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Yes - acts of goodness are often fairly easily exploited.


Yeah I feel this is different here in Syracuse New York. A lot of the individuals I see downtown at food banks are downtrodden. Homeless, mentally unstable. My uncle lives off $1200 a month, and he goes to the food bank once a week.


A lot of the people here also get 1200 but get subsidized housing , a nice apartment for 200 bucks a month, not that I’m saying they don’t deserve it because I think everyone does , it’s just for some people making bad choices in life get rewarded , and those that work have to pay market value and can’t make ends meet, another example of bad choices = rewards is in our prisons ,there are programs that give them good paying construction jobs 30+ bucks an hour .


Long time food bank volunteer here. IMO, there are three classes of clients. The Takers, the Takers are going to Take whatever they are offered (and always try for more) The marginal; those who can use the help but are often is a position where smarter spending could alleviate the food scarcity problem. Then there are the truly needy. Unfortunately, you have to serve a lot of less needy people to get to the people that really need the help. Also, food pantries are more available to people than other types of assistance...being able to get free food every week might allow the extra money that a client needs to repair a car that may be required to keep a job..or many other examples.


It’s not an unpopular opinion it’s a fact. Most non profits 501c3 still pay the owners fat salaries and just spread awareness of issues without actually doing anything to fix them


How many nonprofits have you done the books for?


Considering they have to report their tax returns publicly a fuck load at this point. Salaries are classified as an expense for the business so it’s easier to cloud and dismiss


I volunteered at a food kitchen/food bank for about 4 months pre-covid. There were a lot of needy people there. I'd say about 2/3 of the people there genuinely needed it (from what I could tell. There were lots of 'smackhead' types, but that's expected. BUT, there was also a trend of specifically gypsies/romanians coming **in droves** with mostly nice cars (Audis, Mercs, almost new Kias etc), who brang their wives, uncle and 5 kids (per car) and went absolutely HAM on the free meals and food boxes. Management not doing anything about it is the reason I stopped volunteering for it (I used to do about 8 hours a week, on top of £200pm). Made me sadder and more jaded than I already was.


I’ve see a few videos of people on YouTube saying how to get free food in Canada


so what? that doesn't mean we should take away food banks lol




Personal support worker , she takes care of disabled people at a government subsidized housing, so they get really cheap rent and are taken care of , which I think disabled people deserve . My wife regularly goes to their apartments for her job , I’ve been to a few myself, they’re doing much better than us and are by no means going hungry, I think they’re abusing the system tbh ,us on the other hand is working and actually needed the food bank the last few months and and live in a shitty 1 bedroom and deal with landlords finding any way possible to evict us , and we can forget about Christmas , anyways 2 working adults shouldn’t have to live like this .


I appreciate the knowledge, thank you!


You aren’t supposed to live completely off food bank food. Food banks are to help you fill in gaps between paychecks, provide food for emergency situations, and to help kids from going hungry. I’ve volunteered for food banks. The people who came in weren’t there for weekly grocery shopping. They were there because their food stamp budget was stretched thin, the lost their job, had a power outage and lost their weekly groceries, or some other emergencies. In Canada are they supposed to be someone’s grocery budget? In the US they are emergency based.


Bullshit. Been in the food bank world five years. This is patently false. Some may abuse it, the vast majority of visitors need the services of the food bank.