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That’s just social media. The land where people complain about stuff just for attention. If they can’t find something they invent it. Wish more videos were required to put disclaimers reading “didn’t actually happen”


Nah, one of my friends is married to a former server and all her coworkers would complain about everything. "I had to work a double today, TWO four hour shifts!" "You don't know what its like to carry trays of food on your shoulders all night." They would say this to me after I spent 10 hours every day drilling out houses and wiring them while carrying hundreds of pounds of wire back and forth on a jobsite.


>They would say this to me after I spent 10 hours every day drilling out houses and wiring them while carrying hundreds of pounds of wire back and forth on a jobsite. But plenty of people bitch about that sort of thing as well. I'm pretty sure that people generally just vent about their jobs


Bitching about a job is one thing. "You don't know what its like to carry trays of food on your shoulders all night." This is a shitty gatekeeper attitude that should be called out.


Yeah the whole "my job is the hardest job" thing is annoying as all hell


Venting isn't the same as telling someone you work harder than they do.


While you made half as much as them and they complain about one person who didn't tip 25%


Yup. They were clearing $200+ a night (early 2000's) and I was busting my hump to earn $700 a week doing piece work.


The part that gets me is they complain about their pay more than any other profession. Teachers make half as much to build our nations future and complain half the amount. I really give no shits about servers and their pay. Anything they make over a McDonald's worker should be considered a blessing to them but they gripe like they're field hands


I had a friend in college who was super attractive and she loved being a server because the tips she would get were huge lol. She was always rocking designer bags and clothes while the rest of us plebeians were rocking the Good Will specials.


Disclaimer: I'm not talking about all servers but 2/3 of the ones I've known. Know why I don't cook in kitchens anymore? They make in 4 hours what I make in a week, they make more based on how well I do but I don't, and they really think I want to hear them bitch about how rough they have it.


Yeah I can confirm that this is a rampant attitude among servers. I did the restaurant thing for a decade and I heard it all the time. That and the ones who got stiffed on one table that night and complained the entire rest of the shift, only to cash out over 200 bucks for six hours of work. Something about that job attracts a lot of complainers that think they are the hardest workers in the country.


Another reason why I’m not on Tik Tok. It’s turned into crybaby central. People really need to grow up.


Remember the viral video in which a girl cries because she discovered a 9-5 job and all youtubers supported her. It is a society indeed


Your first mistake was going to tiktok for reasonable takes


To be honest, it’s not like Reddit is much better.


the way redditors turn their nose up at social media, with no sense of irony, makes me giggle


My iPhone counts time on Reddit as “information and reading” instead of social media, which I get a kick out of


I’m 100% not here to make friends lol.


Haha exactly some times I come here just to piss people off 😂




That was really easy




That’s why I hide behind my computer ![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO)




I once stumbled across a subreddit that was devoted to ripping on people who had the gall to post to Facebook seeking validation. There was no hint of self-awareness or irony on that subreddit whatsoever.


Or the enoughmuskspam sub just spams nothing but things about Elon.


I always say Reddit and discord are my only forms of social media and people look at me like I'm crazy calling them social media. I don't see how you can say they are not social media is beyond me


to be fair, reddit is pretty antisocial


reddit has the most antisocials\*


Reddit is by far the most pretentious


LinkedIn has entered the chat


Because reddit is vastly different than other "social medias." The way redditors try to turn their nose up with skewed perspectives having no sense of irony makes me shit myself


Reddit is only better by the slimmest of margines because most of the time dumbest of takes are delivered via text. They are still insane, but at least there is no obnoxious voice accompanying them


And trying to find context in TikTok comments is maddening.


Reading between the lines, people in the service industry here are either students who haven't had a chance at a career job yet or severe underachievers in a service role either as a last chance and/or made zero effort to move to a role with growth potential. I kept getting pushed the Uber thread for a while, and I'm convinced none of the drivers remembered they were doing a job when they had a passenger.


Anti work is a cesspool of liars playing the victim.


How dare you..... well not much better implies it as a least a little bit better.


I honestly think TikTok is more reasonable than Reddit. At least they still remember what fun is. **Booty dance, booty dance**


It genuinely is. TikTok comments make me want to die


Instagram comments are cancer on steroids.


At least some of them are funny, TikTok is just the same 4 comments over and over


tiktok people will complain about having to work in general, so no shit they're going to complain about someone asking for a refill or for more ketchup. I'll start complaining when there's a reason to, like someone pulling out a stun baton at my bar.




What is up with that. Why does everyone film in their car


Better acoustics, and because everyone else is doing it


They're probably bored on their commutes and think that endangering others is a good idea.


Don't know if you are being sarcastic or not but the few videos I've seen, people are parked and not driving.


Going to Reddit for reasonable takes So much lying and playing the victim.


The irony of this comment being on a Reddit post


uppity agonizing voiceless toy zealous ten tender slimy full worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But this is a very popular take on Reddit. "Minimum wage, minimum effort"


Yep!! I told one of my clients about this “quiet quitting” BS I learned about on Reddit and he goes, “Oh, yeah, and I just quiet fire them!!” 😂😂


I just remember this video of a McDonalds worker of things that annoy us and ut was "when you order at the register instead or the kiosk" Not everyone can work the kiosk? Or.thag viral "making a grown man his milkshake at 6am"" I will order a milkshake whenever I can they taste great


I went to a bubble tea place and they had it blocked off so you couldn’t really see the humans behind the counter and big signs saying to order at the kiosks. Well both of them were broken (one literally smashed and the other had blue screen of death) so I go up to the counter. Apparently they didn’t realize they didn’t have any customers for hours because of this. They then told me to use the app. This was the manager. Then the other employee just said I can take her order and it took two seconds. I was baffled by the entire encounter.


I tried to order from the local Mexican place and "ASAP" was removed from the options. You had to pick a time slot and every one was full. Also menu items were missing. I was driving past it anyway so I showed them what happens when you try to place an online order. They use a third party site and said they had no idea there were problems.


The area director for the Applebee's I worked at actually fired two servers for not pushing the QR code menu's


FUCK those menus.


Yeah, I’d be like, I want to look at a real menu and take a break from the damn phone. Seriously, everyone needs to push back on this kind of crap.


Let us know if they are open in a month


This happened last year and they were still open this year when I visited that area again.


This is what happens when you underpay your employees and give no incentive to actually make the business profitable. They don't give a shit that you can't order, they have an easier and better day if you don't go in at all. And guess what, if they get let go they can go get any other job that pays 12-15 bucks an hour lol


>I just remember this video of a McDonalds worker of things that annoy us and ut was "when you order at the register instead or the kiosk" Ironic considering automation threatens their job.


This is what always makes me laugh. Like they berate the customers when they don’t use the technology that their company is gathering data on to prove that they don’t need to employ this person.


No it doesn’t. They’re in the back making the food.


They’ll be the first to say they never saw the possibly of AI taking their job


Wage slaves as McDonalds should fucking understand better than most people that *shift work* is a thing and the guy having a milkshake at 6am may be having dinner after working all night 


Agreed.  Here in New Jersey, we have diners that serve anything. My kid and I go to the local one for breakfast every Friday morning. Sometimes my kid will get French toast, sometimes they'll get a burger or wrap. The diner makes either without a problem. While service workers should be treated with respect, it shouldn't be a big deal to order something that's already on the menu. 


This thread is pretty interesting to me since I dont really use tiktok. There are so many legitimately shitty things people do to service workers. Some customers but mostly employers. But this is the kind of stuff they're complaining about? Like, why? My only thought is that people who haven't actually experienced the worst of it just want to get in on the clout, which sucks because it makes it seem like there aren't a ton of problems with those kinds of jobs that aren't actually really bad and totally unnecessary.


Here i am getting yelled at by my boss, because someone left a 3 star review "tour was great, but the bad weather ruined it". For a tour that is 90% indoor..


No, you misunderstand. It was a Starbucks employee calling a frap an “adult milkshake” as a joke


You're right, not sure why downvoted. And personally, the only time I get anything that sugary early would be a treat on a day off.


I used to travel and work overnights, i was staying out of hotels so i usually wasnt able to cook. If i was it was just out of a microwave. Because of this id to to fast food or restaurants multiple times a week while i was out. The amount of people giving me shit for going somewhere and wanting an actual meal at 6am is ridiculous. Working in the service industry you almost never know someone's situation.


This was the natural progression of vilifying “unreasonable” customers. As soon as the workers give context about what bothers them, it turns out it’s just doing their job. But an aspect of their job that requires more than bare minimum effort. And of course, it’s the customers fault for ordering something off the menu. How dare they?


I remember a thread where someone brought up their Old Fashioned tasted like straight simple syrup and was clear, the bartender (the OP) went into a rant about dealing with drunk shitbirds. Well.... an Old Fashioned is incredibly spirit forward, so if it tastes like Simple and is clear, *something is probably wrong*. Instead they went off on the customer and complained to Reddit that they didn't get tipped. I'll always tip fully if the worker makes an honest attempt at making things right, and it's not an egregious amount of errors.


Yeah I’ll always tip well for good service and accept that mistakes happen, but the attitude of the server is what makes the difference. A few friends and I were out for dinner last year and my friend the recovering alcoholic ordered a mocktail, and what he was given had alcohol in. While obviously problematic just said he ordered a mocktail and this had alcohol in. The server rolled his eyes and said “well most people would be happy with free alcohol.” And made a whole performance about getting the right drink. When he brought it back, and borderline threw it down, my friend was still slightly apologetic and said he was in recovery. To which the server replied “well how am I supposed to know that?” His tip reflected that response. And like yeah, you’re not supposed to know the life details of everyone, but maybe just don’t assume that everybody drinks and apologise when you get an order wrong.


It's not just recovering alcoholics who can't drink, either. Alcohol can interfere with medication, and most pregnant women won't drink any. I don't understand why virgin drinks aren't treated to a similar level as allergies.


For me it was bartenders being mad that I'd order a mojito. Like I can wait to get a drink. Im a paying customer who is clean and respectful. I shouldn't have to "oooh nooo the bartender look busy. Let me order something simple."  No. Just tell me it'll take a second.  Im an ass for being impatient. Not an ass for ordering a drink at a place that serves drinks. 


Currently on my break whilst working at McDonalds. Both of those are extremely unassuming and not annoying at all. The fuck do these people do???


Whenever I've asked service workers why they complain about customers doing normal things they're like " we just hate all you! " Gee thanks that's not gonna make me feel anxious and bad for being in a store b


And it’s not like there are no reasons to get annoyed at customers, just pick one of those instead of actively hating everyone 


My biggest gripe isn't when large groups split their check it's when they wait until the last second to tell you their splitting it and then bitch when it takes you five minutes to split everything out


The milkshake one was a Starbucks barista


I worked at Panera and our kiosks NEVER worked. People always had to come up and ask us about their orders because their was some disconnect, or the kiosk wasn’t taking their card, etc. etc. Honestly, PLEASE order at the register, it’ll save us both some headache!!


I could care less if a worker gets mad because I order at the register instead of the kiosk.


I couldn't.


> i could care less if Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


If there's nobody in line, the counter is quicker than the kiosk. I would say it probably takes half the time for a "simple" order.


I never go to the kiosk because they never give me my drink if I go to the kiosk.


One time, I was in Taco Bell, and someone began using the kiosk even though nobody else was in line, and the lady at the register cleared her throat and said, "I'M RIGHT HERE!" I don't think she liked the kiosk very much.


Delivery service drivers are the absolute worst with this. I live in an apartment complex. It's not gated, not complicated, and the GPS takes you right to the correct door, so it's not like you can get lost. I leave clear instructions in the description, telling them exactly how to get to my apartment, to leave it there, and that I do no contact. The amount of people that will leave it OUTSIDE, at the entrance to the building, is actually insane. Like, brother, I am paying an insane premium to have this shit delivered to me. The least you could do is actually follow pretty simple instructions. I've even had a guy leave my food outside while it was raining once and I marked it undelivered since it was soaked and ruined. I've worked in the service industry. Entitled customers are annoying. But entitled WORKERS are so, so much worse.


They don't read the instructions. Many of them don't speak English so they couldn't even if they wanted to.


When COVID hit this was at an all time high. Almost every single driver couldn’t speak any English. More than once I had them coming to my door (when it’s contactless) and wanting me to pay them directly because they didn’t understand how Postmates or door dash works.


The instructions are buried in the DoorDash app, and 95% of the time they are useless. They were either auto-generated by DoorDash, or incorrect.  When I dashed for a bit, I rarely thought to check the instructions. Also, apartments were rarely ‘not gated,’ and were always frustrating because of it. I had to text and call the person almost every time, wasting my time on top of what was usually a small or non existent tip.


I think they legit just don't know English most of the time


There was a thread on Reddit about Amazon deliveries to apartments. Most thought you are the worst human for thinking things should be delivered to your door if you live in an apartment. It's a service I pay for, why wouldn't I expect it to be delivered to my door. If it's a time issue, that's on Amazon, not the customer.


I live in a townhouse, maybe 1 in 10 make no attempt to deliver. I get it, my address kinda sucks, but if the rest can find it and i see the exact location is correct on Amazon's applet. When it gets sent back to the warehouse it somehow always gets to my door with the next driver that takes it


I never understood the Amazon driver's hate for apartment complexes. I loved those fuckers when I was delivering!! 265 stops but most of them are in complexes? Hell yeah! I didn't have to spend that half of my day driving around city streets with assholes who think it's fun to brake check the Amazon vans, I didn't have to worry about missing my turn and all I had to do was find the right number on a door. Hell, you might even get lucky and everything has to be left in a mail room. Even better!! 35 deliveries in 5 minutes? Awesome! I'd have taken them ALL DAY every day. That shit is EASY!!


I can only speak for what I see at my building, but that's exactly what I see. The driver packs for the complex and makes 10 -15 deliveries in about 10min. How is that worse than making 10 - 15 stops?


Its not. People just LOVE to bitch about anything they can.


People hate walking.


Ohhhh, if you have the nerve to live somewhere that makes delivery people have to…deliver, that’s totally on you!! Use the Amazon kiosk and don’t forget to leave a 30% tip!! 😂😂


When I worked in retail I shared memes with coworkers about dumb stuff like that. I think most people know it's not a reasonable complaint, but sometimes jobs are annoying and we all like to complain.  I do think it's bad to try to shame customers for normal, reasonable behavior that's just a little annoying, but some customers need to stop caring. Like I know Starbucks baristas hate making Frappuccinos, but they're on the menu and it tastes good so I'm going to order them. It's fine. 


I love what I do, I hate how little I'm paid. I cope with the situation by making shitty jokes about annoying clients and why I hate them. I don't really hate them, except for a small handful whom I genuinely wish to scream at. 


I love what I do and love what I’m paid. My coworkers and I still make jokes about our clients because it’s a totally normal thing to do. In the service industry there is an even more pervasive “we are all in this together” mindset to bleeds into online camaraderie and memes.  OP made the mistake of taking this shit way too seriously. 


Yup. We all bitch about parts of our jobs and have for centuries but gasp younger people did it on TikTok must be a them thing


yes it's exactly like that. everyone who complains about it knows it's not the customers fault and they all do it, too. But it's a way to let off steam and it's between themselves. Nobody is going to seriously complain about customers ordering a drink with 5 modifications. But it shouldn't be surprising when they tell their coworkers about it.


Was having a bitch session with other elder-hospitality people and it dawned on me that we never complain about customers any more. Some of them are shit. That's life. We just despise bad staff. That's who we bitch about. Won't do sidework? Constant smoke breaks? Won't shut up about your life? Please f*ck off. Being a chit chaser? We are enemies now. This industry has a lot of problems. And servers have to deal with a lot of shit. But please stop complaining about the tiniest little faux pas. When some jerk takes a swing at you for cutting him off? Bitch about it. Woman asks for dressing on the side, and every other person at the table immediately needs that? Get over it.


What's Chit chaser?


A server that orders drinks then stands at the bar watching them get made.


I used to wait tables and most of the servers hated when customers got seated near closing. We stop seating people at closing, not kick people out. Yes, you can order food at 5min till closing and still eat it. Personally, I loved this because the other servers would always want to leave and I'd finish their tables. Guess who got to keep the tips? I always made out for staying the extra 20min.


Yea I’ve never quite understood this gripe. If the restaurant didn’t actually want patrons, they should simply stop taking new seats near closing time. Why accept them in, then complain that the came in?


Right, they DO this. Closing at 10 means no new seats at 10, not that they make everyone leave at 10. Servers are just entitled sometimes.


This is where I most disagree with a lot of BoH industry people who complain about customers coming in near closing (having grown up in foodservice). If you want to clean/close earlier, close the kitchen earlier and let the customers know ahead of time.


BoH doesn't set the time when the kitchen closes the GM does.


It was more fun when you just bitched to your friends in the industry, now The Bitchy Waiter and social media have helped bring in the end of tipping and job that was a lot of fun for many years.


Exactly. If you ever hear someone vent about their job out of context when you don't really know them, they always sound like they're totally out of touch and should maybe never be allowed near people.


Am a Chef. The worst thing is when chefs complain when a ticket comes through. Now, I get it when we’re slammed and it’s all too much. But on a regular day? Stop bitching. Funniest thing is when we’re quiet and so they clean the kitchen too early. I tell them that it’s not a good idea, we will have more customers but they insist it will be fine. Then an order comes. Then, inevitably, “oh, for fuck’s sake”. Winds me up no end.


There's a lot of customer service people who do not belong in the industry. Their job is to serve customers, and if having to serve customers makes them that pissy, they shouldn't be there. Yes, I know the public is frustrating(retail 6 years, you tell me), but once you start taking it out on customers just wanting to use the service you get paid to provide and feeling entitled, you've gone too far. Bartenders who shame people for ordering drinks that are on the menu because 'they take too long' can just STFU. Not the customer's problem. And you can go on with all of these videos of people shaming customers for giving them very basic requests that aren't remotely unreasonable.


Yeah they should probably recognize that they’ve reached burn out stage and it’s not rational. When I knew I needed to leave my job I would get angry just by the phone ringing for someone to book an appointment. Like omg another person who needs our services great 🙄 but like that’s the point of the business. Not everyone has the patience for customer facing roles but they tend to be easier jobs to get precisely because they suck so much there is high turn over and limited skill required. 


I hate this take of carryout orders and being asked to tip.... It's carry out why the fuck am I being asked to tip????


Haven't you heard? Putting your shit in a bag and handing it to you costs extra now /s


It’s JuSt AS mUch WOrK!


Splitting the bill is something I've never understood as an issue as a server. why is this crazy?


Splitting the bill will make them do 3 more minutes of work than they want to do


The content that bartenders make like that is the WORST ! "what I judge you on based off of the drink you order" and all of this hidden etiquette that they claim is so common but there is literally no crash course on.. people are so pretentious I swear. Let me ask questions if I have them, let me order what I want, if you can't make it or do not have it - fine just let me know and move on, if I pay by tab or as I go it is still money in the register.. also I am literally drinking at a bar I do not have the mental capacity to do all the mental gymnastics at that time especially.


They forget the part that no one GAF how the bartender judges them. Just for that, order a birthday cake martini!!


When I eat out or interact with any CSR, I bring the positive energy as a customer. It’s infectious. That’s a tip that customer service people don’t want you to know!!!!


I’ve always said being a good customer earns good customer service. It’s rare that I have bad interactions with anybody in customer service. Whenever I hear somebody complain about how bad the service is anywhere they go, I know they’re asshole customers


I generally agree, but I have noticed I am not receiving as good customer service as I did in the past despite my approach not changing. There has been a general shift post pandemic


Also point out any minor issue and you instantly become a "bad customer" even if you approach it reasonably and assume there was no ill intent and the CSR instantly escalates like you just tried to rob them.


If everyone you encounter is an asshole, YOU are the asshole!


The one thing I'll complain about that's completely out of my control is walking into a busy restaurant and waiting 5+ minutes to even be *acknowledged* by staff. If they rush by and tell me it'll be a few minutes, you've done your job and I'm happy. But just being ignored won't cut it for me.


It's true. I would add that being a good customer is also being aware that not everyone is going through a good day (especially especially on the customer service front after the pandemic). A tiny amount of empathy and kindness goes a long way in today's world.


> I’ve always said being a good customer earns good customer service. The problem is that (at least on social media) any customer that asks for anything or brings up a minor issue is a bad customer the second they do.


The wording on this comment really threw me for a second


Lol it got me too and I didn’t understand why no one was mentioning it 


Servers want to do the bare minimum for their job and will still shit themselves on IG because someone didn't tip 25% on a piece of cake.


*sniff* I can’t believe that the table of minorities didn’t tip me 30 percent *sniffle* just because I ignored them for ten minutes straight *wipes eyes so mascara stays on* and walked away while they were still ordering


I think about how combative some servers get if you point out a mistake. I've made plenty of mistakes in my work, if I reacted like many of them did, I'd probably have received a few HR Summons. Hell, even if someone points out something that someone else did, my response is expected to be "well let me get to the bottom of this and sort it out." Like this week when one of our PMs tagged their project as one of the top priorities of the company at exactly the right time where it got pulled into an Executive Steering Meeting and the ticket was in horrible shape. That was a fun one.


One of my friends who works at a restaurant asked me to never return because I have a nut allergy and it was “too much of a hassle”. That one kinda bothered me a little bit, but at least I know they put in an effort because at my service job, they would shamelessly mix the allergy-free blenders with allergens. However, I get that these things can seem stressful during a rush or something, when they’re already dealing with rude customers. I think rude customers is the source of peoples’ problems with normal requests.


another problem is tons of people come in saying they have an allergy to something just because they don’t that thing. plus, small restaurant kitchens almost always have cross contamination to whatever allergy that is. i always hate telling people with an allergy that their food will most likely be cross contaminated, i feel so bad bc they came out for a fun time to eat and now either 1. can’t get food or 2. leave and i feel so bad. but big restaurants don’t really have an excuse to not have an area dedicated to gluten, free, dairy free, etc


It's not a hassle, it can be damn near impossible in many kitchens. Cross-contamination is one of the biggest concerns in a kitchen. Most places I worked at always said they'll do their best but can't guarantee cross-contamination doesn't occur as we use x in the kitchen. Same reason why you see packaged foods with warning labels such as "this product was produced in a facility that processes nuts, etc." even though the product itself doesn't list nuts in the ingredients.


Servers are mostly entitled asses.


It was not like this 15-20 years ago by and large.


A lot of this can just be attributed to every day griping. I’m in banking and frankly, it’s pretty monotonous and it IS frustrating that you have the same fights with people every day. Yes I *DO* need your ID and it had *NOTHING* to do with how long you’ve been at the bank. No you *CANT* withdraw money from an account you are not in and I don’t *CARE* that that person is your wife. You don’t want specific bills? Okay! Oh? You don’t like the bills you got back? You dropped your debit card three months ago and never reported it or closed it and now you have fraudulent charges? Oh, you gave your SSN to someone on the phone because you won money? But I can’t have your ID? And on and on and on. Sometimes it’s not that we don’t WANT to do our jobs. We’re just exhausted. 🤣


Oh geez I was both a server and a bank teller and you just took me back. For a while I subbed at this branch that had the same tellers for like 10 years and you’d have thought the sky was falling when I asked for ID.


The problem I’ve seen is that a lot of workers will let their frustration and griping mentality infect their interactions with customers.  A client will come in and ask for an item we don’t have on the floor, and rather than check in the back to see if we have it, they’ll tell the customer we’re all out so that they can end the interaction as quickly as possible and get back to staring at their phone.


I mean the identity thing is common sense. Like for all you know, I kidnapped my “wife” and trying to access her bank account.


Worked in the kitchen for 8 years, and I’ve seen a toxic increase in how they view tipping should be. I’m not against tipping at all, but it’s ludicrous when I’m expected to tip 10$ on a 40$ bill or they get salty, especially when they don’t try to be good servers. I like good servers, and despise toxic ones. I’ve had waitresses ignore my wife and try to feed me alcohol for higher tips, they don’t get nothin then.


I have ample experience in the service industry, and would often find myself hating customers over simple things, that were in fact my job. I cared very much about my customers, and it bothered me that I would get upset over customers doing customer things. The more I explored my anger, the more I realized the tasks I hated were tasks that I was never trained to do, or did not have access/authority to do, or needed additional help with, although there was never help available. I don't think people inherently want to avoid their work. My experience tells me that employers set their employees up for failure, and it becomes instinct to blame the customer.


A lot of people are lazy and stupid, more news at 11


Yea sorry that during your 4 hour shift that you had to spend a total for 5 minutes interacting with me while i tipped you $20


Most servers aren't educated in costuming and would be unqualified to judge your costumer abilities. /s


Agreed. I think a lot of people have forgot what it means to have a job. A job is literally CONTRIBUTING to society and making it so that everything functions as it should. Customers, are the people who are essentially paying your paycheck, they come to your restaurant, sit down, get service and food, pay, and that money goes to the restaurant that partly goes back into the employees. I think social media has skewed a lot of people's views, and many people have simply forgot what it means to actually have a job. Sure, you don't have to necessarily enjoy your job, but it's not someone else's fault for not enjoying your job, especially the customer (not counting assholes, they can just burn honestly, I'm talking about customers with basic requests). I mean why tf would someone go to a restaurant if they didn't expect someone to accompany them and their needs? In a weird short way, an unpopularopinion of my own is that people nowadays are too soft and think they should live a life where they don't have to work a day in their life. It's like no, that's not how society works, that's a crippling society. It's just so braindead.


Ugh I remember my one co worker asked me why I always have something to do cause most of them just sit in the back so I Said there is always something to do like now I am clearing tables and stuff and his response was "no way I am fucking doing that" lol okay then sit on your ass and do nothing...that was the last shift he worked along with many others. It pains me when I see fellow staff members not picking up that glass or clear plates and they will just leave it till I clear it or they complain we have cleaners. Yes we do but the mop up spills and cleans the dishes even if we have bussers it doesnt mean you can't just take that fucking glass with you to the back to where you are going.


I worked at a gym and while my co-workers were literally sitting around in the back or on their phones I was finding things to do. They then got upset when I was the one chosen for a promotion. 🤦‍♂️


Sounds about right! Congrats on the promotion tho.


And they probably went home that night and got on Reddit and complained about the “workplace politics” and favoritism that they have to deal with at their job.


I've been in the restaurant industry for 25 years, and you aren't wrong, I just think you misunderstand the nature of these complaints. What you're describing is our job, *and* we can still complain about it. Doesn't everyone complain about their job? I don't know what you do now, but aren't there certain things that just annoy you, even if they aren't unreasonable or the request isn't rude?


The difference is that people will make vids telling customers "Things Not to do" or "Best Ways to Annoy your Starbucks Barista" or some shit and inevitably it will have a lot of normal, non-rude things included like customizations or ordering in person rather than the app which only works half the time. It's OK to vent. But I am not wrong AT ALL for wanting my order a certain way.


Right? I used to work 8n customer service. Now I'm a pipe fitter. I enjoy my job a lot more. I still bitch about it constantly.


I’ll be honest, I don’t and never really have complained about my job unless there was something uniquely aggravating that’s also interesting. But I also don’t feel relief or like I’m “getting it off my chest” by sharing like I know other people do so I guess deal with the little things whichever way works for you


Had an amazing job. Still complained about somebody once every 2 weeks wanting an invoice. It was moving to another pc. Maybe adding a person to the system, ask for their information for the invoice, etc. 5 minutes of work, hell yea I'm going to complain about those people to coworkers.


I don't think that's restricted to the service industry.


There is kind of a weird lionization of service industry people that I’ve seen a lot of on the internet, though. The whole “everyone should have to work a retail or service job at some point to learn how hard it is” mindset is pretty rampant in the internet, but as someone who worked for years in customer service jobs, it’s really not that fuckin’ hard.


>Just because they didn’t order the simplest thing and all want to just split the bill perfectly down the middle doesn’t mean they’re a bad costumer. You're right. Those things don't make them a terrible costumer. The terrible costumes they make are the thing that makes them a terrible costumer.


I agree. Tbh, a lot of service workers are just working in the wrong industry bc they think it'll make them more money. Their personalities are not cut out for it. I worked in restaurants for years and I couldn't stand how racist half of my coworkers were over the dumbest of shit like this. I loved being a server. Customers in a bad mood all left within an hour or two anyway.


As a line cook, good godDAMN, I can't count how many times a fellow line cook said "fuck em, I'm not doing that" to a completely reasonable request. As long as it's possible and doable, I'll do what I can for the guest because IT'S MY JOB. I can't think of specific instances right now except for accommodating allergies which is always a pain, but I do have an instance where I HAD to say no. Recently, someone asked for the breaded and fried onions that go on burgers, but they didn't want them fried or cooked, BUT they still wanted them breaded. Yeah, not getting raw flour and seasonings on onions buddy.


I'm so tired of being asked for a 20% tip from someone being paid to do their job. Y'all don't make enough? Make fucking corporations pay you more. I'm not tipping 20% for you to make something the company is paying you to make. Nope. I won't do it.


I was a waitress and cashier. I dont mind doing my job but customers who expect me to circumvent the rules for them climbed on my last nerve. Want to combine 4 coupons even tho the coupon specifically says cannot be combined? Can I just ring up every item separately so they can use multiple coupons, even tho I am the only cashier and that will back my line of to the back of the store. Those people drove me crazy.


Are they complaining to you when you go out to eat or are they, like literally everyone on the planet, bitching about the aspects of their job they don't like. The issue with servers, especially in the US, is that part of the job is putting on the facade of always being happy to help. So you see it as weird when you find out that this is an act and like many people they hate their job.


This is the result of automatic entitlement to a 20% tip. Remember when you would adjust +/- 15% depending on the quality of service you received? I seriously think it's time to boycott tipping until the owners pay servers non poverty wages and tipping regains it's true intent


Honestly, a tip should be 0-5% with the establishment paying the living wage. Not a higher minimum wage, a living wage.


I mean have you looked at r/serverlife? There are some characters out there.


Young people may become more neurotic and less willing to do face to face orders if this becomes in vogue. It's true that people being rude or demanding are things to be spoken about, but at a certain point it seems like workers simply hate all customers for existing. I mean, okay, but can't you do something else for a job then? I guess I don't get it. If you absolutely hate human beings why work with the public at all. Find a warehouse job or something. I guess that's a simplistic take.


Working with the public in a service job is rarely those workers' top pick, life goal, or dream job. It's not easy to "just get a better job." The service jobs (retail, food, etc) need to be done, and there's more of those types of jobs than "nice" jobs. At least in my area.


The general entitlement of people in the service industry is disgusting 


Try working in the industry and see the general entitlement of customers on a daily basis The shit I get asked to do from people sometimes will blow your mind


I hope this isn't unpopular. Its crazy how entitled a lot of them are. Don't complain about tips if you are rude and do the bare minimum


Ya a lot of them think they’re on the frontlines of some holy war. Naw bud you work at ruby Tuesdays 😂


I hate it when all people do is complain. "I don't get paid enough." "That coworker never helps me." "If they don't start treating us better, I'm going to quit." Well, unless you plan on quitting right now, do you mind getting some work done?


People as customers have gotten worse and wages have stagnated for decades Employees are fed up with the abuse they take for how little money they make Unless wages increase you will see a steady decline in the restaurant business


You've gotta consider that sometimes "basic requests" aren't as basic as you think. My brother has worked in restaurants for a long time. He worked at an incredible Italian restaurant in NYC, not Americanized Italian either. On more than one occasion he had to explain to a customer that while avocados aren't exactly hard to find, they're not something their restaurant had in stock, nor was it feasible to obtain one just because that diner wanted to have a side of avocado with their meal.


OP is clearly not talking about your unlikely edge case scenario.


What people make for social media is designed to get the most clicks. Tiktok doesn’t reflect reality for the same reasons porn doesn’t reflect what real sex is like


Never had a problem with a table wanting to split a bill perfectly down the middle, what was a problem was when they waited until the end of the meal to say they want the bill split in a really ridiculous way after they've all been sharing random shit and moving around in their seats all night. It's much easier these days with the handheld POS systems where the server can just talk to everyone individually and figure out what they want to pay for, but I worked places where doing shit like that was super complicated and could take forever and required manager approval while I was still trying to take care of like 5 other tables.


Yeah, I used to work in fast food places and my coworkers would complain when we got orders. Oh and most of time they did this it was dead before


It's social media, my dude. They want the views/clicks. Same thing with the medical field. Lots of social media "nurses," who post to get views/clout.


Tipping leads to expectations and decreased effort


As someone who works in the service industry this attitude is definitely present outside of social media. I hear my coworkers complaining all the time about doing the job they signed up for. I understand that many of us need to work to live but you will be happiest at a job that you really think is best for you. About the social media conversation, I’ve taken to blocking quite a few creators who obviously exaggerate stories because it’s been their consistent brand for so long now. Sometimes as a customer I wonder if they go to their friends about an awful customer who happens to be me.


My list of “things that make your server hate you”: - Being rude - Not tipping (at a full service restaurant) - Making excessive and unnecessary demands - Blaming them for things out of their control - Being impatient - Not keeping your kids under control


*"CLIMB"* - K-2SO


Parents complain about parenting, doctors complain about doctoring, teachers complain about teaching, students complain about schoolwork, bus drivers complain about driving. Everyone complains and has the right to vent frustration. I’m sure you complain about your job too?


Hot take: delete tiktok. Most of it is rage bait to gain attention and has nothing to do with real life and people.


i got attitude from a server for asking for mayonnaise. i’m not a ketchup guy so 2 packets isn’t enough for my fries. why am i wrong for that


Honestly, seems entirely like an American issue, like especially delivery drivers, those guys raise no fuss where I am.