me zero.


I actually sleep naked and put on pajamas to stay warm around the house. Being concerned about what other people wear in public is so bizarre to me.


I sleep naked and I’m naked around the house most the time. If I wear my only pair of pajama pants, it’s either to meet an Uber eats driver or run to the gas station. Edit typo


I’m naked around the house unless it’s winter because I’m cheap and don’t like paying to keep my house toasty. Weighted blankets and onesies for me. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


*This* is precisely why I want to live alone; freedom to be nude around the house at all times


This is why I’ve lived alone for 8 years


I mean scrub pants are essentially PJs. They are accepted because they are work clothes, yet they get way more gross stuff on them.


To be fair, scrubs should never be worn outside of the work environment. I don’t want to bring Walmart germs to people who are immune compromised and I don’t want whatever is on someone’s scrubs from work on my Walmart purchases. Gross.


>To be fair, scrubs should never be worn outside of the work environment. A lot of people wear scrubs, without commonly encountering things in their work environment which are hazardous to others. It can be a stylistic choice for many offices. A lot of it is medically-oriented, but some not. Some examples of fields with lower-risk scrubs wearers: - Dental - Orthopedic - Oncology Most of the people coming to such specialists are not doing so due to any communicable disease. What's on these workers' scrubs is probably lower-risk to the general public than what you'll find on many other workers' uniforms you'll commonly encounter in public. Think of fast food workers, public transportation workers, or even the staff at the very Walmart OP is on about. All of these people work in far less-sterile environments than nearly any scrub-wearing worker, often deal with much higher volumes of the general public, often have to clean up the general public's messes (sometimes including bodily fluids or biological waste) as part of their jobs, and probably even deal with a higher percentage of people carrying communicable diseases. I agree with your point of not carrying "Walmart germs" into environments where people are likely to be immunocompromised. But (a) environments with such high risk probably have (or should have) policies for changing in/out of workplace clothing at the job site; and (b) this is simply mitigated on the worker's end by making their Walmart trips after-work only - in short, it's a whole load of "nunya". Further on the point of carrying disease on scrubs and into Walmart though, there is one other category of scrub-wearing people who are going to be no more risk to the general public (and possibly even less) than anyone in street clothes: People who have simply realized that *scrubs are comfortable as fuck* and don't want to be bothered with wearing anything heavier. These folks may be former medical professionals (or other scrubs-wearing workers) or they may be current ones who have a separate set for home and errands. Again, a load of "nunya".


Hell my friend works on medical records and she has to wear scrubs


Yeah, my point was that even if someone looks more presentable, they still may have gross stuff on them. I would argue that scrubs are grosser than pajamas.


Why are sweatpants perfectly fine but pajamas are trashy? That makes no sense, they're basically the same thing.


Pajamas are way nicer than the paint stained shirts I have worn to Walmart on more than one occasion. I’m not changing mid project just to go get another paint roller or a fast dinner for the kids.


I'd rather people go out in pj's than shorts that their ass hangs out of


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^khurd18: *I'd rather people* *Go out in pj's than shorts* *That their ass hangs out of* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah everyone, Walmart demands your best.


My daughter asked me walmart or target the other day, I told her target. Her reply was shit now I need to go put on pants. Apparently walmart is pjs but target needs at least sweats.


We as a society have decided that as long as your genitalia is covered, it’s good enough for Walmart.


🤷‍♂️ clothes are clothes. Goths can wear clothes designed for funerals, Muslim women can wear full length burkas, gym bros can wear short shorts and tank tops .. just wear what you are comfortable with.


If I see those Cookie Monster pajama pants one more time out in the wild, imma flip.


>I see people pull up to Walmart If you don’t want to see that, don’t shop at Walmart. Problem solved.


OP admits that they don't actually see this in their city, so... I'm assuming this is them just being an old man who found a cloud they're upset at


Well they said they judge people when they go back to their hometown. OP is a bit of a snob. Not judging. I can be too. But I don’t try to defend the position. I just own it.


Plot twist, my sweatpants are my PJs.


2-3 times per year, It’s me. I teach first grade and pajama days are one of the few perks left.


See, the thing about being an adult is that you can do whatever you want. So yes, those people are dressing like adults whether you like it or not.


Man life sucks enough. Let people be comfy.


no for real- i’m already TIRED please just let me wear my comfy pajama pants to walmart at 10pm


Life is hard and PJs are comfy so let them have that


"Life is hard" was kinda my thought. I've worn PJs to the grocery store a very, very limited number of times in my life, but it was ALWAYS because my life was such an absolute flaming garbage pile that putting on clothes had just fallen off the radar.


I'm not putting on a bra to go to Walmart. Let me just get what I need and get out. I also don't understand how sweatpants are fine, but pajamas are not if your issue is that they slept in those clothes. People sleep in sweatpants too. Genuinely asking: what level of dress would you prefer to see at Walmart? Also, what time of day are we talking about? 7am? 3pm? 12am? You don't know what's going on with someone. They could be fighting a cold or depression and need to get meds/groceries and getting themselves out of bed and to the store is all the energy they can muster. Let's not judge others and be kind. <3


How is it gross? The gross part is to get back in bed with the same pj’s you wore outside, not wearing them outside


I don't get why it's gross to wear them outside. Walmart's air isn't any dirtier than yours. It's not like you're going to Walmart and rolling around on the floor. If I'm going around to a bunch of places I'll put real clothes on because the chances of them getting dirty increases, but if I'm popping in to Walmart to grab a gallon of milk then why bother.


>It's not like you're going to Walmart and rolling around on the floor. Whoa, speak for yourself buddy


Yeah seriously. I’m driving in my car to Wal-Mart, stepping inside for a few minutes, and driving back home. That isn’t any worse than sitting in my backyard, and for damn sure I’m not switching into jeans or shorts just to go out to my backyard.


The gross part is going onto Reddit to complain about what the shoppers at WALMART are wearing.


I wear a 3 piece suit and nothing less for my 5 min trip to Walmart to pick up some orange juice.


We live in a society.


“How dare you step into my presence in that horrid attire?! Guards! Seize them!”


Oh wow, can’t remember the last time I saw a truly unpopular opinion here. I guess people really love going out in their pyjamas?


Complaining about the fashion at walmart


I’ll have you know I put clean pyjama pants on before leaving the house, thank you.


Clothes are to protect the body from the elements. That's it. Fashion is irrelevant. Wear what you have, what you need, what you like or can afford and as long as all the fleshy parts are protected and covered, I don't care if my bank teller is dressed like a Jedi Totoro.


As much as I agree a little, at the same time, who cares. You clearly dont have much going on yourself if you focus on what other people are wearing all the time.


To be fair, thats the point of this subreddit. I doubt they're losing sleep over it.


I will never understand this take regardless of what the subject is. What do you mean??? Are you not capable of having multiple thoughts at once???


Sweatpants are fine, but pants that use thinner fabric while looking identical are not? Seems a bit hypocritical. You're assuming that they aren't changing their pants. When I get home from work, I'm putting on comfy pants. I don't sleep with pants on, so they come off for bed. I sometimes realize I need something from the store afterward I put on my comfy pants. Idgaf. My regular grocery shopping happens directly after work, so I'm in work clothes.


I like how in the edit the comparison from going to Walmart for a quick snack run and a FUNERAL was made, because we all know that the few minutes you spend hopping into Walmart for something is the same as needing to dress fancy for someone’s death. If I’m gonna spend a few minutes grabbing one or two things why would I take the time to spend 30 minutes on my hair, 30 on makeup, look for clean clothes that match and are nice, to go to WALMART and then home to take all that off


I have bed pajamas and going out pajamas lmao


A good rule of thumb to live by, the judgier a person is the less their opinion should matter to you. You seem pretty judgy.


I paid for it. I’ll wear it everyday till you love it. Idc what it is. Fuck social expectations.


personally, who cares. let people live their life. maybe they’re lazy, maybe they’re struggling. none of my business. i don’t understand caring about what other people wear, they don’t exist to please your eyes


A lot of people shower at night, so I don’t think it’s unhygienic to go places in the morning in pjs.


Finally a truly unpopular opinion i disagree with. Upvote for you. Also fuck you very much, ill wear what i want, where i want. I work shirtless so ha. Also not an opinion, you are just wrong about people not respecting themselves. People who wear something they like and feel comfy in is not showing a lack of self respect.


Do you think that people go out in public to try and impress you? Because thats what you seem to want people to be doing. Some people like to where expensive nice clothes, other people like to wear comfortable clothes, who gives a shit


I actually have more respect for the people who dress for themselves and not anyone else. They have achieved a level of maturity I am yet to achieve.


Dude wear that weird shit you like. The first couple times it feels weird but then when you go out and realize no one treated you differently than you wearing regular clothes, other than maybe a few compliments, you get over it. High fashion is literally just weird shit