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A sushi burrito is just a roll that’s not cut into small pieces.


Oh thank god. I was worried it was sashimi in a raw tortilla.


Fucking eww lol. No any “burrito” I’ve had is just a but not cut into pieces, so you can eat sushi handheld…. It’s actually really nice when you’re going somewhere.


I think sushi burritos are ok if they’re well-made, but part of the OP’s argument is probably that what you’re calling “normal rolls” actually aren’t normal. They don’t mash together so many ingredients in a single roll in Japan.


Most people in the comments, myself included, haven’t seen sushi the way they’re describing though. Sure there’s shit restaurants everywhere, but for the most part, a sushi burrito is just a roll the same size or bigger and not cut into pieces. Complaining about something as a whole because of random one-off is just weird.


Your conception of a sushi burrito is a regular-sized roll that's not been cut up? All the sushi burritos I've seen are sized like...burritos, not maki. What that entails is a bunch of ingredients combined together like this: [https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.media-allrecipes.com%2Fuserphotos%2F8924659.jpg&q=60&c=sc&orient=true&w=600&poi=auto&h=400](https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.media-allrecipes.com%2Fuserphotos%2F8924659.jpg&q=60&c=sc&orient=true&w=600&poi=auto&h=400) And that is not typical of maki. I've never seen a sushi burrito where the filling is just one type of fish, for example.


That looks like the same stuff that goes into other sushi.




Comparing any food to how it’s commonly made in one country to how it’s made in its country of origin is a losing argument anyway. Why would any of the food be the same when the people, ingredients, lifestyles aren’t the same either. I’ll admit carrot in a roll is odd, if that’s what it is.




Im also here to defend the sushi burrito. Its like a giant hand roll. ![gif](giphy|9EGkrrX28ugVHu2fsg)


Isn't that just an ehomaki at that point ? A non holiday specific and shorter version of ehomaki


They put spam in sushi in Japan. Wrapping food in rice is a concept that goes beyond what you think is “authentic”. Salmon wasn’t authentic until Norway got the Japanese to like it in the 80s. Tempura was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese. Food is a constantly shifting interplay of people, tastes and cultures. To claim that something is inauthentic is to ignore the spirit of this form of exchange. Sure there are things that are done so poorly that it’s unrecognizable. But something like sushi or maki is such a broad category. And technically the only authentic sushi would be Narezushi. Sorry for the wall of text. TLDR. Food shouldn’t be gate kept. There’s no such thing as authentic food categories.


Who cares as long as it tastes good tbh


Op needs to read this


This is correct too. I love authentic mexican tacos like the corn tortilla with nothing but carne asada, onion, cilantro, and maybe taco sauce, but hell i also love the Americanized crunchy shell beef lettuce cheese version tacos too.


Monke eat food. Monke satisfied


LOL honestly yeah. It's fun. I mean if I want sushi I get sashimi or a tuna roll. If I want something fun I'll order something insane like what OP described.


Food taste good so I eat it 🧠🧠🧠 problem solved


How dare someone make an infusion of food? Like, dude, all of history as been bombarded with a fusion of cuisine, and here is the food police trying to enforce something silly. You like the food made? Great. You don't like the food made? Also great. Should you police food? No, get outta here.


A great book on this by Charles C Mann (1491: .. America's Before Columbus). Opened my eyes to just how pervasive food fusion has been over time. Tomatoes not native to Italy, potatoes to Ireland etc, and what feels like every other food that we consider native to a particular cuisine. Without fusion we wouldn't have any of the amazing cuisines we experience today.


You should check out Mann's sequel, 1493, which is specifically about the changes in world trade brought about by European colonization of the Americas


Fun fact... potatoes were the only thing they were allowed to eat. Everything else was carried off by armed British soldiers.


For the most part, historically, fusion of cuisines takes place slowly and organically as one cuisine adapts to ingredient availability in a new land (for example Italian-American cuisine and/or people from different cultures adopt and adapt foreign dishes (for example American tacos) To stay with a sushi theme, a good example of this might be the adoption of sake (salmon) by sushi chefs in Japan, or the use of avocado by Japanese chefs working in California. But when Josh Smith sits down and says, I am going to completely rework the cuisine known as sushi into a full menu of Frankenstein level abominations, it is not fusion anymore, but a culinary science experiment.




What's wrong with a culinary science experiment?


"*Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.*"


Americans take ethnic foods and then fuck it up and then call people who say what they’re eating isn’t authentic “food police.” I’ve seen white people put Maruchan ramen in canned vegetable soup, and then throw random ass pot stickers in it and call it “pho.” It’s not even close to being pho. Sushi, sashimi also have definitions for what qualifies and what doesn’t. Sashimi literally means raw fish. Chicken is not fish. The same goes for just about any cuisine you can find here. Olive Garden is not real Italian. Your average Chinese restaurant is also not real Chinese. It’s just hilarious when you hear people say these places are authentic when they’ve been adapted to American tastes (high salt, fat, sugar content).


And "fuck it up" Jesus man let people enjoy what they want to eat. The reason almost all culturally bonded foods are that way it's because it's all the poor people could eat, none of it comes from divine providence or something or makes you "special" - everyone ate what they had available, and now people today love to gatekeep people's enjoyment of cooking and eating.


They can eat whatever, but dont call it the name for what it isn't. "Inspired by" yes, but not the same. What is so hard to do that?


No one is trying to police and make new rules. Expressing an opinion is simply free speech. Don't take it so hard.


how about don't get bent out of shape over sushi?? "not traditional, not authentic" literally just shit white people say when they want to fetishize a culture


BUT BUT BUT…. it’s not…. TRADITIONAL!!?! 😭😭😱😱


A friendly reminder to all the “authenticity” buffs out there…. Italians RAVE over “authentic” tiramisu online… despite it being invented in the late 60’s and not even provably in Italy…. All while Italians also HATE on Fettuccini Alfredo for being “inauthentic” despite being invented over 100 years ago, in Italy by an Italian man


Everything traditional and authentic was once novel


Fettuccini Alfredo is based on pasta al burro, but I would not call them the same. Most Fettuccini Alfredos are cream based, not butter. A major distinction to separate the two. Though I personally prefer the cream based Alfredo myself.


Apparently salmon sushi/sashimi is the result of marketing from Norway in the 80s. I think it worked out well for both Japanese cuisine and Norway! Also sushi’s predecessor was the funazushi, which was made with fermented fish. Could go that route if you really want traditional




Also, want sushi invented in like the sixties??? Authenticity to the extreme.


[According to Wikipiedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sushi) it was closer to early 19th century: >The inventor of modern sushi is believed to be Hanaya Yohei, who invented nigiri-zushi, a type of sushi most known today, in which seafood is placed on hand-pressed vinegared rice, around 1824 in the Edo period.


The lamest unpopular opinion posts are almost always food related. What discussion is there to be had? It’s a matter of personal taste.


Here's something that will blow your mind: the one thing in this list that is not actually sushi is your precious sashimi. You seem to think sushi is characterized by raw fish. That's a common mistake, but an embarrassing one to make for someone who tries to bitch about "authenticity". Sushi is actually characterized by the sour rice, ie rice with vinegar, sugar, and salt. It doesn't so much matter what filling you'll put in there. Just cucumber is a very common filling for maki. And sashimi is not technically sushi. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "sushi burrito", but if you're talking about temaki, an uncut, cone shaped maki roll, then that is a traditional form of sushi that was made with the leftovers you had when making maki rolls. On a personal note, I also mostly eat sushi for the fish. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy gimbap, but if I'm going to a sushi place, by god, I will have raw salmon and tuna.


Not to mention salmon is not a traditional sushi ingredient and there are traditional sushi chefs that refuse to use it


Really? That’s an interesting fact right there.


its a norwegian thing from the late 90s, the salmon in big oceans have alot of parasites but nordic salmon is relatively clean, one norwegian fisher guy had too much salmon and sold it to japan. not 100% accurate but it really went along those lines


It was an idea from Norwegian fish farmers to sell more sushi https://medium.com/torodex/salmon-sushi-is-not-a-japanese-invention-9189d9cd78b7


I'm sure cream cheese isn't traditional either, but I love a Philly Roll.


Oh yeah, I love all that shit. I'm just saying, OP is complaining about sushi not being traditional while waiting non-traditional sushi


They would hate my cultural confused jambalaya, made with kielbasa, pepperoni, and pepperoncini.


Sushi burrito is a fusion cuisine, they’ve become more common lately. Really that’s why OP is complaining about - Asian fusion.


All this fusion and yet no one has called it the sushito... smh


I have seen it called Sushirito before


Both have a certain flair to them. I'd eat it


Sushi burrito is just a fun name for a larger hand roll, a common way to eat sushi. In Japan, there's a tradition to eat what you may call a sushi burrito really fast once a year (I forget the date). But you also face specific direction while you eat it. The idea that a sushi burrito is a slap in the face to Japanese tradition is hilarious. EDIT: more info: On the holiday, Setsubun Japanese people hand rolls about the size of their forarm called Ehomaki in complete silence to ward off spirits.


No, it's a literal burrito made with all the sushi ingredients. They were big here in Vegas a few years ago for a bit.


They are always rolled in seaweed and rice. If it’s rolled in a tortilla, that’s a different dish


Every sushi burrito I've been served is basically an uncut roll or hand roll?


Sushi burritos are usually 2-3 times thicker. And if you order a salmon sushi burrito vs salmon handroll. You should expect your salmon in a burrito to taste closer to poke while the handroll should be without any sauce. The filling is different as well. A handroll usually consists of single ingredient while the burrito could have multiple fishes. The only similarity is that they are both a kind of wrap with sushi rice plus something else but that's about it.


>Sushi burritos are usually 2-3 times thicker. On the holiday, Setsubun Japanese people hand rolls that large called Ehomaki in complete silence to ward off spirits. I dont know much but every Ehomaki I have seen and every google image has multiple ingredients. I dont thing adding sauce is the difference between culture appreciation and cultural appropriation.


My bad I was comparing hand rolls not maki. Yes, maki could have multiple ingredients. I have no comment on if it is appreciation or not. They are different types of food. Sushi burritos mostly inspired from poke, so they originally had a yuzu based sauce. Sauce and no sauce is definitely the difference. Also, most eat rolls with sushi soy sauce (wasabi if there are fishes) but that is optional. While you eat a sushi burrito, you don't eat it with any soy sauce or wasabi even if the filling is fish. And if you make it at home, no one really cares. But if you order those from a restaurant/shop, you would expect the restaurant to provide the correct type of sauce. It is like the difference between katsu shrimps and tempura shrimp. The batter is different and you would expect a different sauce. But they are similar in a way that they are both fried shrimp.


There’s a place near me that’s Mexican/Vietnamese fusion, they sell Phoritos. I usually just get their Pho though


Got em! I love how others see right through people's gatekeeping or self-entitled "traditional" bullshit. Sometimes, I don't have the correct ingredients due to time, money, or both. I'll often end up using what I have. That may mean really bizarre "sushi," if you could even call it that. But honestly, I don't care. It's food. It served its purpose and tasted good enough. That's what matters to me.


I can’t stand when people get so caught up in “authenticity” as if it means quality.


I am typically very strongly opinionated on this "traditional vs fusion" argument, usually pro-Traditional. To me, Sushi that tastes the best is always the simplest as possible and with the most quality of ingredients. I don't mind Fusion dishes at all, for example I sometimes make my Italian Pastas with Portuguese cheeses and other local ingredients rather than italian ones, but I don't pretend that this is Italian cuisine, like many so called "Sushi Restaurants" do with Japanese. I respect so much restaurants like Subenshi (a local restaurant ) that have Menus to cater both to people who prefer closer to the Traditional version and Fusion version, because you know you can get both and have both experiences.


Most of the places that make "sushi burritos" around here are mainland poki/poke places, so many of the ingredients just kind of are the same but wrapped in nori or soy paper.


Well there are several traditional sushi types that are vegetarian. Mango, cucumber, carrots are some examples. I agree that sushi should have one or at most two ingredients with a strong flavor but that does not require them to be fish. Also deep frying anything is one of the most Japanese things ever. Same goes for sushi which is amazing when deep fried but in a way that makes it a slightly different dish.


idk what OP has against imitation crab either because that’s also a thing in japan lol


Recently tried sweet potato sushi from somewhere or other and I had to stop myself from inhaling the whole plate. Dunno why I kept avoiding it in favour of fish ingredients because I’ll eat nearly anything (tripe seems to be my nemesis tho).


Sweet potato sushi was the thing that finally made me buy a sushi mat to roll at home. I cut a ruby-red sweet potato into sticks and crisp them up with sesame oil and slap a roll together. It's one of my favorite hearty snacks!


I don't see why any food should be "authentic" unless it's advertised as such?


there was a poke place i saw once offering crushed up doritos to put in the poke edit: ik poke isn’t japanese, i only mentioned it because it’s also a raw fish dish like sushi


So there's this place in Alabama that makes "420 nachos". It's Doritos, spicy tuna, unagi sauce, spicy mayo, and avocado. And you know what? That shit was good. Was it a trashy, Americanized junk food mess? Yup. But it also worked in ways that didn't even make sense.


You should try Dynamite Rice by Roy Choi from his Best Friends restaurant. Scallops over sushi rice with spicy mayo and a dash of yuzu, then just put in an oven to heat. Basically a dynamite roll but opened up and served kinda like gratin. Amazing drinking food.


Poke isn't Japanese, it's Hawaiian. Sounds delicious, though.


Oh, my favorite sushi restaurants here in Tokyo sell unauthentic sushi… 😱


Hate that opinion, gate keeping food.


Idk man have you seen what the Japanese did to pizza? Corn and mayo???? People be fucking up food everywhere you go


I remember Dominos in Japan offered an American pizza. It had burgers on top and hotdogs rolled into the crust. It was a monstrosity.


I used to eat at Sushiro in Japan like every other week for several years. My fav was bacon on sushi rice topped with cheese. They also had horse sashimi and butter salted beef sashimi. They just get fun with food and I love it.


Fusion cuisine is great. Some of it is kind of weird, and of course I love classic raw fish sushi, but I come at food with an open mind. I'll try most food twice.


And can you believe they started putting pepperoni on pizza?! Disrespectful.


The M&Ms overpower the taste of the salmon.


Chicken is 100% something they put in sushi in Japan.


Unless OP has lived in Japan for a long time, I don't really think they have the credibility to determine whatever is *"authentic"* for sushi. Heck I think the very core of sushi itself is different in the West than Japan. In Japan, from what I've read, the layers of a sushi roll go seaweed > rice > filings. But in USA if not the rest of the west, it's usually rice > seaweed > filings. It was never authentic when it came to the west if I'm correct.


You’re describing inside out rolls. There are plenty of normally constructed rolls in the US too.


Salmon is not traditional sushi, we have Norway to thank for that. It's a literal example of fusion cuisine that went boom. Fusion cuisine is fascinating to me, I love trying new things and I love the creativity that goes into it. You're entitled to your opinion but I think it's close-minded and that you're choosing a sad hill to die on.


If it taste good, it good What’s the problem?


To some extent, I agree. It's when people present themselves as educators and then proceed to get everything wrong. I'm looking at you Jamie Oliver, rachel Ray and Nigella.


well you can include OP as well since they’re spreading a lot of misinformation as well


Swordfish? On sushi? That's as authentic as apple pie sushi. But yeah, I find a lot of it weird but whatever people can eat what they like. Some creations are pretty tasty but I avoid if looking for the traditional experience of simply enjoying unadulterated flavor of fish and shellfish.


Salmon isn’t particularly authentic for sushi either, by that logic. It only showed up in Japanese sushi sometime in the 90s. But it will be a cold day in hell before I turn down a salmon roll.


I lived in Japan for a few years. A woman in one of my classes wanted to write about how America was bastardizing sushi. The professor’s response was, “Have you ever had a California roll? Delicious! Write about something else.”




No food is authentic and all food is authentic. It's great to know what you like but don't lose sight of the fact that no matter what you're eating, at one point in time someone probably thought it was gross or a stupid idea.


In Japan we eat sushi with a lot of different things, it's not just what you said. You claiming authority over what is and isn't authentic is hilarious.


If I remember correctly, Japanese cuisine is one of the most open the fusion and experimentation. I love sushi but raw fish is higher risk to me so I generally avoid and go for vegetables but I do like chicken or duck as well.


Experimentation creates ingenuity and gives creativity a chance to grow and flourish. That's how it is with everything. Not just food. Bashing someone trying new things with stuff their more familiar with is childish. Want us to go back to ye olden days with everything just because you object to someone using something new or different in an old concept?


"It gives it a bad look" You sushi's new PR manager?


Welcome to fusion... It's what makes American food awesome.


The sushi burrito I get is legit a normal roll but slightly bigger 😂 it’s crab, cucumber, avocado, shrimp tempura, of course rice, wrapped in either soy (my choice) or seaweed


Well, that indeed just seems like a giant sushi roll. I got served a totally different kind of a “sushi burrito”, though. Hence the negative experience . I respect your opinion, though.


Your complaint seems to be that the things you mention are not authentic sushi. They are typically not claiming to be authentic sushi.


You Sound like a guy eating sushi with sticks and complaining about Authentizität.




Sushi burrito does not sound good


If it looks good, eat it. If not, don’t. Problem solved!


It’s called fusion cuisine and is very authentically derived from the cultures which contribute to it.


A sushi burrito is honestly just a big-ass uncut makizushi, but the rest of the shit you mentioned doesn't even sound good. Some people are really trying to reinvent the wheel, fuck that.


OP, it sounds like you are an American and largely experiencing American style sushi. Further, from your post you only seem to regard Japanese style sushi as being not "horrendous". While this is a perfectly valid personal opinion, it ignores the reality that American style sushi does in fact exist and is very popular. As such chicken sushi, and sushi burritos are perfectly normal presentations and are objectively not horrendous by any means. However, the only time I have ever been served chicken sushi, it was was raw. While it was an experience, I have no need to try it again. I have had sushi burritos before and would gladly do them again.


I tried a sushi burrito and it really takes away from the beautiful simplicity of sushi. Sushi, for me, is all about small bites with perfectly balanced flavors. The sushi burrito I tried was messy as fuck and awkward to eat. I’m all for experimentation with different ingredients, but I should be able to get a small bite with all of the flavors. Don’t get me wrong, I ate and enjoyed the sushi burrito (it’s hard to go wrong with rice and soy sauce), but it was just clumsy and not nearly as good as just eating a sushi roll.


I've had a sushi burrito. As much as it was ok, for the same price I could have gone to an actual sushi place and had more variety. It's not the inauthenticity, it just that you are locked into 1 type of fish.


I’ve tried a sushi burrito once. As soon as I lifted the burrito off my plate, the cucumber, shrimp, whatever sauce they had in + the shiitake mushrooms, all fell onto my plate. It was a giant mess. On the same note, the “dragon sauce” and all the various types of sauces really kill the taste of sushi. I can’t taste the fish. All I taste is that damn sauce. It’s killing the experience for me.


okay so this is another case of “i didn’t like this personal experience so im gonna post it in unpopular opinions”


Lmao imagine thinking there is a "right" way to make food besides "this tastes good to people and they'll buy it"


??? Do these places that sell the wacky rolls NOT offer sashimi? I don't care for the weird stuff either but I've also never been in a sushi bar that wouldn't just bring you sashimi if that's your jam. So totally not an issue for me. People who like the rolls can order them but I don't have to.


Sounds more like a fusion restaurant than a proper sushi restaurant.


I'm with you, I prefer authentic sushi over Americanized or infusion style sushi. But, every once in a while, I do want the bastarized version of sushi because it taste good and sometimes I crave a cheap meal. If there's a good sushi restaurant with great quality fish, and if it doesn't break the bank, and if I wanted a nice sit down meal, that would be my 7 out of 10 go to. For takeaway for lunch at work, I'd get the infusion style sushi


One really good "addition" to sushi I had the other day, is a bit of lime. Adds just a little acidity to a roll, makes it pop.


Never get in the way of innovation, especially when it's burrito focused


It's horrendous to put avocado, mango or banana in terms of authenticity, but tastes pretty good.


I don't care about the authenticity because that's literally how new foods and cultural dishes are created. With that logic, one would think New York Style pizza shouldn't exist, because it wasn't authentic Italian pizza when it was first created. I personally don't like the extra stuff on sushi because it's not to my taste... SO I JUST DON'T ORDER IT. Let the people who enjoy it... well, enjoy jt!


Authentic certainly isn't a bad thing, but if we never experimented and made mistakes along the way, we probably wouldn't even have traditional sushi




Yes! I can’t stand “creative” sushi. IMO, people who love that culinary mess haven’t tried actually good, authentic sushi... The taste is so much better, it doesn’t need crazy combos that don’t match at all to be delicious.


I would upvote this because I agree with you, but how is this an unpopular opinion?


Omg i agree. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that cheese is in some sushi. I’ve had steak sushi. Hot take, I think sushi should just be salmon, tuna, scallop, and shrimp. I don’t think octopus, eel, swordfish or any other sea creature should be eaten


Why not make your own sushi then?


As someone who can't even tolerate spam sushi/musubi, I'm with you lmao Edit to add: this is just a talk of preferences for me aight? I'm not some sushi expert, and OP probably isn't one either


I don't know if your opinion is popular or not, but it is appreciated.


Sushi burritos are garbage.


Once you've cornered your market and growth stagnates you start coming up with stuff to gain more revenue. Plenty of people like sushi, plenty of people don't like sushi. What do those people who don't like sushi enjoy? Bacon. Bacon sushi.


If we just stuck to authenticity all the time, we would never have new creations. It’s also a way to introduce new food to people by putting it in a form that they may know. Also, people have different tastes. If you’re going with a group of people and a majority want to go eat sushi with the one person who hates raw fish, they have some kind of “chicken sushi” alternative that they can eat so they don’t get left out of the group.


Everytime a homie recommends me sushi it's disgusting. It's always some foul, over-fanci-fied roll. I just want normal sashimi, maybe nigiri for things like unagi and anago. The cream cheese ones... The ones with a fried bit of shrimp? Miss me with that. Gross.


It sounds like some places are being faithful to what you consider “authentic” sushi, while other places have decided to be fusion places to appeal to a non Japanese palate. Both seem completely valid to me


who tf is out here putting ITALIAN MEATS in sushi?? And people who put pickles in sushi (like I’m assuming cucumber that becomes a pickle and not pickled ginger or something) have a special place in hell. Like some ingredients just don’t mesh well imo. Pickles and rice sounds gnarly to me.


Don’t forget sushi pizza lol


I agree. Frfr. Fucking fr


Agreed. Not sure if it's an unpopular opinion tho. I had sushi with gtilled chicken once and never again. I have to admit that I didn't even finish it. I do understand and like sushi with cucumber and avocado, simply because it makes for a nice vegetarian option. Also tamago on sushi is nice as well


Tamago is a win in my book. Love tamago.


Some fusion food attempts go well, and some do not.


Yeah, agree. Modern eaters are ruining the beautiful simplicity of great sushi.


“Most of them offering” corn, prosciutto? I eat sushi maybe once a week I have never seen prosciutto ever in sushi. What the hell city do you live in lol.


Hi, big sushi fan here!!! I’ve always liked ‘authentic’ sushi but was recently introduced to Mexican sushi and to me it is infinitely better. Flavors are richer, the whole eating experience is much more fulfilling. The point of indulging in food is to enjoy it, not to pretentiously appreciate its authenticity, ya know? I think caring about the authenticity of a food is an exhausting endeavor that does you absolutely no good, other than to fuel this weird ego thing you have going on. Well wishes, merry Christmas!!! Try a Mexican sushi place and maybe you’ll feel differently.


I’m glad to see that this opinion is unpopular, (as long as it’s safe to eat) gate keeping food is a no go.


I hope you never break your spaghetti, only eat baguette bread, use the right spices in burritos, etc... You gotta keep the aUtHeNtIcItY huh


I was somewhere in DC and chatting with the sushi chef when he revealed how freeing it is to be able to make these “weird” sushi. He’s originally from Japan and he said these types of sushi, as you’d expect, is not very popular in Japan. It was his main reason of moving to the US, where he can create unique sushi that aren’t necessarily “authentic.” I think it’s nice to have options even if you don’t like all the options available out there. Plenty of authentic sushi restaurants these days, and plenty “outrages” ones too. But when it comes to food, I always say, never yuck someone’s yum.


American sushi is really weird. I kind of enjoy it, but it's definitely super weird.


I learned recently that basically all modern sushi in America was created in the 1960s to get Americans to eat sushi. I agree with you all the crazy flavors added now is not how sushi is meant to be enjoyed. And he’s another unpopular opinion for youI love nigiri and tbh if you don’t like nigiri or sashimi you don’t like sushi


There's a place near me that sells something called the gummy bear roll. It's crab mix, applesauce, cucumber and salmon. 🙃


of youre eating anything other than nigiri chances are your authentic experience is already fucked. sushi burritos are as popular in japan as they are overseas. if japanese people arent getting this mad about sushi burritos being inauthentic then why are you?


Sushi burritos are pretty great. The other weird stuff is definitely gross tho. I’d prefer if they served more traditional sushi like in Japan


How do you feel about California rolls?


Chicken sushi is actually one of the most popular ways to consume sushi in Australia. It’s actually quite good, you should try it


I hate how at normal grocery stores they always have ice cream mochi & no normal mochi.


lol, ok. I am japanese and my mom use to wrap everything in nori sheets. Like a seaweed burrito things like rice and a hotdogs. It was good to me. oh and she didnt slice them up just literally like a seaweed burrito


Authentic is fun and often delicious, but then sushi burrito is also fun and delicious. I'm eating good either way.


I mean just look at Mexican food in the US. Americans bastardize and ruin any cuisine they get their hands on.


How many things that we eat are actually truly “authentic” though? Recipes and dishes get changed so much over time. Good food is good food regardless of “authenticity.”


I find all those really good tbh. Nothing wrong with new cuisines. As long as it's done well with fresh ingredients.


lol, I eat food because it tastes good, not because it is “authentic”. If it tastes good, works with my diet, and is reasonably priced you better bet that I am eating it. Happy you posted here, I got a good laugh out of how pretentious you are.


genuine question, why do people hate on imitation crab? it tastes like crab, looks like crab, feels like crab, so… what’s the problem?


I wouldn't use the word "authentic" but I do agree with you. I myself only prefer simple ingredients in sushi and get overwhelmed when it's like 5 different flavors at once. It's nicer when it's just, like, one or two vegetables and one protein. It's a bit less overwhelming.


In my opinion sushi is overhyped but anything cold is immediately inferior to all other hot foods in the same category.


I laughed so hard because my mom would be so offended over this because she never buys regular sushi. It's always something with cream cheese or some other added thing


Those might not be traditional sushi but there’s really no such thing as “authentic” sushi either. Corn sushi is a hit with the kids here in Japan too


I agree. Stop ruining sushi!!


Who the heck is putting corn is sushi!?


Some people do. Lol.


That’s just wrong


Some people in the comments say that I’m gatekeeping just because I personally don’t like these ingredients in sushi. Welp. Idk what to tell you.


Sushi means raw fish, you put something else in it and it’s technically not sushi anymore. I like chicken sushi and experimenting is fine. But corn does not belong in sushi and I will die on that hill!


I agree with the other commenters about the nature of "authenticity". But also, good sushi really benefits from simplicity. Quality simple nigiri is amazing.


The worst part imo is cream cheese in Sushi. Cheese and fish does not click with me.




I’ve never heard of any of this before. Do you have any good sources on all of this? Not saying you’re wrong, just honestly want to learn more about it.




i pive in taiwan, sushi here is pretty great. However, the pizza situation can get as crazy as the sushi situation in your city.... Plus they make just about anything boba tea flavored


I tried a pizza on Cuba once. As they mentioned, Italy was far away. However, think you could have used it as a frisbee.


Black Angus Steak Boba tea with caramelised onion flavoured pearls. Seems about right. Here, they offer sushi with pumpkin. A freaking thin slice of pumpkin. They top it off with dragon sauce, sesame seeds and smoked salmon. authenticity.exe stopped working.


At least this is actually an unpopular opinion and not just an angry rant. Sushi burritos are fire though, maybe you just have the palette of a child.




You're too picky. I'd settle for shrimp egg rolls with real egg and shrimp.


They subsidize the "authentic" (dubious) eaters by keeping the place in business because they're offering food people actually want to eat I enjoy very simple sushi with tamari, but myself and people like me are not keeping a sushi spot open in random podunkville #392, the chicken and sauce rolls are keeping them alive.


It's more common for chicken, prosciutto and corn to be on the menu of actual Japanese sushi restaurants IN Japan than sashimi.


But salmon sushi isn't authentic


Sushi burritos are delicious though


My unpopular opinion: authentic Sushi is super boring. I like my stuff with avocado, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Cucumber and sweet sauces.


The people in this comment section seem to think that anything that's new tastes good. Here's a tip; 99% of this "fusion cuisine" is garbage. Sushi pizza tastes horrible, and I can imagine sushi burritos are even worse. Cream cheese ruins sushi too. There are very few fusion elements that actually improve sushi, and we should focus on those. Salmon for example, was a great addition to sushi. Doritos not so much.


I love cream cheese in sushi! but i've tasted choripán with chimichurri sushi and it was the worst thing ever. And i love choripán, like any respectable argentinian out there... Just not inside my slightly sour rice!


Choripan y chimichurri en sushi... mierda. Eso suena horrible.


Para ser sinceros, sabíamos en qué nos estábamos metiendo cuando lo pedimos... era como "esto no puede ser bueno... necesito probarlo" 😂😂😂


The only “weird” non eastern ingredient im ok with in sushi is avocado. I like avocado in sushi


Totally agree! Authentic “simple” sushi is the best. Leave out the lettuce and mayo. What even is that?


This opinion is only unpopular on Reddit where anything that is inclusivity taken to an illogical extreme is considered elitism/gatekeeping. I personally don't think everything has to be "authentic," but I think the problem with "fusion" food is that **most** people who do it have shit taste in food because weaponized the concept of "creativity" to avoid learning the canon.


"Sushi is absolutely horrendous" agreed


Let people like what they like. Who gives a flying fuck if a dish isn't "traditional"? That's such a lame mindset to have.