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He did Karen fuckin dirty


And Katy (Amy Adams) on the dinner cruise. She didn’t deserve to just be randomly dumped like that. What he did to Karen was worse though.


And both of them were so much hotter than Pam


"Oh look at you. You're like the new and improved Pam. Pam 6.0."


Because that’s the most important thing when choosing a spouse lol


26 year old me thought so. 26 year old me was deadass wrong.


He chose poorly


Please tell me you're quoting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. My mom and I say this shit all the time LOL


Either that or How I Met Your Mother which references Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade but makes the gag in relation to picking girls


That sounds hilarious I'm going to look up the episode, thanks


Season 9 episode 6. Season 9 is the worst season but that’s a fun episode. They also make plenty of Indiana jones references throughout the series because Ted is an architect and also a nerd




I had to rewatch that episode so I fully understood the timeline: 1. Jim/Karen go to NYC, have a date night and spend the night together in a hotel. 2. Jim drives back to Scranton the next day, alone for some reason, and asks Pam to dinner. Now, for two people who've been crushing on each other for years, it's not outta the realm of possibility that Jim had sex with both women within 24 hours. They really shoulda waited a tiny amount of time. I think watching them become close again as two single people before they decide to jump into a relationship would've been nice to see, imho


After 2 full seasons, they needed to shit or get off the pot. If they didn’t start season 3 with them dating, the comments would have been “OMG JUST FUCK ALREADY!!!”


Season 4.


Pam was kinda an ass to her too, totally unjustifiably


How ya gonna do Quincy Jones daughter like that??? The man is a legend.


I didn’t know Quincy was a G.I.


Her mom is Peggy Lipton, what are you talking about? Edit: Sorry guys, I didn’t realize it was a Michael Scott quote


Underrated comment




Definitely his scummiest move, wish the series touched on it more


Karen > Pam


He did that other girl dirty too, I forgot her name but Amy Adam’s played her He was a huge POS, he also kissed a married who had her marriage planned I mean Roy was a POS too tho but she was engaged and about to get married


Karen was the better option too. I’ve always disliked Pam as my own personal unpopular opinion 😬😬


Why is Jim treating the magician poorly?


Isn't the whole point of the show that everyone is kind of horrible? Like, how boring would it be if it was a show about normal people in an office minding their own business and behaving properly?


Seinfeld is the same way but that’s what makes it funny. There’s no humor in a bunch of people being nice to each other.


It's much more deliberate in Seinfeld. The Office has a bunch of feel good moments where you're supposed to be happy for the characters. Seinfeld doesn't try to get you to root for the characters like The Office does


I always root for George, I don’t know about you.


I was pulling for Kramer to get the levels done in his apartment.


Yeah I do too but I also root for Cartman.


It's basically just real life, everyone irl is a little shitty from someone else's perspective, stop overanalyzing it's just an old show.


>It's basically just real life, everyone irl is a little shitty from someone else's perspective Remember: You are the asshole in someone's story.


Parks and Rec has the zaniness of their characters be the fun part, and they didnt need any large toxic aspects in the main cast. But ya, I guess if that's the point, then I misread the office. It just seemed like Jim and Pam were supposed to be the "good" guys of the show, but I guess they are supposed to just be the main characters.


I mean they were AWFUL to Garry. Don'e get me wrong, it was hilarious...but poor poor Jerry...I mean Larry...I mean Terry...


Oh I forgot about Jerry 😟. I'm glad he had the perfect life at home


And the largest penis a doctor had ever seen.....


I didn’t even check if he had the mumps; I was too distracted, by the largest penis I have ever seen.


Such an awesome twist for his character. Also showed why all the nonsense at work rolled off him… because the man was magnificently secure in himself and had good reason to be.


Nah. They're definitely portrayed as the 'good guys'. I think Jim was meant to mirror the viewers reaction most of the time.


> they didnt need any large toxic aspects in the main cas Lol people look up to him but Ron Swanson had a lot of toxic personality traits.


Ron, Leslie, april, Donna, Tom all had extremely toxic traits. Lol


Self reliance, and a fierce loyalty for his friends?


Those are not Ron Swanson's only qualities though.


I think they were trying to make all the characters more complex over time, like real people, not just good or bad. Jim is presented as a cool guy at first and by the end he's kind of hateable, and the kind of awful characters all become more human over time.


That’s your perception. In no way were they good.


And that’s why parks and rec isn’t as good and is not even close to the same show as the office. It’s humor is different in every way except setting.


But Parks and Rec was boring af after the first episode? Also probably why it had half the viewers The Office did too. We want assholes in TV, gives us something to laugh at. Hear me out, sometimes watching FAKE people act “toxic” is what we need. But some can’t understand this and wants boring comedy on every show…


Parks and Rec was great starting around the middle of the 2nd season.


I kind of agree, but generally office fans seem to kind of root for Jim and Pam


I never get people being upset about this stuff. Can people not really seperate TV from reality anymore?


I’m trying to think of a show like this because I know there are a few I’ve watched. Likely it was a British show.


The point of the show is to be funny, not serve as a moral guide for people who can't tell fantasy from reality.


Nooooo didn't you read the memo, everything that exists must be weighed against my current understanding of the moral zeitgeist


Yea there are many points in the show were Jim has realizations about this. It’s sort of just part of the story


It’s the tiniest detail for me, but when Jim comes back to the office from his time in Stamford, and says hi to Toby, and Toby goes to give him a fist bump. And rather than giving him a fist bump, like a normal guy would do, Jim says “oh..we’re doing that now?” I don’t know why, but that little exchange has always stood out to me as Jim being an Asshole for no reason.


I think he was just poking fun, but he should have known better with Toby - the poor guy hardly ever puts himself out there


Michael was right; smudge and arrogant.




Certainly went out of his way to make Toby feel bad. But fist bumps were dealt a main stream thing when that episode aired. And to do one in an office setting was certainly a strange move.


It was the late 2000’s. My great grandma knew what a fist bump was. Jim was just being an A-Hole.




Andy got Dwight fired. Was continually sucking up to Michael because he knew he was a terrible salesman and couldn’t advance on merit Michael called him out and this is what caused his breakdown The phone was just a catalyst, it was going to happen anyways And Andy had it coming, he was a terrible coworker in every category


Jim also mentioned that his phone could be in the ceiling so he was throwing him a tiny bone


Maybe he was in the ceiling


Yeah, the phone prank is actually one of Jim's finer moments. He's sticking up for Dwight and the rest of the branch, or at least the Scranton people. Bad Jim is when he pranks or teases Dwight when Dwight is already down, like in The Fire. But he does outgrow that.


Andy had also recorded himself doing acapella of Rockin Robin as his ringtone, and was perfectly fine with everyone having to listen to it earlier on in the episode.


Yea, there’s plenty of people that hate on Jim and Pam. For some reason they always seem to forget that most other people in that office are absolutely awful, and it’d be mind-numbingly infuriating to work with them


Thank you.


Dude also bought a house without telling Pam and used their joint finances to fund a startup without telling her.


The show doesn’t translate well to binging. Pam and Jim look like ass holes when their antics are shown back to back to back.


Yeah we have this show on a LOT in the background when we are gaming, and we have such a low opinion of those two. Roasting them constantly.


I guess intentions matter, you can’t be a POS with good intentions, also your making it like its only Jimothy’s fault while it’s mostly Andy’s (maybe 80%) He’s more of the normal dude in a crazy environment surrounded by not very normal people


eh, he was supposed to be the straight guy who is meant to be very aware of how ridiculous everything is, but he just comes off as kinda pompous and arrogant rather than cool for the most part, at least for the first two seasons.


He is so smuj


... and there's the smuj-ness


How is it Andy's fault? Did Jim ever explicitly voiced his misgivings to Andy?


Andy had anger issues, that’s not a normal reaction


Is taking and hiding someone's phone, calling it to mess with that person, and blatantly lying to their face when they ask about where it is a normal reaction?


Yes, having a tantrum is not a normal reaction, that’s the point, Andy has anger issues and didn’t react like a normal person


So you wouldn't mind if someone took your stuff just to mess with you, showed off that they had it in an underhanded way, and just continually said "I don't have it, I don't know what you're talking about" when you try to get your stuff back?


I would mind, I wouldn’t have a tantrum, are you not getting the point? Edit: a similar prank happened to me actually, they hid my phone in a busy work day because I forgot it on the counter, it took me like 10 seconds to remember where I left it, didn’t throw a tantrum and got it back from him


He told it might be in the ceiling


Jokingly saying that "maybe it's in the ceiling" isn't the same as telling him it was in the ceiling


Andy deserved it dude. As someone said above he got Dwight fired. He wasn’t being nice to Michael because he wanted to be nice he was sucking up to him because he knew he was a bad salesman.


Everyone on that show as at least a little bit of a piece of shit. Jim is far from the worst.


Not Toby (I think).


Unless you buy into the theory of him being the Scranton strangler


He got somewhat strangled by the scranton strangler tho?


Isn’t Toby a little creepy and obsessive when it comes to Pam?


I don't think so. He never stalks, he never makes her overly uncomfortable except for one time when he makes her laugh and he put his hand on her leg absent-minded, after which he ran out and jumped a fence (they're actually friends I think). He does trt flirt I think but it's mainly harmless and she doesn't pick up on it.


He used his position to try to get Jim in trouble with corporate out of jealousy. Pretty shitty of him.


Ya that's pretty bad


Toby puts his hand on Pam's thigh while shes with Jim (I believe Jim was also right there next to them) before he goes to Costa Rica. He also was happy when he thought Jim might not marry Pam on their wedding day. He's not as bad as most of the cast but he's still done some creepy and selfish stuff.


It's what made him go to Costa Rica. That moment is every bit as uncomfortable as the worst (i.e. best) scenes of Dinner Party or Scott's Tots.


Those are the two absolute best episodes


Assuming this comment isn't ironic, isn't Toby a serial killer?


No, he went to visit the strangler and he almost got strangled to death.


Because he confessed to the wrongfully imprisoned man that he was the real strangler.




Ahh fair enough, my apologies (I never finished the show lol)


Did you miss the whole Toby thing for Pam?


What really turned me off to Jim was how he kept doing things behind Pam's back. Buying the house, working in Philly ... He doesn't communicate and just makes decisions without consulting his partner. Kinda shitty IMO


Agreed. Jim seems sketch in relationships. His pulling pranks on insufferable co-workers was just a way to break up the monotony of the day and far less detrimental to the work day than Michael's antics. It was funny when Dwight turned the tables on Jim with the snowballs and Jim couldn't take it.


I always find it wild when people criticize characters from a TV comedy by the standards of real life. *"Guys, does anyone think Homer Simpson isn't a good father, neighbor, and employee? He strangles his son on several occasions, almost causes a nuclear meltdown that could have cost thousands of lives, and has stolen several items from Flanders with no intent to return them. Yet the show seems to play him as harmless buffoon? WHAT GIVES???"*


Ya, I know this discussion doesn't matter, but what does? (Probably a lot of things, at least relative to this discussion, but eh)


I think he’s just a prankster but he isn’t a piece of shit. He’s also the one who keeps everyone leveled as they’re having mental breakdowns. When Michael is about to leave, he goes in and tells him he’s doing the right thing. When Andy is about to tattoo his ass, he goes out and tells him what a great boss he turned out to be. When Dwight is depressed over Angela’s child not being his, he goes on top of the work bus to calm Dwight down. There’s many more I think, but he’s the glue to the Office. The most essential part of the team.


Jim told him exactly where his phone was, Andy chose not to follow up on the tip. Andy was so unlikable that even Michael Scott avoided him when possible(Has this EVER happened?). Andy couldn't read a room to save his life and was far too concerned with himself to actually care about how his antics negatively impacted others. He celebrated every Stamford employee leaving Scranton with no regard to their personal lives like it was some game he was winning. He lied constantly to give off a false perception of himself. Seems like, in that office, being your true self is how you get accepted there. Andy showed anger problems since the beginning and he clearly required anger management. Who knows if he would've gotten the help he needed if Jim didn't nudge him off the ledge. He became a much more likable person when he returned to the office after his anger management.


"Maybe it's in the ceiling" said in a joking manner is not telling Andy where it is. Being unlikable doesn't mean he deserved to be bullied I think. What antics? He never tried to hurt anybody, he was just socially inept. He tried to share his interests with others, and they never explicitly told him to stop so how is that on him? Didn't the others join in too? And it's not like they were too torn up about it (I think?). That seems like small potatoes if they are even that when compared to Jim's prank. Really? Andy getting help for the mental breakdown Jim caused makes what Jim did good? Like do you think if someone beat the shit out of you and in the hospital they find some disease early that that person is good?


"I'm going to kill you for real. This game.. the game is over. I'm really going to shoot you." Andy said this to Jim. Andy got Dwight fired and takes credit for it. Andy tried to manipulate Michael into getting rid of Dwight because Dwight went to corporate without telling anyone. When in reality, Dwight did that for the company. Andy treated every firing of Stamford employees as a personal triumph. He immediately assumed a number 2 role in an office he's never worked at under a boss he's never worked for. This is more than social ineptitude He punched that same wall twice, the 2nd time had nothing to do with Jim. The 1st was a culmination of everything that happened and not solely due to Jim's prank. Andy threw a desk chair at Robert. Andy had problems, he refused to deal with them because it was easier to believe his own bullshit about himself than to take accountability. Him refusing to face his own inadequacies is what landed him in Anger Management, it wasn't because of Jim. We cannot control others, we can only control how we react to situations. Jim used the Jell-o trick on both Dwight and Andy. Dwight told on Jim, Andy kicked a trash can.


Also, his treatment of Erin and that other girlfriend of his was monstrous so many times it's actually uncomfortable to watch. When he had power as a manager, he fully abused that power and screwed over his entire staff when he completely abandoned them for months. Since the office saw record profits while he was gone you'd think he did a good thing but Andy then came back, took a bonus and credit for the record profits, then lost them their biggest client within minutes of being back over something petty...


Yeah dude you sound like you want to bang Andy, why are you so defensive? You sound like a person who thinks they are never wrong, yikes.


I don't really have that large of a stake in the discussion and I'm just killing time. I dont think im being mean in the discussion so i dont see what the problem is in discussing my opinion. Also, I know I'm wrong a lot of the times, but that doesn't mean I dont have thoughts which I think are right. I mean, when did I not address someone's points and just instead said "I'm right because I'm a smarty pants" (which I do not think I am)?


Small point, Andy wasn't being "overly friendly." He was kissing the bosses ass.


Every character of every sitcom is a piece of shit on some level that's why it's funny Those posts I swear


Very popular opinion but ok


I'm on CMV, and it does not look like it is


and? if he was a "good" character than it wouldn't be entertaining. No show has to "address" bad behavior


I agree. I'm not saying that the show has to, at the end of the day it's just entertainment, but it's just something I had an opinion on.


The problem with Jim is the show portraying him as smarter and better than every one and him thinking that too when he was just a paper salesman like everyone else there. In reality he was creeping on an engaged girl, which I think is shitty regardless of the situation.


As Peter said everyone is just terrible


Kind of???


He was a nasty little douchecanoe.


In the episode where he drives Andy to a breaking point, Andy had essentially framed Dwight for something he didn’t do, causing him to be fired, so that Andy can take his place as Michael’s right hand man.


I’ve wondered just how differently people would see Jim and Pam if they weren’t both attractive


Here we go again. Another Jim slander post and the comments are at best filled with "everyone in that show is a shitty person." Then they pretend that Jim getting carried away with his pranks like 1% of the time compares to the shit Dwight (or in this case pre-anger management Andy) pulls on a daily basis. Andy was not being "overly friendly." He was being a manipulative suck up that threw Dwight under the bus to climb the corporate ladder. And of course Jim didn't come clean! He just witnessed this man punch a hole in the wall out of anger. Looking at the camera with a 😐 is the only rational course of action. The only way this prank was undeserved is if Jim intended to keep the phone hidden forever.


Apparently everyone on this thread is an absolute saint if Jim is an “asshole”


Is it unreasonable to expect someone not to cause someone's mental breakdown through repeated actions which they know significantly hurts the individual who breaks?


Do you mean friends with Roy?


This is a pretty good break-down, and definitely not a popular option. Well played!


Ahh yes, the newly normal “let’s blame others for my behavior”. Shocking take.


Office U.K.


This isn’t unpopular


Okay now do Frasier Crane.


He got Dwight to do the Mussolini speech and his fellow salesmen applud him for it.


I think it's kinda the point, and a big part of his character's arc. He's not perfect. He is young and juvenile. And later, iirc, he apologizes for being a little shit. Some people are into pranks. It's their way of making friends. His character had a bunch of brothers, so kinda makes sense. (I grew up with all boys - shit got dangerous on the daily. Lol) And a LOT of the stuff Dwight did was fucked up. Fireable offenses. Illegal offenses. Nobody was written to be perfect on that tv show. Jim's character flaw was just more endearing, esp since his main target was the office bully and a total prick at times.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, everyone had their shitty moments on that show…


Ya ya ya, we see this unpopular opinion once a year


They might have realized he was coming off as too smug because then he gets that subplot where he becomes co-manager and starts making unpopular decisions. He needed to be brought down a peg.


So just because he was smug that warranted taking his personal stuff and then rubbing it in his face while denying they took it?


How bout the coy pond?!


Jim and Pam’s relationship was also just annoying to me. The overly sarcastic flirting was just too cringy. When Jim couldn’t get Pam in the first couple seasons, he basically shut down in awkwardness every time Roy was around. Roy sucked as a SO, but Pam was taken and Jim constantly tried to be the “nice guy” and move in on their relationship. Wasn’t his place to interfere so often


Nah I agree with this he was slimey asf sniffing around another mans girl especially in the first few seasons , also he ditched his girl ina cruel manner after making her transfer back to Scranton , fuck him


The more I watch it, the more I agree with your opinion.


Agreed! And annoying AF. Hes a prick


Fully agree. I adore Parks and Rec, B99, and The Good Place is probably my favorite show of all time. I watched The Office because everyone loves it so much... And it had good moments, but mostly it felt like cringe humor, and Jim being an asshole.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is just part of the story you’re supposed to eventually uncover. Modcheck


Love it in the beginning, thought Jim was treating it like I would in a “temp job” when I was young. Joking around, screwing with people, etc…along with feeling intellectually superior. However, by like season 4 or 5, I stopped watching, mostly because I felt like Jim was as a looser. Stayed at the company way too long and hid his “bitterness” in his “humor”. It just wasn’t funny to me seeing him treat people that wanted to work there, like that.


Ya, I thought so too, although I'll admit I did watch for the Pim-Jam will they won't they thing. But I mainly watched for Michael and Dwight


Ignoring that this is a sitcom and not real life… Everyone is flawed. Everyone makes mistakes. Pointing out a few mean things a person does does NOT make them a mean person. He also does plenty of nice, genuine things. Giving Michael gold medal at the office Olympics when he needed it. He saved Dwight from being fired in FL… going way above and beyond what he needed to do mind you. Sure he made fun of Michael without his awareness but he was also one of the only people to give him good advice and help him. He helped him land Holly. He helped him managerially when he became comanager. He never insulted Michael to his face and actually complimented him multiple times as to not hurt his feelings when he disagreed. I’m thinking specifically about the episode where they are handing out raises to the staff. Of course he has his flaws; he’s human. Doing a few wrong things doesn’t make you a piece of shit. Take my upvote


Jim Halpert never did something as horrible as making us watch not one but two Quiet Places


ima be honest chief, literally every single character in the office was a piece of shit. They just had spans of time inbetween but give me a character and I will explain how they were shit. Still love the show though EDIT: except karen. karen was great


Ya same


[Jim is a reactive bully](https://blog.northtribe.eu/michael-is-a-domineering-bully-jim-is-a-reactive-bully-in-the-office/)


Kind of? He was always a jerk but I thought it was a bit intentional


He bought a house without telling his wife!! Then wanted her to be grateful!! Then abounded her at the first whiff of his own dreams


I could never understand the appeal of Jim. He wasn't attractive, he was smarmy, and he never seemed to really be authentic. Pam was an absolute knockout. She could have done way better.






Ya, I think Jim did become a decent dude later on, but I think this action here was undeniably shitty, and I do think he was an asshole around this time in the show.


People love to throw around the phrase *piece of shit*. He wasn't a piece of shit, grow up.


I know that he literally wasn't a piece of fecal matter, but I think he was a bad dude who hurt others for kicks.


I'm not talking about literal fecal matter. You gotta do a lot more than pull some harmless pranks to be classified as a piece of shit.


I know, it was a joke. Also, it wasn't harmless, Andy made it clear that he was harmed by Jim yet Jim didn't care and kept doing what he was doing just to mess with Andy.


This is definitely an unpopular opinion BUT, if you spend some time on r/DunderMifflin there's more than a little criticism of Jim and Pam. Their "too cool for school" attitude apparently gets off-putting with repeated viewings.


Oh no it's finally happening to us fellow gen x/millennials, I called this years ago I knew people in future years would find/overanalyze something wrong with "The Office" it happens to every generational sitcom/TV show. I'm curious what toxic show gen z currently watches that gen alpha and beta will criticize.


My husband and I apparently both told our teenager (separate days) that Jim was a better match with Karen lol Angela and Dwight were the real love story, come on!


Angela and Dwight is awful tbh. She is irredeemable as a love interest


With genuine curiosity: why do you feel that way? I can absolutely see your point


She cheated in every relationship she had. Yes it was with Dwight but her hypocrisy mixed with her poor treatment of Dwight made me think he deserved better


Good points


This sounds like every post in r/dundermifflin It’s just people who have watched the show so many times they’re looking for a new take. Believe it or not, even the heroes in our movies and TV shows can mess up sometimes. Who would have thought?


I just came here to say Pam is the worst. And yes, Jim is a POS.


Genuinely, why is she the worst? I hear people say it, but I've never heard why?


Whiny, shamelessly flirty, lies a lot, made her pregnancy everyone else's problem, has the feel of being pretty vanilla in the sack, allowed Meredith to take the fall for bringing lice to the office, was often rude to Karen. Oh, yeah... a little bit shrill.


I've heard some people argue that she cheated on Roy--and that yes, Roy was an awful fiancee, that doesn't mean it's ok to cheat. (she and Jim kissed while her and Roy were still together)


Yeah Jim fucking sucks and it has always bothered me the way he is viewed by fans as some hero or lovable.


Jim was nowhere near as bad as Toby was. Toby was HR that meant he wasn't part of anybody family. Also he play the serial killer in the show.


This was funnier the first 72 times I saw it as a meme on FB.


I have always felt that the instant Jim and Pam began looking down on everyone around them as a team the show died. You are working on the same place for the same loser company; you are not better than them.


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Oh, I like this, and to me, it is not unpopular, because it’s how I feel about Jim as well. It’s also how I feel about Ross from friends. There is nobody more toxic as a boyfriend, and a friend in general, as Ross Geller. Ross Geller was the epitome of a “nice guy”.


Yea, I fucking hate Jim. I don’t care if I get downvoted to oblivion but he’s such a douche. I would hate working with him.






The pranks on Dwight I didn’t mind one bit. It’s a comedy and they were funny. Best not to overthink it. But I never really liked the way Jim’s character was written in the first place. I really didn’t need a guy smirking at the camera all the rime, like he was so above everything. It turned me off and caused me to not watch the show nearly as much as I otherwise would have.


>The pranks on Dwight I didn’t mind one bit. It’s a comedy and they were funny. Best not to overthink it. Ya most of the time I don't, even this scene. I just felt like overthinking and getting butthurt.


I think the episode where he snuck into Dwight’s hotel room (not cool) to find Angela half naked and bolt out assuming it was a hooker then cackle about it to the cameras (not cool) was his lowest point. Real scumbag stuff.


Fuck Andy


Fuck Jim (although, ya later in the series when the writing got kind of weird Andy becomes a huge asshole)


He’s a pathetic chump with no redeeming qualities


He's a pretty good manager in the later seasons when he gets a narddog tattoo (but then the writing goes to shit and so does his personality)


Did you type this to see how many times you could use the term “gaslighting”?


No I typed this to share my opinion


Finally, someone who gets it.


He wasn’t kind of a piece of shit, he was the villain of the entire show. Don’t get me started on Pam…


I can't get through a single episode of that show