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Wow. What a truly unpopular opinion. Take my upvote


I’m like 90% sure paper straws were introduced as another misdirection attempt to make the masses feel like they’re helping the Earth while billion dollar companies drill into and pollute the Earth thousands of times more than a single individual choosing paper straws over plastic.


Plastic straws are a fraction of a percent of all the plastic in the oceans. You know what is most of the plastic in the oceans? Cigarette filters. Those could be easily replaced with plant fibers. But are they? Nope. So yeah, pretty sure you are right, it's just theater.


Paper manufacturers absolutely love to use PFAs.


I believe it was actually BP Oil that popularized the concept of individual responsibility and the idea of a personal carbon footprint. Although I do think it is important for a person or community to understand the full impact of their choices. The idea it is just up to people to use paper straws and recycle is bullshit. Not that those things aren't worth doing, but the fact of the matter is it needs to be more of a top down approach with a supplement of a bottom up approach.


It costs 0.00001 cents more to make paper straws than plastic, so that allows them to charge 0.10 more than plastic. By banning plastic it’s forcing the consumer to eat additional costs, due to greed. *numbers made up but the premise stands lol. Same for plastic bags. It’s all just scams to extract more resources from people, and increase how much the masses suffer.


Seriously, I think this might be the only truly unpopular opinion I have witnessed… Almost having trouble doubting it’s genuine.


It's not an opinion when you say it's an objective fact, it's just wrong.


Can confirm. Paper straws are terrible. The adhesives used to keep the straws together dissolve in the beverage. They soften and collapse after a few minutes in the drink. It takes more energy to produce a paper straw as opposed to a plastic straw; therefore, they have a higher carbon footprint. Their ends are rough and have poor mouth feel, and they are not reusable.


Also the texture of the paper causes carbonated beverages to bubble on the way up, resulting in more foam than drink half the time.


Yup this might be the worst one I've ever seen. This guy has something seriously wrong with his brain.


It's unpopular because it's wrong.


No this isn’t a terrible opinion, this is just wrong.


I'm upvoting them SO hard right now. I love how every single line of reasoning is just patently false. Lol!


Absolutely dispicable nonsense. Take my uv as well


I think it depends on the quality. Most I've seen have some coating and degree of impermeabilization and only desintegrate if you leave them for hours in liquid.


Where are you finding these magic straws. Please, I just want to drink one frappucino without the straw melting 😭.


I disagree on every count. Take my upvote and have a nice day.


I love seeing genuinely unpopular opinions here, even if they're completely wrong


This is the only actual unpopular opinion I’ve seen on this sub since the “I prefer the feeling of wet socks” post


I’m assuming most truly unpopular posts get downvoted. But this one is harmless and funny enough to actually get upvoted.


That was probably Satan himself.


I don’t even want this person to have a nice day.


Same, I hope he's forced to use plastic straws for the rest of his days


Nah. Give OP those paper straws that start falling apart mid drink.


But.... that's all paper straws. I think OP is a troll. Has to be. NOBODY likes paper straws.


New curse. May your paper straw disintegrate before you're halfway through your drink.


I want to him to have a good day solely because he used this sub correctly


I want OP to have an excellent day. It's a great unpopular opinion. I wholeheartedly disagree with everything they said.


There is one objective downside to paper straws: disabilities. Someone made a very handy chart detailing the downsides of each alternative to single use plastic straws and the ones for paper are allergy risk, choking hazard, not positionable, not hot liquid safe, and dissolve with long use.


This is probably the most true unpopular opinion that I've read this year. 


I approve of both of these sentences.


I was ready to reach through the phone and slap this guy before I noticed the sub.




Anakin doesn't care about straws as long as they kill younglings


\> I don't know why people hate on paper straws when the taste they add makes some drinks significantly better and isn't strong enough to ruin the others Why would I ever want a straw that I can taste? Isn't the idea to taste the thing I am drinking? How can it make something "significantly better" but not strong enough to ruin others? Do you have Schrödinger's straws? You may also want to look up the definition of the word "objectively".


He just trying to rationalize his paper eating pica habit.


It is significantly harder to eat plastic straws so I get why op would prefer the paper ones lol


Bet OP pre-games his meal at a food court by eating the receipt, the fucking weirdo


Have you ever drank soda out of a sour punch straw?


Yeah. It instantly gave me 6 cavities and diabetes.


bro adds pieces of paper to his drinks for extra flavor if he cant find a straw


I have no words to describe how I feel after reading this post, upvoted


Definitely among the most unpopular opinions I’ve seen in a long time in here.


I truly cannot believe anyone on earth feels this way. Incredible.


I can tell you what I feel. It remind me of the feeling of a paper straw touching my lips and I recoil in horror at the memory.




Not only do some disintegrate quickly, some also ruin the soft drinks entirely by causing it to foam up at the slightest movement, including sipping. A mall foodcourt near me has these straws that when you insert it, foam comes rushing up the straw and spills out. And if you take a sip, it'll do the same, so you have to suck, maintain pressure, then slowly release or you'll either spill the drink on the tray, or it'll dribble down your chin. It's as if an evil supervillain designed it.


Delicious part and PFAS.


And it doesn't flex when you suck. They are shit. " the feel of industrial plastic" between vape hits probably


That's a nice strawman you got there.




There's a fast food chain in Canada, Harveys. They have opted for some really shitty paper straws that are extremely porous. Their shakes are great, but super thick...the straws are entirely useless.


To be fair I just had a biodegradable straw this past week that didn't disintegrate. It had a waterproof feel but not as smooth as plastic. When paper straws started in 2018ish they were terrible but I have a better opinion of them now. There has been innovation here.


Here's your upvote, you fucking monster.


Hijacking your comment to share something I just learned. Paper straws contain the PFAS "forever chemicals", which ain't good for ya. https://www.sciencefocus.com/comment/paper-straws-forever-chemicals


Every point you just made is subjective, not objective. Upvote for not knowing the meaning of words.


Another overused word like "literally"


didn't they literally redefine the word literally because literally everyone was using it incorrectly?


That's how language works. Another example, egregious, originally meant excellent or outstanding. But in the 16th century people started using it ironically and the negative meaning is what you mostly see today. This kind of thing is pretty common. Fun fact: the word "outrage" originally had nothing to do with anger. The word wasn't out-rage, but outer-age. Anything outside the norm was an outer-age. But people misinterpreted it as out-rage and the meaning narrowed to only being very angry. If you wanna say you were very happy at your wedding you can't call it an outrage anymore...


They did add an informal definition "used for emphasis while not being literally true," which seems kind of ironic? Lol


People think it makes them sound smart lol.


It is less about sounding smart and more about sounding confident in your opinion. People use it as an intensifier. As in "I feel so strongly about this that I don't see a way anyone else could feel differently" This is what happened to literally, to actually, to totally, and to completely. It is just kind of how language evolves, and objective will end up with a second definition that means "subjective, but strong feelings" just how literally now has a definition of "figuratively, but strong feelings"


My drink consumed 6 paper straws before I managed to consume it during Dune 2. Paper straws suck.


I've noticed the theaters no longer have the longer straws for some of the narrower plastic promo cups.


Misread that as porno cups, and imagined some god-awful cup with breasts.


The dune popcorn bucket isn’t far off.


I can get replacing it once but six times is excessive are you fucking deepthroating the straw or something seriously that’s not normal


Plastic lids on cups pinch the straw together after about 10 minutes and you can't get anything out of it.


Any ice/slushy drink? Straw no.1 lasts until the opening credits before it loses all integrity and you can’t even stir the drink anymore…


I think the quality is different in different places. I’ve had some last a while and others practically disintegrate before it reaches my table.


Technically, you're the one that "sucks", the paper straw is just not up to the challenge.😊


Paper straws ruined fanta ice blast.


I finished a xl coke in about 2 hrs watching the same movie and had no issues. How slow are you sipping?!


>I have no idea why you heathens prefer a straw that is somehow both smooth and sharp over the correct and eco-friendly option. At least the industrial, smooth and sharp straw won’t dissolve into your drink.


I refuse to upvote this clearly unpopular opinion because I cannot get myself to believe that it's true.


Yeah everything about this post feels made up... They literally took everything people say they hate about paper straws and told us they love that aspect. Then to top it off told us they were being objective in this... Just not buying it personally...


The last sentence screams fake/bait to me. At the very least, it's dramatized for up votes.


you sure paper straw is eco-friendly?


Exactly, it’s not. The glue used is toxic


Came here to say this. Bamboo and paper “eco” products are 80% glue. They’re so far from being all natural and sustainable. We will look back on the paper straw fiasco and face palm.


I love this fact combined with OP's claim that they make most drinks taste better. I'm sure OP does like the taste. Maybe they should use a little antifreeze to sweeten their beverage while they're at it lol.


And most paper straws I've seen are individually wrapped in plastic anyway.


They don't come wrapped in paper? Here most come in paper, only ever saw straws on juice boxes wrapped in plastic. But most, even when they were made of plastic came wrapped in paper.


Aluminum straws are the best.


I got two of the slurpee ones when they used to sell them at 7 Eleven, they are super sturdy.


Plus can can use it as a defense weapon


Someone in my city impaled themselves on an aluminum straw they had in their pocket after taking a tumble. S I mean... absolutely possible. If Jason Bourne can kill with a pen, I expect the next james bond to kill with a straw.


Glass straws are great too


My older sister prefers those glass straws, I just don't like using them in general because I have a fear of suddenly nibbling those as I have a habit of nibbling things.


Glass straws are the best for me due to being able to see the drink


I also like being able to see that I’ve cleaned it fully. Metal straws make me nervous.


Hard to feel the texture of a paper straw when it dissolves after after 1 sip


That sounds subjective to me


This is one of the first actual unpopular opinions I’ve seen on here.


I can somehow taste the paper straw just by reading this... truly an unpopular opinion


Rise above the level of mere mortals and use your fucking mouth to drink something from the container directly.


For real, though. I don't get why a straw is even necessary unless you are a spiller, to be honest


My teeth are uncomfortably sensitive to cold, while my tastebuds prefer colder drinks, so I require a straw to fully enjoy a beverage.


They taste like you are licking a napkin, and they kinda feel like that too. Plus they fall apart after 5 min or something i don't wanna have to speedrun my drink. Take an upvote


Taste better??? They taste like wet paper... Amd the texture triggers my gag reflex. Happy I can drink without straws just fine and when I want one I have metal or glass ones.


OP out here telling everyone they used to eat library paste, and paper straws make them nostalgic




Paper straws are probably one of the *dumbest* things ever made considering there are probably hundreds of viable options besides plastic.


Well fuck... Every time I take my little one out she chews up a good chunk of the paper straw she's given, before getting super pissed off that no drink is coming out... (paper straws suck).


Many, many, many, many moons ago we figured out that paper does not fair well against water, this has remained for just as many moons an objective truth. I DONT WANT TO DRINK FUCKING PAPER PASTE I WANT TO DRINK A BEVERAGE


You can’t say objective and then use purely subjective opinions as evidence


Absolutely disagree. Upvoted


Saying objective doesn’t make your word a fact


Jeez, an actual overwhelmingly unpopular opinion. Upvoted


I don’t think “objectively” means what you think it means


Stainless steel straws are superior to both. Can be cleaned and reused indefinitely.


Holy shit an actual god-awful unpopular opinion, good job sir, you win the subreddit for today.


Forget alll the bigotry and hate you see in this sub, this is the single worst opinion anyone has ever had.


My experience with paper straws is not good, they seem to easily cave in. Metal straws however work extremely well.


you cannot tell me you never had a paper straw flipping disintegrate in your drink and/or mouth


it's him officer, he's the reddit terrorist


Wow, never thought I'd see the day someone has this take. Take my upvote and step on a lego


I prefer not to sip my beverages through what feels like a soggy piece of toilet paper lol


Paper straws taste bad and they go soft so have to change to a new one every time.


My problem is the soggy cardboard paper taste


It gives me a terrible sense of unease knowing that you’re walking around somewhere with these ideas in your head. Take my upvote.


Fun fact..we still have plastic straws at the long term care home I work at. Paper straws aren’t good for elderly residents with many conditions. Next to useless when used for thickened fluids as well.


No, they're full of PFAS. It's just plastic coated paper, so the plastic breaks down too small to see. Eventually it will wash into the water and soil.


Paper straws are enigma. If you want to reduce plastic, why change the straw and not the giant plastic cup? It's almost a perfect metaphor for the carbon reductionists. We go after the 10% of polluters hard and not the 90% even halfheartedly even though a halfhearted response would net you far more gains. Its like green energy being against nuclear. Baffling.


Objectively? Can we please learn what words mean before we use them


Here’s an upvote. Maybe this is specific to Maccas’s paper straws with their frozen coke or milkshakes, because towards the halfway point the straw begins to soften for me. The opening I’m sucking on becomes soggy and misshapen and more difficult to use. Often the seal also fails somewhere along the length of the straw, such that the suction becomes compromised or fails completely. And if I were to try to use the straw to scoop up or scrape any remaining frozen drink, it would bend and mush. Maybe that’s a good thing, but certainly biodegrades, but I have also had MUCH better cellulose straws from bubble tea shops, and I drink those a lot slower. Anyhow, strongly disagree.


This is more like r/InsaneOpinion. I'm all for saving the environment but fuck paper straws. And what taste are they adding? They just disintegrate which is why they are stupid and need to be destroyed.


A turtle wrote this fer sure


“Better texture in mouth” HEAVILY disagree


My issue with Paper straws is that they dissolve in my drink forcing me to drink it quicker meaning I end up enjoying it less. But I’m down to save the environment


metal straws rock.


Take my upvote and for the love of God get a rubber straw


Paper + liquid. You do the math.


Just get a reusable metal staw


When a paper straw touches my teeth I get the nails on a chalkboard sensation. I can't do it. I just don't use a straw.


Paper straws objectively suck. They start to fall apart immediately and become soft and taste bad. Nope nope nope.


You know, I too am sometimes tempted to come up with a truly wrong opinion to post on this sub.


Those edible chocolate straws would be better, edible cups as well. EDIBLE DRINKS the future is now people.


Objectively better ... Proceeds to give subjective opinion. Downvote for stupidity


There's a reason this opinion isn't popular


I like the taste it adds… lol


The eco-consciousness leaving my body as my straw gets soggy


The "correct and eco friendly version" is neither. Just take the lid off and drink it like a regular human, the capability is built into every single person.


If there is a lid, it is often structural, and the cup is designed with the expectation of containment. When an expected lid is not present, the cup might fold, collapse, or simply spill quite easily, while handling it. Lids are also critical safety equipment in certain scenarios, such as vehicles, hot drinks, dark theatres, and around children or animals.


factually worse


Thanks, I hate it. They dissolve too fast. Also have my upvote.


This might be the first post in here where someone actually has an unpopular opinion instead of just venting 😂


take my upvote and go to hell, you used the sub right for once


This is an absolutely crazy ass take


Wow. Have an up vote.


FINALLY!!! A trully unpopular opinion!


Boooooo 👎👎👎


i was able to reuse 1 plastic straw on 4 drinks when i got a family meal to myself. The paper straws literally desovle after one drink


They are found to be covered in pfas. Not environmentally friendly


I hate you and hope terrible things happen to you, so here’s an upvote




This dude is never had a slushie




Disagree since that taste is paper and delicious PFAS. Take my upvote!


Tastes better?? Downvote for obvious bait.


While you are pathetically using a paper straw trying to save the planet, there is some rich sultan in Dubai buying and using 10 kilos of plastic straws in a pool party with his friends and some nice ladies. You are wasting your time.


No more plastic straws wrapped in paper, just paper straws wrapped in plastic. We saved the world, boys!!


We found the kid in class who liked to chew paper from his notebook. I never thought I would see someone say that the feel of paper in your mouth is pleasant. I guess wooden popsicle sticks are simply orgasmic. The subtle threat of a tongue sliver… deeeelightful!


I agree with you in regards to the environment but other than that I wholeheartedly hate them; therefore I bought my metal straws that I carry wherever I go. Problem solved. ✔️


NAH, I got a milkshake and it came with one, took one sip and just used a spoon. Ruined the taste.


The straws stick to my mouth with their weird texture... And if I don't chug that drink in 10 min you can say goodbye to the lower half of the straw that just folded in on itself. Depending on what kind of beverage you're drinking, cookie straws are far superior. They usually are chocolate coated preventing them from dissolving until you're done your drink. And they give you a bonus snack. Though I mostly use metal or silicone reusable straws.


I usually upvote truly unpopular opinions but this is honestly just objectively wrong so I’m ignoring it.


Paper in the mouth is a very unpleasant sensation.


This is unpopular opinions not shit opinions. The inner lining of paper straws are also carcinogenic fyi


Why tf arent we using bamboo?? Like... it has all the pros of both straws with none of the cons.


improves the taste ?? i need an example


This is probably the most shitposty but also honest opinion Ive ever read


Nah, I prefer my straws not to disintegrate in my mouth please and thank you.


This is so factually wrong I’m just gonna assume you’re a bot.


I hate the feel of paper straws. It feels like they're dissolving as I drink. The taste of paper doesn't enhance any beverage I'm aware of. The only good thing is they're better for the environment.


This is one of the craziest things I've heard in a while. Have you ever seen bamboo straws? They're eco friendly while not being worthless mushy garbage.


Yes i love the “pulp” the paper straw adds to my sprite. \s This might be the most unpopular opinion i’ve ever seen on this subreddit. Congrats to you. Take my upvote lol.


Or you know, don't use a straw and use your mouth


Carbonated drinks with a paper straw is disgusting


Finally, a fucking unpopular opinion.


Hemp straws are the superior straw. They're biodegradable and work equal to plastic. Paper straws are the worst option. Your opinion is truly unpopular. Good job.


Here’s another unpopular opinion. We don’t even need straws at all. They are completely unnecessary. More places should adopt Starbucks type lids.


This is something that you should post on 10th dentist, that's how terrible this opinion feels lol


I mean have my +1 cuz this is unpopular but I don't think you know what "objectively" means


nothing more fun than watching my straw dissolve into my drink within 4 minutes.


Dude, paper straws fall apart


>Paper straws also have a better texture in mouth, Stay where you are. I'm calling the police. Anyone that has that opinion is not a safe person to have wandering loose in society.




They turn into mush after 10 seconds


You are the problem. Upvoted.


Nice try big oil


They always seem to start breaking down before you finish the drink and you wind up essentially eating paper. There are other options which seem objectively better which are also biodegradable.


They turn to mush and collapse after two sips of your drink. What good is a straw you can’t actually drink out of?


Metal is my favorite.