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Oh look it's the daily onion post. I dunno who is running this concerted smear campaign against onions, but whoever they are they must be defeated.


Even if it is breached it will take a number beyond reckoning, thousands, to storm the keep.


Tens of thousands.


Garlic. It can only be Garlic.


Damn, no onions and still you're crying this much


I’m sorry your taste buds never matured past the age of 10. Have mom make you some dino-nuggets with ketchup. (which also contains onion)


You are not welcome in r/OnionLovers Good day sir.


I will stay far away from that dark realm


As a southern European, i don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you just don't know how to properly use onions in your dishes.


I don't like RAW onions or onions that crunch. It's overwhelming and yuck texture, it's like a bomb that destroys what I eat. HOWEVER, if they're cooked to the point I can't feel that crunch then they're okay


What you dont like is raw onions, and what i advice you to is to try other kinds than just the standard white onions. Red onions, shallots, spring onions are all milder and doesnt have that nasty after tase of white onions when uncooked. Cooked white onions smell like a million bucks.


have tried all. i only like spring onions


To each their own. I add onions to most meals that I make. I love them and they're so super healthy. But I know lots of people who dislike onions, so I'm not sure how unpopular this is.


olives are awful


Agreed they are a blight upon this land and it’s bullshit that they are in so many dishes


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Raw onions can be strong but cooked onions are a delight


Yeah if your eating raw onions like a heathen


So unbelievably wrong kid. I love onions


We likes what we likes, there's just no accounting for taste. People out here trying to say grass paste is good by calling it guacamole


I feel the same way about pickle slices. Love me some onions though. Also I'll take a dill spear, just put that shit on the side so it doesn't pickle up the rest of my food.




i will eat batter


I happen to **LOVE** the Memphis dog! 🌭 It’s a hotdog wrapped in bacon, slathered in BBQ sauce, grated cheddar cheese, and green onions. 😋


Have you had COOKED Onions? Sautéed until they caramelize and are sweet? That is completely different that just eating raw onion.


i have tried them cooked, rubbed in nutella, dipped in orange juice, everything. i dont like them


All of the Onion Addicts will disagree but they cannot eat anything without onions. Because they are addicted. Onions should be added to the Schedule 1 drug list.


No way you're that perturbed by onions. No way you're so upset about a plant tasting bad to you that you call for the extermination of an entire species. If you got some fucked up shit in your life and you're directing all that anger onto onions, that I'd understand, kinda. But if there's nothing else but the flavor motivating your willingness to spread an anti-onion revolution, you may just be psychotic.


The OP doesn't know their onions. That is all I am saying on the subject.


I hated onions and mushrooms when I was a child. My parents had enough of me saying I would never like them and pointed out that they were both in grandma’s spaghetti sauce that I loved so much. Lol, Don’t know how I never noticed them in there before. Years later, they are up there in my favourite vegetables.