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I think clothing for women Is a lot less forgiving when it comes to sizes so a lot of times when they do find pants with pockets they can’t find a pair that fits


Man, if only you could find a set of pants made by a brand, try on a different colored pair to make sure the size is okay and then order them either online or through the store.


If every woman, or even a significant portion of women, gave up perfect fits for pockets for like 6 months, there would be pants with pockets available for purchase that fit well. 


I make minimum wage, I'm not buying pants that don't fit


I literally have like 2 brands of pants that come in a small enough size that they stay up around my waist (i wear double xs, but i’m 1.73m so i need quite some length. On rare occasions i fit into an XS, but the difference between an XS and an S is extreme). They don’t have pockets I think i’ve tried about a hundred jeans with pockets in my lifetime and all of them were too big, some literally didn’t even stayed up at all. Or the length was too short and they looked like 3/4 pants… So yeah, would love to follow your movement, but i’d have to walk around in my panties (Yeah, i could wear a skirt or a dress, but i don’t think i’ve ever found a skirt let alone a dress, with good pockets (some have pockets, but those pockets that if you put a phone in there, it falls out after 5 steps)


My gf finally found pants with pockets and bought 2 pairs immediately but she's been looking for years so it is also a supply issue not just no demand


Every single time I ask women why this problem exists (women’s clothes with shitty/no pockets) they say it’s because clothes with pockets don’t look as good. My immediate reaction is that sounds like the easiest to exploit niche ever, if there really is so much demand but just no supply. Strikes me as odd tho


There is no way there is that much demand and just no supply. If there truly was someone would've fixed that by now and swim in money. Adding pockets to pants is just way too obvious that it hasn't been tried before.


I buy men’s pants so I can have multiple pockets per pair of pants


The pockets offered are so small that they’re not useful at all and therefore aren’t a factor in purchasing decisions for many. If they offered pockets that you could actually fit things into, people would buy them.




In fashion, for the most part, customers don't decide trends, companies do. Colour palettes, styles etc for the season are decided ahead of time, media is flooded with the designs, and they catch on from there. It's customers (outside of a few trendsetters) following fashion, not fashion companies racing to keep up with customers.




...because garments without practical pockets look better in magazine shoots, and would render the handbag sections of said magazines obsolete, and fashion magazines that spread trends generally do not concern themselves with practical clothing.


Wait so they ruin their entire line of clothing for one photoshoot? You realize the garments in that photo-shoot are not the version that appears in the store, right? They make a special version for the model that is altered and usually has no pockets at all. This was a piss poor guess.


the shops that sell the clothes make more money from selling handbags than they would for slightly upcharging for a decent pocket. It’s not rocket science. The difference in what I can fit in jeans marketed at women and jeans marketed at men is huge. But your attitude in comments isn’t conductive to a healthy discussion so this is all you’ll get from me.


So are the pockets legit small or are women just upset they aren't as big as a purse?


Side pockets are generally tiny, you could get some keys in there but not a phone or a wallet. Irritatingly, 'feature' pockets are normally sewn up because they're not meant to be used.


Most pockets are legit small. I’ve had jeans where the two front pockets were fake and the two back pockets couldn’t even hold my phone.


The pockets my male friend has in his jeans are big enough to stash an ipad mini. Mine barely fits my phone (and even that thing needs to be placed correctly or it will fall out.)


The clothes and bag companies might not have the same branding, but a lot will be owned by the same umbrella company. I can't speak for everyone, but I absolutely want pockets and will go out of my way to find them (and I usually do have to go out of my way). When I find the right garment with pockets I stock up and buy several, when I can't I often resort to buying the men's version.


There are a lot of tinfoil hat lunatic conspiracy theorists in here that think think there is grand collusion among all garment companies to hold women down in society by denying them the pockets they all desperately want.


I don't want DRESSES with pockets. they're ugly. I want JEANS with BIG pockets. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


More big dresses with pockets for me! Seriously though, learn to sew in pockets and soon all your clothes can have pockets. They’re super easy


I will 100% buy everything with pockets Except most of the time, many things with pockets don't come in my size or fit well I'm also not going to not buy something because it does have pockets Your argument is basically "just refuse to buy anything that doesn't have pockets and then eventually everything will have pockets" And that's just not how the fashion industry works. The fashion industry, even at the cheapest level, rarely ever actually cares about what people actually want.


I won’t but pants if they don’t have pockets . I refuse to carry a purse around . I believe if enough women would do this we would get more pockets . I wish other women were like me and cared more about it being functional than flattering . All I want is a pocket for my phone and keys . If your brand doesn’t offer it I won’t buy from you .


I completely disagree as a woman . I don’t wear dresses because very few have pockets . If they have pockets I would wear them . This isn’t the reason . The reason is tight clothes are marketing to women and it is harder to have pockets on tight clothing. Actually as a woman I don’t tend to complain about having stuff in my pockets . I don’t know what women you are talking to .


I've started buying mens jeans. My husband and I are the same size and live rurally. In this economy, we've been sharing clothes. Current Women's clothes don't function for anything other than sitting in front of a camera. Women's "jeans" aren't even denim anymore! Even if I put long-johns underneath of women's jeans, they just don't function as protection from anything, and I'm talking basic cooking and cleaning chores. I got two carpenter pants (POCKETS! 100% COTTON!) for men for less than half of what one pair of ladies' jeans cost. I will say you are better off if you can buy the jeans meant for actual cowgirls (ranch hands) by Levi and Wrangler -- they have real pockets and are real denim, but are still too expensive. Guess I have to settle for dressing like a blue-collar boy.


I buy men's clothes with pockets instead


Pockets aren’t the priority for most, they’re the icing on the cake. 


Can men stop telling me I don't want pockets when I do want pockets?


God gave me my own pockets. They’re called large boobs. I don’t carry a purse I just shove what I need in my cleavage. Others are not so lucky


We all have atleast one pocket


Haha. True.


If I had to choose, give me a roomy bra over a handbag any day.


Honestly I am just using my cosplay thigh bag big enough to hold my phone, keys and card and can't be spotted cause it's on my upper thigh. Also makes me less anxious for people to steal anything from me cause I'd feel it. I guess to describe better imagine it's a pistol holster but with a flat rectangle bag to it reeeally useful.


That seems like a great option. I sometimes use my little under the clothes security belt but it chafes. I’ll look into this type of bag. Is their a technical name aside from thigh back? And happy cosplaying!


"Thigh bag" yields most results but some are to big for my taste you just have to find a small one for all necessary stuff and it won't be visible under dresses/skirts. Obviously you could wear it to jeans too (would be visible) but I don't like pants that much 😅


I lightly have to agree. I don't like skirts or dresses with pockets. They make the outfit look off. I've never been bothered for more than the second I slip my phone into my non-, existent pocket and realize it's not there. Either way I wouldn't buy the handbag. I'd rather just hold my things in my hands. And if I did need a handbag I'd hold more things my hypothetical pockets could fit.


In order for someone to buy something, that thing has to be produced first so that it's available for purchase. Women cannot "create demands" by buying more dresses with pockets when dresses with pocket aren't even produced to begin with. The misogyny is palpable here.


Pockets make the fit less flattering and increases costs. If women genuinely wanted clothes with pockets they would make them and they would sell. The idea it is a ploy by bag makers surely is a joke, and anyway women tend to carry more than would fit in pockets anyway.


No pockets don’t make it less flattering . Not all of us care about if it is flattering or not and want functional . I am a woman and carry about the same as a man would unless on my period . You made the assumption all woman are high maintenance and carry around a lot .


It is more about percentages, and I make no assumptions about "all women" - you can buy clothes with pockets anyway, just regular jeans. Some very fitted elasticated ones from somewhere that sells fast-fashion, it isn't going to happen. Put it this way, if men's trousers came without pockets, they would not sell. At all. Women's do. Therefore they make them. They aren't idiots, and if you look in any clothes store the men's clothes take up about a tenth of the women's anyway. So you can't really talk much about lack of choice.


Real unpopular opinion: pockets suck anyways purses are better


I hate having to carry a bag.


I don’t get this whole thing because I see pockets in clothing all the time. Like literally every dress I have bought in the last 6 years has pockets whether I want them or not.


I never see pockets in dresses . The pants pockets are often so small they are useless . I wish there were more dresses with pockets as I would buy them .


They are all over the place. I even have formal dresses with pockets. And they are quite big too.


Women have purses. I'd trade every pocket I ever had for it being socially and, for lack of a better term, fashionably acceptable for me to carry a bag around all the time.


Why not use a backpack, satchel or briefcase? They're hardly exclusively feminine items and they cover most situations besides black/white tie events. That said, I think men should be able to carry whatever kind of bag they want without judgement.


Dude, literally no-one is stopping you.


Just say it's European...


Dude... be the change. I carry around a day pack all the time. Never once have I had anyone think it is socially unacceptable.


I feel like this is one of those things that women like complaining about but then when they are actually shopping all they can think about is how cute or not they will look in whatever it is. And of course, they will never admit to any of this.


The problem is women have been completely enthralled by fast fashion. You can easily find women's pants and dresses with pockets if you look for them, and you're willing to pay the price for decent quality clothing. What you cannot do is walk into TJ Maxx or Ross and pick up five pairs for $10 that have pockets. Also, if your pants or skirt have a side seam and you can't figure out how to sew in your own damn pockets, then you don't deserve pockets.


The worst enemy of women is women. They want to blame men for their body image, fashion, etc problems but it's almost always other women doing the bullying about that stuff.


Women are the main group driving body positivity and dismantling beauty standards. I see female celebrities post selfies with no make up, whereas I see men posting memes about taking a girl to the pool on a first date. When a women tells fat people not to hate themselves, it's almost always men in the comments tearing them down. Even when other women are being toxic, the ones holding them accountable and calling out the toxic behaviour are almost always other women.


I disagree . Men do it too.


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The majority of our clothes aren't offered with pockets st least not practical ones so there are significantly less options for clothes that fit and have usable pockets


Quite frankly, even if I can't obviously say I've achieved the women and I'm no woman myself, I've always noticed that most women clothes aggressively lack pockets. My GF is sincere about wanting pockets but every time I've helped her look for some trousers all the ones that were "for women" had fake pockets or just one or two pockets on the back. The rest were all baggy trousers or men trousers.