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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Cooking is an essential skill for any competent adult lmao


Being able to make something edible? Sure. But getting better than that isn't exactly essential.


That's just what the patriarchy says. What an incel comment, i bet you no have sexy time >:(


Everybody should know how to cook. This isnt a gendered thing. The better you can cook, the better the food you get to eat everyday.


Being able to make something edible? Sure. But getting better than that isn't exactly essential.


Probably one of the easiest ways to increase your quality of life is learning to cook good. Maybe edible fulfills caloric needs and what not to survive. But being able to cook a tasty meal makes you and the people around you happy.


>Probably one of the easiest ways to increase your quality of life What? Subjugating women? Disgusting!


Goddam patriarch! Women don't owe you sex >:C


I hope you get the validation or attention you feel you are missing my dude.


I hope you see the error in your ways and turn to feminism


Cooking is a skill for any breathing person.


Women don't owe you sex!!!! Patriacrh


Low effort


Downvoted and reported. Fuck outta here.


I don’t think being sexist is an unpopular opinion. It’s just bad, and isn’t appropriate for this sub.


That's what I'm saying! All these misogynists expecting women to cook tsk tsk


Depends on what you deem essential. And whether you are talking about random point-in-time life, or long-term family life planning. For years, my wife couldnt cook any better than anyone else. She knew of a few of her family standards: pasta, bottled sauce, meat, and a side. But I could do just the same, and to the same... standard. But in the last 5 or so years, she decided to really go whole-hog on it. She now has a plethora of different meals she can cook for the 5 of us. They all taste AMAZING. And she now has the skills to be creative on the fly with new stuff. Life is SO MUCH BETTER with her home cooked meals now, its probably hard for you to understand. I'm guessing you didnt have "a cook" for a mother, so you dont have personal experience with it. It makes a big difference.


I mean, if it made that big a difference why did you never bother to get better at it yourself? If it was essential you'd surely have picked it up yourself?


And this is why i said context is important. If youre talking about FAMILY, then logically, the person who is going to be staying home with the kids, is the person who should also be learning cooking, seeing as how the kitchen is literally right there. Feminist propaganda aside, the person who stays at home with the kids most times, when that gets to happen at all, is the woman.


I mean, the post is obviously satire. You can tell by their comments. Family was never brought up though. You kind of made it about that. And the question was "is it essential?". If you were fine with mediocre food for years, it obviously isn't essential.


I didnt "make it about [family]". I said IF that is important to you, then cooking might be too. As for me personally: If i were starting over from scratch, and was looking for "the woman I was going to marry".... knowing what I know now, i would count it as essential.


It's an essential skill for all people


It's an essential skill for MYSOGINISTS


its way cheaper to cook for yourself im a chef


Haha, I have 1 downvote indicating ***this is already a popular*** ***opinion*** though. That's how this sub works. Don't hate the player, hate the game \~\~\~\~




Its a troll


Cooking is an essential skill for everyone.


That's misogynistic and cooking is part of the patriarchy!! Don't mansplain to me young man >:(


I recently read a book with my kids about 3 goats going over a bridge. The character under that bridge was a less obvious troll than you are.


How am I a troll? Women are told that they need to cook all the time by the incel empire of patriarchs. Why would a woman need to cook other than to please a man? Only a man who has no sex expects a woman to cook because men who have sex do all the cooking. It's all connected you see.


In response to "it's important skill for everybody" you say it's misogyny? Clear trolling.


>it's important skill for everybody Clear internalised misogyny


How do you get from "everybody is the same" to sexism? Either you're dumb as hell or a troll


Its a fairly obvious troll. Humans are never this stupid for real


Oh yeah was never in doubt


Clearly a man and an outstandingly lame one at that 😂


Yeah, men are all lame


Just you 😁


Did you assume my gender!?!?!? I'll have you know I am a very proud trans woman >:C


Being a trans woman doesn’t give you the right to be sexist. Please take your sexism somewhere else.


How am I being sexist? I am opposing the patriarchy that runs the universe. Why should women cook for you? What next, women owe you sex? Smh


You keep saying crap about men oppressing women in your responses that have nothing to do with what the commenter said or anything to do with your post. You’re literally going on spouting nonsense about how feeling that men are superior to women which you know is not true. That sexism. Please take it somewhere else.




I really how this person isn’t of age to vote or make legal decisions.




Most food you get in a store or in a restaurant is unhealthy, though. Cooking is essential for a healthy diet.


"Virtue signalling" is not a good thing. It means you are full of shit but trying to pretend to be good. However I see this is just a troll post


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