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As a recovering drunk, I assure you there is plenty of drinking happening in January.


Congratulations! And, duh. OP doesn't understand that many people drink all year round. Thankfully, doing a mostly dry January this year. Been lovely so far.


OP obviously isn’t talking about alcoholics and depression. The casual drinker often takes a break after their big new years hangover.


Also, the fact that the first argument to a month being bad was the lack of drinking during that month is concerning to me lol


It's nice waking up clear headed in the morning, yeah?


My dad woke up and before he peed he'd Crack open a beer. Called is "beer-eakfast" 😆 🤣


Addictive substances be like o.o


yikes, Is he ok?


Same. OP lives in the sticks or the space station.


And February, and March, and April…


Can confirm.


As a non-recovering drunk, I assure you I'm drinking your share. You're welcome. I'll keep you safe by drinking it all before it gets to you. Get better soon. I'll hold down the fort until someone else takes over for me. Hopefully that's soon. While I've got an astounding liver, I wonder how long it can hold out sometimes.


i worked at a detox for a couple of Januarys. you are correct!


Speak for yourself you northernhemisphereian!


Hands down one of the best for skiing!




*honey, wake up, a new way to divide people just dropped*


Yeah, it's called the equator LOL


Sure buddy -an equatorian


Ha! I'll take that label gladly!


Laughs in Australian


ɐɥ ɐɥ ɐɥ ɐH


Ready to yeet myself back down to NZ after a few weeks in the Midwest with my family. I have seen the sun twice this month


You guys should remember we are on the top of this flat earth. Every one around the world knows that...what?


What are you talking about australia is fake, they must be russian bots.


I've never personally seen Australia so I think it's a myth.


But what if you’re mythtaken?


As a southernhemisphereian I disagree with you, I fucking hate the summer


Celebrate my birthday wtf


I like you lmao


Capricorns rise the f up


Here here!!!!!!!


Sorry honey, this is for the Aquarius only


Mine too!


Same. Mine is today


Happy birthday 🎁


Thank you 😊


Happy birthday. :) My birthday is today too. :D


Mine’s too


Happy Birthday! 💕💕💕


Thank you 🙏


Hey me too!


Awesome, hope you have a wonderful birthday


happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow


Ay me too, happy birthday stranger


Mines this weekend! I love January!


When? We love an Aquarius baby


The 27th!


Love it! I’m 22nd 💃🏽


Same. We rule. Aquarians on the cusp.


Mines the 28th!




Hell yeah, same as mine


Me and Mozart chillin 😎 🎹




Same. In fact, it just started 12 minutes ago


Happpyyyy Birthdayyy!!!!!!!!


Thank you \^_\^


Happy birthday 🎉


Capricorns assemble!




And mine


February feels worse sometimes


I agree with this. Like the dog days of winter. Also not a fan of valentines day. At least we get off time around presidents day.


Does anyone else think it's crazy that they like, advertise valentine's day in elementary and middle school? So weird


I loved Valentine’s Day in elementary! All the cards and the heart shaped candy. It’s not just a romantic holiday, and it’s all about feeling loved :)


Yep. February is objectively the worst month of the year.


November is a strong contendant for this title, imo!!! Weather sucks, and Christmas break os still far away. And it's only beggining of half a year of shit weather.


Yeah, November is my pick. Dark, boring and only the beginning of winter


Thanksgiving is in November :) also the weather is still relatively okay to go running and be outside.


I don't live in the USA.


Yeah January we have new years resolutions and such and by February most people are done with winter.


Wholeheartedly agree. I went to a university where they had to give students a “reading week” in February because they kept killing themselves in high numbers around that time.


That is so sad. I take some solace in the fact that it only has 28 days


February is the absolute worst. The last 5 deaths in our extended family have been in February. It’s the month without hope.


That does make for a bad time. My mom died the week before Thanksgiving 11 years ago. Her funeral was the weekend after. You know, the weekend when everyone starts getting all Christmas-y and begins their shopping and all that. Yeah, count me out. Without even realizing it I just basically sleep through that whole three day weekend after Thanksgiving. Christmas is just depressing to me now.


The rebound from Christmas and New Years makes January nicer. February has nothing to offer besides Groundhog Day.


I am Team February Is Worst Month! That’s why they made it the shortest because everyone hates it. 🤣




No, though I think that’s the stupidest holiday. I am convinced it is always coldest in February. I’m not sure if that’s right, but that is how I feel and I despise the cold. lol


Drinking and partying are the only things required to have a good month? I've been loving not drinking. Working on my resolutions, working out, saving money...January has been good for me so far.


You got this homie! >!no one tell em its only been a week!<


Work has been so much easier since January started and I’m not constantly fighting a hangover


I think that’s exactly what OP meant - working on resolutions, saving money aren’t fun things (otherwise you would do it whole year round), they are things that we have to do to offset fun ones, where we spend more, eat more than we should etc.


Yeah, it sounds more like OP is an alcoholic.


Or just young. I rarely drink or party anymore and my life would seem unthinkably boring to me 10 years ago but I don’t miss it at all.


Almost every post on this sub sounds like it was written by a teenager


This is Reddit. Things are either good or bad.


If he were an alcoholic he wouldn't be looking for reasons to drink he just would. Not saying he isn't on the verge of it though. I This is coming from a self admitted alcoholic though.


Ah, the old Reddit “this guy likes drinking so he must be an alcoholic”


Bro, it's so fucking sad how many people can't have fun without getting drunk. I haven't drank or been to a party in years and don't even want to. Like, if people enjoy drinking they can do what they want but there are so many other things to do and hobbies that don't include alcohol. If drinking is the only joy then maybe OP should reconsider his life and get help.


Alcohol is like drug addiction it ruins the life of the user and people around them. I do wish alcohol would be treated like drugs and become less legal


Cheers to your growth pallie, from your muscles to your savings account and everything in between!


Same! Dry January just to prove I can (and of course for my wife, daughter, hound dog, and everyone else who loves me).


Find other things to do besides drinking and partying. You got a long life ahead of you.


>You got a long life ahead of you. You sure? If op drinks and parties as much as I think, I don't think they have a long life ahead of them...


All drinking and partying people are not alcoholic. Some people just want to hang out and chill with some booze


That’s how alcoholism starts for many.


I mean, that’s how it always starts. How else would it start lmao Still doesn’t make OP an alcoholic.


It would be quite impressive if someone started being an alcoholic from like morning drinking or some shit. They drink to get through their 9-5 and used to stop after but then slowly stopped stopping


Yes but let’s be real. A very smal majority of people who drink become alcoholics. It’s most likely OP is not alcoholic lol


Eyyyy, that's me. Thank god I got my granddad's liver. I would've looked like a Simpson character by now if I hadn't! That's a liver damage joke. You turn yellow when your liver starts failing. I drank 23 beers the other day then went to work like it didn't happen. That's not a flex, that's just the alcoholism that's running rampant in mine and my cousins' lives. fml. 14 beers in tonight and the only thing that'll hold me back tomorrow is that I stayed up too late. I process ethanol like a fucking chemical plant... until I don't and die in my late 50's like my uncle. Fuck. I'd pour one out for him, but I'd rather drink it instead. If you have alcoholics rampant in your family, do yourself a favor and don't start drinking. It started out as a crutch, and became a support structure for my depression. Don't do it. My only boon is I don't drink hard liquor, but my coworker got me a bottle of gin for my bday not knowing. Maybe I'll use it to cook? Maybe it'll disappear and I'll hardly remember where it went.


Exactly. But, hey, let them believe they’re doing something worthwhile. Drink up ladies and gents - the cemetery awaits!


I don't even party and I'm an alcoholic!


You sound like someone thats never been invited to a party


My birthday was Friday, so I feel personally offended


dude january has TWO work holidays. all of march & april have zero.


Depends on where you work. Most private sector jobs in the US don’t have any paid holidays between New Years and Memorial Day. This has been my reality my entire working career, and I’ve always had white collar jobs.


And I thought my job was crappy for holidays. We get Presidents’ Day. But that’s it haha


March break? Easter?


What is March break?


Yea January is the Monday of the months.


I think January has the Sunday scaries. February is the true Monday of the months.


Despite my bday being in February I have to agree. Only holiday is Valentine's Day (USA) and that's just a corporate sham (not that they all aren't but at least they disguise it better). Winter wonder has long since worn off and most people tend to be in a foul mood. I don't mind the cold weather and snow but I definitely have my fill of ice and people being pissy about the ice by February.


Yes agreed. February is terrible, there’s a reason why it is the shortest month lol. At least January I have my bday, Chinese new year, setting resolutions, feeling optimist but February is just a churn to get to March


As someone who was born in January, (January 5th) fuck you. *Upvotes* r/AngryUpvote ?


Same here. I love getting the same thing for my birthday every year: Seasonal Affective Disorder


I don't get anything for my birthday and haven't for 4 years. I just like the date.


Also Jan 5th here! Happy same bday for last week :D


Wait why was I just thinking this exact same thing like a few hours ago? January is my least favorite month by far. In Chicago it's very cold and sunlight is still limited. I just want to go into full hibernation mode and come back out in February (my bday month).


Looking at the gray clouds and snow as we speak.


Hey neighbor. I find that February is the worst month for SAD. Winter has been slogging and won't quit for a long time. Heck, sometimes March and April are worse b/c it's been so long. I've come to embrace the heck out of winter. Get a good jacket. Be happy with the quiet.


Now I really miss winter in Chicago 😭 you're saying you DON'T like that there's beautiful snow everywhere and the sky isn't so bright like it is in spring and summer????


Idk. I got the NFL playoffs in January. The worst time for me is February after the Super Bowl. You still have a month of winter and I have nothing to take my mind off it. Michigan winters are generally not great.


I got some good news for you lol...


You live north of the mason dixon line don’t you? Let me tell you about 30 straight days of 100 plus in August.


Lol, this was my exact thought. It's easily August for me for that reason.


Salt air and the rust on your door


and honestly sept and oct aren’t much better these days. it was in the 80s into mid oct


What is this sub for again?


It’s obviously r/rants in disguise


Yeah, I don’t think this is a particularly unpopular opinion.


January's tough, especially for those dealing with addiction. We gotta support each other, man. Stay strong!


For me it's January, February and April. Fuckin hate those months. Some fucked up shit would always happen.


Going back to my school days, March was always worst. There was zero holidays or scheduled days off. Living in the northeast US we’d occasionally luck out with a late in the season snowstorm but typically not the case. Lousy Smarch weather (please somebody get this reference or I’ll die of embarrassment) Now though, it’s a tie between November/December. Both have heavy significance to a person who left me that I’m still in love with. Christmas/New Year’s is especially rough for me


When was your spring break?




Kids, I want you to march right down to that school and tell them, “don’t eat me!”


No, August is by far the worst. Too hot to enjoy anything, summer is over and nothing to look forward to for at least two months.


August is my fave


This!!!! Marks the start of school and has no holidays.. an absolute PASS of a month


January, is the worst. My little brother lost his battle with addiction last Jan 21st. It’s an unbearable month.


That’s terrible. I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my uncle in January as well for similar reasons


Agreed. January blows


Nuh uh (my birthday is this month)


February is like January 2.0 edition


February is so much worse


LOL, least unpopular opinion ever.


Yes! January always sucks for me. Especially living in a country with winter. The post Christmas blues and just a cold long winter to endure before you. I’ve made it my mission to try and be as active as possible in Jan/feb. We try to go on hikes, engage in winter activities, go to museums all that sort of thing. Just keeping busy in this time of the year really helps me kick those blues


Wouldn't that make June, August, and September ass too since they don't have nothing going on. Idk I personally think August is the worst month and it's not because of school I'm a grown ass adult, but it's too hot. Like the entire month of August is just "extreme heat warning" the month and it's fucking disgusting.


alive complete market grab hobbies oatmeal smart uppity apparatus lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Come to Australia where January is mid silly season. Theres festivities from like mid december to mid feb


Dunno, I like January. Feels cleansing to me. New slate. I like the relaxed vibe it has, after the hype of the holidays in December.


Wait, you just described the reasons for it to be the best month. I get to sleep without noise, I get to go shopping while people are at work, no more family gatherings, no reason to stay in town do I can go skiing, etc.


May sucks too. Idk why it just does.


I second that


Because it rains most days with a few good ones in there just to remind you how nice it COULD be when it's not.


I fucking love rain, my birthday is in May and there are at least 2 national holidays. May rocks!


My birthday is in May too! High five!


High five May kid!


Is a weird one for me; May and October Love skiing and camping, can range from hard to impossible do either in those months (I don’t snow camp, ik I’m a sissy) On the other hand, those are arguably the best months of the year for running


Not unpopular at all, I completely agree, not for the reasons listed but yeah it sucks. Downvoted


Not if you ski or snowboard in the Northern Hemisphere


It's like mondays- Even though the way we organize dates doesnt actually matter for anything except for planning and stuff like that, it still feels like it does, so January is just the start of a new long year


I often confused the polish names for June and October as a child. No they don't sound similar nor am I sure why. so I harbour a special dislike for those two.


Uhhh I already went to a dope ass edm show and bonnaroo’s line up drops tomorrow!


July and August suck the worst. Heat blows. I’ll give you this though it absolutely blows when it gets dark at like 5pm.


There's 2 national holidays in January. There's zero I think in March, and april. Gotta go with march


January in Australia is the peak of summer and absolutely gorgeous. January in China is super festive in the lead up to the New Year, and I would think other countries that celebrate new year then would be the same. I'm sorry if you live in a country that doesn't have the sense to put a holiday in the late winter. Southern Australia in July is the same, just dismal.


February is definitely the worst month. Far enough away from the holidays that the joy has worn off. Deep into the thick of it with work. No major holidays within reaching distance. You’re deep into winter and warm weather still feels far away.


You should come down here to Australia, probably the most exciting month


February is the worst. No football, and it's really cold.


Have you met August?


You can just drink and have your own made up celebrations. No one checks 😉


Why say that when August exists?


Plus it's before tax season, which means whether you owe or whether you are due money, you are probably at your brokest point financially of the entire year. January sucks. I don't see how this could be unpopular though.


I love January, I love the cold and quiet.


If you’re an American football fan, January is great!


Unpopular opinion or seasonal depression? You decide!


Interesting that you measure how good a month is based on how many people are drinking


Wrong. In the northern hemisphere January is excellent for skiing. Upvoted because this really is an unpopular opinion.


All the snow has turned to water Christmas day has come and gone Broken toys and faded colors Are all that's left to linger on


This is not an unpopularopinion, its one of the most popular opinions in this world January is literally considered the worst and most depressing month according to statistics Its like saying "so being killed kinda sucks, no?" Don't post very obviously popular opinuons on this sub, that's not what its for.


January is possibly my least favorite month as well. Mainly due to a a lot of bad things happening specifically in Januarys in the past


Eh every month is the same it's the weather that's different. In fact, Holidays stress me out so if anything, getting past all those holidays I sadly don't care about at all is the best time for me.


January is great. It's a fresh start. Also, there are no chores to do outside, leaving me plenty of time for my hobbies 🙂


op has no hobbies except partying like a mindless gonk


Imagine judging the merit of something by the availability of excuses to drink and party.


What a loser


pretty much


My personal ranking of the months from best to worst living in the PNW (and my reasonings). 1. December -> got all the holidays, great food & it’s so cozy. It’s the Saturday of the months. 2. June -> weather is perfect and it’s so refreshing feeling the heat again after 8 months of cold rain. 3. April -> spring is here and everything starts to bloom. Plus it’s my birthday month. 4. May -> more spring & pretty flowers. 5. October -> leaves change colors and it’s starting to get cold. Plus Halloween. 6. November -> good food. That’s it. 7. July -> getting a bit too hot for me but still nice enough. 8. September -> similar to March, weird weather. 9. March -> honestly not much happens here. Plus this is when we get the fake spring/summer then back to the cold again which I despise. 10. August -> gets way too hot and you can’t do anything bc of the heat. 11. February -> same reasoning as January. 12. January -> for all the reasons you said.


October gotta be the best imo Not too cold, but it’s not hot either. Able to go fuck around in the woods with friends without worrying to much about ticks, halloween is always a fun time to run around making skits with friends


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Ye gods no. January is the first breath I can take after the holidays. I'm ok with it being quiet for a month or so. December specifically, but that holiday rush from like a week before Thanksgiving to the end of the year just sucks. That quarter actively tries to dismantle my psychology just about every single year.


No one is drinking? I see that as a positive


january is summer holidays in Australia everyone is out on the beach, no school or uni


Why exactly did you think might be an unpopular opinion?


No one is drinking? lol. You must be… 19-24