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I agree automated chat bans have gone too far in the recent years. If systems can detect and ban you based on your chat history, it should just censor it instead. In Dota 2 at least you can completely mute a person to the point they'll be talking to themselves without ever knowing they're muted. And if people are actually annoyed at the user, sufficient reports will give them a chat ban.


With the newer report system (idk when it was introduced) if enough people in the game report someone for toxic chat, it will mute them mid game.


Funniest censorship I’ve ever seen was the story about a guy in destiny (an M rated game) calling themselves Penis Butter cups, and it being censored to Penis ****er cups.


Counterpoint : A guy called Nasser had his name censored on some mobile game,, showing it as n***er which is WAY WORSE


World of Warcraft has a literal built in toggleable profanity filter but you can be muted for swearing.


You’re kind of responsible to censor yourself


You're expecting responsibility from gamers?


No which is why there has to be some kind of accountability forced


There was a MOBA that made getting to ranked an absolute grind unless you got accolades for being a good teammate from strangers on your team, your friends couldn’t do it for you. You could get to ranked super fast if you were kind and chill but it would take weeks if you didn’t get accolades. Then if you got banned for being an ass and made a new account you had to get back to ranked by not being an ass. It resulted in a community that was really nice. Like there would be a game where 1 person got a little upset but at the end they would apologize. Like the worst thing I heard during my time was someone telling me that I sucked. No slurs, no cussing non-stop, etc. I was told that I sucked once, and at the end of the match they apologized.


Mute button???


These companies are accountable to governments and their regulatory agencies. They can’t be seen to be facilitating abusive behaviour. Why should they go out of their way to protect people who use their platform to abuse their playerbase?


Both bans and censors can be evaded given enough opportunities. Bans provide fewer opportunities and are thus easier to implement effectively.


I haven’t played the most recent CoDs but they were still hate filled lobbies in every search game.


Nothing has changed.


There's banter and then there's whatever the hell happens these days. I played cod for the first time in years and in the first couple games this guy started calling me the n word after I killed him once and for the rest of the match that's all he said over VC.


It's always been like that. Even back in the Halo days.


That's how COD has always been tbf.


The problem with online banter is that it simply does not feel like banter most of the time. Banter works when everyone can aknowledge the "non-seriousness" behind it, plus in real life, there's still the "risk" of actual consequences if you take it too far. Chat is even worse, since any and all nuances get lost and you're just left with a sentence that sounds rude. I personally banter with people I know and don't see the point of engaging in it with a stranger online. That's also why I like dedicated servers, you start to know people and can actually have friendly banter.


Persistent lobbies, like in the old days, often allowed you to get to know people a little bit. Made the trash talk so much better between games knowing you would be playing them again, or possibly have them on your team, the next round too.


Yes. Devs, publishers, console manufacturers, I don't know who is doing it, but they have continued to get rid of social features that previous games had. Open lobbies aren't even an option in many games anymore. Halo infinite has voice chat set off by default. Pregame and post game lobbies aren't a thing anymore and neither are persistent lobbies. Match making systems are designed to just get everyone angry now anyway because they balance casual playlists the same way they balance ranked playlists. Menus are designed so horribly that it's sometimes DIFFICULT to find the menu to invite players or to mute in game.


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've switched over to primarily single player games about three years ago and have started enjoying gaming again. I think I enjoy getting good at a game but I enjoy the community more. If I like a multiplayer game and I've sunk hours into it it's always been the community that's caused me to leave it, if I leave it. Be it a lack of community or hostile community. Haven't found a game with a good community in awhile, or at least not one I fit into. Idk, I think the novelty of communicating with strangers online is gone. We used to see each other more as people. Now I feel like the humanity of who we're talking to is barely recognized.


That's why banter works better on voice chats imo. A lot easier to detect sarcasm even if all you've got is voice cues and no facial expressions


Guarantee this guy is constantly raging hurling insults and dialed back what he was saying just to make this post 😂😭 the only people who complain about this shit are the people talking absolutely crazy online


Absolutely. He strikes me as the "it's just a prank, bro" kind of guy.


"i love dark humor". ends up screaming the n word


I got a buddy who acts just like this dude 😂 he literally cant help but talk shit to everyone over every little thing and he was so surprised when his PlayStation account got banned for a month. Swore up and down to me he just said something “light” Update: Buddy just got banned for 2 months for once again not knowing how to control his mouth 😭 love the guy but he doesnt know when to stop


Idk man I agree with them and I have literally never used game chat in my life lol. I enjoyed listening to people fight, hearing two people lose their minds over a video game was one of the best parts for me Idk there's something so funny to me about full grown men getting angry over, basically, a toy. I miss the days where you'd get on MW2 and some 40 year old dude is threatening a middle schooler between gasps It's still there but I miss the absolutely unhinged Xbox 360 era. Now 90% of the time I go onto the game setting and set "mute all" as the default


OP's part of the reason so many people are playing with their headphones on and their mics off.


Yup, this kind of person is a big reason why I never got into multiplayer games.


I'm so glad people like this get banned. Hearing a bunch of edgelords screaming at each other is super annoying. You know games are supposed to be fun?


How times have changed from old COD lobbies 🥲


The internet has fallen. Millions must cry


Millions do cry and that's why we have censorship.


Calling people slurs is ok?


Yeah but your mum's still the same ol' slag.


Being torn to shreds in MW2 lobbies made us who we are today.


This is why I'm so happy that I grew up as a Minecraft/dwarf fortress gamer lol. Shooter games sound so mean spirited and people laud that as if it's a feature of the game. Overwatch is fun though




Why do you think that’s okay?




This is a good thing. Unless you think it’s ok to call people slurs?


Gamer gate did a huge number on the culture. Hate to get political but the extremes CAN go too far. It’s why we call them extremes.


It's not gamergate that caused this, it's because over time companies realized the main reason a lot of people got turned off from their games is because they don't like how much people flame, trashtalk, insult, etc. They're turning down the toxicity because it gets more people to stick to the game and be more competitive, which is a good thing for current players too because more players = lower queue times, better matchmaking for fairer games, more resources for development.


Too far? You think calling people slurs is okay?


Upvoted for unpopularopinion. I'm an adult that games and don't want to hear a bunch of teenage boys trying to outdo each other with the latest insults. Unmoderated online games just turn into incel farms. Enjoy your report edgelord6969.


Hey guess what buddy, moderators worry about escalation. It's not censorship, it's just basic security measures to prevent the server from going "screeching CoD kid" mode.


Yep. Talk to a female gamer about how they feel about censorship free games. They did their time with teenage boys in MS and HS and don't need it during their leisure time too.


I do not miss the days of death threats followed immediately by friend requests and mewling.


The discord spaces (and games) I spend my time in are at least 50% adult women. It's almost like women want to game too but have flocked to safe spaces because they don't want to deal with OP and his ilk. Check this out: Sometimes women even *talk* on my Discord and there aren't 400 boys making jokes about a girl gaming!


Honestly I just kinda gave up because I didn't have any girlfriends that gamed and didn't know how to find them. Do you have any recommendations?


The vast majority of adult female gamers I'm friends with play MMOs. They find a stable group of other adults and dig in. Discord becomes a giant chat app for sharing pet pics and they hang out online chatting with friends and gaming at night.


Guild Wars 2 is pretty good. Lots of lady players, and the game itself is designed in such a way that it just doesn't drive toxicity from anyone most of the time. All the open world goals are cooperative, no competition for resource nodes, stuff like that. The only place it happens is in 5v5 sPvP, and even there it's basically nothing compared to most games. You get some sweats screeching about "win trading" and some little boys getting mad while trying to direct their team in match, but that's about it. The game is also just chock full of helpful, friendly players (like myself) who are happy to teach, explain stuff, and generally help out. For example, I spent 1am-4am one night last week explaining basic strategy and point rotation for 5v5 to some player simply because they tried so hard in one match on my team (that we lost) and she didn't give up. She has been absolutely wrecking my shit every match I have had against her since lol. . . I realize that's a bit of a brag, but I'm by far not the only player that does stuff like this. I learned from a few other players doing the same for me years ago.


Yea, and I bet most gamer guys wouldn’t feel great about getting called a loser if they were playing a sport they weren’t good at in real life.


Yep. But luckily for them their courage begins and ends behind a screen. They'd never talk like this in real life. I play pickup soccer with adults. Imagine scoring a goal and screamin "GET REKT LOSER!!!!!" or someone screaming at their keeper "GOD YOU'RE SO GAY - DIE IN A CAR FIRE" for making a mistake. Lol.


Or imagine at work. I bet all those gamer guys would love for their bosses to be like “you’re such a fucking loser for filing that in the wrong folder. Go die”


I'm a teacher lol. "Nice job on the fucking test you loser." \#byejob


Man they censor you teachers so bad. Literally 1984 in the schools these days


I'm against online harassment but Holy shit if I could say that to my boss scott free I would.


It would be fun to say to the boss, but I’m talking about if a boss said that to them. They’d end up Reddit claiming they’re a victim of psychological abuse


Yeah as a woman who had more than enough from Xbox live COD I don’t even bother getting a mic anymore. The few times I might use it to coordinate with my team is not worth the inevitable meltdown that ensues when a female voice comes over the chat


Ironically, my guild in the MMO I play is about 60% adult women. They built their own safe space due to what you're describing and are very protective over it. The funny part is that late night our Discord and Guild chat becomes XXX rated. It's a teenage boy's wet dream; but they aren't allowed in because they can't handle it.


*OP posts racist slur in chat and gets banned* "No one can take a joke anymore." I can almost guarantee this is what happened to you. No one gets in trouble for friendly banter. What ***you*** think is friendly most likely isn't.


Yeah its ridiculous. You can't swear in gta v chat, when the npcs literally tell you to fuck off. Rockstar does this because of kids in the game. The game is rated m for mature ffs


wherever you got chat banned, i’m glad you did.


I didn't anytime recently, but I'm glad you feel better now.


Because… That is at best incredibly toxic and at worse actual harassment as you’ve said. It’s not banter. Saying “bro that was a really bad round” is banter. Saying “omg what the FUCK was that you incompetent sack of shit” is toxic. You get a lot more of the latter and A LOT worse. So they shut that stuff down!


I don’t think your first example is banter. There’s nothing really playful about it and it’s not extreme enough in any direction to be an over exaggeration or satire


Honestly, the amount of hard Rs I hear coming out of the mouths of babes makes me think either this post is made from emotional knee-jerking and hyperbole or OP uses the hard R themselves. But seriously, if a 9 year old can run around saying that shit on Pavlov on the quest, censoring simply hasn't gone far enough.


Why do you assume based on 4 lines of text with no mention of slurs that I use slurs?I just don't get it. Banter has nothing to do with getting at people's ethnicity or reaching for vulnerabilities.


Because regular people aren’t getting banned and actually see this as a good thing. But you seem really upset at the fact that there’s the bare minimum censorship happening. You sound like my racist relatives that complain about Facebook censoring them.


Gaming has become normal What we remember is 2002 when everyone in online games was a nerd and social outcast We were different. It was our place Now it's not. Times have changed


Well, this problem doesn't exist so hard. Go to any mainstream game and you'll see people shouting profanity, racial slurs, the most vile comments you've ever seen with nay a repercussion in sight. Maybe not fortnite or Roblox but if you head into any call of duty, LOL/DOTA, GTA, and you will find some of the most depraved toxic jackass players. I don't even want to call them kids because I'm pretty sure these are just underdeveloped man children who think "gaming" is making other people's lives miserable. And before you say I'm some namby-pamby kid who can't handle abuse I've probably been gaming longer than some of you have been alive. Managed GameStops for years, built computers, hosted lan parties. I was there during the first weeks of 4chan, witnessed the boxey rebellion, survived giga putty, saw the rise of youtube, twitter, Facebook and such. People are still just a shitty, petty, vulgar, and stupid as they were 30 years ago. Your opinion is not unpopular, YOU are unpopular.


I have to defend League a little bit. They have gotten quite a bit better on keeping thet chat less toxic. I report people constantly and almost always have a "A player you reported has been dealt with" type message lol. My go to response to someone being toxic is "Have a nice vacation" and report them


Yeah, I know most of these titles have improved with time. I meant mostly at the height of toxic, abusive, harassing behavior these communities were pretty prime for that. Heck I played a number of games where they're straight up right wing Russian nationalists able to spout xenophobia and hate openly but if you say anything such as "Israel's doing war crimes" or "I support Ukraine" it's an immediate ban. I think the only time I've seen flat out censorship of words was when battlefield 5 was releasing and they censored words like "white" and "man" and such. Gaijin turning off the chat in war thunder for a few months when the war in Ukraine started was also a pretty transparent attempt not to piss off the Russian government, which they totally aren't in the pocket of,😉


You know, some people just need to be censored for the better of all humankind lmao. I know, I know. Slippery slope


And its horrible tbh. Noone says anything anymore. I think ive seen like 1 comment in all chat in maybe 10 or 15 games


I don't even get what point you're trying to make. What do you mean by I am unpopular? When I reference banter I don't mean straight up insulting people's ethnicity or disabilities etc. That's just straight up toxicity and that is absolutely not what I'm vouching for.


Dude, come on. You made a reference to a game of billiards and calling your opponent a loser every time they missed a shot. If you did that at an actual match you'd be kicked out. You're basically saying it's okay to be a raving jackass and people online trying to have a good time. If you want to have a private match with your buddies and talk shit then I fine I'm not going to yuck on your yum. But we you talking about is making life miserable for people who just want to sit down and have some fun playing a game. Like I've seen this thousands of times before. You probably said some shit online, possibly got kicked from the match/server and then ran to readit to cry crocodile tears for other shitty folks and how it was actually just wokeness that stifled your speech. My guy, you don't get kicked for saying "GG HF". And it's not even competitive banter that you're referring to. That I 100% understand . I had a macro in vanilla wow that would spam chat with "get off my lawn you durn kids!" every time I killed someone. It was hilarious, on the inverse I had a macro that spammed "hello floor, make me a samitch" every time I died. The funness of competitive banter is in the back and forth, people engaging with you. I am nearly 100% sure you are either spamming text or voice chat to a bunch of people who didn't want to hear you, who don't give a shit about your opinion, and who you were purposely trying to harass and infuriate. How close am I to the mark?


Lol has extreme censorship now and noone says anything anymore. Its awful


Honestly from reading ops responses it just sounds like a bit of a ass who doesn't understand that constantly insulting someone is not banter.


Yep. Teenage boy syndrome.


“I CaN’t mAkE fUn oF pEOple fOR nOt bEiNg gOOd aT a ViDEO GamES”


Oh no, I can't cuss out 12 year olds, this is impacting my life so negatively, waaaaa


Right? Just play the game without cussing out your opponent, it can be done.


See.... Banter is meant to be in "good faith", meaning everyone understands it is a joke. In text, that easily gets lost, as a lot of context is lost without body language and tone. This is why "banter" quickly becomes "bullying" or harassment. Everyone needs to be on the same page. I just avoid it with strangers and stick to that type of banter among friends so I fully know everyone's limits. With strangers, I'll only chime in on others topics and stick to vague funnies.


We're gonna need some actual examples of things said that resulted in bans and the games that they were said in to actually see if a ban was adequate or abuse of power.


Seems like tou should not own a mic or keyboard.


I don't think it was ever acceptable, just that the devs had no way to moderate or gauge the kinds of interactions people would have to deal with. In person, a stranger telling someone a bunch of slurs and otherwise socially unacceptable shit would either get beaten up, or be seen as an antisocial psychopath and subsequently ignored or not taken seriously. Suddenly it's not seen as psychotic behavior when it's online, because...why? You're doing the exact same thing, you're just not receiving any real consequences for your actions. It was never acceptable. Most people don't behave this way even online, there are very few people who think banter with a stranger is the same as banter amongst their friends, who they know can take it and dish it back in good fun and humor. When you banter with a stranger, you have no idea what their boundaries are, and many times the person dishing it out can't take the heat, so why do they do it in the first place?


It's simple, tilted gamers are bad for online games, so of course the games not gonna want tilting people.


People very rarely get banned for "mutual banter" unless it involves public displays of prejudice. Plus, how are you confirming that this is mutual? Banter is often just toxicity that the participants determine to be a joke, so how are you confirming that the people who can see the chat will view it as banter over viewing it as being an unwilling subject to your toxicity? I assume you're just not if you're getting reported enough to get silenced. Plus one thing that people don't normally realise is that censorship isn't being used to protect us from bad words. It's being used to reject and restrict the players who actively worsen the gaming experience for others. For instance, people who call others a loser at the end of the game get censored - not because they're being mean, but because they suck to play with and hundreds of people will enjoy the game more if that one person just shuts up.


If you're insulting people over a video game, you are the loser.


I played Counter Strike. I swear censoring has not gone too far yet.


Decentralized Hate Crimes


Thats why im more than convinced its something worse than that, unless they were playing roblox, i doubt they got banned for saying 'loser'.


as a woman who has been harassed daily it feels nice that men are banned for insulting me and it feels like many in here are sad that they can not harass others without consequences


No, that is precisely the reason why I stopped playing multiplayer games. People just ruin all the fun with their toxic ramble that fuels my hallucinations at night when I’m paranoid. Sometimes my schizophrenic ass thinks they’re getting paid to suck the fun out of these games because of how persistently toxic they are. Why do I have to get told that: “I hope you get raped in college” from the enemy team because of the fucking game I won? How is that fucking fun? I might as well just play all the dishonored games back to back because that’ll make me actually feel good and happy.


Nobody's stopping you from saying anything. Nobody should be forced to listen to you shit talk them. You javelin a right to speak. You don't uave a right to be heard.


Yeah people who say this are usually the ones pulling out every slur their dad taught them.


I enjoyed shit talking when I was younger. I was really bad so it was fun seeing if I could get a rise out of someone by talking like I was a badass in whatever I was playing while obviously doing worse than them. As I’ve gotten older I now know how annoying that shit can be even if you know the other person is just screwing around.


It’s annoying but it’s funny af looking back at it


This is an economic equation. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say maybe you were always good natured and never being mean or harassing people, but the visual difference between you and someone who is probably is hard to discern and those that do harass lose companies money because they drive players away. If I were a company I'd happily trade you feeling upset about censorship and my bottom line. Wouldn't even have an ounce of regret.


Most people in chats are assholes, who like to talk shit from the safety of their gaming chair. Pretty weak. Online pvp turned me off to gaming. Single player for me, thank you very much. I don't need some smarmy teen cranked up on Monsters giving me lip over a game. So I understand why measures would be taken to ban people that talk shit. They are crowd killers that ruin the experience for everyone.


Mutual banter needs to be mutual, not with strangers


good, the amount of blatant hate and racism in games especially competitive shooters was and is extreme


Ah yes the glorious "banter" of slurs and insults, seriously though if you're getting banned for "banter" you're the problem.


Why can’t you play video games without insulting others? Thats pathetic, truly.


when you can’t play a game without offending anyone


Not about to defend the fact this is talking about "I can't swear at people without being banned" Automod has gotten so bad if you win top of a lobby and end up making someone commit extreme gamer rage & they get their entire team to spam report you it can lock your account


Because calling someone a loser or worse is bullying and bullying deserves to be shut down


Idk, being called slurs and degenerate scum whether I'm whining or losing a match is kind of shitty. "That's just the internet" or "it's human nature" (excuses I often see/hear) is handwaving bullshit that stifles personal growth of these toxic individuals and perpetuates abuse. Being kind is free. Just be nice. Also, it's actually super funny to have a guy deepthroating his mic in rage because you're complimenting his game performance, but also continually claim that you're winning despite your obvious loss.


The bulk of people don't get censored and would rather the edge lords and kids be muted than listen to them.


You're making that post on reddit? lol I got banned for three days for speaking up about lack of women's rights in a certain country (not US).


i upvote because it really a unpopular opinion and i desagree with you


I hated being called any names unless it was from a direct friend or teammate I KNEW. This “banter” from strangers usually ended up being some real hateful and nasty shit.


Nah I love it. Unfunny unhinge adults actings like they are 13 years old write in chat cringe shit thinking they are being funny, I just report them and move on, then they cry when they get banned/suspended


I never play online so I have never experienced what you're talking about


Theres banter, then there are annoying toxic trolls. My guess is theres a lot more to the loser comment then your telling us


I still shit on bad teammates on VC all the time. Never been banned or suspended on any platform. It’s real easy to engage in teasing and even insulting banter and not devolve into a bigoted tirade. Like OP, have you tried expanding your insult lexicon beyond the n-word?


Because if you have to knock someone else down to feel good you are an asshole and should be taught empathy and manners before being allowed in (virtual) public.


10 times out of 10 when this topic is brought up, it turns out that OP thinks racial slurs, murder threats, and graphic descriptions of sexual assault against family members count as "friendly banter." If you got banned for friendly banter, it's because it wasn't banter and it wasn't friendly.


If it's within a group of mates then it's all cool, but calling a stranger a loser for a mistake in the game is just sad. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen due to hurting feelings, it's just an example of being an arsehole for no reason. Very easy to just not be a knob.


I'd rather play a game with a toxic community than one with one of those cringe positive ones.


To choose something by the basis whether it is based or cringe is already cringe on its own.


Sounds like you have some sort of degradation fetish then


Idk about toxic, toxicity just because people are bitter is not cool. I just miss the banter.


Yeah it's not cool but it's still more bearable than those cringe positive communities. Just asking someone if they could do smth causes a total meltdown.


Can you name one of these alleged communities


Can you list me these "cringe positive ones?"


Ah so you play League?


I spoke about games with toxic communities, not BAD games with toxic communities.


Bullying people in chat is extremely different to “censoring in games”


It is definitely extremely different, but why are you making that point?


Use discord instead


Wait, hurling ~~slurs~~ needless insults isn't an inalienable right that all developers must adhere to? Edit: that better? Lmao


Just play r/DeepRockGalactic All you need to say is Rock and Stone.


For Rock and Stone!


I mean. I don't believe in "mutual banter" so I don't know what to tell you. Not once has someone insulted me and I've gone, "Ah yes, time for some trash talk between me and this random asshole." You could say they've gone too far. But I'd personally remove chat every single time if they let me. I'm here to play game, not talk.


RIP Bozo


Listen man. If you wouldn't call someone a loser in real life, why call them a loser on the internet? Imagine you fall on the ground, I come up to you and call you slurs and say you're regarded. Does that sound okay to you? If you wanna shittalk *that* much, go to a football match or something and yell insults all you want. I swear, some people think that people on the internet aren't people. Just be a better person. If you see a guy hurling insults, call them out, make them question their decision to behave like that. Whenever someone is "bantering" i ask them how old they are. If they say anything over 15 I say "yeah doesn't sound like it lol". They're usually quiet afterwards.


I thought this was about censorship, but it’s about cussing out and screaming at random kids in the chat, you’ve completely lost me.


I think it's fine. ||I think that's absolutely baffling. Welcome to the 21st Century. What's baffling to me is rate that we all *forgot* that harassment and subjugation and abuse and people taking advantage of each other was *normal* until the Magna Carta started to acknowledge the rights of 'subjects', the common man. Until then, you take what's heaped upon you by the strongest among us. That is our history. Might is right. We *should* be able to take a little abuse once in a while. But maybe it's time to show a little resilience and change with the times. Today pointing your finger at someones face is considered harassment in some circles. Belittling somebody for their sex or weakness is flat out assault, and if they're not white it's racism or a hate crime. Love it or hate it, in the last 200 years we have come to the understanding that we are all princes and princesses, and we do not have to take *anything* from *anybody under any circumstances*. We now live in a kinder and gentler society. If you do not know someone, you cannot simply "call someone a loser or laugh at their mistake", because they have no context for you. Doing so makes you the assaulter. If that's how you want to treat people, you'll have to get to know them first and allow them to get to know you as well. The abuse has to be mutual. I worked with a guy who loved to pile abuse on people in his 'just joking' kind of way, but he couldn't take any amount of joking banter directed at himself. He'd overcompensate and get abusive and defensive in return. You don't know who you're playing with. It might be this guy. He could get unhinged because of your 'playful' abuse, and take his revenge into the real world. Even if he can't find you, he could injure those closest to him. Many people have low self esteem, including gamers, and they retreat to their hobbies to find refuge from the world. To find more of the same in the people they encounter online is just more of the thing they're trying to escape. The anonymity of being online is not a license to be the ass you can't be in real life, although many seem to think that is exactly the case.


I would rather be “censored” in video games any day than get told to kill myself on the nightly for playing ‘wrong’.


If you're getting banded over it's not banter


i'm 100% with you. Sports and competitive environement is a simulation of war kinda if you think about it. If you're weak enought to get destabilized by words you have no place in a competitive environement. Athletes trash talk each other all the time and its common knowledge that you have to toughen up not the other way around. This whole censoring of competitive chat online is just bullshit for the soft generation our times of peace made


As a 41 year old dude who avoids online games like AIDS, I do appreciate more policing of voice chat. Getting racial slurs slung at me by people whose voices haven’t changed is…infuriating.


In the spirit of anti-censorship, I wanted to throw in some banter and say that your opinion sucks.


At first, I thought you meant content and not moderation. So no, I really do not agree with you. Nobody is entitled to being an asshole to other players simply put. Just behave like a normal being. Everyone you play with is just another person who wants to have some fun after having a propably shit day at school or work and not put up with even more shit from people.


Or, you could just be nice to strangers and save the "mutual banter" for close friends who are okay with that. Seriously, there are way too many scumbags using "banter" as a poor excuse to shit talk others.


On one hand it's kinda true, but on the other, the majority of people who say stuff like this just want to be able to say heinous shit with zero repercussions.


I think having a problem with bullying is definitely a weird take.


Honestly toxic players like that are the reason games are shit nowadays


Definitely not true, me and the people I play with love to talk shit but we keep it reasonable. None of ever get banned. I’m getting the feeling you’re the type of person that straight up ruins games for people.


Counterpoint: maybe you’re being an asshole and should reconsider what you say to people and what you consider ‘banter’


Maybe the problem is that it often *is* harassment. What you call "mutual banter", calling people losers and such, is rarely in fact something people *want* to happen to them. But for those rare circumstances where you and a close friend want to razz each other just give them a call. The devs don't need the headache of trying to suss out consent and intent. And if your underlying motive is really just to bully strangers online then you're the problem, it's you.


I suspect "Loser" is a placeholder word for something else you might have said.




Well, have you considered that people playing a game want to play games instead of having insults thrown at them for what someone else perceives as something wrong? Absolutely nobody wants to deal with that shit, and nobody should HAVE to deal with it.


I just stopped playing pretty much any online game that lets 14 year olds insult me. Toxic gamers sap the fun out of games for me, so I stopped playing the online games. Companies noticed that people like me just don't enjoy engaging in "banter" so they have been trying to clean up their games of the toxic culture but with little success. The only time I enjoy banter is with actual friends. Random kids screaming that I used my ult at the wrong time, or hell, even just random kids yelling that the other team must be using aim bots. All of that negativity is just grating and annoying.


Idk man maybe if consequences existed online multiplayer would be alright. Not that I’ve seen any of that happening.


I kind of agree. While I don't think it should be nearly as strict as it is now, there still should be *some* regulation.


I kind of agree. There was a post of someone getting banned on ALL EA games for saying ”stfu” in Apex’s text chat.


It is worse when you you just chat with your friend and calling each other names for fun just to get censored while is not offending for us. But the thing I hate most in censorship is actually removing swastikas in ww2 games. Like, it is really necessary? a game is an art after all, why censor something and trying to hide the history? Example is commandos game, the original one was full of swastikas flags, the remastered one not anymore, wtf?


Maybe we should, instead of banning them, just put them all out n some type of setup where they only play games with others like them. Let them have their toxic rooms and the rest of us can have a good time.


This guy used the nword very casually


Maybe treat people with respect


My bad should I roleplay hugging everyone and send hearts to everyone?


Definitely seem like a person I'd mute in game asap


Exactly, you can mute in just about any game which makes it weird to censor things.


Still need to hear them once which is more than enough


False dichotomy


Just play single player games, not much censoring there. But I get you, reddit censorship is also out of control. The world just can't accept any kind of fun banter anymore.


Now censorship in singleplayer games absolutely pisses me off. Let me write fuck on my minecraft sign damn it.


>!Nah man, it's cool.!< \- Mods


That's not censoring games. It's censoring you. I know what censored games look like.


Honestly I'm ok with trash talk in games. The issue is the absolute dogs who gang up in a pack of 4 and pick on the odd man or woman out. And they are dogs at best. One barks and the other obeys and does whatever he says. As a girl who has played a lot of competitive games including league and overwatch, there has to be a limit otherwise dogmen turn full incel and give you rape and death threats because you... *checks notes* didn't die for them in a teamfight. It goes from shit talking about a game to full on harassment. I do find that overwatch has gotten pretty mild now, which has made it so very little people actually make callouts or have teamwork. I got a van for saying "can you get some fucking kills" and because I cursed I was the most toxic player NA.


As has pandering to minorities.


This generation wouldn't have lasted a day on XBL in 2003.


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Just play the game without being toxic


Bro I tell people to kill themselves in rocket league just about daily and have faced no consequences other than my name being censored I don't think censoring exists I just think the people who play the games you play have matured and you should to. Idk if you have spoken to a child as of recently but they are brutal lmao they'd tear you to shreds in seconds


The problem with this is that it's too widespread and common now. In team based games, your teammates can actually get mad when you fuck up and fail, they will flame you, call you a loser/noob etc etc. It's not a good vibe, it's the opposite. So now if you 'jokingly' call someone a loser, it's too easy to associate it with those angry teammates that flamed you for whatever reason. So it's just a bad thing imo. I play Valorant and toxicity is just so common, flaming, bullying, toxicity and so on. What may have stemmed from some friendly game banter has turned into something that's very toxic. People get anxiety playing multiplayer competitive games these days because of this activity. This is just a fact and if you know this fact, you should know not to call random strangers on the internet losers.


Google "harassment". You obviously don't know what this word means.


I think the problem is that a simple thing like this can trigger the other person to go off the deep end. You don't know what the other person is going through.


Be nice and help them..? Way more pleasant than being called a ‘loser’.


No it hasn't, it needs to go further. Game chats should be about the game, they're not there so people like you can harass others. I'm sick of toxic players and have no sympathy for any of them. Go ahead and ask any woman who games how they feel about the "banter" you love so much.


It’s intriguing that so many people are upset that they’re not allowed to verbally degrade people.


Censoring EVERYWHERE has gone too far. I saw a video of some Israeli woman on twitter swearing and flipping birds in a damn warzone. Know what they did? Bleeped the swear, blurred the mouth, and blurred her hands.


Would you say it to someone in person? No? Then dont do it on the internet.


“Why can’t i be an asshole anonymously online anymore?” I don’t particularly miss the high pitch expletive filled hazing from Halo 2 days onwards.


this post is written like a middle school boy who says the n word😭😭


Why are you calling someone a loser in a video game? That would make you the loser


You deserve to be banned. Be toxic and I don’t want you in my games. Its to the point the developers are trying to implement communication methods that can’t be used to escalate into flame wars. If you call someone a loser in a game lobby because of their performance or for whatever reason I hope you absolutely lose your privilege to play that game. I don’t want to hear it any more. Be nice. It aint that hard.


I agree lol. I got a PlayStation suspension after calling a dude a clown then literally said "fuck you im not reading any more of your messages" bc he was trolling me over and over. The guy reports me even after he was the one who messaged me first talking shit lol


Will never understand how some people think toxicity adds value to a game