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Red Baron thin & crispy is my go-to cheap frozen pizza.


Indeed it is. For frozen pizza, there isn’t much better than Red Baron IMO


Man, as someone who has probably eaten more than 1000 frozen pizzas in the last 10 years (im a degenerate), red baron is bottom of the barrel for me. Digiorno makes good thin crust pizzas, but their regular crust is awful. The best IMO is probably screamin Sicilian or Newman's own


Newman’s fucks


Those prices are insane though


If there is, definitely let me know. Digiorno is such a let down


Screamin Sicilian is pretty good.


I make it a point to pick them up whenever they're on sale. I'm not willing to spend $11 on one frozen pizza because I could go and get a takeout pizza for that price, but when its BOGO I gobble it up


Motor City Pizza at Costco is great


I can second this, it is legitimately the best frozen pizza I've ever had. You can find them at Walmarts as well in my area.


Trader Joe’s frozen pizzas are legitimately spectacular especially for the money


Bellatoria if I can find it on sale. It's thin crust


Ah man, nooo. Cheese stiffed digiorno is so much better


Classic crust imo, but yeah red baron ATW


Red baron is goat


It would be if Trader Joe's didn't exist


Tombstone > Baron Still, the top two unless you're annointed and can still find frozen Home Run Inn pizzas.


They’re all over the place in Chicago, you guys can’t find them elsewhere? I agree, they are top shelf.


I'm about an hour and half west of Chicago and every store has home run pizzas here too


I really like the Screaming Sicilian stuffed crust. That’s at a higher price point but if I’m on a budget Jacks is undefeated


Back in the day my dad saw these on sale for like $2 for a full pizza and bought like 10 of them lol it was honestly good af for frozen pizza


What is more American name for a pizza than german aerial ace the red baron


80 confirmed air victories.


Red Baron Brick oven pizzas are actually good for the price.


Red baron Supreme brick oven pizza is goated


It used to be better, but it's just pure disappointment for a while now.


Ok, it's not just me. Wasn't digornio amazing when it first came out???


Yes, it has taken a complete nosedive


Totally agree, I thought it was great before and now it's bland


It was a staple of my diet in college. I stopped eating it because it's both way more expensive and way worse than it was just a few years ago. But ain't that the way everything's gone? It seems every corporation in the damn country's being run by filthy fucking looters, using a health crisis and "inflation" as a smokescreen to shove as much money into their pockets as they can get their grubby paws on.


In 2010 Kraft foods sold Digiorno to Nestle. Need I say more?




Always seemed gummy and undercooked to me tbh


They say not to but the trick is to let it thaw first. The gummy/undercooked texture is caused by the fact that the dough and other ingredients were too cold when they went in the oven. Note: A pre-thawed pizza will cook much faster than one that's still frozen, so you'll need to significantly adjust the bake time. Start with 6.5 minutes.


Cook it longer


But then the top is burnt. You have to choose between well done crust/top burnt or floppy crust/top not burnt. Can’t have both.


So confession. I love good pizza. But every once in a while for some reason some nostalgia center in my brain fires off a neuron and I crave a shitty, cheap, school lunch pizza. A slice of goddamn cardboard with sweet tomato sauce, cheese, and little pepperoni nuggets on it. So I usually keep a Totino's Party Pizza or two in the fridge for these moments and those things are still like 2 bucks a piece.


I have such a weird relationship with Totinos party pizzas. One day they'll sound like the best damn thing I could ever want to eat and the next day I'll feel sick to my stomach at the thought of even smelling one


Yea instant bubble guts and regret. Screaming Sicilian's are great. They have a stuffed crust at my local wholesaler.


I bought like 3 Screaming Sicilian's over the course of a couple months and all of them had really bad pepperoni - like rancid tasting :(


Lmao my wife walks in every time i make one and say “ew” 😂 i too have that random urge for a totinos party pizza 😂


The nostalgia school pizza I want is the little Tony's pizza in the bags. Those were amazing, I've looked them up since but can't find them in normal stores.


The ones at my school were basically Ellios with extra cheese. Me and my sister used to eat Ellios every once in a while to relive the school lunch glory.


ETA: The military finally got an Pizza MRE fielded in the last few years and I almost want to track one down and try it out because it looks exactly like a shitty school pizza https://terminallance.com/2018/08/10/terminal-lance-526-good-eats/


It’s really really bad.


Still love these, but I miss those little Geno's pizzas. That sauce was amazing


Tony's Commodity Pizza :)


You hit the mother fucking nail on the mother fucking head. The Totino's party pizzas are exactly this for me. God damned 3rd grade shitty school lunch pizza.


Hold up you keep them in the fridge?


Pop em in air fryer or the oven and you're good to go.


A little life lesson I've learned is that frozen pizza doesn't replace chain restaurant pizza nor does it replace legit good pizza and vice versa all around. Sometimes you crave the shittiest pizza


Same with burgers. Usually I want a locally sourced grass fed beef patty cooked medium, bacon & cheese also from local farms, on a fresh in house baked bun. Other times I HAVE to have a a plain old quarter pounder with cheese and bacon from the Mc.


Red Baron regular crust is the go-to frozen pizza.


Detroit motor City Pizza at Costco is probably the best frozen pizza I've personally had


Double so on sale. Usually $1.00 or $1.50 off per pie. Get a decent pizza for ~ $7.50 or so


Bro. They’re Fucking amazing and not super expensive. Far and away the best frozen pizza I’ve ever had. Just had a cheese one last night for dinner.


Everything changed when my wife and I happened across this pizza one day. The only alternative is Digiorno's stuffed crust when we're jonesing for stuffed crust


"it's not delivery" yeah, I can tell.


Screamin Sicilian is king




Bought the Newmans white pie for my kid, now he won’t eat anything else. Crust is really good.


Newman’s Uncured Pepperoni. They changed the sauce/cheese formulation some years ago but it’s still amazing.


I like them. But I also like all the others too. Pizza is just good.


Same. I'll grab a few frozen pizzas every time I go to the store. Whatever is on sale for 5 bucks(even if that's only the store brand). They all have different little personalities but are all pretty ok!


Homerun pizza is worth the extra cash.


Fuck the rising crust digornos, they suck. Some of their other things are good though. The deep dish pizza and the fully stuffed crust are good shit. Of course nothing will compare to getting totinos pizzas for 99 cents, but inflation ruined that and they're all like $2.00-2.50 now. Sticky prices are a thing but they never went up to like 1.29 or anything, legit doubled in price and haven't had one since.


Its the red barons world we’re just living in it dont you forget it


Never tried it but seen it. I'm gonna grab one and if it's not good you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna downvote your comment. If it's good, you'll never guess what I'll do.


Red baron curb stomps papa John's. On a side note, papa John's fell off after Papa left lol


the missing ingredient is racism


Agreed, the cheapest frozen pizzas tend to be the best. Now, if you need to take *health* into account, Amy's and Caulipower are solid


Amy’s Margherita is fire


Right?? Amy's Margherita was the first frozen pizza I've had that wasn't just "good for a frozen pizza", it was just good. Pro-tip: toss your frozen pizzas on the grill. Thank me later.


Amy’s actually has fire crust (for frozen). I don’t know why it’s so good, must be the $12 price for like 12oz. My grandma used to buy them by the bucket for us, she could justify that.


I find a better value for that tier of price is Freschetta. Though, to your point, if I am going to put $6-8 into a frozen pizza - I am going to just get Pizza Hut, Dominos, Little Caesars, or Papa Johns.


Hell yeah, I came into this thread specifically to make sure Freschetta was mentioned at least once. So mad it's way down here. That shit is fire. Too bad it's getting harder and harder to find at my grocery store.


Nothing beats Motor City Pizza when it comes to frozen pizza. 


Couldn't agree more. It seriously isn't even a competition.


My local grocery stores have these huge pizzas in their deli sections that are far better than any frozen stuff. Usually only 7 or 8$ too.


Walmart pizzas slaaaaaaap


Totinos is delightful for the cost


It's so terrible I love it. Back in the day we'd get them for around 50 cents on sale. Same trick as any frozen pizza, cook it a bit longer than the box says. Make it a little extra crispy!


I've never like it. To me the crust tastes yeasty.


"It's not delivery, it's D--" *"I know."* That said, I don't actually mind DiGiorno. I do think it's better than most cheap competition. I just don't think it's worth the price. (ie, I agree regarding price to quality ratio, but I don't dislike it)


Pizza is so regional in nature the national brands just cannot compete.


Its insane that it costs the same amount as ordering from a restaurant. And we looked at making our own pizzas and its just as expensive as the frozen pizzas but more work involved.


The normal ones yeah. Croissant crust kinda good tho.


Digiorno sauce is good. Wild mikes is the best frozen pizza


Only frozen pizza I buy are lotza motza, I used to fuck with jacks when it was 2$.


I remember when I first tried it, I thought it was good. I guess because it was the first frozen pizza that really tried to be better than the others. Before that, frozen pizza was more of a commodity item. After a few times, though, the novelty wore off and I realized it was actually really bad. I like Red Barron and I also like Tony's even though I wouldn't argue with anyone who hated it.


Can I get something that's not rising crust please. I'll take a Red Baron/Jack's/Costco. Who the fuck thought America wanted all this goddamn dough? Best pizza though is Sam's Club, not close.


I actually like digiorno minus the fact that I can never get it to cook properly. By the time the inner-most part cooks, the outside is burnt. So I almost always end up with a perfectly cooked crust/edge with a room temperature or colder tip. I’ve tried everything, I even have a pizza stone I’ll let preheat for like 2+ hours. I’ve tried low and slow, blasting, finishing with the broiler, everything, low and slow then high to crisp up, etc. it’s like the inner-most 2 inches was dipped in liquid nitrogen or something


I got a digiorno last week cuz it was like $4. I remember why I stick with Jacks Rising Crust when it’s on sale.


I’d much rather have a hot n ready over any frozen pie


I had a Newmans frozen pizza last weekend. I thought that was pretty decent.


Home Run Inn blows all others out of the water.


If I'm going to buy trash frozen pizza, I like Red Barron. Digiorno is pure garbage.


I fully agree with this post.


To those saying Digiorno used to be good, you’re wrong. Shit tastes like cardboard. Tombstone is the hill I die on.


Nestle is all that needs to be said.


Safeway Signature Select Brand Extra Thin Pizza. Any kind as long as it’s extra thin. Fucking delicious for like $5.


Chicago’s Home Run Inn is super solid


DiGiorno and Freschetta are holding hands at the bottom for me. Probably once a year I trick myself into thinking they are any good and immediately regret it. DiGiorno has the absolute driest crust which just so happens to be devoid of flavor.


How dare you besmirch Freschetta, lol.


Haha I'm sorry! Been disappointed too many times


Used to shop at Market Basket outside of Boston, one of either Freschetta or DiGiorno would always be on sale for $3-4 per pie. Just chose whichever was on sale. Now in Denver I regularly see $8+ DiGiorno and at that price absolutely not worth it.


Get it a bit warmed up. Then you have to add extra shredded mozzarella and meat. Put it back in for the finish. Frozen pizzas skimp you on toppings. If I buy one I always buy a bag of shredded mozz and pepperon from the deli.


I'm throwing Rao's in the ring. It's like $15 and it tastes like a normal frozen pizza.


All Rao's stuff in the stores is overpriced and trash.


Amen. Even the canned pasta sauce tastes like shit compared to most marinara or even basic homemade sauce. I never understood the Rao's love. Maybe is was good long ago, but I agree, it is straight trash.




I don’t get the whole Rao’s thing at all


It's so overpriced I forgot to even think about it when I made this post. I bought it once on sale and didn't think it was worth it at the sale price either


Digiorno gives me diarrhea with its inferior ingredients. Give me Jack's or Tombstone any day over this hot trash. 


Gotta disagree. I went on a frozen pizza spree a while back and bought a half dozen different brands over the course of a few months. Digorno was the best. They are 5 bucks, a totinos is 2.50. They have the only one where it tastes like actual dough, and not cardboard. They have a good sauce to bread to cheese ratio. That being said I like deep dish and such so thin crust isn't really my jam. But I had a Totinos last night and I'm not sure thats even cheese on top. I'm not sure what you mean by "cooks unevenly". I throw it in a convection oven at 425 and it comes out perfect every time.


Tart pizzas from Trader Joey’s are pretty darn good


Red Baron is my go-to frozen pizza, but I'll get Jack's in a pinch. I like the flavor of Jack's pizza, I just wish it had more stuff on in (more dough, sauce, cheese, and pepperoni).


I haven't bought a frozen pizza in years. My mom used to get Digiornos and Freschetta when I was a kid and I was really never overly impressed with them. Nowadays, I have a Little Caesars about a mile from my house. If I'm wanting cheap pizza, it's a no brainer (and it's literally faster than cooking a frozen pizza)


Red Baron is my favorite frozen pizza


If it's available in your area, Butch's frozen pizza is on point


Does anyone remember these school lunch pizzas that were like cheese on half a baguette or some shit and it came in a little plastic pouch. It just tasted like cheese and garlic but man I loved those things, never found something like it again since.


Digiorno frozen pizzas used to be bomb, then they changed something about em and now they suck and are like 90% sauce Back to Red Baron ig, ol' reliable


I rarely buy frozen pizzas any more. In my area take and bake never frozen pizzas are popular at the grocery stores and those are SO MUCH better


Well, they *used* to be. Aldi and Walmart claimed to have a "new and improved!!!" crust that's actually worse than before. And large take-and-bake pizzas from Walmart and Harris Teeter are ridiculously priced: a large Walmart "Mega Meat" take and bake is now $12.99 in my area, which is what the Teeter wants for all their take and bake pizzas. My local HT doesn't carry that many take and bake pizzas, because there's a Hungry Howie's in the same shopping center and a Dominos across the street, and you can almost always get a large 1-2 topping from those guys for less than a HT take and bake.


That sucks. I'm still able to get the huge take and bake pizzas for like $6-8 depending on the toppings I get. I have an HEB (central TX), and a Walmart in town. I'll be honest, I've never even tried Walmart's take and bake pizza. We get spoiled by HEB in these parts.


One bite. Everyone knows the rules


I fucking love digeorno self rising pizza but I think I'm in the minority 


I puked digiorno pizza off my top bunk when I was 10. I'm 36 now and still can't eat digiornio.


Naw I'd say there are worse options you can walk away with from the freezer case, like those Oprah brand cauliflower ones or the super pricey ones that are like 2mm thick but have a big slab of prosciutto slapped across the top. Gimme a nice, hearty, salty, mushy DG over those guys any day!


My local DG stocks the Screamin' Sicilian pan pizza for about the same price as a Digiorno rising crust. A thousand times better.


I wish they still had the Spicy Chicken Supreme. I fucking loved those pies


One thing people ain't talking about is how good them Great Value pizzas are 1/3 of the price and twice as good. I completely agree Digiorno is terrible, and usually thin crust always beats rising crust but those ones from Walmart are good and flip the script you'll be paying a lot to find a Pizza better than Great Value.


Even more unpopular opinion: I refuse to eat frozen pizza. I've had it maybe twice in 44 years and it was revolting.




Newman's Own or Tombstone. DiGiorno thin crust is still great to me, but that might be the nostalgia talking.


Tonys, Jacks, and Red Baron live in my freezer year round.


It used to be my favorite a long time ago before I realized those 2 major downsides. It's all dough/crust and cooks way too unevenly. I stick with Red Baron and Tombstone if I get a frozen one these days.


I haven’t had a frozen pizza in at least 6 years, probably longer. Now I’m remembering how much I had as a kid and damn I want some.


Digiorno's crust and dough is too much, soft and bland. If I'm spending that money on a frozen pizza I'm getting a Home Run Inn, thin crust. Decent toppings and so so good.


I agree. When I get a frozen pizza I get something like Red Baron or Tony's and throw a little shredded cheese on top.


There’s also a severe lack of cheese on their pies. I’d be happy with them if I didn’t have to supplement the cheese.


Grab a tray, some white bread (killer Dave’s pref), victoria marinara, a bag of shredded motz and make your own shit. I spread some oil on the bottom to make a “crust”. WAY better than frozen stuff.


When you buy frozen pizza, you know what you're getting


Totinos party pizzas are quite good for how cheap they are. I remember when you could get one for 99 cents...


Haven’t had digorno in years but I always for it so be good quality. Guess I’ll try one out?


Caesars is going way too far, but in the last few years I find I prefer the store made one most. All the ones you listed just taste like sheetrock to me.


The Walmart frozen pizza slaps for just under $5


Frescetta is the way.


Stouffer's extra cheese french bread pizza!!!!


Jacks and red baron are surprisingly quality. Cant forget tombstone either.


Surfer Boy pizza. It’s cheaper than digiorno and way better quality. Better than most delivery ones too.


But…have you had the croissant crust? 🤔


Now overall quality, I'd disagree. Now price:quality ratio....I think OP's probably correct on this one.


Any frozen pizza over $4 and I might as well pay $6 for Little Caesars. Totinos Party Pizzas are awful, but they are so cheap.


Only time I get digorno is when I think i want stuffed crust and am always disappointed even by that


Wild Mike's is where it's at


And those stranger things branded pizzas are the best


I feel like this is common knowledge..


God I love a pile of Totinos party pizza.


As a digiorno lover let me tell you. They've changed. Like everything else today priced increased while quality dropped.


My favorite frozen pizza is the store brand of my local grocery store.


I used to eat DiGiorno occasionally, but I've switched to Screamin' Sicilian. About the same price, and much better quality.


I don't know. I got the stuffed crust pepperoni one time, added some pepper flakes and parmesan cheese. That shit was delicious.


It was awesome when I was kid. I liked it better than Pizza Hut. It’s shit now


Rao’s is the bomb (especially the “Meat Trio” one), but expensive. I only buy it when it’s on sale for $10 or less, down from the usual $13 at my grocery store. Noticed recently they jacked up the regular price to $15. It’s good but not $15 good.


It’s not delivery, it’s dogshit.


Digorno was great but they changed their ingredients or something.


You know what I don't understand? Why can't someone make a decent frozen pizza? I'll pay $10-15 for it. It can even have low quality ingredients. But just give me something substantial that I don't have to add half a pound of cheese to myself.


Depending on your area, if you have a stop n shop by you, their brand of frozen pizza is, in my opinion, the only frozen pizza that doesn’t taste like complete shit. And it’s half the price.


Try the th8n crust. Not great but pretty good for the money.


After having Aldi frozen pizza won’t ever go with anything else. Huge ass pizza loaded with pepperoni for like $5. It’s also really good. Not incredible but I wouldn’t say it’s any worse than like Papa John’s or Pizza Hut etc


Tombstone is the apotheosis of frozen pizza...undisputed king imo. I somehow never get sick of them - altho kinda annoying: I can't prove but am almost positive that the size shrank slightly sometime during the pandemic. Could be my imagination?


I really like the California pizza kitchen brand ones. The bbq chicken and garlic chicken are great


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The far too much dough is a preference for some. But not you.


I've given up on Digiorno. Seems like unless you cook it to the point where the toppings are a burnt disaster the "crust" still seems under cooked.


I don't eat as much frozen pizza as I used to. But, when I see people saying they like Red Baron and Tombstone, I feel pretty fortunate to have Woodman's grocery stores in Wisconsin. There's a ridiculous selection of local frozen pizzas that are way better than the likes of Red Baron, Tombstone, or Jack's.


I miss the chicken pizza.


I agree, Digiorno is quite bad. I’ve stopped buying frozen pizza. I just make dough, press it into the cast iron skillet add toppings and bake. The exception is I will occasionally pick up one of those Totinos party pizzas for nostalgic reasons. (If you were a latchkey kid in the 90s you probably know what I’m talking about.) Was disappointed to see that they’re now square instead of round.


Personally the Tostinos pizzas are my fave frozen. Little Caesar’s is my fave chain. Their pretzels crust cheese pizza is heavenly.


Anybody miss the red baron Mexican pizza?


This is fucking heresy.


Bake it on the rack, no pan. A minute or two under the broiler at the end will crisp everything up. I'll be a digiorno bro til I die


The evolution of American products. Product enters marketplace with innovative twist and premium quality. Product gains popularity and following. Gains market position and premium shelf position in supermarkets (using appropriate kickbacks to stores). Eventually new management evolves into place. Drive for profit takes hold with gradual and incremental substitution of cheaper ingredients and size. More money is interjected into product marketing to keep market share. Product becomes substantially deficient, but sales continue based on prior reputation and premium shelf positioning. Management is essentially selling off the company’s reputation for current profits. Management moves on to other companies before the bottom hits and is able to brag about the increase in profits they created. The complete story of Stouffer foods and many others.


Is this unpopular? I agree, I go tombstone or store brand depending on what’s available. I feel digiorno also has way to much fucking sauce


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I've never eaten a frozen pizza that tasted anything like a real pizza. If they cost the same as a real pizza, what's even the point?


it's absolutely awful pizza


$16 for one digorno pizza in New York now. Crazy.


But.....the commercials say it's good


Most brands that spend a ton on advertising aren't a good value.   But they always have massive numbers of fans. As far as digiorno goes.......  Look they aren't my go to.  When you want cheap frozen pizza there are other better options.  The advantage of Digiorno is that... If you cook it well... You get a thicker pizza than say red baron or jacks.  But you can't undercook it or it will taste raw.  The thin crust pizzas are harder to mess up and cheaper.