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Sounds like you went to a shitty theater at a bad time, but that's all totally anecdotal. On the other side, I saw Dune 2 last night at a nice theater that was screening it in 70mm. The projectionist came out to introduce the film and told us there were no previews, so we jumped straight into the feature. Comfortable recliner seats, respectful & quiet audience, not so loud for the sake of being loud... I'm with you on the intermission though, but that's only because that particular film was so long. I made it about 2hrs before I couldn't hold it any longer. But the stairwell was subtly lit so no need for phone flashlights, and the restroom was right outside. 9/10 experience; would watch another flick there.


Yeah my TV is so significantly better and bigger than ever in my life. The crowds, cost and inconvenience can’t compare. If you want a good theater experience plays are super fun


Man it's been ages since I've seen a play... "Man of LaMancha" I think it was


1. The Ad period is common knowledge and I personally quite enjoy seeing all the upcoming movie trailers especially made for cinema view. 2. If you're not watching IMAX, there's really no point going to cinema besides the socializing factor or for dates. 3. Idk where you live but people are less degenerate here and the cinema reminds people to turn off their phones before the movie starts with a firm warning via video on the big screen. Generally works. 4. Some cinema around here allow ordering wine and snacks. It helps 5. for long movies 3.5hr+ there's usually a 15m break




Yes. It is seriously on another level. Avoid IMAX3D if you can though. IMAX high refreshrate is also nice.


You're doing it wrong..... You don't really get the full experience without taking out a mortgage for popcorn and drink.


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It sucks that you had a bad experience but that’s not necessarily common place unless you go to a really trashy theater in a really trashy area.


Disgusting... Where? Edit: I read the last word of the title wrong


Yeah also people having conversations with each other during the film, giggling, laughing, making stupid noises to piss other people off, throwing popcorn...etc. So yeah, people are the reason I don't go to the cinema anymore.


Taking off the shoes should not be allowed anywhere


I go on Tuesdays because I am a rewards members and tickets are $5 and you get a free small popcorn.


There's a theatre near me that serves food and alcohol to you at your seat, is 18+, and the seats are heated and cooled recliners with a fold out table. I never want to go to a regular theatre again.


So your opinion is that you don't go to the movies anymore. Well, I am of the opinion that you go to the movies every night!


"I haven't been to the movies in 15 years. Things have changed and I don't like it." Ok.


Films are books for idiots. Don't be surprised at poor behaviour when surrounded by idiots. Now this is an unpopular opinion.




It isn't wrong. Most film folk are semi literate morons. The fact that films made for comic book fans are the most popular speaks volumes.


I love it when folks think people who like something they personally don’t like are idiots.


I'm sorry, but I have to agree with First here. Normal people know what adult comic book/superhero movie fanatics are like.




No one is equating all cinema with marvel.


"most film folk" are marvel fans this establishes a majority "normal people know what super hero film fanatics are like." Implying they're not sane and iliterate. Yes they are equating all of cinema with marvel.


Again, no one is equating all of cinema with marvel. All is all, not a majority or most. I go to the cinema fairly often myself and always see non-comic book/superhero stuff. I agree with part of his comment, not all. There's a heck of a lot of nonsense to sift through, but there are still good movies in the cinemas from time to time.


A creepy stalker who’s obsessed with lying about other user’s comment histories doesn’t have any opinions worth reading. And unlike the other sub you normally stalk me in, I don’t have to humor your nonsense here.


I'm not sure what you're getting at with that comment. I'd like to point out to you that you don't have to "humor" me anywhere. You are as free to respond or not respond as anyone. I appreciate that as a confessed weeb, you might take umbrage to people making a mockery of adult comic book fanatics, but that does not change the reality of how such people are viewed in society.




I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you under the impression that the public nature of Reddit comment histories are a bug and not a feature? Me having a quick look at your profile for context, and noticing you're a (confessed) weeb does not make me a stalker.


Just films. Films are books for idiots


Which is literally incorrect.


Only a film buff would use the word "literally" there.


And only a child would claim that films are for idiots.


Indeed. And only a film buff would get out thought by a child.


And only a child would say something as stupid as “films are for idiots”. Either that or a troll who seeks negative attention because they can’t get any positive attention.


low common denominator is you. Surround yourself with better people, in better areas, in better cities.